Volumetric paper puzzles. How to make a puzzle out of paper? DIY crafts

You can come up with an incredible amount of interesting fun and educational games for your children. Plain stationery is a great craft material. All it takes is a little time.

How to make a paper puzzle Is it difficult for younger children school age? Here are some examples of folding puzzles for children.

Paper puzzles

It is important for a child to be interested in crafts with early age. Peace virtual games not very useful for development. But working with paper and scissors will develop both the imagination and motor skills of the fingers, and the desire to do something with your hands, and not just watch cartoons. Also, doing such creativity, children develop memory and neural connections that will help them learn further.

A lot of interesting things are made from paper. Various kusudamas, toys and puzzles. But, of course, before you teach a child, you will have to learn how to make crafts yourself.

Types of puzzles for children of primary school age

Let's move on to practice. How to make a puzzle out of paper? We always start by choosing the scheme we like.

Serious origami kusudamas for younger children are difficult, but children can do puzzles such as tangrams, flexagons, and various folding paper transformers. Let's describe a few simple paper puzzles, diagrams and a method for constructing them.

Miracle Triangle

So, how to make a paper puzzle? 4th grade will cope or not with the problem? For a child, it is not so important how much the puzzle costs. It will be interesting for him to think with you on the task that you will give him. Cut out an ordinary triangle from hard cardboard and ask the child to divide it into 4 sectors so that these parts make a square.

The problem has a name - "haberdasher's puzzle", because the author of the puzzle cut out for the first time such a triangle from a piece of fabric, and then he himself did not know whether the square would form or not. But still, folding a quadrilateral is quite realistic.

How to make a haberdasher's puzzle out of paper? It's pretty easy. Using a stencil, draw a triangle on the cardboard and draw it as shown in the picture. This one is the solution to the problem.

An adult needs to cut the pieces and decorate them with any colored paper so that the details look more interesting to the child. And then ask your child to assemble from these parts first a triangle, and then a square.

puzzle toy

How to make a puzzle out of paper that can be assembled, glued and turned into a toy? Try with your child to collect 12 elements of different colors or 4 elements of 3 color shades. And let the little know-it-all make a circle out of them on his own.

If you can’t fold the parts so that they hold tight, you can glue the corners. However, it will be ugly if glue stains are visible. All parts must have exactly the same dimensions - millimeter to millimeter, otherwise the elements will turn out to be crooked and it will be difficult to fold them.

And now the craft turns into a wonderful colored puzzle toy called fireworks origamy. The circuit is very simple.

The child, perhaps, after you fold the first craft with him, the rest will already fold on his own. You only need to interest the crumbs.

do-it-yourself paper puzzle

A puzzle such as a hexaflexagon is made from cut ordinary strips of paper. This is also very interesting for schoolchildren of 3 or 4 years of study. How to make a paper puzzle with your own hands? To work, you need to print a sheet with a graphic design blank, or follow the example to do the same.

How to make a puzzle of this type from paper? The selected workpiece is folded into a polyhedron. The sectors, united together, make up a certain pattern when the toy is turned inside out.

Each puzzle surface consists of 6 triangular sectors. There are schemes according to which they perform a puzzle for 9 and even 12 drawings. But more often they make the simplest one - on 3 or 6 planes with drawings.

Hexaflexagon is a polyhedron with 6 patterns. Since paper wears out quickly, it is better to use hard cardboard.

The drawing should be interesting for your child. Think about what characters he likes and draw them. Then you need to cut each into 6 triangles and stick on those planes that will make up a separate picture.

"Paper" puzzle

The figure shown in the figure is cut out from one sheet of paper. The bent "flag" can be moved. It is also part of the sheet and has not been cut and then pasted. The size of the "flag" exactly corresponds to the size of the two cut out parts of the sheet. How is this paper puzzle made?

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Tetraflexagon puzzle. Master class with step by step photos

How to make a do-it-yourself tetraflexagon out of paper.

Ivanova Svetlana Alexandrovna, teacher of mathematics, branch of MKOU "Lebyazhevskaya secondary school" "Ploskovskaya secondary school"
Description: Tetraflexagon puzzle is made in the technique of origami and appliqué.
The master class is intended for school children, teachers, caring parents, creative people.
Purpose: Tetraflexagon can be used as a puzzle, an exciting toy, a mathematical trick.
Target: make a tetraflexagon puzzle with your own hands.
Tasks: develop imagination and creativity in the manufacture of Tetraflexagon from paper; love for arts and crafts;
mathematical thinking; spatial imagination: cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work, skill.
- a roll of any thick paper;
- office double-sided colored paper;
-PVA glue;
- ruler, pencil
Working process:
Teraflexagon- an exciting toy, puzzle and interesting mathematical model, discovered in the first half of the 20th century. The uniqueness of this puzzle is that after each next opening, a new surface appeared, consisting of four squares, and the previous four squares were hidden inside the structure.

1). We take a square of white paper.

2) Fold it in half. Expanding.

3) Then in half again.

4) Unfold and fold it in half with the other ends.

5) And again in half. Expanding.

6) Cut off the extreme squares.

7) We make a cross-shaped incision in the middle.

8) Cut out regular triangles from colored paper.
Must be 6 colors with 4 triangles.
On all blue triangles we write the number 1.
On all yellow triangles we write the number 2.
On all green triangles we write the number 3.
On all orange triangles we write the number 4.
On all pink triangles we write the number 5.
On all blue triangles we write the number 6.

9) We glue these triangles on our workpiece in this way.

10) Turn the workpiece over with the reverse side (so that the left and right parts of it are reversed) and glue the triangles, in accordance with the bottom side, like this.

The tetraflexagon is ready. This is a puzzle.
Your task:
Fold the tetraflexagon in such a way that you get a front surface consisting of four squares, on all the cells of which there is the same number on a triangle of the same color.

Answer (see video):

To fold this tetraflexagon, let's turn the sheet in front of us with the side in which the cells with number 1 are in the center.
Let's take the two free ends of the cells from No. 1, holding the corner of the upper cell with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, and the corner of the lower cell with the same fingers of the right hand. Pull the corners of the squares simultaneously down and in different directions from each other, so as to flip each cell with a one and get, if you look at the picture above, a cell with a five. The remaining cells form, as it were, two open boxes without a lid with the number 6 at the bottom of each of them.
Now, in the same way, we capture both inner corners of the cells with fives - i.e. corners diagonally opposite the ones we just pulled down. Pulling these corners from top to bottom, at the same time we separate them in different directions. At the same time, our boxes will be flattened, and we will get a flat tetraflexagon 2 * 2 in size with four cells. These cells have 1s on one side and four 2s on the other.
Fold the tetraflexagon in half and open it along the central fold; in this case, we get one more front surface, on all the cells of which there is the same number. Accordingly, by bending the tetraflexagon, it is easy to obtain the front surfaces with the numbers 1,2,3,4. however, it is not so easy to unfold the surface with the numbers 5 and 6.

You can make a lot of interesting crafts out of paper. One of them is a three-dimensional puzzle, by turning the sides of which, you can assemble the whole picture. On one such paper product, several plots can be depicted. Make it simple. Following the steps described, you will get the same puzzle, and apply the kaleidoscope images yourself, choosing any topic.


For the manufacture of paper puzzle you will need:

  • thick A4 paper (sheets for watercolors or graphic works are suitable);
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • eraser;
  • hot glue;
  • colored pencils or watercolor.

Step 1. Take a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. Draw it, observing the data given in the photo. Make sure that the lines are even, and the vertical stripes are strictly parallel to each other.

Step 2. Cut the paper along the top zigzag line. Also cut off the lower right corner.

Step 3. Draw the existing paper blank with diagonal lines from right to left and vice versa. The lines should run parallel to each other and form diamonds when they cross.

Step 4. On paper, fold along all diagonal and vertical lines. Knead the paper well with your fingers so that the stripes are clear, deep and even.

Step 5. Take the glue and apply it to the indicated parts. Glue a strip of paper over them. In the course of work, you should get a voluminous snake.

Step 6. Also apply glue to the ends of the product and assemble it into the final figure. Let the glue dry thoroughly. In addition to hot glue, you can use any other strong adhesive that does not damage the paper and does not leave visible marks on the back of it.

Step 7. Fold the puzzle and draw any image on the resulting side. Color it with colored crayons, pencils or watercolors.

Are you into origami? Don't you know anything about this amazing Japanese art of paper folding? You probably don’t even realize that each of us, one way or another, has come across origami at least a few times in our lives. Paper airplanes that we all folded at home or at school, boats that were launched in a puddle in the yard - all this is also part of origami.

Origami is a very ancient art of paper folding. Many children and adults have been fascinated with it for centuries, but it only reached the general public in the 20th century thanks to Akira Yoshizawa, one of the greatest origamists of our time.

Every year there were more and more fans of origami, the number of books and magazines devoted to it increased, in many countries clubs and circles were gradually created in which masters gave lessons to those who wished to learn this art. Naturally, in Lately, in App Store paper folding applications also appeared. I would like to tell you about one of them today.

Speaking of origami, I made a rat by Eric Joiselle.

Paperama is an application that is unlikely to leave origami lovers indifferent. In it, puzzles are closely intertwined with the folding of various paper figures. In total, the application has three sets of levels with varying degrees of difficulty. First you will go through an introductory course, and then you will start to puzzle over the rest of the paper puzzles.

Each figure that needs to be folded out of paper in a certain number of moves is outlined by a dotted line. You just need to pull the edge of the sheet, and it will immediately, thanks to even the slightest movements, bend in the direction you have chosen.

During the game, there is a completely indescribable feeling that I rarely experience when working with applications. When folding the sheet, you get the impression that you are working with real paper. Origamists will certainly understand me. When you fold a figurine, accuracy is very important here, because carelessness leads to the fact that after several steps completed, your work will look simply untidy.

So in Paperame, absolute accuracy of folds is needed. In the figure highlighted with a dotted line, you should try to fit 100% of the paper sheet. Inaccuracy will lead to the fact that even the correct sequence of movements will not allow you to reach this figure, and you will only fill the figure by 96 or 97%.

Each level can be completed with a maximum of three stars. Next to each is indicated what percentage will help you achieve the coveted reward. Each time the figures will become more and more difficult, and in order to achieve the desired result, you will need to really rack your brains and spend a significant amount of time.

In case of difficulty, you can use the hints, and each fold will cost you 1 point (or 1 hint). If necessary, you can always buy additional points in the corresponding in-app purchase store located on the main screen of the application.

Paperama is a truly immersive app that I have never seen before. Every time I try to fold a figurine, I am amazed at the quality of the application. It develops spatial imagination, logic and instills a love for paper folding. I wholeheartedly recommend that everyone download this, imagine, free application and plunge into the world of Paperama.

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