Assassins creed 4 black flag online game. Modes

Platform: PC, PS3, X360, PS4, X-ONE, Wii U
Language: Russian text, Russian sound

CPU: Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.5 GHz or AMD Phenom II x4 940 @ 3.0 GHz or better
RAM: 4 GB or more
Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or AMD Radeon HD 4870 (supporting Shader Model 4.0 or higher)
DirectX: DirectX from June 2010
Sound card:
Hard disk space: 30 GB

OS: Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 / Windows 8 (32/64 bit)
CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q8400 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz
Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 470 or AMD Radeon HD 5850 (1024 MB VRAM supporting Shader Model 5.0) or better
DirectX: DirectX from June 2010
Sound card: DirectX compatible sound card with the latest drivers
Hard disk space: 30 GB
Controllers: keyboard, mouse, additional controller

Multiplayer: connection 256 kbps (or higher - recommended).

Caribbean Islands circa 1715. The story of "Assassins" is transferred to the times of pirate control of land and sea, times of lawlessness, cruelty and greed. Captain Edward Kenway, along with his outstanding heroism, finds himself in an eternal skirmish between the Templars and the Assassins.

About single storyline everyone has heard: the search for great treasures, the hidden blade of the order, sabers, pistols, ship control, sea battles, many pirates, open world, hunting animals. But a miracle... The developers also promised to make multiplayer the best in the series.

Co-op mode"Wolf Pack" has turned into two separate modes here - Discovery and Unleashed. The first one is actually a training session for online multiplayer and co-op with a storyline for 4 players. But the second one is very similar to the cooperative mode from the previous part with joint sequential kills. You need to eliminate given targets as quickly and effectively as possible, increasing the seconds on the timer, while protecting treasure chests, killing disguised pursuers and other enemies together with 3 friends.
And, of course, there are new characters with a pirate theme, other maps, as well as expanded customization options.

It is also worth noting other competitive modes:

  • Frantic Mode- modified "Wanted". You need to destroy targets consistently and as quickly as possible. Actions are rewarded with points; the more effective and accurate the more, the more. Gradually, a crowd of pursuers will gather behind you, wanting to kill you. The player with the most points before dying wins.
  • Pistoler Mode– another subtype of “Wanted” – but here you can only use long-range weapons, the set of abilities is fixed (Pistol, Animus Shield, Disguise).
  • Purist Mode– everything is the same, but you can’t use abilities at all.
    There are many variations of modes, plus you can create your own in GameLab.

    Look more clearly at the gameplay videos at the end of the description and in previous publications. Alas, such impressive naval battles will not be available in multiplayer (the developers say that it was difficult to balance them, i.e. they were too lazy or didn’t have time).

    Vaunted GameLab will allow players to create online modes, choose abilities, restrictions and rewards. You can share your creations or try them with friends.

    Information about network modes:

    The best prices:


    Multiplayer gameplay

    Multiplayer gameplay 2

  • In Assassin's Creed 4 multiplayer: Black Flag will not naval battles. As the site has learned, despite recognizing sea battles as one of the most exciting elements, players will not be able to test the strength of their ships.

    « You need to understand that a very large and dedicated team in Singapore worked for almost two and a half years to implement naval battles in the single-player campaign of Assassin’s Creed III. In Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag this element will be even better, but only in single player. We considered the possibility of implementing this element in multiplayer, we wanted to do it in the game. And they took it seriously"explains lead multiplayer designer, Tim Browne.

    « We think it would be cool, but at the same time we tried to do water battles. For technical reasons this is not possible».

    As the site learned, one of the key obstacles on the way of ships to multiplayer was the ocean. The developers tried to accurately convey the behavior of the water in the game's waters, including splashes from cannonballs, waves and their interaction with ships.

    « If you want all this to work well in multiplayer, you will have to perfectly copy the ocean. This became one of the biggest obstacles. We didn't want to get involved in this. Implementing a high-quality ocean simulation in multiplayer was impossible in the time we had"- said director Damien Kieken.

    The developers also noted that the idea of ​​​​implementing battles on ships does not really fit the philosophy of the game's multiplayer mode. Key element The game still remains an assassin - a secretive, inconspicuous and deadly warrior. Team

    Problems connecting to multiplayer in Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag on PS4


    I have problems problems with multiplayer Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag on PS4 . What should I do ?


    Where do I begin?

    Please follow the instructions below:

    1. Check connection to the Internet.
    Start with testing network connections:

    1. Login dynamic menu PlayStation 4.
    2. Click up to go to the Options panel (at the top of the screen).
    3. Switch to Networks and press the X button.
    4 . Select TestInternet connections.
    5 . Select Check Internet connection.

    Testing network connection on PS4

    If the test shows your connection type like NAT 3, it will connect to another and PS4 may not work. Also you you may run into problems when connected to the network.

    2. Check your NAT type in game.
    To find out if the game is configured correctly for online mode, you can check the type NAT right in Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag. In the Multiplayer menu, click Options and Data( Options and Data).

    Here you will see your NAT type. You may have to wait a bit while the system collects the information.After this you will see the following:

    Open- If your NAT type is open, you will not have problems with online mode.
    Moderate- If your NAT type is Moderate, you will have trouble connecting to other players who have Strict NAT
    Strict- If your NAT type is strict, you will only be able to play with users who have an open NAT type.

    If you have a moderate or poor NAT type, you may have trouble connecting to your friends or other players.Matchmaking(the process of connecting to other players) may take a long time and as a result you will not be able to connect.

    3. Check your traffic in the game.
    In Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, you can see the bandwidth of your Internet channel. From the Multiplayer menu, select Options and after a short wait, information will be displayed to show how well the connection is working. Ideally, you should see a message informing you that your download speed is good (see below).

    If you have moderate or poor bandwidth, you will notice that other players will teleport and move late.To improve the quality of your connection, you should check other devices that share an Internet connection. You should close them or disconnect while playing online.

    If other players have poor bandwidth, but yours is good, you will not notice any consequences in the game. You can check how good other players' bandwidth is by looking at the little colored bar that appears next to their name, as shown below:

    How can Isolve this problem?
    Please follow the instructions below to improve multiplayer performance:

    Reboot your network equipment:

    1. Turn off your PlayStation 4 and your router/router. Wait 15 - 30 seconds.

    2. Turn on your router/router (turning on may take a few minutes for your connection to be fully restored).

    3. Turn on your PlayStation 4 and check the connection again.

    Network ports

    If you still can't change the NAT type, you'll need to route the network ports below to your console's IP address for the best possible connection:

    UDP: 3478, 3479, 3658, 4646
    TCP: 80, 443, 1935, 3478, 3479, 3480

    Network Port Forwarding Example

    Instructions for setting up network ports are specific to the software used and can be found on the manufacturer's web page. Also, for help, you can check free resources such as Port Forward. Please note that this site is not affiliated with Ubisoft.


    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, try placing your PlayStation 4 in a DMZ on your router or (if possible) establishing a direct connection to your modem and try again.

    Traffic throttling/Blocked ports

    You may encounter restrictions from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the problem connecting to multiplayer is not resolved, contact your Internet provider for additional information about any specific restrictions placed on the previously mentioned network ports.

    The problem is not solved?

    If, after performing these steps, problems remain, please contact support, stating Full description your problem, including any error messages you received.

    Navigation bar


    Play a session in any of the competitive modes

      Mode: Team Duration: 2 rounds of 5 minutes Number of players (2-8) Min. players in open game(4)Min. players in a private game (2)This team mode is divided into 2 separate rounds. Together with your allies, you will play as pursuers in one round and as targets in another. Playing as the pursuers, you need to kill the assigned targets. Increase your approach indicator and coordinate with your allies to get more points for kills. When playing as targets, you need to survive. Hide with your allies to increase your score. Use the crowd and the environment to confuse your opponents. At the end of the second round, the team with the highest total score wins.
      Mode: Team Duration: (10 minutes) Number of players (2-8) Min. players in open play (4)Min. players in a private game (2)Coordinate with your allies to protect your artifact from the opposing team. Steal an enemy artifact and deliver it to your base to earn points. The map is divided into 2 camps. In your camp, you are a pursuer for any player from the enemy team who tries to steal your artifact. The compass will only show enemy carriers. In the enemy camp, you are the target. Use the crowd and surroundings to remain undetected for as long as possible. When time runs out, the team with the most artifacts wins.
      Mode: Team Duration: (10 minutes) Number of players (2-8) Min. players in open play (4)Min. players in a private game (2)In this mode, the map is divided into 3 territories. Together with your allies, capture territories and then defend them from the opposing team. In enemy territory, you become a target. To capture territory, enter the capture zone, use the crowd and the environment so that you are not detected until the capture is completed. When a zone is captured and you are in your territory, you become a pursuer. Defend your capture zone and kill any enemy who tries to capture it. The more territories your team has, the more points you have. The winner is the team that fills the entire scale or, if time runs out, the team that fills most of the scale.
      Mode: All against all Duration: (10 minutes) Number of players (3-8) Min. players in open play (4)Min. players in a private game (3)In this mode, your main task is to find and kill designated targets while avoiding pursuers. Take cover in the crowd and use your copies to confuse your pursuers. You can also use the compass to get closer to your target, fill up your approach meter and get more points per kill. Remember, the higher your rank, the more pursuers will hunt you. When time runs out, the player with the most points wins.
      Mode: All against all Duration: (10 minutes) Number of players (3-8) Min. players in open play (4)Min. players in a private game (3)In this mode, your main task is to fight against other players on small area, without copies and compasses. This means that your character is unique until the copy creation abilities are used. Your pursuers are also unique in this mode. Rely on your awareness to spot targets and pursuers, and use the environment for cover to fill your approach meter and earn more points for kills. Remember, the higher your rank, the more pursuers will hunt you. When time runs out, the player with the most points wins.
      Mode: All against all Duration: (10 minutes) Number of players (2-8) Min. players in open play (4)Min. players in a private game (2)In this mode, you need to choose and find your own target. A special compass will help you determine the location of other players closest to you on large maps. Observation and reaction are your main skills in this advanced mode. Use your copies and crowd to prevent other players from spotting and killing you, and fill up your approach meter to get more points per kill. Remember, if you are stunned by your target, you will respawn. When time runs out, the player with the most points wins.


    Play a co-op Wolfpack session in Adventure or Unlimited mode

    Wolf Pack is a co-op game mode where players must coordinate their actions to complete stages and defeat the map's biggest villain before the session time runs out. At each stage, the player must reach the point limit by making quality kills on archetypes. Upon reaching this limit, the player receives additional time and a new stage begins with its own wave of archetypes. With each new stage of archetypes, they become more difficult to kill, they notice players faster, become more active and use improved abilities. ARCHETYPES Archetypes are enemies that players perceive as targets. There are different archetypes, each with their own behavior. Cowards will run away as soon as they spot the player and use disorienting abilities such as double or cloak, while fighters will try to stun players and use active abilities such as smoke bomb or bodyguard. The higher the stage, the smarter the archetype. SYNCHROKILLS Some stages feature a special display and players will be asked to synchronize their actions while committing a kill. Together, approach the victim and take positions before attacking. For synchro-killing, players are rewarded with additional points and a special kill animation. PROTECTION At some stages, players will have to protect chests from special archetypes. Coordinate with your allies to guard all the chests and kill anyone who tries to grab them. Behind successful completion During the defense phase, players are awarded additional points based on the remaining loot. INFECTION Collecting antidotes temporarily restores the ability to kill for the entire team. Coordinate with your allies to find infected targets, collect antidotes, and kill as many targets as possible before the antidote's effect wears off. Killing all infected targets marks the successful completion of the infection stage and promises a reward for each unspent antidote. ADVENTURE In adventure mode you will visit all the main locations Caribbean Sea and learn all the necessary basics for successful game into a wolf pack. This mode gives great opportunity prepare to play wolf pack without borders. COMPLEXITY In wolf pack mode without borders ( private game) you can choose 3 difficulty levels: standard, difficult or nightmare. The more difficult the level, the higher the point limit and the less extra time, and the archetypes become more active and can detect the player faster. Also, as the difficulty level increases, the number of stages increases: at the standard level - 25, at the nightmare level - 35. To unlock subsequent difficulty levels, you must first complete the standard difficulty. SELECTION OF PLAYERS The wolf pack can be played by 2 players in an open game by selecting the WOLF PACK (OPEN GAME) - STANDARD item in the wolf pack without borders menu, or no more than 4 players by selecting the WOLF PACK (PRIVATE GAME) item of any difficulty level.


    Create your own game mode or join open play in modes created by other players.
