Role-playing game "Hospital" in the middle group. Plot: “The doll got sick

Head of the RMO: Borodina E.V., teacher, educational psychologist, MBDOU d/s “Malysh” p. Alexandrov-Gai is the process and result of a person’s assimilation and active reproduction of social experience, a system of social connections and relationships in his own experience. Contents of the educational area “Socialization” of the program “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system of social relations through solving the following tasks: familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral); the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community. development of children's play activities; Introducing basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults. Contribute to the formation of a personal attitude towards compliance (and violation) of moral norms: mutual assistance, sympathy for the offended and disagreement with the actions of the offender; approval of the actions of the one who acted fairly (divided the cubes equally) and gave in at the request of a peer. Continue to work on forming friendly relationships between children (in particular, with the help of stories about what is good about each student in the group); self-image (help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good and that he is loved). To cultivate modesty, responsiveness, the desire to be fair, strong and courageous; teach to feel a sense of shame for an unseemly act. Remind children of the need to say hello, say goodbye, call preschool workers by name and patronymic, not interfere in the conversation of adults, politely express your request, and thank them for the service provided. Introduction to elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults Self-image Family Kindergarten Home country Development of gaming activities Role-playing games Outdoor games Theatrical games Didactic games Social nature of the game The game serves as a means of transmitting “cultural acquisitions from generation to generation”, the game is social and in its content, since children reflect what they see around them, including the work of adults (G.V. Plekhanov) The game is social also in the ways of its implementation. Play activities are not invented by the child, but are set by an adult who teaches the child to play and introduces him to socially established methods of play activities. Having mastered the techniques of various games in communication with an adult, the child then generalizes the gaming methods and transfers them to other situations. This is how the game acquires self-propulsion, becomes a form of the child’s own creativity, and this determines its developmental effect (A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov). Project “Plot-role-playing games” (project leaders E.V. Borodina, L.S. Polyanina) Relevance Plot-based role-playing games occupy a leading place in the lives of children 4-5 years old. The child constructs stories with enthusiasm, strives to play a wide variety of roles, and becomes more proactive. Increased capabilities allow him to choose a theme and outline the concept of the game, arrange the playing space with the help of objects, and use various attributes in the game. But experience is sometimes not enough, and we, adults, must direct our efforts to enriching the role behavior and relationships of children in the game, which are manifested through dialogue and play action. Work on the development of the game using the example of the role-playing game “We are the military” (continued) Connection with other games Hospital: nurses provide assistance to the wounded, check the health of soldiers (listen, put thermometers, check eyesight) Family: meet a soldier. A canteen is being organized for soldiers. Hair salon: short haircuts for soldiers. Shop: shopping. Transport: military vehicle. Question: What is the structural component of the game? A role-playing game has the following structural components: plot, content, role. Game “Variety of Opinions” The children of my group love to play... (Teachers continue the sentence and talk about what role-playing games the children play) Approximate themes of role-playing games in the middle group: family games; transport games; hospital games; games to the store; workshop games; hair salon games; mail games; games for kindergarten. Game “Dispersion of Opinions” These games can teach a child ... The meaning of role-playing games Message from the teacher of the MBDOU kindergarten “Smile” Simbireva I.G. Games with cars and other vehicles - Automobile transport Water transport Air transport Railway transport Stations (river, sea, railway, bus and air terminals) Organization, development and storylines of the game “Ship” - a presentation of the work experience of a teacher in the middle group of MBDOU d/s “Baby” Polyanina L.S. within the framework of the project “Plot-role-playing games” (teachers Polyanina L.S., Borodina E.V.) Assignment: Suggest an approximate theme for the game in “Shop” Games in the store - Bakery - confectionery - Vegetable store, "Vegetable and fruit" - Meat, sausage store - Dairy store - Deli (grocery store) - Barrel (tent) with kvass - Supermarket - Clothing store - Shoe store - Furniture store - Tableware store - Household appliances store Sports store Tourist store Bookstore Musical instrument store Newsstand B store (trading floor, at the cash register, display window decoration) Warehouse Market Family games - Joint recreation Meeting (seeing off) Cleaning Apartment renovation Preparing gifts Preparing for the holiday Caring (for people, animals) Playing hospital - Hospital (work of hospital departments) - Polyclinic (doctor's office; treatment room; registry; house call) - Emergency room - Pharmacy - Veterinary clinic Games in the workshop - Tailoring and clothing repair studio Shoe sewing and repair studio Model house Photo studio Atelier "Furniture to order" Minor repair workshop (locks, keys, umbrellas, bags, etc. ) - Workshop for the manufacture of tools and devices (keys, locks) - Workshop for the repair of cars, household appliances, and mechanisms (TVs, refrigerators, electric stoves, irons). Hair salon games - Hair salon (washing, dyeing, curling, hair styling, hairstyle, manicure) - Beauty salon (makeup, herbal bar, solarium, masks and baths, hairstyles, haircuts, manicure) - Cosmetics salon (shop) Hair salon games - B within the framework of the “Plot-role-playing games” project, a hairstyle competition was organized (photos of the competition) - Game “What the masters can do” If you came to the salon, Here is your appointment... (coupon). Here they will put on a shirtfront for you, If you want, it will be... (haircut). The master took the comb in his hands and will do you... (hairstyle). Maybe wash your hair, maybe shave your beard... (shave). It turned out so beautiful, What do you say... (thank you). Mail games - Postal services - Savings bank services Kindergarten games - Classes with teachers (music director, physical instructor) - Work in kindergarten and at the site - Walks - At the stadium - In the pool - In a living corner - At the museum and at the exhibition in kindergarten - In the theater room Equipment. PRS for organizing role-playing games - Presentation of equipment for organizing role-playing games by kindergarten teachers Material on the website of MBDOU kindergarten "Baby" (on the topic of RMO) Presentation author: Elena Vladimirovna Borodina, head of RMO for secondary group teachers, educator, teacher -psychologist MBDOU d/s "Malysh" 2012-2013 academic year Sources: Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activities. System of work in the middle group of kindergarten. – M.: MozaikaSintez, 2010 Kozlova S.A. Preschool pedagogy/S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2006 Uruntaeva G.A. Child psychology - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006

Alevtina Yalpaeva
Presentation “Labor education in the role-playing game “Hospital” in the first junior group”

In preschool age plot-wise- role-playing play is the main type of independent activity of a child; it is of decisive importance for physical, moral and labor education, to understand the world around us.

As is known, in game there is no direct dependence of the child on the adult and he receives greater independence than in educational and labor activity. However, forms of play activity are learned by children under the guidance of adults, and this process begins very early. While observing gaming activity, with noticeable in the first days that everyone plays with their own toy, the guys do not unite to play together, and some of them did not play at all, but only watched. Conflicts often arose over toys: many wanted, for example, to play with a fluffy cat or a small dump truck, which were in short supply. Initially I myself take an active part in the games - I tell the kids how to build plot, distribute roles, pick up a toy, leading them to independently organize the game.

Playing together brings children great pleasure, this is where they appear the first shoots of friendship, common experiences begin. Gradually I teach children to build on their own. plot games and implement it, using the knowledge gained from observing life around us, listening to fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and stories. Observations were structured so that the center of attention was the person carrying out labor activity, for example, we observed with children the work of a driver, a nanny, doctor: we paid attention to the fact that the driver works on the car and brings us groceries, the nanny cleans the group and sets the tables, is washing dishes. Such observations helped to switch children from role-playing play actions related to the object to play actions related to the role. However, familiarization alone was not enough for the game to emerge.

I'll focus on the formation plot the most favorite game among children « Hospital» . First What I did was introduce them to the book by K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", drew attention to the cover, which depicts a doctor in a white coat, and looked at the illustrations of how Aibolit treats animals. All children showed big interest in the contents of the book and were carried away by the colorful illustrations.

We looked at pictures of a doctor with the children...

We collectively visited the medical office in the kindergarten, looked at the scales, stadiometer, cabinet where medicines, bandages, cotton wool, etc. are stored. Another time, the children directly observed the work of the medical staff. sisters. She explained to the children that the doctor takes care of their health, gives vaccinations so that no one gets sick. Then a robe with a cap and a doctor’s bag containing a thermometer and phonendoscope appeared in the playroom. I introduced the children to these attributes, explained their meaning to the children, showed them how to act, let the children themselves try to listen to dolls, bears, set a thermometer, another time I went directly to game.

All children came to the reception with their favorite toys, even those who had not previously taken part in game. Later, new medical ones were introduced into the game attributes: syringe, jars. Gradually made it more difficult plot. Having become interested, the children became more actively involved in the game. And when did they start more knowledge about the profession and some experience, we played a game in « hospital» .

To maintain interest in game, to complicate its content, I planned to introduce another role of a nurse, but first told the children that a nurse is first assistant physician: doctor examines patients and makes appointments, the nurse performs them. The role of the nurse was assigned to the most active children, the game became more lively. I spent time directing the games The greatest attention is paid to fostering friendship in children, politeness, ability to take into account the team, at the right moment she joined the game.

Big What matters here is the content of the game, during which brought up correct attitude towards environmental phenomena life: love to labor, respectful attitude towards people labor. Considering that the content of the game has big attention to the formation of the child’s personality, I develop interest in games such as « Hospital» , "Shop", in which kindness, care and politeness are formed.

Plot-wise- role-playing games have great opportunities for education children have desires and skills work. "Diana", “your doll’s bed is not made, carefully tuck in the blanket,” I say, and the girl willingly gets to work, learning how to game perform basic labor actions.

A thoughtful environment, interesting toys, a friendly company of comrades - all this makes you play with pleasure and in a good mood. Watching the progress of the game, I followed the children’s speech, quietly intervened, correcting it, and they perceived It’s like a completely natural phenomenon, they learned the correct expression.

It is necessary not only to teach children to play, but also to give them knowledge through play, educate they have moral qualities. During the game I tried to always come to their attention. help: choose the right toys, a place to play, assign roles. As a result of the work done, play has become an integral part of children’s lives and activities; they have acquired such qualities as activity, self-confidence, and the ability to unite in small groups and the main thing is to be friends.

Project of the role-playing game “Polyclinic” Second junior group Completed by: Educator Belozerova E.B. Ilyinskaya secondary school

Objectives To help enrich children's understanding of medical professions To activate subject vocabulary: doctor, thermometer, syringe, spatula, cotton wool, medicine, pills, taxi driver, cold, verb dictionary: treat, bandage, listen, measure, catch a cold Form a dialogical form of speech. Cultivate a sense of empathy for the patient Form friendly relationships in the game, interacting in a small team with a sense of humanism, responsibility, friendliness

Preliminary work Reading fiction: A. Krylov “The rooster got sick with tonsillitis”, K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “Barmaley”, V. Suteev “About the hippopotamus who was afraid to be vaccinated” Listening to the song “The doll got sick” on music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. O. Volgina Examination of illustrations and narrative paintings from the album “World of Professions” Exhibition of children’s works “Ambulance”

5. Working with parents: making medical gowns for the game 6. Making paraphernalia: prescription forms, medical records, coupons, boxes for medicines 7. Excursion to the medical office to observe the work of a nurse 8. Observation of parents and children at the work of a pharmacist 9 Conversation with a nurse (doctor) about the tools needed for work Preliminary work

story: A clinic opens with a doctor, a receptionist and a pharmacy. The patient comes, orders a coupon, takes a medical card and goes to see a doctor. At a doctor’s appointment, the “patient” complains about his health. The doctor listens to the patient’s complaints and examines him, writes a prescription and asks him to come back in a week. The patient buys medicine at the pharmacy and goes home for treatment. At the follow-up appointment, the doctor examines the patient and issues a certificate stating that the patient is healthy.

Lines of plot development Appointment of a patient with a doctor Buying medicine at a pharmacy Calling a taxi and traveling Developing the content of the game Practicing actions with objects, toys Developing humane relationships Stimulating polite relationships Introduction of basic rules

Game actions role game actions attributes doctor Listens to the patient's complaints Listens to the lungs Looks at the throat, ears Measures the temperature Writes a prescription Wishes the patient health White coat Thermometer Phonendoscope Telephone Medical card prescription the patient enters the office at the invitation of the doctor tells the doctor what is bothering him at the pharmacy buys medicine Coupon Medical card

Game actions role game actions attributes seller in a pharmacy dispenses medications according to a doctor's prescription gives a certificate about the dosage of the medicine White coat Jars, boxes of medicine covered with colored paper the receptionist fills out a coupon issues a medical card Coupon card the taxi driver changes speed approaches the stop Steering wheel Walkie-talkie Money Box gear shift

Presentation for the role-playing game "Policlinic"

GBOU "School No. 2009" SP12 compensatory group for children with mental retardation

From the experience of working as a teacher of a compensatory group for children with mental retardation Natalia Ivanovna Volodina.

This material is intended for teachers of specialized groups for teaching children with mental retardation role-playing games.

Training takes place gradually, daily both in class and in free time; different forms of teaching and methods are used, ranging from conversations with children, reading and looking at illustrations, preparation of a subject-development environment, equipment; acquaintance with attributes plot-wise- role-playing games and their purpose, etc.

In the learning process game a large role belongs to the teacher, who at the initial stage of education takes part in game, then helps with advice and actions to develop game plot, monitors the relationships between children. At the same time, correctional tasks for speech development and vocabulary enrichment are also solved.

Publications on the topic:

Modern concepts of preschool education note that a preschooler feels the need to establish positive relationships.

Project in the second junior group on the role-playing game “Doctor” Worked on the project: Sezneva N. S. Type of project: short-term, game.

Goal: Work on developing skills in gaming activities, while reflecting the work of adults. Objectives: 1. Provide basic knowledge about the work.

In role-playing games, the child’s personality, intellect, will, imagination and sociability are successfully developed. The children in our group love it very much.

Good day, dear colleagues! In the last publication you saw the attributes for a role-playing game; these were food products.

Features of organizing classes in role-playing games Among the variety of children's games, role-playing games occupy a special place; they are the child's first social practice.

Plan - summary of the plot-role-playing game. Topic: "Pharmacy" Plan - summary of the plot-role-playing game Age target: senior group Topic: “Pharmacy” Goal: expand ideas about professions.

REGULATIONS ABOUT THE COMPETITION “IN THE WORLD OF ROLE-PLAYING GAME” (production of attributes for a role-playing game) 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Creation of conditions.
