Creating a server in the game Insurgency on Windows OS. Creating a server in the game Insurgency on Windows OS Setting parameters and starting the Insurgency server

One dark night, under the deafening silence and the chirping of crickets, you will open your eyes in front of a large military hangar and understand that from this very place nothing will happen to you dizzying adventures, mind-blowing plots and life in general from now on will be difficult and dangerous: you will not be dragged by the handle through the intestinal-direct locations from point A and point B, abundantly sprinkling the route with arrows and pointers in full screen; for you, they will kindly not place concrete blocks on a level so that you can roll and take cover behind them, generously stuffing enemy meat with first-class lead; you will not be supplied with helicopters, tanks, cars, drones, boats and planes. They won't even give you toilet paper - snotty newcomers will have to wipe their miserable drool with their sleeves. AT Insurgency death awaits everywhere - behind every house, behind any car, a stern shahid with a full clip of Eastern gifts stinging to death can lurk. But it's better here.

It’s better not to immediately get into the cauldron of seething hostilities, but to go through a little training, fortunately, it is here, and very handy. If in ordinary shooters you can always neglect the training level (well, who, in fact, does not know how to move the mouse left and right and pull the trigger), then in Insurgency it is needed by 99.9% of people who just bought the game. Here you will kindly be shown some small arms with which in the future you will have to have a closer acquaintance, they will let you shoot from them and feel that in this game the weapon is the same weapon - deadly, dangerous, loud and rather inaccurate in curves and inexperienced hands, talk about the skills of customizing yourself and a firearm and introduce you to explosives, "which are different from those shown in the movies." And no, there are no super-secret types of explosives here, you have already seen all these samples of C4, grenades, plastids and RPGs, however, the destructive scale of any sample was poorly represented. If in any call of duty, Battlefield or somewhere else, by hanging the plastid on the door and moving a couple of steps away, you can smash it to pieces without receiving at least a little damage, then in Insurgency such an approach will only lead to a copious portion of mate in your address and the expectation of the next wave of revivals. It explodes louder and stronger than the farts waiting for HL3, and shoots better than in most modern shooters. A large number of small arms samples are provided here, from pistols to heavy machine guns that cannot fire until they are placed on bipods. Recoil, scatter, rumble - everything is there, everything is available.

See the enemy? You will panic, you will not fall

Having dealt with at least a little bit with the local mechanics, you can go online, where you can choose from several game modes: Push, Firefight, Skirmish, Occupy, Ambush and a few more. All these modes are goal-oriented, i.e. in each individual match, it is necessary one way or another to fight for the capture and control of special points on the map, bringing teams points or reinforcements in case of killed comrades. Having captured any point, you do not get guarantees that it will not be recaptured by enemies, so you need to keep track not only of those points that are waiting to be captured, but also of those already occupied, so matches often turn out to be very tense. There is no standard and familiar team battle, it would simply not take root and only break the local mechanics, which are oh so good here.

Fierce hardcore and the ubiquitous breath of death rushing at you at the speed of a bullet strongly spurs you to the careful conduct of hostilities, both by individual units and by large squads as a whole. The loss of even one fighter can be a disaster for the entire detachment, because it can only be revived at special points allocated for this, which still need to be captured, and then kept from the counter-attack by the fierce and well-aimed Taliban. Therefore, you need to cooperate in every match, constantly communicating with teammates and giving as much valuable information as possible to everyone. This is necessary for one big reason: the complete absence of a gaming and familiar interface. You will never be shown whether you killed the enemy, even if at the same time you shot the entire clip at him who was escaping; will not highlight hits with a hit marker; and by pressing the Tab key, you will not see +1 in the “kills” column, because during the round it is simply not there. You need to check whether the enemy is killed or alive at your own peril and risk, running to the place where the still warm corpse, slain by the hot guarantor of rest, should be stored. But here there is a chance to catch a bullet yourself, if it suddenly turns out that the opponent did not have enough of the efforts that were made to eliminate him. And they kill here quickly enough, one or two bullets in the body are enough, or one hit on a jug protruding from the shelter out of stupidity. You can, of course, put on a bulletproof vest, but such a precaution will not be a panacea, and the piece of iron will save only from pistol bullets - everything else flying and buzzing will be sewn and not noticed. Therefore, you must always be careful, communicate, cooperate, cover each other. After all, enemies can also do this, and I'm not talking about those living and occasionally able to think, but about bots, for which a separate mode was specially allocated.

It's beautiful here, it's a pity there's no time to admire

In the cooperative mode, there are several maps with 7-8 points to choose from for capture by our team and for defense, in fact, by bots. On easy difficulty levels, bobbleheads are not difficult - here as usual - they just run out at you and helplessly click with ferocious teeth, forgetting to click the trigger, becoming an easy target for pumping and increasing ego. But on a difficulty close to maximum, they literally transform before our eyes: they begin to cooperate, communicate with each other (yes, yes, that’s right, I myself personally heard one bot yell at others, they say, “cover, I’m now a grenade for this bastard I’ll throw it in, and then I’ll go shoot at him”), bypass the enemies from the flanks and rear, in general, do my best to interfere with survival. Once there was even a case when 4 points out of 5 were cleared, we had already decided that everything was a victory, but all the raspberries were broken off by one ferocious spirit, which had not been killed earlier and came running to get even for the killed comrades. In general, he pushed us 3rd in the back, before we even had time to blink an eye. What pleases me is that bots do not become cheaters who see and shoot through walls exactly in the head, no, they rather look more like well-playing people: they see everything, shoot accurately, and sometimes they are stupid and even miss. By the way, it doesn’t get any easier on the soul from misses, because the bullets quite honestly rumble and ricochet from the shelter, reliably saving the poor warrior, and his eyes are already cloudy and floating, and nasty curses come out of his mouth, symbolizing the craving for life and disagreement to die. Death is everywhere, and one must be very careful not to walk with a bony hand to the point of waiting for rebirths.

Running on the attack with your head held high is a so-so idea.

As for the locations, that one is also in order. They are spacious enough not to be a corridor squeezing a group of asses tightly, but not too big that you can get lost in them in search of a place of especially heated skirmishes - just right. There is also enough variety: here you can choose from snow-covered hills that are shot through, and the streets of Middle Eastern cities, in which battles take place both indoors and outdoors, and huge embassies with many small rooms, and snowy abandoned villages, in general, There is just enough variety to not get lost in it.

Insurgency- kind of mixture best ideas, ever lit up in different representatives of the genre, while being dosed and correctly inscribed in the overall mechanics. For fans of shooters in which you need to seriously strain your brains and play in a co-op, that's it. Those who like to run and jump, scattering tons of shells around the location, it is better to pass by. Because you can't jump and shoot at the same time. :)

Hello reader of this article. Due to my habit of making servers on Linux, this is the first guide to running a server on Windows.

The article has a plan, in each of the paragraphs I will try to explain in detail and describe the steps to create a server.

  • SteamCMD GUI Insurgency
  • Setting parameters and starting
  • Server Settings
  • Game modes
  • Start
  • Installing plugins
  • Administrator Options
  • How to open ports?
  • Completion
  • Downloading and updating the Insurgency server

    This path has 2 development options. The first is to create 2 normal and simple scripts, one of them will update the server, and the other will restore its work if the server "falls". It is worth remembering that both 1 and 2 script will need to be run independently. The second way is to use a script that will do everything for you, update your server, and also stabilize its operation if a crash happens.

    The first path can be chosen if your server will work only occasionally, say, if you decide to play separately with friends or arrange some kind of tournament. You must choose the second path if you want to create a server for general use that will function stably for a large amount of time. Don't make your users wait when you have free time to turn on the server, that's stupid.

    Unfortunately, due to the fact that the guide is done under Windows, the search for fully working scripts for the second path was a failure. All found scripts need to be improved. Trite in updating components. Some simply do not work at all or work, but very crookedly. In this regard, we will talk about the first way. But for the second there will be a couple of recommendations.
    (Please: if you are not familiar with such a thing as a script, go to the next paragraph)

    From the material on SteamCMD, I liked SteamCMD AutoUpdater the most. This software itself can download and install updates, while notifying players in the chat. But there is one catch, this is a bug with constantly checking for updates, it just falls into an endless loop, this causes terrible inconvenience. But you might be lucky and this bug won't work, otherwise it's worth a try, as they say "an attempt, not torture".

    There is another script that may be useful, but its configuration is much more voluminous and more difficult than the previous one. The name of this script is Condenser. For its functionality you need PowerShell latest version which may be difficult for some.

    First you need to create a folder with a simple name. It is important that there are no spaces in the name, as well as special characters, for your convenience, and for the convenience of the software. In the created folder, you need to create a few more and name them steamcmd and files. We get the path, something like: C:/folder_name/steamcmd and C:/directory_name/files. Next, you need to find and download the SteamCMD itself. After downloading, unpack to the folder that you made earlier along the path C: / folder_name / steamcmd. Now create a .txt file and call it ins, it should contain this text:

    login anonymous
    force_install_dir ../files
    app_update 237410 validate

    Next, you need to make a shortcut to the steamcmd.exe file. Then open the properties, then in the line "object" add + runscript ins.txt. Let's apply, everything is ready for launch.
    To begin with, the program will check and download updates, if any. Next, the server will start loading. If everything worked out for you, then you can look further, about the parameters and erased the server. If something does not work, try to find the error or try another method.

    SteamCMD GUI:

    Take a look at the name of the program, it is similar to the one in the previous paragraph, and this is the same program, only with a graphical interface. For its operation, the regular version of the program is also needed. And so, how to download via SteamCMD GUI? First, specify the path to the folder with the regular version. Next, indicate the path to Insurgency. You also need to show the path to the files folder. Next, fill in the standard fields, port, mod name, number of slots, password to manage the server. Port: 27015. You also need to specify Custom Game App ID: 237410 and click the Run button.

    Setting parameters and starting the Insurgency server

    To begin with, it is worth setting up a file with parameters and a list game cards on server.
    Server Options:
    The configuration file is called server.cfg. But since you just booted the server, the file might not be there. But you should not be afraid, you can always create your own config. For those who are not satisfied with the official list of game cards, they can prescribe to themselves "mapcyclefile" list of necessary maps.txt ""

    Game modes:
    If you want to play with friends, then you need to use these options:

    Map buhriz_night hunt -maxplayers 16 (at game start)

    In the server options file:

    sv_playlist "nwi/pvp_coop"
    mapcyclefile "mapcycle_cooperative.txt"

    If you want to create a pvp server:

    Map panj skirmish -maxplayers 32 (at game start)

    In the server options file:

    sv_playlist "nwi/pvp_sustained"
    mapcyclefile "mapcycle_sustained_combat.txt"

    Server start:

    There are a huge number of variations of starting the server, but I will describe the most conventional way, with bat file. Based on the explanation, you yourself will put the rest of the script files and params. start. We go to the files folder, there we create a file in the .txt format and call it whatever we want. We write there:

    @echo off
    echo Protecting srcds from crashes…
    echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
    title Watchdog
    echo (%time%) srcds started.
    START/HIGH /wait srcds.exe -game insurgency -strictportbind -ip -port 27015 +clientport 27005 +tv_port 27020 -tickrate 64 +map panj skirmish -maxplayers 32
    echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
    goto srcds

    How to set up plugins for the Insurgency server?

    You will need to download Sourcemod and Metamod to make it easier to control and work with your game resource. You can easily find them on the Internet. Let's create a folder and call it mods for convenience. There we unpack 2 downloaded folders. First Metamod, then Sourcemod. Next, we throw the files from the mods folder into the folder with the server files. All plugins are easily searched on the Internet. You need to throw it along the path С:/folder name\files\insurgency\addons\sourcemod\plugins.

    Insurgency server admin settings

    For this parameter, we need to know your steam id. To do this, follow the link and drive in your link to the Steam profile. There will be a column with id. Copy the id to admins_simple.ini."STEAM_4:8:20189765" "99:z". Instead of this id you will insert your own. 99 is the immunity parameter, and the letter z means the maximum allowance for all flexible server settings. If you plan to make more than one admin, then you should not open all the possibilities for them, because they can harm the resource.
    How to open ports?
    If you use modems or routers to connect to the Internet, then you can find detailed settings on the World Wide Web of information, specifically for the device that you have, there are no settings that would be common to everyone. Well, if you have a cable connection, you need to turn off the Windows firewall and disable such an item as the antivirus firewall. You can find the list of ports just as easily and simply on the Internet.

    Starting and creating a server is not as hard as it sounds. All the necessary knowledge for this is already on the Internet, lies in free access, all you need to do is to study and use this information correctly.

    Enemies and allies

    When you join a server, you will first see two tables with players: the first is the security service, the second is the rebels. Depending on the difficulty of the server, your teammates can have their own markers, which look like blue or green colored diamonds (depending on your squad, we'll talk about this later). But if there are no rhombuses - you must distinguish between the enemy and friendly in shape. So look:


    without armor

    Security Service:

    If you are playing as the rebels - your allies will look like the first three screenshots. If your teammates are security - it's the other way around, your friends are on the last three

    Diamonds and nicknames

    Each team has two squads. Your comrades from the squad are marked with green diamonds, the guys in the second squad with blue diamonds.

    These figures are not displayed when you look through the scope more than 2 times, the player information becomes smaller:

    Also, if your friend is too far away from you and his nickname gets too small, you can move your crosshair to him and the game will resize him.

    When someone speaks, you see a bar in the lower left corner. The color of the bar with the player's nickname depends on his team. If he is your ally, this bar will be green, you can hear the squad from anywhere on the map. If the bar is blue, it means that there is someone who belongs to the second squad. You can hear him while he is standing next to you. As he leaves, his voice will become progressively quieter until he disappears completely.

    As you can see, moving from a squad to another changes your class and place in the leaderboard, here it goes from blue to green.

    Renaissance and waves

    Weapons and Equipment

    First I have to say: you can take weapons and equipment (e.g. grenades, RPG, C4) by pressing the "F" button on the default keyboard layout. You can find them on dead bodies, but the weapons will be out of ammo.

    About ammo, there are 4 different types: normal, tracer, HP and AP. Let's take a look:

    Regular ammo damage depends on the type of armor and weapons.
    Tracer rounds are hard to explain
    HP rounds do more damage to limbs and unarmored bodies.
    AP ammo ignores armor.

    As I said, it also depends on the type of weapon:

    Sniper rifles will kill you with 1-2 body shots and 2-3 limb shots (depending on armor).
    Rifles and machine guns will kill you with 2-3 body shots and 2-3 limb shots (depending on armor).
    Pistols are very different, but they 100% kill you after 3 shots.

    Bullet damage decreases with distance, armor, and some weapons. If you need to be 100% sure - better check this one on

    There's also a very interesting magazine system if you've fired a few bullets from your magazine - it'll just go to the end of the queue. Only completely empty magazines will be thrown away. Also, if your magazine counter shows that you have 3 magazines, it means that you have 4 magazines and one of them is already charged. It doesn't matter, but something you should keep in mind when counting the weapons raised.

    I hope there are people who can move this guide to tor so that newbies can see all this information and not shoot their own own team(this command can be you). You can tell me what was difficult for you in the early stages of the game, and I can add information about it too.

    Game information:

    Launch preparation:
    1. Download and install the game Insurgency

    History of all changes in the game
    Resolved Linux client startup crash when the player had too many Workshop mods.
    Fixed vests not displaying properly on character models after resupplying with a new vest.
    Fixed C4/IEDs and RPGs/AT4s unintentionally appearing in the official Competitive theater.
    Gameplay Improvements
    Updated Player models.
    Players models are now visually representative of their armor and gear choices.
    New work in progress Competitive theater which includes penetration-based armor and supply economy.
    Updated third person crouch leaning animations and crouch idle positions to line up better with where the first person camera is.
    Raised Ambush player count needed for 2 active control points to 16 players.
    When Ambush is in single control point mode, the game will now alternate between the two points rather than randomizing it.
    New Ambush mode map layouts.
    Added Ambush and Skirmish mode maps to the Competitive theater.
    Fixed score reset when mp_restartround is run on the server.
    Fixed props disappearing in Verticality when shader settings are set to Very High.
    Fixed SourceTV being unable to join full coop games.
    Map Changes
    Fixed a restricted area that allowed spawn camping in Buhriz Push.
    Fixed a restricted area in District Push.
    Fixed an invisible wall in Dry Canal.
    Fixed miscellaneous issues in various maps.

    2. If you are going to create a server, download and unpack

    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text. Login or register.

    Game launch:

    1. Run, go to your profile.
    2. Run the game through INSURGENCY LOADER.exe

    In Game:


    Play now -> Serve Browser -> Favorites -> Add servers.

    Or we connect via the console:
    Press tilde (~) and type in: connect IP address
    Our servers:

    Creating your own server:

    1 way: You can create your own dedicated server and play, for example, through Tunngle.
    - edit StartDedicatedServer.bat in the game folder (look at the names of the maps along the path Insurgency 2\insurgency\maps)
    - launch and connect to it via the console or server browser.

    2 way: Open the console and type: map map_name


    Server creation:
    1. Edit CreateServer.bat as you wish

    2. Go to the Insurgency/cfg/server.cfg folder and replace the settings that were specified in the batch file, you can also edit the rest of the settings

    3. Save and run the server via CreateServer.bat
    If you want your server to be seen in the Server Browser, you need to open port 27015 (well, or the one you specified) or use LAN simulators.
    Maps marked coop will be for 6 people only.
    See Insurgency\insurgency\maps for other names.


  • If the game crashes when joining the server or at startup, run the INSURGENCY LOADER.exe file "as administrator".
  • Enable the console: Options -> Game Settings -> Console -> Enable
  • The nickname is changed in the rev.ini file (in the line PlayerName = Nick)
  • Known server addresses throw in the comments.
  • To avoid fiddling with ports, you can use tunneling programs (etc.)
  • If you get an error when starting the game, make sure that the number 480 is written in the steam_appid.txt file and this file should be read only.
    If you create dedicated servers with open port, please kindly throw their IP in the comments.
    In order not to mess with ports, you can use tunneling programs (Tunngle, etc.)
    Thank you very much for creating the article.
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