An article on the topic of didactic games. The role of didactic games in kindergarten

Didactic games in environmental education of children.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They won't always be able to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

D. Rodovich

Currently, humanity is facing an environmental catastrophe. The reason for the violation of the ecological balance was the consumer attitude of people towards the environment and their environmental illiteracy.
Today ecology is not only the science of the relationships of living organisms with each other and with the environment, it is also a worldview. Therefore, the formation of the foundations of ecological consciousness of preschool children, understanding of the general laws of development of the material world, and not just a set of information about natural phenomena and objects.
IN modern world ecology is increasingly being interpreted as a science capable of solving not only biological, but also some moral problems: developing interest in nature, observation, nurturing kindness, responsiveness, and respect for nature.

The 21st century was predicted as information-ecological. This is according to General Director UNESCO F. Mayor, “allows us to talk about the priority of environmental education for the younger generation.”
All areas of personal development are inextricably linked with the education of a responsible attitude towards nature, therefore one of the main tasks of education is the formation of the foundations of environmental culture in preschoolers.
Environmental education - involves a systematic approach to familiarization with nature and environmental activities. In preschool education, the search for effective technologies for environmental education, however, a unified approach to the problem has not yet been found. Research has shown that the use of predominantly verbal methods when introducing children to nature leads to the formation of knowledge. But preschoolers find it difficult to establish a connection between cause and effect. Children cannot apply knowledge in practical activities.

I propose to solve this problem by involving children in activities that allow them to become familiar with this pattern from their own experience.

In my opinion, the most adequate to the task, both from the point of view of didactics and taking into account the psychological abilities of preschoolers, are didactic games.

As noted by A.N. Leontyev, didactic games belong to the “boundary games”, representing a transitional form to that not play activity which they are preparing.

These games help develop cognitive activity, intellectual operations that represent the basis of learning.

So, throughout preschool age, play goes through stages of development. Thanks to its diversity, it truly becomes a leading activity. The didactic game allows you to achieve the targets outlined in paragraph 4.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard: the child is interested in other objects around him and actively acts with them; masters the basic cultural ways of activity; has a positive attitude towards the world; has a developed imagination; the child has a fairly good command of oral speech; capable of volitional efforts; shows curiosity; prerequisites for educational activities are formed at the stage of completion preschool education(FSES clause 4.7).

A.I. wrote about the importance of didactic games in the environmental education of preschoolers. Grekhova, V.A. Dryazgunov, G.V. Chirike, L.P. Molodova, S.N. Nikolaeva and others. They argued that play for a child is the leading activity, the main factor in the development of all the child’s mental and cognitive processes. A.V. Zaporozhets noted: “during the transition from early to preschool age, it is under the influence of play that children develop complex types of visual analysis and synthesis, the ability to separate objects and combine them.”

Didactic game - a multifaceted and complex phenomenon. This is both a teaching method and independent activity of preschoolers, and a means comprehensive development personality. It is part of a holistic pedagogical process and is not isolated from other forms and means of teaching and education.
Didactic games of ecological content help to see the integrity of an individual organism and ecosystem, to realize the uniqueness of each natural object, and to understand that unreasonable human intervention can lead to irreversible processes in nature.
There is a traditional classification of didactic games: verbal games, printed board games, experimental games, situation simulations. All didactic games, including environmental games, have been created on its basis. When planning my work, I am guided by the following pedagogical ideas.

The idea of ​​cooperation (children-teacher-parents)

The idea of ​​humane learning (a non-violent method based on play);

The idea of ​​advanced development;

The idea of ​​a differentiated approach to environmental education of children;
- the idea of ​​personality-oriented interaction with preschoolers.
In my work I use a variety of methods and techniques, such as creating a problem situation: bringing in a toy, experimenting, using different types of assessments (a prize, a surprise moment, verbal positive assessment, applause from friends, chips, etc.), activating communication: a joint search for the right answering a question, using the child’s personal experience, mutual assistance to each other, asking children a question, figurative explanations, a plot story.
While working on this topic, I identified the following tasks for myself:

Teach children to recognize themselves as part of nature.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards all inhabitants of nature, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

Teach children to understand the relationships of interdependence in nature;
-instill in children an active life position.

To form the basics of environmental safety in preschoolers.

To develop the ability to rationally use natural resources;
- to form in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around them.

Bring to an understanding of the uniqueness and beauty of the world around us.
To successfully solve the problems of developing the foundations of environmental culture in children, she identified the following areas in her activities: interaction with children; interaction with the families of pupils.

When working with children, in addition to classic didactic games, I use travel games, guessing games, riddle games, conversation games, and adventure games.
When selecting didactic games of environmental content, I make sure to think through the goal and didactic task, determine the place and role of the game in the system of education and upbringing, design the game itself and determine the degree of participation of all children in it, think about providing assistance to shy children.
I have the following requirements for didactic games: brightness, aesthetics, versatility.

The specificity of didactics involves gradual complication games from group to group, implies their variability. If in younger group acquaintance with wild and domestic animals occurs in such didactic games as “Name who it is?”, “Draw an animal”, “Recognize by voice”, and others, then in middle group- in games like “Guess who lives where?”, “Help the animal”, “Big and small”, etc. Children of senior preschool age successfully cope with next games: “Zoo”, “Logical chains”, “Come up with a riddle about an animal”, “Trip to Africa”. Older children solve crossword puzzles, solve puzzles, conduct experiments, make long-term observations of animals and plants, and enjoy answering questions on a variety of quizzes. Often games with environmental content arise on the initiative of the children themselves, which indicates their interest.

I am building a system of work on developing environmental knowledge among preschoolers in combination with the “Development+” program, the partial program “Young Ecologist” by S.N. Nikolaeva, developed a promising - thematic planning for children 6 - 7 years old, including educational activities on environmental education, excursions, reading fiction, educational conversations, environmental events, holidays. Selected and systematized different types games: outdoor games with natural history content “Swallows and midges”, “Hen and chicks”, “Wolves and sheep”, “ Sly Fox", etc., during which, by imitating actions, imitating sounds, children consolidate knowledge, and the joy gained during the game helps to deepen their interest in nature; didactic games with objects “Tops and roots”, “ Wonderful pouch”, “Guess the taste”, etc., clarifying children’s ideas about the properties and qualities of natural objects, developing observation, attention, memory; board-printed games“Seasons”, “Zoological Lotto”, “Who lives in a hut, what does he give to the owner?” “My Home” and others, aimed at clarifying, systematizing and classifying preschoolers’ knowledge about representatives of the animal and plant world, and inanimate natural phenomena; verbal games “Fish, bird, beast”, “In the air, in the water and on the ground”, “Who is bigger?”, “Endings”, “You are part - I am the whole”, etc., consolidating knowledge about nature, developing attention, intelligence, coherent speech, speed of reaction; creative games(construction games with natural materials, theatrical games, role-playing games), during which children’s knowledge is enriched and impressions gained in the process of classes and everyday life are reflected.

The results of diagnostics on environmental education, which I conduct annually, allow me to conclude that the selected methods and techniques for the formation of environmental knowledge in preschool children, through didactic games, contribute to increasing the level of environmental culture, activating the preschooler’s vocabulary, and developing their mental processes (imagination, memory, thinking , attention), moral qualities, as well as fostering respect for nature.


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3. Vinogradova F. Mental education in children in the process of familiarization with nature. - M., 1978.

4. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology. - M., 2005

5. Leontiev A.A. School 2100.

6. Luchinin M.V. Children about nature. - M., 1989.

7. Morkovskaya M.M. Nature corner in kindergarten.

Olga Belyakova
The role of didactic games in kindergarten.

“Without play there is no and cannot be full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. ”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Game of preschool age- the leading type of activity for children. It permeates their entire life, is a source of extensive information, a method of teaching and educating children. With its help, conditions are created for the development of creative abilities and the all-round development of the child.

New developments in modern life challenge us, teachers, to search for new methods and techniques for working with children. Use in pedagogical process kindergarten didactic games increase the effectiveness of education and learning. Watching children play, the character traits of each child clearly appear, both positive - perseverance, determination, and negative - selfishness, stubbornness.

During use didactic Through games, children learn to solve cognitive problems, first under the guidance of a teacher, and then in independent play. By using didactic Using the teaching method, we teach children to think independently and use the acquired knowledge in various conditions, in accordance with the assigned game task.

In theory and practice preschool education there is the following classification didactic games:

a) with toys and objects;

b) so-printed;

c) verbal.

Each age group should have a variety didactic games.

Characteristic feature didactic games are that they are created by adults for the purpose of teaching and raising children. However, created in didactic purposes, they remain games. The child in these games is attracted primarily by the game situation, and while playing, he, imperceptibly for himself, decides didactic task.

Each didactic the game includes several elements: didactic task, content, rules and game actions. The main element didactic game is a didactic task.

Didactic tasks are varied. This could be familiarization with the environment (nature, animals and vegetable world, people, their life, work, events of social life, speech development (consolidation of correct sound pronunciation, enrichment of vocabulary, development of coherent speech and thinking). Didactic tasks may be related to the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts. Contents didactic Games are the surrounding reality (nature, people, their relationships, everyday life, work, social events, etc.).

Big role in didactic the game belongs to the rules. They determine what and how each child should do in the game, and indicate the path to achieving the goal. They teach children the ability to restrain themselves and control their behavior.

Not unimportant role in didactic games belongs to the game action. Game action is a manifestation of children’s activity in play purposes: roll colorful balls, disassemble a turret, assemble a nesting doll, rearrange cubes, guess objects by description, guess what change has occurred with objects placed on the table, win a competition, complete the role of the wolf, buyer, seller, guesser, etc.

If we analyze didactic games from the point of view of what occupies and captivates children in them, it turns out that children are primarily interested in game action. It stimulates children's activity, gives children a feeling of satisfaction.

Our group has created all the conditions for the development of children's intelligence. All conditions have been created for the development of logical thinking; development and improvement of thinking operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison. The development of logic in a preschool child depends on the creation of conditions that stimulate his practical, playful and cognitive activities.

In this regard, the group has created a mathematical corner, a corner for the development of speech, nature, where manuals for independent and joint activities.

The math corner presents various didactic games, entertaining material: puzzles, labyrinths, puzzles; models of days of the week, parts of the day.

All math didactic I divided the games into several for myself groups:

Games with numbers and numbers "We believe", "Count it"

Time travel games

Games for orientation in space ( "Happy Cells")

Games with geometric shapes "Color, shape, size", "Color Geometry", "Logical tables"

Logical thinking games ( "Pythagoras", "Columbus Egg", "Tangram", "Fold a square", "Logical chains", "What doesn't fit", « Mongolian game» , Vietnamese game").

I would like to recommend the book by E. A. Nefedova and O. V. Uzorova "Getting ready for school". As you know, a modern first-grader does not come to school to learn to write, read and count. He must be able to do all this long before entering a general education institution. The manual contains rich material on the development of speech, intellectual and creative thinking, memory, attention, fine motor skills. This and much more other: classify objects, think abstractly, find patterns, have basic natural science concepts.

This book contains exercises, tests, questions and assignments aimed at preparing your child for school. As a teacher, I highly recommend this guide for preschoolers.

“Game is a growing need child's body. Play develops the child’s physical strength, a firmer hand, a more flexible body, or rather the eye, and develops intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative.”

N. K. Krupskaya

“Play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. A game for preschoolers is a way of learning about their surroundings. While playing, he studies colors, shapes, properties of materials, spatial relationships, numerical relationships, studies plants and animals.”


A didactic game is an activity whose meaning and purpose is to give children certain knowledge and skills, and the development of mental abilities. Didactic games are games designed for learning.

Didactic games play a dual role in the pedagogical process: firstly, they are a teaching method, and secondly, they are an independent gaming activity. As the first, they are widely used in classes to familiarize children with the environment, with living nature, in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and in the development of speech in order to teach children certain methods of mental action, systematization, clarification and consolidation of knowledge. At the same time, the content of the game and its rules are subordinated to educational tasks put forward by specific software requirements one type of activity or another. In this case, the initiative in choosing and conducting the game belongs to the teacher. As an independent play activity, they are carried out during extracurricular time.

In both cases, the teacher leads the didactic games, but the role is different. If in class he teaches children how to play, introduces them to the rules and game actions, then independent games He participates in the education of pupils as a partner or referee, monitors their relationships, and evaluates their behavior.


In the management of games, three stages should be distinguished: preparation, conduct, analysis of results.

1 ). Preparation for the game includes the following: selection of the game in accordance with the objectives of education and training of a specific age group, taking into account the time of conduct (during class hours or outside of school hours), place (in group room, on the site, on a walk, etc.); determining the number of participants (entire group, subgroup, one child).

Preparation for the game also includes the selection of the necessary didactic material(manuals, toys, pictures, natural materials).

The teacher chooses a game, invites the children to play, starts and invites the children.

Younger age: visual explanation of the entire course of the game in progress cooperative game with an adult.

Average age: explanation of 1-2 rules, specific ones are given during the game in joint activity with an adult, you can use a trial run of the game, where the teacher clarifies the rules.

Older age: verbal explanation of the rules before the game, explanation of the meaning of the rules, if complex, then demonstration and trial moves are used.

2 ). If the teacher carefully prepares for the game, then its implementation itself will not cause difficulties. Any didactic game should have both game rules, and game actions. If one of these conditions is missing, it turns into a didactic exercise.

The teacher controls the process of the game, reinforces the ability to play, monitors the implementation of the rules, using reminders, additional explanations, assessments, questions, and advice.

Younger age: the teacher plays the role of a leader, during the game he connects game actions with the rules.

Average age: the teacher acts through the rule and does not directly suggest game actions.

Older age: the rules are explained before the game, children are involved in explaining their content.

3 ). Summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in its management. The teacher notes those who followed the rules well, helped their comrades, were active, and honest. Analysis of the game should be aimed at identifying effective methods of playing it, as well as mistakes made (what did not work and why).


The structure of a didactic game includes: task, action, rule, result, conclusion of the game.

Task. Each didactic game has a precisely established task, which is subordinated to the actual didactic goal. Children are offered tasks whose solution requires a certain amount of intellectual effort and mental work. By completing a task in a game, a child activates his thinking, exercises his memory and observation skills.

The objectives of didactic games come down to several types:

  1. Compare and select objects based on the same, different or similar characteristics (the task becomes more complicated according to the age of the children).
  2. Classify and distribute objects or pictures. Children classify pictures or objects by type or material from which they are made.
  3. Identify an object by several or only one characteristic. Children guess objects from a simple description, or one of them describes the thing, and the rest guess.
  4. Exercise attention and memory. Children must remember a fact or a certain composition of objects, a group of players, etc., and determine the change that occurred in their absence.

Action. In each didactic game, the task is accomplished by an action that determines and organizes the behavior of each child and unites the children into a single team. It directly attracts children's interest and determines their emotional attitude to the game.

The action in the game must meet two basic conditions:

a) be sure to obey the task and fulfill the educational purpose of the game;

b) be entertaining and exciting until the end of the game.

In a well-designed educational game, children should not suspect that they are learning anything. Here the activity should, to a greater or lesser extent, hide the educational, didactic purpose games.

Rule: activities in the didactic game are strictly related to the rules. They determine how the child should behave during play, what he can and cannot do. It is important that the rules correspond to age characteristics and are compensated by entertaining activities. Therefore, it must be interesting so that the child willingly obeys the rules.

Result, conclusion of the game: the result of the game is solving the problem and following the rules.

The result is assessed from two points of view: from the point of view of the children and from the point of view of the teacher. When assessing the result from the children’s point of view, we take into account what moral and spiritual satisfaction the game brought to the children. When performing didactic tasks, children show intelligence, resourcefulness, attention, and memory. All this gives children moral satisfaction, increases self-confidence, and fills them with a sense of joy.

It is important for the educator whether the task has been completed, whether the prescribed actions have been carried out, whether it has brought certain results in this regard. At the end of some didactic games, you need to reward the participants, praise the children, or assign them leading roles in the game.


Didactic games differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher.

In preschool pedagogy, all didactic games can be divided into 3 main types: games with objects, board-printed and word games.

Games with objects: for them it is necessary to select objects that differ in properties: color, shape, size, purpose, use, etc.

Board-printed games- This is a very exciting activity for children. Most often, didactic games with paired pictures, cut pictures and cubes are used. In this case, for middle-aged children, one or more objects should be depicted: toys, trees, clothes or dishes. Children can independently differentiate their distinctive features: size, color, shape, purpose. To work with cut pictures, older preschoolers can be asked to independently put together a whole picture from its parts without first examining the whole image.

Word games are built on a combination of words and actions of the players. In such games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Therefore, in junior and middle groups, games with words are aimed mainly at developing speech, cultivating correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating vocabulary, developing correct orientation in space, and the formation of dialogic and monologue speech.

Didactic game is a unified system of influence, which is aimed at awakening interest in knowledge, activating the child’s cognitive process, improving intellectual abilities and skills, and cultivating conscious behavior. The didactic game represents a unique way of learning. The toys used in this type of activity are designed to develop mental functions and qualities for the education of an integral personality.

Games are irreplaceable companions of childhood. In play activities, children translate their impressions of the environment with the help of auxiliary means, which are one of the conditions for continuous development. Toys satisfy children's needs for a variety of activities. While having fun, they not only reflect the social experience of adults in a unique way, but also perform physical and mental exercises, stimulating their own development. That is why, for teachers and parents, a didactic toy can and should turn into a “tool” of education. For a child, play is equivalent to learning. Thanks to her, he acquires skill, dexterity, and useful skills. The game introduces the child to Big world, it is much easier to assimilate initial information, get used to thinking, analyzing the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Classification of didactic games

  • Toys that clearly and visually display the qualities of objects.

They expand the range of perception of the immediate environment with the help of the senses, develop the organs of touch, perception and imagination. With their participation, the child learns to isolate individual component properties from the overall appearance of an object - color, shape, size.

  • Toys promote mental maturation.

They put a number of questions before the child, demanding answers and solutions. When faced with unusual problems for the first time, the player looks for a way out of the current situation. A thing used for play creates conditions for the manifestation of mental efforts, gradually reinforces the habit of comparing, distinguishing, analyzing and synthesizing, classifying and generalizing.

  • Toys expand knowledge about nature and social life.

They clarify ideas about the most common animals and plants, seasons and changes that occur when the seasons change, teach them to distinguish between types of crafts and professions, introduce them to traffic rules, and provide information about historical events.

Classification of games for children of different ages

It is absolutely clear that each age stage has its own play needs, which are determined by the psychophysical characteristics of the child.

Toddler development at the age of three or four years promote outdoor games that help develop criteria for color, shape, size. This includes dolls with multi-colored clothing details, colorful rings for stringing, joining, and assembling. The children's intellectual experience will be enriched by all kinds of construction kits consisting of two or three parts. This category also includes so-called folding pictures depicting everyday objects. They focus attention and sharpen powers of observation. The stock of information about the natural and social environment will be increased by various types of lotto with drawings of domestic animals, as well as moments of certain types of activities.

For four to five year olds toys, of course, should be more complex.

They are designed and developed in such a way as to suggest the division of objects according to color, outline, and dimensions. Mental practice involves operating with combined toys of four, five or more parts. And it, in turn, will create the rudiments of elementary mathematical literacy, push to formation, correlation, classification. During play, children learn in detail many features of the inhabited space. For the age category under consideration, games are suitable that require grouping objects around any one sample - a standard.

As an example, we can take the “Clown” toy, which concentrates attention and makes you concentrate. It is very useful to compile and arrange pictures in order - an activity with a beneficial effect on the formation of logically correct speech. Of particular interest to children is “Geometric Dominoes,” conceived as a tool for mastering spatial forms and the relationship of bodies and figures.

It speeds up responses, reflexes, and teaches perseverance.

For children over five years old The main interest is the mental task itself, and attention is mainly attracted by its qualitative solution. Wits, resourcefulness, and curiosity will be developed by numerous varieties of dominoes, lotto, games such as “Who cares,” “I play and count,” and others.

At six years old a girl or a boy becomes a student. But, despite the “serious” age, the game still continues to be an important emotional stimulus for fruitful learning. A significant place in this period of childhood is occupied by the so-called program games, which contribute to expanding the circle of knowledge, consolidating information received from the field of science, technology, art, and sports.

Didactic games for middle school age, between 9 and 14 years, have an educational character both mentally and morally. For the development of logical thinking, games such as puzzles acquire a positive significance. Electronic quizzes develop and consolidate knowledge about nature and society. Competitive games play an important role in the moral education of a child.

Skillfully selected and timely presented to the child, meaningful games expand and enrich his horizons, contribute to the development of useful character traits necessary for the formation of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality.

Didactic games
as a means of integrating the organization of the educational process into the Federal State Educational Standard.
Preschool education is designed to provide the basic foundation for a child's development. For this purpose, in the modern system of preschool education, new models of organizing the educational process are being developed. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the program should be built on the principle of integration educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.
Integration of educational activities contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize Creative skills, develops communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions. The leading factors in the emergence of these values ​​are play.
Much attention is paid to didactic games; they are both a gaming method of teaching, a form of teaching, and a gaming independent activity and a means of comprehensive development of integrative qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for the life of a preschooler in modern society, for studying for school, ensuring safety .
Didactic games develop children’s sensory abilities, consolidate certain knowledge in educational areas, contribute to the development of children’s cognitive activity, improve pronunciation, enrich vocabulary, and develop grammatical skills, which ultimately contributes to the development of intelligence. It is important to create an atmosphere of friendly attitude towards students, variability in the use of educational material, creative organization of the educational process, integration of educational areas during didactic games - all this contributes to the development of integrative qualities.
Great importance for the development of integrative qualities there are also rules of communication; when agreeing to play, be polite; do not always demand a leading role; try to clearly fulfill your role and rules in the game; if you started the game with friends, then do not leave it without their consent; treat chips and cards with care; When you finish the game, put everything in the box. These rules are not specifically learned, but conditions are created for their assimilation.
In classes and in joint activities, we try to teach children to compose fairy tales, riddles, fables, play various word games - teach them to speak correctly, develop memory and thinking. In our work we use didactic word games “Tender words”, “What is the object made of?” Didactic games of a mathematical nature are of great importance. They are introduced into children’s classes and everyday life, performing different functions; identifying, consolidating knowledge, skills, methods of action, communicating new knowledge. For example: when conducting the game “What I See” in the middle group, the teacher finds out knowledge about the signs of the size of objects and their spatial arrangement. During educational activities, preschoolers develop mathematical representations, which are reinforced in the didactic games “One-many”, “Find your home”, “Match the wheels of the train”, “Each bug on its own piece of paper”. We conduct games with the help of which children learn to name the correct color, walk around the room, looking for and naming toys of a certain color. The content of board games is varied; some types of lotto and paired pictures introduce children to individual objects (dishes, furniture, vegetables, etc.) with their qualities, and teach them to characterize them in words. Others clarify ideas about seasonal natural phenomena. For example: lotto “Seasons”, “What does anyone need” - about different professions. Like a didactic toy, a tabletop - printed game good when it requires independent mental work. Verbal games are carried out mainly in older preschool age and are important for preparing children for school
Didactic games also contribute to artistic education - improvement of movements, expressiveness of speech, development of creative imagination, bright, heartfelt presentation of the image. Productive activities can be enlivened by using the didactic games “Funny Colors” and “If I Were an Artist.” “Enchanted Pictures”, etc.
At physical education and music lessons game Many didactic games develop integrative qualities “Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills.” Motor activity in children develops the child’s brain and has a beneficial effect on nervous system, promotes compliance with basic rules healthy image life, contribute to the self-organization of children. The games can be used in the second part, with all children or with a subgroup. The more meaningful the game action and the rules of didactic games, the more active the child is. And this gives the teacher the opportunity to form relationships between children: the ability to act one by one in accordance with the rules of the game, take into account the desires of the participants in the game, and help friends in difficulties. During the game, it is possible to ensure that each child takes initiative in achieving the goal. However, these personality traits are not cultivated in a child on their own; they need to be gradually, patiently formed.
Play is indispensable as a means of developing correct relationships between children. In it, the child shows a sensitive attitude towards a friend, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, to help in trouble, etc. Therefore, the game is an excellent means of fostering collectivism. In the morning we plan lotto " Table Lotto", various pictures, geometric mosaics, "Wonderful bag", "What fairy tale are we from", "Who am I talking about", etc.
In the afternoon we take these Board games: “Cars and garages”, “Find the sail”, “Who will see more”, “Find your home” “Find a leaf of the same shape, the same color”, “What does a cloud look like.”
Parents are recommended to play games on the way to kindergarten or home: “What types of transport did you notice”, “Find an object of a given shape”, etc.
Thus, a didactic game gives the child the opportunity to realize his creative potential, since here he composes, fantasizes, thinks, and learns. The children's vocabulary is enriched.
