Games at home. Family Game Night

Fun competitions for the family will entertain and unite relatives. Competition between families will add excitement to the games and boost team spirit. Competitions with the participation of children will not let the kids get bored. Fun relay races and games will add special excitement to the family holiday and leave pleasant memories.

    The competition involves 2 or 3 people. Each participant receives ice cream in a waffle cup. The contestants' task is to eat dessert as quickly as possible. But there is one condition: the ice cream must be eaten from the other side, that is, from the bottom of the cup.

    The participant who eats the dessert faster than the rest wins. It is a good idea to give out plenty of napkins before the competition starts as the ice cream will start to leak at some point.

    Game "Full Serious"

    All family members play. First, players must come up with a keyword (for example, “tomato”). After that, they begin to ask each participant any questions in turn. The players' task is to answer the question posed with complete seriousness on their faces using the keyword. The one who laughs leaves the game. The most serious player wins.

    Sample questions

    • How is your mother's name?
    • Who are you friends with?
    • What's your favorite movie?
    • What subject at school do you like best?
    • What is your favorite book?
    • What's 2 2?
    • What is your strongest character trait?
  • Game "It Was There"

    All family members play. A certain set of objects is laid out on the table (the more, the better): comb, scissors, fork, book, pins, etc.

    One of the players takes on the role of leader. He stands near objects. The rest of the participants must remember what is on the table within 10 seconds. Then they close their eyes and the leader removes one of the objects. After this, the players open their eyes. Their task is to name the item that is missing. The person who guesses first changes places with the leader. The game continues until interest disappears.

    Game "Woof"

    2 family members play (or 2 teams of 2 people). To play you will need big deck kart. They must be mixed well and distributed to each participant (group) in equal quantities.

    Players (teams) begin to simultaneously remove cards from their deck and place them face up. If the same cards come up (for example, two jacks or two eights), participants must quickly shout the word “Woof.” Whoever managed to do this earlier takes this deck for himself. The participant (team) who has the entire deck of cards in their hands wins.

    Game "Body Parts"

    Game-entertainment. All family members play. You need to prepare cards in advance, on each of which you should write a certain part of the body: ear, heel, left finger, knee, etc. Before the game starts, all the pieces of paper are put into a hat and mixed.

    Then each participant takes turns taking out a card and saying out loud what is written on it. All players must touch this part of the body first with their left hand, then with their right hand. This needs to be done very quickly.

    The game helps to cheer up the participants and lift everyone's spirits.

  • Game "Family Menagerie"

    All family members play. Each participant writes the name of any animal on a paper sticker and sticks it on the neighbor’s forehead so that he does not see the inscription. The players' task is to guess their animal. To do this, participants take turns asking leading questions that can be answered clearly and specifically “Yes” or “No.”

    Sample questions

    • Does this animal live in the forest?
    • Does it eat honey and berries?
    • This is a bear?
    • The game ends when everyone has guessed their animal.


4) Playing Crocodile or Association. One says a word in the other’s ear that needs to be shown to the other players.

5) Game of “Guess the Melody” (the presenter, including the little ones, sings the melody without words, and the players must finish singing it with words. Second option: something like “Guess the Melody” and “Crocodile” two in one. The essence It’s like this: the host (well, as a rule, the husband starts) explains the brief essence of a song, the player’s task is to guess what kind of song it is. The one who guessed becomes the host)) For example: “This is a song about how a certain male citizen plans. ride at high speed on a two-wheeler vehicle in order to get to the dense thickets of grass...” - the song “I will ride the bike for a long time.” From experience: “Sometimes we both laugh until we cry over explanations. Also in long roads This game helps us out in the car.”

6) Watch old filmstrips.

13) Game “This is in this room...” - in turns, all participants select an object in the room and describe it, and the rest guess.

20) Listen to audio fairy tales.

21) Conduct experiments.

1) Good old board games: change lotto and dominoes. And also corners, checkers, chess, memories and all kinds of tabletop walkers.

2) Modern board games. Favorites: Dobble, Cephalopods, Imaginarium, Fructo10, Dzhanga, Scrabble (for those who can read) and others (there are a lot of them now, look for what you like).

3) Learn the alphabet in an interesting way: study one letter every day, bake this letter from a dough strand, look for words in the house starting with this letter, and then together come up with a fairy tale with this letter.

4) Playing Crocodile or Association. One says a word in the other’s ear that needs to be shown to the other players.

5) Game of “Guess the Melody” (the presenter, including the little ones, sings the melody without words, and the players must finish singing it with words. Second option: something like “Guess the Melody” and “Crocodile” two in one. The essence It’s like this: the host (well, as a rule, the husband starts) explains the brief essence of a song, the player’s task is to guess what kind of song it is. The one who guesses becomes the host)) For example: “This is a song about how a certain male citizen plans. ride at high speed on a two-wheeled vehicle in order to get to the dense thickets of grass...” - song “I will ride the bike for a long time.” From experience: “Sometimes we both laugh until we cry over explanations. This game also helps us out on long car journeys.”

6) Watch old filmstrips.

7) Cook something delicious with the whole family.

8) Compose a fairy tale: everyone speaks one phrase and passes the baton to another, it is very useful for the development of imaginative thinking in children, and besides, it is interesting for children and everyone has fun)

9) If the boys play football (even at home), fight with dad and organize competitions for accuracy and endurance.

10) Draw with children (dad draws, and then the children paint). Or everyone can color the pictures together. Then, based on these pictures, they can come up with and tell each other various stories and stories. It turns out very interesting.

11) Play in a noise orchestra (according to the principle of Orff pedagogy) - dad plays the harmonica, and the rest - whoever can find what they can play.

13) Game “This is in this room...” - in turns, all participants select an object in the room and describe it, and the rest guess.

14) Look at an old family photo album and tell the children who is in the photo and where. It’s very cool to look at photographs at night, a selection of photos from long-ago travels on the projector.

15) A good tradition for believing families is to read the Lives of the Saints after dinner.

16) Tell each other what happened during the day, remember the good things, discuss family news and make plans. The second option is to sit in a circle, hold the hands or legs of the babies, so it’s convenient to tickle and stroke them, and tell who has something new good that happened that day. From life: “At first it was very difficult, our eldest son, at that time he was 4 years old, was generally silent and looked at us strangely, then he started talking. And this is how we have been playing for 5 years. Perfectly soothes before bed, we get to know each other better, become one. Wonderful feeling. We really appreciate these moments. Even when we are not together, we call each other in the evenings and talk. The son also got his grandparents talking in this way, who were very stingy when it came to showing emotions and sharing impressions. It’s great to teach you to see a lot of joy in every day, it teaches you to make discoveries and appreciate your achievements. As a bonus, it forms wonderful, warm, trusting parent-child relationships, for example, now on the eve of adolescence, when children close themselves off and move away from their parents, I still know a lot about the life of my son and his friends, naturally, these are our secrets and we are going nowhere We can't stand it. And I can gently guide him along the path of life.”

17) Dress up as a waiter and administrator, write a dinner menu, a guest book. Each time add details in the form of the name of the restaurant, dishes, new characters.

18) Prepare news of the world, country, city and our family. And on Fridays I perform and show tricks.

19) A game of nonsense, when you write phrases on pieces of paper and pass them around until you get a story or a poem

20) Listen to audio fairy tales.

21) Conduct experiments.

22) Come up with phrases from songs in rhyme: for example, And only bunches of rowan... And only Varya and Marina... And only the noise of a nightingale... And only a penknife... And only a fight with a sore throat... And only an old mine... And only the sound of a piano... And only light clay...

Fun games and competitions for the whole family on family day and family holidays.


This game turns out to be active and fun. People have known her since childhood. At the same time, “Zhmurki” always turns out to be a popular and enjoyable entertainment at family holidays. Even adults will enjoy taking part in this game.

The essence of this game turns out to be truly simple. First you need to choose a driver. He needs to be blindfolded. The remaining players should stand around the driver, facing the center. After the signal is issued, the driver must catch the participants who will run away and evade in every possible way. The caught participant must be guessed by touch. If the leader managed to guess the person, the caught one will perform his duties. The winner will be only the participant who was practically impossible to catch.

It is important to note that at first the driver must be an adult, since in this case it is possible to show how existing duties should be performed. People need to understand how they can play at home without unnecessary risks and destruction. Children should run only within a certain area, which will comply with the rules and safety precautions. In fact, unwanted consequences can be prevented.

Stay in the circle

This game turns out to be fun and lively, active. Each participant must play only “for himself,” but at the same time, family time will definitely bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

You need to draw a large circle on the ground. People playing (the number can be up to 10) stand in a circle on only 1 leg and cross their arms over their chest. Once the signal is given, all participants must push using their shoulders. The main task is the desire to push partners outside the circle. Do not use your hands when pushing. A participant is excluded from the game if he flies out of the circle or steps into it with both feet. As a result, only 2 people will remain in the circle, who will arrange a duel with a decisive result.


This game Suitable only for those families who love active entertainment. All participants should gather in a place with a wonderful view of the surrounding landscape. Ideally, a variety of plants should grow in this area. The leader must shout dashes to the count of one, two, three. In this case, you need to name the plant that grows on the territory. Participants must run to the named object, but halfway through the path they need to change their destination. In order to play successfully, you need to quickly navigate. If a participant did not have time to turn or did not hear the command change, he is eliminated. So you need to play until the last player who turns out to be the winner.

Harmful tail

Participants must line up together, creating a chain-train. They will need to hold on to each other's waists. Then the participants all squat down together.

The presenter reports that they are a large caterpillar. He should ask to show a variety of actions, namely how she sleeps and wakes up, washes herself, exercises, walks, dances, reads, eats. The last person must interfere with the caterpillar, which will carry out all the actions in a coherent pattern. Most often, the child ends up at the end of the tail, but perhaps another family member will be more restless.


For the game you will need the following details: a large bag and different clothes. Try to use bright and unusual things. You can use underwear, national outfits, various accessories, leggings, and an evening dress. All clothes must be collected in 1 bag. Then a host is selected, who will also act as a DJ. The host turns on the music to which the participants must dance and pass the bag to each other. After the music is turned off, the participant who will have the bag will randomly pull out any item of clothing and put it on. The game can continue until all the items are worn by the participants. In fact, the effect of surprise will largely bring pleasure and lead to vivid emotions.

You must be prepared for the fact that the item that the participant receives may turn out to be unusual. Everyone will look unusual and funny.

Libmo or obstacle dance

Here you can offer traditional Latin American fun - walking under a rope with dance moves. The rope, if you remember, needs to be lowered by 10 cm after each passage.
On the contrary, the rope can be pulled at the bottom and gradually raised to the waist level of an adult. First 10 cm from the floor, then higher. Gradually, those participants from each team who can high jump remain. We reward!

Strongman with lemonade

Usually the competition is held with a five-liter barrel of beer, but we’re having a family holiday, so we’ll replace it with lemonade. Let dad get the sweet drink for the family. Men need to hold a bag with bottles or boxes of juice (5 liters in total) on their arm outstretched to the side for as long as possible. Winner takes all.

Dance battle or flash mob

We have no time to prepare and rehearse, so the musical composition should be a surprise for the team and the audience. Announce a competition and line up the whole family on stage. The task is to get involved in the music as quickly as possible and demonstrate to everyone together the dance elements characteristic of each occasion.

We carefully watch the dancers! If things go well, we give the opportunity to please ourselves and the audience. If everyone in the family is shy, turn off the music after 30-40 seconds and ask the audience to support you with applause.

The most common dances are: square dance, lezginka, hip-hop, rock and roll, children's duckling dance, macarena, gypsy, latina, tango, cancan, lambada, dance of little swans, oriental belly dance, etc.

The most active and cheerful ones win, of course.

Ten chairs and one egg

To conduct the competition you will need two people, one egg and ten chairs. Participants are blindfolded and must find an egg without using their hands on one of ten chairs (both are looking at the same time, but their hands are tied behind their backs, since they cannot be used). Whoever finds the egg first wins the competition. As a reward, you can give the winner a wooden egg painted gold, almost like that of a pockmarked hen.

Sculpture “Happy Family”

You give the families the opportunity to confer for a minute, then your assistants cover the family from prying eyes for a few seconds with a screen made of a beautiful blanket (they hold it at both ends). During this time, participants create a sculpture. When everything is ready, lower the “screen”, and all spectators enjoy hugging parents and children. Some show extraordinary creativity, building real living pyramids, where the smallest member of the family stands on daddy’s shoulders.


Each person is given 1-2 boxes of matches. The winner is the one who builds the highest well within the allotted time (1-2, max. 3 minutes, depending on the performance of the guests).

Pass the beat

For this game you also need to sit in a circle. Each player places their right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The one who starts the game beats out a certain rhythm with one hand on the knee of one of the neighbors. The neighbor must pass this rhythm further around the circle, in turn beating it on his neighbor’s knee. And so it is repeated until the rhythm goes around the entire circle and returns to the one who set it. Then you can go in the opposite direction. Believe me, as long as you manage to convey the rhythm without mistakes, you will laugh heartily!

Tie a handkerchief

This competition is aimed at adults, but children always like to watch them and sincerely root for them. You must prepare 2 neckerchiefs for a pair of adults, which consists of a woman and a man. First you need to tie the scarves around each other’s necks, and then untie them with your teeth. In this case, hands cannot be used. Children, no doubt, will be very interested in watching what is happening.

The most attentive

The game is played at the table, but at the same time it turns out to be interesting. The number of participants can be 2 – 3.

The presenter must tell a story in several dozen phrases, but when you pronounce the number 3, you need to take a prize. In this case, the text should include a sufficient number of different numbers, and 3 should be left at the very end.

In a plate

The game must be played during the meal, but on Family Day you can have a family dinner. The presenter names any letter. The remaining participants must name the item by letter, but only if it is present on their plate. The person who completes the task first becomes the leader. The driver who said a letter for which there were no options receives a prize. It is important to note that the following letters are prohibited: е, и, ъ, ь, ы.

Tags with ball

This game promises to be more dynamic and interesting than tag. Among the main tasks, it is necessary to note the training of skills such as running, jumping, and dodging. If desired, you can use a tennis or rag ball, because it is thanks to it that play activity becomes more active and saturated. The main task is to tightly tie the ball to a rope about 3 - 4 meters long.

The leader must guide the participants. He takes the ball and wraps the rope around his hand.

The participants scatter. The leader must hit the players with the ball. You cannot spin the ball by the rope, which significantly complicates the task and makes the game exciting. After the leader hits the participant with the ball, he changes places with him.

The game ends successfully only after everyone is tired.

What's in my name?

The game promises to provide a lot of fun for the whole evening. First you need to attach cards with the names of plants and animals, various objects. These “names” can be seen by anyone, but they must not be visible to the participant. Throughout the evening you need to ask leading questions to find out the name. The questions should be simple, but they should only require a specific answer, namely “yes” or “no.” People who break the current rules are from the game. The one who guessed the “name” first wins a prize.

Distract your child from computer games and various applications on tablets and smartphones - sometimes a difficult task for many parents. But at the same time, parents cannot always offer an interesting alternative for children in the form of active or board games. Today we will tell you what you can play with the whole family so that no one gets bored.

Games on fresh air not only bring health benefits, but also develop in children such qualities as dexterity, strength, ingenuity and creative thinking. These games can be played on the playground, in nature, on the lawn of a country house, and you will need very few additional props.

Ball up!

For this game you will need a ball, with which the driver stands in the center of the circle created by other players. He throws the ball as high as possible with the words “Ball up!” (you can come up with your own signal word), and at this time the players run away from it as far as possible (but you cannot hide behind trees or other objects). When the driver catches the ball and shouts “Stop!”, the players must freeze in place and not move (if someone does not stop at the signal, they must take three large steps towards the driver). Now the driver’s task is to throw the ball and stain one of the players with it, if he manages to do this, then this player becomes the driver next game. If it was not possible to stain anyone, then the driver again stands in a circle.

Canvas Basketball

You will need a piece of tarpaulin, in which you should cut holes of different diameters (just not smaller than the existing ball), cover their edges with colored tape and assign a value in points to each hole. Then the players take turns throwing the ball, the winner is the one who scores the maximum number of points in 10 throws. You can complicate the task and make each throw at a greater distance from the tarpaulin than the previous one.

Street twister

This game can be purchased in a store, or you can draw the outlines of circles on the asphalt yourself using colored chalk (if you don’t mind your lawn, you can draw circles on it with special water-based paints that wash off after rain). You decide the size yourself playing field and the size of the colored circles, and if you want circles of the same size, take a cardboard box, cut a hole in it and use it as a stencil.


Find two trees or pipes standing next to each other in your yard and stretch two ropes between them at the top and bottom to create a “window.” Now let the children (and adults too) jump through the “window” so as not to touch the ropes. This develops dexterity and coordination of movements in children, teaches them to jump in height and determine by eye the distances between objects. Then the task should be complicated: between two ropes, stretch a few more like a web, now let the participants climb through the obstacle without touching the ropes or breaking them.


This is an unusual running competition because you have to run in pairs. The players stand with their backs to each other, holding hands. Now each pair must cover the distance from one landmark and back, without tearing their backs away from each other and without breaking their hands. First, one participant runs forward and pulls the other player with him, then they run back in reverse - the one who pushed becomes the one who pulls, while trying to move synchronously with his Siamese twin. The winner is the pair that covers the distance there and back faster.

Ice riches

In hot weather, this game will delight children. Freeze ice cubes in a mold, first placing a small toy or other “treasure” (this could be, for example, flowers or plant leaves) in each mold. Or you can color the water with food coloring, then you will have multi-colored “precious stones” with riches. Give them to children and let them try to melt the ice with their hands, warm breath or other means. Just be careful that they don't accidentally swallow the surprise!

In order not to cause overwork in the child, you should alternate active games with calm ones from time to time.


This is old good game, which both children and adults love to play. Each player collects one item and puts it in a bag. One of the players is blindfolded and must come up with a task for the owner of each item pulled out of the bag by the presenter. You can do it another way: before the start of the game, each participant writes notes with tasks and puts them in a bag, then the bag is passed around in a circle and everyone must pull out their task for this con. You can come up with anything you want: sing a song while sitting under the table, give flowers to the first person to enter the room, or even take the iron out for a walk.


All participants come up with words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Then they are divided into pairs, and here the fun begins: in one minute, first one member of the pair, then the other must explain to each other as much as possible more concepts, which are written on pieces of paper pulled out of a hat. If you are playing with children, you should, of course, avoid words like “reverb,” “hydroelectric,” and “somnambulist.” The pair with the most words guessed in 2 minutes wins.


Before the start of the game, a presenter and explainer are selected. The presenter says a word to the explainer, and he, with the help of gestures, facial expressions and movements, must explain it to everyone else. The person explaining is prohibited from making any sounds, showing or using surrounding objects, but if the word is difficult to explain in its entirety, then it can be shown that he is explaining it in parts. The player who guesses what we're talking about, in the next round he himself becomes the explainer, and the one who made faces in front of the participants in the last round guesses the word.

Falling tower

In stores the game is sold under the name “Jenga”, but you can make it yourself. This will require about 50 wooden blocks 25 centimeters long, and about two in width and height. Then you should build a tower, alternating longitudinal and transverse laying of bricks. Players then take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. This must be done as carefully as possible, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player whose actions caused the collapse is considered the loser.

What, if not games, delights children? Children are ready to play endlessly! And if adults take the time to unite the whole family for this, simple entertainment will also bring great benefits. After all, games at home will help not only to have a great time, but also to unite all household members and even resolve minor family troubles.

Family games can be divided into three categories:

  • sports/active games;
  • board/calm games;
  • creative games and activities.

Sports games in the family

Mom, dad, I am a sports family! This motto can be adopted by many families who love active pastime. Sport games often held in the fresh air: in nature, in the country, on a children's or sports ground. You just have to take with you a couple of things that will probably be found in any home with a child: a jump rope, balls, hoops.

Sports games benefit the whole family. With their help, you not only maintain the health of your household, but also develop children’s endurance and agility, and also contribute to the development of teamwork skills. It is not without reason that family psychologists widely use them to solve problems both within the same generation and between relatives of different ages.

Board games for the whole family

As for board games, we can talk about this topic for a long time. After all, there are a lot of games that will be interesting to every family member. They develop not only intelligence, strategic thinking, they teach to compare, contrast, draw conclusions, but also teach the most valuable skill - the ability to communicate in a team, enjoy communication, give in, negotiate, and wisely accept not only winnings, but also losses.

Let's start with word games. This is composing a series of words that begin with the last letter of the previous word, deciphering abbreviations, composing words from one long one, searching for objects in a room that begin with a certain letter, and others. There are other games too. For example, you can spend the whole evening playing lotto, dominoes or the game “Crocodile”! There are children's versions of these games, allowing a wider range of household members to take part in them.

Walking games, where each player rolls a die to move a piece along the map, are especially good for large families. An interesting option can serve the whole family logic games, various puzzles, riddles. For the little ones you can offer labyrinths and simple puzzles, although older children are happy to take part in this.

Interesting games for the whole family include puzzles, puzzles, trick questions, crosswords, chess and checkers, tic-tac-toe. All this has a great effect on general development, logical thinking, imagination, memory and attentiveness and, of course, helps to spend the evening in a warm and cheerful atmosphere.

You can either make board games yourself (and this is another useful activity for the whole family that can take up an evening or a weekend) or buy ready games and sets in the store. In addition, if you have a printer at home, you can print some of the material from the Internet.

It’s worth choosing games, of course, according to the child’s age. It is also important to consider that young children may not immediately understand your proposal, so you need to try different options. Choose family games in such a way that each family member can take part in them with interest. After all, if everyone enjoys such an activity, the relationship between parents and children will undoubtedly be wonderful. The most important thing is to have a pleasant, exciting, and useful time with the whole family.

Creative games and activities with children

Creative activities can also be classified as board games, but, perhaps, it would be more correct to separate them into a separate group. They also contribute mental development baby, stimulate imagination and artistic taste, develop hard work, and even the child’s motor skills develop mainly thanks to creative activities. Drawing is suitable for all ages (for example, the whole family can draw a picture, create a tree from handprints, color pictures), modeling from plasticine, clay or salt dough, origami, collecting interesting pictures from mosaics and much more.

Something as unusual as this can captivate children for a long time. left hand drawing(for right-handers and, accordingly, with the right hand for left-handers). An adult can name simple figures or words, and children, amidst everyone’s laughter, try to draw what they said with the “wrong” hand. This game is simple, but extremely useful for the development of both hemispheres of the brain.

Family art magazine- another original and fashionable activity for the whole family. His appearance, form, style and theme may vary. Typically, an art magazine contains drawings and notes on the topic of family life and uses absolutely any artistic means for self-expression. The main thing is that everyone involved in the creative process likes it!

You can also publish a book on any topic. Texts can be written together, drawings can be drawn by younger family members, and parents will take on the technical aspects of making the tome. Using the same principle, a guide to your hometown, a wall newspaper or a scrapbook on the theme of vacation or family holidays is made.

It is necessary to play at home with children - any child psychologist and teacher will tell you this. And it is joint family games and entertainment that is the cement that holds the whole family together, gives unforgettable memories to your children and a feeling of warmth and kindness emanating from the hearth. Play family games and enjoy being one family!
