How to make a gravity jump in dead space. Dead Space

Introduction Dead Space- the creation of the hands of the studio EA Redwood Shores. A game in which we see action elements from a third person perspective and survival horror(a phrase that has long taken root in the gaming and film industry, meaning “horror”, in which main character must survive in various chilling circumstances).

The game is played entirely in Russian. Not only credits and “voice”, but also some in-game content (like service inscriptions on doors).

Let me note, perhaps, the existence in nature of a full-length cartoon Dead Space: Downfall.

According to the responses of many critics and viewers, the cartoon came out mediocre, unlike the game. My personal opinion is quite digestible, although I cannot argue with this statement. This confirms the trend of not very successful films based on video games (and vice versa, video games based on films). Although, of course, there are pleasant exceptions...

System requirements

Minimum system requirements to start the game Dead Space:

Pentium 4 class processor @ 2.8 GHz or equivalent

1 GB RAM (for Windows XP), 2 GB RAM (for Windows Vista)

Video card NVIDIA GeForce 6800 and above (7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 are not sufficient to run the game); or ATI X1600 XT and higher (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 are not sufficient to run the game). A video adapter with 256 MB of memory and support for Shader Model 3.0 is required.

Operating system Windows XP (with SP2 or later installed) or Windows Vista

Latest version of DirectX 9.0c

7.5 GB of hard drive space for installing applications, additional space for saving games.


High-quality projects should cover as large a market as possible, so the flickering inscription “Press any key” clearly reveals the existence of a console brother of Dead Space. If you wait a little, a screensaver scrolls on the screen, telling about the attack of the creatures on the space station. The video shows horrific destruction, rampaging disgusting creatures and the disfigured bodies of crew members...

As a result of the destruction, the station, like a dead fragment, plows the vast expanses of space.

The main menu is very simple, allowing you to start a new game or load an old one, enter the settings section or exit Windows. Judging by the index in the lower right corner, we get version out of the box.

The settings menu allows you to adjust sound settings, adjust controls, brightness, and video settings. Brightness is included as a separate item, and this is understandable, because before us is a “horror film” for which the darkness factor is very critical. Naturally, we are asked to set the brightness to the minimum level.

Video settings come down to choosing one of three standard quality profiles (low, medium, high) or going to custom settings - you can turn on and off various effects like blur, highlights, smoothing, etc.

When choosing new game- you will have to decide on the difficulty level (easy, medium or hard). I settled on the average, and when reading the further description, remember this factor.

The first thing you notice is the high-quality cinematic design. Screensavers on the game engine really immerse you in the atmosphere of what is happening.

A team of repairmen flies up to the huge Ishimura mining station. One of the crew members named Isaac (a technician, a specialist in ship systems), had a girl named Nicole left at the station. Actually, Isaac is the main character on whose behalf we will speak.

Events in Dead Space develop mainly according to the templates of the film industry. So you went to check the damage scanning system, and behind the glass some creature attacks your comrades...

From the very first minutes, your first movements in space and actions are accompanied by stylishly designed tips.

Our travels on the ship through the compartments are limited by locked doors. The door is illuminated in blue to indicate that you can proceed further, and red indicators indicate locked compartments (which, however, can then be opened according to the script).

Let's see what the main character has to navigate the surrounding space. Firstly, this is, of course, a map...

Three-dimensional, scalable - in general, very convenient (except that there may be some complaints about navigation). All key objects are indicated, as well as the route to the current task.

Secondly, it is a locator. A very useful thing that shows the path to the location required by the current task. You press the button, and a blue thread runs from your locator located on your hand, indicating the way. Just a fairy tale ball from Baba Yaga!

Thirdly, at any time you can call up the event log to view completed and ongoing tasks.

You put the things you pick up in a backpack, the volume of which is limited (and depends on the type of protective suit, which can be upgraded to a more advanced version). The inventory panel also displays weapon slots, key items, and information about your costume.

Your “outfit” is, in fact, a life support system. It has such characteristics as armor, health reserves, oxygen reserves. Also, two modules are built into the suit: the developers called them stasis and kinesis modules (we'll talk about them later).

Health is displayed on the character's back - a bluish highlight in the form of a progress bar on the spine.

Health is restored with the help of first aid kits (dropped from killed monsters, can be found in various lockers and on the floor of the ship, and also purchased in the store). The first aid kit can be used by pressing hotkey"Q". There are small first aid kits (restore one segment of the health indicator), medium (restore two segments) and large (restore all health).

The suit also has its own supply of oxygen. If you fall into a vacuum, a gauge is displayed on your back with the amount of time you have left to breathe.

To replenish your oxygen reserves, look for a stationary gas station or use an oxygen cylinder if you have one in your inventory (they are also divided into small, medium and large).

Your suit is equipped with special boots that allow you to feel confident in zero-gravity conditions: you will take off from the floor after making a jump only when you highlight the landing site with the weapon sight indicator and press Ctrl.

However, places with weightlessness and vacuum are not so common... Now let's talk about the stasis and kinesis modules.

Stasis. The main character has the opportunity to slow down fast moving objects, as well as fast enemies using a special module. For example, a fast moving door can injure you, but stasis slows it down (a certain field envelops the object and it begins to move as if in slow motion). This stasis module requires recharging from stationary sources (or from batteries in your inventory). The current charge of the stasis module is displayed on the indicator in the form of a semicircle on the back of the main character. In principle, the use of stasis on large monsters or in difficult combat situations is quite justified. A number of tasks cannot be completed at all without using this unique ability on living organisms.

Kinesis. And this is the ability to grab and drag (and also throw at the enemy) objects using an anti-gravity device.

The energy reserve of the kinesis module is unlimited. Use kinesis to pick up the severed limbs of enemies and use them as weapons. The same can be done with explosive cylinders. On the other hand, sometimes with the help of kinesis you have to clear your way or insert batteries into the power connectors. Another interesting use is picking up money, first aid kits and ammunition from hard-to-reach places where your hero is not able to go. Some players can get even more tactical and move enemy corpses out of rooms to prevent them from being turned into zombies by certain types of monsters, as well as build barricades of items to ensure their own safety.

The saving system is implemented in the form of occasionally occurring objects with a camera icon. Since you are free to wander through the compartments as you please, you can save on purpose by running up to the specified key point at the right moment. By the way, if you die, you will not start from the place where you last saved, but not far from the place where you died. For such an implementation - special thanks to the developers, since it saves both time and nerves. Although, the ability to save at any time would have been preferable, but the console roots of the game certainly had their say here.

I’ll tell you about two important types of objects in the game, the store and the workbench. It is logical to guess that in the store (designed as a small niche with an information display) you can sell and buy items, weapons, first aid kits, ammunition, as well as improvements to your suit (when it appears in the “price list”). Some types of goods become available only if you have found the corresponding diagram at the level.

In addition, the store allows you to transfer items from your inventory to the safe. You can pick up items from the safe at any portal store.

Now about the workbench. This is a system for improving weapons, suits, as well as stasis and kinesis modules. By going to the workbench menu and selecting the desired item, you see a diagram of improvements.

To improve, power units are required - special parts selected at levels, or purchased for 10 thousand credits in the store. By the way, power units are sometimes needed to break locks in secret rooms.

Considering the cost of the node, the amount found in such rooms usually justifies the expenditure of this much-needed component for improvements. So always leave at least one power node in your inventory for such situations. And one more important note: if you improved your first-level protective suit with the help of a power module, and then bought a new, second-level one in the store, then the previously applied improvements are completely preserved. But if they sold an improved weapon, then they will sell you the regular basic version back. Be careful!


Game process

Thanks to the competent presentation of the plot in a cinematic frame, the game looks very cool.

The atmosphere is subtly conveyed by high-quality “voice acting” (melodies with tragic notes, the barely audible whisper of a praying woman, the sounds of monsters moving along the bulkheads above your head, etc.). There is blood all around, in the toilet there are signs like “Dear God, protect us from these creatures”; some areas are shrouded in haze, others are immersed in twilight. In general, the atmosphere is perfectly realized, not least thanks to good graphics and adherence to the canons of the genre.

To better convey the plot, the developers scattered text, audio and even video messages throughout. They help create a gloomy atmosphere of the invasion of hostile creatures, the panic of crew members and understand the storyline.

However, despite all the horror elements, Dead Space is still more of a third-person action movie. You have to fight very often: there are suddenly corpses standing up, and monsters jumping out of the darkness or from behind. By the way, the developers used their plot concept very wisely: since we are dealing with creatures driven by the desire to kill all living things, we can’t expect particularly intelligent moves from the AI. One of the main tactics of monsters is to attack head-on, as well as with superior forces (it’s especially dangerous when the creatures surround you and can grab you - then you have to free yourself by frantically pressing the “E” key).

Getting to know a new type of monster can end very badly for you. They are quite varied, and do not always attack in the same way - for example, there are hybrids that shoot spikes at you. There are also very unpleasant small fry, similar to leeches, which quickly attack the main character and suck out precious health.

As you might guess, the difficulty level affects the survivability of the creatures in the game. Some, however, have to be killed in a certain way. Some are vulnerable from behind, others are constantly regenerating and need to be dragged into a cryogenic installation or even run away from the battlefield.

In monsters, in general, the limbs are vulnerable. Shoot at the legs, arms, and tentacles until all that remains of the creature is a lifeless stump of its body. There are, of course, bosses - they require certain tactics, which you find only after a few deaths (although on an easy difficulty level it is probably easier to breathe).

You will explore the territory in an atmosphere of constant fear. Don’t be lazy to leave the route, looking into various nooks and crannies - you will be financially rewarded for your curiosity. Although you will have to kill more monsters...

Green boxes with logos can be broken and often contain useful items. Killed monsters usually drop ammo, money, batteries, or oxygen tanks.

Do not sell ammunition or first aid kits under any circumstances. These resources are very critical in the game, you will really learn how to save them. And for this you will have to develop your own passing tactics. Some monsters are easier to kill with one weapon, some with another. You have four slots and seven types of weapons. Choose what you like best - and determine for yourself your own rules of survival in a hostile world.

For example, I did not enter an unfamiliar room with a weapon that had insufficient ammunition (even if this weapon was very powerful) - it would cost me more. Using explosive cylinders near clusters of monsters looks very effective - lure the creatures to the gas cylinder and then blow up the whole bunch with one shot. By the way, you can throw this very balloon at an enemy, lifting it into the air using the kinesis module.

The developers tried to diversify what was happening as best they could. There are the mentioned spaces with weightlessness and vacuum, and dangerous areas that can untimely interrupt your adventures, and even mini-games like shooting meteorites from a gun.

In general, I liked the gameplay, in a number of moments my heart began to pound when another necromorphic crap jumped out of the darkness with a screech. It seemed to me that the game Dead Space is in many ways similar (both plot and implementation) to another, no less famous project - Prey (see. review on our website). By the way, a sequel to Prey is almost ready. I am sure that the second part of Dead Space will not be the same. The main thing is that the leadership Electronic Arts Sales volumes did not disappoint...


Dead Space is a colorful high-budget third-person action film made within the framework of a horror film (or, as they like to call it in the gaming industry, survival horror). This is a truly high-quality product, from under the cover of which the very serious investment in time and material costs of a large company is clearly visible.

Great graphics, great sound. The tasks are interesting and logical, and the plot, despite a number of clichés, keeps you glued to the screen. Ergonomics gameplay also commands respect.

It should be noted that the game is deservedly rated for people over 18 years of age. I am sure that people with an unstable psyche, easily excitable and impressionable should either play in moderation or not play at all...


Graphic arts: 92%
Sound: 92%
Game process: 85%

General impression: 90%


  • Questions - answers .
  • Walkthrough

    9. Dead on Arrival
    Dead Space how to get through. Chapter 9

    Officer Hammond offers to retrieve parts from the crashed warship Vailor and repair the local shuttle. Then the connection disappears, we communicate with Kendra about the same thing.

    Ore Storage

    We are entering the zero-gravity zone. Below, near the huge doors, we kick 6 fuses, they are located on both sides. After this, the gate will open and air will begin to be consumed. We need to catch flying round radioactive balls and throw them into space. One of them is hidden on the wall behind a round platform. Near the open doors there are two panels where you can replenish the oxygen supply. Having thrown out all the balls, we enter the recess in the wall and get on board the Vailor ship.

    Cargo Bay

    A very fast necromorph will run away from us in the corridors. We go out to the area where you need to move magnetic boxes using kinesis in order to move forward. In the side dead ends on the right and left you can find cartridges if you move away the extra boxes. After these obstacles, two fast monsters will attack at once. In battle, they are no different from ordinary enemies, only they quickly reach us.

    Then there are again narrow corridors. You can't take the first battery out of the wall, but you can take the second one. In the last room, the elevator battery will fail, mice will appear and begin to revive the corpses. We deal with the enemies, insert any other battery, and take the elevator up.

    Dr. Terrence Kane will contact us in the elevator car. He will tell you that the cause of all the troubles is the “Marker” artifact, which was discovered on the planet and taken to Ishimura. To stop the invasion of necromorphs, you need to return the “Marker” to its place. If we manage to repair the shuttle, then it should be used for this task, and not evacuated.

    We fight with a splitting monster, a little further - with a kamikaze. Take the power unit (23) from the wall. At the turn we find a shooting range, where we can practice shooting. You need to shoot at the red armed mannequins, and not shoot at the unarmed blue ones. There are endless training cartridges, you can use any modem weapon, but a standard pistol is preferable. There are 5 tests in total:

    1. Kill 10 enemies, 1000 points. Reward: additional ammo.

    2. Kill 12 enemies, 1200 points. Reward: pistol cartridges.

    3. Kill 14 enemies, 1400 points. Reward: Medium First Aid Kit.

    4. Kill 16 enemies, 1600 points. Reward: ruby semiconductor.

    5. Kill 20 enemies, 2000 points. Reward: Power Node (24) .


    We go into the infirmary, there is a faulty laser scalpel, the rays of which are deadly. We slow down the laser with stasis and quickly run past. Along the path to the left of it you can take diagram of a large first aid kit (Large Med Pack).

    In the barracks at the dead end on the right we take the power unit (25). In the double corridor, all kinds of monsters will attack for a long time until the door opens.

    Engine Room

    We get to the engine room, behind the glass we see the ship's engine. We go up the elevator, and a powerful stream of fire periodically passes from above. We need to hide behind one of the cylinders, move it with kinesis, and so move forward. If the cylinder is stuck, move it sideways. Along the way you need to destroy 3 fuses on the pillars. Afterwards you need to go back and pull the cylinder towards you, which is much more difficult. We pass forward on the other side, and also destroy 3 fuses. After this, the engine will stop. We take it away singular converter in the center.

    Let's go down. Behind the glass we will see Hammond running, but he will be immediately killed by the red Brute. This monster has more health than a regular big guy, but is killed in the same way. For defeating him we will receive diamond semiconductor for 25,000 credits.

    Valor's ship began to collapse, we quickly get out of it. Along the way we kill a couple more ordinary monsters. We get to the trolley.

    10. End of Days
    Dead Space walkthrough. Chapter 10

    Kendra reports that she has found the location of the shuttle on the ship. But before you start it you need to collect navigation maps to get to Earth. You will have to look for them in the residential section of the station. In the foyer we see many dead, as if in a sacrifice, and next to it is a strange obelisk figurine.

    Sleep Bock C

    On the right we enter open door, we'll find it in the shower costume diagram (Level 5 Suit). We can immediately return and buy this suit for 60,000 credits. Further down the dead end is the mini-game "Z-ball" (Zero-G Basketball). Inside gym lies with low gravity 1st navigation map. Here we can play this game by turning on the panel on the first platform.

    Z-ball rules: A ball flies out of four holes ahead, we need to catch it and throw it back into any hole. But if we do it right away, we will get only 1 point. When the next ball flies out, several platforms light up, first we jump on them, each visit will double the points, and after that you can catch and throw the ball back, we will earn 2, 4 or 8 points. In a minute you need to score from 12 to 40 points, depending on the level. There are 9 levels in total, for each of them we will receive prizes from the lockers, including a power unit (26).

    Mess Hall

    We go up to the second floor. Behind the glass we see a crazy doctor, he makes a sacrifice - he kills a person. We enter the cafeteria, but we don’t have time to catch the doctor. We go down under the cafe, kill two long monsters, and take the power unit (27) from the wall behind the table. Near the woman who has grown into the wall, we take crew key. We get up and go to the next room.

    Sleep Block A

    In the corridor we kill the necromorph that has grown into the wall. We go along the next floor through the rest room. A tentacle will grab us and drag us away, we shoot at the yellow growth. At the end we reach the panel, on the left we move the magnetic lever with kinesis, this will open the doors on the floor.

    Sleep Block B

    We enter the depressurized living compartment, where oxygen is consumed. There are a lot of monsters here, but we don’t pay attention to them, we don’t have much time. You especially shouldn't kill fat monsters, leeches will appear from them, and the flamethrower doesn't work here. We turn right twice, in a dead-end room we find a power unit (28). In the central hall between the rows of cubicles we will find 2nd navigation map.

    Sleep Bock C

    We return back to the hall, from there we go into compartment “C”, now using the key we can open the door to the sleeping area. Along the way we will see a video of the doctor’s speech.

    In the bedroom on the right we can use a power node to open the door, behind it are various cartridges and a medium first aid kit. Using kinesis, we move the beds to go into the hiding place behind them: we move the bed against the wall, then the bed across. Having entered the intermediate part, we push the transverse bed back, move two more beds against the right wall, and exit.

    In the hiding place we find many corpses and a laughing girl who immediately commits suicide. To the right of it we take 3rd navigation map.

    Let's quickly go back. A regenerating monster will begin to chase us. The doors in the intermediate room will close, and we will have to run in circles from the invulnerable monster for some time until Kendra breaks open the doors. In the hall we take the elevator.

    Security Station

    We find the shelter of Doctor Kane, who helped us. We communicate with him through the glass. He lets us into the director's rooms.

    Executive Commons

    There are 3 fat monsters in the big red hall. We search 4 side rooms, in one of them there is the captain’s audio diary, in another there is a note from the assistant, in the rest there are cartridges. We enter the double doors.

    Executive Shuttle Bay

    We get to the shuttle launch pad, go inside it, install navigation maps. Dr. Kane asks you to wait until he gets here. For now we go to the side room and test the engine there.

    But before the doctor, a regenerating monster will get here. To kill this boss, we lure him to the platform opposite the shuttle exhaust pipes, shoot off his legs, and freeze him in stasis. We quickly run into the room and turn on the engine again. All that will remain from the monster is ashes and a power node (29).

    Dr. Kane will come running and climb inside the shuttle. In the room on the second panel, open the valves, the shuttle will go down. We return on foot to the monorail. On the way back, we'll watch a video of how the crazy Dr. Mercer voluntarily turns into a necromorph. We go into the next room and kill bat and a mutated doctor.

    11. Alternative Solutions
    Dead Space. Video walkthrough. Chapter 11

    Cargo Bay

    Kane will explain via radio that we must find the black and red obelisk in the cargo bay and load it into the shuttle. We go down to the floor below, first we go around the entire location along the square path, and activate the panel. In the far corner on the wall there is a power unit (30).

    In the center on the conveyor belt we find an obelisk in a glass box. You need to move the obelisk along the conveyor using kinesis. Necromorphs interfere with us, and when we enter the central paths, we are attacked by giant tentacles, first we need to scare them away, and only then move the load.

    Flight Lounge

    We return to the room where we first arrived at the station. If we go along the corridor where we ran away from the first monster, we will find a dead end ruby semiconductor and cartridges. Then we go to the spaceport.

    Hangar Bay

    Kane's shuttle will arrive at the hangar. The loading system is not working, we need to manually load the obelisk into the shuttle. We go to the room on the right, turn off gravity on the panel, and jump down under the ship.

    We move the obelisk further, but here there are two forks on the rails, we turn them so that the approach is on the right. At the first intersection, we move the obelisk to a side dead end, turn the rails to the left, and move the load to the end.

    We return to the panel on the balcony, turn on gravity, the obelisk will submerge. We run to the lowered ramp into the shuttle. But right in front of us, Doctor Kane will be killed, and the shuttle will fly away without us. Kendra arranged all this, she admits that she was secret agent, and her goal was to get the obelisk. The obelisk itself is a copy created by people for experiments.

    Nicole will get in touch. We go up to her on the top floor of the control room, along the way we take diamond semiconductor. There is interference and extraterrestrial symbols on the screens around. Nicole will tell you that the shuttle can be returned to the hangar by emergency remote control. The shuttle does return, and Kendra is catapulted to the planet, afraid of our revenge. We enter the returned ship and fly ourselves.

    12. Dead Space
    Dead Space (2008). Chapter 12

    Landing Pad

    On the planet we land on a special site of the earth colony. All the people here are killed. We enter the building, inside there is a semiconductor and everything you need: a store, a workbench, storage. There are two bat monsters locked in a side locked room.

    We move the platform under the shuttle, load the obelisk onto it, and move it along the rails. There is not enough battery near the door, let's go look for it inside the building, then continue on our way.

    Airlock A, Airlock B

    We move the obelisk further, whole hordes of necromorphs will interfere with us, but we can constantly use stasis, there are many panels to replenish it. In block "B" in the far right corner there is a door that opens through the power unit. In some places you need to place the obelisk under the bridges; to do this, press the panel and freeze the bridges with stasis.

    Gravity Control

    On the path to the right are two enemies embedded in the wall. The bridges do not rise, you need to go into a large pipe and turn on the electricity. On the way back, all the devices will turn on and we will have to go through the moving blades, slowing them down with stasis. When we return to the main path, we have to fight with the Brute, for defeating him we will receive a power node (31).

    In the next small compartment on the right there is a power node (32).

    Pedestal Chamber

    We reach the open surface of the planet. On the way we have a dozen monsters and three tentacles from the cliff. We clear the path and push the obelisk to the cliff.

    The alarm goes off, we run into the glass room on the left. We find ourselves locked, and Kendra appears outside, she moves the obelisk back to the shuttle. Kendra also sends us a full video message from Nicole in which she commits suicide. It turns out that the real Nicole has been dead for a long time, and all we saw were hallucinations caused by the obelisk. (There is a hint about this hidden in the game: from the first letters of the titles of the chapters of Dead Space on English language the phrase is formed: Nicole is dead - Nicole is dead).

    Living Space

    It's too early to give up. From the glass room we go into a side corridor overgrown with biomass. Along the way, let's take the power unit (33). We return to the first room, shop for the last time in the store, spend power nodes, take more cartridges and first aid kits. Let's go to the shuttle.

    Boss: Hive Mind(Mind of the Swarm)

    Kendra tried to escape on the shuttle, but at the last moment she was killed by the tentacle of a giant monster. We are left alone with this monster. This is the leader of all necromorphs; while on this planet, he telepathically controlled all necromorphs.

    1st phase. The boss will hit with tentacles from above. We constantly look in his direction, run away left and right. After the blow, the boss will move its mouth closer to us. He has 5 yellow growths around his mouth, you need to shoot at them. It's better to spend powerful slow weapons and save the fast-firing basic pistol for later.

    Phase 2. When we shoot off any three growths, the monster will grab us with a tentacle. The remaining two growths will have to be shot while hanging upside down. If we don't make it in time, the boss will swallow us.

    Phase 3. Having shot the yellow dots in time, we remain alive and fall onto the platform. The boss does the same thing, but now after several hits with the tentacles, his ribs will open, and 5 yellow hearts will hang inside them. We use a more accurate weapon - the initial pistol, and gradually shoot off the hearts.

    Phase 4. Towards the end, the boss will start spitting explosive balls and spitting out necromorphs, they will interfere with our aim. But if you attack quickly and accurately enough, the boss will not even have time to reach this stage.

    When all the hearts are shot, a huge monster will fall off the cliff. We board the shuttle and leave the planet. Inside, we watch the video with Nicole for the last time, and fly to Earth.

    Congratulations! The whole game is completed!

    For completing we receive the following bonuses:

    Military Suit (Military armor);

    Backstory Logs (text messages with plot background);

    50,000 credits (money from the very beginning);

    10 Power Nodes (10 power nodes);

    Impossible Mode (maximum difficulty).

    Questions - answers

    Question: How to install a beacon on an asteroid? What to do with an asteroid?(V game Dead Space)

    Answer: The asteroid is held by 4 beams, two of them are turned off inside the ship, two more - outside. Only after this we will be able to install a beacon. More details are provided in Chapter 7.

    Question: How to jump in zero gravity?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: In the first part of the game you cannot fly in zero gravity, we can only jump onto the walls and ceiling. Aim at a suitable wall (hold right button mouse), make a jump (press the Ctrl key).

    Question: How to use stasis?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: Take aim (hold down the right mouse button), release a slowing charge (C key).

    Question: How to enable or change the Russian language?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: B licensed version The game does not have Russian voice acting, only subtitles. To enable subtitles, in the main menu, select the line “Settings” - “Sound” - “Subtitles: enable”.

    Question: How to get through a meteor shower?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: At the end of the 4th chapter. In order not to die, before starting meteor shower you need to stand behind a high cover, close to it, and wait out the dangerous moment. After this, we quickly run across to the next shelter, and so on until the end of the path.

    Question: How to remove the power lock?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: The game has service vaults that are locked with a power lock. To open them you need to spend 1 power node. Nodes can be found in secrets or purchased from game stores for 10,000 credits.

    Question: Which part is better?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: Game critics considered the best Dead Space 2, its average rating is 86.18%. In second place is the original Dead Space with 85.32%. In last place is Dead Space 3 with a score of 73.10%.

    Question: Which weapon is best to upgrade?(in the game Dead Space)

    Dead Space- second chapter walkthrough Dead Space intensive care. You can read the first chapter

    When you arrive, you will meet a wounded girl who will give you a kinesis module. It allows you to move objects. It's time to try it out. Remove obstacles that block the path to the security post.
    Clue walkthrough of Dead Space: Collect schematics, they need to be delivered to the store to unlock new weapons.
    Hammond will contact you and say that after the attack of the monsters, Kendra disappeared and will give you a task: find the X-captain. Using the locator, get to the Main Laboratory. In the laboratory, the computer will say that a dangerous anomaly has been detected and quarantine mode has been activated. All exits will be blocked, the lights will go out, and then four necromorphs will attack you.

    There should be a platform nearby that will take you down to the lower level of the laboratory. Here you need to act quickly and kill five necromorphs at once. After this, the computer will announce that the quarantine has been lifted.
    Search the rooms, there you will find a video recording. After viewing it, you find out that there is some kind of obelisk and that people turn into monsters and kill each other. In another room there will be an audio recording that a mad scientist wants to conduct research and figure out a way to transform into a necromorph. Go to the Biolab, where you will see a man behind glass who will call for help and some small creature with tentacles will blow his head off. IN walkthrough of Dead Space kill the creature and go up on the platform. There will be two more of the same kind, deal with them too. Go to the main laboratory. Pick up the thermite from the table. Use the locator to get to the diagnostic wing, killing two creatures along the way. Walk down the corridor and get to the 3D diagnostic room, passing some idiot who is banging his head against the wall. Using the kinesis module, remove the fence that gets in your way.

    Two tailed monsters will immediately attack you, kill them. Search the room, there should be an electrical circuit there and kill the monster that appears from the ventilation. Leave the room and find the electrical unit, lift it using the kinesis module and insert it into a special connector.
    As it shown on the picture

    The platform will start working. Climb up upper deck. There will be a cliff there, move the platform using the kinesis module to get to the adjacent deck. Immediately kill the two necromorphs that appear. Move the platform again. We reach the zero-gravity therapy department. We break the electric lock to open the door. We find ourselves in a vacuum zone, where you have 70 seconds (unless, of course, you have upgraded the oxygen tank of the armor) to find a way out. After passing through the vacuum zone, you enter the zero-gravity therapy zone. Activate anti-gravity on the control panel, the zero-gravity mode will be activated. To make a jump, aim and press ctrl

    Using zero gravity, get to the next door. To open it, use an electrical unit that flies somewhere nearby, insert it into the connector. The door will be unlocked and you can go through. Take the electric pad from the table by connecting with the thermite you found earlier, it will be converted into a thermite bomb. Go back. Three tailed creatures will attack you, kill them. In the vacuum zone, deal with the necromorph. Another one will appear after the vacuum zone. Then move the platforms to move between decks and kill the necromorph along the way. There will be another one on the lower floor. You can kill him without even going down.

    After killing the necromorph we go down. We reach the place shown in the figure.

    You have to be careful here. A crowd of small necromorph parasites will try to attack you. It's better to shoot back at them, but if they still manage to jump on you, you need to press E to throw them off. Then we go along the corridor and reach the place shown in the picture.

    Use a thermite bomb to remove the fences. Let's go further to the Ishimura clinic. In the clinic, kill two creatures with three tentacles. Take the power block and insert it into the connector to supply electricity and the doors will be unlocked.

    Next, kill two necromorphs and two more will be around the corner. The last one will appear behind you. If you go further along the corridor, you can meet three more necromorphs.

    We go to the intensive care unit. To clarify the route, use the locator (button B). Along the way, you will find an audio recording from the colonists, which says that many of the colonists have gone crazy, most likely because of the found obelisk. Further along the corridor, kill the creature with three tentacles and take the elevator to the morgue.

    In the morgue you will find a dead captain, and some kind of flying creature that will turn the captain into a necromorph. Just kill the converted captain and the winged creature. Take “Captain X” from the corpse. We take the elevator to the “emergency department”. Using the locator we get to the “security post”, killing the necromorph along the way. Hammond contacts us and says that what is happening to people is not an infection, but an alien life form. He immediately sends us to the engine room. Using the locator, we get to the trolley and go to the engine room.

    Go to Main page

    Everything is fine on Earth, 2012 did not come, crises did not eat anyone up and humanity quietly developed, multiplied, and became smarter. A new religion has appeared - Juventology, which has found a response in the hearts of very, very many, including those in power. The essence of religion was rebirth into the good and immortal through death, everything was clear, but it was not clear how to do this. Supporters of the new religion were called Juventologists; the new church itself had enormous financial and human resources because it controlled the material assets of its followers.

    Information about Dead Space universe can be obtained from two serious sources:

    1. Dead Space: Downfall (2008) (cartoon)

    3. Dead Space 2 (2011) game will be released January 26-28, 2011

    An obelisk of unearthly origin has been discovered on a distant, distant planet. Juventologists decided that this was a divine message, and it was decided to deliver the obelisk to Earth. To do this, the huge planet ripper “Ishimura” (a mining spaceship that processed asteroids and soil from planets, extracting minerals) was sent to the planet Aegis 7. Most of the crew was replaced by Juventologists. There is a human colony on the planet.

    From this moment on, the events of the cartoon Dead Space: Downfall begin to unfold, in which people unsuccessfully struggle with the consequences of the destructive influence of the obelisk on the mind and appearance people on the ship Ishimura. People turned into terrible monsters with bone sabers instead of hands. I haven’t watched the cartoon - it’s very scary and ends badly, everyone died, the worst prospects for humanity...

    Bye on spaceship chaos reigned, the systems began to gradually fail, the engines were the first to fail, and since everything was not completely bad yet, then the repair team was called(a very important point, because the second part, namely the game Dead Space, begins with it), then everything changed completely and everyone died.

    Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

    How I wonder what you are!

    Up above the world so high,

    Like a diamond in the sky!

    When the blazing sun is gone,

    When he nothing shines upon,

    Then you show your little light,

    Twinkle, twinkle, all the night…

    The cartoon ends with this song and the game is set to it:

    Dead Space

    And so the repairmen fly to the aid of “Ishimura”, there are four of them, 3 guys and an aunt, one guy is Isaac Clarke (Isaac Clark) - who we play with. Repairmen arrive at the mining ship, and there is disaster, their shuttle breaks down, one is eaten by monsters, Isaac Clarke fights off the group and off we go.

    The game is good, interesting, the plot is addictive despite the clumsy controls - Isaac does not know how to jump, runs slowly, is clumsy, clumsy, slow, takes up most of the left side of the screen, cannot stop if he starts an action (for example, reloading a weapon in the middle of a battle until he reloads will not do anything else). And still the game is good. I assume that she received such a control option because of this? which was released on game consoles. In general, the difficulty of the game has a lot to do with the controls, but again, the game is good.

    Controls in Dead Space

    Control of movement and inspection is standard, running is activated with the left Shift key, pick up/open E, reload R, inventory Tab, map M (in map/inventory mode 1,2,3,4 are responsible for switching the map/inventory/database...) .

    Important button B - indicates where to go next, it’s very convenient to never get lost.

    Jumping in zero gravity, aim (Right mouse button or Caps Lock), press left Ctrl - if the ammo indicator flashes red, you cannot move, but if not, it will fly to the aiming location and it will become the floor.

    In aiming mode, it is possible to slow down object C (uses battery stasis) and attract objects F (the object can then be thrown with force with the left mouse button or lowered by pressing F).

    Combat system.

    Left mouse button - strike with a weapon, Azek swings and boom. Spacebar - stamp your foot in a heavy shoe, crush monsters.

    Shooting can only be done in aiming mode - right mouse button or Caps Lock, while you cannot run, visibility is limited, the turning speed drops (what, scary?), the shot is fired with the left mouse button, alternative shooting is by pressing the spacebar button.

    Economy in Dead Space

    Yes, yes, there is an economy about the same as in Bioshock.

    First of all, we collect everything that is not lying around. Open boxes and cabinets are illuminated with a blue light, they open along E, green boxes (in zero gravity they often float, pull up F) - we press with our foot and select resources. Enter all open rooms, always have 1 power unit with you, to open rooms with a large supply of useful items.

    After the death of monsters, cartridges and money remain, and cartridges for the weapons that are in your inventory.

    Along the way there are shops where you can buy weapons, ammunition, first aid kits, stasis field batteries, oxygen cylinders, armored suits, and you can sell what you managed to collect along the way or transfer it to your personal safe. The assortment in the store is initially limited, but as Isaac progresses, he collects diagrams for new products and costumes, expanding the list of products. You need to go to stores more often, leaving extra ammunition there, selling excess equipment and circuits.

    IN Dead Space you need to carry with you: 2 first aid kits, 1 battery, 1 oxygen cylinder, a small supply of ammunition, 4 types of weapons, 1 power unit.

    IN safe to create stock: 5 first aid kits, 1 battery, 1 oxygen cylinder, surplus ammunition, these resources should be more than enough to get through difficult areas.

    Everything else is sold to the store, without regret. During the entire time of the game, I had to buy only weapons, power units, an armored suit and cartridges from the store (and this was because before that I had not spent them sparingly and often sold them to the store).

    Priority Purchases- try to buy an armored suit immediately after its appearance, it occurs 4-5 times, the last one cost 60,000 rubles, power units.


    Keep your weapon always charged, during the battle after running out of ammunition, switch to the next weapon, reloading takes time.

    I didn't like all the weapons, but maybe I just didn't realize their full potential.

    Pulse cutter - shoots off limbs with a horizontal or vertical beam, the very first weapon, alternative firing mode - horizontal shot, upgrade in the direction of increasing damage, at the same time the magazine capacity increases (up to 16 rounds).

    Pulse rifle - automatic, upgrade to increase damage, at the same time the capacity increases (up to 150 rounds).

    Laser rifle - very strong damage even without an upgrade, small magazine capacity (5 rounds), breaks almost any monster and even several, upgrade to damage and magazine capacity, alternative mode - leaves a mine.

    Flamethrower - used against small monsters running in a pack, not upgraded, was replaced with a power pistol, does not work in a vacuum.

    Power pistol - inflicts massive damage and knocks back enemies, upgrades for damage, in parallel with magazine capacity (14 charges).

    I didn’t like the power cutter - before the shot it must accumulate energy, and then shoot and accumulate it again.

    Pipe cutter - I haven’t tried it, I’m sorry for the money.

    Weapon upgrade

    Upgrading equipment is done at workbenches that are scattered throughout the ship. Upgrades require power units, which we have marked as priority when purchasing in the store.

    Upgrade procedure.

    1. Pulse cutter - damage.

    2. Laser rifle, power pistol, pulse rifle - pumping to increase damage, as a result of this, other indicators of the weapon will increase. The order is not important, the main thing is the consistent leveling of each weapon used.

    3. Armored suit - we pump up life, we didn’t really need air - the standard supply is enough to go through all the sections.

    Monsters of the Dead Space universe and the fight against them

    Monsters almost always attack unexpectedly, but before they start tearing your flesh, they stand and growl and wave their limbs for about 5 seconds, this is enough to take aim, shoot off the legs (to slow down) and shoot off the arm for the final victory. To kill a monster, he needs to shoot what is sticking out of him, slow down his legs, and slow down his arms and head for finishing.

    Monsters are divided by strength into pink and black (reinforced, require more ammunition).

    The appearance of monsters is accompanied by oppressive music without fail.

    A giant tentacle that grabs and drags into the wall - shoot at the yellow area on the tentacle.

    A monster with tentacles attached to the wall shoots out cocoons (endlessly) - shoot the tentacles or throw an exploding gas cylinder at it.

    A big fast monster - we send it into stasis, enter from the back and knock it down, two or three times is enough.

    An immortal monster (the most vile creature, encountered twice, both times it is released by a bad juventologist) - here you can only slow it down by shooting off its legs and arms, after that there are 10-20 seconds while it regenerates, here you need to run or throw stasis on it in the destruction zone.


    There are many walkthrough links you can find online, but for the most part they are the same. In general, passing the game is not difficult, they will always helpfully tell you where to go, the B button will indicate the direction, but there are hiccups when you simply don’t know what to do, so we’ll talk about them.

    1. Battle with an immortal monster. Around the 5th episode we encounter this creature, we go into a large room, and there is this clumsy fellow, a bunch of other monsters and the doors are all closed. Calmly. We immobilize the immortal, kill simple monsters, run, repeat the procedure and your colleague will take care of opening the doors. In the same episode, we need to finish him off in the cryochamber - shoot off his legs, when he crawls into the chamber, throw stasis, run into the room with the remote control and freeze him. This is the bastard:

    2. Running under meteorites, hiding behind the bollards while the meteor shower is going on, in moments of calm we run to the next shelter.

    3. An asteroid on which you need to place a beacon. We climb onto the asteroid and stomp along its surface into space, there we calmly place a beacon and there are two holding generators there (we find them using the B key).

    4. Episode 10 (here, in my opinion, we need to collect 60,000 money for a costume), the immortal monster came up again, and we just had to move the sleeping places, immobilize, throw into stasis, move the beds, leave. To destroy the monster, we lure it to the shuttle engines, immobilize it, throw stasis and burn it by testing the engine.

    The game is over, the bad guys are defeated, the Earth is saved, Isaac is saved, everything is fine...

    But no. And then it begins

    Dead Space 2

    comes out on January 26, 2011 in Russia, so the translation will be excellent, the controls, atmosphere, equipment will probably be preserved, but for now the videos:

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  • Questions - answers .
  • Walkthrough

    9. Dead on Arrival
    Dead Space how to get through. Chapter 9

    Officer Hammond offers to retrieve parts from the crashed warship Vailor and repair the local shuttle. Then the connection disappears, we communicate with Kendra about the same thing.

    Ore Storage

    We are entering the zero-gravity zone. Below, near the huge doors, we kick 6 fuses, they are located on both sides. After this, the gate will open and air will begin to be consumed. We need to catch flying round radioactive balls and throw them into space. One of them is hidden on the wall behind a round platform. Near the open doors there are two panels where you can replenish the oxygen supply. Having thrown out all the balls, we enter the recess in the wall and get on board the Vailor ship.

    Cargo Bay

    A very fast necromorph will run away from us in the corridors. We go out to the area where you need to move magnetic boxes using kinesis in order to move forward. In the side dead ends on the right and left you can find cartridges if you move away the extra boxes. After these obstacles, two fast monsters will attack at once. In battle, they are no different from ordinary enemies, only they quickly reach us.

    Then there are again narrow corridors. You can't take the first battery out of the wall, but you can take the second one. In the last room, the elevator battery will fail, mice will appear and begin to revive the corpses. We deal with the enemies, insert any other battery, and take the elevator up.

    Dr. Terrence Kane will contact us in the elevator car. He will tell you that the cause of all the troubles is the “Marker” artifact, which was discovered on the planet and taken to Ishimura. To stop the invasion of necromorphs, you need to return the “Marker” to its place. If we manage to repair the shuttle, then it should be used for this task, and not evacuated.

    We fight with a splitting monster, a little further - with a kamikaze. Take the power unit (23) from the wall. At the turn we find a shooting range, where we can practice shooting. You need to shoot at the red armed mannequins, and not shoot at the unarmed blue ones. There are endless training cartridges, you can use any modem weapon, but a standard pistol is preferable. There are 5 tests in total:

    1. Kill 10 enemies, 1000 points. Reward: additional ammo.

    2. Kill 12 enemies, 1200 points. Reward: pistol cartridges.

    3. Kill 14 enemies, 1400 points. Reward: Medium First Aid Kit.

    4. Kill 16 enemies, 1600 points. Reward: ruby semiconductor.

    5. Kill 20 enemies, 2000 points. Reward: Power Node (24) .


    We go into the infirmary, there is a faulty laser scalpel, the rays of which are deadly. We slow down the laser with stasis and quickly run past. Along the path to the left of it you can take diagram of a large first aid kit (Large Med Pack).

    In the barracks at the dead end on the right we take the power unit (25). In the double corridor, all kinds of monsters will attack for a long time until the door opens.

    Engine Room

    We get to the engine room, behind the glass we see the ship's engine. We go up the elevator, and a powerful stream of fire periodically passes from above. We need to hide behind one of the cylinders, move it with kinesis, and so move forward. If the cylinder is stuck, move it sideways. Along the way you need to destroy 3 fuses on the pillars. Afterwards you need to go back and pull the cylinder towards you, which is much more difficult. We pass forward on the other side, and also destroy 3 fuses. After this, the engine will stop. We take it away singular converter in the center.

    Let's go down. Behind the glass we will see Hammond running, but he will be immediately killed by the red Brute. This monster has more health than a regular big guy, but is killed in the same way. For defeating him we will receive diamond semiconductor for 25,000 credits.

    Valor's ship began to collapse, we quickly get out of it. Along the way we kill a couple more ordinary monsters. We get to the trolley.

    10. End of Days
    Dead Space walkthrough. Chapter 10

    Kendra reports that she has found the location of the shuttle on the ship. But before launching it, you need to collect navigation maps to get to Earth. You will have to look for them in the residential section of the station. In the foyer we see many dead, as if in a sacrifice, and next to it is a strange obelisk figurine.

    Sleep Bock C

    On the right we enter the open door, in the shower we will find costume diagram (Level 5 Suit). We can immediately return and buy this suit for 60,000 credits. Further down the dead end is the mini-game "Z-ball" (Zero-G Basketball). Inside the low gravity gym lies 1st navigation map. Here we can play this game by turning on the panel on the first platform.

    Z-ball rules: A ball flies out of four holes ahead, we need to catch it and throw it back into any hole. But if we do it right away, we will get only 1 point. When the next ball flies out, several platforms light up, first we jump on them, each visit will double the points, and after that you can catch and throw the ball back, we will earn 2, 4 or 8 points. In a minute you need to score from 12 to 40 points, depending on the level. There are 9 levels in total, for each of them we will receive prizes from the lockers, including a power unit (26).

    Mess Hall

    We go up to the second floor. Behind the glass we see a crazy doctor, he makes a sacrifice - he kills a person. We enter the cafeteria, but we don’t have time to catch the doctor. We go down under the cafe, kill two long monsters, and take the power unit (27) from the wall behind the table. Near the woman who has grown into the wall, we take crew key. We get up and go to the next room.

    Sleep Block A

    In the corridor we kill the necromorph that has grown into the wall. We go along the next floor through the rest room. A tentacle will grab us and drag us away, we shoot at the yellow growth. At the end we reach the panel, on the left we move the magnetic lever with kinesis, this will open the doors on the floor.

    Sleep Block B

    We enter the depressurized living compartment, where oxygen is consumed. There are a lot of monsters here, but we don’t pay attention to them, we don’t have much time. You especially shouldn't kill fat monsters, leeches will appear from them, and the flamethrower doesn't work here. We turn right twice, in a dead-end room we find a power unit (28). In the central hall between the rows of cubicles we will find 2nd navigation map.

    Sleep Bock C

    We return back to the hall, from there we go into compartment “C”, now using the key we can open the door to the sleeping area. Along the way we will see a video of the doctor’s speech.

    In the bedroom on the right we can use a power node to open the door, behind it are various cartridges and a medium first aid kit. Using kinesis, we move the beds to go into the hiding place behind them: we move the bed against the wall, then the bed across. Having entered the intermediate part, we push the transverse bed back, move two more beds against the right wall, and exit.

    In the hiding place we find many corpses and a laughing girl who immediately commits suicide. To the right of it we take 3rd navigation map.

    Let's quickly go back. A regenerating monster will begin to chase us. The doors in the intermediate room will close, and we will have to run in circles from the invulnerable monster for some time until Kendra breaks open the doors. In the hall we take the elevator.

    Security Station

    We find the shelter of Doctor Kane, who helped us. We communicate with him through the glass. He lets us into the director's rooms.

    Executive Commons

    There are 3 fat monsters in the big red hall. We search 4 side rooms, in one of them there is the captain’s audio diary, in another there is a note from the assistant, in the rest there are cartridges. We enter the double doors.

    Executive Shuttle Bay

    We get to the shuttle launch pad, go inside it, install navigation maps. Dr. Kane asks you to wait until he gets here. For now we go to the side room and test the engine there.

    But before the doctor, a regenerating monster will get here. To kill this boss, we lure him to the platform opposite the shuttle exhaust pipes, shoot off his legs, and freeze him in stasis. We quickly run into the room and turn on the engine again. All that will remain from the monster is ashes and a power node (29).

    Dr. Kane will come running and climb inside the shuttle. In the room on the second panel, open the valves, the shuttle will go down. We return on foot to the monorail. On the way back, we'll watch a video of how the crazy Dr. Mercer voluntarily turns into a necromorph. We go into the next room, kill the bat and the mutated doctor.

    11. Alternative Solutions
    Dead Space. Video walkthrough. Chapter 11

    Cargo Bay

    Kane will explain via radio that we must find the black and red obelisk in the cargo bay and load it into the shuttle. We go down to the floor below, first we go around the entire location along the square path, and activate the panel. In the far corner on the wall there is a power unit (30).

    In the center on the conveyor belt we find an obelisk in a glass box. You need to move the obelisk along the conveyor using kinesis. Necromorphs interfere with us, and when we enter the central paths, we are attacked by giant tentacles, first we need to scare them away, and only then move the load.

    Flight Lounge

    We return to the room where we first arrived at the station. If we go along the corridor where we ran away from the first monster, we will find a dead end ruby semiconductor and cartridges. Then we go to the spaceport.

    Hangar Bay

    Kane's shuttle will arrive at the hangar. The loading system is not working, we need to manually load the obelisk into the shuttle. We go to the room on the right, turn off gravity on the panel, and jump down under the ship.

    We move the obelisk further, but here there are two forks on the rails, we turn them so that the approach is on the right. At the first intersection, we move the obelisk to a side dead end, turn the rails to the left, and move the load to the end.

    We return to the panel on the balcony, turn on gravity, the obelisk will submerge. We run to the lowered ramp into the shuttle. But right in front of us, Doctor Kane will be killed, and the shuttle will fly away without us. All this was arranged by Kendra, she admits that she was a secret agent, and her goal was to get the obelisk. The obelisk itself is a copy created by people for experiments.

    Nicole will get in touch. We go up to her on the top floor of the control room, along the way we take diamond semiconductor. There is interference and extraterrestrial symbols on the screens around. Nicole will tell you that the shuttle can be returned to the hangar by emergency remote control. The shuttle does return, and Kendra is catapulted to the planet, afraid of our revenge. We enter the returned ship and fly ourselves.

    12. Dead Space
    Dead Space (2008). Chapter 12

    Landing Pad

    On the planet we land on a special site of the earth colony. All the people here are killed. We enter the building, inside there is a semiconductor and everything you need: a store, a workbench, storage. There are two bat monsters locked in a side locked room.

    We move the platform under the shuttle, load the obelisk onto it, and move it along the rails. There is not enough battery near the door, let's go look for it inside the building, then continue on our way.

    Airlock A, Airlock B

    We move the obelisk further, whole hordes of necromorphs will interfere with us, but we can constantly use stasis, there are many panels to replenish it. In block "B" in the far right corner there is a door that opens through the power unit. In some places you need to place the obelisk under the bridges; to do this, press the panel and freeze the bridges with stasis.

    Gravity Control

    On the path to the right are two enemies embedded in the wall. The bridges do not rise, you need to go into a large pipe and turn on the electricity. On the way back, all the devices will turn on and we will have to go through the moving blades, slowing them down with stasis. When we return to the main path, we have to fight with the Brute, for defeating him we will receive a power node (31).

    In the next small compartment on the right there is a power node (32).

    Pedestal Chamber

    We reach the open surface of the planet. On the way we have a dozen monsters and three tentacles from the cliff. We clear the path and push the obelisk to the cliff.

    The alarm goes off, we run into the glass room on the left. We find ourselves locked, and Kendra appears outside, she moves the obelisk back to the shuttle. Kendra also sends us a full video message from Nicole in which she commits suicide. It turns out that the real Nicole has been dead for a long time, and all we saw were hallucinations caused by the obelisk. (There is a hint about this hidden in the game: from the first letters of the titles of the chapters of Dead Space in English, the phrase is formed: Nicole is dead - Nicole is dead).

    Living Space

    It's too early to give up. From the glass room we go into a side corridor overgrown with biomass. Along the way, let's take the power unit (33). We return to the first room, shop for the last time in the store, spend power nodes, take more cartridges and first aid kits. Let's go to the shuttle.

    Boss: Hive Mind(Mind of the Swarm)

    Kendra tried to escape on the shuttle, but at the last moment she was killed by the tentacle of a giant monster. We are left alone with this monster. This is the leader of all necromorphs; while on this planet, he telepathically controlled all necromorphs.

    1st phase. The boss will hit with tentacles from above. We constantly look in his direction, run away left and right. After the blow, the boss will move its mouth closer to us. He has 5 yellow growths around his mouth, you need to shoot at them. It's better to spend powerful slow weapons and save the fast-firing basic pistol for later.

    Phase 2. When we shoot off any three growths, the monster will grab us with a tentacle. The remaining two growths will have to be shot while hanging upside down. If we don't make it in time, the boss will swallow us.

    Phase 3. Having shot the yellow dots in time, we remain alive and fall onto the platform. The boss does the same thing, but now after several hits with the tentacles, his ribs will open, and 5 yellow hearts will hang inside them. We use a more accurate weapon - the initial pistol, and gradually shoot off the hearts.

    Phase 4. Towards the end, the boss will start spitting explosive balls and spitting out necromorphs, they will interfere with our aim. But if you attack quickly and accurately enough, the boss will not even have time to reach this stage.

    When all the hearts are shot, a huge monster will fall off the cliff. We board the shuttle and leave the planet. Inside, we watch the video with Nicole for the last time, and fly to Earth.

    Congratulations! The whole game is completed!

    For completing we receive the following bonuses:

    Military Suit (Military armor);

    Backstory Logs (text messages with plot background);

    50,000 credits (money from the very beginning);

    10 Power Nodes (10 power nodes);

    Impossible Mode (maximum difficulty).

    Questions - answers

    Question: How to install a beacon on an asteroid? What to do with an asteroid?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: The asteroid is held by 4 beams, two of them are turned off inside the ship, two more - outside. Only after this we will be able to install a beacon. More details are provided in Chapter 7.

    Question: How to jump in zero gravity?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: In the first part of the game you cannot fly in zero gravity, we can only jump onto the walls and ceiling. We aim at a suitable wall (hold down the right mouse button), make a jump (press the Ctrl key).

    Question: How to use stasis?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: Take aim (hold down the right mouse button), release a slowing charge (C key).

    Question: How to enable or change the Russian language?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: The licensed version of the game does not have Russian voice acting, only subtitles. To enable subtitles, in the main menu, select the line “Settings” - “Sound” - “Subtitles: enable”.

    Question: How to get through a meteor shower?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: At the end of the 4th chapter. In order not to die, before the meteor shower begins, you need to stand behind a high shelter, close to it, and wait out the dangerous moment. After this, we quickly run across to the next shelter, and so on until the end of the path.

    Question: How to remove the power lock?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: The game has service vaults that are locked with a power lock. To open them you need to spend 1 power node. Nodes can be found in secrets or purchased in game stores for 10,000 credits.

    Question: Which part is better?(in the game Dead Space)

    Answer: Game critics consider Dead Space 2 to be the best, with an average rating of 86.18%. In second place is the original Dead Space with 85.32%. In last place is Dead Space 3 with a score of 73.10%.

    Question: Which weapon is best to upgrade?(in the game Dead Space)
