Explosive kittens how to play. Board game Exploding cats

If you are tired of voluminous and complex board games, in which it will be difficult to hope to win without thinking through the next move, then Exploding Kittens is exactly what you need! This game is a mixture of and other similar board games. All you need in this game is to have the right cards in your hand and hope for luck, because if you draw an explosive kitten, everything can end in disaster! The game is designed for a company of up to 5 people and takes very little playing time. This is a great choice for people who want to relax in a friendly and fun atmosphere!

Review and rules of the board game Exploding Kittens

In this review, we will get acquainted with a truly explosive, but very cute game - Explosive Kittens.

At one time, this project really made a lot of noise, collecting almost $9 million on Kickstarter with the support of almost two hundred thousand sponsors from all over the world, breaking all possible records. Now this game is available in Russian and it’s time to get to know it better.

Kittens are sold traditionally - in a box, although given that the game consists of only 56 cards, it could be smaller.

Beginning of the game

So we have a playing deck and a few cards in our hands. On your turn, you can play as many cards as you like, but at the end you must draw a card. If there, you are blown up and out of the party.

Each player even initially has one card Neutralization, which will help you stay in the game longer by shuffling the explosive kitten back into the deck.

Cards Favors steal cards from the opponent's hand.

Skipping a turn allows you not to take risks and not pull a card from the deck.

Attack forces your opponent to take an extra card instead of you.

You can also look into the Future and find out the upcoming cards, or shuffle the deck if a furry bomb is dangerously close.

Any cards except kitten and neutralize can be canceled special card No.

You can also combine cards into special combos, which will help you steal cards from your opponent or even from the discard pile even more sophisticatedly.

Exploding Kittens is not a geeky game at all, but rather fun entertainment for a small group. In addition to the regular one, there is also the so-called prodigal version. It is distinguished by the complete redesign of all cards with an extreme degree of vulgarity, for fans of this business.

Review of the game

Exploding Kittens is a very simple party game that you can play while turning off your brain.

This is a kind of Russian roulette, where you can draw cards and act according to their instructions, but you can also try to follow some tactics, and this also works here.

However, there is no great depth, serious strategy and tactics in this game and you shouldn’t expect this from it at all. Still, it is intended primarily for entertainment.

Perhaps the only obvious negative for the game, given its class and genre, is probably the price. It seems to us that 1,500 rubles for a box with 56 cards, no matter how hit they are and no matter how successful this project is, is somehow too much.

This game is most suitable for people who are either not familiar with board games, or for people who don’t want to think, don’t want to bother their heads, but just want to have fun with such a fun, easy and very short game. The average game lasts about 20 minutes.

Video review of the board game Exploding Kittens

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1. Remove all Explosive Kittens (4) and Defuse (6) cards from the deck.

2. Shuffle the remaining cards and deal 4 to each player.

3. Then deal one Defuse card to each player. Ultimately, everyone has 5 cards. Only you can see your cards.

Defuse Cards This is the only card that can save you from Exploding Kitten. After playing the Defuse card after an explosion, instead of losing, you continue the game and return Explosive Kitten to the deck anywhere in the deck.

Tip: You can never have too many Defuse cards.

4. Put enough Explosive Kittens back into the deck. There should be one less than the number of players.

Remove extra Explosive Kittens from the game.

5. Return the remaining Defuse cards back to the deck.

Layout for two Place only two in the deck additional cards Defuse. Remove the remaining two from the game. Layout for 5+ players Simply combine two or more decks to play with big amount

players. Adjust the number of Exploding Kittens depending on the number of players so that there is always one less Kitten than there are players. For example: if you are playing 9, put 8 Exploding Kittens.

6. Shuffle the deck and place it face down in the middle of the table. This is your deck.

General Information You have a deck of cards containing several Exploding Kittens. The game goes like this: You lay the deck face down and draw cards one at a time until someone draws an Exploding Kitten.

When this happened, this player exploded. He was eliminated from the game.


If you explode, you lose.

And you're full of regret.

If you don't explode, you win!

Good job, buddy.

And all other cards simply reduce the chance of exploding.

For example

You can Peek into the future by looking at the top three cards in the deck. And if you find an Explosive Kitten there, then it’s time to Skip your turn and avoid an annoying defeat.


1. Play a card from your hand, placing it face UP in the discard space, then perform the card's action. Or don't play any cards at all. This is also possible.

2. After performing a card action, you can play any number of more cards during the turn.

3. Finally, you end your turn by drawing a card from the deck, hoping it's not Exploding Cat, and putting it into your hand.

(This is different from most other board games; you draw a card AT THE END of your turn.)

Players move clockwise.

PAIRED CARDS Some cards have no effect on their own. These cards must be played in Pare or in Special Combo

. If you played Paired Cards, choose another player and a card from their hand (at random).

  • You can count how many cards are left in the deck.
  • The deck will definitely not run out during the game, so there is no need to shuffle the discard pile and the main deck.
There is no minimum or maximum cards in hand. If you run out of cards in your hand, there is no special action to draw more. Keep playing. You draw at least one more card on your next turn.

Example of a Move 1. You decide to play a card.

Look into the future 2. Looking at the top three cards, you find that the card you are drawing is.

Explosive Kitten

3. You decide to Attack your opponent, thereby ending your turn and forcing him to draw two cards.

4. The opponent was not easy. He uses a No card, which cancels your Attack, so it's still your turn.

5. In any case, you don’t want to draw Explosive Kitten, so you decide to play the Shuffle card, thereby shuffling the deck randomly. 2. Looking at the top three cards, you find that the card you are drawing is 5. From a shuffled deck, you draw a card and hope it doesn't

. Good luck. You are not required to use any cards. Card Quick Reference Exploding Kittens 4 Cards You must reveal this card immediately. If you don't have a Defuse card, you lose. Discard all your cards, including Exploding Kitten, to the discard pile. DISARM 6 cards If you draw Explosive kitten

, you can play this card instead of losing.
1. Place your Defuse card into the discard pile. Exploding Kitten 2. Then take

, without touching or looking at the rest of the cards, put it back anywhere in the deck.

Want to scare the player after you? Place the Kitten as the topmost card. You can keep the deck under the table so that no one but you can see where you put the card. Your turn ends by playing a Defuse card (Unless you have to move multiple times, of course). Exploding Kitten.

No 5 cards Stops any action except the Defuse card and

Imagine that any card (or Pair or Special Combo) under the No card no longer exists.

You can also play No on another No card. In short, No to No – it works legally. And one more thing: the NO card can be played at any time, even if it is not your turn.

Attack 4 Cards Ends your turn without drawing cards and forces the next player to move twice in a row. The victim of the Attack card moves as usual: plays cards, then draws.

If the victim of an Attack card plays the Attack card itself, its turn also immediately ends without drawing cards, and the next player makes two moves in a row.

If you played an Attack card and someone played a No card to your attack, this means that it is still your turn and you need to draw a card. While the next player DOES NOT have to move twice in a row.

No cards neutralize any cards underneath them, making it as if the Attack card had never been played. 2. Looking at the top three cards, you find that the card you are drawing is Skip 4 Cards Immediately ends your turn without drawing any cards. If you played the Pass card as a defense on the Attack card, then this cancels only one of the two moves. Two Skip cards will cancel both moves. Borrow 4 Cards Forces any other player to give you one card from their hand. He chooses which one to give. Shuffle 4 cards Shuffle the deck, regardless of what cards are there. It's useful if you know that on the way. To take a card at random from your opponent, play two identical cards into the discard pile.

For example, if you have two Takotas, you can play them as an action and choose your victim. This player must take his cards, and you draw from his hand at random.

Three of a Kind - Time to Fish After playing three of a kind, you can name the card you want to receive, and the selected player must give it to you.

If he doesn't have a named card, you're a loser and get nothing. So pay closer attention to those who have Defuse cards.

Card icons You can play any card like two or three if their icons in the upper left corner match.

For example, each Shuffle card has a different illustration, but the icon is always the same. So, instead of playing Shuffle cards to shuffle the deck, you can play them as a pair and steal the card you want from your opponent. Five different - steal from the discard pile If you have played any 5 different cards

with different icons, you can take any one card from the discard pile.

(Grab the bat quickly to select a card before no one uses the No card) The modern world enthusiastically views photographs and videos of kittens, whose mischief causes attacks of tenderness and peace in the souls of millions of people. It's nice to watch someone's vase fall onto the floor from the nightstand, taking with it an expensive TV and game console . And among the fragments, a sweet creature purrs, which there is no strength or opportunity to scold. If these fluffy lumps blew up half the world, the remaining (surviving) half of the population would only cry with emotion... Today on the Pink Sofa is the explosive board game “Explosive Kittens” ().

Exploding Kittens

If you have a passion for all-destructive pyrotechnics and enjoy inhaling powder gases while stroking your beloved cat, then there is entertainment for you, the madness of which is beyond any doubt. You will be able to blow up your friends with the help of kittens, to the touching admiration of the other temporarily surviving players. You will disappear in a whirlwind of absolutely unpredictable events, see incomprehensible worlds, learn the essence of the Universe and become a superhero. Although, what am I talking about...

Stickers placed on your camping gear will let everyone around you know that in front of them is a seasoned cat blaster, who every summer sunbathes in the light of napalm in the shadow of a radioactive mushroom.

Four explosive kittens bring immediate death to anyone who decides to disturb their sleep, and also distract them from important and necessary matters.

In addition to the explosive ones, there are five more types of kittens in the stack, one crazier than the other. Actually, these cards are useful for making combinations, and in themselves will not bring any benefit (or harm).

Of course, looking at kittens is useful, but... we need to act, and urgently! Five types of cards will allow you to avoid encounters with explosive kittens, look at the top cards in the deck, shuffle the pile, steal useful actions from your opponent, or skip a turn. Enchanting drawings will either lift your spirits or put your brain into standby mode...

There is an opportunity to protect yourself from all this madness - you can neutralize an overly playful kitten, as well as cancel the tricks played by “friendly” rivals.

How cute he is!

So, are you ready to plunge into the abyss of madness and chaos? Oh yes... What I'm asking is, if you've read up to this point, you're definitely ready. Well, it's time to put aside the "explosive kittens" and "defuse" cards, shuffle the remaining deck...

... and deal four cards to each opponent, adding to them the only chance of salvation - the opportunity to neutralize the explosive kitten. After that, cute and fluffy explosive kittens are mixed into the general pile in an amount one less than the number of players. We're ready to start!

First of all, choose the “lucky one” who will make the first move. This should be the most positive, cheerful person, hovering in rosy clouds and believing in his luck. Let this day become a turning point in his life and change his worldview...

But, this will happen a little later, but for now he may (or may not) play a card from his hand and must perform its action (read about the possible consequences in the booklet). Then another card and another... And so on until you get bored (or the cards run out). However, at the end of his turn, he will be required to take one card from the deck, unless he cancels this rule by his actions.

And from the deck, as you already guessed, you can pull out an explosive kitten, which, naturally, will tear you into corpuscles. But, there is a possibility to neutralize it. However, don’t rush to rejoice: the “defuse” card goes into the discard pile, but the kitten returns to the deck. Yes, it’s bad: there is no protection, but there are kittens! Meanwhile, madness takes its course...

Of course, rivals play various tricks and surprises on each other, trying to slip an explosive kitten to their neighbor. Many of them can be canceled by exclaiming: “No!” and laying out the corresponding card (this can also be done on someone else’s turn). But to “no” there can always be another “no”, and to this another, and another. So don’t flatter yourself, who knows how this whole mess will end...

Regular cats are useful for making combinations: two identical kittens will allow you to take a random card from your opponent’s hand, three will allow you to take a card of your choice (if your opponent has one), and five different ones will allow you to take any card from the discard pile (this can be a life-saving “defuse”)!

Ultimately, an inevitable fate will overtake almost everyone except one: the general deck becomes thinner and is not replenished by discards, the number of explosive kittens in it does not decrease, so someone has to explode. And, of course, he explodes to the delight of the others, leaving the game. The remaining player, badly burned from the explosions, with an “eternal” smile on his face, joyfully meows Mendelssohn’s waltz...

Cat explosion at home

I have long wanted to hold this remarkable “tabletop” in my hands. The fact is that Exploding Kittens raised $8,782,571 for Kickstarter(third place in the entire existence of the platform for public financing of projects, and first among board games). Agree, this is more than a high figure, which... is real madness, comparable to the game.

Exploding Kittens has no strategy, no tactics, no wooden components and no plastic figures, no playing field, there are no intricate cardboard counters and rondels of resources, no counters and... In a word, there is nothing here except kittens. So why such a phenomenal result?! It’s all very simple: the authors caught the “wave” of universal affection for kittens, and, having skillfully played the version of “Russian Roulette”, created a gaming deck with enchanting drawings.

The rules are simple to the point of madness, game process full of adrenaline and fun, positive in everything - and here you have a worldwide hit. I doubt that a similar “board game”, for example, with owls, will repeat the success of kittens, but... if I were the authors, I would try it, since owls are also in trend now...

An entertaining game for fans of cats (you will be touched by looking at them), for opponents of cats (you will be happy by blowing them up), as well as for other cheerful people who want to cheer up and go a little crazy in their free time...

"Explosive Kittens" - bomb card game for the company, created jointly by Xbox chief designer Ilan Lee, MARVEL and Xbox artist Shane Small, and The Oatmeal comic creator Matthew Inman.

After a stunning success on Kickstarter (about $9 million), the cute but explosive game Exploding Kittens has gained wild popularity with about 50 million people playing it worldwide.

A fiery version of Russian Roulette

In addition to explosions and kittens, players will be treated to an action-packed strategic confrontation in the style of Russian Roulette, clever setups, chance and, of course, unique stylish humor. Have you met a fluffy potato cat or pancake cat? Did you know that Tacocat is a palindrome and can be read both ways? Have you suspected the existence of goat magic? - Meet, get to know and see for yourself, but try not to explode with laughter and overwhelming cuteness!

Highly strategic game with simple mechanics

Playing "Explosive Kittens" is very simple, but don't relax - the game requires attentiveness and cold-blooded calculation. These are not ordinary cute kittens, but predators stuffed with explosives. All cards in the set have their own purposes and properties. So, having pulled out the Explosive Kitten, the player immediately ignites and leaves the game, burning with frustration and fatal bad luck.

However! You can always: attack your neighbor by letting down your gorgeous back hair or awakening Medvedantel, running away in panic and leopard-skin shorts, sending a Cat Storm or learning to say NO! with the help of Moose, who denies everything. Moreover, an explosive kitten can always be neutralized by shining a Laser, feeding it a Peppermint Sandwich, or calling a Cat Therapist.

Elementary rules

This dangerous and exciting game has very simple rules:

  • Shuffle the deck.
  • Draw a card (you hit an Explosive Kitten - you lose, another card comes out - take it for yourself, it will come in handy).
  • Use cards from your hand (attack, substitute, look into the future, say “No!”, shuffle the cards in the deck, run away, rush in pairs at once - act like a mischievous cat).
  • Hold on until the end (try not to explode, don't let the kittens fool you!).

D For advanced cat breeders, special Combos are provided: Two identical (take a random card from a neighbor), Three identical (you can name the card you want to get) or Five different (after playing all 5 cards, take a card from the bat).

A game for those who are obsessed with kittens and explosions

A game “Explosive Kittens” is a dynamic, action-packed card game for any company (2-5 players). World-famous creators, unique humor, unique design, popularity on all continents and recognition from board game connoisseurs - the project has it all necessary characteristics to be called successful.

Here is the Explosive (classic) version of the board game Exploding Kittens.
Explosive Kittens is a cool, fun card game for a group, built on the principle of Russian roulette. Players take turns drawing cards from the deck until they draw an Exploding Kitten... and then BOOM! He blows up the participant, and he flies out of the game. In the end, there should only be one sapper cat left.

But not everything is so simple! There are many more action cards, attacks, neutralizations, etc. in the deck. The game is designed very cheerfully and brightly, so get ready to get a good dose of good mood.

Participants in the game receive several cards in their hands, and the rest of the deck is placed face down on the table.
On their turn, players first play as many cards as they want from their hand, performing their action, and then draw the top card from the deck into their hand. Well, they pray, of course, that the Explosive Kitten doesn’t get caught there.
If the player does pull out the Exploding Kitten, there is one remedy! If he has a Defuse card in his hand, it will deactivate the explosion. The Defuse card is discarded and the Bomb Kitten is shuffled back into the deck. There are a total of 6 Defuse cards in the deck (so take care of them), and there are always one fewer booby-trapped kitten cards than there are participants.

Action cards will help the player avoid or delay the moment of receiving the Exploding Kitten card. For example, skip a move, shuffle the deck, or look into the future by looking at the top 3 cards in the deck. An attack card will force the attacked player to draw two cards from the dangerous deck at once. However, you can fight off the attack, for example, with the Denying Elk card. And don’t say that such moose don’t exist; in this game, Denying Moose is the most realistic character.

On his turn, a player can play as many cards from his hand as he wants, or he may not do so at all. However, at the end of the turn he must take a card from the deck.

Explosive Kittens - simple and fun game for a company of 2 to 5 people. The principle of Russian roulette keeps players in constant tension, and the desire to set up or attack an opponent only adds to the fun atmosphere.

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