Choice of weapon. Choosing a T 54 gun, which top gun is better

20-08-2016, 01:20

Hi all for fans of World of Tanks, the site is with you! Friends, now we will talk about one of the most coveted vehicles, the legendary Soviet tier 9 medium tank, which, according to many, is considered an imba - here is the T-54 guide.

TTX T-54

Let's start with the obvious, because we have at our disposal a safety margin that is standard by the standards of ST classmates and a very decent basic overview of 390 meters, which can easily be increased to maximum values.

Now let’s look at the T-54’s armor characteristics and here we already have something to be proud of. The fact is that this unit has strong tower, which has a very ricochet shape and by taking the right position, you can get a lot of non-penetrations and ricochets.

The hull of our T-54 World of Tanks is softer, but the VLD is also located at a good angle, which allows for good tanking in some situations. As for the NLD, sides and stern, it is better to hide these parts of the “body”. Although, at a good angle and side you can tank.

Regarding mobility parameters, this is our next advantage. The Soviet T-54 WoT tank has a good maximum speed, which it confidently picks up and maintains thanks to the excellent power-to-weight ratio of the engine, and everything is fine with maneuverability.


If we consider the issue of weapons, then everything is very interesting. The fact is that we have two weapons to choose from that have very similar characteristics. But as you can see from the screenshots, the first T-54 gun, which you will have to go through in any case, although it has better armor penetration (quite slightly), it is inferior in accuracy and DPM.

However, in order for our unit to fully reveal itself, it is better to pump in a second cannon. Its main disadvantage, as you may have guessed, is the armor penetration parameter, so for a comfortable game it is advisable to carry more than 50% of the gold ammunition on the T-54 WoT.

Speaking of firepower, this barrel has a small one-time damage, but thanks to its good rate of fire, the T-54 World of Tanks tank is capable of delivering about 2500 units of damage per minute without additional equipment and perks.

In terms of accuracy, things are no worse. We have a small spread, which proper pumping it gets even better, fast aiming and good stabilization, which allows you to shoot at the target even right away.

But there is one more drawback: the T-54 tank of the USSR has uncomfortable angles vertical aiming, the barrel goes down only 5 degrees and you have to put up with it.

Advantages and disadvantages

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that this is indeed a very strong tank, endowed with big amount advantages, but like all the equipment in our game, this unit is also not without weaknesses and to make it easier for you to navigate, we will analyze them separately.
Serious armor, especially the turrets;
Excellent mobility indicators;
Decent review;
High damage per minute;
Good parameters of accuracy, convergence and stabilization.
Weak armor penetration;
Uncomfortable vertical aiming angles;
Small one-time damage.

Equipment for T-54

Looking at the weaknesses of this unit, we have no choice but to take care of increasing its advantages and this is wonderful. Thus, on the T-54 we install the following equipment:
1. – will make our damage per minute even more serious.
2. – will significantly increase the accuracy of the gun and allow you to shoot more effectively right away.
3. – improves crew performance by 5%, improving DPM, visibility, aiming, etc.

There is a good alternative to the third option -. This device is great for mobile medium tanks; it is especially relevant if you have not yet upgraded your crew.

Crew training

Choosing the right skills for each crew member is very important, because leveling up requires a lot of time, and the bonuses you receive greatly affect your comfort in battle. In view of this, for our four T-54 tankers, perks are learned in the following sequence:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

Equipment for T-54

As for the choice of consumables, in this case you can fully adhere to the standards. Keeping in mind the gold addiction of this machine, if you want to lose less money, take , , . However, by installing equipment in the form , , , on the T-54, you will more than once be saved from being sent to the hangar or allow yourself to be dragged into battle. By the way, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with one, we rarely burn, and boosting the characteristics is never superfluous.

Tactics for playing the T-54

There is no doubt that we have in our hands a very strong and creative tank, which can be used in completely different ways on the battlefield and, more often than not, everything will depend on the situation. However, to play effectively, you must learn to use all the advantages of your machine.

Thus, on the T-54, combat tactics are very diverse, but thanks to the high DPM, we are able to cope excellently with the support role. By covering allied heavy tanks from behind, or even tanking damage yourself, you can deal tons of damage and help push through directions.

Soviet medium tank The T-54 WoT does no worse with medium tanks. With a coordinated game, you can very quickly break through the flank, sending enemy after enemy into the hangar, using the same DPM and advantage in armor.

But remember, you should always take care of your safety margin and in order for you to have a greater chance of repelling enemy attacks, you cannot thoughtlessly push forward. Sometimes on the T-54 World of Tanks is better linger, take an advantageous position where it will be more difficult for enemy artillery to reach you, hide your body and play from the tower.

At the end of the battle, when there are few opponents left on the map, among which there are clumsy vehicles or heavily damaged tanks, you can play more relaxed, using the advantage in mobility and dynamics, spin the enemy and send him to the hangar.

In other words, there can be a lot of situations, you are required to monitor the mini-map, not expose yourself too much and try to act according to the situation, using the maximum of your capabilities. To make it easier for you to navigate, watch the T-54 medium tank video from our channel.

Comparison of top guns on the T-54

























The cost of shells for guns is the same and amounts to:

BB: 1230 (average damage: 320hp)

OF: 1170 (average damage: 420hp)

KS: 4800 / 12 (average damage: 320hp)

D-54 D-10t2s
Tank packaging
Perez Tank packaging
100% crew
8,2 100% crew
100% eq + dosyl
7,5 100% eq + dosyl
100% eq + refuel + valve
100% eq + refuel + valve
7,09 100% eq + refill + valve + BoBr

Briefly, you can sum it all up like this:


1. For a solo game of BB”hami

2. For a platoon game, BB”hami

The D-54 cannon is quite demanding when it comes to filling the tank. Requires mandatory installation of a vertical aiming stabilizer and upgrade of the gunner’s “Smooth turret rotation” perk. I didn’t experience any difficulties or discomfort in shooting with her. It’s better that I hit four shots out of five and hit three times, than I hit five shots out of five and hit two times.


1. For solo play by KS”ami

2. For platoon play with CS’s

3. For a platoon game, BB”hami

The gun has improved aiming characteristics and rate of fire, but we pay for it with an 18mm reduction in armor penetration. Is it a lot, or a little - 201mm armor penetration? In my opinion, this is very small (for example, Panther 2, level 8 ST has 203mm). But if 54ka is on the front line, or behind enemy lines, then this will be enough. Shooting a TT/PT8+ head-on will be a very random and unobvious matter. Placing the enemy's top tank/tank on the gusl in a frontal projection will also be a non-trivial matter.

As can be seen from a comparison of the characteristics of the guns, D-10t2s has a better rate of fire (by 5.33%), better accuracy (by 8.22%), better aiming (by 20.69%) and less weight (by 10%). In the same time, D-54 has 8.22% better armor penetration. The deltochka seems to be small (except for the aiming speed), but when put together, they make working with the gun very comfortable D-10t2s. The price to pay for this is decreased armor penetration, which will force you to bypass enemy tanks rather than attack them head-on. At the same time, compensate, or slightly smooth out the long convergence of the gun D-54 can be done by installing a vertical aiming stabilizer (the aiming circle is initially 20% smaller), upgrading the gunner's Smooth Turret Rotation (reduces the dispersion from turret rotation by 7.5%) and such shooting techniques as first aiming at the intended point of the shot (or the appearance of an enemy tank), or by upgrading the driver’s Smooth Move perk and reaching the target (reducing spread by 4%). At the same time, pumping up profile perks for the tank crew when installing a gun D-10t2s allows you to try to abandon the installation of a vertical stabilizer and, thereby, freeing up a slot for some other equipment.

On the work of KS”amiThe question of choosing a gun should not arise - only the D-10t2s: penetration with the D-54 is the same (330mm), the average damage is the same (320hp/shot), and the aiming, dispersion and rate of fire are better. That's whyyou can speculate about the choice of tools in the work of BB”khami. If a player prefers a cautious style of play, light, anti-light, or waiting with a further breakthrough to the rear, then, perhaps, the D-10t2s gun would be preferable. It comes down faster (working on enemy fireflies, working on artillery while on the move, working on the sides/stern of heavies during a breakthrough). If the player prefers fighting, a wolf pack, constant pressure, pressure, then I would recommend the D-54. Due to greater armor penetration, you can work from afar on strong foreheads and on sides with ugly angles. At the same time, when breaking through the defense, the firing distance is reduced to a minimum and a slightly greater convergence than that of the D-10t2s is no longer a pronounced disadvantage. Personally, if suddenly all the KSs are suddenly removed right now, I won’t hesitate for a second to throw out the D-10t2s and return the old D-54 - for me armor penetration is of the utmost importance, and I work at distances extremely close to the enemy, where you can hit from half-arch . The next tank in the development branch of the Soviet ST tank, the T-62a, opens through the D-54 gun, so it will definitely have to be explored. For some, the goal is to pump out the top of the branch, but for others, there is probably no particular point in spending 60 tons of experience on opening the D-10t2s cannon. But the T-54 tank is one of those that remain in the hangar even after the next tank is pumped out; it is very pleasant to operate and in battle. Those who have decided to definitely leave the 54k in their garage can first research and install the D-10t2s gun, followed by opening and researching the D-54 and T-62a guns, to bring the tank to the Elite state. Still, the D-10t2s cannon is much nicer than the old D-54 in terms of control and accuracy. But don’t have any illusions about its penetrating ability - most high-level enemies will only penetrate the sides and stern; it will not always penetrate even lower-level tanks. But everything changes when they come - KUMS!! A penetration of 330mm is enough to confidently defeat all opponents from any side and from any distance. Problems can only arise with penetrating the Ps10 into a diamond, the IS-7 head-on, and the T95 head-on from long distances due to the impossibility of getting into the penetrated zones. And don’t expect 110% penetration from the godfathers when hitting an enemy tank. There may be ricochets and “missed” and hits on screens, i.e. Hitting the silhouette offhand is counterproductive and it’s not about the price, but about not causing damage to the enemy. But in the same way, you can hit a Ps10 into a diamond from five hundred meters and really surprise them with your penetration, which will cause a stream of poop in the chat (well, this is like a balm for our souls). If the tank is at the top of the list, then you can try to do without godfathers, if at the bottom of the list, then godfathers are very desirable. And one rule is simply mandatory for owners of the D-10t2s gun: . This will be discussed below, in the column dedicated to our main opponents. Usually, 5-6 kums should be enough for a battle at the top of the list (T-54, E-75, TapoG, E-50 - head-on); For a battle against high-level opponents, it is advisable to have 12-15 godfathers in order to be guaranteed to punch everyone head-on. In order to work with the PA to break even on the T-54 with the godfathers, you need to shoot about 3 tons of damage and hit a couple of thousand. And, of course, to survive. This is the basic rule of working in plus. The tank is very expensive and without a PA it will be very problematic to work out a series of battles on it, perhaps even unrealistic - you need to be a “folder” of the highest standard. Therefore, do not consider the tank as a means of earning virtual silver; the tank provides fun from the game incomparable to any other.

Hello, dear readers! As you already understood, in this article we will talk about the legendary medium tank of the USSR - the T-54! In the photo you see a tank that stands in Orenburg in the park named after. Frunze. To be honest, when you look at him in person, you are filled with pride for our country, because he really is very cool

A little history.

The T-54 was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1946 and has been in mass production, constantly being modernized, since 1947. Since 1958, a modification called the T-55 has been produced, adapted for combat operations in conditions of the use of nuclear weapons. In 1961-1967, it was mainly replaced in production by the T-62 tank, created on its basis, but production of the T-55 continued until 1979. The tank became known for its highest reliability and simplicity, highly appreciated by many experts.

General performance characteristics and idea of ​​the tank.

I do not even know where to start! In my opinion, this is an ideal medium tank, which has speed, an accurate weapon and excellent mobility! An impenetrable turret and quite decent frontal hull armor. Penetration of cumulative ammunition as much as 350mm! This is enough to hit almost everyone in our game, which we will do every 6.7 seconds. Wonderful, isn't it? My battles on it are always very dynamic and interesting, playing on it is really fun, especially with gold, when you don’t have to particularly target vulnerable spots. In hand experienced player T54 is just a bending machine that simply smashes everyone, everywhere


Well, just great! The 120mm frontal armor of the hull at a good angle is not susceptible to guns with a penetration of 175mm and lower, and if you “dance” left and right, you can catch a ricochet from the guns of heavy tanks of level 10, which in my practice happened more than once or twice. The sides, like all CTs, are quite weak, 45mm, which can be penetrated by everyone without exception, and the artillery even likes to send us “suitcases” with a lot of damage. The forehead of the tower, the top one, of course, cannot be penetrated without gold by almost anyone except the PT, and then only if there is no rebound.

Ride quality.

Everything is great here too! The tank reaches its 50-55 km/h speed quite quickly even on poor soils, such as earth or sand. Maneuverability even at full speed is pleasing: sharp throws to the sides are given without problems, and this is especially important on open maps! Where heavy tanks usually drive very boringly, for example on water, the T54 even shows excellent results there, 20-25 km/h. In general, I would rate the cross-country ability as one of the best in the game, although I haven’t fought in all the tanks, I can clearly see this in battles.


T54 is one of the few tanks that has two top guns. The first (D-54), leading directly to T62a, is much worse than the second (D-10T2S), a dead end. Let's take a closer look at the first weapon and compare it with the second:
Caliber - 100mm for both;
The rate of fire is 7.32 for the first and 7.69 for the second. Very small + for D-10T2S collection.
Armor penetration - 219(201)/350/50. Yes, here the second loses, but, in fact, this difference in 18mm penetration at levels 9-10 does not play a special role.
Damage is the same 320/320/420.
Scatter – and this is where the fun comes in! The spread of the first is 0.39 per 100 meters! That's just terrible. STs must have accurate guns, unlike heavy guns, for which this is not so critical. The second gun has a dispersion of 0.35 per 100 meters, which is a pretty good indicator. Here it’s just a bold + in favor of the D-10T2S!
It’s time to aim – and here, too, the first gun loses. We can roughly assume that it takes a full second longer. This will not work. And one more + in favor of the D-10T2S.
To sum it up, you should explore the alternative gun first and ride with it! And ignore these 60 thousand experience, the pleasure from the game will be much greater with the D-10T2S!

Equipment and crew.

I have the following equipment installed: Stabilizer, rammer and optics. This is exactly the set I advise you to install! You can only think about replacing the stabilizer with drives or a box, but in my experiments, a stabilizer will be most effective.

As always, I advise you to upgrade your crew skills based on your experience. By the way, at the time of writing, my victory statistics on T54 is 58%.
Commander - light bulb, repair, brotherhood and eagle eye.
Gunner - repair, smooth rotation of the turret, brotherhood, sniper.
Mechanical drive - repair, smooth ride, brotherhood, king of off-road.
Gunner - non-contact BC, repair, brotherhood, radio interception.

Tank on the battlefield.

Let's remember the main tasks of medium tanks: protect the artillery from enemy light, outflank opponents and quickly move to where our allies need help. T54 copes with all this perfectly! It is also important not to forget that 2-3 medium tanks can kill even the heaviest beast, but only together! We shouldn’t imagine that we are heavy—we won’t live like that for long. A medium tank should use its capabilities for tactical purposes, and not try to “press with weight.” The T-54 does not have the same number of lives, armor, penetration and damage as heavy tank the same level. Medium tanks must operate in a group, attacking opponents from the flank, using artillery support; find and destroy enemy artillery, and in the end knock out the enemy’s main/defensive positions with an attack from the rear. And this is all done by t54


As a result, we have a fairly fast tank with good frontal protection, an accurate weapon, capable of moving quickly and punishing opponents! I consider it an ideal medium tank, because it is quite low, has a fast-firing gun and is able to be one of the first to occupy key positions. I haven't had so much fun playing CT for a long time. Everyone should try it in action! That's all for me, thanks for your attention! Happy fighting and shiny medals!

The article was prepared by ThePrizrak99 (soon the nickname will change to ShadowOfAngel)

T-54 or in common parlance “COARACHAN” is a medium tank with excellent dynamics, which provides variability in combat and is able to adapt to various tactics, both aggressive and games from the second line.

T 54 performance characteristics

In terms of its technical parameters, the characteristics of the T-54 look quite standard compared to its classmates. There is a good margin of safety and quite a decent viewing radius, which can be increased to the maximum. In terms of armoring the T-54, everything looks quite decent. A fairly strong ricochet-shaped turret deserves special attention, which, when choosing the right position, is guaranteed to provide the enemy with a lot of non-penetrations and ricochets. The body looks softer, however, the upper frontal part is located at the right angles, which allows it to take out damage well in certain situations. It is better to hide the lower frontal part, cardboard sides and stern: tanking in these places can only be done at very good angles, so it is better not to take risks. It should also be noted that it has good speed performance - the car accelerates well from a standstill and confidently maintains cruising speed. These characteristics are achieved due to a powerful engine. By the way, the dynamics and maneuverability of the T-54 are at the highest level.
It is necessary to clarify that the Soviet T-54 has nice bonuses: the turret, engine and gun are installed without pumping or purchasing the chassis.

Choosing a gun for the T-54

In terms of armament of the ST-Shki, everything also looks very extraordinary. At the discretion of the players, two variations of the turret gun are offered, with similar technical characteristics. However, if you carefully study all the parameters, the first gun is passable: it has a slight advantage in terms of armor penetration, but a significant drop in accuracy and DPM is noticeable.
Therefore, the obvious choice is to install the D-10 T2S, which will help fully reveal all the delights of playing the T-54. A slight lack of armor penetration is noticeable here, but the disadvantage can be offset by loading gold ammunition. By the way, causing exorbitant one-time damage D-10 T2S cannot boast, but this feature is more than compensated for by its excellent rate of fire. In the basic configuration, the T-54 can be oiled up to 2,500 damage per unit of time.

Accuracy and minimal spread allow you to confidently deal damage on the move. In addition, these indicators can be brought to the ideal by installing the appropriate equipment and pumping up the right crew skills. However, in this barrel of honey, there is a small fly in the ointment: vertical guidance angles are far from perfect. The gun has a declination angle of 5 degrees, which negatively affects the level of comfort in the game.

T-54 crew skills

The choice of crew skills should also be approached with maximum responsibility. The recommended skill set for four crew members is as follows:
For the commander - skill " Sixth sense».
For the gunner - skill " Smooth rotation of the tower».
Driver mechanic - skill " Smooth driving».
For the radio operator (loader) – skill “ Radio interception».
In addition to individual perks, it’s worth pumping out “ The Brotherhood of War », « Disguise», « Repair».
When choosing consumables, you can not deviate from the standard set of equipment: fire extinguisher, repair kit, first aid kit. By the way, a tank burns extremely rarely, so the fire extinguisher can be replaced with an additional ration
, to further increase the percentage of the crew’s skills.

T-54 equipment

To cover the existing shortcomings, the best option would be the following choice of additional modules:

  1. Rammer– will help make the damage per minute more terrifying.
  2. Stabilization– will give a bonus to the accuracy of the gun when firing while moving.
  3. Ventilation– increases all vehicle characteristics by 5%.

As an alternative to ventilation, you can install coated optics, but this choice remains at the discretion of the player: the T-54’s visibility is already quite good.

How to play T-54

If a technique is randomly thrown into the top, every effort must be made to implement the DPM as much as possible. To do this, you should not rush into the depths of the battle, but, turning your body at the right angle, methodically shoot your opponents. It is noteworthy that when positioned in a diamond formation, low-level enemies will not be able to penetrate the NLD and the sides. At the same time, you shouldn’t hang in one place for a long time: the roof takes hits from artillery well. Therefore, tactics may look like this: spotting the enemy, 2-3 aimed shots and changing position with disappearing from the spot.
When butting with cords, you can use two effective techniques:

  1. « Snake "- zigzag movement when approaching the enemy, when the T-54 converges with the heavy, the latter is usually sent to the hangar.
  2. « Mitten » - linear movement towards one side. When the enemy closes down and takes the necessary lead, there is a sharp change of course to the other side. The thrusts slowly reload and change the vector of fire. Therefore, there is time to openly pat the clumsy heavyweight.

T-54 reviews and conclusions

Having analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the Soviet medium tank T-54 and based on the characteristics considered, we can draw the first conclusions. It is noticeable that the T-54 has significantly more advantages, however, the technology also has obvious weaknesses. To get the big picture, it makes sense to summarize all the features, putting the pros and cons into separate categories.


  • Good armor parameters, especially in the turret area.
  • Dynamics, maneuverability and speed.
  • Almost perfect viewing radius.
  • Relatively good CSA.
  • High shooting performance: gun stabilization, accuracy, fast aiming.


  • Low armor penetration with a basic projectile.
  • Small damage (one-time).
  • Frankly weak UVN.

Based on these features, players need to choose equipment and crew perks in such a way as to cover the shortcomings and improve the strengths.

T 54 video

To successfully fight with the T 54, you need to know its characteristics and features that can be useful in battle. In front of you - detailed guide for this beautiful fighting machine.

We are glad to welcome all admirers and experts popular game World of Tanks, and today we want to talk about one of the most desirable vehicles for players - the legendary tank of the ninth level T-54.

Brief description of characteristics

So, you have at your disposal a standard safety margin and a quite decent basic visibility of 390 meters, and these indicators can be increased to the maximum possible values ​​without much difficulty.

As for the armor characteristics, the T-54 has something to be proud of: this tank has a strong ricochet-shaped turret, therefore, by taking a strategically correct position, the player can get many non-penetrations.

The body of this vehicle is somewhat softer, but the VLD is located at a good angle, which allows for good maneuvering in some situations. As for the stern, sides and NLD, it is still better to hide these parts of the “body” from impact.


What can be said about mobility parameters? Perhaps the only thing is that this is an obvious advantage Soviet tank ahead of other vehicles, because the T-54 is able to gain and maintain the maximum permissible speed thanks to the excellent specific power of the engine. As for maneuverability, the tank is also completely fine with this.

Advantages and disadvantages of a combat vehicle

As you probably already understood from all of the above, we have before us a truly powerful machine, endowed with a sufficient number of advantages. And yet this technique is not without weaknesses that cannot be ignored. So here they are:

  • uncomfortable elevation angles (the barrel goes down only 5 degrees);
  • weak armor penetration;
  • relatively small one-time damage.

Looking at the disadvantages of the Soviet tank, there is nothing left to do but take care of increasing its advantages. To do this, you can install additional weights that will allow:

  • make the damage inflicted on the enemy per minute more serious;
  • significantly increase the accuracy of the gun, which, in turn, will contribute to more effective shooting;
  • improve crew performance by 5%, while simultaneously improving visibility, DPM, aiming, etc.

It is especially worth considering that correctly selected skills for each individual crew member are extremely important, because otherwise, leveling up will take much more time, and missing bonuses can negatively affect your comfort in battle.

Well, in conclusion - about the “pleasant”, that is, about the advantages of the T-54:

  • excellent mobility indicators;
  • quite a decent review;
  • serious armor, especially at the tower;
  • high damage inflicted on the enemy per minute;
  • excellent parameters of convergence, accuracy and stabilization.

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