Guide to choosing the type of mouse hold. How to use a mouse or moving a mouse for dummies Correct hand position on the mouse

Let me start, perhaps, with a short introduction about why I decided to write this guide. I recently had the opportunity to attend a regional lan and observe different players in several cyber disciplines. At the same time, I also paid attention to their ability to hold sports equipment. Yes, yes, exactly skill. And many, by the way, do not have it. There are several main types of mouse holding and I would like to talk about them in this article. Of course, this guide is not a scientific work, so you are not required to take everything written below for granted. So, let's get started. First view: 2 fingers. This type can perhaps be called canonical, since most players use it, but this does not mean that it is the best. It has many advantages, but also disadvantages. About the pros: You hold the mouse quite securely, which allows you to use low sensitivity and often lift your hand off the table surface. Excellent for medium and high sensitivity. The palm is actually in a natural state, which will avoid fatigue of the hand as a whole. Suitable for people with any type of palm and fingers. About the disadvantages: The main disadvantage of this grip is that your palm partially rests on the table, which creates additional friction when moving the mouse on the table, and this, in turn, interferes with the accuracy of cursor positioning. I think everyone is familiar with that unpleasant itch in the wrist when you aim at a certain pixel on the screen for a long time. Another significant disadvantage is that the fingers lie lengthwise on the buttons and it takes a little more time to press. It takes time to move your finger to the center wheel of the mouse. We all know that a split second can decide the outcome of a game. Conclusion: Good grip for mmo games which do not require many clicks and minimal delay, are also great for players who love RPGs and single-player games in general. I don’t recommend this type of grip for eSports fans, and in particular for CS or Dota players. Type two: 3 fingers.
It is much less common than the first one, but has a number of advantages over it, but also acquired new disadvantages. Pros: No time required to move your finger to the mouse wheel. Great for medium to high sensitivity. The palm is in a natural position and does not get tired. Suitable for people with any type of palm and fingers. About the disadvantages: Not suitable for low sensitivity, since you lift the mouse with two fingers, this leads to severe fatigue of the little finger and increases the likelihood of projectiles falling out of the palm (I observed such a case at LAN, at a crucial moment one player’s mouse simply fell out, about the result of the fight I think you guessed it). Due to the fact that the hand is under great tension every time it is raised, sweating increases. The fingers lie lengthwise on the buttons and it takes a little more time to press. Your palm rests partially on the table, which creates additional friction when moving the mouse across the surface. Conclusion: If you often use the mouse wheel when gaming, then this grip will suit you. In general, only suitable for single-coil at medium and high sensitivity. I strongly do not recommend it to eSports players. Type three: claw.
The second most common type of mouse hold and is often used by professional players. About the advantages: Due to the fact that the fingers are bent, several muscles are used at once when pressing, the time of the click itself is reduced. Ideal for all sensitivities. The palm rests completely on the mouse, which eliminates its friction on the table surface. The projectile is securely clamped with your fingers when lifted. Suitable for all sensitivities. About the disadvantages: The palm and fingers are in an unnatural shape, this leads to increased fatigue, and with abuse and rare rest, even pain and illness. It takes time to move your finger to the center wheel of the mouse. This grip is not for people with long fingers. Conclusion: Well suited for players using low (team shooters like CS) and medium sensitivity (Dota 2). Guru of fast dueling shooters with high sensitivity, the grip is suitable, but not completely, since access to the mouse wheel is very important to you. Type four: triple claw.
It has huge differences with the previous one, which are not visible at first glance. About the advantages: The fingers are bent, several muscles are used at once when pressing, the time of the click itself is reduced. The palm rests completely on the mouse, which eliminates its friction on the table surface. About the disadvantages: Very dangerous for low sensitivity, since you often have to lift the mouse, and bent fingers create additional pressure - it will often fly out of your hand. The two holding fingers are very tense, and this means discomfort, increased sweating, and pain. Not suitable for people with long fingers. Conclusion: Not suitable for players playing at low sensitivity. Good for medium and ideal for high. If you are a Quake III player, then this is your grip. Fifth view: palm.
Very similar to the first type of grip, but has slight differences. About the advantages: The same as for the first type of hold, but the added fact is that the palm rests completely on the mouse and there is no friction with the table. Suitable for all types of sensa. About the disadvantages: The disadvantage is that the fingers lie lengthwise on the buttons and it takes a little more time to press. It takes time to move your finger to the center wheel of the mouse. Conclusion: good grip for single shooters or games that require precise targeting at low sensitivity. View six: three-finger palm.
A variation of the previous type of retention. About the advantages: The same as for the second type of retention. The palm rests completely on the mouse and there is no friction with the table. Suitable for medium to high sensitivity. About the cons: Not suitable for low sensitivity. You lift the mouse with two fingers, which leads to severe fatigue of the little finger and increases the likelihood of projectiles falling out of your palm. Sweating increases. The fingers lie lengthwise on the buttons and it takes a little more time to press. Conclusion: Suitable for casual players and people who spend a lot of time playing games without rest, playing at medium and high sensitivity. In conclusion, I would like to add a few words about choosing a rodent. 1. Never pick up a mouse without a groove under your little finger and thumb, otherwise you risk constantly dropping the mouse and causing your hand to use constant discomfort. 2. Under no circumstances buy glossy mice if you don’t want to constantly drop them. 3. I do not recommend purchasing universal mice for both hands. It will never be more comfortable than a rodent designed for the right or left, since the palm is asymmetrical. 4. Be sure to hold the rat in your hand before buying, otherwise you risk throwing money away.

In order to decide how to hold the mouse in the game, you need to consider several factors:

  • mouse sensitivity (resolution)
  • mat size
  • mouse shape

Mouse sensitivity

By changing the sensitivity of the mouse, you can adjust the speed of the pointer on the monitor and in the game. The lower the sensitivity of the mouse, the slower its speed and vice versa, the higher the sensitivity, the faster its speed. Some mouse models are equipped with additional buttons that allow you to instantly switch the DPI of the mouse, changing its sensitivity.

Mouse sensitivity in CS game

The lower the sensitivity of the mouse, the greater the accuracy of shooting at long and medium distances, but the less your mobility at short distances. Conversely, with a high mouse sensitivity, you move around the map quite comfortably, you can quickly react to an unexpected situation, but at the same time you lose accuracy at long and medium distances.

In order to set the optimal mouse sensitivity in a CS game, you need to place the mouse in the middle of the mat and move your hand to the edge of the mat. Your model in the game should turn 180 degrees. Therefore, by moving the mouse horizontally across the entire mat, the model’s turn should be at least 360 degrees.

If you have insufficient rotation, do not write off changing the sensitivity of the mouse, pay attention to the mouse pad. Maybe I should buy it in a larger size. After all, the larger the mouse pad, the greater your mobility without losing precision.

How to adjust mouse sensitivity?

  • If your mouse is equipped with additional buttons for dynamic sensitivity change, then you can switch the resolution (DPI) by clicking on them.
  • If your mouse does not have additional buttons, then you need to launch the Mouse Control Center, select your mouse and click on Basic Settings. There you will find Sensitivity. Adjust the settings and click the Apply button.

Position of the mat, hand and fingers in the game

Position of the mat in the game

Right keep the mouse in the game not enough, you need to place a rug comfortably under it. The position of the mat when playing should be such that it hangs slightly from the table. This is another advantage of a large rug. In this position, your hand will have the same surface throughout. This will increase the stability of your game, since there will be no unnecessary variables. Otherwise, you will have two sharp corners that will cause micro discomfort.

Hand position in the game

Keep your mouse in the game try to be as natural as possible. The hand should not be too tense. Keeping your wrist firmly on the mat improves accuracy when micro-targeting, but hinders movement in close combat and when turning away from grenades.

Hold mouse in the game It is better so that the wrist lightly touches the mat and the hand is not constantly under tension. To do this, position your hand so that the middle of your forearm rests on the edge of the table (rug).

Finger position in game

The way you hold your fingers directly depends on its shape. Three fingers are responsible for aim - the thumb, ring and little finger. Place your hand on the mouse and pinch with three fingers. The little finger should barely touch the mat. The ring finger should be pressed tightly against the little finger so that it does not dangle and touch the mouse button. You need to hold the mouse in the game with three fingers so that the ring finger does not dangle and does not interfere with the index finger pressing the mouse button.

The remaining fingers, index and middle, are responsible for clicks and reactions. To maximize your mouse click speed, you need to keep your index finger slightly bent. You should not bend it too much or, on the contrary, keep it straight, this will reduce the speed of pressing the mouse button.

Let's summarize. How to hold your mouse in game

Keep your mouse in the game it is necessary to hold it as naturally as possible, holding it with three fingers. The little finger should barely touch the mat. For maximum mouse click speed, keep your index finger slightly bent.

The mat should hang slightly from the table, the wrist should lightly touch the mat, and the middle of the forearm should rest on the edge of the table (mat).

Don't forget about the correct mouse sensitivity and mouse pad size.

Well, we figured out how to hold the mouse in the game. It turns out it's not that difficult.

If you don’t have any problems with how to hold the mouse correctly, don’t think about the location of the mouse pad, don’t experience discomfort while working at the computer or playing your favorite game, and don’t experience pain in your hand, then you shouldn’t change your grip on the mouse.

Hand position

Let's talk about how to hold the mouse correctly. First, let's start with the placement of the hand on the table. What are the common options?

  1. This is the position when you have a brush for high mouse sensitivity. Your hand is on the edge of the table and you move the mouse left and right. You make adjustments almost exclusively with a brush.
  2. The most common hand position is when the edge of the table and the middle of the forearm coincide. This type is quite effective, since the movement occurs equally and without much load, and the area of ​​action of the hand covers half of your table. You can move your hand over the entire rug without any problems. This position is the best answer to the question of how to properly hold the mouse in your hand.
  3. Your elbow is in contact with the edge of the table; this type of coverage is not suitable for everyone. Too much amplitude of arm movement occurs, thereby your muscles begin to get tired faster.

How to properly hold the mouse in shooters?

Shooter games require some rules:

  1. The size of the computer mat. How larger value carpet, the better your movements are synchronized with minimal loss of precision. Do a little test: while in the game, place the mouse exactly in the middle of the mouse pad. Remember the position of the sight, try to make a perfect horizontal movement to the edges of our mat. The optimal turn will be at least 180˚. If you can’t get it to work with this value, you need to adjust the sensitivity - mouse sensitivity - or purchase a mouse pad with larger parameters.
  2. Mouse sensitivity. Obviously, a low sensitivity value gives greater accuracy in hitting opponents, especially at long and medium distances, but the less your mobility is up close.

Let's move on to the location of the rug

The location of the carpet must be made so that it hangs slightly from the surface of the table. This is the advantage of a large rug. In this arrangement, your hand will have an equal plane under it throughout the entire distance, thereby improving the quality of the game. In another case, two ribs appear that will cause discomfort in the hand.

Once you find your mouse grip, performance in shooters will not take long to come. There is no objectively ideal hand position; each user chooses what is most convenient for him.

How to hold the mouse correctly?

  1. Finger grip. Keeping your wrist firmly on the mat improves micro-targeting accuracy, but makes it harder for your character to maneuver in close combat. Quite a few people use it. This grip does not provide enough control. The main disadvantage: if you have a large mouse, your hand will get very tired. In general, this grip puts enormous stress on the forearm muscles.
  2. Wrist grip. This grip is very comfortable; it is positioned so that you place your entire hand on the mouse. Problems may arise when the ring finger may be on right button mouse or on the button on the side of the device. The little finger should lightly touch the mat. The direction of the mouse must coincide identically with the direction of the hand, a straight line is obtained.
  3. Claw grip. This is when your index and middle fingers are placed on the mouse like claws. This grip is considered the most uncomfortable of the proposed types. It can be combined with the wrist one, and you get a pretty convenient arrangement.

As you can see, there are several options for gripping the mouse. Choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Hello dear Hackers,
Kharchata and Kharchikha! In principle, this material is for you
not intended - you know how to masterfully
use the mouse (if necessary, you can
and hack it without much effort, and if by accident
there will be a real, living mouse in your hands, then here too
You won’t be confused) – this material is intended
for users who have only seen the mouse
several times, and some perhaps to her

How to hold the mouse:

According to my observations, “dummies”
they actually touch the mouse with their tips
clumsy fingers. They are the ones who move them
mouse, which causes involuntary activation
contacts of the object being moved. Need a mouse
hold in your hand like the breast of a girl over 20 years old (for
It’s not worth giving examples of girls, especially
if it's really worth it). So hand tight
fits the chest... that is, the mouse is the palm
presses her comfortably to the mat, fingers dangling
from the entire structure (if your palm is small, then
perhaps the pads of the fingers will fall directly on
mouse buttons). You should hold the mouse by its
sides with your thumb and little finger, so that she does not
was able to elude us while moving.

Mouse movement:

Initial state: palm
presses the mouse (the mouse rests on the center of the palm),
fingers spread out to the sides.

Movement: move your palm
in any direction in the plane of location
design - the mouse will move due to friction with
palm (if it’s not clear, read more about
friction from a physics course).

Pressing the buttons located
on the mouse:

There are 2 to 3 buttons on a mouse
pieces (mice with all sorts of perversions to consider
are not subject to). The mouse button is pressed
through muscle force of the finger,
located above the button, towards it
(the association may be the action of the hand
by squeezing the girl’s chest in a passionate outburst, but
only one finger is used). Do not do it
press several mouse buttons at the same time -
consequences operating system can wear
unpredictable character. It also shouldn't take long
hold the mouse button down without
special need for it.

Types of mouse button clicks:
“Single Press” and “Double Press” (For
professionals “Click” and “Double” respectively

Simple click”: pressed
– released, where is the gap between pressing and
release is a fraction of a second (at most
case half a second).

Double tap”: pressed
– released - pressed – released, where is the gap between
press, release, press and release
is a fraction of a second (at most
half a second).

Using a manipulator
“mouse” type according to purpose:

The mouse is used for poking
it to various places. This offer is not worth it
take it literally! Poking follows
understand virtual cursor hover (it
located on the monitor screen, usually in
in the form of an arrow at an angle of 120 degrees), programmatically
attached to the mouse roller, to the required
virtual object (you should also look for it on
monitor screen) and performing the action
“Simple Click” or “Double Click” on
the required mouse button. At the same time, the mouse body
(you hold the mouse by it) should be held in
static rather than dynamic state. Easier
speaking, while pressing the mouse button, the hand, and,
therefore, the mouse should not move.
Simultaneously pressing/holding the button and
Moving the mouse is considered masterly
use of a mouse and this manual does not
is being considered.

FAQ on mice:

Q: Why do I need a mouse?

A: Then to perform
some actions are faster and without help
keyboards, for example, draw on a virtual
monitor screen canvas.

Q: Why move the mouse?

A: To move
virtual cursor on the monitor screen.

Q: Why press the buttons?

A: To select an object or
perform any program action.

Q: What should I do if the cursor is not
visible on the monitor screen?

  1. Turn on the monitor.
  2. When the monitor warms up and
    it will feel warm, move the mouse in different
    sides, pressing the mouse roller to the surface like
    mat (for the mouse, but not for the feet, etc.).
  3. If the cursor is not found,
    try unfolding the glass monitor
    surface towards you and repeat the steps from
    point 2.
  4. If the cursor is not found,
    make sure what you are currently looking for
    cursor on the monitor that is connected to that
    the system unit from which the tail of the higher
    rats..., i.e. mouse, and repeat the steps from point

Q: What to do if the cursor is visible
on the monitor screen, but when moving the case
mouse-type manipulator, it does not move
together with her?

A: Lost software connection
mouse cursor with the roller of the manipulator itself.
Specialist intervention is required.

Q: What to do if suddenly
a black background appears on the screen and, in addition
virtual cursor, nothing else?

A: Press twice in a row
key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del” on the keyboard and one
Press the “RESET” button on the system case once
