Didactic game cognitive development first junior group. Card index of educational games for children of the second junior group

Educational. To promote the development of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems.
Developmental. Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation.
Educational. developing the ability to work in a team.

Teddy bear, boxes of three colors (red, blue, yellow); balls of the same size, three colors, 7 pieces each, cubes - large and small, 7 pieces each, circle 1 piece, surprise box, kinders with cubes and balls - according to the number of children, sports and math track, audio recording of a baby crying and laughing .

Kids are playing. A child is heard crying.
Educator.-What is this? Who's crying? Does anyone need our help? Where is this crying baby?
(children walk through the group looking for the crying person and see a bear sitting with toys scattered nearby).

-Misha, what happened? He cries so much that he can’t even explain to us why he’s crying.
-Children, have you guessed why Misha is crying?
-How many toys did he scatter?
What toys? ( balls, cubes)
What colour? ( red, blue, yellow)
I don’t know how to help him? ( put away the toys)

Right! We need to remove them. Put it in place. Do you know where the balls live? ( in boxes)

Also interesting activity in mathematics in the second junior group:

Are the cubes all the same? ( big and small)
Where do we have them? ( large ones are on the bottom shelf, and small ones are on the top shelf)
— Can you find all the figures their own house?

So that you can quickly help Mishutka, I’ll play some music for you. After all, any work goes well with music. ( cleaning balls and cubes)

Have you put away all the toys? How many toys are left? -What toy is left? Why is it a circle?
Where are our circles? (on the top shelf)
That's how great you are! Everything was removed.

Listen, is the bear still crying?!( laughter is heard)
-You are hard-working, kind, skillful, and Teddy Bear has prepared a surprise for you. He hid it under the table. We need to find a path, it will lead us to a surprise.
-Where is the path hidden? ( behind the chairs)
-Where is the surprise box?( under the table)
-Where do we put it? ( on the table)
How many boxes? ( one)
Let's open... what is this?( kinders)
-How many kinders?( a lot of)
-We'll divide it equally for everyone. -How much does Olya have?

How many are left in the box? (none)
—What is hidden in the kinder? (cubes and balls)
Do you want to show this to your friends?

Title: Didactic game on FEMP in the 2nd junior group “Help Mishutka”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, mathematics, Educational games, didactic, Mathematical

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten combined view No. 3 “Sun”
Location: Karasuksky district, Novosibirsk region

Didactic games and exercises for children junior group on the development of cognitive abilities.

The game brings joy and pleasure to the child. However, play is also a source of mental speech development. With its help, you can develop qualities and processes that are important for the formation of ideas and the child’s acquisition of knowledge necessary for studying at school and later life.
Games for the development of motor skills of the hands and fingers, they are important for the development of attention, orienting children to the properties of objects and toys.
Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the fingers, learning orientation on a plane.
“Who will roll the tape sooner?”
Target: development of motor skills of fingers and hands. Speed ​​and accuracy of movements.
Goal: development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
"Catch a fish."
Goal: Development of hand movements, formation of precision of movements, development of visual attention.
The purpose of games and exercises for the development of perception is for children to master ideas about color, shape, size, and spatial relationships of objects.

Games for color perception.

The purpose of games for the development of perception is for children to master ideas about color. Shape, size, spatial relationships of objects.
“Sort it out by color.”
Goal: To teach children to distinguish colors, to distribute pictures into appropriate groups, based on color characteristics.

Goal: Development of visual perception, color, memory. attention, fine motor skills of the fingers.
Learn to choose colors and improve children's attention.

Perception of form.

"Frames and inserts."
Goal: Improve the ability to identify shapes, correlate frames and inserts, develop attention, memory, and fine motor skills of the fingers.”
"Three piglets".
Goal: To teach children to identify different shapes, correlate colors, and develop attention.
"Shape and Color".
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about geometric figures and shapes of objects. The game is also aimed at developing attention, thinking, memory, and imagination.

Perception of size.

"Three Bears".
Goal: Learn to identify the size of objects. Match objects by size.
"House for rabbits."
Goal: To teach children to focus on size in the game.
Form visual orientation based on magnitude without taking into account other properties of the object, as well as taking into account all the properties of the object.

Development of tactile motor perception.

"What's in the bag?"
Goal: To teach to identify objects by touch. Fix the name of the items. shapes, sizes.
"Big and small balls."
Goal: Learn to find large and small balls by touch using verbal instructions.
"Handkerchief for a doll."
Goal: To teach to recognize familiar objects by touch, relying on one sign - the texture of the material.

Games for attention and memory.

Attention games develop the ability to focus on certain aspects of objects and phenomena. Promoting the transition from involuntary attention to voluntary.
"What changed".
Goal: Development, learning to name a toy that is missing.
“Find out by the contour.”
Goal: To teach children to recognize objects by outline images.
"Find your soul mate."
Goal: To teach children to recognize objects from one of the images, to remember the object.

Games to develop thinking and imagination.

When using games to develop thinking and imagination, it is important to teach children to analyze objects and phenomena of the world around them, find similarities and differences, distribute them into groups and call them with a general word.
“Fold the pattern.”
Goal: Teach children to make patterns.
"Fold a square."
Goal: Learn to compose a whole from different geometric shapes.
“Plant a vegetable garden.”
Goal: To teach children to use given substitute objects and arrange them in accordance with the location of the substitutes.

Vera Kizenok

Playing with magnets

"The Cheerful Farm Engine"

Educational area: cognitive development.

The game is intended for children 3-4 and 4-5 years old (2 junior and middle groups)

Target games:

Develop in the game - memory, thinking, attention, sensory abilities and speech of the child.

Tasks, helping to realize this Goal in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education in accordance with the public organization "Cognitive development":

FEMP sections: quantity

Teach children to see a common feature of the objects in the group (these vegetables are red, and these are green; these are round, these are all small)

Understand the question: What is more or less?

example: “There are more cabbages than onions.”

Answer the question in the form: “I put a pumpkin in this trailer,” “I put an onion in this trailer,” etc.

We compare vegetables by size: (same, large or small)

Orientation in space:

Learn to distinguish spatial directions from yourself:

At the top (we put vegetables at the top of the trailer)

below (there are also trailers with vegetables)

on the left (there is a steam locomotive)

right (cars)

Quantity and count (4-5 years):

Compare two groups of objects:

1-1, 2-2, 2-3, 3-3, 3-4, etc.

Answer the question: How much?

To form an idea of ​​equality and inequality of groups based on counting:

example: One pumpkin, Two onions, Three cabbages; There are more cabbages than onions (since 3 is more than 2), etc.

Introduction to the natural world:

Teach children to distinguish between appearance and name the vegetables: cabbage, onion, tomato, pumpkin, pepper.

Development of cognitive and research activities:

Sensory development and didactic games should solve the following tasks:

Enrich children's sensory experiences

Strengthen the ability to highlight Color, Shape, Size as special properties of objects

Group homogeneous objects according to several sensory characteristics: Size, Shape, Color

Develop fine motor skills of hands

Develop memory, thinking and speech

Velcro game

"Tree: 4 seasons

Educational area: cognitive development

The game is intended for children 3-4 and 4-5 years old (2 ml and middle groups)

Target games:

Introduce the characteristics of successive seasons and seasonal changes

Develop the sense of touch, introduce various materials by touch, by touching and stroking.

Tasks, helping to realize this Goal in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education in accordance with the NGO "Cognitive Development":

Introduction to the natural world

Expand children's understanding of plants and animals

Introduce wild animals, birds,


Expand your understanding of seasonal changes in nature

Teach children to find and name their characteristic features for each season:

flowers on branches, sun, grass, butterflies.

cloud, apples, hedgehog, squirrel, mushrooms, autumn leaves.

snowflakes, snowdrifts, snowman, bullfinches. animals: bear, fox, hare, owl.

first flowers, birds, etc.

Lexical topic "Vegetables"

Educational field: Cognitive development

Introduction to the natural world

Purpose of the game:

Teach children to distinguish and name vegetables by appearance: tomato, cucumber, cabbage, carrots, eggplant, onion, beetroot, tomato, pepper, potato.

Types of games:

1. Look at natural vegetables or pictures with your child: potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, onions, peppers, eggplant.

2. Explain that all this can be called in one word “Vegetables”.

3. Find out whether he understands that vegetables are the fruits that grow in the ground and on the ground in a garden, greenhouse, greenhouse.

4. Have the child list the vegetables he knows. You can complicate the task by asking them to remember all the vegetables that are yellow (onions, peppers, pumpkin), red (tomato, beets), green (cabbage, cucumber).

Will your child be able to remember the name of an orange vegetable (carrot) and a purple vegetable (eggplant?

5. Play a ball game with your child

“One is many” (you name a vegetable in the singular and throw a ball to the child, the child catches the ball and names the same vegetable in the plural):

example: Cucumber - Cucumbers, Zucchini - Zucchini, Eggplant - Eggplant, Tomato - Tomatoes

6. You can play the game “Name it affectionately” with the ball: Tomato - Tomato, Carrot - Carrot, Onion - Onion, Cucumber - Cucumber.

7. Tell your child what vegetables are used to prepare salads, borscht, and cabbage soup, and then ask the question: What vegetables will you put in the borscht?

Game with the manual “Cooking Borscht”

8. Ask your child to choose as many definitions for the nouns as possible.

What cucumber? (Green, oval, hard, large, small, tasty)

What kind of tomato? (red, round, sour, sweet and sour, soft, juicy, smooth, ripe, ripe, unripe, beautiful, etc.

9. Invite your child to talk about one of the vegetables according to the plan:

What is the name of the vegetable?

Where does it grow?

What is it like in color, shape, touch, taste?

What can you cook from it?

For example: This is a tomato. It grows in a greenhouse or greenhouse. It is red, round, smooth, soft, and sweet and sour in taste. You can make juice, tomato paste, and salad from it.

Sample: one tomato, two tomatoes, three tomatoes (cucumber, cabbage, onion, carrot, beetroot)

Make sure your child pronounces plural endings of nouns correctly. number.

11. Guess the riddles:

She is pulled by a grandmother and granddaughter, a cat, a grandfather and a mouse with a bug.

A beautiful maiden sits in prison, and her braid is on the street.

I was born to glory, my head is white and curly. Who loves cabbage soup - look for Me in them.

Before we ate it, everyone had time to cry

I am long and green, I am delicious when salted, Tasty and raw. Who am I?

12. Teach your child exercises to develop gross and fine motor skills.

Development of gross motor skills "Harvest"

Let's go to the garden and collect the harvest "Steps on the spot."

We will train carrots “Drag”.

And we'll dig up some potatoes. "Dig"

We will cut a head of cabbage “Cut”

Round, juicy, very tasty “Show a circle with your hands (3 times)”

Publications on the topic:

Construction of a developing subject-spatial environment for children of the second group of early age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard“The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. We must not only give him time to play, but also imbue his entire life with the game.”

Didactic games for children of the second junior group “My friends” Goal. To consolidate children's knowledge about pets (what they look like, what they eat).

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Image library:

Natalia Lyashenko
Didactic game on cognitive development of children in the younger group “Magic Rings”

Target: consolidate ideas about the four primary colors, promote memory development, thinking, logic and fine motor skills.

Didactic the material can be very different. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can make it yourself or together with your child. To complete this task, colored cardboard is best suited, from which various shapes will be cut. The end result is limited only by your imagination.

You can make familiar items from cardboard for a child with a missing piece - mittens, large and small rings of different colors, houses, etc. Then invite the child to find these fragments and restore the figurine by selecting the shape and color.

As skills development, you can complicate the task. And teach your child to select objects not only by color, but also by their size. To do this you need to cut geometric figures (rings) different colors and sizes. Glue one half of the figures onto sheets of white paper. And use the rest as handouts. The child’s task is to choose the right pictures by color and shape and place them on top of the pasted figures.

A game"Choose by color" will help you learn to navigate the main features of surrounding objects and will reveal your child’s color sense.

Publications on the topic:

The provided game develops fine motor skills, which is useful for children preschool age in progress finger games. It also develops.

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Didactic game on cognitive development for children of senior preschool age “Masha and Katya’s Journey on Maps” Didactic game on cognitive development for children from 5 years old “MASHA AND KATY’S JOURNEY BY MAP” Purpose of developing the manual: Formation.

Purpose of the game: to promote the formation of the basics of computer science in children. Objectives: teach children to decipher words where letters are encoded by symbols.

A child with intellectual disability is not included in the development of the layer of social and cultural achievements of universal human development. By.

Explanatory note. A kind, reasonable attitude towards the world around us, towards people, towards the way they work, does not appear on its own - it is his.

Target. Reinforce the concept of vegetables. Tasks. Educational: increase the level of cognitive activity and intelligence of the child, interest.

Preschool education does not aim to prepare the child for school and in no case should copy the forms school life. Development and learning should be carried out through games and other children's activities.

Games for social and communicative development

Games aimed at the social and communicative development of a child have the following goals:

  • perception of norms of social behavior;
  • development of communication skills, cooperation skills with other children and adults;
  • development of empathy;
  • developing a sense of respect and belonging to one’s family and peer group;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards work and creative activity;
  • developing safe behavior skills.

Game "Who needs what"

Purpose: to introduce the main characteristics of such professions as doctor, hairdresser, baker; develop a positive attitude towards work.

For the game you need to prepare items necessary to perform professional activities (syringe, scissors, comb, bowl, etc.), as well as details of the corresponding costumes. Children are assigned to roles.

First, you need to have a conversation with the children about the professions of a doctor, hairdresser, baker (you can choose others). It is necessary to find out what the kids know about their professional activities. You can ask which of the children have parents with such professions.

During the game, each child first receives costume parts. He must understand what profession he needs to represent. If children find it difficult to answer, the leader helps them.

Next, a game is played with objects that are stacked on the table. Children need to choose a subject that is necessary for their professional activities. After this, you can invite them to show how this item should be used.

Game "Yes or No"

Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards health; learn to manage your behavior, understand what actions are correct.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher should name various situations, and the kids should, if the correct behavior is announced, clap their hands, if incorrect, stomp their feet.

Game "Who to be friends with"

Goal: to teach children to understand people’s facial expressions; develop empathy, cultivate friendliness.

Place pictures of children with different facial expressions on the board. The children are invited to look at the pictures and choose a friend. The facilitator should ask them to explain their choice.

Games for speech development of children 3-4 years old

Games for speech development are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • teach the child to use speech as a means of communication;
  • increasing vocabulary;
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • familiarization with the basics of sound and intonation culture of speech;
  • development of speech creativity;
  • familiarization with samples of children's literature.

Game "Loud - Quiet"

Goal: to develop the intonation culture of speech, to teach how to change the strength of the voice.

To play the game, you need to prepare paired objects of different sizes (large and small pipes, ducks, cars).

Before the game starts, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

- Look, I have a big mother duck in my hands. She calls her children and loudly shouts “Quack-quack!” Repeat how the mother duck screams.

Children loudly repeat “Quack-quack!”

- And now I’m holding a duckling. He is still very small and can only quietly say “Quack, quack!” Repeat how he does it.

Children quietly repeat “Quack-quack!” The teacher must ensure that children do not whisper.

After the introductory conversation, you can move on to the game itself. The teacher takes turns showing either a large or a small duck, and the children must independently pronounce how it quacks.

Similarly, you can play with any other pair of objects.

Game "Launching Boats"

Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus, formation of the skill of prolonged pronunciation of the sound [f] on one exhalation and repeated pronunciation of the sound [p] on one exhalation; develop the ability to combine the utterance of a sound with the beginning of a sigh.

To play, you need to prepare a large bowl of water, signal flags and several paper boats. The bowl should be placed on a small table, and the children should be seated on chairs in a semicircle around the table.

- Today I invite you to travel on boats. You and I live in... Let's check our location. (The presenter places a flag on one side of the bowl and places one boat next to it).

—Where would you like to go? (Children name any cities or countries, and the teacher places another flag on the opposite side of the bowl).

“We have a fair wind.” He is calm but strong. Let's try to imitate it. You need to purse your lips into a tube and, without puffing out your cheeks, pronounce the sound [f] on one exhalation.

“And now there’s a gusty, sharp wind.” To show it, you need to intermittently pronounce the sounds [p-p-p] several times on one exhalation.

Children must take turns going to the bowl, name where they want to go and help the boat get to its destination.

Game "Traffic Light"

Goal: to teach to perceive words by ear, to find speech errors; pronounce words correctly.

Children receive two circles that represent traffic lights. A green circle should be shown if you hear the correct pronunciation of a word, red circles if you hear an incorrect one.

Before playing such a game, it is advisable to conduct research in the group and determine which words children pronounce incorrectly. Then include these words in the game.

Games for the cognitive development of children of the second younger group

The purpose of games aimed at the cognitive development of a child is:

  • development of interests, cognitive activity and motivation, curiosity;
  • skills formation cognitive activity;
  • the formation of the child’s ideas about himself and other people, about the objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships between them;
  • familiarization with the concepts of “Fatherland”, “homeland”, the basic socio-cultural values ​​and traditions of one’s people.

Game “Into the forest to pick mushrooms”

Goal: developing ideas about quantitative relationships between objects “one - many”.

To play the game, you need to prepare an image of a large clearing on which several mushroom figures are located. Children need to be given baskets.

- Children, we came to a mushroom clearing in the forest. Look how many mushrooms there are here? (A lot of).

- And now each of you will pick one mushroom. Tell me one by one how many mushrooms are in your basket. How much do you have, Vitya? (I have one mushroom).

The teacher should ask each child.

- Let's put all the mushrooms in my basket. How many mushrooms did I get? (A lot of). And you? (No one).

Game "Wrap a Gift"

Goal: to form the concept of “big”, “small”, “thick”, “thin”; learn to correlate objects by size.

The presenter invites the children to go to Mashenka’s birthday party. To do this, they need to buy a gift. Everyone chooses a doll (the pictures show dolls of different sizes and thicknesses).

Now you need to pack the gift, and for this the children need to “buy” a package that will correspond to the size of the doll. At the same time, each child must explain his choice of packaging: “I bought this package because my doll...”.

After this game, you can discuss how to properly give and accept gifts.

Game "What grows where"

Purpose: to learn to group objects into vegetables and fruits; develop speed of reaction, discipline, endurance.

For the game, you need to prepare pictures depicting a vegetable garden and object pictures (or dummies) of vegetables and fruits.

Children are divided into two teams: gardeners and vegetable growers. At the signal, each team must collect their items. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Card index of games for artistic and aesthetic development

Games for artistic and aesthetic development are held for:

  • laying the preconditions for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art;
  • formation of an aesthetic attitude towards nature and the surrounding world;
  • implementation of independent creative activity.

Game “Collect drops in a glass”

Goal: to teach to understand colors and their shades; learn to match objects by color.

To play the game you need to prepare cups and pictures of multi-colored drops.

The teacher addresses the children:

— I’ll put a drop of blue in this glass. Let's fill the glass. Add your own droplets of the same color.

Each child should have a set of drops of all the necessary colors.

Game “Find out and complete the drawing”

Goal: to develop a sense of symmetry in children; learn to accurately convey the shape of an object, to use shading.

To play, you need to make cards with only halves drawn on them. various items: flower, sun, leaf, etc. Children are asked to complete the missing part of the object, and then shade the drawing.

Game “Beautiful - Ugly”

Goal: to learn to identify violations in the composition of a drawing, its color scheme, and to form aesthetic taste.

Children are offered different pictures. They must determine what color scheme each drawing is made in, and then find and name an object that is painted in the wrong color and disrupts the overall composition.

— Guys, look at the drawing. What do you see here?

— Which color predominates? What colors are similar to it?

— What object stands out in color, seems out of place here?

This game can be played frontally or divided into groups.

Games that promote physical development

Games that promote physical development, are aimed at:

  • developing motor skills in children;
  • development of coordination, balance, hand motor skills and flexibility;
  • proper formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • training in the correct execution of basic sports movements;
  • skills formation healthy image life.

Game "Swing"

Goal: learn to perform various rhythmic movements; development of coordination and balance.

The presenter invites the children to repeat the lines of the poem after him and perform the appropriate movements.

All summer swing

They swayed and sang,

And we're on a swing

They flew to the sky.

(Children begin to swing their arms back and forth, slightly springing their legs at the knees when squatting).

Autumn days have arrived.

The swings were left alone.

(Reduce the intensity of movements and gradually stop).

Lying on a swing

Two yellow leaves.

And the wind swings

It shakes slightly.

(They slowly begin to move their hands again.)

Game "Musical chair"

Goal: to develop motor skills, learn to run in circles, develop attentiveness, learn to act on a signal.

To start the game, you need to place several chairs in a circle in the center of the room (one less than the number of participants). Children should stand in a circle around the chairs. The teacher turns on the music.

While the music is playing, the children run in a circle. As soon as the music stops, everyone should sit on a separate chair. There is not enough chair for one child. He leaves the game and the chair is removed. Then the game repeats. This continues until there is only one child left.

Game "On a walk"

Goal: to learn physical exercises in motion, prevention of flat feet.

Before the game starts, children line up in a column. The teacher tells them that they are going for a walk and asks them to listen to his story and repeat all the movements.

— We are walking along the path (the children follow each other).

- We need to cross the puddle (they walk on their heels).

— We approached the apple tree and wanted to try its apples. Reach for them (walk on your toes).

- We need to jump over the stream (they jump).

- You met a bear cub, show how he walks (they walk on the outside of the foot).

The presenter can offer different movement options. For one game session, children are given no more than five different tasks.

Implementation of all five educational areas provides an integrated approach to child development. In the second younger group, such work should be planned and carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children 3-4 years old. When conducting games, it is necessary to create an atmosphere conducive to the child’s emotional well-being and the formation of a positive attitude towards himself, others and cognitive activity.
