Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough

I see that suddenly there are so many connoisseurs and smart people, typing with a slight movement of their fingers about how the second part is a *sh*t game because of the stupid plot with hipsters, and the first is all an exquisite neo-noir. The second part of “dogs” is much better than the first.

Yes, yes, even all this stupid frivolity helped the sequel a lot. This allowed the game to make a lot of crazy episodes and for once diversify the additional missions (an awesome achievement for Ubisoft, let’s be honest). Even if occasionally, the creators managed to have some good banter with such presentation. I remember references to “Alien” and “Predator”, creative screensavers of “Dedsec” itself, a very funny episode with hacking ATMs, where you analyzed people through a camera and, according to your convictions, gave/did not give them money; I also remember a parody of Martin Shkreli, the hated billionaire pharmacist who loves hip-hop (the way his main characters fooled him was really funny). There was an excellent episode with switching between all the main characters: Wrench created anarchy to mediocre rock, Sitara parkoured to low-grade electronics. Yes, a lot what have fun in the second part it was. It’s just that the script was written by adults who know little about the current trends in Internet culture. The unexpected reference to the film “Short Circuit” and the general hypertrophy of all this carbon nonsense confirms this. And it’s easier for people to think with prejudices. Why try to delve into something, if all the shortcomings lie on the surface, and your hate is supported by generally popular opinion, easy fame, in our case, likes.

What’s in the original? Neo-noir at the level of stereotypes - Aiden Pearce in a coat with a deliberately sore throat, very secondary archetypes of the criminal world and even with hacker ones to boot (punk, visually simple hacking, mega-hacks). The soundtrack played for the atmosphere in the first part, a couple of missions in the style of the first minutes of the movie "Drive" and at times gloomy weather, that's all. The audio recordings added a little depth, but for the most part they gave a clearer understanding of the motivation of Maurice and Default (in a rat mask), praised by narrow-minded players. The gloomy ambience of the first part does not work , because, unfortunately, he is not backed up by anything. Aiden Pearce is not Agent 47. There is no point in being an overly depressed phlegmatic person. This causes so many complaints from me due to the fact that he sometimes behaved like a generally ordinary person .Apparently, such an image suits the elegantly staged trailer, and revenge is the ideal basis for constructing a simple plot. I don’t argue, the game had its moments: T-Bone with his crazy set of traps, again moments in the spirit of the tense introduction in “Drive”, partly the ending, in which Aiden understood that the people's avenger was getting rid of garbage at the expense of his happy life.

The debut “work_together” was clearly made schematically and without enthusiasm, as if the developers relied only on the stand-out concept of hacking, and there was no talent to tell the story with all these impressive resources of the campaign. That’s why the second part so suddenly became positive, because it was too mundane immediately ties his hands.

_Age: 39

_Location: Owl Motel, Parker Square

_Fraction: Hacker

Aiden Pierce is a skilled computer hacker who has full access to the city of Chicago's central operating system (ctOS) and is obsessed with surveillance, security, and control. People close to him have suffered seriously in the past, and to avoid a repeat of the events, Aidan has become much more careful. His obsession has reached such a degree that he has begun to control his own family, although the latter are unaware of it. He is the main character in Watch_Dogs and is described as someone who tries to always be neutral. Thanks to his Profiler, Aiden can access control of any computer system around him at any time. This allows him to control the entire city and use it as a weapon. It can both jam and listen to telephone conversations, and control traffic lights, sliding bridges, interfere with the movement of electric trains, connect to city surveillance cameras, etc.

Appearance: appears to be a white male of average height with medium length brown hair. He wears black boots and jeans, a light gray sweater, a dark brown coat and an olive-colored baseball cap. He also occasionally wears a black buff over his nose and mouth to hide his face. At the time the events of the game's plot begin, Aiden is 39 years old.

Story: Aiden was born in Belfast, which is located in Northern Ireland, but is a US citizen. The local police have a warrant for his arrest and Pierce has to always be on alert and avoid any contact with law enforcement. The reasons why his family moved to America are unknown, but presumably due to his desire to break away from the criminal world. Aiden grew up in a disadvantaged area and is used to seeing violence around him, so it is not surprising that this dirt suddenly engulfs him. It was Pierce's criminal past that led to a serious family tragedy that pushes him to gain control of all of Chicago. He uses the city as his weapon to find and hunt the people who caused this misfortune. In order to protect his loved ones from harm, he monitors them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in secret from them. Unfortunately, his family will be threatened once again and Pierce is forced to take justice into his own hands to fight against a corrupt system, using any means necessary.

It's time to talk about the most hyped game of 2014. I haven’t heard of it, except perhaps the laziest player. A lot of news, articles, trailers showed this game from different sides. There are rumors that two days before the release this game was leaked to the Internet. Has such enormous fame benefited this new product? Meet the most anticipated game of 2014: .

Watch Dogs plot

We are transported to a parallel universe in which science and information are integral parts of human society. The action will take place in the American city of Chicago, in which everything is controlled by the Operating System (Civil OS). This means that everything from traffic lights to water supply and from the personal data of all residents to the electricity supply is controlled by one network. This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s good that now many people are not required to control many vital aspects, but on the other hand, all city services can fall into the hands of hackers.

One of these hackers is a guy named Aiden Pearce. He knows how to hack the most secure services and networks. One day he goes on a mission with a friend to collect as much money as possible. Aiden acts according to plan, but his friend begins to interfere where they are not asked and steal secret data. Because of one file, the hunt begins for Aiden and his friend.

The fate of his friend remains unknown, and the fate of Aiden Pearce becomes dark and sad. On one of their trips out of town, assassins shoot at Aiden's car and accidentally kill his niece. Several weeks have passed, but neither Aiden nor his sister can recover from the terrible loss. In addition, Aiden conducts his own personal investigation in order to find out who is to blame for the death of his own niece.

Why did someone close and dear to Aiden die? What's going on in Chicago and how are people being brainwashed?

You have to take control of a very stylish and cool hacker of all times in order to save the city from a possible disaster in the face of a gangster group.

Watch Dogs Gameplay

The gameplay is reminiscent of the Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row games. We will play from a third-person perspective, since the camera is mainly located behind the back of the main character. Unlike the Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row games, we are not allowed to kill civilians. In this game, on the contrary, we will defend law and order. To be honest, the developers managed to create their Grand Theft Auto without unnecessary violence and cruelty. Although in some places this game is similar to Assasin's Creed. Playing Watch Dogs is interesting, although sometimes difficult. Killer shootouts were diversified with races and chases, and races and chases (in turn) were diversified with mini-games with hacking (by the way, these mini -games are reminiscent of Deus Ex: Human Revolution). In addition to story-based shootouts, hacking and chases, the game has many other mini-games, as well as various tasks. In short: you won’t get bored in the game.

A separate element of the gameplay can be called hacking. You can hack everything: traffic lights, electrical panels, steam pipes, metal barriers, explosives, smartphones and many other devices that are connected to the network. You can make your task easier by hacking this or that object, and also help yourself during the chase by raising barriers or opening a bridge at the right time. This not only amazes you in the early stages of the game, but also doesn’t get boring at the end of the game. These abilities are provided in the form of a skill tree.

As we know, the next part of the game about hackers Watch Dogs 2 went on sale the other day. This time you will play for another hero named Marcus in the city of San Francisco. But the developers did not forget about the fans of the first part and therefore added several old characters. In this article we will introduce all the watch dogs 2 characters.

Marcus Holloway from watch dogs 2

Marcus Holloway- the main character in the game Watch Dogs 2. Marcus is a talented hacker who teamed up with the hacker group DedSec in the city of San Francisco to fight against the corrupt ctOS system.

Wrench from watch dogs 2

Rench- Member of the DedSec group, Marcus's best friend and professional hacker. DedSec knows a guy who is part of a hacker group and is also a full-fledged anarchist. A rather ambiguous personality, no one knows who he is, as Wrench wears a fancy mask with an LED display at eye level that shows various emotions in the form of emoticons.

Sitara from watch dogs 2

Sitara- is also a member of DedSec and, accordingly, an ally of Marcus.

Joshua from watch dogs 2

Joshua- the most humane of the entire DedSec group. Rarely expresses his opinion, but is an important member of the group. Joshua is the “brain” of this cell, the main coder. Any technical issue is resolved through him. This hacker can hack anything, bypass any firewall.

Raymond "T-Bone" Kinney from watch dogs 2

Raymond "T-Bone" Kinney- also known as T-Bone Grady is the deuteragonist of Watch Dogs, the main protagonist of Watch Dogs: Bad Blood, and the main character of Watch Dogs 2.

Ranch Junior from watch dogs 2

Ranch Junior— robot companion of DedSec.

Other characters in Watch Dogs 2

All the main characters of Watch Dogs 2 were presented above, but here are all the other characters, from minor ones to antagonists:

Horace- Marcus Holloway's ally, hacker.
Dumash Nemech- The main antagonist of the game. CEO of Blume Corporation.
Mark Truss- antagonist. A congressman who plans to rig the election.
Lenny- An antagonist who is the leader of the hacker group Prime_Eight.
Aiden Pearce- a hacker who left Chicago after the events in the first part. Ally of Marcus.
Geordie Chin- eliminater. Hired Marcus to eliminate the Russian mafia.
Zodiac- Antagonist in the DLC mission.

In the 2nd part of the Watch Dogs game, the characters are noted for their unusualness, because in the universe of the technological future it cannot be otherwise. Here, each person has his own character and views on the world, worked out to the smallest detail. The developers took care of this so that players would be interested in following the developing history of the project.

The world of digital achievements

According to gaming legend, this is our time, but technology has gone far ahead. In Watch Dogs, characters can hack literally any device using a cell phone. Here we are talking about the main characters of the two parts. They are completely different from each other and almost unrelated. The protagonist of the original game, Aiden Pearce, appears in only one mission called “Shadows,” where he crosses paths with his colleague Marcus Holloway. It was his role that gamers took on in the second part.

People have already managed to get acquainted with all the personalities of the first part, and now everyone is interested in new stories from the sequel. Throughout the entire advertising campaign, the developers stirred up the interest of the crowd, and people rushed to look for any information.

The plot of the second part

In order to better understand what the hackers are trying to achieve in the sequel, it is worth knowing the plot of Watch Dogs 2. The names of all the characters here have nicknames - pseudonyms on the network so that they cannot be identified. The story begins with the fact that people stop believing the huge corporations that own all the digital developments of the new time.

Computer systems independently determine the level of threat and the likelihood of a person committing a crime. The same device completely controls the city of San Francisco and all areas of human activity. The Blume company and its allies decided to take possession of this system, but hackers from the DedSec organization found out about this. The reaction was severe, as radical young people did not want to allow their lives to be controlled by anyone other than themselves. A struggle began, in which the most modern technologies were involved. Burglars even destroyed entire corporate buildings by blowing up props, and in retaliation they tried to catch and bring to justice their enemies. No one knows how long this struggle would last, but the main protagonist appeared.

Marcus Holloway

In Watch Dogs, the characters can't match the charisma of the sequel's protagonist. This young man, whose name is Marcus Holloway, has an incredible mind and talent for hacking information systems. He grew up in Oakland, California. The family never had enough money to educate the boy, as they lived in poverty.

From an early age, the guy’s selfishness made him promise to carve out a place in the sun for himself. It was for this purpose that he moved to San Francisco, where he planned to start a peaceful life and find a decent job. Plans went in a different direction when the city's ctOS management system assigned him the profile of a high-level criminal. Thus, the end of his career was put, and Marcus himself did not want to put up with it. He joins the DedSec organization and begins his struggle to destroy the unjust order in the metropolis.

Even before the release of the project, all the fans who saw photos of the characters in Watch Dogs 2 liked the guy. He is dark-skinned behind a mask and glasses, and at first glance looks defiant. His motives are clear, and gamers happily sat down to play, knowing what they needed to fight for in the person of Marcus Holloway.


In the first videos, trailers and art, a masked character appeared in Watch Dogs 2. Nobody knew who this guy was, but his secrecy and anarchist views captivated many fans. The appearance of this DedSec member is unknown to anyone, as he carefully hides it under a black mask with spikes. Another special feature of this device is that there are small screens at eye level. With their help, the character in the form of emoticons demonstrates his own emotions to his interlocutors.

After Marcus joined the hacker association, it was Wrench who became his main ally and closest friend. His character can be viewed from two sides. A negative feature of this person is his constant rudeness towards others. For him there are no authorities, and anarchy throughout the world is considered the goal of life. On the other hand, he is cheerful, loves to joke, and never backs down in the face of danger. He is ready to put his back on the line for the sake of his friends, and thanks to this, other characters in Watch Dogs 2 lose to him. Ranch in the FBI report appears to be a secretive man who does not really like to be in the company of girls.


It is said that a wealthy life, an upper-class upbringing, and social advantages often do not suit children with rebellious personalities in wealthy families. This is exactly what happened to Sitara, who was the heir to the great American dynasty. Instead of secure studies at universities, she dropped out of school and began to rob people who deserve it, according to her principles.

Later it turned out that her parents were not sinless. They also circumvent laws and try to increase wealth through dishonest means. The girl saw her calling in leading the DedSec organization. In terms of appearance and stamina, she is inferior to all the characters in the game Watch Dogs 2. Sitara decided to “borrow” money for the movement from her parents, and thanks to her, the hackers have advanced feelings for the main character and understand the injustice that happened in his life. In addition, Sitara is considered the lead designer in the organization. Her voice is used by DedSec to make statements online in her name.

Raymond Kinney

In Watch Dogs 2, the main characters have no backgrounds associated with the original game, unless you count Raymond Kinney. This middle-aged man goes by two other aliases: Ray and T-Bone Grady. Sometimes he is called a man of mystery, because even Wrench, who initially conflicted with him, is unable to understand what is on his mind. His appearance differs only in his hairstyle and piercings. He is not picky when it comes to clothes; he always chooses a regular T-shirt or gray shirt, as well as faded jeans.

The hero has his own drug - hacking of prohibited objects. If somewhere in the world an organization hides access to data, T-Bone’s task becomes to get it by any means necessary. For this, he is being hunted by many secret organizations, including the FBI and CIA. In the second part, Marcus managed to make friends with Raymond and learned from him that he participated in the development of the long-suffering city management system ctOS. As a result, together they found a way to destroy it and defeat their enemies.

Dusan Nemech

The culprit of all the troubles of ordinary people and the main enemy of Marcus Holloway is Dusan Nemech. In Watch Dogs, characters who crave power are grouped around him. This guy was a genius of his age who spent almost no time outside. Since childhood, he had no friends, and he grew up on the Internet. There he studied technology, followed new products and dreamed of creating something of his own. His Slavic origin did not prevent him from going to San Francisco and developing a completely new technology there.

He gradually climbed the career ladder until he became Blume's chief technology officer. The high post gave more opportunities, and after a few months Nemech received access to adjusting the ctOS 2.0 system. This fact confirms that with this power he can control people's lives and run the city at will. His annual income is more than $110 million, but this is not enough for him. It is not known exactly when the plan to control San Francisco began in his head, but throughout the entire story he is fiercely trying to achieve his goal.

Other allies of the main character

It is Josh who everyone considers the most talented of their team. It is also worth noting Lenny, the head of another hacker group called Prime_Eight. He did not help Marcus in his adventures, because the two largest gangs of burglars always competed with each other, but he never interfered. They simply went their separate ways and tried to resist Nemech and his other allies.

Minor antagonists

Among other villains, allies of Dušan Nemeč, Mary Catskill was the most notable. In Watch Dogs 2, the characters are all extravagant, but this woman managed to hook players the most. She loves power very much, and owning her network!NVITE is not enough for her. Mary is a valuable ally, as she has access to the profiles of many citizens of the city and country. A woman can trace the flow of information, the mood of citizens, and find various clues. Therefore, the main antagonist considers her an ally, and not just a pawn in his hands. This includes Mark Truss, a congressman in the US Parliament. The funds in his account come from the income of the!NVITE network, and therefore he fully represents the interests of Dušan Nemeć in the Senate. His voice is used to promote the use of ctOS 2.0 in other areas and cities of the country.

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