Robot games for boys 6 7 years old. Robot games online

Having joyfully said goodbye to the dark and destructive twentieth century, humanity cheerfully entered the year 2001, which marked new discoveries, advanced technologies, genetic engineering and the birth of artificial intelligence. Robot games will take you to the world of the coming future, in which formidable cyborgs, smart androids and combat transformers will become an integral part of it, and a person will easily control these advanced mechanisms.

Mechanical creatures, endowed with intelligence and capable of coordinating their own actions, are one of the most perfect inventions of man. They are designed for work and play, babysitting and fighting offensive wars. These games will allow you to compete with your friends against each other or enter into a tough confrontation with the computer. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, take care of your character and not expose him to obvious danger.

Playing robots, you can go into low-Earth orbit, take part in competitions in the fighting arena, explore dark dungeons and confront bloodthirsty zombies. We guarantee that you will definitely find entertainment to your taste!

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Games about artificial intelligence owners

Robot games are very diverse. Among them there are logic games, all kinds of shooters and adventure games, amazing platformers with excellent physics and graphics. They all have one thing in common: they provide players with the opportunity to feel a little stronger and touch the world of the future. No one knows exactly what it will be like; it is only clear that robots will occupy a special place in it. Of course, without controls they are useless, but that’s why those who play have a mouse at hand and a keyboard at hand to give commands to the numerous machines in the service of humanity.

The place of androids in the general order

Humanoid robots can be found very often. Some of them are warlike, but there are also those who peacefully play tennis or chess, are engaged in cultivating the land, building and even cleaning the house. The robot can do almost everything. Only the manifestation of emotions is alien to him, and the rest is welcome. There are games where owners of artificial intelligence explore space, others where they save the world from disaster, and on the contrary, there are games in which young gamers need to save civilization from their invasion.

Robot games will allow you to save the world both alone and together. It's up to whoever likes it more. You can play against the computer or compete with each other. It is not uncommon today for team computer games in which the gamer will be entrusted with control of one character and given clear instructions that must be strictly followed, because he will need to care not only about the well-being of his character, but also about the team as a whole.

Transformers: Autobots vs. Decepticons

Transformers occupy one of the first places among robot lovers. More than one generation of boys is familiar with the history of the war between the Decepticons, who dream of capturing the Earth and turning it into their energy base, and the Autobots, who spare no effort to restore justice. IN computer games with the participation of transformers there are a number of features. All the robots here can transform into any kind of combat vehicle and back, and in a matter of seconds. There are games in which you don’t have to fight the enemy army, but rather prove your stamina and endurance during races.

By the way, the races themselves with the participation of robots can be different. You can compete against time with each other or with the computer, or you can decide logic problem for passing, since the same character, depending on the task at hand, can become a highly maneuverable racing car, soar into the clouds, turning into an aircraft, or serve as a powerful ram capable of destroying walls. Many games about robots allow you to play in pairs. At the same time, among them there are even those where the upper part of the robot is controlled by one person, and the lower part by another.

Controlling robots is always interesting

Robots run, jump, transform on the go, change weapons and do much more. Due to the multifunctionality of the characters, very often in such games not only the mouse and arrows are used, but also some of the keys. On the one hand, the management here is not so simple, but on the other hand, there are a lot of possibilities, and what kind of ones. After all, that’s why they are robots—to be able, if necessary, to easily climb a vertical surface or dive into the depths of the ocean, withstand a meteor shower, or fight an enemy army alone.

Everyone understands that the more interesting the game itself, the more difficult the controls will be. Well, there is no doubt that intelligent machines created by man are capable of much. An interesting pastime is worth mastering several buttons in addition to the mouse, with which you can aim and shoot. Sometimes it's the arrow keys and space bar, and sometimes it's an alternative (W A S D keys). It happens that even these buttons are missing, but this fact will not stop real gamers, but on the contrary, will even make them happy.
With the current pace of development of the computer industry, it becomes almost impossible to determine which genre to give preference to. Action and shooting games, simulators and simulators, shooters and platformers, they are all interesting in their own way. And the main characters of many of them are practically indestructible miracle machines capable of much.

Thanks to games with robots, boys develop their eye and logical thinking, quickly react to changing events, and practice newly invented strategies. Young gamers also learn to take responsibility for what is happening, and at first let this happen in virtual world, but not much time will pass and the knowledge gained from the monitor screens can be applied in practice. Be that as it may, the time when a person’s job will be to control all kinds of mechanisms endowed with artificial intelligence, is just around the corner.

Currently, the term robot is no longer associated much with the word work, which was originally included in it. Of course, industrial robots honestly fulfill their purpose in factories and factories, and no one is going to cancel these functions. However, now robots are more associated with bipedal humanoid mechanisms that live an independent life. At least in gaming industry, online robot games are dedicated specifically to the second category. Most often there are games where the main character - usually a person - is confronted with hostile robots. Here the developers' imagination does not shine with variety - everything comes down to a regular shootout with superior enemy forces. Still, robotic enemies do not shine with their artificial intelligence. Speed ​​of fire and reaction - yes, but you can’t call them smart machines. Our main character can always find the key to defeating these walking tin cans, using level objects or, simply, attacking the enemy from the most vulnerable side. Sometimes there are shooting games with robots, where the main character is the mechanical hero himself. And here we ourselves are trying on the role of this powerful and technically equipped creature. When playing robot games for two, the player has the opportunity to use the superpowers of this intelligent machine in the company of his friends. This includes shooting from lasers, various magnetic devices for climbing walls, jetpacks, energy shields and many other interesting and useful things. Here you will also find epic battles, where a large number of cybernetic characters act on both sides, here the interest and passion for the process comes to the fore high level, because robot war games were in highest demand among gamers. In single missions, the player can feel like a terminator, a transformer or a robocop, who are not particularly afraid of bullets or explosions. For lovers of puzzles and physics, there are a number of games in which robots participate in some kind of experiments that test their professional suitability. The main goal of intelligent mechanisms is to survive through fire and water, various test sites with changing gravity, moving boxes and blocks through levels with many obstacles and traps. In general, players will have plenty to choose from, and we guarantee you the pleasure of playing in the company of intelligent robotic machines. Come to us more often, and we will try to divide free games Robots online has always been updated with fresh new products in this exciting genre.

Games are unique entertainment that can be created for almost any theme. For example, we offer you a gaming section that includes online games “Robots”. You can immediately guess who the main character is, what you have to do, and what atmosphere awaits you in these adventures. But we don’t recommend rushing, as our collection includes a much wider variety of entertainment than you might think at first glance. Therefore, we suggest that you slowly explore the available game projects and try to choose the initial games for entertainment.

Dark Adventures

Main feature these gaming adventures It serves the fact that almost every game project presented in this section has its own atmosphere and original environment. Robots, technology, the distant future and the concepts of these creatures. For example, somewhere you have to be a robot and try to defeat enemies, somewhere robots will become your main enemies, and sometimes you have to travel through a world that is entirely created for robots. If you can’t wait to learn more about this area, then you can start playing online games “Robots” for free right now.

And for you to get more fun and enjoyment from the game, we recommend starting with the adventure “T-King and the Robot: Battles”. This game offers you to fight with a robot in a world where there are not only simple fighters and warriors, but also dinosaurs, monsters and other creatures that are created using robotics. And if you want to play with your friend, then you can pay attention to the game “Robot Brothers”. In this adventure, you and your friend will have to go through a series of difficult tests, solve several puzzles and try to understand the far from simple story about two brothers.

Playing the Robots: Transformers games for free means discovering a world of amazing adventures that revolve around technology and robots. In addition to fighting games and arcades, we have strategies in our section. economic games, quests, adventures and much more. Try to carefully review all the entertainment options and try to choose something that you might really like. Graphics and originality gameplay you won't be disappointed. Therefore, we wish you a good game!

Game Features

  1. The robot universe is now open to you.
  2. Remember, there are not only bad robots, but also good ones.
  3. Try to delve into each story, and you will discover many new facts.
  4. It's time to go on new adventures.
  5. Robots are far from being such soulless creatures.

Humanity has always strived for progress and created mechanisms designed to make people’s daily work and life easier. When we talk about robots, we automatically imagine creatures that resemble humans and are endowed with intelligence. This image was imposed by science fiction writers in literature and cinema and has already taken root in our minds, but in fact, any machine can be classified as a robot, be it a car or a machine for making any product. Even your computer is also a robot, although it is not at all similar to the android from Star Wars.

Every mechanism will remain dead unless it is programmed and started. No matter how smart you are artificial intelligence, he still needs human help. Some need it more, others less, but they are all creations of human hands. Perhaps there will come a time when robots will be able to reproduce on their own and take on a form that is indistinguishable from a human one. But let’s hope that this is still far away and that this will remain only on the pages of science fiction novels, in movies and will only be available during online robot games. Otherwise, our biological civilization faces an unenviable future.

But let’s not talk about sad things, because now is the time to have fun and make discoveries. In this section you can communicate with robots of different origins, classes and purposes. Combat robots are against the inhabitants of the city, and it will not be easy for you to cope with their destruction. But perhaps everything is not so bad and you have iron allies. Give them coordinates and place them around the perimeter to prevent aggressors from entering your abode.

In the game Machinarium, author Jakub Dvorski came up with a whole planet of robots, where they lived, worked, traveled, and fought crime. Yakub created a universe where there are no landscapes familiar to us, and mechanical valleys populated by robots stretch around.

Robot games are full of surprises

The variety of games is simply amazing:

  • In the games, you can assemble a robot using parts yourself if you find the necessary parts. Having been observant in your search, connect what you managed to find, and this is the job of the designer, because everything must be in the right place, otherwise the mechanism will not work and will fall apart the first time you try to start it.
  • Some robot games for boys put the player in particularly stressful conditions. The world came to an end, and only some cyborgs could survive. There is no one to service them, changing worn out parts and renewing engine oil. You can only rely on yourself, but this is very difficult when you have no lower limbs. The earth has plunged into an apocalypse, and you, in the person of a dilapidated robot, must survive by any means necessary.
  • Another time, aliens attacked the planet and attacked robots with unknown weapons. At first glance, it seems quite harmless - what can a soap bubble do to hardened steel? But when it bursts, an electrical discharge appears, immobilizing earthly robots. Thank God that scientists thought of coming up with a weapon that can withstand space weapons. Arming the androids with it, they pinned their hopes on their agility and combat skills. While controlling the iron soldier, try to avoid contact with the bubbles and fire aimed fire at the enemy.
  • Also, online games offer robots to put together puzzles to see exciting scenes of battles and the giant in all its glory. The coloring books have also prepared interesting illustrations, and all you have to do is apply war paint to revive the military robots and send them on a military campaign. And searching for what is superfluous will clear the picture and return it to its original appearance.