Games on the seashore with children. Fun games for kids on the beach

Give your child free rein - and he will not get out of the water all day. What else should he do on the beach? It’s a thrill for parents to lie down and relax, but the baby wants to be active. But you can’t sit in the water for too long. We have to look for reasonable compromises. Styopka and I agreed that he would let me rest for a while and play on his own, and then I would join in too. And although our beach entertainment program is quite standard, we don’t get bored with it.

Paper fleet

Our mother always takes glossy magazines with her to the beach. And she already knows that the advertising pages are intended for us, or rather for our future fleet. We build boats from paper. And Styopka, while I’m resting, lets them out near the shore.

Super squirter

It seems to me that this is the favorite pastime of all boys. In any case, I don’t know anyone who isn’t attracted to sprinklers. Now, of course, you can buy a water pistol. But personally, as a child, I made squirters from plastic bottles. Now I’m making these for Styopka, and he likes them much more than pistols.

When we go to the beach, we always take several small plastic bottles with small holes in the lid. You fill the bottle with water, press it and a stream comes out of the hole.

  • you can just splash each other
  • on a hot day, draw shapes on the asphalt with water
  • shoot water at targets - plastic cups.

Sand castle

The highlight of the beach program is, of course, the construction of sand castles. Several times I watched moms and dads building structures with their kids. Most parents take on the role of chief designer and architect, and only entrust the kids with auxiliary work.

With Styopka it’s the other way around. He comes up with a plan for a fortress, fort or castle and we begin construction.

It is very important to initially understand what kind of structure we are building, because additional elements depend on this. To build a fortress, we collect small pebbles and line the walls of the building with them. And when we build a house for the princess with our friend Anechka, we stock up on decorative elements in advance - candy wrappers, cherry pits, flowers (after all, a beauty’s castle cannot be ascetic, like a defensive fortress).


This game can be played not only on a sandy beach, but even in an ordinary sandbox. One player buries his hand in the sand - this will be a “bomb”. The second player very carefully digs out his hand. Objective: dig up the “bomb” so carefully as not to touch the fingers of the first player, otherwise the “bomb” will explode.

If there are many children, then you can bury one player completely, leaving only the face on the surface. And then, together, carefully dig out the “bomb.”

The "bomb", sensing that someone has touched it, should explode - sharply pulling out of the sand the part of the body that was touched.


This is very fun game for children, which settles in the water. Therefore, at least one adult must play it with children and make sure that children do not accidentally climb into the depths.

The game is played in shallow water. Everyone gets down on all fours, legs hanging, and hands at the bottom. You need to walk on your hands, like how crocodiles move, and catch up with each other.

And sometimes crocodiles start acting up and bang their tails on the water. Children flounder with their feet, raising clouds of splashes.

Shore and river

It is known that if a child is not pulled ashore in time, he will splash in the water until he turns blue. So here's our next game for children is intended just for such cases when the child is cold and needs to quickly warm up. I think there are many such children. You can organize an outdoor game with them.

At a distance of approximately 1 meter from each other, you need to draw two lines. We imagine that between them there is a river, and beyond the features there is a shore. At the command of the leader “river”, all participants jump into the “river”, at the command “bank”, everyone jumps over the line. The presenter speaks quickly, specifically to confuse the players. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated.

From mini to maxi

Not only interesting, but also useful game because it develops fine motor skills.

First you need to walk along the beach with your baby and pick up pebbles, the main thing is that they are of different sizes.

Now, we arrange all the pebbles into equal piles. Each player sits with his back to his pile. The leader, or one of the players, commands: “One, two, three.” And all the players, without turning around, begin to place the pebbles in order: first the smallest, then larger, then even larger... That is, everything must be done by touch.

Then the results are compared: the player who placed his pebbles most accurately gets a prize. For example, candy.

Stone pearl

We will need pebbles again. And also foil. The pebbles are wrapped in foil and the leader scatters them in shallow water. At his command, the children rush into the water and collect “pearls” - pebbles wrapped in foil.

The one who collects the most pearls wins.

Natural fairy tale

I have a couple more in stock quiet games for children. When I get tired of running and fiddling around, Styopka and I lie down and look at the grass. Life is in full swing there - ants run, bumblebees land on a flower, and the blades of grass themselves look like a bizarre kingdom with their own passages, exits, transitions... It’s not at all difficult to come up with a story about how a bumblebee came to visit a clover or about an ant who runs to look for treasure .

Styopka and I take turns composing a fairy tale. For example, he starts, I continue, then mom can join. So the fairy tale acquires more and more new details. It turns out very interesting.

Cloud Fantasy

Another one calm game for children. It greatly develops fantasy and imagination. It is most convenient to play it when the sun sets behind a cloud.

We lie on our backs and look at the clouds. What are they like? Maybe one for an elephant, another for a house, and a third for a beloved grandfather?

It is interesting that clouds change shape and, for example, a grandfather can transform into a hippopotamus or a lion, and a butterfly can suddenly become a fairy.

Here it is - the sea and a large spacious beach. But don’t think that your children will quietly lie on the sand next to you and watch other people. Children are very active and require a variety of play activities.

But on the beach this is not a problem. The beach is a large springboard where children can learn something new about nature, play various games and have fun. The main thing is to guide them correctly and then they will definitely not be bored.

So, put on your swimsuit, pull on your bucket hat and choose a fun beach holiday.

Beach games for children

Photo memory of a beach holiday

Give your child a camera. First, of course, you will have to explain how to properly handle the camera on the beach, that it should not be wet or allowed to get sand in it. Allow your child to photograph whatever he wants. You can suggest good angles or moments. And when you arrive home, be sure to print out these photo memories and make a separate photo album out of them.

Explore the sundial

To better introduce your child to the natural world, show him how a sundial works. It will be interesting for your child to watch the movement of the heavenly body and learn to tell time by the sun.

To do this, show how to determine the cardinal directions, insert an ordinary stick into the sand and explore the concept of time as our ancestors did.

Explore sea life

Nothing fascinates children at sea more than the depths of the sea. She is so unusual and enchanted. Snorkel together and see what's happening on the seabed.

Come to the beach first in the evening and then early in the morning and see how the landscape changes depending on the tides. Often during low tides, various shells and interesting pebbles remain on the shore.

Zen - sandbox

Take a shoe box, for example, and fill it evenly with sand. Children can collect shells and pebbles from the beach to create their own collection of unique items.

This activity allows develop creative qualities in children and calms nervous system. Using a stick here you can draw various shapes.


You can make a kite yourself or buy it in advance from a store. In any case, the whole family will enjoy this entertainment.

Especially in the evening, when the sun won’t be so hot and there will be significantly fewer people on the beach, you can take yourself for a walk while flying a kite.

Create a shell necklace

Who among us did not create various beads from shells or pasta in childhood? This activity will probably always be relevant. Let kids get creative with shapes and decorations. It will become great game for children of any age.

Make sound recordings of the sound of sea waves

Record the sounds of sea waves with your child. But record completely different sounds: it could be the sound of the sea before a thunderstorm, or the way waves crash on rocks. The sound of waves on a sandy beach will be different than on a stone one.

Also, the sound of the sea will be different in the morning and evening. Subsequently, it will be possible to use these recordings as one of the lullabies.

Tic Tac Toe

Teach your child to play tic-tac-toe. To do this, collect stones. Draw “X’s” on some, and “O’s” on others.

The game board can be drawn on the sand using a stick. Someone chooses “crosses” for themselves, someone “toes” and the game begins.

Beach games for children must meet two criteria: be safe and interesting to the child. Both babies and older children expect a lot of impressions and physical activity from a beach holiday, while their parents dream of relaxing and unwinding. We should not forget that the safety and comfort of the child must be ensured during the summer holidays. Let's look at popular and exciting games for children, capable of turning a beach holiday into an unforgettable adventure.

Beach games

Entertainment on the beach comes down mainly to playing with sand, however, you shouldn’t stop there, it’s better to show your child a variety of outdoor games. This will help him throw out accumulated energy, get pleasantly tired and gain moral satisfaction. Children's games ⛳️ can also be of a creative nature, for example, painting stones with paints can be the beginning of creating a home collection and a powerful impetus for development. To prevent the child from quickly becoming bored with these activities, parents will need to pay a lot of attention to him and, possibly, select suitable peer companions.

Sand games

For babies beach games They are simple and unpretentious; with the help of adults they can be turned into an exciting event:

  1. Creating a sand castle is the most common pastime on the coast of a reservoir. Both boys and girls are interested in building structures. You can use your imagination by decorating the constructed castles with patterns of shells or stones.
  2. “Cooking” Easter cakes is a fun activity for kids. To “work” you will need the following tools: molds, a small plastic bucket, a spatula.
  3. Chef game. You can ask children to “cook” a cake or other dish from sand. You can use various shells and stones as decorations.
  4. Search for treasure. Coins or other objects are buried in the sand and then found. Parents can change roles with their children: some search, others hide, and vice versa. The child's joy from finding a treasure is worth the time spent playing.
  5. Image on wet sand. On a moistened and flat surface you can draw with your fingers or sticks. You can use all your imagination and fish, strange animals or patterns will appear from the young artist’s pen.
  6. Sand labyrinths. Creating intricate sand tunnels can captivate not only children, but also their parents. Alternatively, you can dig underground tunnels with your hands towards each other, competing in speed and dexterity.

☝️ Tip: to get the perfect sand sculpture, you should pour wet sand into a mold, compact it and turn it over, placing it on a hard surface, while lightly tapping the mold. The sand will evenly leave the plastic walls and repeat their relief.

Games in the water

Outdoor games near the water have a positive effect on increasing coordination and physical development child. Such a game may or may not have a plot; it may be team or non-team. The main task of such entertainment is to prepare the child for swimming and develop his muscle corset. ⛵️ Water entertainment at sea is as follows:

  1. The game “Crucian carp and carp” is aimed at teaching how to move in water in a standing position and familiarize yourself with the properties of water. Players are divided into two teams, for each of which a site on the water called a “city” is determined. Participants gather in the middle playing field on the water and waiting for the judge's commands. After the judge says "carp" or "crucian carp", the respective team strives to occupy their city, while members of the other team try to tarnish them. Those who are tainted are eliminated from the game.
  2. Pump. The duration of the game is up to two minutes, the goal is to teach the child to hold his breath while diving. Participants stand opposite each other and hold hands. At the signal, the judges take turns squatting, plunging their heads into the water and holding their breath.
  3. Fountain. The goal of the game is to teach children the leg movements when swimming crawl. Total duration – 1 minute. In shallow water, participants stand in a circle, then take a prone position or a back support position. After the leader’s signal, they begin to move their legs alternately down and up.
  4. Mill. This game teaches the correct hand movements when swimming crawl. You should go to a depth just above the child’s waist. Then the baby pushes off the bottom with his feet and glides through the water by inertia. You need to make alternate movements with your arms, trying to swim as long as possible.

Clean water, soft sand - Crimea is a great place for water games with kids. You can find a suitable accommodation option at

☝️ Advice: any entertainment at sea must be under the supervision of adults. Even a few minutes of uncontrolled exposure to water can be enough to cause irreparable loss. Children, especially younger age, must be taught that entering a body of water without permission and the presence of adults is unacceptable.

Cat and mouse

There are two active participants in the game - “cat” and “mouse”, the rest prevent the cat from catching the mouse. Children stand in a circle, holding hands and raising them. The distance between neighboring children should be sufficient for another child to run between them. The mouse enters the circle, but the cat remains outside it.

After the signal, the “cat” begins to hunt. To do this, she strives to get inside the circle by any means. She may try to open her arms, crawl under them, or even jump over her lowered arms. Players must prevent this. It is permissible to raise and lower your arms, but it is forbidden to shorten the passage and place footrests. After the “mouse” is caught, the cat stands in a circle, and the “mouse” takes its place.


The players are divided into two teams: “elephant” and “riders”. The players of the “elephant” team stand one after another, bending over and grabbing the previous teammate by the belt. The “riders” try to jump on the back of the “elephant” with a running start in the same way as on a sports horse. In this case, the first person to jump no longer has the right to move forward.

After the whole team has saddled the “elephant”, they begin moving towards a pre-designated place. If the “elephant” falls apart due to the “riders” jumping, then the process begins all over again. If one of the riders falls off the “elephant,” then the teams change places. During the game, it is recommended to tilt your neck as low as possible to protect it and your head from injury.

Volcano made of sand

You should make a mound of sand 0.3 m high. Use a spoon to make a notch in the middle, try to make it deeper. Put 2-3 tsp in it. baking soda and add vinegar. A spectacular “eruption” of a sand volcano begins.

The hippos ran

⛵️ Draw a circle in the sand with a diameter of about three meters and divide it into sectors according to the number of participants in the game. The players take their places, and the presenter stands in the center, closes his eyes and says: “The hippos ran and pressed the button. Peep stop." After the word “stop,” the participants stop running in a circle and stop.

The presenter, without opening his eyes, calls the sector number. The player in it runs away and stops after the “stop” command. The leader must guess how many steps separate him from the fugitive. After that, he begins to measure his steps. If he can reach the player after taking the specified number of steps, then the player becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place in the circle.


Pioneerball is a team game. The minimum number of participants in one team is 2, the optimal number is 6-8 people. You should outline an area in the sand the size of a volleyball court. Stretch a rope or net in the middle. The right to first serve is determined by drawing lots. After which, the player of the team that received this right serves from the far corner of the court so as to throw the ball into the opponent’s territory. You can catch the ball with your hands and make up to three throws in your territory.

The main task is to prevent the ball from falling on your own territory and to do everything to ensure that this happens in the opponent’s territory. It is permissible to throw the ball only overhead through a stretched net or rope. The player who received the ball does not have the right to take more than 3 steps with it on the court. If the serve is won, the players change places, moving clockwise.

The game consists of parties. The team that scores the most points in two or more games wins. A difference of at least 2 points is considered a victory. The number of points per game can be different: 25, 15 or 10.

Tea, tea, help me out

A leader is selected from among the game participants using a counting rhyme. The leader must “slap” one of the escaping players. The caught player begins to shout “Tea, tea, help out!”, spreading his arms to the sides. Another player can free the prisoner by touching him. Once all players are caught, the game is over. The first one caught or chosen using a counting rhyme becomes the driver.

Third wheel

Players pair up and form a circle or oval. There should be a distance of 2 to 3 meters between pairs. Two more players: the runner and the driver are located on the outside of the circle. The goal of the game is to spot the runner, who has the right to run up to one of the last players of any pair. At the same time, the player standing in a pair begins to run away, and the one running away takes his place. After the runner is caught, he takes the place of the driver. It is prohibited to cross the circle line. A player can apply for a place in a pair after he has run a full circle.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

The main goal of the players is to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. You will need to outline a site 50 meters long (minimum 20 meters). The leader stands with his back to the players opposite face platform and says: “If you drive more quietly, you’ll get further. Stop!". After the command “Stop!” players must stop moving. The leader looks around and, if he sees those who violate his order, they leave the game or stand again at the starting line. The winner is the one who crosses the starting line first, and he becomes the driver in the next game.

Besides team gamesthere are many interesting entertainment for two. For example, the game “Bombs”. One of the players buries his hand in the sand, which symbolizes a bomb, the second plays a sapper and tries to dig up his hand without touching it. After the first touch, the bomb player warns the sapper; on the third touch, the “bomb” explodes.

Game "Get into the square." Nine squares are outlined in the sand, each of which is assigned a number. One player closes his eyes and, after the second tells him the number of the square, tries to get into it without opening his eyes. Each player has the right to give up to 6 commands in a row.

Summer holidays at the sea ⛱️ or other body of water can be turned into exciting adventure. Memories of holidays spent together, as well as photos gameplay will keep family members warm even in the coldest winter.

Everyone loves a beach holiday. But adults and children treat it differently. If parents want to soak up the sun and take sunbathing, then children prefer leisure, they want to swim, dive, play various games.

How to make sure everyone enjoys their vacation and how to keep a child occupied on the beach? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

If you choose Interesting games, relaxing on the beach will appeal to everyone: both adults and children.

So, what games can a baby play on the beach? TOP 20 ideas:

1. Of course, sand castles

Construction sand castles- This is one of the most popular activities on the beach. The interesting thing is that it is suitable for children of different ages and gender. In addition, castles can not only be built, but also decorated with shells and stones.

2. Easter cakes

This is also a popular activity for children. How to sculpt Easter cakes from sand? To work, you will need a spatula, a bucket or special molds. You need to take wet sand, pour it into a bucket or mold, pat the top well with a spatula or palm and turn it over. The Easter cake is ready.

3. Little Chef

The child should prepare food from sand and decorate it with pebbles and shells. Order certain dishes for your children and they must prepare them. Kids especially enjoy “baking” cakes and decorating them.

4. Burying ourselves in the sand

A good option is to bury one of the parents up to the head. The child will be busy for a long time, and the adult can rest, but, most importantly, not overheat and fall asleep.

5. Looking for treasure

The essence of the game is to bury a certain object in the sand, and the child finds it. Then you can change. The child will be interested in finding a real treasure, so you can bury coins.

6. Drawings in the sand

Smooth, damp sand is an excellent surface for painting. You can draw with your fingers, sticks, pebbles and even your feet.

7. Sand labyrinth

Sand can be used to build not only castles, but also labyrinths. This activity can captivate both the child and his parents.

8. What does a cloud look like?

If it’s cloudy outside, you can captivate your child for a short time with this game. This will allow you to rest for a few minutes. The baby should lie down next to you and look at the sky. When he sees a cloud, let him tell you what it looks like and why.

9. Game “Touch”

Place in a dark bag various items or toys. The toddler must, by sticking his hand in, select an object and, having described its main characteristics, guess what it is.

10. Game “Nimble Hands”

You need to put the bucket on a short distance from the baby. He must hit it with a pebble or shell.

11. Jumping over a mountain

Let the baby build a mountain of sand, and make a hole in a circle and fill it with water. His task is to jump over the mountain while running.

This includes beach volleyball, water ball, tag, cities (throw the ball and name the city), pioneer ball (throwing the ball around), etc.

13. Game of Holes

This is also a game with a ball, only a small one. You need to dig holes - “holes” and try to roll the ball into them. If the child can count, each hole can be assigned a certain point.

14. We sculpt animals and more

In this game you need to make some kind of animal out of sand. It is not difficult to sculpt a turtle and make it a shell from shells.

15. Flying boomerangs and kites

If the size of the beach and the number of vacationers on it allow, you can try to fly a kite or play with boomerangs.

16. Competitions

It all depends on your imagination. But, it is desirable that the children are approximately the same age category.

What beach games can be turned into competitions? Here are some options:
- who will dig the deepest hole;
- who can fill the hole with water the fastest?
- who can run a certain distance along the beach faster;
- who can build the castle faster;
- who will collect the most pebbles in a certain time;
- who can fill a bucket with water faster using a spatula or a plastic cup;
- who will collect the most shells, etc.

17. Guess how many steps

We spotted a beautiful pebble, the child must guess how many steps there are to it. If several children are participating, you can have a competition to see who guessed right.

18. Hit the target with a water pistol

As is already clear from the name of the game, you will need a water pistol. You need to set a goal for yourself and try to hit it from there. A pebble, shell, etc. will do.

19. Cairn

If the beach is rocky, you can have a competition to see who can build the tallest cairn.

20. Throwing stones

All children like to throw pebbles into the water. The popular game "pancakes" involves throwing a pebble and bouncing several times in the water. If several children take part, it also becomes a competition. Whose pebble bounces more times wins.

Have a nice holiday!

Games with sand, shells and rocks to keep children occupied and entertained at the beach.

On the sea coast, near a river or lake, sooner or later you will have to decide what to do with your children on the beach. And we have already decided this issue for you. A selection of 10 on the beach will help you not to be distracted from your vacation.

Games for children on the beach

Playing with sand, playing for imagination, playing for sensory development - this summer will be fun for your children.

Building sand castles

Sand castles are perhaps the most famous and popular game among children on the shore, which does not require additional explanation, and is suitable for any age of the child. Castles can not only be built from a pile of sand, but also decorated with pebbles and shells.


We prepare food from sand and decorate it with shells. We order certain dishes for the children, and they “cook” and “fry”. They especially love to make a big cake and decorate it.


We are looking for treasures. We hide some objects in the sand (not very deep), determine the boundaries for the search, and the children look for the treasure. You can put in real coins so that the children can find their own pocket money. Toddlers need larger items. For safety, ask children to dig in the sand with shovels rather than with their hands.

Sand drawings

Wet sand is a great playground for painting. You can draw with sticks, hands, feet, stones. And if the picture doesn’t work out, just splash water on it and start from scratch.

You can invite teenagers to draw a giant picture on the beach for original pictures that will get a lot of likes on Instagram.


Game "What does a cloud look like"

This is a game for five minutes of rest. The child lies calmly with you and looks at the sky. If, of course, there are clouds, then figure out together what they look like, or you can even compose a whole story.

Tic-tac-toe on the beach

We play tic-tac-toe on the beach with what we have at hand.

Accuracy game

You need to hit a target drawn on the sand, a mold or a bucket with a shell (pebble, ball), throwing it from a short distance.

King of the Hill

First you need to build a slide out of sand, and then, running, jump over it. You can make a trap and dig a hole near the mountain and fill it with water.

Playing architects on the beach

To do this, you need to collect plastic baskets of fruits and mushrooms in advance - these will be cages for animals, which you also need to take with you to the beach. But build paths, flower beds, pools, etc. You and your children are already waiting on the seashore.

Children playing with a ball on the beach

Perhaps this is a separate topic for games on the beach. Water ball, volleyball, tag and many others, both active and educational. For example, when throwing a ball to each other, you can ask your child to name the antonyms of the words that you said, you can play words, cities and much more by throwing the ball to each other.

Drawings on the back

A “lazy game” that can keep a child occupied for a while at the beach. Draw an object, a geometric shape, a number or a letter with your finger on his back, and invite the child to guess what exactly you drew. Then switch roles.

We bury children and parents in the sand

If you still haven’t decided what to do with your child at sea, invite him to bury himself in the sand or bury him yourself. Not entirely, of course. But only to the waist, and make a mermaid tail from a mountain of sand.

Now you know what to play with your child on the beach by the sea to keep him busy with something interesting.
