Colored political map of the world. Political maps of the world

The geographical map of the world is overview map relief of the earth's surface. The geographical map of the world has a coordinate grid. The geographic map of the world does not display individual states and countries to generalize and simplify the display of surface relief above sea level (the darker the color, the higher the surface). A geographic map of the world clearly and concisely shows information about the main continents, seas and oceans and allows you to quickly create an image of the relief of the whole world. View geographic maps of the world online in Russian:

Detailed geographic map peace in Russian:

Geographic map of the world close-up in Russian- opens in a new window in full screen. On the geographical map of the world in high resolution all continents are shown with names: Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Australia.

A geographic map of the Earth shows the location of the oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. A large geographical map of the world allows you to see seas, islands, peninsulas, bays, straits, lakes, deserts, plains and mountains. Geographic map of the world is a map globe and looks like a map of continents, seas and oceans. A geographic map of the world can be downloaded for free at good quality.

Geographical map of the world in Russian in large format:

Geographic map of the world with latitude and longitude coordinates, showing close-up currents of the world's oceans:

Geographic map of the world in Russian in large format opens in a new window in full screen. A high-resolution geographic map of the world shows a large-scale map of the world in good quality in Russian with parallels and meridians, with oceans and seas, with latitude and longitude, with seas and oceans. The geographical map of the world shows the plains, mountains and rivers, continents and continents of the globe. If you enlarge the geographical map of the world, you can see a separate geographical map of each continent.

Outline map of the world

Geography lessons at school often require contour map world:

The contour geographical map of the world opens in a new window in full screen.

What to see on a geographical map of the world:

First of all, on a geographical map of the world, the mountains and plains, marked in different colors, are striking (the darker the color, the higher the mountains). The highest mountains on a geographical map are indicated by the height of the peak above sea level. The most large rivers have a name on the map. The geographical map of the world indicates the most big cities. This map immediately shows where the oceans, seas, islands and lakes are located.

Continents and continents: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica. The largest continent is Eurasia.

Oceans of the world: There are four oceans in the world - Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian. The largest ocean in the world - Pacific Ocean.

Largest seas in the world in descending order of area: the largest sea in the world - Sargasso Sea, followed by the Philippine Sea, Coral Sea, Arabian Sea, South China Sea, Tasman Sea, Fiji Sea, Weddell Sea, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Bering Sea, Bay of Bengal, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Gulf of Mexico, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, Scotia Sea, Hudson Bay, Greenland Sea, Somov Sea, Riiser-Larsen Sea, Japan Sea, Arafura Sea, East Siberian Sea.

The largest islands in the world in descending order of area: the largest island in the world - Greenland, followed by the islands: New Guinea, Kalimantan, Madagascar, Baffin Island, Sumatra, Great Britain, Honshu, Victoria, Ellesmere, Sulawesi, South Island (New Zealand), Java, North Island (New Zealand), Luzon, Newfoundland, Cuba, Iceland, Mindanao, Ireland, Hokkaido, Haiti, Sakhalin, Banks, Sri Lanka.

The longest rivers in the world: the most big river in the world - Amazon, after it there are rivers: Nile, Mississippi - Missouri - Jefferson, Yangtze, Yellow River, Ob - Irtysh, Yenisei - Angara - Selenga - Ider, Lena - Vitim, Amur - Argun - Muddy Channel - Kerulen, Congo - Lualaba - Luvoa - Luapula - Chambeshi, Mekong, Mackenzie - Slave - Peace - Finlay, Niger, La Plata - Parana - Rio Grande, Volga - Kama.

The highest mountains with a height of more than 8 km: the largest mountain in the world - Chomolungma, a little lower are the mountains: Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Nangaparbat, Annapurna I, Gasherbrum I, Broad Peak, Gasherbrum II and Shishabangma.

The largest lakes by continent: in Africa Lake Victoria, in Antarctica the subglacial Lake Vostok, in Asia - the salty Caspian Sea and fresh Lake Baikal, in Australia Lake Eyre, in Europe - the salty Caspian Sea and fresh Lake Ladoga, in North America - Lake Michigan-Huron, in South America America - salt lake Maracaibo and fresh lake Titicaca. The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.

Political map a geographical map of the globe, continent or region, which reflects territorial and political divisions. The main elements of the map content are the borders of states and dependent territories, capitals, big cities, sometimes the political map displays routes of communication, the boundaries of autonomous entities within states with a federal structure, capitals and centers of administrative-territorial divisions.

IN modern world there are more 250 countries. They are diverse in place in the international division of labor and in international relations, in level of economic development, in size of territory, in population, in its ethnic and national composition, in geographical location and on many other indicators. 193 states are members of the United Nations(as of 01/01/2018) and 2 observer states: Holy See (Vatican City) and State of Palestine.

The diversity of countries in the modern world.

Countries of the world are grouped according to different criteria. For example, stand out sovereign, independent countries (about 193 out of 250) and dependent countries and territories. Dependent countries and territories may have different names: possessions - the term " colonies» not used since 1971 (very few remain), overseas departments and territories, self-governing territories. So, Gibraltar is a possession of Great Britain; island Reunion in the Indian Ocean, country Guiana V South America– overseas departments of France; island country Puerto Rico declared a "freely affiliated state of the United States."

Grouping of countries by territory size:

  • very large countries(territory more than 3 million sq. km): Russia(17.1 million sq. km), Canada(10 million sq. km), China(9.6 million sq. km), USA(9.4 million sq. km), Brazil(8.5 million sq. km), Australia(7.7 million sq. km), India(3.3 million sq. km);
  • large countries(have an area of ​​more than 1 million km2): Algeria, Libya, Iran, Mongolia, Argentina, etc.;
  • average And small countries: these include most countries of the world - Italy, Vietnam, Germany, etc.
  • micro-states: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican. These also include Singapore and the island states Caribbean Sea and Oceania.

Based on population they distinguish 10 largest countries in the world : China (1318 million people); India (1132 million people); USA (302 million people); Indonesia (232 million people); Brazil (189 million people); Pakistan (169 million people); Bangladesh (149 million people); Nigeria (144 million people); Russia (142 million people); Japan (128 million people). The population of countries is constantly changing, so this "Big Ten" is also changing. Most countries in the world are medium-sized states in terms of population (less than 100 million people): Iran, Ethiopia, Germany, etc. The smallest countries in terms of population are micro-states. For example, 1 thousand people live in the Vatican.

Political system, forms of government and administrative-territorial structure of the countries of the world.

Countries around the world also differ in forms of government and by forms of territorial government.

There are two main forms of government: republics , where legislative power usually belongs to parliament, and executive power to the government (USA, Germany), and monarchy , where power belongs to the monarch and is inherited (Brunei, UK).

Most countries in the world have a republican form of government. There are presidential republics, where the president heads the government and has great powers (USA, Guinea, Argentina, etc.), and parliamentary republics, where the role of the president is smaller, and the head of the executive branch is the prime minister appointed by the president. There are currently monarchies 29 .

Monarchies are divided into constitutional and absolute. At constitutional monarchy The power of the monarch is limited by the constitution and the activities of parliament: real legislative power usually belongs to parliament, and executive power to the government. At the same time, the monarch “reigns, but does not rule,” although his political influence is quite large. Such monarchies include Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, etc.

At absolute monarchy The power of the ruler is not limited in any way. There are now only six states with this form of government in the world: Brunei, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the Vatican.

Particularly distinguished are the so-called theocratic monarchies , i.e. countries where the head of state is also its religious head (Vatican and Saudi Arabia).

There are countries that have a specific form of government. These include states included in the so-called Commonwealth (until 1947 it was called the “British Commonwealth of Nations”). The Commonwealth is an association of countries that includes Great Britain and many of its former colonies, dominions and dependent territories (in total 50 states). Initially created by Great Britain to preserve its economic and military-political positions in previously owned territories and countries. IN 16 in Commonwealth countries the head of state is formally considered british queen. The largest of them include Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In them, the head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor-General, and the legislative body is Parliament.

By forms of government differentiate unitary And federal countries.

IN unitary the state has a single constitution, a single executive and legislative power, and administrative-territorial units are vested with minor powers and report directly to the central government (France, Hungary).

IN federal in the state, along with uniform laws and authorities, there are other state entities– republics, states, provinces, etc., which adopt their own laws and have their own authorities, i.e. members of the federation have a certain political and economic independence. But their activities should not contradict federal laws (India, Russia, USA). Most countries in the world are unitary; there are now just over 20 federal states in the world. The federal form of the state is typical both for multinational countries (Pakistan, Russia) and for countries with a relatively homogeneous national composition of the population (Germany).

Lesson summary "Modern political map peace".

Hello to all readers and subscribers of my blog 🙂Today I have prepared for you an article about what a political map of the world is. I will also explain a couple of terms for a clearer picture.

In the narrow sense of the word, this is a geographical map of the globe, on which all the countries of the world are indicated (a list of all countries of the world with capitals is available). And in a broad sense - it is a compilation of information about the political geography of the world.

On the modern political map of the world, you can count 236 states and territories. The political map displays absolutely all changes that affect countries, be it a change in its territory, a merger with another country, the disintegration of the country into several territories, a change in the capital, a change in the name of the country, etc. The political map also displays the country’s form of government and government device.

Changes on the political map are of two types:

  • qualitative - change of government structure, form of government, acquisition of sovereignty...
  • quantitative - exchange of lands between states, disintegration of states, their unification, annexation of new lands after the war...

Currently, on the modern political map one can see more qualitative than quantitative changes.

All countries, from the point of view of international law, are divided into 2 types:

  • dependent territories (overseas territories, trusteeship colonies, etc.);
  • independent countries.

Independent state owns sovereignty, territory and borders, has an effective system for managing the life of society, international recognition, pursues an independent domestic and foreign policy, and also has its own national attributes - anthem, flag and coat of arms.

In the 1990s, dependent countries accounted for about 0.7% of the land area and less than 0.3% of the population. That is, as is clear from this, there are not so many dependent territories left in the world, but echoes of the past still keep some territories in check; in total, they can be counted a little more than 50-60, according to various sources. But, of course, all these territories are not large pieces of land, islands, mainly in the Caribbean and Australia and Oceania.

And let's, of course, find out what a colony is?

Colony (from the Latin word colonia - settlement) - several meanings below:

1) a territory or country that is under the authority of a foreign state (the metropolis), it is deprived of economic and political independence and is governed on the basis of a special regime.

2) A settlement that was founded by ancient peoples (Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans) in foreign countries.

3) Settlement of migrants from another region or country.

4) A community of fellow countrymen in a foreign city or country; fraternity.

5) In biology - a set of colonial organisms.

Temporary joint settlements of birds are also sometimes called a colony.

That's all, this is a short article so as not to overload you too much 😉 But everything is still ahead, I am preparing a lot of interesting material especially for you. That's all for now, see you again on the pages of the blog about our planet Earth. Don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates to stay up to date with all the latest, and share interesting articles with your friends using the buttons below e 🙂 Bye bye.

Collection of world maps in Russian. Political, geographical, physical and satellite maps peace. Exotic world maps for Australia and USA. Any world map can be enlarged. Full sizes of world maps are from 1 to 5 Megabytes.

Google satellite world map in Russian:

World map - photo from a textbook in Russian:

Outline world map with country borders.

This world map shows which places have the largest populations. For example, it is noticeable that in Australia people live mainly on the East Coast, while almost the entire continent remains deserted. The most populous part of Russia is the Western part. One red dot on the map shows that 100,000 people live here.

On this world map, the territory of states is proportional to the population of the countries. For each country, the population is shown in millions of people.

This world map shows the relief earth's surface. It shows mountains and plains.

The unusual appearance of this world map is due to the fact that Australia is located in the center of the world map. Accordingly, all countries of the world and continents are located on both sides of it.

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