Berserk time of heroes. "Berserk": it's time for heroes

The time has come for heroes in Laar: the first products of the line of the collectible card game “Berserk” have appeared in the branded stores of the Hobby World publishing house ( Heroes."

The first release of the game, Time of Heroes, comes in the form of booster packs and five different starter sets. The price of one booster pack, which contains 11 common cards, 3 uncommon cards, 1 rare or ultra-rare card, is 150 rubles. Display - 24 boosters - will cost 3,600 rubles. The initial set costs 490 rubles, includes a hero and a deck built around him (41 cards), a training deck with his hero (21 cards), 20 gold coin cards, a booster and rules.

The game takes place on two levels: before the game, players choose heroes and build decks around them. Each hero has an ability and a number of lives, and belongs to one of five elements: steppes, mountains, forest, swamps, darkness. The hero's deck contains 40 or more cards belonging to his element or neutral. Each card can be represented in a deck by a maximum of three copies.

During the game itself, the player plays cards on the table with the goal of killing the opponent’s hero, i.e. reduce his life to zero. To play a card, you need to pay its cost in gold. At the beginning of each turn, the player's gold supply increases by 1 (maximum - 10 coins) and is restored to the current maximum. Cards are divided into heroes, creatures, spells, equipment and events. After being played, the creatures remain on the field to attack the hero and the opponent’s creatures, and to protect their comrades. Equipment strengthens the hero. Spells are one-time effects. Events are permanent effects that apply until the card is replaced or discarded, often affecting both players. (- in the rules of the game.)

  • Laar is the official world of the Berserk TCG.. This collectible card game was developed by Maxim Istomin and Ivan Popov, published since 2003 and has more than 20 card issues. Now produced by Hobby World. Originally produced by the Fantasy World company, before its merger with Smart and transformation into Hobby World. "Berserk" is presented abroad in the form of a tactical card game, i.e. is released there in the form of sets of cards with a fixed composition. The game also has several digital versions. In Berserk, players, acting as Ungar mages, recruit squads of creatures of six elements, place them on the field and fight until the enemy forces are completely destroyed.
  • In the world of Laar, in addition to two CCGs (“Berserk” and “Berserk. Heroes”), the events of the following games by Hobby World take place: “BERSERKNAFIELD”, “Vicar”, “Shadow of Intrigue” (Russian edition of the game Templar Intrigue) and “Bastion”.

"Berserk. Heroes"- card strategy game.
This is a battle between two heroes who lead their armies. As you play, you'll recruit creatures into your warbands, use spells and weapons, and play event cards to ensure your dominance on the battlefield. The winner is the player who reduces the enemy hero's life total to zero or lower.


In "Berserk" Heroes" 5 main types of cards: heroes, creatures, spells, equipment and events.

Hero- This is the personification of the player. The hero always lies open in his owner's play area while the game continues. A player loses when his hero suffers a total number of wounds equal to (or greater than) his life total.

Creatures stand up for their hero and participate in battles. When playing a creature, a player places it on the table in his playing area. The creature stays there until it goes to the graveyard, back into the deck, or into a player's hand.

Equipment divided into several types: weapons, armor, amulet. When playing equipment, the player places the card on the table next to the hero card. The equipment remains there until it is sent to the cemetery. When new equipment enters the game, all other equipment of the same type are sent to the graveyard under the control of the player who played this equipment.

Spells help the player strengthen his own squad or weaken the enemy. Unlike creatures, spells have a one-time effect. When casting a spell, the player sends that card to the graveyard and immediately uses the spell's features.

Events often affect both players' units. When resolving an event, a player places a card on the table next to the hero card. The event remains there until it is sent to the graveyard. When a new event comes into play, all other events under the control of the player who played the event are sent to the graveyard.


In the game “Berserk. Heroes" five opposing elements: steppes, mountains, forest, swamps, darkness. Most cards belong to one of these elements; cards that do not belong to any element are considered neutral. The elemental identity of a card is determined by its overall color scheme, as well as the color of the circle in the upper right corner.

For full-size (with an enlarged picture) and multi-elemental (with several elements) cards, the designation of elements is made in the form of separate icons in the upper right corner:


The color in the bottom right corner of a card indicates how common that card is in booster packs.


Before the game starts, you have to create your battle deck. It includes one hero card and 40 or more other types of cards. The hero determines the element of the deck: the player's deck can only contain cards of the same element, as his hero, as well as neutral cards. In the case of multi-element cards, at least one of the card's elements must match the Hero's element.
Important: There can be no more than three copies of cards with the same name in the deck (exception: cards with the “Horde” feature).
Note: If desired, opponents can choose the same element and even the same hero.


Players place their heroes face up on the table. Randomly determine the first player (for example, by rolling a die). This player chooses who will go first. Each player thoroughly shuffles their deck, places it face down in front of them, and takes the top 4 cards. If a player is not satisfied with the cards in the hand, he can discard some of the cards (or all) once. The discarded cards are placed at the bottom of the deck, and the player takes as many cards as he discarded.


At the beginning of each of his turns, the player receives a new coin marker and places it on the table along with the markers he already has. A player cannot have more than 10 coin markers. To play cards from your hand, the player pays for each card with coin markers according to its value. When using a coin marker, the player closes it - rotates it 90 degrees to the right. A player will not be able to use a closed coin marker to pay for playing cards until it is revealed again - usually at the beginning of the player's turn.


In addition to coins, the player can have another resource - prayers. They can be obtained for various features of the hero and other cards. Having received a prayer token, the player places it on his hero card or places it on a “totem pole”. Prayers are used to pay for certain hero traits or other cards. In this case, remove the required number of prayer tokens from the hero card or remove them from the “totem pole”. At the start of the game, players have no prayer tokens.


Each player's turn consists of three stages:
1. Start of the turn
2. Main stage
3. End of turn

Start of turn stage
Recovery phase

◆ If there are face-down cards (including a hero) and/or face-up coin markers in the player's play area, they are all revealed.
◆ All "X times per turn" features can be used again X times.

Accumulation phase

◆ The player receives a new coin marker. Important: if a player already has 10 markers, he does not receive a new marker.
◆ The player draws a card from his deck (except for the first player's first turn). If there are no cards left in the deck, then the player simply does not take a card. Important: if a player was unable to take a card from the deck for the third time during the game for this reason, he loses.
◆ The player simultaneously reveals all of his hidden cards that he wants to reveal.
◆ Features are performed “at the beginning of the turn”.

Main stage

The player chooses any of the actions listed below and performs them in any order until the end of the turn is announced. Possible actions at the main stage:

◆ Play a card from your hand, paying its cost with coin markers (by paying the cost of playing cards, the player covers his markers).
◆ Attack an enemy card by hitting your card. One creature can only attack once per turn, unless otherwise noted.
◆ Use the feature of your card (including the hero), if possible. Each feature is used once per turn unless otherwise noted.

Important: a creature card played from your hand cannot attack during the current turn, and you cannot use its requiring features (exception: cards with the “Dash” feature). The spell card's ability is used instantly after it is played. The features of Event, Hero, and Equipment cards are used at any time during a turn, including the same turn that those cards are played. On many maps, you can see the symbol in the text of features. This symbol means that after using the feature the card is closed - rotated 90 degrees to the right.

On his turn, a player can attack with any of his cards and/or use their various features. When a card acts (i.e. attacks or uses features with a cover symbol), it is covered and can no longer attack or use features with a cover symbol that turn.

End of turn stage

◆ “At the end of the turn” features are performed.
◆ The features of cards with the text “until the end of the turn” expire.
◆ Having finished the turn, the player passes the turn to his opponent.


Punch attack

Any creature has a strike and can attack a hero or enemy creature with it.

◆ If you attack open enemy creature and no one came to the defense, then both creatures (yours and the enemy) inflict damage on each other equal to the values ​​of their attacks.
◆ If you attack closed enemy creature and no one comes to the defense, your creature deals damage to the attacked creature equal to the value of its blow.
◆ If you attack an enemy hero and no one comes to defend, your creature deals damage to the hero equal to the value of his hit.

Important: After a card has attacked with a punch and survived, it closes.

Appointment of a defender

If your card (creature or hero) is attacked by an enemy creature and you have your own open creature in the play area, you can designate this creature as a defender. In this case, instead of the original target, the enemy creature will fight the defender and they will deal damage to each other equal to the values ​​of their hits. After the battle, if your defender survives, he closes in the same way as the attacker. Each creature can act as a defender only once per turn.


By attacking with a strike or using card features, you often deal damage to enemy creatures, and they receive wounds based on the amount of damage dealt. These wounds accumulate. Players can count runs in any way they choose (for example, using coins or chips). If the number of wounds on a card equals or exceeds the number of life, that card dies and is put into its owner's graveyard.

Golden Rule

If a card's text conflicts with the rules, the card's text takes precedence.

Simultaneous execution of features

If several features are triggered at the same moment (for example, “at the beginning of the turn”), then these features of the inactive player (not whose turn it is) are executed first in the order chosen by him. Then the features of the active player (whose turn is in progress) are performed in the order chosen by him.


The winner is the player who reduces the enemy hero's life total to zero or lower. A player also wins if their opponent fails to draw a card from their deck for the third time during the game (see Accumulation Phase).

Full rules

Full game rules (recommended for experienced players) can be downloaded from

"Berserk. Heroes" is a Russian collectible card game of a new generation. It is a strategic duel between two players leading their armies. You can create your own decks, recruit creatures in battle, use spells and weapons, play out various events on the field - everything to gain an advantage over the enemy, everything to win!

The gameplay is built around unique heroes. The game takes place in the fantasy world of Laar.

The entire gameplay is based on cards. In your deck you must have one hero card, which is your alter ego in the game, has a certain life reserve, ability and element. There are five elements in total: steppes, mountains, forest, swamps, darkness. Cards without an element are neutral. In addition to the hero card, in your deck you can have at least 40 cards of the element to which your hero belongs, but no more than three copies of the same card.

Cards have different values ​​and powers. The cost is expressed in the amount of gold that will have to be given away from your reserve. Each turn, players expand their gold pool by 1 to a maximum of 10 coins, and restore it to the maximum at the start of each of their turns.

There are also five types of cards: heroes, creatures, spells, equipment and events. The creatures play pranks and come to the defense of their master. Three types of equipment cards can be played to strengthen your hero. Spells have a one-time effect and have different effects. Events most often affect both players and spread their effect until the event is replaced or reset.

In addition, cards, as is customary in CCGs, have a rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare and Ultra Rare.

Having received four cards in their hands, players decide whether they will discard any cards and draw new ones or whether they are satisfied with everything. After this mulligan, the game begins, consisting of three phases:

  • start of the turn - hole cards are restored, the player receives a new gold marker and one card in his hand;
  • the main stage - cards are played and paid for, attacks are made with creatures and cards, and various features of the cards are used;
  • end of turn - various effects end and the turn is transferred to another player.

Played creature cards, as a rule, cannot attack immediately and appear on the battlefield rotated 90 degrees. On your turn, you can choose a target for the creature - another creature or an enemy hero, and the second player, accordingly, if there is an open creature, can put it on defense. An attack against a closed creature or hero causes damage only to the enemy, and when attacking an open creature, both sides will suffer losses expressed in wounds. When the number of wounds is greater than or equal to the creature's health, it is considered dead.

The game goes on like this until a winner is determined.

The winner is the player who is the first to reduce the enemy's health to zero or below. A player also loses if the player's deck runs out and they are unable to draw a card for the third time at the start of their turn.

About Trading Card Games

CCG is the most popular format of card games all over the world; for example, it includes games that do not need introduction, such as “” and “”. By building your decks and expanding your collection of cards, you get new gaming opportunities and combinations within the game. Having taken possession of a rare card, you will experience incomparable pleasure!

Representatives of this category are dynamic, interesting and rich games, but at the same time they have enormous space for the manifestation of imagination and their strategic skill. The CCG format allows you to constantly update the metagame, make decks more diverse and respond to fan demands through new sets and boosters - special expansions with a random set of cards. By purchasing them, you expand your personal collection and gain access to new combinations, strategies and tricks.

All cards have their own rarity; the rarer the card, the more valuable it is for collectors and players, and, as a rule, the stronger or more original the effect of the card itself.

The quiet rustling of leaves equally means a light wind and elven arrows.

Here is the first release of decks for a new generation of collectible card games - “Berserk. Heroes." It is a strategic duel between two players leading their armies. You will be able to create your own decks, recruit creatures in battle, use spells and weapons, play out various events on the field - everything to gain an advantage over the enemy, everything to win!

The gameplay is now built around unique heroes. The game still takes place in the fantasy world of Laar, where the original game in the series took place. The game has become more dynamic, easier to learn and with less luck in the game.

About the original "Berserk"

The Russian tabletop CCG "Berserk" appeared in 2003 and since then has earned recognition not only from domestic players, but also from foreign ones when it was presented in English. In Berserk, players, acting as Ungar mages, recruit squads of creatures of six elements, place them on the field and fight until the enemy forces are completely destroyed. Nick Perumov himself worked on the fantasy world of the game; several novels have been written based on the setting. At the moment, the game has more than 2,000 cards, tournaments of various levels are regularly held, and there are also digital versions of the game and popular games with excellent mechanics, but which take place in the same world.

How to play

The entire gameplay, as you already understood, is based on cards. In your deck you must have one hero card, which is your alter ego in the game, has a certain life reserve, ability and element. There are five elements in total: steppes, mountains, forest, swamps, darkness. Cards without an element are neutral. In addition to the hero card, in your deck you can have at least 40 cards of the element to which your hero belongs, but no more than three copies of the same card.

Cards have different values ​​and powers. The cost is expressed in the amount of gold that will have to be given away from your reserve. Each turn, players expand their gold pool by 1 to a maximum of 10 coins, and restore it to the maximum at the start of each of their turns.

There are also five types of cards: heroes, creatures, spells, equipment and events. The creatures play pranks and come to the defense of their master. Three types of equipment cards can be played to strengthen your hero. Spells have a one-time effect and have different effects. Events most often affect both players and spread their effect until the event is replaced or reset.

In addition, cards, as is customary in CCGs, have a rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare and Ultra Rare.

Having received four cards in their hands, players decide whether they will discard any cards and draw new ones or whether they are satisfied with everything. After this mulligan, the game begins, consisting of three phases:

  • start of the turn - hole cards are restored, the player receives a new gold marker and one card in his hand;
  • the main stage - cards are played and paid for, attacks are made with creatures and cards, and various features of the cards are used;
  • end of turn - various effects end and the turn is transferred to another player.

Played creature cards, as a rule, cannot attack immediately and appear on the battlefield rotated 90 degrees. On your turn, you can choose a target for a creature - another creature or an enemy hero, and the second player, accordingly, if there is an open creature, can put it on defense. An attack against a closed creature or hero causes damage only to the enemy, and when attacking an open creature, both sides will suffer losses expressed in wounds. When the number of wounds is greater than or equal to the creature's health, it is considered dead.

The game goes on like this until a winner is determined.

Who has won

The winner is the player who is the first to reduce the enemy's health to zero or below. A player also loses if the player's deck runs out and they are unable to draw a card for the third time at the start of their turn.

About Trading Card Games

CCG is the most popular format of card games around the world, for example, it includes such games that need no introduction, such as “Magic: The Gathering” and “Berserk”. By building your decks and expanding your collection of cards, you gain new gaming opportunities and combinations within the game. Having taken possession of a rare card, you will experience incomparable pleasure!

Representatives of this category are dynamic, interesting and rich games, but at the same time they have enormous space for the manifestation of imagination and their strategic skill. The CCG format allows you to constantly update the metagame, make decks more diverse and respond to fan demands through new sets and boosters - special expansions with a random set of cards. By purchasing them, you expand your personal collection and gain access to new combinations, strategies and tricks.

All cards have their own rarity; the rarer the card, the more valuable it is for collectors and players, and, as a rule, the stronger or more original the effect of the card itself.

The armored system of the gnomes is stronger than the mountains themselves, because where a hand fails, a brother will help.

Here is the first release of decks for a new generation of collectible card games - "Berserk. Heroes". It is a strategic duel between two players leading their armies. You can create your own decks, recruit creatures in battle, use spells and weapons, play out various events on the field - everything to gain an advantage over the enemy, everything to win!

The gameplay is now built around unique heroes. The game still takes place in the fantasy world of Laar, where the original game in the series took place. The game has become more dynamic, easier to learn and with less luck in the game.

About the original "Berserk"

The Russian tabletop CCG "Berserk" appeared in 2003 and since then has earned recognition not only from domestic players, but also from foreign ones when it was presented in English. In Berserk, players, acting as Ungar mages, recruit squads of creatures of six elements, place them on the field and fight until the enemy forces are completely destroyed. Nick Perumov himself worked on the fantasy world of the game; several novels have been written based on the setting. At the moment, the game has more than 2,000 cards, tournaments of various levels are regularly held, and there are also digital versions of the game and popular games with excellent mechanics, but which take place in the same world.

How to play

The entire gameplay, as you already understood, is based on cards. In your deck you must have one hero card, which is your alter ego in the game, has a certain life reserve, ability and element. There are five elements in total: steppes, mountains, forest, swamps, darkness. Cards without an element are neutral. In addition to the hero card, in your deck you can have at least 40 cards of the element to which your hero belongs, but no more than three copies of the same card.

Cards have different values ​​and powers. The cost is expressed in the amount of gold that will have to be given away from your reserve. Each turn, players expand their gold pool by 1 to a maximum of 10 coins, and restore it to the maximum at the start of each of their turns.

There are also five types of cards: heroes, creatures, spells, equipment and events. The creatures play pranks and come to the defense of their master. Three types of equipment cards can be played to strengthen your hero. Spells have a one-time effect and have different effects. Events most often affect both players and spread their effect until the event is replaced or reset.

In addition, cards, as is customary in CCGs, have a rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare and Ultra Rare.

Having received four cards in their hands, players decide whether they will discard any cards and draw new ones or whether they are satisfied with everything. After this mulligan, the game begins, consisting of three phases:

  • start of the turn - hole cards are restored, the player receives a new gold marker and one card in his hand;
  • the main stage - cards are played and paid for, attacks are made with creatures and cards, and various features of the cards are used;
  • end of turn - various effects end and the turn is transferred to another player.

Played creature cards, as a rule, cannot attack immediately and appear on the battlefield rotated 90 degrees. On your turn, you can choose a target for a creature - another creature or an enemy hero, and the second player, accordingly, if there is an open creature, can put it on defense. An attack against a closed creature or hero causes damage only to the enemy, and when attacking an open creature, both sides will suffer losses expressed in wounds. When the number of wounds is greater than or equal to the creature's health, it is considered dead.

The game goes on like this until a winner is determined.

Who has won

The winner is the player who is the first to reduce the enemy's health to zero or below. A player also loses if the player's deck runs out and they are unable to draw a card for the third time at the start of their turn.

About Trading Card Games

CCG is the most popular format of card games around the world, and includes, for example, games that need no introduction like Magic: The Gathering and Berserk. By building your decks and expanding your collection of cards, you gain new gaming opportunities and combinations within the game. Having taken possession of a rare card, you will experience incomparable pleasure!

Representatives of this category are dynamic, interesting and rich games, but at the same time they have enormous space for the manifestation of imagination and their strategic skill. The CCG format allows you to constantly update the metagame, make decks more diverse and respond to fan demands through new sets and boosters - special expansions with a random set of cards. By purchasing them, you expand your personal collection and gain access to new combinations, strategies and tricks.

All cards have their own rarity; the rarer the card, the more valuable it is for collectors and players, and, as a rule, the stronger or more original the effect of the card itself.

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