How to make iron armor in Minecraft. Minecraft - armor recipes

Hello, friends! If you want to survive in the cruel night world, as well as in battles with opponents, then you need to know how to make armor in minecraft.

Armor elements in Minecraft

Despite the fact that Minecraft is, first of all, a creative game, in it, in addition to crafting, you will also have to fight. Therefore, before participating in the battle, it is necessary to acquire good protection. Armor is a set of armor that serves to increase the player’s defense by absorbing part of the damage he receives and consists of the following elements:

  • helmet;
  • breastplate or cuirass;
  • leggings;
  • boots.

Types of armor in Minecraft

All of these equipment components can be made from different materials, which vary greatly in strength and ability to absorb damage. To craft a full set of ammunition you will need 24 units of one or another material, depending on which the following types of equipment can be made:

  1. Leather. This is the simplest and weakest type of armor, which will be useful in the early stages of the game. It should be noted that a leather helmet can withstand 55 units of damage, a breastplate - 80, leggings - 75, and boots -65.
  2. Golden. It's more good protection made from gold bars. A helmet made of gold will fail, receiving 77 points of damage, a cuirass - 112, pants -105, boots - 91.
  3. Iron. This is very strong equipment, but it also has a limited durability resource: an iron helmet will break after receiving 165 units of damage, a breastplate - 240, leggings - 225, shoes - 195.
  4. Diamond. The strongest and most reliable armor in Minecraft, however, its resource is limited, although it looks impressive: a diamond headdress will become unusable after 363 points of damage, a cuirass - 528, pants - 495, boots - 429.

How to make armor in Minecraft

Having dealt with the elements of equipment and the materials from which it can be made, let’s move on directly to the production process. The process of making any equipment on a workbench is the same, so we will consider it using iron armor as an example.

Making a Helmet

Making Leggings

It is worth noting that if you do not have enough one material for a full set of armor, then you can simultaneously make and wear, for example, leather greaves along with an iron breastplate. However, in the process of producing one piece of protective equipment, you cannot use different raw materials, that is, you cannot make boots from two units of diamond and two units of gold. It will also be useful to know that you can quickly put on armor by holding Shift and clicking alternately right click mouse over all pieces of armor in your inventory.

We tried to describe everything in an accessible and understandable way, but if something doesn’t work out for you, we advise you to look educational video:

Iron Cuirass ID: 307 .

NID: iron_chestplate.

Iron chestplate - English name iron cuirass in Minecraft. Another name is iron breastplate.

Armor (defense points) -

Durability (amount of damage before failure, durability) - 241.

The iron cuirass is a much more serious armor in Minecraft. Its durability is higher than that of gold and leather cuirass, and is equal to 241. Which corresponds to chain mail. In terms of armor (protection points), only the diamond cuirass, which has 8 (), is better than the iron cuirass, which has 6 (). Diamond armor is, of course, very durable and can withstand a lot of damage and damage. But the strength of diamond armor is slightly more than twice the strength of iron armor. And, as a rule, there are no problems with obtaining iron and iron ingots.

The number of defense points (armor) for diamond armor sets is also higher.

Armor set

Well, the complete set iron armor, as follows from the table, is in second place.

Iron cuirasses protect the player and are placed on armor stands.

How craft iron cuirass

And the anvil is to blame if the forging is bad (proverb).

In order to make an iron cuirass in Minecraft, you will need 8 iron ingots. They must be smelted in a furnace from iron ore. In the recipe for crafting an iron breastplate, almost all the slots of the workbench will be filled.

There is a low probability that an iron cuirass will drop from a zombie or skeleton.

An iron breastplate can be fired in a kiln to produce a piece of iron. Perhaps this will come in handy someday. After which, for example, one iron ingot can be made from nine pieces of iron.

Reliability of the iron cuirass

If iron does not heal, fire heals (proverb).

Breastplates can be made in Minecraft from different materials. This means they have different effectiveness and degree of protection. Here, please, compare the protection points added by all cuirasses, but from different materials.

How to protect cuirasses in Minecraft
Leather Jacket
Golden cuirass
Diamond Cuirass

Obviously, the diamond cuirass in Minecraft is the most best armor, but expensive. After all, diamonds in the game are a very rare material. It's a different matter with iron.

Durability of an iron breastplate

Only fire makes iron soft (proverb).

The iron breastplate has a strength that matches that of chain mail. Armor in Minecraft can be destroyed during service. Let's look at the amount of damage that cuirass can withstand before breaking.

Durability in Minecraft is an indicator that relates to tools, weapons and armor, as well as some other things. Durability shows how many times an item can be used. For a cuirass, this is the amount of damage that it can prevent before it collapses, as well as what proportion of the damage will be taken by the cuirass.

How does armor protect in Minecraft?

If you strike iron, spare no coal (proverb).

The iron cuirass is, of course, good armor, but it won’t protect you from any troubles. However, this does not depend on the material of manufacture. An iron cuirass can protect from some things, but not from others: some types of damage are not reduced by armor and do not affect its strength, except for properly enchanted armor elements.

The range of damage that armor absorbs is expanded by enchanting the armor with protective enchantments. Enchanted armor does not lose durability when receiving damage from the environment.

Iron breastplates are placed in frames, and a full set of iron armor is on the player and armor stands.

About enchanting armor

When happiness smiles and iron turns into gold (proverb).

Armor can also have enchantments. The type of enchantment determines from which sources of damage the armor, and in this case the iron cuirass, will receive additional effectiveness.

Enchant Armor
Armor Name What gives
0 Protection
Converts attack damage to armor damage.
1 Fire resistance
Fire Protection
Protection from fire, lava and fireballs ifrits. Reduces the player's burn time.
2 Weightlessness
Feather Falling
Fall protection
3 Explosion resistance
Blast Protection
Explosion protection. Reduces the recoil from explosions.
4 Projectile protection
Projectile Protection
Protection from arrows and fireballs
5 Underwater breathing
Reduces air loss under water, increases the time between attacks of suffocation. Allows you to see better underwater.
6 Submariner
Affinity with water
Aqua Affinity
Allows you to destroy blocks underwater at the same speed as on land.
7 Spikes
Has a chance to cause damage to the attacker.
8 Underwater walking
Conqueror of the Deep
Depth Strider
Increases walking speed underwater.
9 Ice Walk
Walking on water
Frost Walker
Turns water into frozen ice and allows you to walk on the surface of the reservoir.
34 Strength
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
70 Repair
Uses experience to repair an item in your hands or armor slots.

The total protection factor, obtained by adding the factors of all worn pieces of armor, is limited to 20. The material determines how difficult it is to obtain high levels enchantment:

  • chain mail - 12;

Comparison of the iron cuirass

Strike before the iron is cold (proverb).

The effectiveness of the iron cuirass in Minecraft can be assessed by comparing it with other armor. Two parameters are considered - strength and protection.

Armor in Minecraft
Leather helmet 56
Golden helmet 78
Chainhelm 166
Iron helmet 166
Diamond helmet 364

To make exploration of the world of Minecraft and development in it more comfortable, player characters need armor. Base health units are low enough to withstand persistent threats.

Especially strong opponents can easily kill an unprotected character. Thus, many players are puzzled by the question of how to make armor in Minecraft. This will be discussed in this article.

About armor

Armor in Minecraft is a set of four pieces of equipment. Each of them is designed to protect a specific area on the character’s body and has its own characteristics.

Armor does not have to be worn only as a set or made from a single material. Armor made from various materials gives varying degrees protection and armor modifier.

Based on the available resources, each player will be able to make what suits him best.

How to make armor and what is needed?

It should be noted that Minecraft has quite a few big choice materials from which the player can make armor for his character:

  • iron;
  • leather;
  • gold;
  • diamonds.

These are the main materials that players use when deciding how to make armor in Minecraft. In addition to the main sets, in the game you can find chain mail, fire armor, “nano” armor, quantum protection and even diamond armor.

For the basic materials listed above, the armor manufacturing technology will be the same. The protective kit consists of the following items: helmet, bib, pants and boots.

Using iron armor as an example, let's consider the principle of creating any other type of armor. To make a helmet you will need five units of material, for a breastplate - eight, and pants and boots will require six and four ingots, respectively.

The order of the components on the workbench can be seen in the picture below.

Obviously, creating armor is a fairly resource-intensive process that will require some preparation.

Armor security level

Let's consider what level of protection gamers can hope for when making this or that armor.

Leather Iron Gold Diamonds
Helmet 55 165 77 363
Bib 80 240 112 528
Trousers 75 225 105 495
Boots 65 195 91 429

The numbers shown in the table are the amount of damage each item can take before it breaks and becomes useless.

How to make an armor stand in Minecraft

A stand is a structure that can hold not only armor, but also any item that the player can put on the character. To make an armor stand in Minecraft you will need six wooden sticks and one stone plate.

You can find out how to position them correctly on the workbench from the image.

It is curious that the stand has “arms”, into the right of which any block can be inserted. Some players use this object for other purposes - as a decorative element or even a scarecrow.

Video: How to make armor in Minecraft.

It's dangerous to walk at night. Often, even a trusty sword cannot save you from entire hordes of zombies, skeletons, creepers and spiders. By this guide any player will learn how to make armor in Minecraft and be able to defend themselves. There are as many as five types of armor, which are crafted from different materials.

Crafting recipes

Crafting patterns are simple. It is possible to enchant armor at the enchantment table, which will give new properties: swim calmly in lava, breathe underwater for a long time, not be afraid to jump from cliffs, ignore skeleton arrows.


It is the simplest, but should not be underestimated. It is crafted from leather obtained from ordinary cows. It can be repainted in absolutely any color using dyes.

It comes second in terms of strength. Gold is much more difficult to find than iron. Armor made of gold does not have high strength and is created to show off and decorate the house with the help of special stands. Crafted from ingots of smelted gold ore.

Indicates that the player is an admin. It can be done exclusively in creativity. This type of armor is inferior in strength to iron. The chainmail has a transparent checkered texture.

The best option for any travel and adventure. Iron is easy to obtain, and armor will protect the player for a long time. Crafted from melted iron ingots iron ore.

Diamond armor is the most expensive and reliable. It sets the player apart from others and provides excellent protection. The service life of this armor is very long. Crafted from diamonds.
