How to return the standard sight in cs 1.6. Making a little crosshair in CSS

Hi all! In this post I will tell you how to do it small sight in cs 1.6. Few people know how to make the smallest possible scope forever, I will try to show it in an informative and understandable way.

The advantages of a small sight are that you will significantly improve the accuracy and convenience of shooting at long distances with absolutely any weapon, even with an oblique deflector you can comfortably aim at the head of your opponents. You will be able to hit the enemy's head easier and at the same time you will have a big advantage in CS 1.6. I warn you right away that this is not a cheat, these are just console commands for setting up the CS sight.

Before approaching the console commands, you need to change the crosshair in the CS settings to small, as shown in the screenshot below.

Console commands for the small sight CS 1.6

Below are the sight settings; you must enter them strictly in order.

  1. cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
  2. bind f6 "cl_lc 1;cl_lw 1"
  3. bind f7 "cl_lc 0;cl_lw 0"

Go to some server or single player game. After you have entered the settings data for the small CS 1.6 sight, you need to press the button F6. Next, hold down the CTRL button to sit down, holding down the CTRL button click on the button F7. You will see that the sight has become as small as possible.

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Video on how to make the sight small


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Everyone has long known that the smaller the size of the sight in CS, the more convenient and accurate it is to shoot. Small sight in CS 1.6 will allow you to hit an enemy who is at a great distance from you with greater accuracy. The smaller the scope, the more convenient it is to focus on your opponent. Many people don’t know that making such a sight is very simple and even try download small sight, although it is simply impossible to download it.

How to make the crosshair smaller for CS 1.6

To change the scope size you only need a console command specifically designed for changing the scope size of your weapon. Register a small sight in the console you can do this:

  • You need to run CS 1.6 and open the console (this can be done using the Russian letter “Ё”, also known as “~” with an English keyboard layout).
  • Next we need to enter a list console commands in strict order (one at a time).

cl_lw 1
cl_lc 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
cl_lw 0
cl_lc 0

To prevent the sight from expanding, you need to execute the command

cl_dynamiccrosshair 0

The crosshair size returns when leaving CS 1.6. Therefore, it is better to register these commands in config CS, so as not to register commands when starting the game or logging into the game server.

Reducing the scope - example

What should happen using the example of a standard sight for a default pistol in Counter-Strike 1.6. The scope of an M-16 rifle will accordingly be smaller than that of a pistol in proportion to that of other weapons.

The first image before entering console commands.

Second image: the scope has become smaller.

Monitoring game servers CS 1.6

Go to Counter-Strike 1.6 monitoring and win in the arena. Using a small scope makes it easier to shoot and easier to win.

The plugin allows players on the server to organize votes for changing the map.
For voting to take place, a certain number of players must write "/rockthevote", "rockthevote" or "rtv" in the chat.
Maps will be automatically loaded from the maps.ini file (if one exists) or from the mapcycle file.

1. Place rockthevote_custom.amxx to a folder plugins
2. Register rockthevote_custom.amxx plugin in plugins.ini file
3. Open configuration file amxx.cfg and enter the necessary variables there
4. Restart or change card

amx_timevote- how many minutes will voting work from the start of the game on this map (by default - 5)
amx_howmanypercentage- what number of players (in percentage, 0 - 0%, 1 - 100%) should vote for changing the map (by default - 0.3, that is 30%)
amx_howmanypercentage- how many players should vote to change the map (default - 8). That is, if 30% of the players voted, but the number of voters turned out to be less than 8, then the map will not change (this was done so that if there is a small number of players, the rest do not get screwed because of two or three idiots)
amx_rocktime- the length of time (in seconds) allocated for the voting itself (by default - 10)
amx_directmapchange- the server will display a message in the center of the screen, let you finish the round and change the map (default - 0)

Steam UI - Metro for Steam:
Created - March 26, 2012
Current version is 3.8.4
Last updated - September 2, 2014
Updated - By the Author

Steam BroadCast Support - Unknown
Steam Music Player support - Yes
Steam Trading Cards support - Yes
Steam Big Picture Mode support - Yes

Skin for the Steam game client, made in the Metro style (Windows 8 / Microsoft, Metro UI).

:: Description::
Everyone probably knows ready servers from the site, and also everyone knows their unpleasant inscription “*** CepBep Cka4eH C ***”. Well, I wrote a plugin that does exactly the same thing, only the message wakes you up;]
I made 2 types of plugins with 1 in 1 actions, like on Type 1 - the message wakes you up as usual (under the radar). Type 2 - the message awakens in a new way, over time.

reklamko_time "180" - interval between displaying HUD messages (in seconds)
reklamko "TEXT" - a message that is displayed in the game

reklamko_time_msg "5" - time in seconds for how long the inscription will hang.

- Let's open the source code (.sma)
- We are looking for the line set_hudmessage(0, 255, 255, 0.02, 0.18, 0, 6.0, 5.0)
- In the line, 0, 255, 255, these are the colors of the R G B format (you can change them)
- 0.02, 0.18, are the X Y coordinates where the inscription wakes up (you can change it)

Probably everyone, playing counter 1.6, noticed that the sight is large and diverges even more at the moment of shooting. Because of this, you cannot accurately hit the enemy and subsequently die, letting down the entire team. In this article we will tell you how to make a small sight in cs 1.6 forever or temporarily.

Install another version of the game

One effective solution would be to download another cs 1.6, where the sight is already small. Typically, some versions have a patch installed that makes the scope small. I advise you to look for download links on the forums for this game.

Via the console

If you do not want to download another Counter-Strike, you will have to use the console (~). To do this, launch the game and go to some server. After joining the game, turn on the console and enter the code cl_lw 1, then click OK and close the panel. Next, you need to sit the character down and, without releasing the button, press the console by entering the code cl_lw 0 (you can also sit, for example, in a window opening on the mansion map). As a result of entering these commands, the sight will become small, but this operation must be carried out every time you enter the CS.

Another method using the console

Turn on the game and open options. In the video settings, change the resolution to 620x480. After that, open the console and enter the code cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 . Then you can return the extension settings back. When you log into one of the servers, the sight will be small.


From now on you know how to make a small crosshair in cs 1.6 forever or for one game. I advise you to remember all the commands so that next time you can enter them in a few seconds. And know that the outcome of any shootout depends on a small scope, because it is with it that you can hit the place you were aiming at, in particular the head.

Shooting from various weapons is an integral part of any shooter or FPS. And an integral part of shooting is always aiming. Aim in CS it’s not just a dot or crosshair pointing to the center of the screen. The game developers have implemented a fairly realistic shooting system. When fired, bullets do not fly exactly into the crosshairs, but with a slight spread. The “recoil” effect is simulated, when after the first shot the next one will be fired with less accuracy. The spread also increases when moving both at a pace and on foot, as well as when jumping. At the same time, crouching can significantly reduce the radius of bullet spread. For clarity aim made not static, but dynamic - it expands and contracts depending on the player’s actions. How more sight V certain moment, the greater the spread of bullets when fired from a weapon.

Aim, how much in the game you can customize for yourself. Some people want to change its color, others want to make it static. This article is dedicated to describing the changes sight parameters.

Setting up the CS 1.6 sight from the game menu

The easiest thing you can do is go to the game menu and go to the “Multiplayer” tab. There you can change (and immediately see the changes in the picture) the following parameters:

    scope size(large, medium, small and automatically adjusts to screen resolution);

    sight color;

    transparency (whether the world around you will be visible through the sight).

Not so much. But that's not all. The console gives us much more scope for customizing the sight.

Setting up the CS 1.6 sight from the console

In the console you can configure the same parameters as in the menu:

  • cl_crosshair_size ; - scope size
  • cl_crosshair_color“R G B” is the color of the sight, where instead of R, G and B you need to write a number from 0 to 255. Each number is responsible for its own color: red, green and blue, respectively. By mixing these colors you can paint the sight in any color. For example: the parameters “255 255 255” will make the sight white, “255 255 0” yellow, “255 0 0” red and so on. You can find out a set of rgb parameters for the color of interest on the corresponding resources by searching “rgb online” in a search engine;
  • cl_crosshair_translucent- transparency (0 - disable transparency, 1 - enable).

But that's not all. It is possible to disable the narrowing and widening of the sight using the command cl_dynamiccrosshair (0 - disable dynamic sight change, 1 - enable).

Finally, it’s worth mentioning one interesting trick. You need to go to the console and run the following sequence of commands:

    cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
