Black desert characters. Character classes in Black Desert

Today we will talk about the game Black Desert. A lot of people are trying to figure out what classes will be featured in this online project. We will try to help them in this review.

General information

So, before us is the game Black Desert. There are nine classes presented here: ranger, valkyrie, blader, wizard, summoner, barbarian, sorceress, archer, warrior. The project is under development. There are currently 5 active classes. The character's gender plays a key role. It is he who influences the tactics and style of combat, as well as skills in Black Desert. There are no classes dividing players by profession here. The skill tree has been implemented, but it is individual. The project does not have a maximum level of character development.


We have already provided general information about the game Black Desert. An overview of the classes will follow. And we'll start with the Mystic. We are talking about a fragile, charming girl who specializes in close combat and wields melee weapons. In addition, she can summon a pet. You can't completely rely on it, but it's ideal as a secondary weapon. The Mystic's main defense is a short sword. With this, the girl is capable of performing a quick series of attacks. Members of this character class have various spells. They are able to reduce the enemy's defense and attack. Magic class. Uses mana for skills. If the character's development level is high enough, the Mystic will be able to saddle a pet and then attack opponents on horseback.

Black Desert (classes): Barbarian

In this case we are talking about a ruthless character. The class is similar to people, but much higher than them. This option is ideal for project participants who prioritize character strength. The barbarian uses axes as his main weapon. The main feature is the transformation into a werewolf, which lasts several seconds. The character can cause enormous damage, also capture, and then throw enemies around. The main disadvantages of the Barbarian are clumsiness and slowness. It is difficult for him to cope with several opponents at the same time. However, this class has no equal if the opponent attacks alone. The skills in this case depend on the level of Fury. It accumulates through the damage the enemy has received. The Barbarian is the only class that has an exclusively male gender.

Other classes

This game also has an Archer class. We are talking about peace-loving elves. However, they are always ready to defend their territory and life. This class is created for connoisseurs of ranged combat. He is distinguished by his special beauty and dexterity. The main feature is accuracy and speed. The main weapon is a bow. Their skills depend on a special energy, it is called EP. When entering a fight on the side of archers, it is important to keep enemies at a distance and not let them get closer to you. The sorceress is included in the group but is considered an outcast among her own people. The main feature is dark magic. The main weapon is knowledge. She uses sacred talismans as weapons. He puts them on his hands. The witch is considered a magician. Character skills consume MP. A warrior is a member of the human race. He is fluent with a shield and sword. He is agile and has tremendous attack speed. With his second hand he holds a shield, it increases defense, resistance and allows him to stun. The appearance of this class of characters is classic. The female warrior is called Valkyrie. You can create a Valkyrie by accumulating rage, causing damage to enemies. It is currently unknown when this character will be fully introduced into the project. The warrior has received a number of amazing skills; few characters can resist him. Now you know everything you need to know about the game Black Desert. We have described the character classes as fully as possible.

Two months have already passed since the launch of the open beta test of Black Desert Online, and you know that the game is a good success, even despite the dissatisfaction of many players with the actions of Russian localizers. However, now there is an increase in online activity on Russian-language servers, which indicates an increasing interest of third-party players in this project, and perhaps soon I hope we will not call this MMORPG a “project”, but will move on to such a concept as a “masterpiece”!

Based on the fact that the Black Desert game is gaining its popularity, there is a noticeable high demand for guides, reviews and any useful information about the deep content of this game. And the content, by the way, is very deep, since it contains so much that very few TOP online games can stand next to this project. Therefore, you will have to learn the game at all stages of character development in order to ultimately pump up a dressed and sharpened character to the maximum with a cap on all body parameters, maximum limits on influence points and energy. And in order for a newcomer to Black Desert to move in the right direction, it was decided to write this guide and shed light on important aspects of the BDO game that relate to character development. Now get ready, in order to learn a lot of interesting developments of the main character, we will plunge into a long journey!!!

So, let’s skip the moment of choosing a class, since the decision to take any class is a purely subjective opinion, and if you ask the question - which classes rule in Black Desert, then the answer will be unequivocal - there are no such classes! Here, any class can stand up for itself with dignity and effectively destroy a bunch of monsters in PVE. Therefore, choose the class in which you have more heart and interest, or have successful experience in other MMORPGs, since skill plays a significant role.

What you need to know after creating a character and the starting location inBlackDesert.

From the moment your character appears in the BDO world, try not to immediately rush to raise your character’s level, galloping through new locations. Because the starting location has enough content to explore. Be sure to complete all the quests first and go around all the NPCs that are marked on your mine map with a white question mark. Explore every monster you encounter and wander through all areas of the starting location to open new territories and trade and transport hubs. By these actions, you will replenish your character’s knowledge base, which will make it possible to increase the limit of influence points and energy. You can find out more about knowledge in Black Desert in this guide

We decide on the build and the node system.

To build your network of nodes in Black Desert you need to know a little information about real estate, how to build barracks for workers, warehouses, etc.

Now that you have built a small production network of your own, you can master professions. Remember that the more you replenish your knowledge base, the more you will receive the limit of energy points, and the more often you complete quests, you will increase your supply of influence points.

Use energy points correctly and rationally, for example, you can do cooking, fishing, alchemy, crafting things, etc. And the created items are profitable to sell at auction.

As practice shows, in this game you need to be able to combine grinding, completing quests, a production network and crafting. This is the only way you can quickly put on gold equipment and sharpen it to the maximum.

If you have already created a strong network of nodes with numerous workers who are working to get resources for you, let’s say, if there are already more than 20 workers, then, if possible, leave the computer on at night so that the workers collect a normal amount of resources. And load your character himself with goods and give him a route in a circle so that he pumps up his stamina.

We have acquired resources, now we are working with an auction, and I wrote that word correctly – “we are working.” After all, in the game Black Desert, the auction lives a full life of its own and you always need to monitor price dynamics, because if you put up your lots and neglect them for a long time, then your resources may simply lie on the auction floor as unnecessary rubbish. You can find out how to use the auction in this guide.

We spend our silver wisely.

Remember that silver in the game is primarily needed for consumables (cans of HP, repairing things, etc.), as well as for purchasing and sharpening weapons and armor.

You can purchase chiseled armor and weapons at +15 in several ways:

  • Sharpen it yourself;
  • Buy chiseled already at + 15;
  • Buy a less sharpened one and sharpen it to the maximum.

I initially supported the second option, but decided to experiment with the third option. I bought Yuri’s sword at +12 and began sharpening it myself to +15, which happened only after I spent 12 million silver on sharpening and repairs. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that when choosing any of the above options for purchasing an item chiseled at +15, you still spend exactly as much as the point process itself requires you to do, and there is definitely no winning option, since this way or that way, but silver You will have to spend in large quantities, no matter how you look!

Leveling up and quests.

When grinding, always take food with you, which adds certain stats to you, and always use food on cooldown, even when you are not grinding, since each use of food increases the level of your health limit. In addition to food for quality, always take cans of HP for critical situations. Load your horse with armor of strength, preferably 2 or 3 parts of the set, which adds a good amount of weight carrying capacity. This set can be worn when we need to do quests with quest items, but due to the limit of over 100% this is impossible. Therefore, by taking the power set from your horse and wearing it, you will increase the weight limit and after that you can safely ride and turn in the completed quests.

By the way, while grinding, try to get to know your character in battle as best as possible by experimenting with different skills and their combinations. Combo skills play a significant role in Black Desert, as their effectiveness increases.

Quests play a significant role in the game, as you receive: influence points, items that open backpack slots, raid boss scrolls, and much more. However, there are many such quests that give a very small reward, and it is precisely such tasks that it is better not to take.

It is important to note that you always complete quests according to the storyline, as the evil spirit gives you a good reward for them, especially when fighting bosses. Therefore, it is better not to ignore the storyline.

At lvl 50+, the evil spirit will give daily quests for boss summoning scrolls. It is advisable to go through them, and then kill the bosses themselves alone. They drop points and items that can be exchanged for points. In addition, scrolls for summoning bosses can drop from a mob during simple grinding, which makes it possible to additionally earn even more enchantments.

Finally, it is worth mentioning such an important resource as time. After you understand most aspects of the game, try to always plan your time in the game for different actions. After all, due to the fact that there are no teleports in Black Desert, a lot of time is spent moving between locations. Therefore, try to immediately determine when you will prepare resources for crafting, engage in crafting, grind mobs and complete quests.

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Many fans of MMORPG games take the choice of a character in the game, his customization (creating a unique appearance), and the selection of personality traits extremely seriously.

This is due to the fact that the vast majority of gamers strongly associate themselves with their gaming “Alter Ego”, and therefore creating a character (as the beginning of acquaintance with each new MMORPG) is a kind of formation of a new life for oneself. I want the character to be as interesting, charismatic as possible, and most importantly, to match the player’s character. Many people create a character similar to themselves, their friends or idols; others - some ideal of appearance, how they might like to look. The large selection of classes in Black Desert and the widest possibilities for customization in the game will definitely help you create exactly what you want.

The right class, gender, and appearance will ensure that long hours spent in the future in this online game will be comfortable and exciting.

Each player has his own preferences and characteristics of the game. Some people like to crush crowds of gaming monsters with a huge sword, standing on the front line, some, on the contrary, prefer to hit targets from the shadows without showing themselves to the enemy, and some choose not to fight at all, but to heal their allies.

You need to approach the choice of game class wisely. Most often, if a certain class turns out to be uncomfortable for a player, he will abandon it and start playing with another, more suitable one. That is why, in order not to waste time and effort, those starting to play Black Desert Online need to familiarize themselves with basic information about the character classes in the game, find out their description and main features.

This brief overview represents a general description of the Black Desert game classes available for selection at the time the game is released on the Russian-language servers of the game - Warrior, Barbarian, Archer, Mystic, Sorceress.

Brief description of the class: classic swordsman, Warrior - a class found in almost every role-playing game. In Black Desert, the Warrior class is quite canonical, it is a classic knight in armor with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

The most common role of the Warrior is as a tank, which can take a huge amount of damage while remaining unharmed.

However, the own damage of this class is quite high, and the most important “weapon” of a warrior in Black Desert, in addition to the sword and shield, is the presence of a large number of control abilities. Due to the capture, knockdown and stunning, the Warrior is a very dangerous opponent in PVP, in a duel with whom you need to be constantly on the alert, because once you let him get dangerously close, you may no longer be able to come out of a long stun alive.

For PVE fans, the Warrior also has nice abilities with huge AOE damage, which allows you to quickly and very effectively farm monsters in large groups, taking virtually no damage. The swordsman copes excellently with single “thick” targets - elite monsters and bosses - again, due to his excellent control and high resistance to damage.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakened Weapon: Sword/Shield/Great Sword

My overall impression of playing the Warrior class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): the class turned out to be balanced and enjoyable to play, and has a right to life. The Warrior shows himself to be a little weak at the beginning of the game, but once he reaches level 35-40, he begins to open up in a new way and acquires excellent farming abilities. With the advent of awakened weapons (level 56), the Warrior completely turns into a real killing machine with luxurious damage and beautiful animation.

From personal feelings - the Warrior in Black Desert is a little boring. For those who have played a sufficient number of MMORPG games and are hungry for new sensations, Warrior will not bring drive and a surge of emotions. The low mobility and some uniformity of the swordsman's attacks can become somewhat boring. And because of his weakness at the initial levels of the game, pumping out a good “playable” Warrior is a rather difficult task, requiring patience and genuine love for this class and this style of play.

Who is Warrior suitable for?

  • for beginner players who prefer a direct and open fighting style;
  • those who like to “tank” and act as protection for their allies and fellow guild members;
  • connoisseurs of two-handed swords - however, for this you will have to level up your character to level 56.


Brief class description: Huge and warlike, the Barbarian is a kind of berserker on the battlefield. Just a mountain of muscles, a real giant, hung with skins and war trophies, armed with two large axes.

The barbarian in Black Desert is the personification of primal power. The class has very high damage and a very high level of health (thanks to a special “built-in” passive +250 HP) even in the early stages of the game. It feels great on the battlefield both as a tank and as a damage dealer (damagedealer, i.e. a character who deals a lot of damage).

The Barbarian is truly the king of PVE. Simple combos, a ton of control and the “vampire” from the “Lightning Wrath” skill makes him the best farmer in the game, capable of crushing monsters with his axes literally without a break. Good farm = a lot of money = good equipment = increased performance. That is why warlike giants have the greatest potential for earning money and being realized in the game.

In PVP, everything is not so rosy: a good Barbarian can certainly become a terrible opponent in a duel, but his some clumsiness and enormous size clearly work against him. The most important thing in the battle against the Barbarian is not to let him get close, because his various control skills can cause a lot of trouble for any opponent.

In any case, the Barbarian is extremely difficult to kill - both in PVP and PVE.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakened Weapon: Axe/lanyard/hand cannon

Type of attack: melee attack with the main weapon + something like a ranged attack with an awakened weapon (militiaman and ranger)

Overall impression of playing the Barbarian class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): The Barbarian is an excellent class for fans of PVE and farming. The character has a special charisma and a kind of “primitive” charm, as well as very simple controls and pleasant animation.

A lot of people have a barbarian on their account, if not as the main character, then as a “twink” for farming, when the base is a so-so earner. Already from the first levels, a huge berserker can bring very good profits to its “master” without much effort.

This class is very popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries; many bloggers and streamers play Black Desert on Barbarians. Oddly enough, the character does not seem boring, although he is much easier to control than a Warrior, and the awakened weapon-Cannon is generally something very special.

Who is the Barbarian suitable for?

  • for beginner gamers who don’t know how to play well enough;
  • lovers of “farm and pumping” who prefer to accumulate gaming wealth and make capital;
  • for those who want to feel big and strong in the game, not afraid to stand alone against a crowd of enemies.


Brief Class Description: A ranged character, pretty standard for every RPG game. The tall and beautiful elf archer is a deadly, fast and extremely dangerous opponent, possessing all the characteristics typical for this class.

The main role of any shooter is the RDD, that is, the range damage dealer - a character who brings enormous damage over long distances. In close combat, the Archer has no strength, because... has extremely low “strength” and protection. However, the elf has a large number of abilities in her arsenal, aimed at evasion and instantly increasing the distance between her and the intended target.

The Archer in Black Desert feels equally good in both PVE and PVP due to the high DPS and the presence of AOE attacks. She is the one who can kill even a very strong enemy without receiving any damage - simply by not letting the enemy get close to her. Like a deadly butterfly, she flutters around her target, thrusting her sharp arrows into her one by one.

In a duel with a good archer, almost no one has a chance. Some characters die without even understanding where death came from - so be extremely careful when crossing the path of the Archer in Black Desert, for example, at key disputes.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakened Weapon: Bow/Dagger/Elemental Blade

Type of attack: ranged attack with the main weapon + melee attack with an awakened weapon (ranger and melee)

Overall impression of playing the Archer class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): Most Black Desert players consider the Archer to be the most powerful class in the game. It’s very difficult to argue with this, because this character has almost everything to dominate the battlefield.

The slight weakness is more than compensated for by speed and dodges: a properly pumped and well-sharpened archer is an almost unkillable enemy.

A very important skill for an Archer is the ability to competently “kite” an enemy, i.e. constantly be tactically ahead, not letting you get close to yourself. Under no circumstances should you allow the enemy to use control abilities on you, otherwise the Archer turns from a deadly weapon into a whipping doll.

The class is a little predictable and “ordinary”, the character animation is a little clumsy in some places, which, however, is more than compensated for by the character’s combat power. After all, those who want to dominate very rarely pursue aesthetic goals.

Who is Archer suitable for?

  • players with good gaming skills, speed and reaction, who prefer to deal high damage from a safe distance;
  • Passionate PVP lovers.



Brief description of the class: one of the most original and unusual classes at the time of the announcement of the game and its release. The mystic (summoner, tamer) is, in fact, not one character, but two, since the miniature Korean girl is given a huge and formidable black Lion as a “gift”.

An analogue of summoners in games of the same genre, Mystic, however, has a number of distinctive features. Tamer in Black Desert, unlike most summoners in other games, has a melee (short) attack, so summoning a Lion and throwing casts at the enemy from afar will not work. However, Leo is the basis of the Mystic's game, because while the black assistant is alive, killing the Mystic is extremely problematic.

Summoning a Lion is available from the very first levels, and with leveling up the “pet” only becomes stronger. He is uncontrollable, has a fairly large amount of health, and can also easily knock you down, and then - good for you.

The Mystic in Black Desert is the second most effective class in PVE (after the Barbarian). From the very first levels, this character can deal with huge crowds of monsters, because... has its own “tank” and “provocateur” - the black Lion. Luxurious AOE attacks can devastate entire locations in a matter of seconds. The developers also did not deprive the Mystic of excellent control skills.

Tamer's only significant weakness is PVP. With the proper skill to play for this class, there should be no problems, but most often in a one-on-one battle, all other things being equal, the Mystic will lose. Characters with a long-range attack - Archers and Sorceresses - are especially terrible for the summoner and Leo, because neither the tamer himself nor his faithful assistant will be able to catch up with them with such speed.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakened Weapon: Blade/Trinket/Celestial Staff

Attack type: melee attack only (military)

Overall impression of playing the Mystic class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): a very pleasant class in all respects. Uncomplicated, balanced, interesting. Farming on Mystic is easy and pleasant; you can quickly and easily accumulate a sufficient amount of game currency for further development.

Summoning a Lion, available from the very first character levels, gives a huge advantage over other classes. The mystic never feels alone. In addition, starting from level 30, you can ride a summoned Lion - a very unusual and interesting experience for experienced gamers.

The character is quite dependent on the proper leveling of skills, so at high levels he can become either an excellent fighter of the “main roster” or a very mediocre character who will only disappoint his “owner”, so everyone who wants to play the Mystic should definitely study the main guides and reviews on this extremely interesting class. In Korea, by the way, Mystic still remains one of the most popular gaming “incarnations”.

Who is Mystic suitable for?

  • favorite class for girls to play;
  • beginner players who do not want to spend a lot of time acquiring skills;
  • for lovers of non-standard, unconventional characters “with a twist”;
  • those who play “for the soul”, and not for stats, victories in PVP and laurels.



Brief description of the class: an extremely beautiful and original class, which, however, should not be confused with the canonical and “classic” RDD mage. This is not a magician, but a sorceress, a witch.

The Sorceress in Black Desert has an interesting and, one might say, atypical feature, namely the presence in her arsenal of a large number of melee attacks. And in general, the range of the Sorceress’s attacks is quite short compared to what would be expected from a “classical magician”, who is rumored to “shoot” meteors over very long distances.

This class has great potential, but is considered one of the most difficult to master, because The sorceress has a huge number of different skills and combo attacks, which are quite difficult to “deliver” at the right moment without appropriate preparation. She has control, AOE attacks, and single powerful spells. If you like the character, then by leveling up the Sorceress to level 56, you can get a luxurious awakened weapon - the Scythe, which will more than compensate for all the shortcomings and “roughness” of this class in Black Desert.

The Witch feels very good in PVP - the ability to quickly change her location can confuse the enemy, while the Sorceress will strike from the most unexpected direction. It is the Sorceress who can make an excellent pair for a duel with the practically invincible Archer; all other classes are most often easily inferior to the dark fury in a one-on-one battle.

However, Sorceresses also have a weak point - PVE. They have to farm painfully long and slowly, because... their attacks are not designed to quickly kill large “packs” of monsters. In addition, the low level of armor requires constant caution in battles with strong monsters, and the relatively small range does not allow you to evade attacks as successfully as the Archer can.

A variety of skill builds and ways to level up skills allow you to “customize” this class to suit your needs, choosing the style and combat tactics that suit a particular player.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakened Weapon: Talisman/Amulet/Scythe

Type of attack: melee and ranged attacks (militiaman and ranger)

Overall impression of playing the Sorceress class in BlackDesert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): a beautiful class that delights with its flexibility, grace and excellent animation. Usually, if someone chooses the Sorceress as their main character, then he remains faithful to her. Although creating a Barbarian or Mystic as a twin for farming gold sometimes may not be the worst idea.

It is often said that the Sorceress suffers greatly as a class in PVE, but the use of mana pots, buffs and some special skills can practically eliminate this small drawback. In addition, with the appearance of the awakened Scythe in the hands of the Sorceress, this class begins to shine especially brightly, instantly dealing with even the most powerful monsters on the battlefield.

Who is the Witch suitable for?

  • connoisseurs of beautiful animation and stylish, harmonious characters;
  • sophisticated players who prefer to “fly” their fingers over the keyboard buttons like a pianist, rather than endlessly press the same key;
  • advanced players who are able to appreciate the potential of a complex and interesting class.


The choice is the manner of passing, the optimal combination of characteristics and skills available for learning. As a rule, the character class is responsible for all this. And in the world of the Black Desert there are currently twelve such classes, each of which is endowed with its own advantages and disadvantages.

It should be immediately noted that on official servers (both in Russia and in Korea or other countries) different types of characters appeared at more than one time. That is why some of them are more popular and widespread, while others still remain relatively rare. Now let's look at each of the classes in the order they were added on domestic servers. With the start of MBT in Russia, five types of heroes were available.

Barbarian (Giant)

A typical tank or berserker, depending on the build. Ideal for those who love PvE, as brute physical strength, huge dimensions and a pair of heavy axes (or other massive melee weapons) greatly help him deal with even crowds of mobs. But for PvP, the barbarian (aka giant in the English version) may be too slow. To use skills, characters of this class require rage, which accumulates during simple attacks or the use of certain simple combat skills. .


Unlike the barbarian, warriors are accustomed to using one-handed weapons and a shield. Although they also have good hand-to-hand combat skills. If desired, a character of this class can be molded into both good tanks and quite playable critics. Although experienced users for the most part believe that a warrior is exactly the golden mean between attack and defense, which will appeal to both farming fans and some PvP fans. The “fuel” for using the skills of this class is the same type of energy as that of barbarians - rage. .


“Sorka,” as Russian-speaking gamers like to call her, is a kind of analogue of a battle mage. Sorceresses inflict most of the damage using magic, but some of their skills can also take a toll on one or even several opponents using “physics”. At the same time, the heroines of this class are good at dodging enemies. Excellent for high-speed combat at close and medium distances and causing massive damage to several enemies at once. The sorceress's spells, as you might guess, require mana. .


The same character who deals physical damage at a distance, using small arms for this, and not all sorts of charms and spells. At the same time, the archer has enough military skills and combos, which should appeal to PvP fans. For example, such a heroine, when leveling up certain skills, is capable of shooting an arrow at a much greater distance than the magicians can reach with any attack spell, and kicking an enemy who runs up close, and then finishing him off with a bow in the same combination. But for PvE it is still advisable to upgrade “ranger” rather than “military” skills of this class. .

Mystic (BeastMaster)

One of the most unusual classes. Mystics are female characters whose main feature is the regular use of pets. Moreover, such tiny heroines (compared to barbarians, they are actually three times smaller), unlike “tamers” and/or animal tamers/summoners from other MMOs, rely not only on their beast, but also on a faithful blade. It is edged weapons that help the mystic survive in close combat. Most class skills require mana to activate. And the pet owners themselves will appeal to fans of PvE rather than PvP.

It was these five character classes that appeared at the launch of MBT. All other heroes were gradually added to Black Desert along with patches and add-ons, so they are found in percentage terms much less frequently than representatives of the “basic” professions. So let's talk about the remaining classes in the order of their appearance on the official Russian servers of the game. .

Master of the Sword (the first name of the Ronin class, in the English version - Blader)

A kind of samurai version in the game. That is, a typical eastern warrior in relatively light armor, perfectly wielding a katana or other not too bulky melee weapons.

This class differs from barbarians in its higher speed and mobility, and from warriors in its greater focus on attack rather than on the balance between damage and defense. So the sword master will be an ideal fighter for dealing critical damage.


The female equivalent of a warrior also wields a sword and shield, but at the same time has a number of unique features and skills. More suitable for “support” than for fighting in the vanguard. .


The most natural magician, whose main weapon is a staff. He has an ideal command of the elements; with proper leveling, he can act both as a support character and as an attacking sorcerer, but loses to the same “magpies” in close combat.


It differs from a wizard only in gender and name. But in the coming additions, the developers promise to provide the sorceress with a number of unique skills and connections.


Also, representatives of this class are often called nothing less than Sakura. They are excellent with a sword and are in many ways similar to the Ronins, but unlike them they also skillfully handle bows and use a number of their own unique combos and skills.


For lovers of thieves' professions and classes, their finest hour came only this summer, when Black Desert Finally, real assassins have appeared. The main weapons of representatives of this class are daggers. Additional weapons to choose from include shurikens and kunais. And all this beauty is complemented by a number of skills such as invisibility and the use of poisons.


As you might guess, this class is the male version of Kunoichi. But unlike killer girls, guys have their own set of skills and combos.

On May 10, 2018, a new character connection (change) function was added to the Russian version of Black Desert Online. This is a system where you can connect two characters on your account and switch to another character without going to the Disconnect menu. Character customization can only be done in villages, but character switching is available in all regions except ocean and desert.

You can link two characters if your account has at least 1 character level 56 or higher. For example, Ninja level 58 and Sorceress level 15.

The character switching (link) feature does not switch the location of two characters located in different places. You have to think of the character as a shadow. Characters marked with a "tag" are always in the same place, but you can only play one of them. You can switch to another character and play it through the trading system.

You can open the character communication UI in the top left corner, next to the camp UI button. Left click on the icon and you will see portraits of all your characters.

The two characters you want to tag must be in the same village. For example, if one of the two is in Tariffa Village, the other character must also be in Tariffa Village. You cannot customize characters in some villages: Spider Village, Abun Village and Muicun Village.

If you are done customizing your characters, you can right-click on the character switch UI button to switch to a different character. It will take some time to load, but you will be able to start playing as a different character in the same place.

If you want to unlink characters you have tagged, the two characters must be in the same village where the link was established.

Switching characters are available in almost all areas. You cannot switch characters in independent areas such as Blood Arena, Arsha Arena, Freedom Arena, Savage Rift, and Horse Racing. Naturally, this function cannot be used during a siege.

Other things you should consider when switching are the cooldown time and the location of your mount.

Labeled shortcuts will share the recovery time of the emergency output, so it will take 4 minutes to turn them back on. While you can't use the character swap feature while on cooldown, you can still change characters by going to the character selection screen. Even if you switch characters in the character selection screen, the cooldowns will still apply since the tag shortcuts work as if they were always present in the same place.

Parked horses will remain parked after switching characters. But, if you switch while riding a horse, the horse will appear in the same place where the switch occurred, so it is worth thinking very carefully about where you park to ensure that your horse remains intact.

The “Character Link” function can be linked to a hotkey, because it has been added to the quick access settings.

It is worth mentioning separately that the “Character Link” function and the “Sharp Evasion” skill have a common cooldown. Therefore, if you have just used a skill, you will not be able to use it when changing characters.

Characters who have a connection cannot sell or buy trade goods and cannot move already purchased goods into transport luggage or into a warehouse. But they can set up a camp even if another character's items are stored in its warehouse.

Articles on the topic

Black Desert: character changing system updated: December 2, 2019 by: orbit-games
