Walkthrough of star wars the force unleashed. Walkthrough with all holocrons (screenshots)

The Star Wars universe is incredibly vast, spanning both the original films and their backstory. An animated series was filmed and released great amount comics, as well as full-length books and book series. And most importantly, there are computer games such as Star Wars:The Force Unleashed 2, the passage of which will be discussed in this article. But what makes this project stand out from the rest? The fact is that most computer games in this universe they were either or strategies; pilot simulators are also worth noting. However, many fans couldn't wait to control a character who could swing a lightsaber, use the Force, and do it all without any limitations? This opportunity was offered by the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which gave you the opportunity to control Starkiller, an extremely promising Sith, who, however, is plagued by doubts about his choice.

Second part of the game

And after some time, the second part of the project was released, and you will again control the same Starkiller. But he was killed at the end of the first part! Everything is true, however new character- This is a clone of Starkiller with all the same abilities, but without memory. And you have the opportunity to rewrite Starkiller's story while he remembers the details of his past. IN game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 walkthrough looks exactly the same as in the first part - it is an action game, divided into chapters that you will gradually go through. There is only story line, without any extra-plot deviations.

"Escape from the Camino"

In the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, the passage begins with a tutorial - you have to learn how to move, use your lightsaber, as well as two types of force that are currently available to you - force push and lightning strike. Naturally, over time you will have new techniques in your arsenal, but for now these will suffice. Having trained on stormtroopers, you can advance further - you will fall through the floor and fall, and you will need to clear your way with the help of force. When you find yourself on the ground, move further - into a room with fans that can be stopped by force. Fight off the stormtroopers and go down below, where you will need to break the force field generators. Move further, fighting with opponents, until you meet a robot that can freeze you. Eliminate him and move on until you meet paratroopers who fly on rocket packs, and therefore cannot be attacked by your sword. Destroy them using force, and then run away from the ship that crashed into the station - again, clearing the way for yourself. Then there will be another freezer in front of you, after dealing with which you will need to destroy the tower, after which a cut-scene will begin. Congratulations, you have completed the first chapter of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2.

“Cato Neimoidia. Eastern arch"

The first mission is over, but the passage of the game Star Wars: Force Unleashed 2 continues. In the first mission, you got the opportunity to control the minds of stormtroopers, but now you are offered another skill - to reflect enemy shots with a sword. You can practice, then destroy everyone who is in your way and wait for the bridge to rise to another platform. There you will already be met by adepts of force, on whom your abilities will not act. Therefore, you will have to fight them with a sword, but be careful - they can use the force against you. Having defeated them, go further - you will be met by snipers, in whom it is better to launch something heavy; deal with ordinary opponents at your own discretion, as with a robot. Then climb into the trolley and start moving, reflecting the shots of small fighters that are chasing you, try to shoot them down so that they do not blow up the trolley. But you won’t be able to shoot down a large fighter, so defend yourself until you find yourself in the right place and the cut-scene begins. As you can see, the passage of the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 cannot be called monotonous - you always have new abilities, as well as new, stronger opponents.

“Cato Neimoidia. Western arch"

However, do not think that in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 the passage of the game is incredibly varied - it, of course, offers you different powers, different opponents and new tasks, but still there are levels that essentially consist of rather monotonous actions . For example, in this chapter you will need to make your way to your goal through several rooms, each of which is packed with stormtroopers, snipers, robots and force users in various combinations. And you will just need to destroy them all, periodically removing the force field blocking the path further. At the end you will meet a large shuttle, which is the boss of the level - it is armed with a powerful machine gun and laser missiles. When he fires at you with a machine gun, hide behind cover. Please note that they have their own safety margin and are destroyed after a while, so you will need to change shelters. As soon as the machine gun fire stops, run out and get ready to launch missiles, which you will need to deflect back into the shuttle with your sword. After a while, you will be able to jump on him and finish him off, after which you can go down to the lower platform to continue playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, part 2.

“Cato Neimoidia. Arena"

If you are interested in how to quickly design the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, you will need to take this chapter seriously. The fact is that it is all dedicated to the fight against a huge monster in the arena. The best way fight it - attack it with force, especially with lightning. At the same time, you need to constantly dodge the blows of his huge paws. When you run out of energy, just start running away from the monster, waiting for it to be restored. Your task is to anger him so that he hits the ground with his paw with all his might. As soon as this happens, grab the chain from his paw with force and secure it to the post. Then repeat the same with the other paw, and then perform a control strike. This will drive the monster crazy, he will begin to destroy the arena and fall down. Everything would be fine, but at the same time he will take General Cat with him, so jump after him, as usual, clear the way for yourself with force, and when you get as close as possible, attack the monster with lightning. Repeat this several times, then pick up the general and go back. You don't need to read the walkthrough for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 to successfully complete this mission, but some players still have difficulty fighting the monster.


A lot of new things await you in this chapter - both abilities and opponents, to defeat whom these abilities will be needed. First of all, it is worth noting the spider-like droids, which will be quite difficult to defeat, since they hide behind a power shield all the time, lowering it only to fire. There will also be enemies who can become invisible - naturally, if you manage to hit them, they immediately lose this advantage. Make your way forward, fighting both old and new enemies, until you reach the part of the ship that is in a terrible state. What could this do? Move further until you reach the room where the cause of the destruction is located - a huge spider-like robot. He is extremely dangerous, and at the same time you cannot attack him even with the use of abilities that allowed you to deal with small analogues. The fact is that this droid’s shields are stationary, that is, you should take a closer look at the walls around it - you will notice transistors in the cells. You will need to get them to knock down the shields of this droid, after which you can attack it. When you get his health to half, the shields will activate again, but you will need to insert transistors into the cells, not the other way around. After this, the shields will disappear again and you can finish off the droid. He will fall down and you can follow him. Here is a short tutorial on how to fight one of the most difficult bosses in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, or how to find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

"Battle for Deliverance"

When you start playing this mission in the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, cheat codes for games become a completely reasonable thought in the minds of many gamers. Because this is where the hard part begins. The fact is that when you get into the hangar, you will be met there not only by stormtroopers and robots, but also by Siths - not adepts of force, but full-fledged warriors with lightsabers and the same force spells that you use. That is, you will have to fight with full-fledged opponents, which is not very easy. But there is nothing left, because the passage to the next part of the level will only open when you kill the last Sith. After this, you will need to redirect the energy to the cannon and clear another room. After that, sit down at the gun and start shooting at the targets that will be marked for you on the radar.

"Return to the Camino"

In this mission you will have to meet the freezers in reverse - instead of an ice cannon, these robots have flamethrowers, which makes them much more dangerous. After defeating other opponents, you will be able to meet with General Kota. Now you need to destroy the cannons so that the rebel ships can make a safe landing. Having dealt with this, escort the general to the landing point.

"Battle with Vader"

Well, the moment has come last mission And final battle with the famous Lord Vader. Fight him with swords and using force - when you deal him enough damage, he will try to hide behind clones. Deal with them and finish what you started. When you win, you will have a choice - to hand over the former master to the rebels or to finish him off on the spot. The choice is yours, but remember that the ending and ending video depend on what you decide.

Escape from the Camino.

After watching introductory video, let's start learning. Destroy the rebels until you memorize all the combinations and get used to the controls, then hit Juno several times. Once in the air, fly down, dodging various kinds garbage, and occasionally clear your way with the help of force. When solid ground is under your feet again, kill all the stormtroopers who came running at the noise. Combinations of blow + push and blow + lightning charge will help you. When a gap appears in front of you, jump over it using a jump + dash combination. Closed doors can be broken by applying a force push (press the button responsible for it for a few seconds and release). After dealing with a bunch of stormtroopers, climb to the upper levels using platforms and terrain features. Deal with the elite imperial soldiers that appear using force, as they can easily repel all melee attacks.

Having dealt with them, break the next door and run into the room with huge fans. Stop them using force and kill the stormtroopers who arrive in time. Then jump down and break the two control panels by throwing boxes at them. When the force field turns off, we go into a long corridor, where we will be taught a new trick - “mind trick”. Having played enough, we jump down to the lower level. It will take a long time here and you need to kill enemy soldiers until the force field is turned off. After going a little forward, you will again encounter enemies. When you reach the huge gate, get ready to fight a robot armed with a “freezer”. First, knock the shield out of his hands (this is done through a QTE), and then finish him off. The main thing is not to fall under his weapon, otherwise Starkiller will be covered with a layer of ice and will not be able to move for some time.

When all that remains of the robot is a mountain of iron, go through the opened door and use force to lift the platform. Here you have to fight with the paratroopers. They move through the air, which means getting them with a sword will be problematic. The best way to deal with them is to hit the backpack on your back with lightning. When you go upstairs, you will meet the robot again. Destroy it like you did last time. Having run a little forward, watch the cut-scene and escape from the ship as quickly as possible. Don't forget to use the dash and sometimes clear the way for yourself with the help of force. Having escaped the ship, we run to the other side. Here you need to destroy a tall tower. Using force, grab one of the fighters and throw it at the target. If you do everything correctly, then after a while the structure will collapse. By activating “fury”, destroy all the Imperials and watch the video.

Cato Neimoidia. Eastern vault.

After watching the video, we destroy all the soldiers on the platform. Running to the edge, we learn to deflect shots with a lightsaber. When a bridge appears in front of you, run across it to another platform, where you will meet a new type of enemy - a “servant of the Sith.” Unlike Imperial soldiers, this type of enemy is immune to the force, but there is little counter to a lightsaber. The main thing is not to fight them while standing near the abyss, otherwise you will quickly fly down. When there are no enemies left on this platform, jump down to the lower one, where another robot will meet you. You can kill him in several ways: perform a simple QTE or simply beat him with a sword.

We climb up the lowered platforms. Imperial snipers will meet you here. Throw something heavier at them and while they are recovering, finish them off manually. You need to go down, but in order for the elevator to work you need to destroy all opponents. Having done this, run forward until you come across a trolley. Jump on it and neutralize small fighters, otherwise they will blow up the trolley and you will not be able to reach the target. When a huge ship appears at this celebration of life, reflect its shots until you reach the place.

Cato Neimoidia. Western vault.

Let's run forward. Here we have to deal with several “soldiers of the empire” and “disciples of the Sith.” Having killed them, we move forward, where we again destroy the enemy troops. In order to go further you need to break the protective barrier. Having done this, destroy the snipers entrenched behind the barricades as quickly as possible and take on the robot (everything as usual: shield, lightning, lightsaber). As soon as the thug falls to the ground, a new portion of “meat” will arrive from the air. Having penetrated the barrier (after turning it off), we destroy the next “walker”. And again there are snipers, only this time they prevent you from breaking the force barrier. Hide so that they cannot reach you and use force to throw the villains to the sides. The road is clear... well, except for two robots with shields. The strategy for fighting them is not much different from the previous one, although this time you will have to act much faster.

Run into the building. Here you will be greeted by a dozen stormtroopers and their older comrades - robots with shields. Deal with them and clear the way for yourself with the help of a “force push”. Ahead, we repeat all the above actions (kill the robot, break the wall) and go out into the street, where we have a battle with a huge armed shuttle. In general, this boss is quite easy to complete. In those moments when he shoots at you with a machine gun, hide behind the covers until they fall apart, and after he fires rockets, run closer to him and use your sword to send them back to him. If you did everything correctly, a QTE will start in which you need to shake the ship a little. Repeat this trick several times and use force to open the hatch, then jump down to the lower platform.

Cato Neimoidia. Arena.

Using the elevator we go upstairs. Ahead of us is a battle with a mutant named Gorok. The best way to deal with it is lightning. Hit him with charges until the energy runs out. When it ends, dodge the monster’s huge paws and continue shock therapy again. Wait for the enraged mutant to hit the ground with all his might, and forcefully grab his handcuff and attach it to the post. Do the same with the second hand. After Gorok cannot resist properly, strike him with lightning. The evil beast will begin to destroy the arena, and you need to continue to anger him. Having climbed to the top of the location, watch the video.

Gorok fell into the abyss, but managed to take General Kot with him. Fall down, dodging the trash. Having flown close enough to the huge mutant carcass, hit him with an electric charge. Repeat this several times and take the general from the clutches of the vile monster.


We climb up using the stones as steps. After watching the video, we follow Kota, occasionally opening the doors with a lightning strike. Once in front of the locked gate, grab the battery by force and insert it into the cell nearby, after which we climb into the elevator. Having opened the broken doors by force, you will meet spider-like droids. A new trick will help you defeat them, which they will teach you there. We insert the battery into the cell again and go down the elevator. Next, we break through the crowds of enemies until we run into new type enemy. Not only do they move quite quickly, but they also have excellent camouflage. Only noise gives them away, so as soon as you hear a crackling noise behind you, start running wildly and showering the room with charges of electricity. If you hit the target, the enemy will immediately drop his disguise and be helpless for a few seconds. Take advantage of the moment.

Ahead you will see a burnt door. Remove the battery from the cell and insert it into the opposite door. We run into the opened door and “kill” the enemies who arrive in time, among whom will be an unforgettable robot with a cooler. Look around the room. Something terrible has clearly happened here, since most of the ship is destroyed and filled with lava. We go up using the platforms. Having reached the rotating mechanisms, wait for the right moment and sneak past them.

Having run a little forward, you will stumble upon that same “something” that mangled the ship. Huge spider-like robot. First you need to disable his shields. To do this, run around the location, removing transistors from the cells. When the last device is turned off, the shields will disappear. Taking advantage of the moment, we strike the spider. After the spider’s health is reduced by half, the shields are activated again. This time you need to insert the transistors into the cells on the contrary. Having completed this, we attack the boss again and jump on top of him. Lower the body of the “spider” down and jump into the resulting passage.

Battle for Deliverance.

We run to the hangar. A difficult battle awaits here, since Imperial shuttles (not empty, of course) have joined the Deliverance. First, clear the hangar of enemies, and only then disconnect the “sticky thing”. In addition to the standard stormtroopers and Sith students, “adult” Sith with lightsabers and walking robots arrived to us. It’s quite difficult to kill the first ones, since they have the same skills as you, but a QTE that starts by pressing a special key will help you deal with the walkers. When all the villains are defeated, destroy the mounts of the enemy shuttles, thereby unhooking them from the Deliverance.

Climb up the boxes, and then jump into the pipe, which will lead you to the right place. Here you need to redirect the energy to the guns. Pull the device out of the door and insert it into the gun. We perform the same actions in the next room (if for some reason you are unable to insert the device into the cell, start the mission again). We deal with the arriving robot, after which we go to destroy the engines. In the spacious hangar, kill absolutely everyone; otherwise the required door will not open, and then we sit down at the gun and shoot at the marked targets.

Return to the Camino.

Using force, we clear the way for our ship, and then jump out. Once you land, destroy all the robots. Among them the new kind. More precisely, the robot is old, but a flamethrower is now installed in place of the cooler. Having dealt with the “piece of hardware”, run forward, killing everyone in your path. After talking with General Kota, destroy the guns so that the rebel ships can land. When Kota is on the ground, help him reach his goal safe and sound.

Battle with Vader.

Get to Vader on the spinning platforms, and then start hitting him. In principle, there is nothing difficult in this battle. The main thing is not to come too close to the edge of the platform, otherwise the “overlord” will throw us into the abyss. When he sets the clones on you, fool a couple of them, and then go off to finish off the former teacher. There will be a rather difficult QTE at the end, but that's okay. If you miss the moment, the game will start from that moment. After the victory, you will be asked to make a choice: hand over Vader to the rebels or kill him yourself. The final video will depend on your decision.

“I’m your dad,” Vader told Luke.
“It’s so good that I’m like my mother,” Luke thought, looking at Vader’s metal head.

How many Star Wars games have there been? And how many more of them will there be... In any case, in today's review we have a pretty good action movie of our own. It turns out that old Vader had ambitions to overthrow Lord Sidious, therefore, having found a boy gifted with remarkable strength, he decided to make him a student and, as practice has shown, it was in vain. The game is addictive, but could have been executed better. Nothing is perfect in the world, so let's just dive into the walkthrough of Star Wars Force Unleashed.

Factory T-Fighters

And so, our training begins. We rush furiously through the fighter hangar, where along the way we will be taught the skill of wielding a lightsaber. It's actually interesting how Starkiller, while holding the sword with a reverse grip, can perform strikes using only the hand, and not the entire elbow joint. For if he had carried out blows according to all the laws of fencing with a reverse grip, he would have cut off his limbs to all the sieves... But that’s not the point. Along the way, they will explain to us how to use power for good... for our own good. We tear our claws forward, crushing everything and everyone, at the same time practicing the acquired skills. At the same time, it is worth completing a bonus mission. Just destroy 5 t-fighters, you need to do this by force. We push them off the launchers and let them explode in the walkthrough of Star Wars The Force Unleashed.

Next, we need to get out of the hangar; to do this, we forcefully activate two switches at the gateway. We run to the control room, across the bridge, climb onto the platform above, and follow further. The main thing for us is to get to the checkpoint, for this we need to get to the black gateway ahead. Next, we deftly dodge the ubiquitous fighters and proceed to the next room - the control room. Just like steamed vegetables - small heaps of strands fly away like dust in the wind. Yes, a good way to deal with enemies is to simply throw them out of the windows. But keep in mind - it’s better to kill them manually, because you gain experience and health

Let's get started...

When the last warg lets out a farewell sigh, we think about how to turn off the force field. We smash the generator, which was well-intentionedly illuminated for us, into smithereens. We follow further, where we will have to jump for a long time. But there is also good news - there will be enemies there, there will be someone to kill, although if you do this, you will need to forcefully throw various garbage at them, simultaneously clearing the way for yourself. So... meet the new enemy "AT-ST", the enemy is difficult, but still, we are the coolest in this game. We run to the left, there will be an entrance to the cockpit, grab the idly scattered bonuses and follow further. It is vitally important to collect level-up spheres, our priority is lightning, parry and combo powers, without these three elements it will be difficult to have a conversation on equal terms. Here is our first boss - General Kota

There will be an exit on the left through which you can get to the cockpit. There is nothing special to do here, you can just collect bonuses and move on. As a result, you will come to the first boss, he will be General Kota. There are several features in combat. Green force field, at the moment of activation - we leave the line of fire, because it will be very painful, moreover, there is no point in trying to do something with the boss, because he is invulnerable until the end of the attack. When the phase of his attack is over, it will be possible for us to be stabbed. Kota is weak to force attacks, so you should throw his hat... uh, garbage. In this way, we destroy the life of the boss by half and transfer him to a more aggressive stage. Everything is simple here, the main thing is not to flap your ears, move from the line of attack in time and, what is in many ways the most important thing, finish off Kota at the very end of the battle. This should be done with all bosses, the finishing button is everything to us.

In general, it will be easier to cope with it. He is vulnerable to manifestations of force, you can safely throw all sorts of things at him. All this can be great for him. The only thing to be wary of is the green force field. Once you notice that it has activated and the power has increased, then Kota is now attacking you. Immediately leave the line of attack. Also keep in mind that at this moment he is invulnerable, so you don’t even have to try to attack him - completing Star Wars The Force Unleashed will give you this opportunity in the future.

When his life is reduced to half, one curious event will happen, I won’t spoil the fun. I will only note that it is better not to stay on the floor; it will become hot. But you can turn this situation to your advantage by forcing the boss to be on the floor and he will lose a life. After you finally defeat him, do not forget to press the finishing button - this is important, since simply resetting your life to zero is not enough (this applies to all subsequent bosses).

Rexus Prime

By activating three mechanisms, we will be able to get to the central part of the core itself, and at the same time we can complete a bonus mission - send ten skiffs for scrap. Close combat will solve all our problems. We follow further, jump into the hole in the ceiling, move on to the next location.
We grab a piece of iron, using it as a shield, we make our way further, sending to our forefathers all those who are objectionable to our Sith will. When we get to the fallen pile of iron, we find a piece of the turbine and throw it at the combat turret. As soon as the turret appreciates our efforts and suddenly collapses, we jump into the hole and hurry forward. Having reached a huge gap, we are preparing for the fact that we will be met by arrows. Hostile shooters. As soon as we manage to cross the line of fire, we break down the oncoming door by force and watch a short cut-scene, where they will clearly let us know that we need to turn off the laser field. There’s really nothing to do, our hands are itching to kill someone, which means we’re moving on. Using the elevator we go down to the generators. We've already gone through this somewhere, let's repeat it again. We return to the force field, rejoice that we have successfully turned it off, and move on to new evil achievements.

Next we are greeted by the titan himself. The larger the cabinet, the louder it falls. A clumsy and heavy fool who can easily be fried by lightning, but they should already be pumped up. As soon as the titanium is completely broken, we move on, break off a piece of the ship’s plating by force and use it as a bridge.
We chop all the robotics of the future into small scraps, and get to the tidbit in the form of another titanium. The fun doesn't end there! Let me introduce Kazdon Paratus in person!
The boss is not made of cardboard; he will skillfully defend himself in close combat. As always... zippers, throwing hats. From time to time, Kazdon will summon adds... This little thing will only sweeten our feast, healing us and heating up our anger. The best part is that if you are not sufficiently satisfied with the suffering of the boss, you can simply not finish him off, then you will be given the opportunity to kick him some more, and this is very valuable in the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed.


The mission is fun. A recreational walk through a forest area, collecting bonuses in a basket, with the incidental extermination of local residents. Speaking of local residents, the most annoying ones are the shamans, because their comrades are quite cunning and tend to avoid close combat by teleportation. “She ran away from me again, but the brick will catch up with her...” - this is our method. We grab something weighty by force and present our arguments based on the dense shaman’s little head. Or shock therapy with lightning also cures life. Leaving the corpses behind us, we go through the tunnel and get out. We chop four rancors into the salad, which successfully completes the second task. We move on, doing good and causing justice, first of all - ending the shamans. Then - on the platform with the rancors - we chop as much as they give us, collect everything tasty and be like that.
It's time for us to meet the temperamental Shaak Ti. An elementary boss, it’s even a shame to play through Star Wars The Force Unleashed like this, the main thing is not to get into void zones, we dodge, we jump. It’s better not to bet on long power combos; you should limit yourself to short series, as the girl likes to interrupt long speeches. The second phase is tentacles, which are damn damaging, so we avoid falling giant tentacles. The reference point will be the tentacle lying on the ground, because there the area affected by the active ones ends. Don't forget to finish off the boss with the coveted button.


Break the glass, I'm crying! Thus, we get out of the laboratory, immediately fry the energy core, to the right of the entrance, then outside, bypassing the protective containers. After passing the corridor, we go into the room where the mini-boss will be waiting for us. Close combat is not the best the best option, because the wounded animal perfectly blocks blows. Lightning, throwing hats is the best option. Afterwards we break a couple of EVOs. Remember - they are immune to lightning.

Like every hero-lover needs to save the lady of his heart. But first, as a Sith, we need to carry our fiery anger with hellfire on the heads of those unfortunate energy cores that are nearby and guards. They won’t let us go wild, but still, a girl is waiting for us at the end. How there will be no one to kill, we have a conversation with Juneau.


The mission should be started by completing a bonus task, the essence of which is to play Mr. Freeze - turning a dozen Imperials into carbonite statues. Alas, you won’t be able to solve the problem smartly, as you need to behave carefully with your opponents, gently plunging guys in blue outfits into the freezing compartment, because you can accidentally kill them. As soon as we create some kind of parody of the terracotta army, we can safely go to the docks. Here we are met by a whole company of assorted opponents, droids, soldiers, snipers. It’s worth starting with the latter, because they are the most damaging and unpleasant in terms of combat. Along the way, collecting bonuses, we clear the area of ​​everything hostile to us, and eventually a shadow guard will look at the light. The guy is a tough guy, he perfectly blocks melee attacks, all but the most sophisticated combos. Lightning comes out, but... It's not often that we have to fight against someone interesting? Therefore, I advise you to chew it with your lightsaber - this will make the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed much more attractive. Also, you should respect the enemy, because when he attacks, it’s better to let him speak, maneuver and get out of the line of fire, otherwise, if you dare to snap back, you can get hit on the violent little head. Also, my uncle is not averse to testing his Strength. In general, the enemy is interesting, and you will have to finish him off with two buttons at once, so that it doesn’t seem too much, don’t click this moment.

Imperial Kashiuk

I strongly advise you not to rush forward to the embrasures, but to look to the left, because there is a bonus there, keep in mind that you should take it before the start of the video, otherwise it won’t work after. Now we can boldly move forward, fortunately a huge crowd of meat is moving towards us, wanting to die at our hands, although they want it so much that they self-destruct, so keep that in mind. Then the AT-ST will walk towards us. Let him confess to the Machine God, and move on. As soon as we overcome the first gate, we will have the opportunity to complete the first bonus mission, that is, to destroy the communications tower. We break the bars and overload two generators with Sith shock therapy. We rejoice at the bonus we received and go through the gate. Guys in stylish red armor are waiting for us there... True, it still doesn’t save them. We don’t keep the princess waiting - we head to the blue doors.
We are in a hurry to free the Wookiees, but before that we should check the sniper nests for bonuses. Poor Wookiees - languishing in steel cages, they will be very happy if you rescue them and join you in killing their captors. Don't be too sad if the Wookiees die along the way. They will die the death of heroes, ascend to Valhalla... and in general, this will not affect the completion of the mission in any way. We only need to free them, not save them. By the way, the entrance to the prison itself is guarded by a shadow guard. At least there will be someone to have fun with. We finish off our comrade, not forgetting to finish him off with two keys, and break into the prison. What makes the prison itself happy is that here you don’t have to think about where to go, all the time straight ahead, all the time forward. Rubik cable, turn off the force fields, by the way, they are deadly for our opponents, we shake our heads, look at the cameras, because someone very kind left bonuses there especially for us. At the end of the mission there will be an opportunity to have a blast. The main thing is not to stand still; maneuverability and speed are our main weapons. By the way, yes, seven more supports will need to be destroyed. I think that in the matter of destruction and massacre, you do not need advice. Just release your rage, with the sword and the Force - make your way to a happy... Your Future!

Imperial Felucia

We carefully move forward, there are many bonuses at the level, the main thing is to see. In the EVO canyon they will want to find out something from us, how to talk to insolent people - you have already learned. Then, when the AT-ST comes to us, we hurry to the other side of the canyon, break a passage in the stone wall, and move on to the upcoming location. The next bonus task is to free the prisoner. The business is to cut the three chains that hold him back. As soon as we activate three generators, we find ourselves enchanted by Sarlaak. Well, there are only locals here, you won’t have any problems with them. We need to get around the beast’s mouth; to do this, we charge the generator and sneak past the mouth when Sarlaac closes it. We go out through the cesspool into fresh air.
Eh, battlefield, what could be better? But our task is to get into the cave, where at the end two bosses will be waiting for us. Rancor and Maris are candidates for corpses in the Star Wars The Force Unleashed walkthrough. Well, we kill the rancor by washing and rolling, he is a bulky and heavy guy, you will have to tinker, the only risk here is getting bored. But Maris... The main thing is to force a fight in close combat, and the best tactic for this is to stun with lightning and get closer. Don't forget to finish!

Imperial Rexus Prime

- Remember, son, the main thing is lightsaber- determine where the blade will come from! - Palpatine admonished the student. Darth Maul thought and made a double-sided sword...

Finally we can go for a walk! Chop, kill, set fire, decapitate, break, destroy - the lion's share of the level will go under this slogan. It’s a pity, but the task is not to have fun, but, as always, to save the world. We need to get to the imperial landing base, then we jump onto the elevator, in the main room I advise you to complete the bonus task. As always - destroy something, at the moment - a tower, and with a landing beam. To do this, we arrange an overload of control panels, in the amount of five pieces. Congratulations, let's move on. We burn two force field generators and hurry to the elevator and go down. We jump over the abyss and take our souls away a little on the approaching opponents. Our old comrade Proki decided to try himself as a boss, which, by the way, is very interesting - he plays the role of a doppelganger, turning into Maris, Shaak You, and shadow guards. To defeat a copy, we remember what we did with the originals. This is so that you don't relax. By the middle of the battle, a surprise awaits us - the proxy will turn into old Darth Maul. An entertaining, but at the same time simple, short battle - the main thing is not to get hit, because the attacks of this comrade inflict double damage, keep this in mind. Strength, combos - everything is at your disposal, poor Proxy
As soon as the Proxy is done, we overload the control points, of which there are four, on a monorail gun and finish off everyone who arrived in time. Next, we can finally take revenge on the hated T-Fighters, we’ll just fry them with lightning! The epic moment is coming! We! Destroy SOLO!!! The whole Star Destroyer!!! And we do it with the help of the Force and... General Kota, to whom It’s worth listening, because he knows better when to break this little thing. Then again the stage of the battle with the fighters. Then again the stage of the battle with the Cruiser. Simple but epic.

The Death Star

The bloody feast continues! Now the assortment of carnage includes most of the enemies we've seen, so there will be no surprises, just carnage! There are snipers, droids, and shadow guards. Know no pity! Only anger, only destruction! As soon as there are no survivors left, jump down into the flaming pipes. We follow the map, avoid the energy beam, two troubles await us at the exit, but there will be no problems, the main thing is not to lose vigilance and constantly move. Next are three centrifuge rings, one touch of them means death. So, boys and girls, you will have to wait for a break in the operation of the green energy beam. For some reason, most games with a Jedi-Sith theme feature this mega Death Star disintegrator ray. Is this already a cliché? So, as soon as the beam pauses, we stop the rings by force and rush to the other side of the room. And we find ourselves in the womb of the death ray, where all such rays are concentrated into the destroyer of worlds.

Two AT-STs are hanging around nearby, fire them! Next, we power the generator, which will bring the gravity platform to life. Now he conducts a cursory inspection of all premises for bonuses. Our goal is the observation platform; alas, there are very few enemies there. And so, we are waiting for a fight with old Veidar. The correct tactic is to throw the old man by force, to cover him with interior items until he, out of resentment, goes into the next room, where old Anaken will successfully stun us, and throw us into the center, where our tactics do not change, we still bombard Veidar with all sorts of rubbish. As soon as the antagonist dies, a certain moment of non-linearity arrives, we choose to ruin the story itself in the most sophisticated way possible Star Wars, namely who we are - an evil Sith or a furry Jedi. But this is hackneyed and familiar, but HOW we make a choice is the root of grief and disappointment. If we are still for the beaver and for the Jedi boys, we are going to break Palpatine. If we are truly evil, we go talk to Darth Vaidar. That is, a certain Starkiller, whom Grandfather Lucas had never heard of, goes to kill the two key leaders of the entire Star Wars epic! A nightmare...and this is what we play! But the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed began so interestingly!

Palpatine is just cotton wool, not a mentor. It hides behind adds, from which we heal, attacks with boring lightning and tries to push us with force. But as soon as all such hysteria ends, he is lethargic and weak, so the saber and close combat put an end to his existence.

Old Darth Vader is an interesting opponent. Nothing can be done here without distracting maneuvers, so there’s no point in rushing into an open battle and trying, Veidar is excellent with a sword, blocks our blows and goes on a counterattack. Moreover, like an experienced fighter, he will catch us in a jump with a power grab, after which he very painfully returns us to the ground. This trick works great on him, on Vader himself, by the way! And then - melee, sword and combos! By killing Darth Vadar we become Palpatine's new student. But, if you think about it... Do you want to see someone who is weaker than Veidar as a mentor? Hardly...

To be honest, I have never met people who had difficulties in completing such games, because here, you see, you don’t need to think too much, chop, kill, burn, sometimes keep your eyes open so as not to miss the next bonus. And even without bonuses, everything works fine here, the time has passed when any missed little thing could be fatal... The only thing that such adventures could help you with is the plot. But if you write complete walkthrough with all the plot points, dialogues, descriptions of the area, subcultures and other delights - it will turn out to be a small novel, not 3k words, not 7 pages of printed text in 12 font, but much more. Therefore, I advise you, just play, think, have fun, discover plot twists and turns and bend ideas on your own, because there is nothing complicated about it. But if, at some point, your eye gets tired, your hand trembles, or some other bitter thing happens, you still won’t be able to move on on your own - only then will you need such occurrences.
Have a nice game, love, kindness, understanding! May the Force be with you! =)

No need to be afraid of the Death Star. Let one half of the galaxy die, but the other will live in the Galactic Empire.

Objective: Find and destroy the fugitive Jedi

Reward: Training Suit
Opponents: 1) Wookiee Infantry - Wookiees armed with crossbows. 2) Wookiee Berserker - Wookiees armed with cleavers fight in close combat.

Pilot level - we play as Vader, go to the Jedi, and destroy Wookiee troops along the way. Stormtroopers help, if you kill them, they won’t do anything to us for it.

Boss: Rogue Jedi Knight- A fairly simple boss. He mainly fights with a sword, sometimes throwing it. From time to time, downed LEDs fall from the sky - be careful.

TIE Fighter Factory

Objective: Find and destroy General Kota
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 5 TIE Fighters
Experience points: 200,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Weighted Training Suit
Opponents: 1) Stormtrooper - good old stormtroopers, armed with an E-11 rifle. 2) Militia Saboteur - Kota warriors, armed with rifles and grenades. 3) Militia Trooper - armed with stun guns. 4) E-web - a stationary turret used by both the Imperials and the Rebels.
5) Militia Elite - use laser mini-guns. 6) Imperial Officer - armed with blasters.

There are 3 holocrons in the hangar. Sithsky is located opposite the entrance (gives infinite Strength). On the balcony at the opposite end of the hall there is a holocron (1\15), giving 10,000 experience points. There is a yellow crystal (2\15) on the balcony under the ceiling. After leaving the hangar, you will find yourself in a corridor. Behind one of the doors at the crossroads 10,000 experience points (3\15) will be waiting for you. After the corridors you will come to a huge room filled with rows of LEDs. Here you can do additional task(be careful, they shoot).

Easter egg - when you get to the last beam, bend it to the inside. Then jump onto the end of it and jump onto the roof, there you will find a reference to another game.

When you get to the elevator, don't get on it - first exit the bunker through the back doors and collect the talent points (4\15). On the next floor of the bunker, do not rush to go further; again, go out onto the site through the back doors and collect combo points (5\15). When you move towards the exit from the huge hall, run into the rooms on the right, in one of them experience points (6\15) await you. When you enter the room where the battle between the Imperials and the rebels will take place, you will immediately see a Sith holocron that gives increased damage. After a couple of battles, you will find yourself in a room similar to the one in the center of which there was a mock-up of the TIE cabin, only this one will not be there - at one of the walls there is a holocron with an aura that drains life. You'll soon reach a room where General Kota's soldiers are fighting an AT-CT. He is dangerous because he can crush you and throws boxes with the help of Force waves, besides, if the rebels notice you, they will quickly start shooting at you. We take the elevators to the very top and find two holocrons (7\15 and 8\15). After leaving the bunker, you will find yourself in exactly the same room as before. A Sith holocron with infinite energy will immediately catch your eye. Further. The elevators don't work here. You need to manually raise the wings of the LEDs and thus assemble your path. Experience points (9\15) will be waiting for you on one of the frozen elevators. Crystal Rubat (10\15) is located on the balcony. On the conveyor belt you will find another Sith holocron, in the side rooms - experience points (11\15). Next, to remove the force field, you will need to destroy the generator. In the room with the generator, experience points (12\15) and leveling up (13\15) will be waiting for you. In the next room with a conveyor belt you will find two holocrons with experience points (14\15 and 15\15).

Boss: General Kota is not a difficult boss, be careful when he starts throwing things or when he has a green aura around him he can use Force Wave. In the second half of the battle (when the control center is separated from the plant), do not step on the glowing floor - it takes away your health.

Raxus Prime

Objective: Find and destroy Kazdan Paratus
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 10 Scavenger Skiffs
Experience points: 250,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Lightweight Training Suit
Opponents: 1) Jawa - armed with a plasma torch and grenades. 2) Rodian Heavy Defender - armed with a laser mini-gun. 3) Rodian Ripper - armed with a sharp metal claw. Sometimes he can turn on his shield and use a kind of Force Wave. 4) Scrap Guardian - armed with an energy staff, can shoot energy balls and teleport. Immune to Force Push, susceptible to Force Lightning. 5) Scrap Drone – drains your Strength, and is also invulnerable to Force Push.

In the initial location you can immediately find experience points (1\15), they are very easy to find when jumping on platforms, in fact, the same applies to the Sith holocron. Many people have a misunderstanding - to get out of this location you need to use Power Lightning on three rockets, then they will open the way for you.

Easter egg - don't rush into the hole. Stand with your back to the entrance, jump onto the hill that is to the right. Next, we look into the lava, try to find a blue glow (you can use the aim button) and lift to the surface what lies there.

Also, don’t forget that in open locations you can complete an additional task: just shoot lightning at the skiffs. Once you find yourself in a round room with Jawas, do not rush to leave it: on one of the upper platforms there are upgrade points (2\15). There's no need to worry about the holocrons anymore until you get to the area where the droids and scavengers are fighting. To the left of the entrance are experience points (3\15); The crystal for the "compressed" (blade with ripples) red blade (4\15) is behind the false wall, it is very easy to see. After you get out of the ship and get to the next battlefield, go to the cliff overlooking the lava river, there you will find experience points (5\15). Next, we destroy the false door and go along a small corridor filled with Jawas, at the end of it there will be a false door, behind which experience points will be found (6\15). When you open the giant gate, you will find yourself in the scavenger camp. At the top of the tower is a Sith holocron. Somewhere under the tower, upgrade points (7\15) are waiting for you, and on the landing site there is a golden blade (8\15). Next, we go through the hole in the wall (which was shown to us in the intro) and run to cut off the generator. It can be easily switched off: you just need to move the box. Under the generator there will be pumping points (9\15), and to the left of the entrance there will be a “compressed” yellow blade (10\15). You'll soon get to the fight with the trash titan. It is recommended to stun him with lightning, and then jump with a sword. After doing this a couple of times, you will finish it off. You shouldn’t stand under his feet or run far away - it’s more expensive for yourself. Also in this room there is a Sith holocron and experience points (11\15). After this, you need to knock down the iron beam (which melted the engine) and go down. After a couple of meters you will reach a place where you will have to lower a very creaky beam in order to jump over. You will see metal bars in front of you - push them away and then lower the same creaky beams to get to the holocron with... the Sith Cloak (12\15)! After you defeat another trash titan, there will be as many as 3 holocrons (15\15) in the next location.

Boss: Kazdan Paratus is one of the hardest bosses in the game. When he attacks you with a sword, he uses this tactic - strike, strike, pause, third strike (usually the third one breaks through the block). When he pauses, hit him, then hit him with lightning, and so on several times. In the middle of the battle, he will summon a garbage titan, but this is to our benefit - we can heal. When Paratus jumps up and starts throwing garbage, hide behind the pillars.


Objective: Find and destroy Shaak Ti
Secondary Objectives: Kill 4 rancors
Experience points: 375,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Medical Clothes
Opponents: 1) Felucian Warrior - fights in close combat, can block attacks with a shield; can become invisible and use Force Push. 2) Yerdua Posion-Spitter – cannot move, but spits poison. 3) Felucian Shaman – does not engage in battle, prefers to teleport away from the player, gives an aura of invulnerability to his fellows. 4) Felucian Chieftain - slower than ordinary Felucians, but can throw energy balls.

At the very beginning we run forward, soon enough there will be a right turn (after the dialogue about the Felucians), experience points (1\15) await you there. Next you find yourself in a huge cave, where you need to climb up in a spiral. In the cave you can find 2 Sith holocrons (damage and aura) and 4 Jedi holocrons. Under the entrance there are experience points (2\15), a little higher it is easy to notice another one (3\15). On two platforms, almost near the ceiling, there are experience points (4\15) and an “unstable” red blade (5\15).

Coming out of the tunnel, you will walk along a narrow corridor, at the exit turn right and reach the border of the location, where experience points (6\15) await you. Advice - be careful with seething bubbles on the ground: if you step on them, they will burst and take a lot of lives. At the exit from the location there is a Sith holocron, and to the left of the tunnel, in the bushes, there is a passage - there a “compressed” golden blade (7\15) awaits you. Next to the tunnel there will be a field with bubbles, in the center of which there is a claw-like object sticking out of the ground. By picking up the "claw", you will find experience points (8\15). There will be a small fork in the tunnel, above it hangs a holocron with pumping points (9\15), it is easy to notice. Next there will be a battle with the rancor; you can use the same tactics as for the trash titan. Also in this location there will be a Sith holocron and experience points (10\15), they are easy to find. Inside the tunnel, again at the fork, you will find experience points (11\15). We exit the tunnel and fight three rancors and a bunch of Felucians. There are platforms hanging on the walls, on them you can find 4 holocrons (15\15).

Boss: Shaak Ti - resists the Force push and grab, but the wave calmly knocks her down. It is quite difficult to reach the enemy with a sword - she is very dexterous. It’s better to overturn it with a wave and hit it. Sometimes he calls on the Felucians for help, for us this means health. Be careful with the floor, there are a lot of exploding bubbles here. During the second half of the battle, you move closer to the Sarlacc's mouth. Shaak Ti begins to throw Force Pushes and continues to call upon his charges. When she jumps out of sight, the sarlacc begins to strike with its tentacles, a quick reaction is needed here.


Goal: Escape from Empiric
Secondary Objectives: Destroy all remaining lifeboats
Experience points: 150,000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Bounty Hunter Clothes
Opponents: There is no point in repeating the features of old opponents, so I will only tell you about the new ones. 1) Imperial Evo Trooper - armed with an electric gun, shots cannot be returned. Under no circumstances should you use Force Lightning on him: not only will it have no effect, but it will also give him immunity to other Force abilities and the ability to fire a paralyzing projectile. 2) Interrogation Droid - armed with vibroblades and a shocker. 3) Shadow Trooper – shoots paralyzing projectiles, it’s really possible to fight back. Can become invisible. 4) Stormtrooper Commander - has a force field that gives him immunity to all Force abilities, and the first blow with a sword only removes the field. 5) Purge Trooper - one of the strongest opponents in the game. Makes strong melee attacks and fires powerful missiles. The lightsaber is only useful if you get it on your back. Immune to Force Grip, Force Push and Wave are practically useless. It's best to use lightning and combos to take the bad guy down.

The beginning of the level causes difficulties for many. As soon as you break the glass of the chamber, the room will begin to fill with gas and the door will close. There will be a generator to the right of the exit from the chamber; you need to pick it up using the Power Grip. At the exit from the room you will be given a crystal with a blue blade (1\5). Next you will find yourself in a room with a bunch of cameras, just like at the beginning of the level. Upgrade points (2\5) are located under the entrance to the room, others (3\5) are in one of the chambers. As soon as you get to the room with the lifeboats, launch them all - this way you will complete the additional task. Launching them is easy - use Force Lightning. Under one of the capsules there will be a holocron with pumping points (4\5). We leave the room, immediately take the Sith holocron and go beat the helmets of a squad of stormtroopers, after the skirmish you will find the Lorrdian crystal (5\5). Next will be the first meeting with the Purge Trooper - see tactics above. The rest of the level is simple - kill a bunch of people, raise both generators and save Juno.

Cloud City

Goal: Escape from Cloud City with General Kota
Secondary Objectives: Freeze 10 Imperials in carbonite
Experience points: 200,000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Corellian Pilot Suit
Opponents: 1) Senate Guard - armed with a cortosis pike, susceptible to Force abilities. 2) Ugnaught - armed with a broken bottle, he can do practically no harm, often runs away in horror. 3) Jumptrooper – flies on rocket pack, it is impossible to return shots. Force abilities are practically useless, use lightning. 4) Scout Trooper – armed sniper rifle, prefers to keep his distance. When the yellow stripe is aimed at you, it means the scout is taking aim, the red stripe means that a very painful shot will be fired, and it can even kill you. It is impossible to deflect shots.

Try not to run too far away from Kota: he may get lost or die. There are two holocrons in the bar. Crystal Ruusan (1\5) – above the bar counter, easy to see from the side of the stairs. If you go not to the exit, but to the right, then inside the round structure there will be an “unstable” golden blade (2\5). We leave the bar, turn right and jump off the platform - we take experience points (3\5). Upgrade points (4\5) are hanging in the air, we climb onto the balcony and use a dash to jump and grab them. To complete an additional task, you need to throw barrels or tear off hoses from which carbonite is gushing. Then we go up to the balcony and reach a place where a large pipe runs at head level - in fact, these are rails. We jump in and pick up the “unstable” yellow blade (5\5).

Boss: Shadow Guard - slightly stronger than a regular guard. Not all Force abilities work on him, and he himself uses grab, push and lightning. It is advisable to deal with small opponents in advance, otherwise it will be difficult.

Imperial Kashyyyk

Objective: Search the Imperial base
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the Imperial communications center
Experience points: 360,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Jungle Combat Gear
Opponents: 1) Incenerator Trooper – armed with a flamethrower, has a force field like that of a stormtrooper commander. Be careful - when you kill it, it explodes. I recommend using a sword throw. 2) Royal Guard - similar to its brothers, just stronger. 3) AT-KT - a stronger model, armed with a machine gun. 4) E-Wem Turret - a stationary turret that fires missiles.

As soon as the level starts, there will be a “compressed” blue blade (1\15) to your left. Next, we watch the screensaver and turn around - there is a tree in front of you. Go behind him and pick up... Kento's cloak (2\15). Experience points (3\15) will be hanging in the air; to take them, you need to climb onto a large stump and take them with a dash. I advise you to use double jump and lightning to kill the Imperials in the nests. Once you get to the other side of the gate, there will be a narrow beam to the left of the energy barriers. It contains experience points (4\15). After this there will be a fork of two bridges - go along the left and jump onto the beam, experience points (5\15) can be seen from afar. Upgrade points (6\15) are located between the huge pipe and the tower. Next we approach a bridge with a platform on which an attack aircraft with a turret stands. You need to jump off the bridge to collect experience points (7\15). An additional task is also performed here. The tower has two generators: one is on the ground, the other is near the bridge. It is enough to tear out the bars and strike with lightning.

Easter egg - after opening the huge gate you will find yourself in a room with trophies, where in the center there is a cage with a Wookiee. Turn around to the entrance and you will see a lovely picture. This seems to explain one of the eternal questions fans.
You can free the Wookiee from the cage, he will take your side. Experience points (8\15) are quite easy to notice.

After the cutscene, our main task was updated - we need to destroy the sky (atmospheric) elevator (fans of the expanded universe remember such things from the time of “Shadows of the Empire”) and kill Ozzik Stern.

The first holocron (9\15) is located in the sniper's house; you can jump there using a cage with a Wookiee. Wookiees can be freed, and they will help you. True, they are of little use - the guards calmly deal with them. Experience points (10\15) are in the third sniper nest; to get them, you will have to move the cobblestone and use it to jump. The third holocron (11\15) is located in the Wookiee cage opposite the third nest. To remove the laser barriers, you need to use the Force to pull out the cable that is located to your left, almost under the ceiling. Two holocrons (13\15) are located in closed chambers on the sides. There are also Wookiee slaves and a Purge Trooper sitting there - be careful. We leave the building and get to our goal. I recommend killing all the Imperials first, and separately. Experience points (14\15) are located next to one of the walls of the elevator, a purple blade (15\15) is on a tree branch. To destroy the elevator, you need to pull out all the sparkling rods using telekinesis.

Boss: Ozzik Stern is a fairly simple boss, use the same tactics as on all ATs. Oh yes, you shouldn't get into the field of view of his big gun.

Imperial Felucia

Objective: Find and rescue Senator Bail Organa
Secondary Objectives: Free the Sarlacc
Experience points: 425,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Industrial Research Suit
Enemies: There are no new enemies, only the Felucians have changed a little. The fact that they fell to the dark side did not change their abilities, they only became more aggressive.

We jump into the abyss of the battle between the Imperials and Felucians. The Holocron (1\15) is easy to spot - it's hanging in the air next to what looks like a giant claw. We take the boxes that stand near the bridge and assemble a ladder from them to gain experience points. Opposite the imperial transport there is a passage that is not marked on the map, there lies a green blade (2\15). Take your time to cross the bridge: there is a passage to the right of it; by picking up the claw sticking out of the ground, you will find experience points (3\15). After crossing the bridge, you will find yourself on a slight slope. If you turn to the right and jump up, you can find a "compressed" purple blade (4\15). After destroying the AT and breaking a bunch of stones, do not rush to leave. Stop right in front of the pile; to your right there will be a ledge that is easy enough to jump onto. Next, we run through the caves, kill the stormtroopers and collect holocrons (6\15). You have now reached the Imperial station above the Sarlacc. Here you can complete an additional task. To the right of the entrance to the valley is a large machine, somewhat similar to a juggernaut. We jump on it and shoot lightning at the generator. There are also wires from the car to the sarlacc tentacle - look towards the wire, a sight will appear, then throw the sword. You've probably already seen the holocron (7\15) on thick cables; the second (8\15) is located on the other side of the machine. Experience points (9\15) are located above the left bridge, they are easy to get. We repeat all the steps with freeing the sarlacc and starting the generators, then we get into the elevator. Coming out of the elevator, turn right and collect experience points (10\15). Don't be afraid of the tentacles in the tunnels, they are absolutely harmless, but the sucking holes are dangerous - they take a lot of health. As soon as you enter the giant room (if that is what you can call the rooms inside the sarlacc), you will see a holocron (11\15). It will be difficult to get it, but possible. Use a double jump, then a dash and a Dashing Blast Combo (impossible without it), this should be enough to cover the distance. To close suction holes, strike electrical devices near them with lightning. Soon you will find yourself in a room where the wind pushes you back to the very beginning. You can hide from the wind behind the columns, going through the room in several passes. At the right wall there are experience points (12\15). Already on the surface you will get involved in a battle between the Imperials and the Felusians. Combo points (13\15) will hang in the middle of the location; to pick them up, you need to jump from the mushroom cap.
Then we climb up the stone stairs to pick up the “unstable” blue blade (14\15), you need to jump from the second stairs. Experience points (15\15) will be on the left side of the passage, next to the rancor.

Boss: Bull Rancor - it's useless to hit Marys Brood, her turn will come later. The rancor isn't that scary, use standard tactics. However, you should not be in front of him.

Maris Brood - constantly becomes invisible, use Force Wave when she starts attacking, then use your sword. Periodically, she releases Force lightning.

Imperial Raxus Prime

Objective: Destroy the orbital shipyard
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the tractor beam control center
Experience points: 500,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Jedi Explorer's Cloak
Enemies: No new enemies

At the very beginning, we jump onto the upper right ledge, jump over to the opposite one using a double jump, dash and blow; take the Sigil crystal (1\15). Then we go back and go straight, soon there will be a left turn, there you will find experience points (2\15). After you cross the beam that replaces the bridge, use the Force to knock down the door and collect pumping points (3\15). We go out to the right and take away the experience points (4\15) located on the cliff. Next you will find yourself in a large location where a battle takes place between the Imperials and the scavengers. The “compressed” green blade (5\15) is located on the platform to the right of the entrance. Experience points (6\15) are in the tunnel from which the scavenger reinforcements came. Another experience points (7\15) are located to the left of the entrance - you need to jump onto the bridge to get them. The last experience points (8\15) are right at the exit, it is impossible not to see them. In the next location you will have to kill everyone before the door to the hangar opens. To the right of it, on a metal structure, are experience points (9\15). Already in the hangar itself, on the upper balcony, pumping points (10\15) are waiting for you.

After the cutscene, take the elevator and turn right. At the end of the platform, experience points (11\15) await you. When you enter the next room, turn right and go upstairs. There will be a dead end with boxes, use Force Push and make your way, an “unstable” purple blade (12\15) awaits you inside. To complete the additional task, jump onto the tower and use lightning to destroy the generators. To leave the room, you need to destroy the generators to the left and right of the door (use telekinesis). We go up the elevator and find ourselves in the next room. The Holocron (13\15) is on the left bridge, it will be very difficult to get it (have you already remembered the Sarlacc?) Use a double jump, then a dash and a Dashing Blast Combo. We open the door and leave. In this room, holocrons (15\15) are located in both the left and right corridors.

Boss: Proxy - the first half of the fight is simple: use the Force Wave and hit the prone person. But when he turns into Darth Maul, use only telekinesis, other Force abilities will only do harm. Also stay away from his sword, hit the one who is lying down.

Everything is easy here, we run along the platforms and overload the generators using lightning.

The landing of a Star Destroyer is one of the most spectacular moments in the game. LEDs must be destroyed by lightning or telekinesis. Then we take up the destroyer and follow the instructions on the screen. After about 6 passes it finally falls.

The Death Star

Objective: Find General Kota and the founders of the uprising
Secondary Objectives: None
Experience points: 500,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Jedi Ceremonial Cloak or Sith Hunter Armor
Opponents: 1) Wall turret – crawls out from under the floor, it’s better to kill with lightning. 2) Gunner - armed with a standard rifle, mainly shoots from a turret.

This is probably the most difficult moment in the game; you will die, more than once. After clearing the room, go up to the balconies where the snipers were sitting.

There you will find experience points (1\15) and a Katak crystal (2\15). Then we stand on the glowing doors in the floor and use the Force Wave. At the end of the corridor, at the entrance to which you broke the glass, in the right room there are experience points (3\15). Break the glass again and go into any door. We carry everyone out in the corridor and reach the end. There will be a bridge above you, we go up the elevator and jump onto the structure that passes over the laser. There you will find experience points (4\15) and an "unstable" green blade (5\15). After opening two doors with the Force, you will find yourself in another corridor. In the right rooms you will find upgrade points (6\15) and experience points (7\15). Another experience points (8\15) lie right at the exit to the pipe. Next, you need to rotate the rings using telekinesis so that they stand in one row. Keep in mind that under the first pack of rings there is a holocron (9\15), the second (10\15) is right inside the second pack of rings, it is easy to notice. In the huge hall, we jump down, destroy the AT and push the generator into the slot. By the way, it is advisable to reach the end of the bridge before jumping and jump into the laser pipe, there are experience points (11/15). On the platform of the second floor there are another experience points (12\15), and the third (13\15) are in the side room of the third floor. We take the elevator to the very top and see the holocron (14\15) on a narrow beam above the laser. It will be difficult to get it, this must be done while hanging in the flow of the elevator, use Dashing Blast Combo. Your reward will be... you've been waiting for this for a long time - a black sword. The last holocron (15\15) is on the platform that the radar points to.

Boss: Shadow Guard - first kill the ones in the way, then deal with the shadow guard, at the end of the game it will be just fun.

Boss: Darth Vader – In the first half of the fight, use Power Push to knock him down, then hit him with your sword. When he starts building up his Power Push, run behind him, wait for him to use it, and then hit him. Vader will then escape to the platform. Your task is to throw it at everything that comes to hand. Then he will jump onto the bridge - here you need to force him down and finish him off.

Now we take a breath and run towards Palpatine and his captives.

Boss: Emperor - Palpatine uses three types of attacks. 1) Attack with Force lightning - quite easy to bypass. 2) Telekinesis attack using things - just hide behind the consoles. 3) Summoning guards - kill the red ones first, the blue ones will not create any problems. It is worth attacking the Sith when he has just finished his attack. Use sword and lightning.
Alternate ending

After the battle with Vader, we do not run to Palpatine, but jump from the bridge to Vader.

Boss: Darth Vader - and he has already restored lives and become even stronger. Do not jump around him under any circumstances; it is almost impossible to escape his grip. Try to drop it to the floor, compete in your skill in controlling the Force and, of course, use combos.


Camino. The escape.

We watch the introductory video and go through the training. We have the most incredible combinations at our disposal, which we will learn to use to their full potential as the game progresses. We fly down, destroying obstacles with a push of force. Once below, a large group of opponents will appear in front of us. Two simple hits + a power push will help clear out a cluster of enemies. We pass further through the barricade. We jump over the gaps, first with a double jump, then with a double jump + dash. To jump far, the interval between the first and second jump should be as large as possible. We break through the door with several powerful pushes. We deal with the opponents and jump to a hill. From the reverse side we extend the platform. We jump over the abyss again. There are imperial soldiers in front of us, it is useless to go at them head-on with simple attacks. We use push or lightning and, taking advantage of the temporary weakness, finish them off. We repeat these steps several times. Having broken through the third door, we will find ourselves in a room with huge fans. We stop them, kill several soldiers and jump down. Even through a protective wall, our abilities can penetrate. We throw the boxes from the back into the terminals. Next, we recall the unique ability “Mind Trick”. Using it on opponents will cause them to commit suicide. A very useful technique if declassification is not desired. Let's jump down. We destroy crowds of enemies, leaving not a single one, otherwise we will not be able to go further. At the end, a huge robot will appear, from which we first take away the shield, then destroy it by attacking from the air. And the main thing is not to fall under his weapon. Coming out to the site, we deal with the arriving troops. We raise the platform and climb higher from it. We continue walking. Paratroopers are quite nimble, but very vulnerable. One lightning strike and they are defeated. There's that robot with the shield again. We proceed according to the same scheme: we take the shield, attack in the air or from behind and, by pressing the buttons at the right time, we finish off. We enter the building and quickly move away from the shelling. We come out back on the other side. We throw several fighters into the tower. We run to the other side. We activate the rage mode and deal with everyone who gets in the way.

Cato Neimoidia. Eastern Arch.

On the platform we deal with the soldiers. Then we reflect the robots' missiles at the moment when they are close enough. New opponents, servants of the Sith, can be easily dealt with by attacking with simple blows. Special skills do not work. We go down, where another thug is waiting for us. Also, shells can be captured and thrown to our desired location. We continue walking. We didn't have time to get to the transport. We raise the platforms and climb up as if on a ladder. New skill: block + simple strike, throwing swords at a distance. Let's jump over to the other side. Snipers fire from distant positions. The most effective way against them is to throw something or run quickly. The rest is simple. In server rooms, you can only go further if you kill everyone on the level. We go lower and lower. Having reached the trolley, we destroy the fighters. When the main aircraft begins to throw missiles, we simply reflect them until it is destroyed, while the trolley should not be damaged.

Cato Neimoidia. Western Arch.

Let's go forward. We deal with four imperial soldiers. Next there will be several ordinary soldiers and paratroopers. We move on, breaking through the protective barrier, and quickly run through before the snipers have time to hit us. We destroy the thug with the shield: we take away the shield itself and attack him from the air. A new batch of enemies will land from the helicopter. We break through the next barrier, on the other side a whole bunch of different troops awaits us. We will destroy the walking robot last, but for now we will use its missiles against smaller enemies. Snipers will prevent us from going further. Therefore, we hide behind the pattern on the bridge in order to calmly break through the force field. We deal with the snipers and begin to fight against the thugs with shields. We run inside the building. Coming out, we find a barricade. First we kill the soldiers and paratroopers, then with a powerful push of force we break through the stone part of the wall. We quickly destroy the thug before he has time to freeze us. We perform these actions with breaking the barricade and destroying the robots several times. Next comes a difficult battle with a hostile shuttle. The actions will be as follows: we reflect single missiles at it (we dodge multiple missiles using jumps and a dash), hide behind cover from a machine-gun burst, throw swords as directed, but do not move far, otherwise they may not reach. If everything is done correctly, we push the shuttle with spectacular gravity - first to the left, then to the right. We jump down, open the grate and jump onto the descending platform.

Cato Neimoidia. Arena Tarko-Se.

We get to the top. In the arena we fight with the huge mutant Gorok. There is nothing more effective than lightning against it. It preferably hits you on the head, and don’t forget to dodge the powerful blows of this creature. So, when both of Gorok’s hands are on the ground, we attack the handcuffs on his wrist and drive him into shackles. When he can no longer resist, we inflict damage to his head. He will break out again, then we perform similar actions one more time. Having completely angered the mutant, we will try to climb up and provoke him into destroying the arena. And since this arena is hanging in the air, this will cause him to fall down. We also deal lightning damage.

Gorok will drag the Cat down with him. You can catch up with him using jerks. We attack with the same lightning.

Deliverance. Aboard Deliverance.

Jumping over the stones, we climb a little higher. We walk along the path, collecting energy cubes that improve some characteristics. We follow the general to go through the doors, use the lightning on the shields. Next, insert the part into the desired place and charge it in the same way. We go down the elevator. We pull out the twisted doors by force. To fight against spider-like drones we use new ability block + force push. We insert the part into place and go down. We run through the corridors until we get to Juneau. She is unconscious and the path to her is closed. We return back, quite fast creatures are waiting for us in the hall, which we must first catch with lightning and throw away with a powerful push of force. We take the part from the broken door (burnt) and insert it into the opposite one. Then we move forward as usual, fighting crowds of enemies. Something destroys everything in its path, leaving clots of fiery lava. It's time to take a little break from your opponents and start climbing. Jumping on platforms, we get to the mechanisms through which we jump into certain moment time.

The enemy who captured Jena managed to escape. And we have to fight with a huge iron spider. First, let's take out all the transistors around the center. When the spider's shield disappears, we begin to attack it. After removing half your health, the shield will reappear. Now we insert the fallen parts on the walls and attack the big guy again. We jump on it and bring it to the center. We can go further by lowering the body of the spider so that we can jump into the passage.

Deliverance. Battles for Deliverance.

Let's start clearing the barn, destroying the arriving enemy forces. Don't forget to kill the snipers at the top. The easiest way to do this is by attraction. Next, we reset the stuck shuttles, destroying the fastenings. Now our fighters can take off safely. Using the box, we climb higher. We go down the pipe. Having destroyed everyone, we drag the round part onto the mechanism that produces lightning. We perform similar actions in the next section. Let's go even lower. We attract the object from the reverse side. Let's deal with the robot. Next, we find a passage, destroying the engines with lightning. We climb up, then down again. In the hall we fight against several groups of opponents. You can move on only by destroying them all. We get to the super cannon. We make a powerful shot from it.

Camino. Return.

Using our telekinetic abilities, we remove obstacles from the ship’s path. Having jumped out, we continue to fly down. Having landed, we deal with the robots and the rest of the little things. You can go further by removing the obstacle. And to do this, we destroy the security weapons at the top. Acting in tandem with General Kota, we break forward, helping him in every possible way.

Camino. Confrontation.

The last and most important thing left is Darth Vader. First, we'll get to it using the rotating platforms. We attack in a standard way, only making sure to keep up, otherwise the platforms may fail. Simple attacks and the mind trick ability are also good against clones. At the end we will be offered: kill or spare the almighty ruler. The choice is yours.
