Random meeting skyrim walkthrough. "Chance meeting" in "Skyrim": how to complete the quest

Quests in Skyrim often raise certain questions among players. System errors and bugs make tasks impossible to complete. Some challenges do not appear in the quest log. All this leads to the fact that the character stops developing. The plot is not completed, side tasks are forgotten. Luckily, most of the adventures work well. All you have to do is study the task description and go on a journey. Today we will talk about the quest called “Chance Encounter” in Skyrim. How to get through it? Where to get? What will the player receive in return?

Short description

“Random Encounter” in “Skyrim” is the name of one of the quests present in the game The Elder Scrolls V. No mods or add-ons are required for its appearance.

The quest is issued in the thieves faction. This is one of the first quests Dovahkiin will face after joining the Thieves Guild.

It is issued in Riften. For completing the task, the character will be given 100 septims and allowed to continue the chain of thieves' quests.

Briefly about the passage

Passing a “Random Encounter” in Skyrim sometimes raises a lot of questions. If we talk about this task briefly, then the character will not need anything special. Just a little care and basic thief skills.

A short guide to completing the "Random Encounter" quest in Skyrim looks like this:

  1. Travel to Riften and find Brynjolf there.
  2. Talk to the interlocutor and agree to his task.
  3. Wait for the moment when the fraudster distracts the attention of the population.
  4. Steal the ring from Madesi. It is in the jewelry store in the safe.
  5. Toss a ring to someone. For example, Brand-Neck.
  6. Talk to Brynjolf again.

That's all. It would seem that there should be no difficulties. But in reality, players often encounter problems when completing a “Random Encounter” in Skyrim.

Main difficulties of the task

What difficulties might Dovahkiin encounter? There aren't many of them. But all of them can cause a lot of trouble.

Here is a list of difficulties that arise during the task:

  1. Brynjolf walks through the market square of Riften only from 8 am to 8 pm. At night, the character sits in the Bee and Sting tavern.
  2. Fraud should only be carried out when there are a lot of people in the market. It is advisable to do this during the day.
  3. There is very little time to steal the ring and plant it. You will have to act quickly. For the scam, Brynjolf will distract visitors to the market square.
  4. The door to the jewelry counter is locked with an "Apprentice" level lock. It is difficult for an inexperienced player to hack it.
  5. The safe is locked with a Novichok lock.
  6. To open the locks you will need master keys. It is advisable to stock up on them immediately.
  7. To throw a ring, you must have stealth skills. It is also recommended to upgrade them before taking on the task.

If you go through "Random Encounter" in Skyrim with cheats, there will be no problems. In any case, the character can quickly stock up on lockpicks or improve his lockpicking and stealth skills.

Cheats for the game

“Random Encounter” mods are not required in Skyrim. But with the help of a game console, the character can easily move on to any stage of the task.

You can specify the command setstage TG00, and separated by a space - the stage of the quest. These values ​​can be:

  • 8 - meet Brynjolf;
  • 10 - steal the ring;
  • 20 - toss the ring;
  • 30 - talk to the scammer again (successful theft);
  • 35 - talk to Brynjolf (theft failure);
  • 40 - conversation with the scammer, if the character left the place of completion of the task;
  • 200 - completing the task in full.

That's all. We will not consider pumping up skills and issuing master keys. These items and skills will come in handy as you travel through the world of Skyrim. Therefore, it is better to collect/develop them yourself. Frequent use of the console will lead to a quick loss of interest in the game.

In the world of Skyrim, you can be either a defender of the weak and poor, or a villain and a thief. The Thieves Guild is precisely intended to play the latter role.

How to join the Thieves Guild?

The Thieves Guild is one of the few guilds in Skyrim that you can’t just go to the right NPC and join.

In order to join the thieves guild, you need to complete two “introductory” tasks. We go to Riften and find Brynjolf there. I found him in the tavern, although he could be in another place.

As soon as you meet him, he himself will start a dialogue and offer to do a “business”.

Chance meeting

The essence of the task is to rob one merchant and frame another. For a fee of course.

Go to the square and find Brynjolf there (if it’s night then you will need to wait until the morning). Tell him you are ready. He will start advertising his new “product” so that everyone will take a break from their work and gather around him. Your goal is the pockets, the key from the lizard’s pockets, and his counter (at first I thought that his counter was a house, in fact it is a simple counter in the market.

A little instruction on pickpocketing:

  • for the stealing option to appear, you need to enter a secret stance (Ctrl);
  • the chance of theft is checked for each item separately, so take only what you need;
  • if your theft skill is low, save before stealing so that you can reload in case of failure.

You can take anything, the main thing is to take the ring. Now, you need to put this ring on someone else (forgot his name, open the magazine - it will be written there to whom). An object is placed in the same way as it is stolen.

After a successful operation, wait until Brynjolf finishes, and if he still won’t calm down, enter and exit any building. Then talk to him, tell him that everything is done, and receive a reward.

Reliable roof

Talk to Brynjolf again. He will say that he likes savvy and nimble guys like you. And he will say that he will accept you into his guild if you complete one more task.

Note: he can give you this task immediately, or he can send you away, subtly hinting that you need to find a suitable place - such a place is from the “headquarters” in the dungeons under the city, it was there, in my case, that he gave second task:

It consists in the fact that you need to get the debt out of 3 people. Moreover, the most important thing, as it turns out, is not money. It is necessary for people to understand that the thieves guild must be taken into account. The only rule is that the victims must survive.

Instructions for knocking out money:

  • Kirava. You won’t be able to get the money out directly; you need to talk to the Argonian Talen-Jay and convince him to influence Kirav. He will not want anything bad to happen to her, and will find a peaceful way to persuade her;
  • Helga. Her weakness is her favorite statue. Find the statue in her tavern and steal it. Then talk to Helga, threatening that if she does not give the money you will break her;
  • Bercy. To touch Bersi's nerve, you will need to break his favorite vase. He will scream for a long time, but then he will still return the debt.

We return to Brynjolf, talk about the successful completion of the assignment, and welcome to the thieves guild!

List of Thieves Guild members


Mercer Frey Leader of the Thieves Guild

Brynjolf accepts us into the guild, essentially Mercer’s deputy.

Vex master locksmith, gives small contracts

Delvin Malory gives small contracts, buys a variety of unique interesting things

Tonilla buyer of stolen goods

Gravedigger security guard

Vekel Warrior bartender



Gives: Brynjolf
Purpose of the task: Punish Aringolf

So. Our first task in the Thieves Guild. You need to get into the estate of a certain Aringolf, rob the safe and burn three hives. It would seem like nothing. In reality, as usual, there is a catch. And it lies in the fact that Aringolf’s guard consists of mercenaries. Not very good news. Maybe you can somehow get in secretly? Yes, you can. We talk to “little Vexy”. She will tell us that you can get into the estate through the sewers. Classics of the genre. Yes, don't forget to go to Tonilla for armor, you will like it.

Well, let's go. The Golden Flower estate is waiting for us.

It is best to go at night there is less chance of being noticed by security. And here is our entrance to the sewer.

Everything is simple there - you walk along the corridor, kill the skeevers, and reach the stairs. Get up and go into the house. And this is where the fun begins. There are guards in the house. Most sit, two or three walk. In general, it won’t be difficult to get around them with the proper stealth skills. But beginners will have to work hard. To begin with, I advise you to walk around the house and pick up everything that is not nailed to the floor, and only then go to the safe.

We reach this grate.

Here you can turn back and go to the second floor - the owner of the mansion will be there, who has the key. Or you can go further and open the safe with master keys. Choose. But getting a key is more difficult than opening it with master keys. For those who still want to open with a key.

We go to the second floor and see this picture:

It’s very easy to get around we go through the door. We pass through the room, exit, go a little further and see this:

You can't get around this anymore. You just need to sneak around very slowly. And here comes the surprise:

The owner occupies an uncomfortable position for us. I don’t advise you to talk to him; you won’t be able to kill him; you won’t be able to give him the key; besides, he’ll raise the alarm and the guards will come running. Just try to steal the key from his pocket.

Regardless of the option of action, we look to the right into the corridor, if we see the back of the guard we open the grate and make our way further, if we see his face we wait until we see his back and only then we open the grate and make our way further. In the basement we will see this careless guard:

No, well, I should have thought of putting the chair on a puddle of flammable oil. Okay, I'm a fool myself. It will be extremely difficult to get past him - the space between him and the stairs we need to climb is well lit. You can try to get through, or you can set the oil on fire with a fire spell. But he won’t die instantly; he’ll have to finish him off. And then two guards from the next room might come running. But with luck, you can already run through the stairs and hide there in the shadows. In general, the choice is yours.

So we found the safe.

We open it or open it with a key, take everything we have and leave through the sewer or through the front entrance. Whichever is more convenient, because the next part of our insidious plan is vandalism. Namely setting fire to hives. Through the front entrance it will be closer in my opinion. We carefully cross the bridges, passing or waiting for the guards, and set fire to three hives with fire spells. Beauty:

That's it, we can leave. We return to the shelter (a secret passage is now available to us) and receive a well-deserved reward - 200 coins. Plus the fact that you managed to honestly steal from the estate.

Wrong Honey

Gives: Brynjolf
The essence of the task: Talk to Maven Black-Briar and fulfill her request.

Let's go to Maven (I found her in the tavern or on the street near the trading stalls)

She wants us to eliminate her competitor, Honning Meadery. She sends us to Whiterun, to the Prancing Mare tavern to a measure named Mallius Macius:

Mallius tells us that Sabjorn is recently organizing a tasting of his honey for the Captain of the Guard. And bad luck: skeevers appeared at his meadery. It would be necessary to poison, and Sabjorn is looking for someone who will take on this. “And rat poison and honey don’t go well together” But you still need to get rid of the rats Maven plans to take over the meadery when Sabjorn leaves it. As usual, all the dirty work falls on our shoulders. Well, where to go? Let's go to the meadery:

We go into the building and talk to Sabjorn.

We offer to help him with his problem, demand a deposit (if possible) and go to the basement. We kill the skeevers, the Psycho named Heimlin:

(examine it and read the diary we again foiled the plan to take over the world by a psycho. This is already becoming a routine), we pour rat poison into the nest and go to the meadery itself. Add poison to a vat of honey. Well, I did something nasty that brings joy to my heart. And to the wallet:

Now we need to attend the tasting. The commander of the Whiterun guard will try the honey, but he won’t like it (who would like honey that tastes like rat poison?) and he will take Sabjorn to prison, and put Mallia in charge. Happy end. Almost. All that remains is to inspect Sabjorn’s room for an explanation of how he was able to open his meadery so quickly. We take the key from Mallius and go up to Sabjorn’s room.

We open the chest of drawers, take away the coins and the document. But don't rush to leave. Hack the second door and take the Decanter of Honning's Honey there. Delvin will give you 200 coins for it and put it on a shelf where he will put all the interesting items you brought. We go to Maven, give the document and as a reward we receive... A holy orc dagger.

Hmmm...Well, okay, at least you can sell it.

Let's go to Brynjolf. He says that Mercer Frey urgently wants to see us.

Scoundrel's Caprice

Gives: Brynjolf
The essence of the task: Find out from the lizard named Gulum-Ai about the buyer of the Golden Flower estate

We go to Solitude, to the Laughing Rat tavern and talk to the lizard.

We try to bribe him and he tells us about a box of fiery wine in the Blue Palace, which one person really wants to get. And we, therefore, must help him with this. It’s difficult there is nothing - there is no one at all near this box. They came, took it and left. We give the wine, and in return we receive information about a certain woman who came to Gulum-Ay with a purse of gold and offered to represent her interests in one case. Namely, to take payment for the estate to Aringot. He, of course, did not remember the name and face. But this lizard is somehow dark. We are not in a hurry to leave when we finish the dialogue. Let's follow him to the Eastern Imperial Company Warehouse.

We go after him. Be careful, there will be guards on the way. I advise you to take all the torches from the holders along the way - there is less light, which means there is less chance of being noticed. Kill the guards quietly or pass by depends on your preferences. The main thing is not to make noise. By the way, the guards also carry torches, which makes it difficult for us to follow the lizard.

We reach the entrance to the Salt Water Grotto. That's where Gulum-Ai went. We follow, but the lizard is already in an unimaginable way at the very end, and we will have to make our way through the robbers. Proceed in the same way as with the guards earlier. We reach Gulum-Ai. There are two robbers nearby. We have no choice but to kill them. We kill, threaten Gulum-Ay and he tells us about a certain Karliya thief who killed the former head of the guild Gall, and is now hunting for Mercer. Gulum-Ai doesn’t know where she is, she just said “she went to the beginning of the end.” Don't forget to talk to him again and tell him that he owes a favor - another buyer of stolen goods will appear. We open the secret door with one of the levers and go to Mercer. We tell him about Karliah and the “beginning of the end.” From which he concludes that Karliah went to the ruins where she had once killed Gall. And that he will go there with us and help kill her. Okay, but first let's go to Tonilla for a reward - exchanging one of the armor components for a better one.

Conversation with Silence

Gives: Mercer Frey
The essence of the task: Go to the ruins of the Snow Veil and kill Karliah.

We go to the ruins and meet Mercer there. He states that Karliah is still here, he is sure of it. And he lets us go ahead, and he himself follows us. Okay, we need to hurry before she disappears again. We approach the door, watch Mercer open it, and go inside. Be careful - there are a lot of traps and draugr here. Mercer will warn you about most traps. One of the words of power can be found in the Sanctuary:

We reach a door that requires a claw to open. But since we don’t have a claw, Mercer has to be cunning, and he opens the door without a claw (he’s not there to tell us how to do this). We go in and... we fall from an arrow shot at us. We lose consciousness, but almost immediately wake up and see that Mercer and Karliah are talking.

From the conversation it turns out that it was not Karliah, but Mercer who killed Gallus! Mercer wants to send Karliah after him, but she runs away. But we won’t succeed, and so we get a sword in the stomach. But we won't die. And when we wake up, we will see Karliah in front of us.

She tells us everything that we ourselves have already guessed. And she says that, fortunately for us, her arrow was poisoned with a special paralytic poison, which slowed down our heartbeat and prevented us from bleeding to death. Thanks to her for this. She also found Gall’s diary in these ruins; it’s not just that she came here. But the diary is written in a language unknown to her, but she knows who can translate it Entir, friend of Gall. It is to him that we must go. To Winterhold.

We need the Frozen Hearth tavern.

Enthir will tell us that Gall kept a diary in the Falmer language. Original, considering that only a few people in all of Skyrim know him. He cannot decipher it himself, but he knows someone who can. Colcelmo, court magician of the Jarl in Markarth. Let's go there:

And here is Colcelmo himself:

He is truly an expert in the Falmer language. But he categorically refuses to show his work. You can gain his trust by completing the quest, or you can steal the key from the pedestal behind him and sneak past the guard into the museum. By the way. The guard will speak to you for the first time anyway, even if you are invisible. Please take this into account. So, regardless of the route, we made our way to the museum. There will be guards and a lot of light. Carefully make your way to the entrance to Colcelmo's laboratory. But if you are confident in your abilities, you can scour this room and look for something useful or expensive. It will be there. In the laboratory, at the very beginning, you can steal the spider control rod. Instructions in the diary nearby. And here is the spider:

There are also guards in the laboratory. You can sneak past them or kill them. Or you can set off traps to make “accidents” happen. After all, Dwemer mechanisms are old, who knows what malfunctions might happen there? In the room where Aykantar sits, you can also launch a trap - you will kill him faster. Don't forget to pick up the cube in that room - give it to Delvin.

From this room we go out onto the balcony, and from there we find ourselves in the Colcelmo Tower. It's almost done. In his office, take coal and a roll of paper. If you want to inspect his office for useful things, now is the time, then he will no longer be there. We go out through the door in the office to the stone and redraw it on paper. Ready. Oops. And here is the cavalry:

You can wait and slip past them to the exit. Or you can kill them. The captain will linger a little in the passage - a good chance to cut his throat without being noticed. Then one will stand at the stairs, and the other two will go up. We kill him quickly. Then one will reach the top of the stairs and turn back, and the second will go further towards the stone. We kill one, then the second. That's it, you can return to Enthir in Winterhold. We go into the basement and see Karliah next to Entir:

We give him the copied text of Colcelmo, and he begins to translate. It turns out that Gall has long had suspicions about Frey's loyalty. Gall learned that Mercer was leading too luxurious a life. Looks like he was stealing from the guild. Robbed the thieves guild. Ironic. In addition, Gall mentions that Mercer desecrated a certain Twilight Tomb. Karliah says that the transfer needs to be delivered to the guild immediately so that everyone knows how bad Mercer Frey is. But first, let's talk to Enthir - he will invite us to visit him at the College if we want to sell stolen things. Another buyer. Great. Now we are talking with Karliya, and the mosaic is starting to take shape little by little. Twilight Tomb Temple of Nocturnal, patroness of the night and thieves. The nightingales vowed to protect the temple to the last drop of blood, because all her gifts are kept there. And even more, through him she interacts with our world. And Mercer desecrated the temple. Hence the fall of the thieves guild - Nocturnal herself turned away from them. We need to go to Riften as soon as possible and punish Mercer. Finally, Karliah will give us the Nightingale Blade - the sword of Gall:

The pursuit

Gives: Karliah.
The essence of the task: Expose Mercer Frey.

We go to Riften, to the Wild Flask and talk to Karliah. Together with her we enter the guild, and we are greeted with a warm welcome by Brynjolf, Vex and Delvin. And all with drawn blades. Wonderful.

But Karliah gives Brin Gall's diary, he does not believe his eyes and offers to open the vault. Delvin states that two keys are needed to open the vault. Vex says it's impossible to pick this lock. But Bryn insists on his own, and he and Delvin open it. It turns out that Gall was right - we see empty chests.

Vex is furious and threatens to kill Frey with her own hands, but Brin calms her down and sends her and Delvin to the Flask to notify them. If Mercer comes here. And we have to go to his estate “Riftveld” and look for clues where he could have gone. And we are allowed to kill everyone who gets in our way. Lovely.

The easiest way to get into the estate is from the courtyard, along the ladder that Mercer made in case of emergency departure. But there is a small catch Wald. Mercer's security guard. Let's talk to Vex - she once knew Wald very well. Vex will tell us that it is impossible to make friends with him - he is only friends with money. But you can promise him that Maven will pay off his debt. Do as you wish - you can close the debt, or you can simply kill him and take everything you need from his corpse. No difference.

This is actually the ladder mechanism itself, where you need to shoot for it to go down.

The house itself is empty, but there is one secret. One of the cabinets is a door to Narnia. Well, at Mercer's hideout, I mean. It is on the second floor. In the shelter, keep your eyes open - the traps are not asleep. And there will be something to profit from, just like in the house. We get to his room, take the plans, a good sword in the display case (glass, cold damage) and the Gray Fox Bust give it to Delvin. Well, and whatever else you like. There is no need to go back - here there will be a passage to the Rat Hole. We go through it to Brynjolf and give the map. It turns out that Mercer is after the Eyes of the Falmer - huge gems that are worth a fortune. If he finds them, we will never find him. This money will be enough for him until he grows old, and there will be some left over for his children. We must stop him at all costs! You need to talk to Karliah. There is little time left.

Revived Triad

Gives: Brynjolf
The essence of the task: Become a Nightingale.

Yes Yes. We will become the Nightingale. As usual, our hero is uber-super-duper-many. Well, okay, everything is in order. Karliah asks us to meet her at the ancient standing stone outside Riften.

Upon arrival there, we see both Karliah and Brin. Karliah asks us to follow her, she will explain everything along the way. And we enter the Word Hall. Karliah really wants us to become Nightingales. To do this, you need to put on their armor and undergo a rite of passage. We go to the Stones and, taking the armor, put it on.

Now the rite of passage. We need to stand on the left circle, stand and listen. And so, the initiation was completed, and we became Nightingales. So, what is next? And then Karliah will tell us about Mercer’s true crime. It lies in the fact that Frey stole... the Skeleton Key. If you've played Oblivion, you should remember what it is. But this key opens more than just physical locks. After all, the capabilities of the human body are very great, and we use only part of them. And when you realize that the key can open such “locks” as well, the possibilities become almost limitless. Such a thing cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of a man like Mercer.

Before we head out, let's talk to Brin. He will invite us to become the head of the Thieves Guild. Naturally we will agree. Where are we going? Now let's go after Mercer. The path lies to the ruins of Irktand. The entrance will be guarded by bandits - I counted six. We kill or sneak, go inside. First level nothing interesting. A bunch of corpses of bandits, broken Dwemer robots, 4-5 living robots and that’s it. We go to the second level and immediately come across Karliah and Brin. Kariya claims that Mercer was here recently. We need to find him. Next, we will watch the scene of Mercer killing two Falmers. Go ahead. We find a huge room with a grate at the end. To open it, you need to pull two levers on the left and right of the room on a hill. By the way, there is a ballista nearby behind the door with the Expert lock. We pull the levers, shoot from the ballista at Falmer and move on. And watch your step - these are Dwemer ruins after all. Nobody canceled the traps. In general, these are ordinary Dwemer ruins. Enemies: Mechanisms and Falmers. True, Centurion can cause trouble.

It's a big machine, tenacious and hits hard. Going hand-to-hand with her is not the smartest idea, of course, but with good armor it is possible. Or you can give Brynjolf this honor, and join Karliah yourself and shoot him with a bow. Or magic. Improvise, show your imagination.

And finally we made it to Mercer. We go into the Sanctuary and see how he gouges out the Eyes of Falmer from the statue.

But suddenly the platform on which we are standing breaks off and falls. Karliah and Bryn remain upstairs. You'll have to fight Mercer alone. And he also bewitched Brin so that he was forced to fight Karliah. We need to hurry. This fight is difficult because Mercer is tenacious. And no more. Yes, he likes to go invisible, but at the same time it’s not difficult to see him. After his murder, the cave, in the best traditions of the genre, begins to collapse, and the room itself begins to flood. The door doesn't open. What to do? Wait until the room floods. No, I'm serious. Wait. When the room is flooded, stones will collapse above the statue's head and open a passage leading to the Bronze Water Cave.

Return of the Twilight

Gives: Karliah
The essence of the task: Walk the Pilgrim's Path.

We talk to Karliah, and she will tell us that we need to return the Nocturnal key. But to get to her, you need to go through the Pilgrim's Path. She can’t get there because because of her the tomb was desecrated, Brin needs to return to the guild and maintain order there. Who stays? That's right we. Before leaving, she will give us her bow - a useful thing.

By the way. After all, you don’t have to give up the key right away, right? And the Eternal Master Key is a very good thing. You can, for example, keep it until you have such a perk. But at the end of this task a very good reward awaits you. But more on that later.

Our path lies to the Twilight Tomb:

There will be a Nightingale Guardian at the entrance:

When talking with him, it turns out that this is none other than Gall himself. But he himself cannot return the key to the Tomb - the closer he gets to the Well of Night, the weaker he becomes. And even now he feels that he is dying. We'll have to. Don't forget to read Nystrom's diary - it lies against the wall to the left of the Nightingale Guardian, near the skeleton.

Then the quest marker disappears. But even without him, everything is transparent here. In the first room, three Nightingale guards are waiting for us. Two together and one a little further away. In the next room you need to walk through the shadows without touching the light - you will die very quickly. Light is light, but you shouldn’t forget to look at your feet. Next there will be a room with a Nocturnal statue and a dead bandit nearby (I wonder how he got here?). It seems to be a dead end. Although... What is there behind the right torch in the form of a bird's head? Yeah! Chain! We pull and... Nothing happens except that the torch goes out. Hmm... And if you look behind the left? Also Chain. We pull it, and the door behind Nocturnal opens.

The next room contains banal pressure plates and pendulum blades. There will be a surprise behind the door. And it will most likely be unpleasant for you. Let me just say that no one has ever died from caution and quicksaves. And here you are in front of this door:

And now, finally, we are in the Sanctuary. But...there is only a hole with a skeleton at the bottom and nothing else. Don't get upset and jump. It won't hurt too much. But there is no way out of the hole, is there? Not scary. Sit a little or run along it soon our hero will take out the key, turn it and suddenly lo and behold! the floor will dissolve and we fall into the holy of holies of the tomb.

All that remains is to stick the key into the lock (logical, isn’t it?) and... listen. Nocturnal herself will speak to us. Frankly, I thought her face would be prettier.

But maybe it's just my graphics that are to blame. Doesn't matter. The important thing is that we will be called selfish. That, they say, neither honor, nor duty, nor loyalty lay here and there - the main reward. Well... okay, she's right. And the reward is truly worthy. By standing on the circle with the picture of the month, we will receive a talent, the use of which provides an excellent buff for thieves - when sneaking, invisibility is automatically applied. Standing in a semicircle frenzy spell all creatures in the spell's area of ​​effect attack everyone indiscriminately for 30 seconds. And standing on the full moon, we will receive a spell that drains the enemy’s health; I don’t know whether it is leveled or not, but at level 18 it eats up 100 health from the enemy. Agree, not a little? But, unfortunately, these are not spells, but talents. This means you can only use it once a day. It's a shame, but there's nothing to be done. And you won’t be able to take all three either. Choose. After choosing we will see Gall. He came to say goodbye to Karliah.

Here you go. The adventure is over. You can complete generated endless quests from Vex and Delvin, or you can simply forget about the guild and visit only to sell stolen goods. Good luck to you. Keep your eyes open go to the Shadows.

The first task of the thieves guild in The Elder Scrolls 5, contrary to expectations, turns out to be not so simple and trivial, so listen to your mentor more carefully and follow his advice.

Not all tasks need to be looked for in The Elder Scrolls 5; some of them literally find their hero themselves. So the branch of the Skyrim thieves guild, as well as the colleges of Winterhold, will themselves find their hero. True, with only one condition, if this brave hero completes the main quest of Skyrim. In the tasks of the main storyline on the site, I already mentioned the first task of the thieves guild, which I found, in my opinion, unusual translation “chance meeting”. We will have to complete this quest in any case if stealing even in a fictional world is unpleasant for us. In this task we will have to set up a local merchant, since otherwise we will not advance in the task A Corned Rat and will not be able to find the wise but harmful Esbern. The interweaving of these tasks does not look very harmonious, and the game is not without some errors. However, you can join the thieves guild in The Elder Scrolls 5 on your own by contacting a character named Brynjolf. He will offer to meet at the market square during the day, but our task will be very treacherous.

You will need to set up one merchant by throwing him a stolen ring. By the way, we will also have to get this very ring from another local merchant. Special the quest a chance arrangement does not require any thief skills However, I advise you to save yourself before thieves in any case. I also recommend that you read the task carefully, since it is quite difficult to understand who to steal from the first time, but it is possible. Particularly confusing is that the required ring is not in the possession of Madesi himself (an Argonian local jewelry merchant), but in a chest in his stall.

Brynjolf himself will help us, distracting (attracting) the attention of local merchants. So go to Madesi's stall It won’t be difficult to open his chest either. If you wish, you can first steal the key to the chest from the reptile; you can open the Skyrim lock with a master key. The result will be the same - we will take possession of the required trinket. But please watch the stealth indicator. If you are caught in the act of stealing or picking a lock, this will create additional problems with the guards. If something happens, you can use the muffle spell, although there are already enough dark corners in the shopping area. As a result, we have Madesi’s ring, but it is only needed for a setup.

Our sacrifice - Brand-Shei, merchant sitting on a chest, race – Dunmer. It won’t be difficult to sneak up on him from behind, since the developers kindly provided us with a vast area of ​​​​dense shadow. We calmly wait in the shadows for the moment when we become completely hidden from the eyes of curious people. Then we look into the pockets of Brand-Shei in order to put . Please do not mix up the letters on the keyboard, otherwise you can simply put this ring on yourself if you press the wrong key. After successfully completing a sabotage operation, you need to talk again with your future mentor.

Random encounter quest completed, we receive the next Thieves Guild quest from Brynjolf, as well as new information about the location of Esbern. Poor Brand-Shei ends up behind bars on charges of theft, and we get the usual freedom of action for The Elder Scrolls 5. The very first task of the thieves guild is distinguished by its originality and interesting approach. Finally, we don’t need to master the profession of speleologist, we don’t need to look for a new artifact, and there are no prophets who call Dovahkiin the chosen one. A simple job for a greedy soul, so the tasks of the thieves guild promise to be interesting and unusual.

Return to the list of quests

Quests in Skyrim often raise certain questions among players. System errors and bugs make tasks impossible to complete. Some challenges do not appear in the quest log. All this leads to the fact that the character stops developing. The plot is not completed, side tasks are forgotten. Luckily, most of the adventures work well. All you have to do is study the task description and go on a journey. Today we will talk about the quest called “Chance Encounter” in Skyrim. How to get through it? Where to get? What will the player receive in return?

Short description

“Random Encounter” in “Skyrim” is the name of one of the quests present in the game The Elder Scrolls V. No mods or add-ons are required for its appearance.

The quest is issued in the thieves faction. This is one of the first quests Dovahkiin will face after joining the Thieves Guild.

It is issued in Riften. For completing the task, the character will be given 100 septims and allowed to continue the chain of thieves' quests.

Briefly about the passage

Passing a “Random Encounter” in Skyrim sometimes raises a lot of questions. If we talk about this task briefly, then the character will not need anything special. Just a little care and basic thief skills.

A short guide to completing the "Random Encounter" quest in Skyrim looks like this:

  1. Travel to Riften and find Brynjolf there.
  2. Talk to the interlocutor and agree to his task.
  3. Wait for the moment when the fraudster distracts the attention of the population.
  4. Steal the ring from Madesi. It is in the jewelry store in the safe.
  5. Toss a ring to someone. For example, Brand-Neck.
  6. Talk to Brynjolf again.

That's all. It would seem that there should be no difficulties. But in reality, players often encounter problems when completing a “Random Encounter” in Skyrim.

Main difficulties of the task

What difficulties might Dovahkiin encounter? There aren't many of them. But all of them can cause a lot of trouble.

Here is a list of difficulties that arise during the task:

  1. Brynjolf walks through the market square of Riften only from 8 am to 8 pm. At night, the character sits in the Bee and Sting tavern.
  2. Fraud should only be carried out when there are a lot of people in the market. It is advisable to do this during the day.
  3. There is very little time to steal the ring and plant it. You will have to act quickly. For the scam, Brynjolf will distract visitors to the market square.
  4. The door to the jewelry counter is locked with an "Apprentice" level lock. It is difficult for an inexperienced player to hack it.
  5. The safe is locked with a Novichok lock.
  6. To open the locks you will need master keys. It is advisable to stock up on them immediately.
  7. To throw a ring, you must have stealth skills. It is also recommended to upgrade them before taking on the task.

If you go through "Random Encounter" in Skyrim with cheats, there will be no problems. In any case, the character can quickly stock up on lockpicks or improve his lockpicking and stealth skills.

Cheats for the game

“Random Encounter” mods are not required in Skyrim. But with the help of a game console, the character can easily move on to any stage of the task.

You can specify the command setstage TG00, and separated by a space - the stage of the quest. These values ​​can be:

  • 8 - meet Brynjolf;
  • 10 - steal the ring;
  • 20 - toss the ring;
  • 30 - talk to the scammer again (successful theft);
  • 35 - talk to Brynjolf (theft failure);
  • 40 - conversation with the scammer, if the character left the place of completion of the task;
  • 200 - completing the task in full.

That's all. We will not consider pumping up skills and issuing master keys. These items and skills will come in handy as you travel through the world of Skyrim. Therefore, it is better to collect/develop them yourself. Frequent use of the console will lead to a quick loss of interest in the game.

Brynjolf's sale of elixir.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Meet Brynjolf in daylight.
  2. Steal Madesi silver ring .
  3. Throw in the ring stolen from Madesi.
  4. Talk to Brynjolf .

Madesi Pavilion.

Detailed walkthrough

On your next visit Riften, if you go to the city market square, your attention will be attracted by a merchant loudly praising his goods Brynjolf, selling some kind of miraculous elixir. He will be here during the day, and at night he can be found in the tavern Bee and sting. In a conversation with you, he will offer you to earn a little extra money and help him get rid of another annoying merchant - Brand Neck. It will also become clear from the conversation that Brand-Shay began to suspect Brynjolf in fraud and prevents him from selling the elixir, telling everyone about it.

Brand-Neck Pavilion.

To get rid of a chatty salesman Brynjolf He has developed a plan on how to do this, but he doesn’t want to do it himself. Plan Brynjolf is to discredit Brand Neck by slipping someone else's ring into his pocket.

If you accept Brynjolf's offer, he will tell you how to throw the ring to Brand-Shay. To do this, he will distract the attention of all the residents in the market, and at this time you must steal the ring from another merchant - Madesi, selling jewelry and jewelry in this market.

Madesi stores the required ring in a safe, which is located under the counter of his trading pavilion, and the counter and the safe will be closed. Of course, if you are in a hurry or very confident in your abilities, you can try to implement Brynjolf's plan in broad daylight. This will be a fairly difficult option that will require you to use all your hacking, stealth and luck skills.

Brynjolf with a fiery speech.

To commit theft in an easier way, you need to prepare for it in advance. After waiting for night, go to the Madesi pavilion and, without much difficulty, observing caution, break all the locks (But there won't be a ring in the safe). At the same time, you should not forget about the two vigilant guards patrolling this area of ​​the city. The next morning, waiting for the moment when Brynjolf takes a place in his pavilion and begins to sell the magnificent elixir, you will approach him and say that you are ready to carry out his plan. He will be very happy about this and will begin to loudly call on all the traders and residents who were in the market at that time. When everyone approaches the Brynjolf pavilion and begins to listen to him carefully, you need to return to the Madesi pavilion and have a drink invisibility potion and switch to Stealth mode.

The closet and safe are already open.

When you get closer to the goal, you just have to open just one safe, take "Madesi's Silver Ring" and calmly move away from the pavilion.
As soon as Madesi's ring is in your possession, you need to secretly sneak up on Brand-Shay, who at this time will be sitting on the boxes and listening to Brynjolf. To do this, you need to go around the pile of boxes on the other side and stand right behind the merchant. After drinking the potion "invisibility" and having turned on the stealth mode, you need to reach out to it and carefully put the Madesi ring in it (pocket) inventory.

A place beyond Brand Neck.

If you suddenly decide to take pity on Brand-Shay or decide to keep Madesi’s ring, then during your subsequent conversation with Brynjolf, tell him that you have lost it. He, of course, will not be happy about this, but as a result of this you can calmly move on to the next quest.

This quest can also be completed without picking locks or pickpocketing; to do this, you just need to wait until Brynjolf finishes distracting the residents gathered in the market with his conversations and then go into any house. You can also make a deliberate attempt to pickpocket, after which you will be caught and arrested by the vigilant city guards. Anyway, quest "Chance Meeting" will fail and after talking with Brynjolf, you can move on to the next quest.

After successfully completing the plan and talking with Brynjolf, you will receive a reward of 100 gold septims and the opportunity to join Thieves Guild, otherwise you won't get anything.


  • After this quest is successfully completed, you can find Brand-Neck in the cell Riften Prison. During a conversation with him, you can get the quest “Vague Memories” in which you can figure out his mysterious pedigree.
  • Once Brynjolf tells you about his plan, you will immediately receive a 30% bonus to pickpocketing, which will make tossing the ring much easier. After completing the quest, this bonus will be removed.
  • If you get caught then Madesi silver ring can be found in the "Evidence" chest in the Riften Prison.
  • Although this quest does not make you a full member of the Thieves Guild, upon completion you will become a master of the Stealth skill. Delvin Mallory will teach you.

Arrest of Brand-Shay.


Discussion on the forum

Quest stages

TG00 Maul Handler (TG00MaulHandler)
Stage Status Journal entries
10 Talk to Brynjolf about joining the Thieves Guild.
Chance Encounter (MS11b)
8 Brynjolf from Riften is involved in some shady dealings and he also convinced me to take part in one scam. (Objective is assigned) :Meet Brynjolf in daylight.
10 Steal Madesi's ring.
20 Toss the ring to Madesi.
30 Talk to Brynjolf.
200 (Objective is assigned) :Brynjolf's scam in Riften is over, and they promised me more money. It looks like this is the beginning of a profitable collaboration.
  • The following empty quest steps were not listed in the table:
    • TG00MaulHandler: 200.
    • TG00: 0.5.


  • Any text within angle brackets (for example, ) is a parameter set by the Radiant Quest engine that will be assigned a value when a quest is received.
  • Not all of the specified entries may appear in the game log: which entries appear and which do not depend on how the task is completed.
  • The stages are not always listed in the order in which the task is completed. This typically occurs with tasks that have multiple possible outcomes or where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
  • If an entry is marked as " Completing the task", this means that the task is removed from the list of active ones, but new records of the stages of execution of this task can continue to be added to the log.
  • When playing on a personal computer, you can use the console to progress through a quest by entering the command setstage (((ID))) stage, where quest is the in-game identifier of the quest, and stage is the number of the stage to which you want to go. However, it is not possible to move on to uncompleted (i.e., skipped) quest stages. However, using the console command resetquest (((ID))) you can reset the quest stage.
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