Smart Moving - realistic movement in Minecraft. Smart Moving - realistic movement in Minecraft Faster running and fatigue

This mod was supposed to be released for Minecraft 1.7.9, but Smart Moving The mod appeared only for 1.7.10. Here is a modification that radically changes the animation of players to a more realistic one. The mod also adds new features for your character, which we will discuss later.

And so, let's look at exactly what features this mod adds to us:
- Sprint running
- Ability to climb obstacles
- Cumulative jump
- Sliding
- Alternative flight

Sprint running
Running, which is twice as fast as standard. It is called sprinting. By default, this run is assigned to the TAB button, but it is recommended to change it to R. This will be much more convenient.

Ability to climb obstacles
The player gains the ability to climb to a height of 2 blocks. To do this, you need to go to the wall and first press the W button, and then Left Control.

Cumulative jump
The player has the opportunity to jump to a height of 2 blocks. To do this, you need to hold down the left shift, and then hold down the spacebar for a few seconds. You can jump 4 blocks, but this requires a combination of jumping 2 blocks and the ability to climb an obstacle.

It will come in handy when you need to crawl into some narrow place.

You need to use sprint running, after that, without releasing the run button, you need to use crawling. The player will fall and slide a certain distance.

Alternative flight
New flight animation in creative mode. Allows you to fly up and down using your mouse.

Now the character floats more realistically. This is amazing. It looks like the one shown in the picture below.

You can also jump back/to the side. To do this, you only need to press the A/S/D key twice for the appropriate direction.

You most likely know how to install this mod. So let's not repeat ourselves. Don’t forget to leave your likes and comments, because they are more valuable to us than gold.

The video demonstrates how all this and much more happens live.

Mods for Minecraft 1.7.10

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the very useful and interesting Smart Moving mod, which adds a lot of new animations and ways to move to Minecraft. This way you can climb walls if they have even the slightest indentation, take a running dive, accelerate (using the TAB key), crawl, etc. Flying, swimming, diving and many other actions will receive alternative animations. On this page you can download Smart Moving Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and other versions. The mod is compatible with both clients and many servers.


The main control keys are left CTRL - grab and tab - acceleration. You can make the setting in the game menu or in the mod's configuration file.


The settings are made in the configuration file "smart_moving_options.txt", which is located in the ".minecraft" folder of your client.

At the moment there are several difficulty modes: Easy, Medium and Hard. All of them are tied to the rate of energy consumption and satiety. Switching between modes in Smart Moving Mod is done with the F9 button right in the game.

In older versions of the mod, configuration is carried out in the files "smart_climbing_options.txt" and "smart_ladder_climbing_speed_options.txt", which are also supported by new versions, but with lower priority than the current configuration file.

Video review of Smart Moving from Lololoshka

How to install

1. First, you need to download Smart Moving for Minecraft of your version (there are 1.4.7, 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and others).
2. Next, download and install the mod dependencies: Forge And Player API core.
3. Copy files Minecraft fashion Smart Moving to your game's Mods folder. If it doesn't exist, then first make sure that Forge is installed, and if so, then create the folder yourself.
4. Everything is ready. You can play!

(downloads: 335592)

Smart Moving! mod for Minecraft versions 1.7.10 - Hello, dear fans Minecraft games! For your cube game I have some very nice changes that will allow you to enjoy gameplay increasingly. The author of this modernization decided to add a variety of animations to your game. You can appreciate this technology, because now you can watch animation in the water, as well as on land. I would also like to say that this will also affect the functionality of the game. You will be able to crawl, which you could not do before, because such an opportunity was not at your disposal.

Download and install MINECRAFT FORGE.
Download and install the PLAYER API (available in the archive with the mod!).
Download and install the RENDER PLAYER API (available in the archive with the mod!).
Download mod.
Go to folder %APPDATA%.
Go to folder minecraft/mods.
Unpack the downloaded archive and copy all contents to a folder mods.
If folders /mods/ does not exist, you can create it.
Enjoy the mod.

Other versions:

Maud Smart Moving(“Advanced Controls”) adds more animations and new features to the game. These are accessible through two new controls: the run key and the grab key. This easy-to-use mod makes moving around the world smoother, faster and more efficient.

Smart Moving mod features:

Freely overcome heights

The mod allows you to use the free climbing mode. When the mode is on, you can climb to any ledge. To climb, move in the direction of the ledge while holding down the grab key (left Ctrl by default). To get off the ledge, hold down the grab key while stationary. To grab a ledge while falling, turn in the direction of the ledge and press the grab key. But, if the falling speed is high, the attempt to grab will cause damage.

To change the capture key, go to the game control settings.

Climbing stairs

There are three modes of behavior when using the stairs: simple, advanced and free, which differ in the speed of ascent and capabilities.

Moving along the ceiling

If the ceiling is made of iron grate or closed hatches, then you can climb on it. To start moving, press the grab key while just below the ceiling.

Climbing vines

To climb a vine, hold down the grab key and press spacebar to move up.

Customizable sneaking

The mod allows you to configure the slow walking mode via a configuration file. You can change the speed of sneaking or turn it off completely.

Alternative swimming and diving

To dive, jump into water at least two blocks deep. Then hold forward to swim underwater. To surface, release the forward key and hold down the space bar. Then press forward again to float to the surface. To dive back into the water, release the space bar and aim the crosshair down.

In shallow waters, you can switch between swimming and walking.

Alternative flight

The mod allows you to use alternative flight behavior. It allows you to change the height by simply pointing the sight in the desired direction.

High jump

To build up jumping power, hold Spacebar while in slow walking mode. To jump, release either Spacebar or Shift. The maximum jump height is 2 blocks.

Jumping on walls

To wall jump, press jump while in the air, then release and press again moments before hitting the wall. To jump from wall to wall for a long time, leave the jump held.

Jump head first

To jump, press the grab and jump key while running. When the spacebar is released, the player will make a jump, the angle of which depends on how long the key was held down.

Fall damage is higher with this type of jump.

Jumping to the side and back

Double pressing the key left, right or back is responsible for the corresponding jump directions.

Jumping from ledges

The mod allows you to jump up and back while climbing ledges. To jump up, climb higher and press Spacebar. To jump back, release the forward key, hold the crouch key, release the grab key and press spacebar.


To slide along the ground, press the crouch key while running while holding down the grab key. Sliding depends on the speed of movement and the surface of the ground.

More fast run and fatigue

The mod adds custom running and fatigue behavior to the game. To speed up, hold down the sprint key (Tab by default) while moving. Boost works while walking, swimming, crawling and climbing. Acceleration will cause fatigue and will automatically stop when the limit is reached.

You can change the sprint key in the game control settings.

Moving by crawling

The mod allows you to crawl through spaces 1x1 block wide. To crawl, press the grab and crouch key.


The mod makes changes to the game depending on the contents of the “smart_moving_options.txt” configuration file located in the “.minecraft” folder.

At the moment, there are three levels of control difficulty, which can be changed by pressing F9 during the game.

In the readme file you will find detailed information about setting up the mod.

Older files like "smart_climbing_options.txt" and "smart_ladder_climbing_speed_options.txt" may be used, but the contents of the current files will prevail.

If no settings files are used, the mod will work in default mode.



  • Client:

    • Client (only with client package)

    • (can be used with the ModLoader client package)
  • Server:
  • Bukkit

  • MCPC+:

How to install the mod:

  • Installation differs depending on the mods you use

  • Select the package that matches your version and install it - DO NOT install more than one package
In any case, DO NOT FORGET to back up your files!

Standalone version for standard client:

If your version of the game does not use mod management systems.

If you are not interested in other mods other than this one.

  • Move all the files from your chosen "Standalone" package into the appropriate folders of the "Minecraft.jar" file located in "/.minecraft/bin/".

  • Don't forget to delete the "META-INF" folder.

  • The package you choose depends on the other mods you are going to install in "Minecraft.jar".

  • The standalone package client "Smart Moving Client Standalone" will replace the files "net/minecraft/client/Minecraft.class", "asv", "atc.class", "gu.class" and "gz.class".

  • The standalone package client "Smart Moving Client Standalone" will replace the files "anz.class", "asv", "auq.class", "gu.class" and "gz.class".

  • Packages must not be combined with other mods that replace the files listed.