Assassin's Creed Origins - the beginning of the game. New information about Assassin's Creed: Origins leaked online Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Ubisoft seems to be picking up the pace again, which was interrupted in the last two parts of the Assassin's Creed series. The developers are apparently again preparing to release a full-fledged Assassins game every year. In addition to the fact that at E3 2018 we had the opportunity to play for an hour Assassin's Creed Odyssey, until this moment, in the strictest secrecy, we also had the opportunity to play for a few hours in Paris. It is for this reason that below are a huge number of exclusive details regarding the continuation of the series. And most importantly, all these details move the franchise into the role-playing game genre.

Setting: Ancient Greece

Assassin's Creed Odyssey. release date

This time the setting will be Ancient Greece. The events take place almost four centuries before the events in - in 431 BC. From here a new story begins and in this difficult time we are introduced to two main characters - Kassandra and Alexios.

To be clear, it’s worth noting that the main difference between Odyssey and Syndicate is that you won’t have to regularly switch between the two main characters, as was the case in Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. The authors stated that the two characters presented are simply alternate versions of the same character in the real world. By the way, from the point of view of the canons of the series, the developers explained this by the fact that the person whose memories the character experiences in the modern world thanks to the “Animus” has two possible DNA matches.

"The first choices in Assassin's Creed Odyssey are the gender of your character."

In the end, the new part has now openly and sharply decided to move away from the series about assassins into the territory of pure role-playing adventure. Therefore, if you choose a girl as the main character, you will have to behave accordingly.

However, regardless of who you play (a girl or a man), the character will still be a descendant (most likely the grandson) of the famous and illustrious King Leonidas. Yes, the same Leonidas who in the film “300 Spartans” with crazy shouts of “This is SpartAAA!” threw people into a well and for several days held back the power of almost a quarter of a million Persians with only three hundred Spartans.

In addition, the hero or heroine will receive a family heirloom from the illustrious grandfather - the spear of Leonidas. More precisely, the stump of a magical spear, which will save your character’s life more than once. And, of course, the hero will not have a cloudless childhood. After all, according to the plot, his family is being hunted by some strange and unknown cult, ruining life in every possible way. And in general, in almost a year the plague will appear in Athens. Historical fact.

And, as is now customary in the latest parts of the series, all events take place against the backdrop of important turbulent historical events. Plus, as usual, this is accompanied by the participation of familiar important historical and legendary characters of that time.

It's just politics

Assassin's Creed Odyssey. System requirements

Seventeen years later, the hero has grown up and chooses a mercenary career as his main profession. There are a huge number of people like him (mercenaries) in this tough and harsh world, so the competition is great. On the other hand, there is enough work for everyone. The bottom line is that the situation in the region is extremely unstable, since, for example, Sparta and Athens sort out their relations from time to time. And not only in diplomatic circles, but also on the battlefields. And who, if not the main character, should weaken a potential enemy by crushing him in battle.

The political intrigue system deserves special attention - this is a new mechanic for the Assassin’s Creed series. Each region, of which there are about twenty, has its own rulers. But each ruler has his own unique motives. Based on history, the Peloponnesian War is taking place in The Odyssey. Ancient Greece in connection with this war is divided into two large opposing alliances. The first is Delian, headed by Athens. The second is the Peloponnesian, led by Sparta.

“To reduce the strength of the enemy army, you can, for example, steal their weapons or burn their supplies. Moreover, the difficulty level of the task will also decrease and you won’t have to pump up extra levels to become stronger.”

The ruler of each region supports one of the warring parties to the conflict, but at the same time they do not forget about their own personal interests. So, if the ruler of one region feels that the state in the neighborhood has weakened significantly (gave weakness), he begins to go to war against it, paying the main character (heroine) and other mercenaries, thereby ensuring protection for his interests. The most interesting thing about this is that even if the neighbor is too strong, there is still a chance that a power-hungry ruler will hire the hero with the rest of the mercenaries to weaken him before the key battle.

For the first time in the history of the Assassin's Creed series, players can expect a full-fledged role-playing game. However, it was precisely for this purpose that the authors also created an extended dialogue system, which works on the same principle of a role-playing system as. To put it simply: there is a list with replicas. All replicas are divided into main and secondary. Judging by the demo that was presented to us, there will often be dialogs with choices. Not a fact, of course, since this is just a demo version, but there was plenty of choice. In general, all of these decisions will affect the world's relationship to the character. In addition, various additional options will be marked with special icons. For example, it will be possible to start a romance with other characters, or to quickly move on to the next cut-scene.

“Watching such battles makes you want to play as quickly as possible - such moments are truly worthy of attention.”

It is worth noting that to create such a dialogue system, the authors attracted the largest team of screenwriters in the history of the Assassin’s Creed series. Moreover, they even ventured into areas in which they had done nothing before. In particular, this concerns the elaboration of non-linear dialogues. So players will have the opportunity to choose how to conduct a conversation and achieve their goal. It will be possible to threaten, persuade and even lie. In the game you can talk with Hippocrates or have a philosophical debate with the famous Socrates. And in this regard, “Odyssey” has an important difference from “Syndicate”: from now on, the conversation will not be reduced to the fact that in the end the hero will receive a task. Finally, players will be given the opportunity to have a normal conversation with an interesting historical figure. The bonus is small, but still nice.

Global changes

Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Pre-order

In addition, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey will introduce ways of social interaction previously unseen in the series. From now on, the actions of the protagonist or heroine will not go unpunished. For example, if you steal in front of everyone, then someone will definitely put a reward on your head. If you kill a person in front of a crowd, the reward on your head will double. The logic is quite simple: the more often you break the law, the greater the reward on your head and the more often and more persistently the mercenaries will hunt for your character. Of course, it will be possible to moderate their ardor by finishing off a couple of the most stubborn ones, but this will only slightly weaken their interest in you. You should not expect that justice will be avoided in this way. So if you don’t want problems for yourself, if you don’t want to “tie your hands” during the passage, then it’s better to try to act as carefully and quietly as possible.

“There are role-playing interactions in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. This detail is present both in the main points and in the secondary ones. The demo showed that there are plenty of role-playing interactions in the game."

The Assassin's Creed series is evolving into a full-fledged RPG, and Odyssey specifically takes cues from The Witcher and Dragon Age series to provide the main characters with active personal lives, for example. The authors paid great attention to the fact that when playing as a woman or a man, you can in any case enter into a romantic relationship with absolutely any gender. You can even intervene in the relationship of an already established couple. You can take away a girl or even a guy. Gaming heartthrobs will like it, but many understand that this is far from the main thing in an RPG and, first of all, it is worth focusing great attention on other details. So, perhaps this innovation, which the authors boast so much about, will play a cruel joke on them.

The narrative system has also undergone changes. Due to the fact that a non-linear narrative appeared, different lines followed. The main storyline takes place exclusively on the mainland and is a standalone story. However, as it should be. As for the subplots in the regions and islands, as soon as you go there, consider it a new story. The main feature is that all these subplots are presented separately, but are still closely intertwined with the main plot of the game.

“The developers claim that the choice will not always be predictable. Someone may not believe your lies, and trying to have an affair can only worsen your relationship with the character and much more.”

The demo featured two islands ruled by a tyrant. They propose to overthrow the tyrant. However, this person is interesting to the character not only because of the reward, but also because of personal problems: the tyrant, it turns out, is a member of a mysterious cult that is hunting for the protagonist’s family. The point is that the presented side quest is considered a side quest, but in terms of the plot it is not really a side quest. Because the end of this task will affect the main storyline. Of course, to a lesser extent than the actions that were performed as part of the main quests. In addition to all this, the issue can be resolved in another way. For example, help suppress the uprising of the tyrant and solve family problems differently. It is worth noting that this option was not in the demo version, but the developers said that such an option exists. In what exact place, at what stage of the game is unknown.

So, now you know that almost every subplot has several possible endings. In the demo version, after the death of the tyrant and the successful capture of the region, the character was treated to a celebration on the occasion of sailing back to the mainland. Moreover, everyone who had to meet during the mission came there. Some characters may die if you don't complete the task, or they simply won't show up at the party if you miss the task. You can talk to each NPC and find out something. You might even want to give some motivational speech before you move on. The tone and message of the speech can be chosen. It is not yet clear whether this somehow affects the fate of the region if you return back after a certain time.

All these details prompt us to ask only one question: how interesting will such a gameplay be if it has to be repeated, for example, 20 times? We can only hope that the developers will show talent. It will be unpleasant if soon there is a desire to spit on the subplot lines in order to quickly go through the main plot line with its intrigues. Therefore, it is still unclear how exactly the new gameplay system will show itself in practice: it will be the same type, boring, and not particularly affecting anything. Or it’s fascinating and with its own consequences, which, one way or another, will be reflected in the storyline.

History is written by the winners

Assassin's Creed Odyssey release

Another important advantage that the developers of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey emphasized is that from now on all events will not be fixed, despite the fact that there is a historical context. And this means that it will be possible to choose any side in the upcoming conflict, kill anyone. Steal anything. Chat with whoever you want. From now on, the character will not be associated with certain events that were previously written down in history books.

This decision is most likely due to the new Animus settings. Although the developers mentioned this only briefly. The only thing that is known for sure is that the main character of Assassin’s Creed: Origins, Leila Hassan, will again be the main character of our time. Now she's going to find out what really happened in Ancient Greece. And players will shape the truth through their own unique Assassin's Creed Odyssey walkthrough.

“An example of when there is a bounty on a character’s head and a mercenary comes for your skin. Please note that battles with such bounty hunters are much more difficult than with ordinary ordinary guards.”

Of course, most of the battles you will take part in are based on historical events. The fact remains that all skirmishes unfold against the backdrop of the Peloponnesian War. However, a large number of battles are formed without necessarily being linked to real facts. So whether a fight happens or not depends on the character too. Therefore, if at a certain moment one neighbor feels the urge to attack his other neighbor, he will definitely attack, even if this does not correspond to the real historical truth.

In general, battles in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey are one big meat grinder. The character will be taken to the battlefield with certain tasks. For example, kill a couple of commanders-in-chief, or slaughter a certain number of soldiers. Loyalty to the region is usually at stake. It could be either Athens or Sparta. The decision to join the side on which you are fighting depends on your victory.

Spartan hardening

Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Trailer

With pumping everything is quite simple. There are three branches for leveling up skills. The first is secrecy. The second is hunting. The third is battles. Something new in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will include active skills - kick, for example. Again, a small reference to the film “300 Spartans” and grandfather Leonid. Another interesting skill is the ability to take away a shield from an enemy. And most importantly, all techniques will consume energy from a special scale, which will gradually fill up during the battle.

Otherwise, the combat system of Odyssey is not much different from the combat system in Origins. Although there is another important point in the gameplay and leveling up - the level of enemies now increases with the level of the character. So if in Assassin’s Creed: Origins it was possible to stumble upon a missed location with level 5 enemies, now this will no longer happen. It will not be possible to come as a level thirty character to kill level five enemies. Of course, you won’t be bored, but it seems that the developers are trying their best to stretch out the possibly boring gameplay.

"This is Sparta!".

And since Ancient Greece includes many island regions, normal naval battles will appear. More precisely, an open, seamless sandbox for sea battles. By the way, you can take mercenaries on board. For example, those mercenaries who accompany the character during missions. The vessel can be pumped up and customized as you please. But unlike Black Flag, a new change has appeared: sunken ships no longer just disappear, but sink beautifully.

The Mediterranean space in Assassin's Creed Odyssey will be full of dangers and adventures. Literally in every bay there will be Spartans or Athenians - depending on which side you take. Sharks swim in the sea, and amphoras with gold lie deep at the bottom in the holds of sunken ships.

But get ready for the fact that all the ships of that time were oared. Based on this fact, galleys will be more maneuverable and nimble than, for example, frigates of the 18th century. And you will have to fight not with guns, but with burning arrows and spears, while maneuvering at a distance of one spit.

* * * * *

“Odyssey” is currently a very beautiful and intriguing project. New mechanics, new features and non-linearity are also a plus. However, it must be remembered that Ubisoft understands absolutely nothing about RPGs. And the Assassin’s Creed series became famous in a completely different genre. It's time to forget now exactly what happened before. And think about how, thanks to the RPG genre, the developers do not turn the game into a store of virtual things that can be bought for real money. In addition, it is very similar to “Origins”, but only now with the “taste” of Ancient Greece, sea battles, characters to choose from and love lines. So far, watching the new RPG, you understand that the game is still far from mastodons like The Witcher or Dragon Age series. Assassin's Creed Odyssey release date scheduled for October 5, 2018.

Name: Assassin's Creed: Origins
Year of release: October 27, 2017
Genre: Action, RPG, Adventure, 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: PC
Edition type: Repack
Interface language: Russian English
Voice language: Russian, English
Tablet: Sewn in (CODEX)

Description: Assassin's Creed: Origins is a computer action video game with a third-person view, created by the Canadian studio Ubisoft Montreal.
The new Assassin's Creed was first shown at the E3 2017 gaming exhibition, where the developers showed a detailed trailer with a full overview of the gameplay. The tenth game in the series was released the same year on the most popular gaming platforms, including new generation consoles and PCs.

For the first time in years, we've been given an Assassin's Creed that doesn't go further into the future. After all, let us remember that the last part reached right up to the 19th century and was not received very well. Now we are plunged into the times of Ancient Egypt - not when the pharaohs still ruled, but into the Egypt of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Thus, we find ourselves in the center of one of the Hellenistic states of the Mediterranean, where Cleopatra herself will one day rule.

In addition to their own Egypt, players will meet representatives of the Greek city-states, as well as the growing power of the Roman Republic until it became the leading state in the world.

As for the Brotherhood of Assassins itself, the players were shown where the famous order actually began and what its original ideals and creed were. The main enemy - the Order of the Templars - will not yet exist, since it was created only during the Crusades. However, the developers showed the organization that led to the formation of the order.

In the new part, the graphics have noticeably improved, the combat system has undergone major changes, retaining all its best qualities. The parkour system now allows you to conquer rocks. Among the innovations we can note the use of your own eagle, which always accompanied the assassins, but previously they were not allowed to control it.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, 8, 10 (64-bit);
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400s @ 2.5 GHz or AMD FX-6350 @ 3.9 GHz or equivalent;
RAM: 6 GB;
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD R9 270 (2048 MB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or better);
Sound card: DirectX® 11 compatible sound device
Free hard disk space: 69.2 GB

Game Features:
The Mysterious World of Ancient Egypt - Find tombs lost in the sands, explore the great pyramids, uncover the secrets hidden within mummies, and learn about the intentions of the last pharaohs and even the gods themselves.
The beginning of the story - It's time to go back to the roots. For the first time, the game will show the opening chapter of the Assassin's Creed story. Your character is Bayek, defender of Egypt. It is with his fate that events are connected, the result of which will be the creation of the Brotherhood of Assassins.
Updated action-RPG mechanics – You will have to master completely updated combat mechanics. You can get many types of weapons with a variety of properties. Try out a well-developed progression system in the best traditions of the RPG genre, choose skills and test your strength by fighting especially dangerous bosses.
Memorable adventures in every mission – Complete missions at your own pace. Each task is a new story that will not leave anyone indifferent. Bright characters and amazing achievements await you.
New territories – Your path will run from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the pyramids in Giza among sultry deserts and blooming oases. You will have to fight off wild beasts and fight merciless warriors to explore this mysterious and incomprehensible region.

Features of Repack:
- Based on a release from CPY
- All localizations except English and Russian have been cut out / Not recoded
- Game archives have not been opened
- Game version 1.5.1
- Assassin's Creed: Origins - Calamity Blade
- Assassin's Creed: Origins - Desert Viper Pack
- Assassin's Creed: Origins - Naval Quest
- Assassin's Creed: Origins - Roman Centurion Pack
- Assassin's Creed: Origins - The Hidden Ones
- Assassin's Creed: Origins - The Curse of the Pharaohs
- Change the language in the game settings menu in any combination
- Installation time 15 minutes on HDD (Depends on the computer)
Repack by xatab
Will not work with processors without support for SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.2, SSE4.1 instructions

A pre-order card for the gold edition of the new Assassin's Creed title from the Target retail chain has appeared on the Internet. The image shows that the game, as expected, will be called Assassin's Creed: Origins. The shot also shows the supposed protagonist (rumored to be named Ba Yek) approaching a massive pyramid. Well, another rumor has been confirmed - the game will take place in an ancient Egyptian setting. By the way, according to that leak, the game was supposed to be called Assassin’s Creed: Empire, but the developers decided to use a different option.

According to the pre-order card, Assassin's Creed: Origins Gold Edition will come with the game itself, the Deluxe Pack, and the Season Pass. All this will be packed in a stylish steel case. There's no word yet on what additional content fans can expect from the Deluxe Pack and Season Pass. The only thing that is more or less clear is that people who pre-ordered will get access to the “Secrets of the First Pyramid” mission, whatever that means.

A year later, Ubisoft has officially confirmed that a new part of Assassin's Creed will be released during the current financial year, which means that, at the latest, by May 2018 we will be able to try out the latest Assassin. The company has not yet announced anything more, but is only teasing its fans with a promo image with the inscription “The beginning of a new era.”

Ubisoft is expected to officially announce Assassin's Creed: Origins at the upcoming E3 during their briefing. This will take place in the afternoon of June 12. Let's keep our finger on the pulse.

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Assassin's Creed Origins - Prologue: the beginning of the game, introduction. Where to start the game.

Immediately after starting a new game, you will be able to watch the introductory animation. Here begins our guide to Assassin's Creed Origins, in which we will take you through the entire story and thus the main missions, all the sequences, side collateral and much more.

Once you gain control of the hero, you will immediately face your first enemy. This will be Hypatos. Although it looks very scary, he is at a very low level because the first experience level, which in simplified terms means that he has similar combat statistics as you. Its level is shown numerically in the service data of the icon.

This stage, or first fight, is primarily a tutorial where you will learn the basic rules of moving, blocking Assassin's Creed Origins hits, and taking your own. On-screen commands will help you during key moments of the battle, which at some point take unexpected turns.

After exchanging a few blows, the ground will slide down and you will find yourself in another arena.

After falling to a lower level and a short animation where the enemy gains a shield and you pick up your weapon, you will continue to fight. You will learn how to target your target as well as break a block with your shield. In the later stages of the game, using a shield is not necessary, but tactics using this tool are highly recommended.

After defeating an opponent, look for his body, which will give you a heavy opponent's bat. The game will ask you to call the equipment menu, thus walking you through the process of changing weapons. However, you don't have to do this. Instead, head towards the wall visible in the image, then interact with the cockroaches to escape the trap.

Complete the interaction here to unlock the transition.

This will give you an old crypt that you can explore for gold and other objects. However, it is impossible to get rich here, but it is a good place for mountain climbing and jumping between obstacles.

When you find yourself in the middle of the room, the game will prompt you to use the Animus impulse to reveal important objects, places and numbers in the immediate vicinity. Just tap for longer on-screen display.

Using this trick, you can discover all the places in the crypt that hide treasures. However, when you get bored with your search, head forward to finally jump between the destroyed columns and reach the crypt exit, as shown in the picture below.

There is a very simple way to get out of the crypt. Previously, however, you can explore all the recesses of the site.

After climbing towards the exit, you will notice a cracked wall followed by many cockroaches. All you have to do is hit the crack twice to come out. After jumping down, you will notice your ally (marked with a blue icon) being attacked by inferior soldiers.
