Fury bosses. Walkthrough of Furi

Shadow of the Colossus Afrosamurai Katanagatari Hyper Light Drifter Prince of Persia (2008)

Such games are usually awarded with epithets like “furious”, “rabid” or, excuse me, “rolling”, but this is not it. Furi cold-blooded, and it’s even a little scary. She has no emotions, no feelings. Only steely rhythm and absolute concentration on the main thing.

“The jailer is the way to freedom. Kill him and you are free."

In Furi, you kill generally good people. You and the main character (his name is Wanderer) have different motives, but you and him are on the same path: he is trying to break out, you just want to fight with cool bosses to the music from retrowave parties. Who are all these people? Why do you care? Noble, strong, pathetic, broken... all one.

They appeal to your conscience, they try to sow doubts in you. But both you and the hero have already made a choice. He is at the moment when he was released from the cage. You - when did you buy this damn game.

Hiroshima Hotline

From parallels with Hotline Miami it's hard to get rid of. This is also a fast action game in the colors of an acid rave, set to violent dance music like Carpenter Brut or The Toxic Avenger. But there are no more similarities. Furi and Hotline Miami are rather opposites. There are hordes of useless idiots, here there are dozens of serious opponents with whom you fight one on one. The whole game is a series of long duels, a desperate boss rush. The atmosphere is almost intimate, tension is always at its limit.

The combat is simplified as much as possible. You can hit with a sword, hit hard with a sword, shoot, shoot powerfully, and also parry and bounce - that's it. But the point is to master it all perfectly. The third boss, a time manager who is a boring old man, tells the Wanderer: “Make every second count.” But here we are not talking about seconds, but about their smallest fractions. Blocked at the wrong time - missed the blow. He stepped to the side too late and caught the bullet. In Furi, sense of rhythm and reaction are most important.

Rivals tease, gradually free themselves from restrictions - they say, “this is not my last form yet” - and embody every imaginable anime cliché. But here it is appropriate. A fight can last fifteen minutes, and during this time you will gradually get to know your opponent, get used to his behavior and adapt as he adds new elements to his fighting style and discards old ones.

Typically, the boss has two life bars in each stage. Until the first one runs out, you fight, alternating between close and distant battle, when it ends, you come face to face.

There is no sophisticated ingenuity on the level of Japanese danmaku, but Furi handles even simple patterns with unbearable grace. Every blow, every shot feels sharp and extremely natural. The design of the fights is perfect, there are no unfair surprises in the behavior of the bosses: any unexpected trick will definitely not kill you the first time, and you will already have time to react the second time. There are no surprises with what you can do.

That's why you get used to it very quickly in Furi, you start flitting around the field - but not like crazy, no. Series enemy attacks, which previously seemed chaotic, at some point is decomposed in the mind into its simplest components. When you catch a wave, the Wanderer moves clearly, economically, without a single unnecessary movement. Then you begin to feel some kind of absolutely immeasurable coolness in yourself.

The game is burdened only by small, underdeveloped episodes that stand out sharply against the backdrop of successful moments. It happens, say, that one boss, who just seemed like the most interesting enemy in the world, at another stage becomes a walking melancholy. For example, the initial form of the grandfather's time manager breaks on the first try and becomes more of a test of patience than skill - but for a long time you will most likely have to replay it more than once. For each stage you have several attempts, but if you fail, you will have to start over.

In peaceful scenes, Furi likes to get creative with the composition of the shot. This is also why it is better to put the Wanderer on autopilot and just watch.

And besides the fights? Only slow walks with expositional monologues: beautiful, thoughtful, but it’s better to press the rebound button once so that the Wanderer goes the whole way himself - steering him outside of combat is not half as pleasant. There are also a couple of moments where the game gives you a choice and then “kills” your save after reaching one of the endings. It’s clear what the authors wanted to achieve, but you don’t get enough pleasure from repeated playthroughs to start the game over again for a different ending. Unless you want to replay Furi on too high difficulties.

* * *

When you start Furi, you immediately agree that you are ready for a game where there is nothing but bosses that you need to fight your way through with all your might. And with all your might, and nothing else: the low level of difficulty makes the battles too sluggish, and the laconic story, if you remove the joy of overcoming from it, becomes much less effective.

But if that's all you need from a game, Furi does almost everything right.

After the introductory video, a man dressed as a rabbit will offer to kill the jailer and fight for his freedom. The jailer has the key.

Go forward and watch the cutscene. The battle will begin soon.

Battle with the Jailer

So, here you will get acquainted with the basics of management. You can make dashes, thereby flying through projectiles flying at you. Once you know how to shoot, start this activity. Aim and shoot at the jailer. In the upper right corner of the screen you see a scale with his health reserve. In the upper left corner of the screen is your health bar.

The battle consists of 7 stages! Below your health bar there are three blue squares. If the Jailer removes all health (scale), then one of the squares will disappear. In this case, the battle will continue from the stage where you left off, with one exception: if the Jailer still had an orange scale, it will turn blue again and you will have to repeat the stage from the very beginning.

At first, the Jailer's health bar is blue. Shoot until it turns completely orange. At this point the Jailer will place a block. All your shots are indifferent to him. Run up to the enemy and attack with your sword. This is the only way you can deal damage. If you do not have time to do this, the health bar will be restored and turn blue again.

Parry his attacks until the parry key prompt changes to the attack key prompt (Slash). Then attack. Repeat these steps until the orange bar is empty.

After this, one of the seven small squares under the Jailer's health bar will disappear.

At the same time, your health reserves should be restored.

At the second stage try shooting with loaded shells. Hold the button and shoot. When the Jailer uses block, run up and attack with the sword. Hold down the key to attack with a strong blow and gradually break through the enemy's block. When the SLASH prompt appears, simply attack the enemy.

At the third stage shoot at the enemy with regular shells. At the same time, the Jailer will attack you with energy waves and balls. To dodge them, use the appropriate key. It allows you to fly through the flow of waves. After dodging, shoot 3-5 times and repeat the procedure until the boss is blocked.

Run up and attack him with your sword. Now you will need to use evasion (dash) to avoid red zones. It is in these red zones that the Jailer will attack with a heavy blow.

At the fourth stage you can attack with both a sword and shots. In this case, at the beginning of the round, run away from the Jailer while he is charging with energy. It is useless to attack him at this moment. It will soon explode and shoot several projectiles at you. Periodically you will need to make dashes to dodge energy waves. Don't forget about parrying. This time the jailer's health will decrease much more slowly.

Advice. A successful parry increases your health! When the scale turns orange, be sure to get close and fight in close combat, trying not to leave the blue circle.

At the fifth stage The jailer will become more aggressive. He will quickly begin to get closer to you and attack with melee weapons. When the boss stands in the center, run up to him and wait. A quarter of the location will not be covered with red stripes. It is in this quarter that you must stand up to avoid taking serious damage. Another additional attack is a flying staff, which you need to dodge.

The same thing will happen when you fight on the orange gauge (melee). Red lines will appear periodically - a quarter of the location behind the boss will be safe. That's where you need to go.

At the sixth stage The jailer will continue to throw his flying staff. He will also attack with his staff in a narrow line (red). When he selects a target, you must quickly move around the circle using dashes. Do not get close to the Jailer when he is waiting for his flying staff. Purple homing projectiles will appear. They will chase you for 4-5 seconds.

Seventh stage may seem the most difficult. So, the Jailer will stand at the end of the location, begin to charge and splash out energy. What do you need? You must shoot the blue projectiles flying towards you. You can destroy them. Orange shells cannot be destroyed! It is noteworthy that the pink energy barrier through which you fly in jerks is equal in length to the width of the flying orange projectiles. That is, if you run away from these projectiles to the right or left, you will also avoid falling under the pink barrier.

You need to move left and right, destroying blue projectiles until the Jailer calms down. After that, run up to him and hit him a couple of times. This will be enough for the scale to turn orange.

Finally, the Jailer will attack relentlessly in certain areas. You must constantly move around safe areas until the boss is no longer immortal (orange). After that, hit him two or three times. The battle will be over.

Each beautiful game beautiful in its own way.

The new project of the independent studio Game Bakers with the laconic name Furi first attracts attention with its style. Bright design, quirky characters, a setting where magic and lasers, robots and samurai come together. Then – the absence of unnecessary things. This game is about a duel, where the world, history and gameplay work towards one idea. Everything here is either a one-on-one fight, or anticipation, preparation for it.


  • Unity of style, plot and gameplay.
  • An accessible, but demanding combat system for the player.
  • Great music and visual design


  • Controls cannot be configured.
  • Boss strike animations and lines quickly become repetitive.
  • Unnecessary QTEs.


Furi is not a game without its flaws. Some of them fall into the category of quibbles, others, like the inability to adjust the controls, are quite serious. But despite them, Furi is a beautiful game, mainly for its integrity. Consistent style, rhythm, symmetry. The way the different elements in it rhyme with each other organically. Therefore, the final score is also greater than the sum of the pros and cons.

An action game consisting exclusively of boss battles and leisurely walks, the perception is mixed. But the Furi developers proposed a thoughtful combat system and exciting battles. The game, even with reservations, led by the ambiguous implementation of difficulty levels and protracted confrontations, brings a lot of emotions, both sharply negative and positive.

The main character, a silent warrior in a red cloak, is imprisoned in an unknown reality for unknown reasons. He is freed by a mysterious character wearing a hare mask. The Savior tells the prisoner that the only way to freedom is to kill all the local jailers. The protagonist goes hunting without talking.

First boss fight

After a short training, the hero immediately faces fierce resistance. The arena is filled with flying projectiles, the villain unleashes a barrage of devastating attacks on the fugitive and uses new techniques. There is a high probability of being unprepared for his next twist. It is no wonder that the old woman with a scythe overtakes the protagonist without delay. However, failure only makes you want to try again!

The game envelops you in the atmosphere of super-fast Japanese action films without compromise. This is a kind of tribute to eminent authors from the Land of the Rising Sun, which the creators of Furi do not hide. Moreover, the developers, on the one hand, did not split hairs, and on the other, did not forget about non-obvious tricks. The basics, which include firing a blaster, attacking with a sword and quickly dodging, are mastered in moments, and then circumstances require you to achieve perfection in the little things.

In particular, the hero makes sharp jumps. But the longer you hold the corresponding button, the further he will jump. We didn’t calculate the range of the jump and ran into a shock wave. Bosses communicate certain attacks with visual and audio cues. However, this does not mean that it is at this moment that the attack should be blocked. Often everything is decided by seconds, or even fractions of seconds. Several successful actions do not guarantee victory; enviable endurance is required. Enemies do not go to another world after a couple of wounds.

But during a fight you can restore your health. To do this, it is enough, for example, to block enemy attacks in close combat. So even a beaten protagonist still has a chance to get out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

The fugitive has a limited set of lives at his disposal. Once this indicator drops to zero, the fight starts all over again. None control points. But the bosses are becoming more frisky. Literally one or two inaccurate movements end badly for the hero. There are inevitable cases when you lose ten or twenty minutes of real time due to stupid mistakes. Then the protagonist must again make his way through not the most difficult and exciting sections. Not without outright excesses. Sometimes they are forced to demonstrate a phenomenal reaction and are mercilessly punished for mistakes.

Furi is not afraid to provoke attacks of anger, rage and burning hatred. The game forces you to bleed your fingers during exhausting fights and brutally punishes for loss of concentration. At the same time, a well-tuned camera, moderately rich effects and the availability of options for rescue rarely leave the opportunity to justify the death of a warrior by the intervention of extraneous factors. With due diligence and perseverance, all obstacles can be overcome. In this regard, you sincerely rejoice at the long-awaited Victoria and involuntarily feel proud of yourself.

Everything is fine with Furi and with the elaboration of fights. The hero has to shoot accurately while dancing surrounded by clots of energy, survive intense sword duels, flutter like a butterfly through pieces of the firmament, sting a nimble enemy or play cat and mouse with him in a spacious arena. Bosses never cease to amaze with their talents, surround themselves with a force field, teleport, or suddenly change the rules. Fair and predictable fights are not held in high esteem in this world.

The project masterfully combines aspects of platformers, top-down shooters and Asian action films. Here, every battle is an amazing performance that can surprise you more than once. It's a pity, but the adventure is not without repetitions, clearly designed to make the battles longer.

Severe testing with well-functioning mechanics is great. But not everyone likes the prospect of replaying not the shortest confrontations. However, at the normal difficulty level (called Furi), it doesn’t happen otherwise. Either the hero rises above troubles and suffers the blows of fate, or he will not see freedom. But on easy level Difficulty enemies resemble helpless whipping boys (and girls). They forget about many of their skills and resist extremely reluctantly. There is no pleasure in winning in this mode.

In between fights, the protagonist slowly walks to the next victim and listens to the thoughts of the mysterious fellow traveler. Walking is needed to take a breath and mentally prepare for the next massacre. A useful, albeit overly measured component. In addition, the hero walks along islands floating in the air, admires picturesque natural panoramas and descends into a dungeon shrouded in darkness. The satellite shares interesting information about this reality and its inhabitants. Touches like these, coupled with the excellent design of various locations, allow you to feel the atmosphere of this inside-out universe with portals, high-tech devices and crazy characters.

For unsurpassed masters with titanium nerves, it is provided high level difficulties. There is also the opportunity to fight bosses and not be distracted by rest on foot.


This adventure is unlikely to captivate those who are not delighted with the repeated repetitions of familiar moments. Moreover, shortening the duration of individual battles would benefit the campaign. But this does not prevent the game from remaining a wonderful action game with elements of a shooter and platformer. Furi delights in fast-paced battles with constantly changing conditions, and almost all the negativity is a consequence of its own mistakes. Studio work The Game Bakers is a great gift for fans of furious fights with merciless bosses.

We remind you that in July 2016, PS Plus subscribers can download the PS4 version of Furi for free.

  • Intense boss battles
  • Well-tuned mechanics without serious flaws
  • Severe punishments for mistakes force you to constantly be collected
  • Beautiful views of mysterious reality
  • Excellent musical accompaniment


  • The campaign is not without its poorly balanced and unnecessary moments
  • Controversial implementation of difficulty levels
  • Minor technical problems

Now about the game Furi they talk a lot. Mostly something good, but sometimes bad comments slip through. Many journalists called this game the best since Rocket League, distributed free to PS+ subscribers. And this, for a second, says a lot. On the other hand, the too diverse composition of the development studio leaves some questions regarding the quality of Furi...

Furi Review - Introduction

Most recently, the project was shown at the E3 exhibition, where Furi remained in the shadows. The game could catch your attention with its unusual visual style, but this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this is an interesting decision by the development studio, but on the other hand, it’s an incredible thing that hurts your eyes. However, upon first acquaintance, you immediately understand that the graphics in the game are far from the main thing. The whole point of Furi is in the gameplay , but more on that a little later. According to the plot, main character tries to get out of prison, destroying jailers along the way. In general, the plot smacks of serious drug addiction, because someone in a suit with the head of a rabbit helps you escape from captivity. Why is this here at all? I hope my Furi review can answer this and other questions.


And I’d like to start right away with a rather important aspect of the Furi review, namely difficulties. And it has a lot to do with gameplay. At easy level, your opponents will be extremely weak, killing them will require noticeably less effort, and several more enemy phases will be unavailable. What? Jailer phases? Yes, you heard right. In addition to the standard health bar, your opponent also has several lives. We will call them phases. And each such phase carries something new and difficult for the player. This is especially evident in the later stages of Furi, when the tactics of the battle against the jailers have to be changed almost radically.

Arsenal of skills the main character is not so extensive, alas. At your disposal are shooting from afar, the ability to quickly dash and strike in close combat. It is very important to combine these actions, because when correct use no jailer will be able to deal you a single blow. Oh yes. Before each battle, your lives are replenished. There are three in total for each Boss Furi. Another benefit of higher complexity is speedrun mode , which will open only after completing the middle level and above. Easy, unfortunately, does not give anything. Well, unless you are a fairly casual player or you just want to look at the plot.

Visual component

Upon closer inspection, Furi is a cross between Hyper Light Drifter (thanks to the skills of the main character) and Titan Souls , just not pixelated. There are no enemies other than bosses, and the game is filled with colors so bright that it hurts your eyes! Perhaps bright colors seem like an interesting solution to some, but they can also be seriously annoying. But it’s still worth paying tribute to the visual part of Furi, because it creates the feeling that you’re really in some kind of supernatural prison, and this is very important.

Furi is not a game where you want to listen to ambient music for one simple reason: the soundtrack is simply amazing. When playing during a boss fight The Toxic Avenger, Lorn or Carpenter Brut , then you simply don’t want to listen to the sounds of impacts! And yes, the melodies of boss battles set the pace and rhythm. You just need to hear the melody from the trailer to understand that the sound in Furi is all top five. But the most important thing is that the music harmoniously combines with the environment, somewhere adding pace to the battle, and somewhere, on the contrary, reducing it.

Furi review summary – is it worth playing?

Summing up the Furi review, I would like to note that thanks to the excellent controls, bright and rich picture, as well as a good sound component, we can safely say that the game as the debut project of The Game Bakers was a success. Yes, the boss battles may be drawn out, yes, the gameplay may not be as varied as we would like, but if you launch Furi late in the evening, you risk tearing yourself away from it only the next morning! And this, as you understand, is the best indicator.
