Space Rangers 2 jumper walkthrough. Walkthrough Space Rangers

And so we are sent to the planet "X" in order to find out what happened to the scientific expedition. Upon arrival on the planet, we leave the ship and wander around the camp. We go to the left (here you can randomly run into a representative of the local flora and fauna, a dump, a shiny cube) then to the right (here you can randomly find the Talker bird, a flower (which will shock you: D), you can not find anything at all).

We find the Talker bird.

This is, in fact, the easiest way to pass. it has less unnecessary movements. I'm going straight. And we're looking for staff. We find the corpse of the Gaalian and the Feyanin. We carefully examine the corpse of the latter. Let's wander around the camp a little more and run to the ship with a report. We would be happy to get off this planet, but the government of the customer's planet breaks us off and sends for a black box, arguing that the data accumulated by the expedition must be returned. Well, what can we do, let's go in search of a black box. We go straight to the administration building. We find a sheet on which 123581321 is written (this is the Fibonacci sequence in which each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the two previous numbers). Enter the access code 34 . We find a shiny cube. We return to the courtyard and go to the warehouse. The shiny cube is the key to the warehouse, but it sometimes cannot be used for its intended purpose. When opening the door to the warehouse, in no case do not ask the Talker about the door (this will excite the bird and we will not be able to use two keys). We use force (if we can use a cube, then we use it) and open the door to the warehouse. We look around and wander around the warehouse. Next, we go to the caretaker's office. We examine everything that can be seen in it. We find a piece of paper that says that the synchronization unit is faulty and needs to be replaced, and that it is in the safe. It also says that in order to turn off the field, you need a partner that we have, and where the keys are needed to turn off the force field. We take everything that they give and go to the research building. We are trying to find a use for two keys. We are trying to get help from the bird. We take away the black box and find out why there is no life on the planet, and why the expedition died. We go to the ship or we panic, there is no difference. We return to the camp and wait for the rescuers to arrive. We go to the research building to the synthesizer and synthesize test tubes with a regenerating and destructive liquid (read the instructions before use). We go to the administrative building and kill time as much as possible in it. Next to the rest building. In the rest building you can improve your psychological health and kill some time. In the warehouse, you can recharge the blaster in the room with lightning (provided that you can put out the fire with bare hands:D), as well as in the room with the red cross to improve your health. When catching glitches, we stand still, immerse ourselves in meditation and focus. When wandering through the buildings and the terrain, you can meet the following personalities:
  • Faeyan boy. We give him the model of the starship found during the search of the warehouse.
  • Gaalian professor. We release it and in return we get batteries for the blaster.
  • Malok. To help the Malok, a T solution is needed, which is synthesized in the research building. After helping Malok, he will give you two bottles with X solution.

If you found the Talker and the cube at the same time.

Then we immediately go to the warehouse, passing the administrative building, and further along the passage with Govorun.

If they did not find the Talker and found the cube.

Then we skip the administrative building and go straight to the warehouse. Further actions in the research building are given below.

If you did not find the Talker and the cube.

Then we go to the administrative building for a cube and then to the warehouse. In the research building, we act as follows: we are looking for a synchronization block, we find a safe and proceed to cracking the safe, we resort to a wrench (if it doesn’t open, then we click everything in a row until the safe opens), we replace the synchronization block and turn off the force field through the terminal.
Disabling the force field through the terminal. We transfer energy in the following sequence: 5 teranolphs from the main storage to 2 banks; from the backup storage 3 teranolphs from 2 banks to the 1st; from the main storage we send 5 teranolphs to the 3rd jar and once again transfer 5 teranolphs to the 3rd jar; from the reserve we transfer 3 teranolphs to the 2nd bank; from the 2nd can we transfer 3 teranolfs to the main storage; from the 3rd jar we transfer 3 teranolphs to the 2nd jar; we transfer from the main storage 5 teranolf to the 3rd jar; from the 1st can we transfer 3 teranolfs to the main storage; from the 3rd can we transfer 3 teranolphs to the 1st; from the main storage we transfer 5 teranolfs to the 3rd jar and turn off the force field.

And so we need to come to the planet "X" and bring the disc. Upon arrival at the spaceport, the bearing of the messenger approached us to his question, about the meaning of our name we answer: “Not enough quail, blockhead!”. Then we agree and follow the bearing. Here we are cut down. Next, we have to answer the question in order to confirm our identity.
Here are the questions that can get caught in the quest and the answers to them:

  • Five<раса>can beat five perfect penchekryaks in five minutes. How much time does one need<раса>to defeat one penchekryak?
    • Malok - less than a minute!
    • Gaalian - not a single one!
    • Feyaning - more than one, but less than five minutes!
    • Man - five minutes!
    • Bearing - more than five minutes!
  • Five disposable atomic candles worked in the room, two of them<раса>extinguished. How much will be left?
    • Malok - four!
    • Gaalian - five!
    • Feyanin - eight!
    • Man - two!
    • Bearing - none!
  • In a five-story<раса>the house has an elevator. Only two tenants live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which floor will the elevator go to most often?
    • Malok - none!
    • Gaalian - for the last!
    • Feyanin - on the second!
    • Man first!
    • Bearing - at zero, in the basement!
The quest is presented in a pirate line.


In this Space Rangers walkthrough task, we need to find out the time when the guard changes and their password. The Gaalians brought such a task to us. The task is performed on the planet Pelengi. So, to begin with, read the customer's letter twice, due to which you will receive additional information.

To begin with, we note that there are two potential sources of information about the change of guard - this is the general manager and the head of the Security Service. Try to learn everything on the first day in order to fail and buy new equipment. On the second day, we head to the library. There are many books to read on new alarms or on taxes and etiquette. Have you read? It's time to go to the computer store, where we get a chess cheater. After installing a cheater on your computer, you can move to the bank.

Here we need to open an account. Depending on what you read, start a conversation on the right topic. Depending on the options of the conversation, either the head of the Security Service will come, who must be immediately called to the hatchball, or the senior manager, who needs to be given a lot of compliments and invited to a restaurant. Before you leave, play chess with the bank's computer and save the log.

It's time to move to the pharmacy, where they won't sell us psychotropic drugs. What a pity, but we wanted so much ... Oh well. We go to the library, where you need to read books in accordance with the path you are walking. In the case of the head of the Security Council - about hunting and the famous bank robber, in the case of the general manager - about ikebana and a strange civilization. Now it remains to buy tickets or book a table and you can go for a walk.

Well, that ended the meeting with our assistant in the passage of the Space Rangers. Now calmly go to your agent and tell about the failure. And we, oh miracle!, will be offered to live the same day again. We agree and ... back to the library to read the line of behavior that interested us. Only now we will go to the software store and say hello there from the Yaytsentner slug. Immediately we get a bunch of disks to choose from, which were not available before. You should buy a cheater, a trojan and a password cracker. They should be installed at the headquarters, and so that the outer shell is the Schuler, and the inner shell is the password cracker. Now you can go to the bank.

Now, asking the computer to play with the bank's computer and looking at the log, we will find out the password. Great option! Now we move to the pharmacy. If you decide to fool the manager, then buy Otkrovin. If you decide to find out the changing of the guard from the head of the Security Service, then you need to buy sleeping pills and Agressin. You can return to our headquarters. We need to visit the library again and read the same data as in the previous living of this day.

In the case of using the head of the Security Council, you need to mix aggressive and pay the bill for his rampage, adding sleeping pills to his drink. In the case of a manager, we mix in her revelations. Thus, we will receive all the information we are interested in and will be able to calmly return to the base.


At this stage of the passage of the Space Rangers, we got a very interesting quest. We need to help out the agent at the Peleng base. The order is given to you by people, so it makes sense to fulfill it with special care. We will carry out the task itself on the bearing planet.

To begin with, we have to decide on the equipment with which we will complete this task. There are three options - a blaster, an analogue of an invisibility cap - a hoop, a rocket belt. Each of these items is only two-shot, i.e. You can't use them more than twice. Therefore, think in advance that it will be convenient for you not to spend at the first opportunity. Also, after choosing the items, you will need to understand which path choice suits us the most. There are also three options - this is a sewer, the main gate and through the fence. The last option you can open only if you have taken the rocket belt.

Here you have two parameters that should be monitored with particular care. If your health or courage drops to a minimum, you will die. Therefore, carefully monitor them and replenish them in time. In fact - these resources are the main limiter in the passage of the Space Rangers. Moreover, depending on the options for events, different parameters will be spent. Well, yes, you yourself will understand what and how. Depending on the variability of events, there are quite a few options for completing the task. For example, we choose a blaster and move into the sewer, beat the rat and knock out the grate blocking our path with our shoulder. We capture one soldier, wait for the second and kill both. In the doorway, be careful, you need to turn left, stun the soldier and pick up his keys. Immediately pick up the right agent and go out. The rat on the way back can be shot. This is where the task ends. But in the game Space Rangers the passage will take us very far!


We have to work as a thief, extracting diamonds. Bearings make an order for us, we will fulfill it on the Malokov planet. The player must not be a warrior to complete this quest.

We need, in addition to cracking the safe, of course, to get into the bank itself and get out of there safe and sound. We will have to go for this diamond not alone, but with partners - Yomir and Zelif. If they treat you with admiration, then they can be sent forward without moving ahead on their own. Otherwise, you will have to expose your chest to the shots of the enemy. To improve your relationship, take your guys to fights. Then, during the fight, you can simply call fire on yourself, and they will immediately improve their attitude. By the way, if you have a bad relationship, then they may try to remove you so as not to divide the reward into two, not three.

Now when you arrive at the base, talk to Kramer and wait for the next day. Go shooting with Yomir and then spend the rest of the time playing cards against Zelif in the Space Rangers walkthrough. After completing the game, you need to go with Yomir to energy treatment and there already start the previously planned robbery. To do this, it is worth getting out first and hiding behind the table, because of which you need to shoot the guards. It's a pity, because we rubbed their trust in them. Now go down the stairs and crack open the safe. Keep in mind that cracking the safe is not difficult, but given a new combination each time, it doesn't make sense to talk about a specific code. Just choose the cipher and that's it.

Now we go up the stairs and shoot the guns. Then it’s worth sitting at the table until the enemies die almost everything. Take the grenade launcher from Zelif and shoot the jeep, after which Zelif himself can finish off the second one. Upon departure, the customs officer will require you to show your suitcase, for which you should provide him with carte blanche. Actually, this task ends.


In this walkthrough task, we need to find drugs that are traded in the casino. Bearings will leave us an order, and we will carry out the task on their planet. The main requirement is that the player belongs to the human race.

To begin with, before you begin to relax in the casino, go to the women's toilet and tear off the "do not enter" sign from it. This will help us a lot in the future. Now it’s worth a couple of times to play cards, and then find a teacher who is standing in the middle of the bar. If you learn from him about the minuscule, then you will hear an entertaining lecture on preference and game theory in general. After this lecture, we will have no rivals.

Approach the girl who can be found in the corner and ask her about drugs. She will take you outside, where she needs to be stunned and searched. Now, in order to complete this task of passing the game Space Rangers, we need to have 3000 money. But you can still play in the casino to earn extra money.

We can play until the clock hits 4 hours and 50 minutes. After that, get up and look around. We are interested in a sad person who moves to the toilet. Follow him and use the spray taken from the girl to make him lose his bearings. Now you need to put money in the case so that there are exactly three thousand there and hide the body in the booth, sticking the same sign "Not working" on it. Slide the case under the partition.

Immediately, a bearing will enter the cockpit, which will give us another case. Examine its contents carefully. What do you think it is? That's right, it's spy stuff. Take the gun from the courier and make our way to the second floor. There you need to meet the owner of the casino and ask him about the case. It turns out that there is an intelligence unit from Earth working here. Arrange for a swindle of bearings and throw them a suitcase that was stolen from the courier during our passage of the Space Rangers. This is where the task ends.


This task will force us to help the ward gladiator win victory. The order will be given by bearings, it will have to be carried out on the Malokov planet. There are no special requirements for your character.

So, in order to successfully complete this Space Rangers quest, we need Ytsiuhen, a bearing gladiator, to defeat three opponents - a huge sumo wrestler, a large Dready spider and a malok. You have three characteristics that will decrease with certain actions. I will not go into details, there are a great many ways to win.

Also, before the start of the battle, you can give money to the judge or go to the market, where you will be presented with a talisman. Bribing will ensure a favorable outcome of the second battle, and the talisman will not let you lose in the third battle. Actually, after choosing any of the options for passing, you will become a winner and will be able to return for money.


We need to get a disk for the Faeyans, while deceiving the beast. We will perform on an empty planet. This is one of the easiest quests in the game. To fulfill it, we arrive on that same uninhabited planet and follow clear tracks. When you reach the cave, make some noise there to wake up the monster. Immediately take yourself a shard and a bone. Give the bone to the monster, throw the skull a couple of times and throw it out of the cave. The monster will run away to play, and we will calmly go to the ship with the coveted disk and the completed task of passing the Space Rangers.


So, to complete this task, we need to open the sarcophagus, which stands on an empty planet for people. True, you need to be a Gaalian yourself. The order is simple and it is constant for everyone. It is fire, light, wind, darkness, water, earth. Just use this order, it's correct. We will not analyze logical conclusions, this is useless.


We will need to make ikebana better than the recognized leader. The order is issued by the Gaalians, and we will carry out this task with them. There are no special requirements for you, so the task will definitely be available. True, there is nothing to tell here, since everything is somewhat unpredictable. Just adequately respond to all the actions of the opponent and the task will submit to you.


In this task, you need to beat the one who came up with new game person. The task will be given to us by bearings, sent to the human planet. As in the previous task, you will rely solely on luck and some minimal logic. The essence of the game is that two pictures with drawings of animals are taken out of the bag. Then you place your bet and compare who is higher in the food chain. In ascending order, there is a clear picture, a sucker, a derkvak, a long-tailed hawk and a man. True, in a couple of people - the sucker will be the last winner. Your goal is to win as much as possible. Actually, this is how this task in the passage of the Space Rangers is passed.


So, our task at the moment is to arrange an explosion in a warehouse with fibrogen. This order is given to you by the Gaalians, and you will have to fly to the Malok planet. We need not be a merchant and not belong to the Maloks in order to receive this task. Of course, we will not be left without equipment. They will give us an excellent machine, equipped with super protection and super weapons. Choose one hundred machine gun rounds, four torpedoes and a dozen rockets. Actually, you can fly out and start the passage of the Space Rangers quest.

So, for starters, blow up two towers and a gate, after which you need to kill a crowd with grenade launchers on the roof of the building with a rocket and fly through the shooters. Now drive a torpedo into the tower and blow up the jeep below with a rocket. Finish off both jeeps and dodge shots at you. Now finish off the tower with a torpedo and kill the remaining opponents with a machine gun. Finish off the tower with torpedoes and drive a rocket into it so that the fibrogen detonates. When retreating, a sniper must be removed with a rocket, and the rest must be finished off with a machine gun. It is better not to touch the tank - just fly past and fly away from the factory. That's it, task completed.


Transportation of the gods is a very entertaining action. There are no requirements for you, so you can immediately start the task from the Gaalians. It is somewhat reminiscent of the notorious wolf, goat and cabbage, which must be transported across the river. So, in order to properly transport them to the other side, we first take Aha and Wow. Then we return together with Wow and put Bach and Ge on the boat. We disembark and return with Ahom. We select Wow and return to the other side. Everything, the task is so simple that it is completed instantly. It's time to go home.


People made an interesting order - we need to purchase an object of worship from one tribe stuck in the primitive order of society. More specifically, we need to get their idol. You must be a merchant to receive the quest. By the way, this quest is very difficult and will make you treat it with great respect.

So, in order for us to be able to buy an idol, we need to earn a lot of money and gain respect from the leader and the entire population. So, for starters, cross the river and pick up the bone. Now it would be possible to go to the village if it were not for the spear that gets in the way behind us and is held by a native. He kindly reports that the bone is his, so we need to give back what we found. However, do not despair, but it is worth bargaining. Moreover, you need to bargain to the point of insanity, until you bargain for bones for two kopecks. This will help to gain the credibility of the merchant. Well, now you can go to the village.

Where to go first? Of course, to the landfill! There you can pick up a strange object, not like anything known to you. It is worth asking a young menzol about him, after which he will tell you that this is a gong. Yes, that definitely explains a lot. However, it will come in handy. Now you need to go to big house, which has only two windows. Hack the door, stun its inhabitants and take all the money. Now go to the fisherman and exchange with him. Only 29 coins per bag of bones. Great, now you can sell these bones to a sad manzol standing nearby. There, fuse the bone that you bought from the hunter. On this you will earn a starting amount for promotion.

Now go back to the fisherman and ask for more fish. Must be done by tomorrow. Great, you should wait until tomorrow. When the next day comes, you need to start to rise in the eyes of the locals. Chat with the old native and ask him to clean the gong by paying him a fish. When the gong is repaired, you can sell it to a young boy who threw it away, in fact. Sell ​​for the highest possible amount. I managed to get 53 kopecks from him, which is quite good. Here you should also find out comprehensive information about the leader and the shaman.

Now we stomp to the shaman with whom we need to exchange. you need to exchange a jug of guanava from him in exchange for a cork from her. Great exchange. Now we stomp to the big totem and trade there. We need a beautiful donga, new tonga, ganga and kwanga. We buy all this for money and go to the fisherman. We will sell him a tonga. Part of the money was returned, now it's time for the leader.

In order to get to him, give a bribe and go through. Begin by drinking the guanavas by drinking the offered mug. You also need to bargain with him and find out that he only needs a tanga. Phew, confused with these names. However, treat him with a kwanga, give him a dong and show him the statuette of Raninta. For 50 coins he will be able to sell it. Now you can get out of there. Now we go to the lake and go to the house of the hunter Murza. It should be announced in order to steal the tangu from there. You can go to auction with it. We immediately sell the stunner and the gang, after which we go to the leader and sell the tanga. Learn about Mgachug from him. Well, you can buy it and set sail. Try to run away from there as soon as possible so that there are no problems with local law.


In this task, we need to find the Faeyan container that someone has stolen. As you might guess, the Faeyans will issue the order. You will have to fulfill the order at the bearings, and in order to fulfill it, you need to be neither a pirate nor a bearing.

So, there are three options for completing this quest. You need to get into the city hall, which can be done either by pretending to be a courier, or an electrician, or an inspector. To become a courier, you need to chat with the head of security or get drunk in a bar drunk. Both will tell that the secret gesture of the courier is to scratch under the knee three times. If you decide to pretend to be an electrician, then you must definitely drop into an antique shop to buy a set of an electrician. If you want to become an inspector, just buy documents from the bartender.

Now you will need a password anyway. To get it, you need to go to a computer club. For the courier password, you need to play Fallin 356 - you will find out the password "White Cheska". If you play "general", then you will find out the password for the electrical engineer - "green sharakesh". When you play Kwake, you will receive the inspector's password - "Purple Slack".

When you have the password, you can move to the municipality. Get into the building using the acquired skills and go to the 13th compartment, where the container itself lies. Now just get out of there without making unnecessary movements so as not to lose the shield parameters.


In this task, we need to fight off the rebels at the Malok base. The task, respectively, is given by them. There are no specific requirements for the player, so the task will be available to everyone.

As you can see, we need to fight. To do this, it is best to sit behind a mortar and shoot enemy tanks. In order to correctly calculate the shot, you need to use the direction and speed of the enemy, his initial position and wind speed. After a few shots, you will be able to aim perfectly - it's not difficult. Do not forget to only get ammunition from the base. You can order three deliveries, so don't scatter your projectiles too much. At the end, you need to receive a message about a huge offensive, embed the commander and wait for the task to end.


In this task, we need to test the weapons of the Maloks. We don't have to be small to get the job. And for more complete passage we need to choose the rest that we will experience before starting work. You can walk around the city and have a glass of beer. In this case, the drunkard will tell us about a way to amplify the beam.

We can also sit and sort through the mail, learning along the way to crack the years. Or just relax, for which you can get an improvement in your own condition. Now read the task and fly to the desired point. Just do not forget to fly around the perimeter of the test site. When they try to correct you, turn around, accidentally hitting one of the robots. You can also hack a droid if you got the hack skill while resting.

When you are ready to launch, you will see four targets. These are the combat system of Maloks, a repair robot, an asteroid and a protective bot. You can easily deal with all targets, just do not scatter ammunition.


So, in this task, we need to carry out the procedure for breeding an ideal copy of the penchekryak. The order will be left to us by the same Maloki, we will fulfill it on their planet. And you can get the job in any case. The task itself is simple, but you need to follow a strict sequence of actions.

First you need to determine the level to which you have to develop our penchekryak. To find out, you need to sum up loyalty and aggressiveness. Now, from the resulting number, we subtract the toothiness and understand how much food should be initially poured into our pet. And you need to pour Ozverin Dietary. Now we compare cunning and toothiness with the help of Katty-kit. further we use Svinskas for equality of aggressiveness and toothiness. Now Chappy-Chups and Heated Sleepers are comparing the values ​​of agility and devotion with the standards. Now the strength should be equal to everything else and the task will be considered completed.


The Gaalians will ask you to fish on the planet at the bearings. Well, no problem. To do this, we need to either catch an extra 10 kilograms of fish for the inspector and something for ourselves, or else give the inspector a thousand bribes and catch plenty of fish. There are also two options for bait - these are leeches and cockroaches. More fish are caught on cockroaches, but they have smart fish and as soon as you catch one, the rest immediately swim away. The better the bait was, the less chance of catching someone on the next bait.

It's best to start on the west side. Throw the leech closer first, then the cockroach away. In this way you can catch more fish.

Terrible death

The Pelengs ask you to conduct an experiment involving calolic acid on the planet of the Gaalians. True, to fulfill this goal you need to be a man. Actually, the acid pool is waiting for you. We'll have to dive into the same pool. Start with light gymnastics, thinking about your house and the grass around it. Actually, this is what will help you calm down and defuse the situation. As soon as the order comes, we begin to run calmly, then, having gained air, we can float up. Get back down, helping yourself with your hands.

Now you need to pass the next eye test. We will be given a stick to throw behind the target. Then do the same, only hit the target clearly. Now we will have to try on ourselves an increased concentration of acid. Now you need to move in a circle until you begin to feel worse. It remains only to conduct a demonstration battle. Beat the mannequin, do a sweep and carry out a blow to the kidneys. All we won. We lay down on the floor, then we rise and crawl onto the lift to turn it on and climb to the Gaalians, who break the bearings laboratory. This will end the task.


In this task, we will build a fortification for the Maloks. As you could understand, this will take place on an empty planet. There are no special requirements for the player. And the quest itself is not difficult at all. Choose any proposed place, while paying attention to the soil. If you chose sand, then build a super strong foundation. To use the workers, first select the high speed mode, and then let them return to the normal pace. Make sure that no one is tired above forty percent and bring the finishing and construction above ninety percent. Yes, you can not finish, this is enough to complete the task.


In this task, we need to catch the killer who dared to raise his hand against a journalist. The order will be given to us by people, it will have to be carried out by the feyans. In order to get the quest, you need to be a human and a pirate at the same time.

So, let's start with a visit to an old friend - Shorty Lee. He will tell you some necessary information about Katarina Fu. Now rest for a day and come to him again to find out about Can Pomoev. Well, we're done with Lee, let's go to Katarina. Only she needs to be asked about drug use, and the same Can of Slops is the supplier. Pay a visit to him and demand something as a reward for silence that can help us in the investigation.

True, we never received the key, but we can find it in Katharina's cell, which should be done. We rest for a day and look at what we have in the safe. There you will find a ship's log that belonged to Dalani Hya. We go to him and interrogate him for murder. We learn all the necessary data and the next day in court we prove his crime. This is where the task ends.

Attention! This text is recommended for reading only for those who either cannot complete a quest in any way, or for those who want to find new ways to complete a task. For those who have not yet tried to complete the task on their own, the text is contraindicated, the pleasure from the quest may disappear completely!

Here is a list of all text quests in the game:

  • Amnesia

    • Customer: Gaalians
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Player requirements: no
    • Waking up in the hospital and paying the bill for our treatment, we go out. Condition - as after week-long binge I don’t remember anything, I don’t know anything, I don’t know what to do. First you need to find out what we have forgotten on this planet. We go to the spaceport and search our own ship. This does not add clarity, but now we have a stunner. Before further adventures, it is better to make a few preparations. In the grocery store we buy a bottle of vodka, and in the hunting store we buy a silencer and an optical sight.
    • Having prepared in this way, we go to the house of the nurse who picked us up. Before you go to him, we listen to the voices coming from the neighboring apartment. We go in there, we jam the malok with a staner and demand from the bearing of the weapon. We become happy owners of an automatic rifle. So that the bandits who robbed the apartment do not suffer, we destroy both. And we pay off the arrived law enforcement officer with a bottle of vodka.
    • Next we go to the nurse. After talking with him, we learn about the Gaalian from the Golden Lily bar. That's where we're heading. The Gaalian partially restores our memory with his story and, having given the password, sends us to the hunting shop. Arriving there, we say the password and get a map with the location of the drug lord and several cartridges for the gun. We return to the bar and together with the Gaalian we head to the villa of the mafia.
    • Now the combat part of the mission begins. Hiding in the bushes, we shoot at the first guard. We go around the house and, having met two guards, we order the Gaalian to shoot at one, while we ourselves deal with the other. We go into the house and go down to the bunker. Together with the Gaalian, we shoot bearings and pursue the escaped guard. He will stop at the locked door. To open the door, you need to solve a puzzle. For those who do not want to think about it, here is the formula for calculating the lock code: X=(10*(2^n))-10; where n is the number of days. When the door opens, we go in there. We open the nearest door and paralyze the Malok sitting at the table. We examine the monitors and go down to the lower floor. Bursting into the drug lord's office, we stumble upon an ambush and prefer to save our lives by surrender.
    • After that, you can laughingly learn about what our task on this planet actually was.
    • The quest has a few more additional features. So, with the help of the password received from the killed bearing (who still had a little friend), you can fall into the clutches of the bandits of Bullet Kosoruky. If you get out of this confrontation with honor, then the player's pockets will be replenished with additional cartridges. At the drug lord's villa, you can kill a large number of guards while diligently turning out their pockets.
  • Banquet

    • Goal: invite the Prince of Malok to visit the customer planet
    • Customer: everything except small ones
    • Fulfillment Planet: All Inhabited Except Maloks
    • Requirements for the player: bearing, human, Gaalian - warrior or pirate
    • The Malok prince Tardim has a great disrespect for the non-Nalok races. Therefore, it is quite difficult to win his favor so that he agrees to come to visit the customer planet. It is necessary to prove to the prince that representatives of the Nemalok races are also worthy of attention. This can be achieved by earning the respect of the prince himself, his wife, or both at once. I will bring short description one of the possible routes.
    • Starting the game with a choice of costume, you should give preference to a strange design of belts and harnesses. Next, we meet the Maloka ambassadors as expected and greet the prince, hitting him with all his might in the teeth. Having received a retaliatory blow, we go to the prince's wife and kiss her hand. We bring guests to the banquet hall. We serve the table as follows: we put the bowl in the center, and stick the knife and fork into the table on the sides. For the first change of dishes, sour milk should be brought from the kitchen. After that, we stand on the side of the prince and wait for the end of the change of dishes. When the conversation begins, you should tell a tale about an order carved from Terron's skin. Then the people move on to strong drinks and you need to bring something to drink for the ambassadors. In order not to suffer with the choice, going out into the corridor we give a waiter in the ear and pick up his cart. We beat the approached cook in the eye and roll the cart into the hall. We make a toast in verse and drink our glass in one gulp. When the time comes to give gifts, we distribute them as follows: beautiful shells for the prince, a super rifle for the princess, and a satchel for the children. Then, seeing that the prince has already reached the necessary degree of respect for us, we invite him to go fishing on the planet customer. On this quest is considered successfully completed.
    • You can complete the quest by earning the respect of the princess. But in this case, it must be remembered that the princess is very fond of everything exotic and alien, but at the same time she is also small, therefore, she is extremely negative about manifestations of cowardice and caution.
    • If at a certain stage you do not hit the chef in the eye, but agree to his proposal, then you can take part in the process of preparing the traditional Maloksky alcoholic drink - cilantro.
  • bomber

    • Purpose: to cause panic in the city with the help of bombardment, but not to allow high destruction
    • Customer: Maloki
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Requirements for the player: not a person, a pirate
    • A city map showing which projectiles have the best effect in different sectors is shown below. After analyzing it, we come to the conclusion that it will be effective to load 4 seismic charges, 4 thermal charges, and 7 poison charges into the aircraft. The wind, as stated in the introductory briefing, should be taken into account in this way:
    • Speed: 1-5, no drift
    • Speed: 6-7, per 0-1 sector
    • Speed: 8-12, for 1 sector
    • Speed: 13-14, for 1-2 sectors
    • Speed: 15-20, for 2 sectors
    • Speed: 20 and above, for 2-3 sectors
    • Sector 1 2 3 4 5
    • A T S OTS TO
    • D OTS TS TS C
    • E T TCO T OST
    • The red color marks the charges that give the greatest destruction in this sector and therefore are undesirable for use. In blue - giving maximum panic.
    • Repeated hit in the same sector of the effect does not give any.
    • Remember that there is a dam in sector E2. If you hit it with a seismic charge, then the city sinks under water, and the quest is considered failed.
  • Borzukhan

    • Goal: Destroy the base of Borzukhan's lakusha
    • Customer: people
    • Player requirements: no
    • The quest has many possible ways of passing, I will give one of them. First you need to take off and, circling around the fire, move towards the haze seen nearby. There, sitting at a distance by the fire, we listen to the conversation. You should not listen to the bandits' conversations for a long time, it is better to carefully shoot them with a laser rifle. After searching the corpses, we communicate with the lying person and learn about the secret passage to the coast. We take the victim back to the camp and fly to the sea. We go down, examine the rocks and find the grotto. Entering the grotto, we open a secret passage. If it is closed, then you need to cut out the lock with a laser rifle. Once inside, go straight to the right. In the spacious hall we go into the left door and shoot at the bearing guarding the reactor. After searching the body, set the explosives and leave. Borzukhan himself will stand near the flyer. If you need him alive to exchange for 1000 credits, then you can try to stun him with a stunner. If not needed, it is better to kill immediately. After that, the quest is considered successfully completed.
    • The way to enter the base depends on where we fly after takeoff from the camp. The described method is the safest.
  • Driver

    • Purpose: to save the captured Roland by paying a debt for him - 900 chervonets
    • Customer: people
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • In order to collect the required amount, you will have to work as a truck driver, transporting goods and passengers in an area reminiscent of the wild west. There is no specific way to pass, so I will give only general tips.
    • Money can be obtained by odd jobs, bringing passengers, or freight. Routes can be:
    • Mines (coal at 5 chervonets per ton) - Shpik (sell coal for 12 hours per ton)
    • Landfill (metal at 10 chervonets per ton) - Shpik (sell metal at 23 hours per ton)
    • Farm (spinach at 25 chervonets per ton) – Mines (sell spinach at 45 h per ton)
    • By the rubidium mines (on the farm side) there is a larger truck, so it's worth taking it.
    • In the auto repair shop, it is desirable to make spikes on the truck, which will greatly facilitate disassembly on the roads.
    • In the Scorpions bar you can take a bearing to Shpik as a companion. Upon arrival in Shpik, the bearing will give up his gun.
    • When meeting on the roads, you can either pay for the fare (if you have money), or break away from your pursuers (if there is no cargo), or board the enemy. When a gun appears, it will be possible to shoot at the bandits.
    • After 900 gold coins have been collected, you need to go to the Iroquois to redeem Roland.
  • Diver

    • Objective: Deactivate weapons at the underwater station
    • Customer: people
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • There are several ways to complete the task. Here is the shortest way to remove a warhead from a rocket. Having plunged under water, we send the container down and swim after it. Having sailed through the gateway in the wall, we explore the mine. We find a blockage at the bottom of the mine and clear it in two steps, assigning a red card. We sail to the control center and, having looked around there, we find a yellow card in the terminal. We swim out of the control center and move to the wardroom. There we see another card in the terminal, insert all previously detected cards into it and start working. It is required to open rocket hatches with the help of a launcher. We finish working with the terminal, we swim out of the wardroom. We see that a hatch into the missile shaft has opened in the airlock. We go down there and screw the head off the rocket. After that, we put the head in the container and send it up, while we ourselves cling to the halyard and climb up next. Having got on the ship, we give the command to immediately depart and begin to think about returning to the customer planet.
    • There is also the possibility to leave the underwater station with the help of a bathyscaphe. But I suggest you consider this ability for yourself.
  • military registration and enlistment office

    • Objective: To help fulfill the recruitment plan
    • Customer: faeyane
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player Requirements: Merchant, Warrior
    • This quest does not have a single way of passing. It is necessary to fulfill the plan for the call. To do this, you need to methodically carry out the required promotional activities with the propaganda team. If you see that the required number of defenders of the fatherland is not reached within the prescribed period, then you will have to use illegal methods, such as bribes to the rector, the services of informers and raids on bars. If human rights activists begin to rally in front of the military registration and enlistment office, then their attitude needs to be urgently improved. This can be done either by transferring a certain amount to their account, or by showing high loyalty to the laws when communicating with conscripts and their parents. Of course, you need to order summonses on time and take tranquilizers. And then everything will work out!
  • Elections

    • Goal: win presidential elections on a sparsely populated planet
    • Customer: bearings
    • Execution Planet: Uninhabited
    • Player requirements: no
    • This quest does not have a specific way of passing - a lot depends on random factors and initial parameters. But overall strategy may be like this. First you need to determine the main races, on which our election campaign will be mainly calculated. Of course, you need to focus on those races, whose representatives are more on the planet. And then it is necessary to act on the basis of the chosen preferences and knowing the characteristics of the races. Thus, the Gaalians are a race that helps others, loves beauty and harmony. Feyans are guided by the development of science and technology. Bearings like lawlessness and crime, as well as money. Maloki is crazy about everything military. Well, people are people.
    • Of course, one should not allow the attitude of any race to fall below the plinth. Remember that every percentage of those who are dissatisfied with you are votes in favor of the opponent! Sometimes it pays to compromise, even if it comes at the expense of the "core" races.
    • And a few more tricks. A press conference is a very profitable way to raise your profile, but it should not be used more than twice. Black PR is even more profitable, but there is a possibility that the idea will fail and you will lose a lot of votes.
  • Hyde-no

    • Purpose: to extract secret information from a computer network
    • Customer: bearings
    • Fulfillment Planet: Faeyans
    • Player requirements: no
    • Arriving on the planet, we get a note and, after reading it, we move in the direction of the nearest connection point to HydeNet. There we pay immediately for four hours of work and sit down in a chair. We get into the network. The network is a small maze with various guards between locations. The player has exploits to trick the guards, but there is a limited number of exploits that can be loaded at the same time.
    • There are several ways to get to the goal (if you wish, you can even make yourself a map). The mandatory location to visit is 2-1 - you need to find out the password there. I offer one of the options for passing (not the most profitable).
    • The first step is to download exploits from the hard drive to deceive the guards. Loading Shear, Jumper, Mirror and Graft. After that, we switch to hacker mode and follow this route:
    • South Bridge: First Port
    • Eastern bridge: the first port
    • South Bridge: second port
    • Western bridge: second port
    • Here you need to stop and examine the found temporary files. Find out the password ID-13. Move on:
    • Eastern bridge: second port
    • Eastern bridge: the first port
    • South Bridge: second port
    • Eastern bridge: second port
    • We transfer the password to the system and directly download the data to the hard disk. After that, the quest is considered completed.
    • For those who want to try everything additional features when completing this quest, I suggest using the map that was kindly provided to us by (o)ne. There is another option for the passage, in which the ranger receives an additional amount of money for the dexterity of actions, but I suggest that you find it yourself.
  • Depth

    • Goal: get an alien ship from the bottom of the ocean
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • This quest does not have a specific path, as the main parameters vary with each playthrough. Therefore, I will give only a few basic tips.
    • After listening to the introductory briefing, proceed to the dive. The first step is to pay attention to the depth of the target and, depending on this parameter, adjust the rate of immersion. It is necessary to remember about the bottom topography in order to prevent impacts on underwater rocks. If the depth allows, then first you need to orient the bathyscaphe over the target, turning it and controlling the speed. We must not forget the flow. When it’s not long to go down to the ship, you need to hastily throw away the ballast so as not to fall straight to the bottom. Having descended on the plateau, we turn on the searchlights, find an alien ship and, having hooked it with a grip, proceed to the ascent. To do this, we throw out all the ballast and rise to the surface at maximum speed.
  • Jumper

    • Purpose: to successfully test the device "Jumper"
    • Customer: people, Gaalians, Faeyans
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans, Gaalians, Faeyans
    • Player requirements: no
    • This quest is not very difficult and consists of two parts: main and additional. To complete the main part, it is necessary to “jump” a special labyrinth with the help of the tested device. This device is very willing to waste energy, so they give you two batteries and promise that they can be charged at the stand. The tactics of a possible passage is as follows: with each jump, we jump to the next sector, and at the minimum distance. At the required time, we change, and then we recharge the battery.
    • I give one of the ways to overcome the stand: we start in Yellow-3, then we jump over to Red-4, after which we move to Purple-4. We change the battery and jump into Purple-3. The battery is recharging, and we are moving to Blue-3. From there - to Green-3, after which, with a clear conscience, we finish the test by jumping to the finish line.
    • An additional part of the quest, not required to complete, can increase earnings. For successful execution, you need to fully charge the batteries by touching the balls suspended at high altitude. Here is one of the possible (but far from ideal) ways to complete the task: on the first battery and on the first platform, jump to the 1st and 3rd ball. We rise to the second platform and there we touch the 1st and 2nd ball. We change the battery and use the 3rd ball, after which we return to the first platform. We charge from the 4th and 5th ball, after which we change the battery, finish off the 2nd ball and, having risen to the second platform, the 4th ball. Mission completed.
  • >Elus
    • Goal: Win the Elus Game Championship
    • Customer: Gaalians
    • Fulfillment Planet: Maloki
    • Player requirements: no
    • The Elus Championship is held in three rounds of increasing difficulty. The essence of the game is as follows: the computer puts several figures in a certain sequence, obeying one of possible rules. The goal of the player is to guess this rule and place the next pieces following it. The winner is the one who completed all the tasks with the least number of errors. Next, I give possible variants of the rules for all stages of the game - you just have to guess which one is used in your case.
    • The first round is the easiest. Rule options:
    • Go with a figure of a different size
    • Move a piece of a different color
    • Move with a different type of piece
    • Go figure the same size
    • Move with a piece of the same color
    • Move a piece of the same type
    • The second round is more difficult. Rule options:
    • If the last sign is large, then go with a blue sign, otherwise - yellow
    • If the last sign is large, then go around, otherwise - a sign of the same color
    • If the last sign is blue, then go around, otherwise - a rhombus
    • If the last sign is a circle, then go with a small sign, otherwise - with a large one.
    • If the last sign is large, then go with a yellow sign, otherwise - blue
    • If the last sign is yellow, then go around, otherwise - a rhombus
    • If the last sign is a circle, then go with a blue sign, otherwise - yellow
    • If the last sign is large, then go around, otherwise - a rhombus
    • Third most difficult:
    • If the last character is large, then go with a blue character, otherwise - with a character of the same type
    • If the last sign is large, then go with a blue sign, otherwise - with a sign of a different color
    • If the last sign is blue, then go with a large sign, otherwise - with a sign of a different type
    • If the last sign is large, then go with a yellow sign, otherwise - with a rhombus
    • If the last sign is blue, then go with a big sign, otherwise - around
    • If the last sign is a circle, then go with a yellow sign, otherwise - with a small one.
  • Xenologist

    • Objective: Uncover the causes of the strange murders at the xenology base
    • Customer: people, Gaalians, Faeyans
    • Execution Planet: Uninhabited
    • Player requirements: no
    • Arriving on the desired planet, we listen to a brief briefing and proceed to the task. The first step is to learn the local language. To do this, we go to the personnel training class and try to find out about the disks with the language from the local operator. He is not in the mood at the moment, so you first need to tell him a joke, and then try to get information about the disks. We leave the building and communicate with the robot. When asked about the disks, he says that something similar was noticed by him on the technical floor in the waste. We go there and find the first disk. Next, we follow the communication hall and, sitting in the chair of the terminal, we find a note. From the text of the note it follows that the second disk lives with the professor. We go to the professor, ask about disks and after a while we become happy owners of a full course of the local language. In the staff training class, we use these disks (the installation password is 8) and learn to speak Akabos.
    • Now you need to get permission to exit the base. To do this, you need to pass the test to the professor. You can answer the questions he proposed in any way - all answers are correct. After that, we leave the building, present a permit to the robot and leave for the forest. There we wait for the akabos and begin to communicate with them. In no case should you tell them about technical achievements! Therefore, we say that we came from a distant village, and then we ask what happened to the previous xenologists. Akabosy want to make sure of our ingenuity, so they ask the question about the correct sawing of the plank. You don't even have to try to think about its solution - there are no correct answers among the proposed options. We answer as you like and return to the station. There we go to the laboratory of xenobiologists and ask to solve the problem. With a ready decision, we again stomp into the forest and, having waited for the natives, we present it to them.
    • This is followed by a fight of minds between you and the natives. You need to defeat the local champion in the game "Rock, paper, scissors". Since this event depends entirely on a random factor, there are two possible options for further life after the game.
    • First option. The ranger defeats the akabos. In this case, we follow the losers and at the last moment, with the help of the intervention of the shaman, we are saved from inevitable death. From the shaman we learn about the reason for the murders of xenologists and return to the base. We tell the representative of the customer about this and begin preparations for departure. To obtain permission to depart, you must wake up the professor. Trying to do it yourself will get you nowhere. Therefore, we follow the office of xenobiologists and there we learn how to wake up the professor. This requires a special whistle. We go up to the technical floor and ask the robot, who voluntarily blows the whistle. We return to the staff bedroom, whistle, wake up the professor and get permission. Again we go to the technical floor and there, presenting permission, we get out of the planet.
    • Second option. The native mind defeated the ranger. In this case, further conversation with the akabos is interrupted by the landing of the Malok ship. We run to the base, and from there to the landed ship. It is useless to communicate with maloks, it is better to immediately stomp back to the station. Having reported the situation to the chief, we proceed to resist the invasion of the Maloks. In the staff training hall, we communicate with Andrey and perceive his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsabotage in the Malokov camp. Andrey also gives a detonator. It remains to find depleted uranium (a cabinet in the xenobiology laboratory) and a timer (technical floor). In order to get the timer, you need to interrupt the recharging of the robot. After that with everyone assembled parts we follow to the laboratory of xenologists. We commit sabotage, listen to the last explanations of the local xenologist and return to the customer planet for money.
  • Xenopark

    • Purpose: to feed rare animals with exotic food
    • Customer: bearings
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Requirements for the player: not small
    • The quest is quite simple and has only one solution. In short, its essence is as follows: rare animals are kept in the xenopark, but as a result of an accident, all the plates on the cages were mixed up and now it is not known which animal is in the cage and what to feed it with. You will have to figure this out. In total, the xenopark has 5 cages with animals and 7 types of food. Your goal is to guess which animal is in the cage and give it the right food. If you give the wrong food, then the animal will either ignore the food, or get sick, or even die. For those who do not want to waste time on a long comparison of the descriptions of animals in books with their appearance and experimenting, I give the correct solution:
    • The Beast in the first cage (Big Habbat plate) prefers "Kwak To-Us Leatherflower";
    • The animal in the second cage (tablet Swamp Zhvyrklats) loves "Haapt Balls" and "Hydrocarbon tincture";
    • The animal in the third cage (tablet Klisansky proto-spok) likes to eat "Vatska kryambusina";
    • The beast in the fourth cell (tablet Noble Aishaut) chooses "Glandular Laap-Shu" and "Granular Zirki";
    • The Beast in the fifth cage (the Sandthorn plate) does not care for the soul in "Just Photons".
    • After all the animals are fed, you can find out what their correct names were.
  • labyrinth

    • Purpose: remember your task and complete it
    • Customer: faeyane
    • Fulfillment Planet: Gaalians
    • Player requirements: no
    • To successfully complete this ritual, it is necessary to collect the required number of hwacher eggs in the labyrinth and then defeat the penchekryak with the help of the hatched hatchets. First you need to buy from the hunter in the village all the things that he sells - it will come in handy. Entering the labyrinth, you should be guided by the given map. Eggs usually lie in dead ends.
    • When meeting with a hwacher, you need to throw powder from the Chwahi root into his eyes. If the purchased worm starts to squeak, then you can find the root and use it to restore some health.
    • After collecting 7-8 pieces of eggs, you can return to the exit. Hvachiki will hatch and rush at penchekryak. It is necessary with the help of a shirt-front to make the hvachiks more ferocious and evil, and then they will gladly bite the monster.
  • Easy job

    • Purpose: to deal with strange things happening on the planet
    • Customer: any
    • Fulfillment Planet: Gaalians
    • Player requirements: no
    • The quest has the only correct solution, so if you find it difficult to find it yourself, then follow the suggested instructions.
    • Arriving on the planet, we forget about the agent and with a clear conscience we go to the city. There we follow to the bar "D-El" and, after looking around, we approach the bearing, in front of which there is a mountain of booze. We communicate with him and, having elicited information about the mail robot, we return to the square. From there we stomp to the post office, we approach the informant robot and say the password. We find out the addresses of those who ordered the parcels and, fulfilling the bearing request, we finish off the robot. We return to the bar and get 15 grunts from the bearing. We go to the gravitaxi parking lot to check the addresses. In order not to suffer, we immediately fly to Mud-bog Avenue. There we find a note, read it and move to the museum. We communicate with the professor and go to the hotel. Attempts by a journalist to talk to us are ignored. We pay with grunts for a room and get enough sleep.
    • In the morning we go to the professor. We enter the door and find a picture of a complete defeat. We rewrite the address from the professor's notes and follow it. We go into the house and, having found the attacking monster, we bounce to the side. After that, we slowly move to the door and, entering the corridor, we run through the far door. We press the switch and, while the monster is beating at the door, we examine the computer. When the monster breaks into the room, we repel its attack and continue to work with the computer. When the self-destruct system is turned on, we approach the shield and try to break into the door opening system. At the moment when this happens, we run through the door opposite. We enter there and, going down the stairs, we proceed to solve the problem. You need to press the lock buttons. When pressed, the button changes the number from 1 to 0 and back, and with it, all the buttons next to it change the values. It is necessary that all buttons turn to zero, then the lock will open. This is achieved as follows: you need to reduce the problem to ensure that only one unit in the corner remains on the field (as in the piece of paper found), and then follow the solution given in this piece of paper. After the door opens, we leave the hospitable building and meet with the girl previously seen in the alley. We communicate with her and agree to participate in the assault. We rest and recruit people and equipment. The easiest way is to attack through the roof, you will need a flyer, electronic intelligence and a few fighters. When the Molgaar that this hunt is after flies away, it will be necessary to take on the role of a rocket launcher and shoot him. The necessary corrections for the wind must be made in accordance with the instructions given in the quest. It takes three hits to destroy a flyer.
    • The given way of passing is the simplest and bypasses a large number of details that the quest is rich in. So, you can travel to other addresses that the mail robot gave out, and to open one of the doors in the mansion with the monster, there is alternative way associated with the solution of a logical problem. Well, to attack the mansion of Molgaar, you can use various tactics.
  • Ski resort

    • Goal: Earn 1,000,000 credits for the ski resort in 20 days
    • Customer: any
    • Player Requirements: Merchant
    • This quest does not have a single way of passing and is an economic simulator. To achieve your goal, you will have to increase the capital of the resort from 100,000 credits to 1,000,000 in 20 days. To do this, you must constantly develop the resort, giving priority attention to those indicators that are beginning to be missed. Moreover, it is desirable to build new facilities without waiting until the resort's capacity is not enough. At the very beginning, when there is not enough money, you can not spend money on advertising, but at the same time you need to vigilantly ensure that the popularity of the resort does not fall to zero - then the quest will fail. In the future, it is desirable to increase deductions for advertising.
    • It is helpful to start every day with a conversation with an economist - this will allow you to most fully determine the best priorities in construction.
    • After the quest is completed, you will be asked to continue saving money, increasing the capital to 10 million. The reward for this will be an additional 10,000 credits paid out right there. Decide for yourself whether the money is worth a few more days spent at the resort.
  • Ministry

    • Purpose: to get documents for the lease of the island
    • Customer: bearings
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • The quest tests your resistance to bureaucracy. A visit to a ministry should begin with a visit to the secretariat. It is necessary to start an informal conversation with the secretary, asking her name, and then play cards with her. It all depends on your ability to play point. You need to win her hours and points, and then the game will stop by itself. After the secretary loses her glasses, she will no longer be able to keep a vigilant eye on the trash can, and the cap can be removed from this receptacle of used items. Putting on a cap, we return to the hall and talk with the commandant. He, noticing our headdress and comparing it with what he saw in the days of his youth, gladly answers all questions. So, you can find out from him that the office we needed used to really live in the basement, but now she has moved to the toilet. We go there and knock on the second booth. We answer all the questions of the clerk (the answers do not matter) and, having taken the papers, we return to the secretary. We return her things (it’s a pity, of course, but she can’t do anything without glasses) and ask her to certify the papers.
    • Now we stomp to the main house. He arranges a small test to test our sanity. For all his questions, among the proposed answers, there are several correct ones, here I will give those that give a 100% positive result:
    • Turn on the vector, energy and navigation systems, check all indicators and start the engines.
    • Penchekryak meat is too tough for frying. It can only be boiled.
    • The answer doesn't matter.
    • They live at the expense of the people.
    • Expensive weapon.
    • Further, we learn that all the previous actions were done in vain, but we should have immediately gone to the head of the transport department. But he is not up to our petty papers - he urgently needs a fish. We step to our informant - the commandant and we get a fishing rod from him. We leave the ministry and approach the lake. We climb into it, fumble with our hands and find a leech. We fasten a leech and slap back into the building. There we go down to the basement and throw the fishing rod into the hole with water. We catch fish. Then we take it to the head of the transport department and complete the quest.
    • In this quest, you can earn an additional 80 credits by trading a crowbar for 20 credits from the workers in the brush manager's room and using it to break through the door in the basement.
  • Mouzon

    • Goal: win the music festival
    • Customer: people
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • Arriving on the planet and sleeping off at the hotel, we start creating a super rock band. In theory, all musicians can be found through a computer without leaving the hotel, but this will require a lot of money. So it's better to run. To begin with, turning on the laptop, we arrange a search for musical instruments and buy strings and drumsticks. Then, so that the computer does not stand idle, we go to the library and begin to educate ourselves. We read a book about billiards, study the rules of etiquette and modern lyrics. Then we turn off the computer and go to the square.
    • First of all, we bring ourselves to the mind of a normal rock musician. That is, we go to the tattoo parlor, make all possible tattoos and pierce the ear. At the same time, we are interested in the presence of a musician and find out that you can try to look for a keyboard player in the billiard room. We leave and go to the rock club. There we seduce a drummer with a pierced ear and drumsticks and hire him into the group. We follow the long street, show tattoos and strings to the guitarist and also invite him to the team. Then we go to the hotel and wait for the night.
    • We go to the billiard room. Having found the keyboard player, we beat him in billiards and take him to the group. Then we go to a bar, where with our polite request we simply conquer the bass player. We exchange the book of poetry received at the hotel for the consent of the bass player to participate in a rock band. After that, we return to the hotel and go to bed.
    • In the morning we go outside and follow the studio. We order the most expensive song for ourselves for seven minutes. Then we submit an application for participation in the concert and proceed to rehearsals. Money, no matter how sorry, we use to raise the skill of the group as a whole and each musician (not forgetting his beloved) individually. Then we wait for the concert and, having drunk a bottle of beer to cheer up, we go to the stadium.
    • We begin our performance with musical actions. We all play together, and each musician performs his signature numbers. All this should be interspersed with special effects and hooligan actions. As a result, if everything went as I described earlier, the group's rating should approach 200 units, which gives a big lead over the competition.
  • drugs

    • Purpose: to arrive at the specified address and provide a bearing service named Kuucha von Yucha
    • Customer: Maloki
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Requirements for the player: any, except bearing
    • The quest has several very different options for passing. The first plot fork begins in the car - you can safely drive to Kuuchi's lair, or you can escape from the car and plunge into life full of dangers on the Peleng planet. The action option in the Kuuchi mansion is filled with all sorts of logic puzzles, and walking on the planet is fraught with a very high danger to life. Each of the two main paths has several more forks. Here I will give the shortest version of the walkthrough associated with escaping from the car, and leave for personal consideration each solution to the problems of the von Yuchi mansion.
    • So, having escaped from the car, we catch a taxi and follow the bearing that met us. On the way we talk with the driver. After getting out of the car, we go to the store "Everything" and buy a camera. Further in the tavern we communicate with the owner, listen to his request and head to the company of bearings. We win them in dice and ask the delighted owner about the man with red eyes. After that, we follow him and, seeing a terrible scene of cannibalism, we photograph it. Then we pay the approaching bearing for silence 50 credits and, having received the documents, we successfully complete the quest.
    • I strongly recommend completing this quest in several ways, as it is very interesting. Solving puzzles in Kuuchi von Yuchi's mansion can keep you busy for a long time.
  • Olympics

    • Goal: Win your team of clerks in the "Clerks Without Borders" competition
    • Customer: people
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • First you need to determine the specialization of your fighters. Therefore, we conduct several sparring sessions in order to find out the preferences of the fighters. Having orientated, we assign each training in accordance with his specialization. You can even make a small table on paper so as not to rely only on your memory. There are few available workouts, but with the right approach, it should be enough. In extreme cases, you will have to pay money to spend a few more sparring.
    • The schedule of all competitions and requirements for players can be found in the booklet of the Olympiad. In critical cases, you can use the help of trainers in the gym, but it costs money. On the eve of the competition, it is better for the fighter who will participate in it not to train, but to sleep, fatigue is a very important factor, the success of the competition largely depends on it.
  • Amusement park

    • Purpose: to restore the functionality of the amusement park
    • Customer: people
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player Requirements: Merchant or Warrior
    • After talking with the communicator and assessing the scale of the disaster, we move on. At slot machines you can try your luck and earn some local money. In general, at the end of the quest, all remaining coins can be exchanged for galactic credits at a favorable rate, so you should try to earn more of them. So, back to the pointer stone. First you should go to the left (because we don’t have a horse, so there’s nothing to lose!). Having pulled out a scroll from the lake, we communicate with the robot inhabiting it. To get the transport necessary for the robot, you will have to correctly answer Vasilisa's three questions. Here are the correct answers:
    • In the fairy tale "The Magic Ring" Martynko paid 100 rubles for the cat Vaska;
    • "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what"? - this is how the hero was sent in the fairy tale about Fedot the Sagittarius;
    • Ivan Tsarevich became the husband of the Frog Princess.
    • After completing the testing, we activate the received scroll with the spell and become the owner of the green cube. We return to the fork.
    • Now we follow in the right direction. Waking up after a blow to the head, we choose a weapon for the battle with the Serpent-Gorynych. You can choose any weapon, except for a spear with an ultrasonic tip and a mace with a hydraulic booster. The choice will depend on the tactics of the battle. So, you can fight with a crossbow at a distance, and with a heavy sword only in a direct attack. The best choice, in my opinion, would be a treasure sword and a shield. Constantly changing tactics, we kill Gorynych. Having received 20 coins and an orange cube, we return to the pointer stone.
    • From there we go in the only possible direction - straight. To get a blue cube, you will either have to participate in the auction, or, if you have 70 coins, peacefully negotiate with Baba Yaga. At the auction, it will be possible to trade a cube for 40 coins. If this amount is too heavy, then before the auction, you should look for additional sources of funding. Having answered the question of Kalistrat Mudrilo that “four sayings are false”, we get 50 coins. Now you can participate in the auction. The main thing in trading is not to assign an amount of 25 coins - after that, a loss follows.
    • Having successfully traded the cube, we ignore the Alyonushki International concert and continue the task. In the tavern, we raise our health somewhat (however, if you rent the entire banquet hall for a lot of money, then your health will not improve). On the other hand, if the next task is completed correctly the first time, then the value of health no longer plays a special role. The blue die, the object of this next task, is in the md square. Having acquired the cube, we follow further, we communicate with the communicator. The door opens with the password "Sim-Sim, open!".
    • The cubes must be placed in the cells in such a way that the result is a rainbow, that is, under the letter A - orange, N - green, B - blue, O - blue. Next, we reboot the system, change the money at the rate and return to the customer planet for a reward.
  • Pachvarash

    • Purpose: to pass the sacred Pelengsky ritual
    • Customer: bearings
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Player requirements: no
    • In this quest, the ranger's consciousness with the help of special equipment will be placed in a small three-legged sacred creature - pachvarash. In the body of this animal, you will need to fulfill certain requirements: peaceful or combat. The peaceful way is to increase the weight to 100 kg, dig a hole of 50 ar and win the respect of other pachvarash up to 50%. The battle path is to kill and save the scalps of 5 pachvarash and then win the battle with the leader.
    • Weight is gained by eating grass. Grass grows next to the hole and in the meadow. In the meadow, it is tastier and more satisfying, but in order to eat freely there, you must be a respected person and be able to stand up for yourself. Health is restored by rest.
    • The strategy of passing is as follows: first, fight with weak opponents and eat grass only at the hole, and then, as weight and respect grow, switch to strong opponents and a good lawn.
  • Pilot

    • Purpose: to obtain a pilot's certificate
    • Customer: bearings
    • Fulfillment Planet: Faeyans
    • Player Requirements: Not a Faeyan
    • The quest has several options for passing. If at the very beginning you choose door No. 1, then you can help the Gaalian arrange his personal life by bringing him together with Maloksha Bigbuba and thereby successfully pass the theory. When choosing door number 3, we get to a bribe taker who, for a modest fee, indicates the correct answers to questions. Behind the second door lives a feyanin who will have to answer questions without any help, but if you answer all three correctly, the examiner will free us from the practical part of the exam. Just in case, I give the correct answers to all possible problems.
    • Answers to tasks:
    • Protection generator power at the price of the first engine:
    • 110 cr. - the answer is "10%" 150 kr. - the answer is "20%" 180 kr. - the answer is "15%"
    • The captain's cabin, if the statement of the second question contains an indication:
    • "D meets" or "B meets" - the correct answer is "Cabin 1"
    • “A meets” or “never meets” - the correct answer is “Cabin 3”
    • Airfare based on tank capacity:
    • Capacity 47 - 240 cr. capacity 52 - 260 cr. capacity 60 – 230 cr.
    • The practical part is to shoot down asteroids and has no difficulty in passing.
  • Pizza

    • Objective: to take one of the first three places in the competition by making a pizza that all the judges will like
    • Customer: everything except small ones
    • Execution Planet: Any inhabited
    • Player requirements: no
    • Arriving on the planet where the competition will take place, do not be lazy and go to a restaurant. There you need to try all kinds of pizzas in order to understand what the judges will need from you.
    • Before the start of the competition, give the correspondent an interview to increase the sympathy of the audience. This will work best if the answers are as follows:
    • I represent the Galaxy Rangers!
    • Yes. This is my debut.
    • Excellent! I'll rip their asses off.
    • It is better to use the services of a bearing that offers to bribe a judge. Bribe better than that a judge who single-handedly represents his race in the competition. That is, if there are judges - 2 maloks, 2 feyanins and one person, then a person needs to be bribed, because in this case it will not be necessary to please the tastes of the human race.
    • Pizza ingredients must be chosen based on who sits on the jury. So, the Pelengsky judges love fish, exotic and vegetable supplements, for the little ones, the calorie content of food is most important. People like a balanced pizza that has a little bit of everything. Faeyan pizza is more of a salad full of plant foods. Well, the Gaalians most of all appreciate the exoticism and aesthetics of pizza.
    • Based on these simple rules, try to cook a pizza that will satisfy all the judges. If you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. In this quest, a lot depends on the random factor. Try again and success will come to you!
  • Plasma checkers

    • Goal: Win the Hyper Jumping Plasma Dash Championship
    • Customer: everyone except people
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • The task consists in solving a puzzle - it is necessary on a board of 7 cells with 3 white and 3 black checkers to swap the checkers in 15 moves. A checker can move to an empty space if it is adjacent, or if it is one cell away from it. Here is the solution to this puzzle:
    • It is necessary to move the checkers in the following sequence (the numbers of the cells on which they are located are indicated):
    • 3 5 6 4 2 1 3 5 7 6 4 2 3 5 4
  • player

    • Purpose: to fix the ancient device - DND-player
    • Customer: faeyane
    • Fulfillment Planet: Faeyans
    • Player requirements: no
    • This quest is one of the shortest and the task offered in it has only one solution. When choosing cells, you must indicate the 2nd and 8th cell (the sequence is not important). After that, you can safely fly to the planet-customer for a reward.
  • robots

    • Goal: to win battles on fighting robots
    • Customer: Gaalians
    • Fulfillment Planet: Maloki
    • Player requirements: no
    • A fairly simple quest, although very much dependent on chance. Before each fight, you need to go to the bar and communicate with its regulars in order to determine the weak and strengths opponents. Having learned about the preferences of rivals, you need to act in battle in accordance with the information received. So, if the opponent likes to use a missile attack, then the anti-missile maneuver should become the preferred method of defense, if the enemy loves torpedoes, then you need to defend yourself with a jammer. You can also spare a little money and improve your means of attack in the workshop.
    • After you win three mandatory battles, you will be offered to take part in underground battles for an additional reward. In this case, you will be given a powerful robot, but there will be no information about the enemy, and each subsequent enemy will be more and more powerful. Unfortunately, the reward for these battles can only be called symbolic - 250, 500, 1000... credits. Typically, these amounts are quite small compared to the cost of the main part of the assignment. These battles can be ended at any time.
  • svarokok

    • Objective: Hunt 10 Svarokok Legs
    • Customer: everything except small ones
    • Fulfillment Planet: Maloki
    • Player requirements: no
    • Having started the quest and listened to the briefing, we go hunting. First of all, we make a wooden club for ourselves, then we catch a few knash, we tear a few flowers. After that, we proceed to the actual hunting.
    • The basic rules for hunting are as follows:
    • It is best to catch svarokok on knash. In this case, health is not wasted and paws are mined whole. But this method works only if stealth is sufficiently developed. If stealth is low, then you have to fight the beast in hand-to-hand combat. Then you need to focus on which parameter is greater: if the power is great, then it is better to repel the attack of the animal with a club, but if the character is very dexterous, then you need to take up the knife.
    • While the svarokok is far away, you need to either train, or catch knash, or restore health. The following types of training are available:
    • Working with a log increases strength;
    • Shaking a karteng tree increases agility;
    • Walking through the chrum-crunch thickets develops stealth.
    • It is better to restore health with health flowers found at the very beginning. If they are not, then you can eat any other plants.
    • If the club breaks, then you can cut yourself a new one, but only if the knife has not yet been serrated.
    • A Svarokok can defeat a hunter even if the hunter is 100% strong, agile, or stealthy. However, the hunter will have the best chance in such a situation when hunting with a knash as a bait, then with a club, and the knife gives the least chance.
    • You can fight with your bare hands, but it is much harder, and the foot is most often damaged.
    • You can not make a network for knash if the welder is closer than 200 grags.
    • You can’t catch knash and make a club if the weld is closer than 220 grags.
  • Pharaoh

    • Objective: open the tomb
    • Customer: Gaalians
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Player requirements: no
    • In order to successfully complete this quest, you must solve logical task. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to determine the order of birth of the sons of the pharaoh. In the additional part of the quest (for a separate reward), you will also be asked to guess the characters of the sons of the pharaoh. I will not give a complete solution, since it is rather cumbersome, but I indicate the correct answers.
    • Order of birth of brothers (1 - senior, 7 - junior):
    • (wise guy) Commander
    • (fighter) Yeptimat
    • (glutton) Anusptis
    • (womanizer) Vertepopes
    • (merry fellow) Ramzetz
    • (coward) Seremtut
    • (dirty) Moichrenes
  • Faryuki

    • Purpose: to pull out six "faruks" through the gate of the plant
    • Customer: everyone except feyan
    • Fulfillment Planet: Faeyans
    • Player Requirements: Merchant or Pirate
    • In order for the “sniffer” detector at the checkpoint not to smell faruks in the exported wheelbarrow, it is necessary that the total Value of the Relative Non-aroma (RH) of the wheelbarrow reaches exactly 80 units. Each of the available faruks is characterized by a certain value of BONi, in addition, there are ways to change the value of BONi with the help of flavorings. Faryukov taken out through the checkpoint can be thrown back. Here is the most uneconomical (in terms of the number of remaining flavors) solution:
    • spray vonylin on "Shaggy"
    • put in the wheelbarrow "Shaggy"
    • put in the wheelbarrow "Boot"
    • send Schnobel through the checkpoint
    • shake and sprinkle with cologne on the "Big"
    • sprinkle with vonylin on "Big"
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Big"
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Yellow-eye"
    • put in the wheelbarrow "Boot"
    • send Doubel through the checkpoint
    • spray vonilin on "Striped"
    • throw over the fence "Boot"
    • throw over the Blue Pouring Fence
    • put in the wheelbarrow "Blue filling"
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Striped"
    • put in the wheelbarrow "Boot"
    • send Pugel through the checkpoint
    • There are several more ways to pass, in which more flavors remain, but I suggest you find them yourself.
  • Fonsers

    • Goal: to win races on fireballs - foncers
    • Customer: everyone except people
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • The main task in this quest is to correctly determine the choice of the fonser and the modes of movement in different areas. Fonser should be chosen based on your own preferences. Sections of the route are passed depending on their type: on the plains you can drive at full speed, and in the canyons it is better to slow down and take care of protection.
    • It is impossible to give a certain way to complete this quest, since all its parameters change every game. But it is necessary to monitor the strength of the protective field, so as not to break to death.
  • citadels

    • Goal: win the Citadel competition
    • Customer: Gaalians
    • Fulfillment Planet: Humans
    • Player requirements: no
    • This competition will not be new to those who imagine the system card game Magic the Gathering. The essence of the game is to implement your projects, increasing resources and causing damage to the enemy. I don’t give detailed advice on the solution, because it will be too cumbersome, it’s easier to play the game yourself and after a few moves everything will become clear. You need to take one of the first three places in the competition according to the Olympic system, after which the quest will be considered successfully completed.
  • Quest Prison

    • Since the first part of the game, the prisons on the planets have not changed much. Several new features have been added, but the basics remain the same.
    • How to get into jail? It is necessary either to land on a planet that is hostile towards our ranger, or to change the attitude to hostile already on the planet. In any of these cases, we are tried and punished for a period of 60 to 90 days to be spent in prison. From the armored bus in which we are being transported, the quest begins.
    • If you are completely reluctant to sit (for example, important things are waiting in the opposite part of the galaxy), then you can escape. It's done like this: we start a fight with a prisoner, grab a gun from one of the guards and shoot at other guards (it doesn't always work, sometimes the guards shoot earlier). We release the rest of the prisoners and hide. We leave the bus, and hello ship!
    • It is possible, by releasing the prisoners, to surrender to the authorities. Then the guards will hate us, the term will be extended, but the convicts will immediately respect us.
    • How to live in prison? In prison, you can go to the library, gym, to work, to the dining room, to walk, and also to play gambling, on cockroach races and participate in battles. Can be different tactics survival. You can work out in the library and, having become smart, play cards for money, while you can get out of prison with a noticeably larger amount than you sat down. You can swing in the gym and participate in battles, simultaneously racking up cellmates. It is better not to quarrel with the administration and security; if they demand a bribe, it is better to give it.
    • Tips: the one who wins in fisticuffs, the head of the prison can release ahead of schedule. If you play cockroach races, then you should remember that a cockroach can run a maximum of 70 m / h, and then it dies. If the respect of cellmates falls, you can get a tattoo or arrange a feast in the dining room. If you feel unwell, you need to go to eat in the dining room or pay for the services of a massage therapist.
    • Compared to the first part of the game, the following features have been added in the prison: now you can dig a tunnel, improve your health in the first-aid post, and also participate in amateur competitions.
    • You can get out of prison by winning the battles, breaking through the tunnel to the end, earning a good attitude from the authorities, or after serving your entire term.

Getting the title of "salaga"

The first rank, everything is simple here.
Fly to the pirate base, get the rank of a pirate, as well as a good pirate corps.

Obtaining the title of "Jung" (100 points)

To complete, a scientific base must be built in the galaxy, in this case you are given the task of finding a memory block on an uninhabited planet. We buy 1-3 probes, load them onto the planet and fly about our business. Upon returning, we take the memory block and hand it over to the pirate base.
As a reward now and in the future they will give out excellent acryne equipment with low weight and maximum capabilities for that year, but naturally not without minuses.

Obtaining the title of "raider" (250 points)

Well, finally, a normal task, you need to kill one pirate-informer, but that's not all.
After you accept the task, you will constantly receive one stupid message on the bottom panel, something is written there about your cow. So, this is a secret message from agents. We fly to the planet indicated in the message, and here you are offered to leak information in favor of the Coalition. Never say that you don't know what the agent is talking about, even if you want to play as pirates, because you will miss some parts of the plot.
We drain them of the pirate we need to kill. Next, we fly to kill the pirate, and after the capsule falls out, we take money from the pirate, load it on board and:

  • either we grab and carry to the PB (+ to the pirates)
  • either we grab and carry to the nearest coalition planet (+ to the coalition)
Regardless of what you choose, at the end you will receive 1 micromodule of your choice and a new rank.
In order for the girls-special agents to give you tasks, you need to complete tasks in favor of the coalition whenever possible.

Obtaining the title of "skipper" (450 points)

Here the task will be more serious, we need to destroy the business center in the system attacked by the dominators, and we also called them.
We fly to the planet to meet with a representative of agents, report everything to him and fly to the system where our business center is.
You can complete the task in 2 ways:

  • We do as the pirates say. Upon arrival in the system, the beacon is activated automatically. We fly to the business center and wait for the dominators. As soon as the system was invaded, we place 3 quark bombs, and shoot at them, destroying the business center. Dominators can not be touched, and fly to the pirate base. (+ to pirates)
  • We play for the Coalition. We arrive in the system, the beacon is activated, we fly to the BC, and as soon as the dominators fly into the system, a message appears on the panel that it is necessary to guard the BC for 60 days. Actually this is what we do. After 60 days, the base will self-destruct, and you will only have to fly to the pirate base for a tag, and to the coalition planet for a reward. Oh yeah, there are 3 more quark bombs left in your hold. (+ to the coalition)
Regardless of who you played as, at the end you get a choice of: 3 MM Level 3, 2 MM Level 2 or 1 MM Level 1.

Getting the title of "thug" (750 points)

It's time for the stick. At first glance, the task is simple, but not everything is so smooth.
We hit the road and kill the ranger, we return to the PB.
Here we are informed that the ranger is alive, and is now in the hospital. We fly to the agents, and to the planet where the ranger lies. Next we have a quest.

Passing the quest:
We allow the droid to scan ourselves, leave the blaster with you and you will be taken to the doctor. To the question about your health, answer: "like a well-fried penchekryak." We take his robe and shed. We go to separate chambers, and there we find our ranger.
No need to choke him with a pillow, nothing good will come of it. Further to the elevator, to the first floor, to the office premises, and to the toilet. There I wash my hands and take a worker's suit. Further, on the third floor, we insert the worker's card, we pass into the room to the head of security, we eavesdrop on the conversation, we leave. Further into the nameless door, we tell the guards of the room that the Major is calling to us and move on.
There is already a branch, depending on who you play as:

  • If for a special agent, then press "refuse to kill." We rise to the 4th floor and say that you have important information, tell everyone the truth and ... the task is completed. Receive your award on the spot. (+ to the coalition)
  • We lock ourselves in the room, search everything, put on a breathing mask and begin to pump out the air. First level 3, and then all the rest. We exit through the main entrance. To the guard who met, we tear off the mask. Mission completed. The reward awaits you at the PB. (+ to pirates)
After the quest, we fly to the PB and get 2 micromodules to choose from.

Obtaining the title of "ataman" (1000 points)

To become a chieftain, you must kill the chieftain, which is logical. The mysterious Mr. Shu is sent to help you. Ask him who he is and what his goal is, he must tell you that he is a liquidator, for this you will receive an additional reward.
We fly to the planet where the ataman settled, we are waiting for Mr. Shu in the orbit of the planet, and we choose from 2 ways to eliminate him:

  • If you don't want to participate in the Planetary Battle, send Mr. Shu to do it. In a day he will fly out and the ataman will fly to another system, to the planet, where he will be imprisoned for 100 years. Follow him, and then you can go to the PB. (+ to pirates)
  • We leave Mr. Shu in orbit, and we ourselves fly to the planet.
    Next, you have to win the Planetary Battle. It is quite simple, you can immediately go to the center of the map to the green ones, destroying towers and capturing factories along the way. At the same time, it is worth keeping all the robots intact, i.e. after each shootout, give them time to repair.
    After the victory, a small quest opens.
    It should do the following:
    - And there is
    - What do you mean?
    - Powerful words.
    "After you've said that, I'm starting to understand...
    Further on the choice: you can leave him alive (+ to the coalition) or kill him (+ to the pirates).
If you left him alive, then fly to the coalition planet to receive a reward. After we fly to the PB and choose a set of micromodules for ourselves.

It is worth noting: if you completed this task not in favor of the Coalition, then there is no way to get the last task from the girls-special agents, i.e. you won't get a hybrid droid.

Getting the title of "Khan" (1500 points)

To obtain this title, you need to complete 3 "special" government tasks to choose from. Here I will try to describe each of these tasks that I can find. All of them are interesting, so I recommend going through each of them.

  • Black hole exploration:
    Before passing, it is advisable to arm yourself well. We fly into a given black hole, there will be no special problems inside, the main thing is to collect first-aid kits before departure so that the xp bar is full, because. at the exit, 3 pirates and a lot of trash will be waiting for you, apparently from the ships killed before you. We remove the pirates, collect everything you need from the garbage, and return to the planet for a reward.
  • Buy equipment and food:
    In general, we need to buy 1000 tons of food, and 1000 tons of equipment, for a total of 2000. You won’t get money for this, so you’ll have to accumulate not a frail capital in advance. It is better in advance, before the task begins, buy everything you need, slowly, and when the mission begins, you will only have to turn in the purchased junk. You should not take this task if you have a small hull or a weak engine. You simply won't make it. Don't forget the main thing when you fly through the system, poke on each planet and base right click if there is a good supply of the goods you need on the planet, buy it. And use the search by planets to buy a lot at once, and not collect 10-20 vehicles from each planet.
  • Destroy the Science Station:
    If you do not have research probes at the beginning of the mission, you can buy them just in the same system, on the same base that you need to blow up. Do not skimp on the probe that is given when you take the task, the probe is really good and will serve you in the future. Next, fly to the planet where the bomb is hidden (It is advisable to get good probes, because the mission is limited). We skip days, and as soon as a bomb appears, we grab it and fly back. Throw out a bomb next to the base (you don't just have to shoot at it, the bomb will explode by itself) and you can immediately fly to the starting planet. By the time you get there, the bomb will explode. Naturally, no money will be given.
  • Collect tribute from 6 peaceful ships:
    The task is simple. We fly through the system and rob peaceful ships. You can take away the goods, you can demand money. After you rob 6 ships, a message will appear on the notification panel stating that the task has been completed.
  • Deliver a container with records of Peleng atrocities:
    A simple delivery task. If you can't handle it, turn on the afterburner. Receive your reward upon arrival.
  • Assemble a complete package of dominator equipment:
    But this is already interesting, it's time to make war with the dominators.
    You need to assemble: a torsion reactor (engine), a stackbarrel (fuel tank), a dianode (droid), a mental probe (capture), a pixellite (protection generator), a sensorotron (radar) and a tech-detector (scanner).
    Reward: Standard amount of government assignments + payment for collected equipment x2. If the equipment is recently knocked out, then x3, and if it also belongs to the same series, then x4. You have approximately one year to complete this task. It will be a shame not to have time, so we try to prevent this from happening. If you decide to collect equipment of only one series, then get ready for problems. For example, the Blazers, very rarely (I have never dropped out) have a sensorotron, when the Kellers have it, every 2nd killed has it. If you have a Blast Wave Locator, or a sufficient number of "Alarm" programs (you can buy from pirates for nodes), then you can try to collect one series, if not, then it's better not to bother and ignore the link to the series. A year should be enough for you, besides, by this time, you should have a completely combat ship. Put the equipment somewhere nearby, as soon as you collect everything, return for a reward.
  • Find an artifact divided into 3 parts:
    We get probes, the more the better (and most importantly good ones), we fly to the first planet, drop the probes there and fly after the pirates. You can safely kill both, after which you will find out where the other 2 parts of the amulet are. In the process of killing them, as soon as the exploration of the first planet is over, fly on it, grab the 1st fragment, and repeat the same with the 2nd other planets. The main thing is not to delay! You have a little over six months for all this.
  • Find the secret archive:
    Buy probes that are offered to you (do not be stingy, they are good). Explore the necessary planet, take the archive, and fly back.
  • Exchange the Animal for a figurine:
    We do everything according to the instructions:
    • We destroy the transport, which will take off the next day after the issuance of the task
    • We select Vrotmnevolos (the name of the animal) and take it to the pirate base. Look in advance in the search for where it is, otherwise the ruler forgot to tell us the system where this base is.
    • We exchange Vrotmnevolos for a figurine and take it back to the owner.
  • Plant drugs on one politician (quest):
    I have not seen a simpler quest, so I will not describe in detail. And so, by the beginning of our operation, we put on gloves and insert the key, attempts are not limited, so you can enter all 3 codes, as you enter, put on shoe covers, and then hide the bags so that it would be very easy to find, but so that they are not on in a conspicuous place, and do not throw all 5 bags in one room. Make a bag in each room. No need to be smart, hide it in a stereovisor, in a flower pot sprinkled a little with earth, in a boot, or a slipper. When leaving the apartment, do not forget to take the key with you.
  • Clear the planet of dominators (PB):
    The battle is simple. The most important thing is to quickly take a neutral base in the center to build robots before Keller takes it. Initially, you will have only 5 robots. Also, for payment by nodes, you can increase the starting number of robots.

Obtaining the title of "Baron" (3000 points)

We get a badge, and a new sector opens up for us with 2 systems: Tortugats and Nifigats. In Nifigats, after receiving the title of Baron, it will be possible to fly in and collect taxes from the planets.
But while we have not received the title, we are flying to Tortugats. There will be only one pirate base, although according to the mechanics of the game, it is considered a planet. As soon as you sit on it, warriors will immediately burst into the system. We fly out, start to wet them (you don’t have to shoot at them, the pirates will do everything themselves) And we are waiting for the arrival of the WB, which will land on the PB. After landing on the PB, the quest to save the base will begin.

The quest is divided into 4 parts.

In the first part, we have to repel the attack of the military. We turn on the turret and select more machine guns, since you will have to use them more often, because. most of the lasers will be in an overheated state. To win you need to remember one thing. Only 7 waves are waiting for you, so you should not save much machine gun ammunition. There are 2 ways to get through. With or without mines. I personally passed without mines. In this case, instead of placing mines, we collect ammunition. You will have a decent supply of missiles. Well, what to shoot? If you have a lot of soldiers, and not so much equipment, then shoot with lasers. If the soldiers and vehicles are evenly matched, or if the lasers are overheated, fire machine guns. Rockets, on the other hand, are very effective against cyborgs and heavy vehicles, but against soldiers, they are no more useful than machine guns, except that the supply of missiles is very limited. In the first 3 waves, try not to use rockets, and then you can land 3-4 pieces per wave.

In the second part, we are given a walker:
- look for another way
- To the conveyor
- Go to the warehouse
- look for something
- Leave the warehouse
- move away from the conveyor
- Approach the glass booth
- Throw a smoke grenade inside
- Leave the closet
- To the conveyor
- Use the key.
Next, you have a transporter. The amount of fuel is running out, so first we go to the Distillation, refuel and now to the Storage. We pick up hand weapons, and for the transporter: Grenade launcher, Lantern, Armor set and Navigator. Let's go to the sorting room. Then we fly through the abyss, Throw the fragmentation into the booth with the bearing. Further into the maneuverable corridors, we attach ourselves at the end of the column and shoot from a grenade launcher., further to the gate, and again use the grenade launcher, firing at the barrels. We call in the hangar, and shoot the last shells in the left and right heap. We leave the transporter, move forward twice, shoot at the energy node and finish off the rest with bursts. We pass through the conveyor. Next, as your transporter presses against the magnet, throw the fragmentation into the booth. Dedicate a flashlight to the sensor and that's it. This part of the quest can be completely different, depending on the equipment you have chosen in Vault 13.

The third part is not much different from the second, except that all the mini-games are fixed. We decisively approach the little box, say that you are from the verification service and that you will not tolerate a lack of order. Show your Ranger ID when it comes to your documents. Ask for his name and part number and move on. Approaching the next door, wait until it is written that nothing has changed. We go inside. If there are 4 opponents - throw a coin, if 3 - knock down the cabinet, if there are more, then there's nothing to be done. In the next mini-game, you need to connect wires of the same color from different bundles. This is where the leaflet comes in handy. There are 5 colors in total: Yellow, red, blue, green and orange. View 4 wires from the first bundle and write down the color. Sign the 5th wire to the missing color, because there may not be enough time to view it. We do the same with the 2nd bundle and connect the wires of the same color. Then we go up, then everything is according to the scheme:
- Dash towards enemies
- Throw a goblet at opponents
- Jump into the box
- Throw an ember at opponents
- Pull the edge of the carpet
- Run towards the elevator
- Grab a picture of Rhea Pin

And there was the last final very short part:
Click: Listen, Pay attention to the officer. And now the final choice on which the end depends:

  • Agreeing to an offer is a stupid decision, and you will pay for it with your life.
  • If you kill the Baron, you take his place, and you yourself will conduct deals with the corrupt admiral, and as a result, the Pirates will defeat the Coalition. The ending for the ranger is not a happy one. Evil has won.
  • If you Kill the General - In this case, you cut off communication between the pirates and the coalition, thereby destroying the pirate organization as a whole. The baron is unable to do anything. The coalition will defeat the pirates. The secret services will fake your death and give you a lot of money for later life. Good has won.
  • If you kill both - you take the place of the baron, and put an end to the pirate organization. The pirates returned to their roots, and you became famous not only among the pirates, but the coalition treated you with respect, despite your pirate activities.
Friendship won.

UPD(May 2018): This guide has not been updated since mid-2014. If someone replays and sees that something can be added, then write in private messages what exactly you would like to fix, I will give you the opportunity to edit the manual.
All galistry time at my expense!
