Role-playing game we are soldiers. Role-playing game "Our defenders

Elena Mazurkevich
Plot- role-playing game"Military sailors" for older preschoolers.

Role-playing game« Navy sailors» for older preschoolers.

Program content:

1. To form patriotic feelings in children based on familiarization with the fighting military sailors.

2. Improve the ability of children to develop creatively plot.

3. Develop speech and role interaction, coherent monologue and dialogic speech.

4. Continue to build positive relationships between children through play.

5. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards military sailors striving to be like them.

vocabulary work: radiogram, route, anchor, torpedo, attack aircraft, cruiser, cannon, mine.

Equipment: construction material, game attributes: nautical collar, captain's cap, peakless caps, steering wheel, binoculars, weapons.

Game progress:

caregiver: I suggest you play a game"We - military sailors»

We must assign roles. You must agree on who will be who.

Let's remember who serves on a warship.

Children: Captain, boatswain, navigator, radio operator, sailors.

caregiver: And now, let's remember what kind of work these people do.

Children: The captain commands the ship, gives orders; the boatswain commands the sailors; the navigator follows the route, work with the map; the radio operator provides communication between the ship and the shore; sailors know how to follow orders, act quickly and smoothly.

caregiver: Now we need to decide what to build our ship from.

Children: from bricks, benches, cubes.

caregiver: Let's get to work, the captain is following the progress of the work.

The children are building a ship.

caregiver: And now, sailors you have to figure out how

be your ship's name.

Children: Our ship will be called "Brave"

Captain: Please report on the readiness of the ship to go to sea.

Navigator: The navigator is ready to sail!

Boatswain: The boatswain is ready to sail!

radio operator: The radio operator is ready to sail!

Sailors: The sailors are ready to sail!

Captain: Team, line up! Our goal is to find the enemy ship and destroy it. Give mooring lines!

Sailors: There is to give mooring lines!

Captain: Raise the anchor!

Sailors: There is to raise the anchor!

Captain: Team, take your seats according to the schedule.

radio operator: Ship "Brave" went to the open sea, we go on a given course.

Boatswain: For sailors check the combat weapon and prepare it for battle.

radio operator: Comrade Captain, a radiogram has been received.

Captain: Read, radio operator.

radio operator: There is a fascist battle cruiser in your square. He heads for the coast to bombard the city. Your task is not to let it approach the shore, but to detect and destroy it.

Navigator: Captain, a mine has been found on the right side, two more mines on the left side. We popoli on a minefield.

Captain: Stop the ship, back up, turn left rudder for 5 turns.

The ship leaves the minefield.

Navigator: Captain, the ship has left the minefield.

Boatswain: Captain, the team is in order, ready for combat missions.

Navigator: Captain, enemy attack aircraft have been detected in the sky.

Captain: Team, prepare for battle, load guns.

Boatswain: Team, load the guns!

Sailors: Yes, load the guns!

Captain: Open fire on enemy attack aircraft.

Boatswain: Attack the stormtroopers!

Navigator: Captain, one enemy plane was shot down, the rest turned back.

Captain: I express my gratitude to the crew for the downed enemy plane!

Sailors: We serve the people of Russia!

radio operator: On the starboard side I hear the noise of propellers.

Navigator: Captain, an enemy cruiser is visible on the starboard side on the horizon.

Captain: Prepare torpedo tubes.

Boatswain: Yes, prepare torpedo tubes.

Navigator: keep heading straight.

Boatswain A: Have to keep the course!

Captain: Aim at an enemy ship.

Boatswain: There is a sight!

Captain: Fire!

Boatswain: Fire!

Headquarters: Captain, report the situation on the ship?

Captain: Enemy ship hit, crew members alive and well

radio operator: Comrade captain, I caught the noises of the submarine in square 4

Captain: Navigator, mark on the map in which area the submarine is located.

Radio operator, send a radiogram to the shore and report the coordinates.

Captain: Prepare to drop deep sea mines.

Boatswain: Prepare to drop deep sea mines to destroy the submarine. Sailors, set the depth of the explosion 3 steps

Sailors A: There is a set depth of 3 steps.

Boatswain: Start dropping bombs!

Sailors: There, start dropping bombs!

Boatswain: Captain, the submarine has been destroyed.

Headquarters Captain: We have destroyed an enemy submarine.

Headquarters: Congratulations on completing the combat mission! Return to base.

Captain: Boatswain, the task is completed, we lie down on the reverse course, turn around, rudder to the left, keep it up!

Boatswain:Sailors: - Scrub the deck, clean military weapons.

Navigator: Comrade Captain, we are entering the port.

Captain: Stop, car! Drop anchor, crew, line up!

Our combat mission has been completed, the enemy has been destroyed. Thank you for your service

Game "Russian Army"

GOAL: the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. The formation in preschoolers of specific ideas about the hero - the warrior, the moral essence of his feat in the name of his homeland. Enrichment of children's knowledge about the feat of warriors - tankers and warriors - sailors. Expanding children's ideas about the types of warships: submarine, cruiser, destroyer, aircraft carrier, missile boat, tank landing ship. Raising in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland, admiration for the heroism of people .; gender identity and sex-role socialization.

GAME MATERIAL: building material, caps, kerchiefs, bags for nurses, mail bags, sandbags, helmets, substitute items.

preliminary work : excursion to the Eternal Flame; consideration of illustrative material on the topic; reading the works of L. Kassil "Monument to a Soviet Soldier", V. Nikolsky "What Tankers Can Do" from the book "Soldier's School", Y. Dlugalensky "What Soldiers Can Do" from the book "Don't Lose the Banner". Production of attributes for games. Modeling of a tank, warship. Construction of military equipment from building material.

Game roles. For boys: tankers, soldiers, captains, sailors. For girls: nurses, nurses, doctors, postmen.


This game can be presented in various versions: "Tankers", "Combat Infantry", "Warships", etc.

First of all, when preparing for a series of games, children of the older group must be introduced to the monuments that perpetuate the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War. These are obelisks, monuments, monuments - guns, monuments - tanks, monuments - planes, monuments - ships, erected in honor of the liberation of the Motherland. With children, it is necessary to organize an excursion to the Eternal Flame, to the monument - a tank, for this to involve parents.

After the tour, the teacher talks to the children about the Russian Army in order to form their idea that people honor the memory of heroes. During the conversation, the teacher should talk about the fact that the streets were named in honor of the heroes - warriors. Introduces the image various types warships: submarine, cruiser, destroyer, aircraft carrier, missile boat, tank landing ship, etc.

Together with their parents, children can make an album about warriors - heroes.

The teacher also invites the boys to draw a tank, an airplane, a warship, a combat vehicle, binoculars, to mold a tank or a ship; girls to draw postcards, to make gifts for soldiers from salt dough.

Then the teacher can offer a collective building of choice: a tank, a warship, etc. - for boys; arrange honey. point, post office, etc. - for girls. During construction, he must pay attention to the dependence of the form of the building on its purpose, teach children to jointly discuss the construction plan and the organization of the subject-game environment.

Together with the teacher and the children of the preparatory group, the guys can prepare the attributes for the game: caps, scarves, handbags for nurses, sandbags, helmets.

Then the educator can organize a military sport games, in which children reflect the peaceful service of infantry soldiers, tankers, rocketmen, sailors. Children are encouraged to do what soldiers can do: shoot at a target, quickly crawl from bush to bush, run.

The teacher organizes these exercises on the site or in gym. The teacher first takes on the role of "Commander", he monitors the correct execution of movements: throwing sandbags, crawling, jumping, etc. Marks the best performance of the role, encourages the achievements of indecisive children. Repeat exercises with him to achieve the desired result.

The performance of the roles of "soldiers" requires from children both certain actions and the manifestation of certain qualities. So, the "commander" must definitely outline a task in the game and follow how it is carried out, the "soldiers" must perform the task perfectly: throw far, quickly run across, deftly jump over. "Nurses" must also act quickly, be able to complete the task.

Before each game, the teacher with the children needs to have a conversation - a discussion: who takes on what role, how he acts, whose orders he carries out. A fairly large number of children in the group mainly take part in such games, and the coordination of their actions is important. Communication with an adult in the game helps children to better understand the moral qualities of the warriors whose roles they play.

To give the game a purposeful character, the teacher can develop a map - a diagram and familiarize all participants with it. The teacher makes it together with the children, outlines where the sentries should stand, where the first-aid post is located, where the ship is parked, etc. And then the children already plan their routes on their own, discuss them together with the "commander", draw a map - a plan. On the map - the headquarters, the hospital. The teacher also marks on the map those objects that need to be overcome: a narrow bridge (log), a minefield (jump over an obstacle), a wire fence (ladder).

Under the influence of children's knowledge about the feat of warriors in our country, plots of games such as "Tankers liberate the city", "Crossing the river" arise.

For example, the goal of the game: "tankstam" and "infantrymen" need to destroy enemy tanks. The teacher says that the path is difficult and dangerous. The fighters need to cross the river along a fallen log, then jump over the ditch, go along the lake, go over the bumps through the swamp and destroy the enemy tanks. The tank is then considered destroyed if there is a hit on the target. "Wounded" soldiers are assisted by "nurses".

After the victory, the "soldier" joyfully greets the population of the liberated cities and villages.

In this game, there must be a relationship between creative and sports games.

During the subsequent game, the teacher can offer the following plots: "Storm at sea. The passenger ship has lost contact with the ground", "Rescue squad of the Russian fleet", "Warship protects the city", "Aircraft carrier" Courageous "on the exercise", etc.

Always after the end of the game, the teacher should keep the children talking about past game, while noting the role-playing behavior of individual participants in the game, their game interaction and relationships, as well as the use of means of game substitution.

Target: To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Clarify children's ideas about the Soviet Army, form preschoolers
specific ideas about soldiers, to develop motor activity, endurance.
Material: sandbags, hats and bandages for nurses, caps, arches, benches.
Preparation for the game: Examining the illustrations on military theme. Reading the story of A. Mityaev “Why the Army is dear”, Y. Dlugansky
"What Soldiers Can Do" Production of attributes for the game (green and blue caps made of whatman paper, children's machines)
Game progress: (An envelope folded in a triangle is brought into the group).
Educator (reads a letter): Dear children! A stranger is writing to you.
A letter fell into my hands, but I can’t read it, help me, decipher it, then answer me. You must find the cache.

(The envelope contains a plan-scheme of the group, the arrow indicates the exit to the reception room, then the arrow leads to the foyer, to the music room.)
We consider the plan-scheme and follow the indicated arrows and come to the music hall (A note hangs on the doors).
Educator: Yes, there is a note (read out)
Reads: In order to find the hiding place, you need to complete tasks, but not easy ones, but soldiers' ones.
Educator: Guys, what kind of troops do you know? (scouts, infantrymen, border guards, tankers, gunners, sailors, pilots). What kind of character should be soldiers (brave, attentive, strong, hardy).
To defend our Motherland, all men must serve in the army and be worthy defenders of their Fatherland.
Let's play soldier, let's learn to be worthy defenders of our homeland. Today you will be "Footmen" and
"Scouts", and the girls will be nurses. I will be the commander in chief, you must obey me. (Children are divided into two teams: "Infantrymen" and "Scouts"). I appoint two commanders.
Commanders recite verses:
We have tankers, we also have sailors, there are artillerymen, well-aimed arrows.
We have rockets, we have ships,
We have scouts - a miracle of the whole Earth.
Our Motherland is strong
She guards the world.

Our battle banner
We carry with glory.
Because behind the back
Our army stands
The work and sleep of people keeps;
Our peaceful country
What is rich and strong
Teacher: listen to my task
1. "Climb into the tunnel" (through arcs)
2. Marksman" (throwing sandbags at the target)
Educator: We have wounded. Urgently needs to be moved
wounded in the medical unit. (Children overcome the next task).
3. "Carry the wounded on a stretcher" (wounded doll)
4. "Help the wounded" Task for "nurses"
(put on an elastic bandage on your arm).
5. "Cross the bridge" (children walk along the bench one after another). Children pass
and find a secret. (At the end of the bench of boxes (this is a cache) there is a constructor and a note in it)
Educator: Guys, we found a hiding place. Let's see what's in it.
(The designer is found in the cache).
6. Task for commanders "Assemble a machine gun" (from the constructor)
Educator: Well done guys, you did a great job. You deserve awards (medals). To present the awards, the teams line up and the commander hands out medals to the music.

Role-playing game "We are military sailors."

Program content:

1. To form patriotic feelings in children based on familiarization with the military operations of our people.

2. To improve in children the ability to creatively develop the plot, to combine several plots with one content.

3. Develop speech and role interaction, coherent monologue and dialogic speech.

4. Continue to build positive relationships between children through play.

5. To cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards soldiers, which is expressed in imitation of them in dexterity, speed, courage, and the desire to be like them.

Vocabulary work:radiogram, cook, route, fleet, anchor, captain, ship, german, cannon, mine

Previous work:

Reading fiction: A. Mityaev "Our weapon", "Why is the army dear to everyone";

L. Kassil "Your defenders";

Examination of illustrations “Native Army”, conversation “Defenders of the Motherland”, drawing “Across the seas - along the waves”, meeting with a veteran, a veteran’s story about the incident on the ship.

Equipment: building material, attributes for the game: a vest, a sea collar, a captain's cap, a cap, a medical coat, radio headphones, computers, a life buoy, an anchor, a steering wheel, binoculars, a medical kit. , weapon

Individual work: with Andrey

T., Nastya K. - to help determine the direction of the route.

Game progress:

Guys, who came to visit us yesterday? (veteran)

What interesting things did you learn from his story? (he accomplished the feat)

What awards do you remember? (orders, medals)

Why do you think he got them? (For military merit)

And I remember the story he told (The incident on the ship)

I suggest you play the game "We are military sailors"

You want? (Yes)

Guys, you know that the game has a beginning.

Where does the game usually start? (Children should agree on what game they want to play)

We have already decided what game we will play.

What else should we do? (distribute roles).

This is a very crucial moment, because you must agree on who will be who. I understand that everyone would like to be the head of the ship, but you understand that there cannot be many captains on one ship.

I think that you have already learned not to quarrel in the distribution of roles and know the little tricks that help you with this.

Tell me about these little tricks (children's answers)

I suggest "captain" to be in turn

You can choose a captain by counting

And I propose to choose the main role of someone who knows how to play his role. Well done, try to agree on who will be in the game?

Who will we choose as captain? Vova. Why? (he knows how to clearly give orders, control, announce the route)

And who will be the boatswain? Ruslan. Why? (he knows how to command the sailors, then follow how they do the work)

Who will be the navigator? Andrey. Why? (he knows how to follow the route of navigation, obey the captain).

Who will be the radio operator? Nikita. Why? (He can listen well, pick up radio sounds, he can speak clearly, understandably and clearly all sounds.

Who will we choose as sailors? (us) Why? (we know how to scrub the deck, follow the instructions of the boatswain).

Who will we choose as a doctor? Jan. Why? (she knows how to listen well, knows where the heart and other organs are located, can determine the pulse)

And who will do the cook's work? (Dasha) Why? (she knows how to cook deliciously).

And I will be the dispatcher, and as a dispatcher I ask you:

Captain, what will you do while sailing? (command the sailors, make important decisions during the voyage, give orders, observe the enemy)

Navigator, what will you do at sea? (follow the route, work with the map)

Boatswain, what will you do on a combat mission? (give instructions to sailors, help another ship)

Radiator, what are you going to do? (I will keep in touch with the ground, I will broadcast about everything that happens on the ship).

Doctor, do you know what to prepare for swimming? (Yes, I need to collect medicines, tools, dressings).

Kok, what will you do on the ship? (I will cook and feed the crew of the ship)

Sailors, what will you do on the ship? (we will follow all the instructions of the captain, boatswain).

Well done, you know your job very well.

The roles have been assigned, what should be done next? (start building ship)

What can a ship be built from? (from bricks, large cubes, cubes).

Get to work.

Captain: the ship is ready

Dispatcher: the ship is ready, prepare your jobs.

Captain (control panel, computer, binoculars)

Navigator (map, ruler, pencil, binoculars)

Boatswain (control panel, binoculars)

Radio operator (headphones, remote control)

Sailors (collars, caps)

Cook (products, dishes)

Doctor (medical instruments, gown)

Dispatcher: Captain, what will you call your ship. I propose to call the ship "Asterisk" you do not mind -

Captain: Our ship will be called "Asterisk"

Dispatcher: The crew of the Zvezdochka ship, do you know what determines the success of a combat mission at sea (on the reliability and strength of the ship, on weather conditions, on the experience of the captain).

Right. But we should not forget that the well-being of sailing on the sea is possible only if all participants form a friendly team.

Why do you think? (children's guesses)

Only thanks to the coordinated actions of the team, it is possible to overcome all the dangers and difficulties of a combat mission.

Are you friendly? Yes.

Are you strong? Yes

Then you can be on your way.

Dispatcher: Captain, report on the readiness of the ship to go to sea.

Navigator: The navigator is ready to sail!

Bosun: The boatswain is ready to sail!

Radio operator: The radio operator is ready to sail!

The sailors are ready to sail!

Doctor: The doctor is ready for swimming!

Cook: the cook is ready for swimming!

Captain: the captain is ready to sail!

Dispatcher: I announce boarding the ship.

The doctor approaches each member of the team (examines)

Do you feel dizzy, do you feel sick? Everything is fine.

Listens to team members, you are perfectly healthy.

Dispatcher: Everyone get ready to go to sea, raise the flag, check radio communications!

Captain: Team, line up!!!

Give mooring lines!

Sailors: There are mooring lines!

Raise the anchor!

Have to raise anchor!

Captain: Team, take your seats according to the schedule.

Command!! Drop anchor! By screws. Rudder right. Full speed ahead. Keep it up.

Dispatcher: Captain, over, over, can you hear me? . Report where you are?

Radio operator: I hear you well. The ship "Star" went to the open sea.

Dispatcher: The radio operator of the ship "Zvezdochka" indicate your coordinates at sea?

Radio operator: Reception, reception, we are heading 5 turns of the rudder to the left and 4 turns of the rudder to the right.

Dispatcher: Follow this course.

Radio operator: Comrade captain, an SOS signal has been received, 10 steps from our ship, the ship “Brave” was shot down by a German submarine.

Captain: navigator, change course, go to the aid of the ship "Brave".

Boatswain: Sailors, lower the boats into the water, drop lifebuoys, start rescuing people.

Captain, doctor, give first aid to the wounded (bandages)

Dispatcher: Captain, report on how the members of the crew of the ship "Asterisk" and the crew of the ship "Courageous" feel?

Captain: My crew is doing well and the members of the Bold ship have been rescued.

Boatswain: The team begin to perform their duties

Sailors clean the deck.

Coke to cook dinner.

Doctor to conduct a medical examination.

Radio operator to monitor the broadcast.

Dispatcher: Navigator, it is necessary to change the course of the ship to square 6. According to intelligence data, there is a German caravan in this square.

Navigator: Comrade Captain, we are changing course.

Radio operator: Comrade Captain, a radiogram has been received.

Captain: Read it, radio operator.

Radio operator: The coast reports that the weather conditions are good and wishes us a happy journey.

Navigator: Captain, water mines have been found to our left.

Captain: take 7 rudder turns to the right.

Yes, take 7 turns of the steering wheel to the right.

Navigator: Captain, a German ship has been spotted on the horizon

Captain: command, prepare for battle, load guns

Eat, load the guns

Prepare torpedo tubes

Yes, prepare torpedo tubes.

Navigator: keep heading straight, 8 full turns of the rudder

Got to keep the course!

Aiming at the main enemy ship

There is a target!


Dispatcher: captain, report the situation on the ship?

German ship hit, crew members alive and well

Radio operator: Comrade Captain, I picked up the noise of a submarine in square 5

Captain: Boatswain, mark on the map in which area the submarine is located.

Radio operator, send a radio message to the shore and report the coordinates

Captain: Boatswain: - Prepare to drop deep-sea mines to destroy the submarine.

Boatswain: Sailors, set the depth of the explosion 4 steps

Sailors: -there is a set depth of 4 steps.

Start dropping bombs!

There is!

Dispatcher-Captain: Ship "Asterisk" reception, report on how the fighting is going on.

Captain - Dispatcher: - We destroyed a German submarine

Dispatcher: Congratulations on completing the combat mission!

Radio operator: Comrade Captain, an urgent radiogram has been received, weather conditions have changed, there will be a strong storm, we are ordered to return to the port.

Captain: Boatswain, we lay down on the return course, turn around, rudder to the left, keep it up!

Boatswain: Sailors: - Scrub the deck!

Clean combat weapons

Cook, feed the team.

Boatswain: Comrade Captain, a port has appeared on the horizon.

Captain: Stop, car! Drop anchor, team, line up!!!

Our combat mission has been completed, the enemy has been destroyed. Welcome back to the coast!

On the shore, the commander-in-chief meets and presents medals for the operation.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 15 "Thumbelina"

Abstract role-playing game in the senior group No. 6 "Bees"

"Sailors of the Navy"


Ponkratova A.V.

Drugakova V.V.

Stary Oskol

Junior group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Family", "Kindergarten", "Shop", "Visiting Matryoshka", "Puppet show", "Mishka's Birthday", "Bus", "Let's put the doll to sleep", "Moydodyr visiting the guys", "With the Sonya doll for a walk", "Dinner time has come".

2nd quarter: "Hospital", "Salon", "Big washing", "At the Feast of the Christmas Tree".

3rd quarter: "A toy shop", "Steamboat", "Zoo", "chauffeurs", "Talking on the phone".

Other games with complication.

middle group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Sailors", "At the dentist", "Laundry", "Vegetable shop".

Other games with complication.

2nd quarter: "Beauty saloon", "Winnie the Pooh Bear's Birthday", (Carlson, "Theatre", "Excursion to the Museum", "Puppet show", "Dining room", "Concert for Dolls".

3rd quarter - all games with complication.

Senior group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Confectionery Factory", "Shop"(confectionery, bread, dairy, "Polyclinic", "Harvest", "Steamboat"(work of rivermen, "Steamboat"(we sail along the river Crow, Khoper, "Transport"(land, air, "Cattle Breeders", "Journey to Atlantis or to another planet", "Journey to Distant Lands", "Hospital with different departments", "Pharmacy", "Spaceport Builders".

2nd quarter: "Building the City of the Future", "The airport", "We are artists", "Studio", "The circus", "Adventure Travel"(on land, at sea, "Border guards", "We are artists", "Fishing boat", "Library".

3rd quarter: "We are building the city of Borisoglebsk", "Zoo", "Mail", "Mom's holiday at home", "Space trip", "We are circus performers", "Newsstand", "Cooking", "Disco", "Forest School", "Spring Ball", "Traffic", "In the theater - premiere", "In the botanical garden".

preparatory group

List of games:

1 quarter: "School", "Journey through Russia", "Toy Factory", "Autumn Fair - gifts of nature", "We are farmers", "Library", "Playing theater", "We're going to another country", "Canning factory", "Journey through the desert, or steppe", "Journalists", "Photo studio".

2nd quarter: "Stadium", "Family"(grandparents' anniversary or other family holiday, "Cinema", "The circus", "Ambulance", "Seeing off winter", "A television", "KVN", "I'm doing an interview", "Pantomime Theatre", "Cattle Breeders", "Sewing Studio", « Railway» , "Space".

3rd quarter: "Fire Department", "Ambulance"(burns, poisoning, "Zoo", "We are aliens", "Morning Star", "Carnival in Africa", "Dentistry", "Polyclinic"(bites, injuries, "Fashion house", "Space flight", "Field of Dreams", "Journey on the bathyscaphe", "Pharmacy of herbs", "Stadium"(sport games, "Beauty contest"(clothes design, "Ambulance"(foreign bodies, donors, "Flight to the moon", "Dog - show", "Border guards".

Approximate distribution of role-playing games by years of study

First year of study

October, November, December, January, February - learning to act with various toys (dolls, animals - dog, cat, chicken, horse, hare, fox, squirrel, bear, hedgehog).

March, April, May - training in actions with engines (truck, train, bus).

Second year of study

October is consistent playing with the doll.

November, December - "Mothers and Daughters".

January - "Bus".

February - "Toy Store".

March - "Family" (playing with a doll, bus rides, walking, visiting guests, etc.).

April - "Doctor" (doctor's appointment in kindergarten).

May - "Kindergarten" (using the game "Bus" and "Family").

Third year of study

September, October - "Toy Store" and "Grocery Store".

November - "Doctor".

December - "Family" and "Bus" (combining plots).

January - "Kindergarten".

February - "Barbershop".

March - "Calling a doctor at home", "Family", "Shop", "Hairdressing salon" (combination of plots).

May - "Puppet theater" (the game includes dramatizations of fairy tales).

June - "Zoo".

Fourth year of study.

September - "Shop" (Supermarket). October - "Polyclinic". November - "Polyclinic" and "Pharmacy". December - "Calling a doctor at home", "Ambulance". January - "Kindergarten". February - "Sailors". March - "Mail".

April - "School" and "School Supply Store" (combining the plot). May - "Zoo".

Sample list of topics for playing puppets (1st year of study ): "The doll Anya (Vanya) is our guest"; "The doll wants to sleep"; "Ani's Doll Breakfast"; "Birthday of Dani Bear"; "Baby Walk"; "Matryoshka has a housewarming party"; "Bathing babies-naked"; "Wash"; "Christmas tree holiday"; "Matryoshka dolls came to our new house"; "Matryoshkas came to visit us"; "Let's dress my daughter for a walk"; "Anna woke up (morning of the doll)"; "Visiting by bus", etc.

Preparatory work: didactic games to clarify the names of objects and actions; reading children's literature.

Sample list of topics for playing with animal toys : "Let's go to the yard to visit the dog (doghouse...)"; "We were given a kitten"; "Let's feed our hen and chickens"; "Let's ride a horse"; "A walk in the forest (acquaintance with animals)", etc.

Sample list of topics for beating motor toys : "Let's bring cubes to build a house on a truck"; "Housewarming" (transportation by truck of furniture); "Let's ride the animals on the train"; "Let's ride the little animals in the bus", etc.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Family": "Morning in the family"; "Lunch in the family"; "Evening in the family"; "Day off in the family"; "The child fell ill in the family"; "Helping mom wash clothes"; "Big house cleaning"; "Family to family came to visit"; "Moving to a new apartment"; "Holiday in the family: mother's day, New Year, birthday, etc."

Preparatory work: examination of the painting "Family" and "Washing clothes" (see various sets of paintings for kindergartens); pictures "Object in action", reading children's literature.

Attributes: dolls in images (mother, father, children, grandmother, grandfather, baby dolls), clothes for dolls; apartment equipment for dolls (kitchen and living room): wardrobe, sofa, bed, table, chairs, clothes hanger, kitchen furniture, stove, sink, dishes, ironing board, irons, basins, children's washing machine, vacuum cleaner, drying rack clothes, clothespins, a children's sewing machine, aprons for children, a toy mixer, a set of "Little housewife, etc.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Kindergarten ": "Admission of children to a group"; "Trip by bus to kindergarten and admission of children to a group"; "Exercising in kindergarten"; "Nanny work in the morning - breakfast"; "Nanny work - group cleaning"; "Work of a cook in kindergarten"; "Working in the laundry of a kindergarten"; "The teacher conducts a lesson in kindergarten"; "Speech therapist conducts a lesson in kindergarten"; "The teacher conducts a lesson in kindergarten" (children observe the work of a speech therapist, teacher-defectologist and can quite convey it accurately); "The music director conducts a lesson in kindergarten", etc.

Preparatory work: a set of sequential pictures (separate pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a nanny, educator, cook; paintings from the series "We play" (paintings for kindergartens); an excursion to the doctor's office, to the kitchen, to the laundry, to observe the work of the assistant educator and educator (in his group, in junior group), music director, teacher, speech therapist, etc.; reading children's literature.

Attributes: dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, bathrobes, a washing machine, a basin, a stand for drying clothes, an ironing board, irons, a gas stove, a cookware set, products, a vacuum cleaner , musical instruments, various games(for playing teacher and speech therapist), etc.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Bus ": "We are building a bus"; "Learning to drive a bus"; "We are going to kindergarten"; "We are going to the park"; "We are riding around the city"; "We are going to visit"; "We are going to the theater", etc.

Preparatory work: examining the paintings "The Driver" (from the series "Whom to be?"), "We are riding the bus" (from the series "We play"), various illustrations, pictures about transport, etc .; excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus and the work of the driver; reading children's literature.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Shop ": vegetable, grocery, bread, clothing store, toys, etc. With older children preschool age the game "Department store", "Department store" is organized.

Preparatory work: examining the painting "Salesman" from the series "Who to be?"; a set of consecutive pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to get acquainted with the work of the seller, cashier; didactic games for classification, highlighting the superfluous, etc. (vegetables, fruits, food, toys, etc.); excursion to various shops (depending on the theme of the game), reading children's literature.

For the game, money, checks, wallets, bags for buyers must be prepared. A stationary counter, on which all kinds of goods are beautifully laid out (depending on the theme of the game), if necessary, scales, next to the cash register, counting machine, bathrobe for the seller. Additionally, everything you need for a particular type of store is included.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Barbershop" : "Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser (playing with a doll)"; "Dad takes his son to the hairdresser (playing with a doll)"; "Children go with their parents to the hairdresser's (are distributed among the halls)"; "We're going by bus to the hairdresser's"; "The sailors went ashore and went to the hairdresser"; "We make hair New Year's holiday"; "We invite a hairdresser to kindergarten", etc.

Preparatory work: examining the picture "Hairdresser" from the series "Who to be?", a set of sequential pictures (separate pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser; reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: a dressing table with a mirror, a washbasin, a towel, a large and a small hair dryer, a set of napkins, a cape, a dressing gown for a hairdresser, cologne, perfume, cream, shampoo, varnish (everything is a toy, you can use empty bottles at the beginning of the game), scissors, a set for shaving (everything is made of cardboard or a children's set "Hairdresser" is used), combs, brushes, curlers, ribbons, albums with hairstyles (hairstyle samples), a set of special toys "Children's hairdresser". A salon is equipped for the game, a place for a hairdresser - a table with a mirror, a table with a washbasin, a stationary hair dryer (as in real hairdressers), a waiting area (a table with a set of pictures of hairstyles, books, magazines, etc.).

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Doctor "(2nd year of study): "At the doctor's appointment in kindergarten"; "Calling the doctor at home (the doll is sick)", "Katya's doll is sick (visiting the doctor in the clinic)", "Dad calls the doctor to the patient's house daughter", etc.

Preparatory work: examining the picture "Doctor" from the series "Who to be?", a set of sequential pictures (separate pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a doctor, a nurse; excursion to the medical office; reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: gown, hat, doctor's bag, "Puppet Doctor" game set, phonendoscope tube, spatula for examining the throat, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, iodine, pills, medicine (everything is toy, made of unbreakable material), heating pad, prescription forms .

An approximate list of topics for role-playing games "Polyclinic ", "Pharmacy", "Ambulance" (3rd and 4th year of study): "Reception of a doctor and a nurse"; "The work of a registrar in the registry of a polyclinic"; "The work of medical specialists: pediatrician, ENT, ophthalmologist" ( all acquaintance is conducted at the most accessible level); "Mom calls the doctor to the house"; "Call an ambulance"; "Ambulance goes to treat Katya"; "Ambulance takes Katya to the hospital"; "Katya's doll has recovered and is being discharged from the hospital"; "Pharmacy and pharmacist"; "Visiting a doctor in a polyclinic and buying prescription drugs at a pharmacy."

Preparatory work: examining the picture "Doctor" from the series "Who to be?", a set of sequential pictures (separate pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a doctor, a nurse; pharmacist; excursion to the clinic, pharmacy; observation of an ambulance on the street (during any walk, excursion); reading children's literature; didactic games.

In the process of the entire training, the experience of children is actively used, with a negative experience of children, it is important not to focus on it, on the contrary, one should give a positive assessment of the doctor's activities, try to switch the child to positive emotions.

Attributes: for this game it is necessary to equip the doctor's office and the waiting room, where patients will wait for their turn. Medicines, tools should be prepared in the office for the reception: in a jar or glass - thermometers, in a box - syringes, a pack of mustard plasters (neatly cut rectangular sheets of velvet or plain yellow paper), a spatula, a stethoscope, a hammer, a pipette, a stick for lubricating with iodine or ointment, cotton wool, a bandage, a speculum for examining the nasopharynx or ears, "alcohol" for lubricating the injection site, "iodine" for cauterizing wounds, drops, medicine, injection medicine, powders, tablets, ointment, tables for checking vision with pictures and etc.

It is necessary to equip the office of the registrar, to make with the children in the classroom for manual labor for each their own card, numbers. There should also be a special place for organizing a pharmacy. It is necessary to present a wide variety of "drugs", medical items, items for personal hygiene.

When organizing this game, one should be especially attentive to the selection of things, to what all the equipment is made of, because preschool children with intellectual disabilities can take medicines in their mouths, suck, etc. Natural medicines cannot be used!

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Sailors": "Learning to build a ship"; "Sailors sail on a ship on the sea"; "Sailors fish, work as fishermen"; "Sailors check the health of the ship's doctor"; "Sailors sail the sea, fish, dine"; "The sailors go ashore, go to the theater"; "Sailors bring their catch to the shore, hand over the fish to the store"; "Sailors sail to Big city and go to the "Zoo", etc. Thus, the game "Sailors" is gradually combined with the games "Bus", "Polyclinic", "Shop", "Puppet Theater", etc.

Preparatory work: examining the painting "Sailor" from the series "Whom to be?", a set of sequential pictures (separate pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of the captain, sailor, ship's doctor, fisherman; an excursion to the port, to the river or sea embankment (based on the possibilities), involving parents in this excursion (individual excursions for children with their parents); excursions to the Naval Museum or any other appropriate type (with parents); reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: a ship from a major builder, a steering wheel, an anchor, binoculars, caps, guises, nets, fish, etc.

This game can be played in another scenario. For the game, the teacher makes a large ship out of children's chairs, on board of which a lifebuoy is attached. A large pipe is installed in the center, a ladder board is laid, a ticket office is installed on the pier. Passengers with children (dolls) take food with them on the road to feed the children when they get hungry, as well as money for tickets. Passengers arrive at the pier - some by bus, some by car, some on foot; buy tickets and board the ship. The sailor on duty stands at the gangway, checks tickets and helps passengers to sit down. The captain walks along the deck with a telescope, the helmsman is waiting for his order; when everyone is settled, the ship departs. The ship makes a stop, the passengers go for a walk in the forest, then swim back home.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "School": " To the store for school supplies", "A lesson in funny counting", "At a big break", "Puppet theater visiting schoolchildren", "Schoolchildren on a city tour", "In the school library", "Lunch in the school cafeteria", " At a physical education lesson, "etc.

Preparatory work: examining the painting "Teacher" from the series "Who to be?"; excursions to the school; video film about the school (author's materials); reading children's literature; didactic games.

A play corner is being equipped for playing "School", in which desks, a table for the teacher are placed, a corridor for walks during recess is fenced off, a school buffet is arranged, etc.

First, the children go to the "Shop" (the "School Supplies Store" is equipped in the group), where they buy everything necessary for the student. Most of these accessories are pre-made by children with educators in manual labor classes (small notebooks, albums, pencil cases, etc.). After that, they can go to the hairdresser's for a haircut to be neat. Then the children visit the clinic, where they undergo a medical examination. Only after that they go to school, where the teacher meets them. The role of the teacher is assumed at the beginning of the game by a defectologist. She introduces the children to the school, tells what they will do here, how to behave at school, etc. In the process of subsequent gaming activities The children are seated and the teacher is teaching. During the break, the children leave the classroom, walk along the corridor, have breakfast in the buffet, etc. The game ends with the children going home after school.

Gradually, the role of the teacher is transferred to each of the children of the group, he, with the help of a teacher-defectologist, educators, plays the entire plot or part of it. Particular attention is paid to the bell, the clock showing the time of the lessons, etc.

Organizing the game, educators constantly come up with various situations of communication, alternate "lessons", lead the whole game very emotionally, showing the children how interesting it will be to study at school.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Zoo ": "We build cages for animals", "A tour of the zoo", "We go by bus to the zoo", "We sail on a ship to the zoo", "Where did the sparrow dine? (a dramatization game based on a poem by S. Marshak), "We remove the cages for animals", "We feed the animals", etc.

Preparatory work: excursion to the zoo (if available in the city); looking at a painting from the series "Wild Animals"; examining and constructing according to sample drawings, followed by playing around with the "Zoo" from the "Lego" constructor; reading children's literature; didactic games.

For the game, teachers, together with children, build cages for animals, depending on the size, it is convenient to place them. The entire territory is surrounded by a fence, gates are made, and a cash desk is placed next to them. Children go to the zoo by bus. At the entrance, you buy tickets at the box office, which are then checked by the controller. At the zoo, they are met by a guide (defectologist), who tells and shows the animals. Children see how to take care of animals (a servant takes care of them, at the first lesson it can be a teacher): feed, wash cages, etc. After the tour, children can buy ice cream, ride a pony. At the end of the game, the children go home.

The plots for this game can vary, in the game teachers are given a great opportunity to activate the speech of children, to consolidate existing ideas about the environment.
