Fedor Holtz biography. Fedor Holtz told Forbes all his secrets

On May 30th and 31st, the German prodigy made his presence felt again, scoring two victories in the Super High Roller tournaments in two days. Today we decided to find out how the poker wizard lives in 2017, remember his previous successes and ask the opinion of Russian-speaking MTT professionals about Fedor.

Getting a spot in the SuperHighRoller Bowl this year wasn't easy. The number of professionals willing to cross swords with billionaires and Hollywood actors for $300k is only growing every year, and the organizers deliberately limit the quota for pro players (the notorious concern for the environment). Only the German “incubator” introduced three new representatives this year, so even the most respected card masters had to worry. Already in May, the organizers held several ridiculous lotteries, where they competed for additional places in the tournament. One of them went to Fedor.

On the dates of the poker Super Bowl, the Aria casino traditionally holds $50k matches, which for the second year in a row (again traditionally) is won by Holtz. This year he won 2 times within a day and won $645,000 minus buy-ins:

As you already know, he failed to build on his success - the One Drop “champion belt” this year went to Douglas Polk, and he was emotionally knocked out of the SuperHighRoller Bowl by an American actor and stand-up comedian Kevin Hart:

But if we add here a victory in the Monaco side event, 2nd place in the Macau Super High Roller tournament and top 3 SHR in Australia, then we get a couple more million in net profit that Holtz earned this year already as an “amateur”.

New project

Holtz's "retirement from poker" last year wasn't just a rant. He decided to pursue a career in business and, together with the famous psychologist Eliot Rowe, founded the company last year "Primed Mind". A new b2b project is developing a mobile application that will help “increase self-confidence, prepare for life’s challenges and help realize creative potential”:

Currently, the application is already launched and available for download in the Apple Store. There is an active advertising campaign on the Internet, and marketers do not forget to use a long list of the German’s poker credentials:

What did 23 million consist of?

Holtz's career exploded during the 2014 WCOOP. Then he won his first million in the main tournament of the series:

In 2015, he shifted his focus to offline tournaments and won another $7kk within a year:

The peak of Fedor's career. Summer 2016 and over $10 million in Las Vegas:

A million “for you and that guy” - sharing the top 2 of the most expensive tournament in the history of online poker

Opinion of Russian-speaking professionals about Fedor

Today we have collected for you the opinions of famous players who had the opportunity to play with Fedor live or online.

Anatoly “NL_Profit” Filatov

I ran into Fedor several times. He plays well and is pleasant to talk to. Last year at the WSOP in a $3k tournament I saw him get run over and hit his chair in anger. It's also very good online. He used to play a lot, but now he has retired a little and appears mainly only on major series.

Fedor Holtz dances salsa with Jungleman's girlfriend

Kirill "moron" Rodionov

He's a cool guy, to say the least. A pleasant guy to talk to, such an intelligent, and a great player. It is clear that his results are, after all, a release of dispa and a stunning upswing. But he definitely plays really cool.

Sergey "vedevas" Lebedev

Personally, I like him both as a person and as a player. Although I was sitting at the next table one day when he threw chips all over the table after losing a hand to Phil Grussem.

It doesn’t seem to me that his successes changed him much, although, of course, it was noticeable how they instilled in him very great confidence in his abilities. Overall, almost always maintains a good atmosphere and conversation at the table. In my opinion, he is one of those players who does not transfer the competition at the table to his attitude towards people, and not everyone can boast of this. On the other hand, it’s easy to be positive and friendly when everything you can is dragging along.

Alexey Borisov

Where to find:

Fedor's microblog on Twitter: https://twitter.com/crownupguy
Holtz's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/fedoire/
CrownUpGuy streams on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/crownupguy
Holz on Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedor_Holz

Interesting facts from the life of Fedor Holtz:

  • Parents named Fyodor in honor of Dostoevsky.
  • In 2015, he created an online game that tests poker intelligence. Fatima de Melo scored the most points, Daniel Negreanu came in second, and Liv Boeri came in third.

Short biography:

Fedor was born into a poor family and since childhood he dreamed of becoming rich in order to buy his parents a big house. At the age of 17, Holtz entered the university to study data processing. After six months of diligent study, Fedor passed the exams worst in the group, which is why he quit studying and went into poker.

During the first months, the young man constantly lost. To take a break from the Internet, Fedor and a friend went on a trip to Europe and South Africa. The friends made money by playing cash games and participating in small tournaments. The poker player returned home with a good bankroll and continued playing online at higher limits.

Holtz played online cash games and earned decent amounts of money until his opponents began to avoid him. Fedor changed discipline to MTT, where no one knew him. In 2014, the poker player gained popularity when he won WCOOP and earned $1,300,000 in prize money. But Holtz paid most of this money to shareholders.

After success online, the young man moved to live tournaments - he dreamed of getting a “real” poker champion title. In December 2015, he won the WPT tournament and earned $1,590,000. Three weeks later, Fedor became the first on WPTN and replenished his bankroll by $3,463,500.

Fedor's biggest victory occurred in July 2016. At the World Series High Roller, Holtz took first place and took home almost $5,000,000.

Fedor is helped online by training in GTO programs. But Holtz is afraid that in a few years, due to the abundance of poker programs, online gaming will be "solved" and will no longer be interesting. Now Fedor is more interested in live games, where mathematics is less important, but knowledge of psychology is needed.

Holtz believes that having reached the level of super high rollers and won bracelets in online and live play, he has nowhere to grow in poker. Fedor is tired of cards and is going to become an entrepreneur, leaving tournaments as a hobby.

Fyodor is upset - considered a brilliant child, with age he has lowered his IQ, and a task that was easily overcome in childhood is now difficult to solve. This is one of the reasons why Holtz wants to retire from poker at the height of his fame, when he was remembered as a successful super high roller.


  1. WSOP ME 2015 – All Fedor Holz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Mdq1Auqjc
  2. Fedor Holz runs like god in WSOP 2016 High Roller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhcWrWkrngI
  3. Fedor Holz All Hands WSOP 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3zx0PSFdyk
  4. Fedor Holz vs Jason Mercier vs Brian Rast-Aussie Millions 2016 100k: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xOhjP-8EeA
  5. Guest Fedor Holz #6: Poker Life Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LviSnm3q_4

Fedor Holtz is a more than familiar name in the poker world. In today's article we will talk about the biography of this young player.

Fedor Holz is a poker prodigy who succeeded at such a young age achieve great success. The young man quickly burst into the poker world and immediately loudly declared himself.


The future world poker star Fedor Holz was born on July 25, 1993 in Germany. The guy spent his entire childhood in this country. In 2013, at the age of 20, Fedor moved to the capital of Austria - Vienna. As a child, he was a very smart boy. His IQ was 155 - just a little short of being a genius. Now this figure has decreased - Fedor attributes this to age-related degradation.

Fedor Holtz loves giving interviews. In them, he said more than once that his family was not rich and they rarely had money. Poverty was compensated by strong cohesion and friendship. His father was a police officer and his mother a social worker. His parents constantly supported the guy and inspired him. Therefore, now, having earned a lot of money, Fedor helps his mother and father, as well as his sisters.

Holtz Fedor initially used poker as a tool for earning money. After his first big win, the talented poker player bought his parents a house in Germany. Thus, the guy’s childhood dream came true.

Carier start

At the age of 18, Fedor suddenly realized that he was not living the way he would like. Studying at the university did not bring pleasure to the guy. Two of his friends made good money playing cards and Holtz tried his luck.

Card The guy really liked the game. They began to pay attention to the young talent. A few months later, Fedor signed a backing contract with the organizer of professional tournaments, who noticed great potential in the young man. Fedor decided to start a professional career, so he dropped out of university.

At first, Fedor felt a lot of pressure and did not show positive results. At the end of the first year of his career, Fedor Holz was in a serious disadvantage. The guy's Bakker decided to rectify the situation and hired Fedora an experienced MTT coach. His name remains unknown. This move bore fruit - Holtz's game improved dramatically, and he began to win consistently. Another proof that good a mentor is an integral part of the career of a successful poker player.

Fedor Holz's first major success was his victory at the WCOOP 2014 online tournament, as a result of which the German increased his bank account by $1,300,000. A few days later, Fedor won the Sunday Full Tilt tournament - plus $38,000.

A series of successful performances made Fedor one of the leaders in the ranking of successful online players. In 2014 and 2015, he became the best at the end of the year.

Holtz Fedor began to perceive poker as the main source of income. Therefore, in 2015 I started performing offline. In his first year of playing at live tournaments, Fedor earned over $7,000,000.

2016 started with great success for Fedor. He won a high roller tournament in the Philippines, as a result of which he earned $3,463,000. In May 2016, Holtz went to Las Vegas, where a 2-month series of tournaments awaited him. First, Fedor Holz won the World Series high roller tournament. He received $5,000,000, as well as the first bracelet. A few days later there was second place in another high roller tournament - plus $3,500,000. This should include two more victories at AHR. Total prize money for 2016 - approx. $16,500,000.

Holtz has a WSOP bracelet, three PokerStars picks, and two WPT titles. Fedor achieved no less success online. At the moment, Fedor Holz has earned $23,000,000 from live tournaments and several million more online.

At the end of 2016 the guy announced his retirement. Now he enjoys life and plays for fun. That doesn't stop him from continuing to win.

The second main hobby in Fedor’s life after poker is traveling. Now that the guy has a lot of free time and money, he practically doesn’t sit at home. The German's greatest weakness is mountains. Fedor Holtz often posts videos on the Internet where he travels with family or friends.

Fedor has been interested in motivational psychology since childhood. It is with this aspect that the player associates success 2016. Recently, Holtz co-founded Prime with renowned psychologist Eliot Rowe. In the spring of 2017, the company released a mobile application to increase self-confidence - Primed Mind.

In 2016 Fedor entered the ranking of the richest poker players. He placed in 6th place and beat out such giants as Phil Hellmuth and Sam Trickett.

The world's leading players call the young German "a real phenomenon". Fedor Holz only confirms this with his biography - the player managed to break into the poker elite in a short period of time. There wasn't a single poker fan who didn't mention the German's name. In 2017, Holtz became the face of the Party Poker platform.

All we can do is continue to follow the talented German. His retirement is more like a temporary vacation. We are confident that Fedor will continue to perform at a high level for a long time and delight his fans.

Anyone can follow Holtz on Instagram and follow how the poker player spends his leisure time. There is a lot of interesting things there.

Fedor Holz is one of the greatest players of our time, who has shown that determination and constant self-development will definitely lead to success.

Go to My WSOP Fantasy League Team.

Interesting facts about Fedor Holz

Biography of Fedor Holtz

German Fedor Holz had already announced his retirement as a professional player in his early years, but not before he managed to forever write his name in the history of poker.

This native of the German city of Saarbrücken, who later moved to the capital of Austria, is considered one of the best tournament players in modern poker history, and Holtz has achieved significant achievements both in online poker and in the live tournament arena.

Thanks to his numerous successes online, Fedor twice in a row became the best online tournament player of the year according to PocketFives (in 2014 and 2015). As for offline performances, and specifically at the most prestigious tournament series in the world, the young German’s main achievements at the WSOP are second place in the Super High Roller Bowl tournament with a buy-in of $300,000 in 2016, which brought the player $3.5 million in prize money, and winning the $111,111 High Roller for One Drop at the WSOP of the same year, which gave him almost $5 million in prize money and the coveted gold bracelet for every player.

Fedor Holtz's poker journey began with home games with friends. However, shortly after he turned eighteen in 2011, the future star became acquainted with online poker and began to rapidly increase his skills. Holtz's progress did not go unnoticed, and in 2012 he acquired a respected backer in poker circles, who also began to help him improve his level of play.

Having achieved some success, Fedor was able to afford to play with his own money, and in 2013 he began traveling around the world to various poker tournaments. Africa, Asia, America and Europe, including all stages of the EPT...

Also in 2013, Fedor Holz himself began training players, and eventually achieved a high reputation among other poker coaches.

Best Player Achievements: Fedor Holtz

dateWhereTournamentPlacePrize $
2016-07-08 WSOP $111,111 No Limit Hold"em High Roller for One Drop (single re-entry) (Event #67)
47th World Series of Poker (WSOP) 2016, Las Vegas
1 $4,981,775
2016-05-29 $300,000 No Limit Hold'em
Super High Roller Bowl with 888poker, Las Vegas
2 $3,500,000
2016-01-03 $ 196,000 + 4,000 No Limit Hold"em Triton Super High Roller Series (Event #3)
2016 World Poker Tour National (WPTN) - Philippines, Paranaque City
1 $3,463,500
2015-12-18 WPT $100,000 WPT Alpha8 - No Limit Hold"em High Roller (Event #18)
WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic, Las Vegas
1 $1,589,219
2016-08-20 EPT € 48,500 + 1,500 No Limit Hold'em - Super High Roller 8 Handed (Event #16)
EPT - 13 - ESPT - 7 - Barcelona, ​​Barcelona
1 $1,473,127
2017-04-01 HK$ 388,000 + 12,000 No Limit Hold"em - PokerStars Championship Super High Roller #12
PokerStars Championship Macau, Macau
2 $868,518
Aria Super High Roller 9, Las Vegas
1 $637,392
1 $417,600
2016-07-07 $48,000 + 2,000 No Limit Hold"em
Aria Super High Roller 10, Las Vegas
3 $407,310
2016-06-10 $24,000 + 1,000 No Limit Hold"em
Aria High Roller 32, Las Vegas
1 $393,120

Latest results

dateWhereTournamentPlacePrize $
2017-10-18 HK$ 960,000 + 40,000 No Limit Hold"em - Triton Macau Main Event
Triton Super High Roller Series - Macau, Macau
0 $0
2017-10-06 € 2,200 No Limit Hold"em - Turbo High Roller
partypoker Grand Prix Austria, Vienna
0 $0
2017-09-18 $100,000 No Limit Hold'em - Event #5
Poker Masters, Las Vegas
0 $0
2017-09-14 $50,000 No Limit Hold'em - Event #2
Poker Masters, Las Vegas
0 $0
2017-07-16 HK$ 240,000 + 10,000 No Limit Hold"em - 6 Max
Triton Super High Roller Series 2017, Budva
0 $0
2017-05-31 $48,000 + 2,000 No Limit Hold"em - Super High Roller
Aria Super High Roller 21, Las Vegas
1 $417,600
2017-05-31 $48,000 + 2,000 No Limit Hold"em - Super High Roller
Aria Super High Roller 21, Las Vegas
0 $0
2017-05-30 $48,000 + 2,000 No Limit Hold"em - Super High Roller
1 $330,660
2017-05-30 $48,000 + 2,000 No Limit Hold"em - Super High Roller
Aria Super High Roller 20, Las Vegas
0 $0
2017-05-23 $10,000 + 500 No Limit Hold"em
Aria 10k 1, Las Vegas
3 $42,000

On July 25, 2017, one of the most successful and at the same time promising professional poker players of our time celebrated his next birthday. It’s a little confusing, and some may even break the stereotypes, but Fedor “CrownUpGuy” Holz is no less than 24 years old. It seems like no one, let alone Fedor Holtz, probably had to rack his brains over the financial component and sacrifice anything in order to throw exactly the kind of party on the occasion of his birthday that he wanted to do for this special day of his.

Just before his birthday, the German professional poker player gave himself a nice gift. Less than ten days before the holiday, Fedor Holz won another major no-limit hold'em tournament, HK$250,000 No Limit Hold'em - 6 Max at the Triton Super High Roller Series 2017 and received HK$3,472,200 ($444,893) as a first place prize. Now the total career winnings in live poker tournaments of a native of the German city of Saarbrücken (Saarbrückenв) is $23,354,887.And this is at the age of 24!!!

In the All Time Money List ranking, Fedor Holz now occupies a high sixth place. He only needs to win about $500,000 and he will break into the top five most successful poker players of all time. Just some $500,000 and he will surpass no one else on this list, but the legendary Phillip D. Ivey.

And if in the world ranking Fedor Holz is still only in the middle of the top ten, then in the anthological ranking among German players he has long been without equal. In the Germany All Time Money List ranking, he has already managed to confidently take the lead and break away from his closest pursuers by more than $9 million.

In just the last two years, Fedor Holtz has exploded to the top, becoming one of the most recognizable and most popular professional poker players. In just the last two years, he has managed to carve out a strong place for himself on the poker Olympus, where the brightest and most successful poker professionals are located, traveling around the world in search of live poker tournaments with the highest prize pools.

Not every professional poker player is as young and as successful as Fedor Holz. Fedor Holz is a professional poker player who has made his success story into a story worthy of emulation. All fans of Fedor Holz's talent sincerely hope that his current success story is just the beginning of a story that will turn into the story of one of the greatest poker players in the world.

In a very short period of time, within the framework of a person’s conscious life path, Fyodor Holtz has already managed to achieve quite a lot of success in life and amass quite a fortune. What's even more amazing about his story is the fact that he only started playing poker four or five years ago. Of course, his success story could not go unnoticed in the circles of the rich and famous of this world. The most fashionable business publication of our time, Forbes, also became interested in the success story of Fedor Holtz.

A few days before his 24th birthday, Forbes journalist interviewed Fedor Holtz. Well, as a journalist. (To be honest, I have long had the impression that “mere mortals” don’t write for Forbes. There is probably a brutal three-day casting for the position of a garbage collector, with a careful pre-selection based on a resume. That’s it. Stop. Enough humor. Sorry, but couldn’t resist.) Journalist Darren Heitner interviewed Fedor Holtz and acted as the author of an article in Forbes.

No, I still think it’s necessary to give a brief background on the journalist, so that the reader of the article has an idea of ​​how seriously Forbes took the creation of the material about Fedor Holtz. Darren Adam Heitner, Esq.: Graduate of the University of Florida. He holds a BA and PhD from the University of Florida. Professor in the Department of Sports Law at the University of Florida. Founder and editor-in-chief of Sports Agent Blog. Founder and CEO of Dynasty Dealings, LLC. Author of the acclaimed book "How to Play the Game: What Every Sports Attorney Needs to Know" ". well, etc.

So what did one multimillionaire interview another about and what opinion about Fedor Holtz did Darren Heitner express in his article.

Darren Heitner: "What helped you become one of the best professional poker players in the world? What is the main secret of your meteoric rise and why exactly did you manage to achieve such success where millions of others never achieve even a fraction of that in their entire lives? , what have you managed to achieve in just a few years?

Fedor Holtz: “The key success factor for me was my social circle. I think it’s a good idea to share your thoughts, conclusions and ideas with other people interested in this. With people who can understand you and benefit from your discoveries for themselves. Now I’m sharing some of your thoughts to you. Then you will share them with someone else, and this will happen further and in geometric progression. I believe that it is much better for everyone if you are surrounded by people with whom you can share your thoughts, conclusions and ideas. You "Share your thoughts, findings and ideas with those around you and get the same in return from your social circle. This is much more effective for you and allows you to reap greater benefits than if you try to benefit from your thoughts, findings and ideas on your own."

"Even now I spend a lot of time on forums communicating mostly with the same people. I share my thoughts with them and they share theirs in return. Everyone draws certain conclusions from this. We all started our journey with low limits. For It’s even a little surprising for me now to see how we have progressed together from this communication. Now we travel together and play in tournaments with the highest buy-ins. At the same time, we continue to communicate in the same way and share our thoughts, conclusions and ideas without only live, but also online."

Darren: “I understand that your main contacts in your social circle are Steffen Sontheimer, Rainer Kempe and Koray Aldemir. People, how does your total career winnings in live poker tournaments compare well with yours? "

Fedor: “No, not only. I still communicate on many forums. For example, Skype is my large database of contacts of completely different poker players. By and large, it all started with communication on Skype. My blog and the blogs of other poker players also played an important role for me. You write your own blog and share your thoughts about your game. Other people read it. You read the blogs of other poker players. Write comments on the blogs. Draw certain conclusions for yourself and establish closer contact with the players you consider enough smart and reasonable. You start communicating with them using, for example, Skype and already share with each other thoughts, conclusions and ideas about specific strategies."

Darren: " It seems that your social circle has helped you gain considerable benefit from communication. Now your financial situation is such that issues of personal security should play an important role for you. Don’t you think it’s time for you to limit your social circle and your personal space based on issues of financial security?”

“It’s very sad for me to see how people limit themselves in everything, guided solely by issues of financial security. I am by nature a very sociable person. I have many fairly close people and friends with whom I continue to communicate as before. Having a good financial "Only one thing changed the situation for me. Money gave me complete freedom regarding the choice of my plans for further actions. I really like to be independent and not think about the financial component of what I plan to do."

Darren: "What freedom are you talking about?"

Fedor: " Previously, I could not afford such freedom of action as now. So in 2015 and 2016 I made almost 200 flights a year. During these two years, I never lived in one place for more than a week. For almost two years I just lived non-stop. I lived only by constantly playing and earning money."

"Now I can afford the tournament schedule that I want. I can now play a lot less live poker tournaments and focus a lot more on creating and running my own business, away from the poker table."

Darren: "You recently released your own mobile application "Primed Mind", which, according to your statements, should help others achieve success by improving their thinking. As far as I understand, "Primed Mind" is quite universal and adapted to various situations. "Primed Mind" contains Quite a lot of functionality for various areas of application. Your application is quite in demand and over the past two months more than 20,000 people have downloaded it."

Fedor: “My global idea is to create an umbrella company that would help people in various situations, based on experience and knowledge taken from poker. Our first sign “Primed Mind” is a training application. It contains a knowledge base that helped me achieve success. The base that I have been successfully using in poker for about two years now.. "Primed Mind" has more than 100 different courses that are structured depending on the situation."

Darren:“So you think that mindset is always the determining factor? It turns out that you, a professional poker player, believe that success at the poker table requires much more skill, why?”

Fedor:"I think that live poker is very similar to trading in the stock market. The better a person understands how all financial instruments work, the easier it is for him to succeed in trading securities or stocks. If a person understands well the work of all financial instruments, then there will be no fluctuations in quotes he is not afraid and will still succeed.".

"How do you see the future of poker and its online format in particular?

Fedor:"I think that there is definitely a future for live poker. Live poker still has many prospects and options for development. But online poker has no future. Eventually there will come a time when poker will be completely solved by the computer. After that, online poker will not live long "It will just die. You can see for yourself how online play at high limits is slowly dying. A new "poker boom" may help for a while, but for this it is necessary that either the USA or China officially legalize online poker."
