"King Bounty - Warrior of the North": walkthrough, quests, mods, saving, plot, graphics and player reviews. King's Bounty: Armored Princess Green and Scaly

"Princess" could be called King's Bounty 2, and no one would object. Before us is another magnificent King's Bounty, with new history, rules, troops - immense and great game. Except that it’s still a male hero, with wives and children

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The journey through the world of Teana continues! In this article you will find:

  • New items in the skill tree
  • Bosses and their abilities
  • The princess's companions, their location and properties
  • Fresh Spells
  • Creature talents and traits
  • Recent additions to the artifact shop
  • The most useful, interesting and unusual quests

Skill trees

In addition, the developers thoroughly reworked all three skill trees. We will cover development schemes in cycles of expert advice, but here we will consider only new products.


.Retribution. Increases the chance of a critical hit when counterattacking. Quite a useful and inexpensive skill.

Particularly effective in combination with frantic troops that always respond (griffins, demons, executioners). Thirst for blood.

Unique military skill. Creates a minimum reserve of rage, below which it can only fall in battle, but then it will still be restored. In addition, the maximum rage increases. Allows you to start each battle with a certain reserve of rage.

Paladin Prayer.

Increases the chance of a critical hit. Useful not only for the paladin, but also for all other heroes. Significantly strengthen your fighters. Strength of mind.

Increases attack and defense. Moderately useful. Study if everything more worthy has already been completed. Adrenalin.

Increases the speed and initiative of one of your units, which is selected at random. If you could choose this squad yourself, it would be extremely necessary. And this is too unpredictable, and therefore the usefulness is low. Accuracy. Allows you to efficiently disassemble artifacts high levels

. Be sure to explore this towards the end of the game. You will accumulate a lot of unnecessary artifacts; selling them is not profitable, but this way you will ensure a stable flow of crystals and runes. Belief.

Increases the "morale" of your troops. A little “morality” is, of course, a pleasant thing, but not at all necessary. If you want high “morality”, select the appropriate artifacts.

Resurrection. A unique paladin skill. Restores one of your units after a battle. In addition, it enhances the spell of the same name, as well as the talents of the paladin “prayer” and the inquisitor “resurrection”. On maximum level fully raises one of the units. This allows you to carry out many battles without any losses at all. Take it at the first opportunity and develop it all the way.

Voice of the dragon. Raises the “morale” of animals, and at the last level, dragons. In addition, it slightly increases the maximum rage. Considering that dragons’ “morale” cannot be raised in other ways (bone ones don’t count), the third level will significantly strengthen your winged army. If you are fighting with at least a couple of lizards, be sure to take them.


Linguistics. Raises intelligence. It is moderately useful for the magician, as it allows him to quickly get to the coveted 20 points (+1 to the duration of many spells). The rest most often do not need it.

Transmutation. Gives mana for destroying units. Warriors and paladins may find it useful, but mages have much more reliable ways to replenish mana.

Summoning Increases the effectiveness of summon spells, phantom spells, and the abilities of summoned creatures. Helps in the beginning and middle of the game. Afterwards, the summoned armies become too weak. Although the phantom is still relevant, so it’s worth taking a couple of levels.

Thesis. Increases intelligence and mana. It's expensive, but it does a good job of raising the sorcerer's potential. It’s worth learning, but secondarily.

In addition, some skills have completely changed their essence.

Anger now brings rage for every hit. Holy wrath brings both rage and mana. The first is for any blow, the second is for attacking undead and demons. This made these skills extremely useful. Take it without hesitation.

Concentration now stands at the very bottom of the mage tree, but at the third level it gives two more mana.

High Magic allows you to cast spells twice per turn. The number of rounds is doubled, but with a cap on the mana required for the spell. Now it will not be possible to arrange a local end of the world for your enemies with the help of six Armageddons in three rounds. But you can maintain various effects on your own and other troops for much longer.


There are six super fighters waiting for us in the game. Three of them are not necessary for slaughter, the rest must die.

Giant spider lives on Dersu Island. As you sail around the island, you will probably notice a cave and an orc standing next to it. He will offer you to kill the spider and will open access to its lair.

This boss was carried over from The Legend of the Knight almost unchanged. He has two types of direct attacks: with his paws (hits two cells at once) and with his mandibles (heavily poisons). He can also summon various spiders to help him. Each subsequent call will be greater than the previous one. The spider can change position while moving underground. There are three places in total where he can be.

And finally, this monster is perfectly protected from ranged attacks. If you shoot or use a long-range talent on him, a web will fall on the offender from above, which will deprive him of his turn for two rounds. The web does not fall off when attacked, but can be removed by dispelling.

Huge toad is waiting for you in the same place as the spider - on Dersu. But in order to fight her, you first need to receive a task to exterminate the toad. The goblin Rakush on Uzala will give it to you.

The toad attacks with its paws (for two units at once), with its poisonous breath (for all), and also summons snakes. In addition, the amphibian can move around the battlefield. The toad deals most of its damage with poison, so take care of your protection.

Driller. A huge robot possessed by gremlins. He can attack in close combat, shoot (at a number of them at once, hitting all creatures standing next to each other) and call on droids for help. But that is not all. Don't be surprised by his low health - the robot is full of surprises. As soon as the first “life” ends, the robot will run away, double its health and continue the fight. In addition, on the next turn, the robot will collapse part of the ceiling, burying under it all those who did not have time to escape. The driller will repeat this trick again, after which he will finally die.

Zilgadis. a huge lizard with an iron hand. On the very first turn, he inflicts enormous damage on all units and repeats this every two or three turns. In addition, the lizard calls for helpers and occasionally changes its location. He will respond to your attacks with his fists. Only the crippled paw will not be able to fully perform its striking function. If you stand on the square to the right of your good hand, then Ktahu will hit you, but will not be able to reach you. So take care of your physical defense (against area attacks) and you can destroy one of the oldest and most evil creatures on Teana.

Archdemon Baal. Our old enemy is attacking Endoria for the third time. In this reality, apparently, the devil loves the trinity, because this time everything works out for Baal. The third time he prepared for the battle much better. He even prepared an island in the interworld for battle and obtained a special sword. But we won’t come empty-handed either. Our teacher Bill Gilbert will be with us. True, Baal will block the spirits in some way known to him, but the knight will bring a strong army with him, and will support us with magic. All your artifacts will affect Bill's troops, keep this in mind when assembling the kit. Baal will delight us with the following: attacking two cells at once with a sword, one after the other, throwing a sword with huge physical damage at three closely standing units, summoning demons with a simultaneous attack with fire throughout the entire army. After some time, Baal will begin to close the distance, destroying the arena.

It looks like this: the archdemon throws a sword, and part of the arena is highlighted with a line of fire. On the next turn, this piece, along with all the troops, will fly into oblivion.

This fight is easiest to win with brute, slightly blessed strength, so magicians will have a hard time. But they can be advised to acquire ghosts with their protection from physical damage.

Squires A young and skillful elven sorcerer beyond his years. According to his worldview, he is a true Sith. At the end of the training, he challenges the teacher to a mortal battle. He scared away all the masters and now sits and waits for a new one. You may well become one - gain 20 intelligence points and come. Elenhel can draw scrolls of wanderer magic and restore your mana. At level forty he will throw a pig at you and get ready to leave. Let him go - he will take everything he is wearing with him and disappear. Another option is a difficult battle with an army led by an elf that has come from nowhere.

Prepare in advance and do not forget to undress your opponent - there is no need to strengthen him once again. If you win, Elenhel will understand that he was wrong, share fifteen bottles of mana and stay forever. Unless you kick him out, of course. Moron Dark. A knight who took the path of darkness, and then again the path of light. Only the way back turned out to be much more difficult, but you can help Moron get through it. As soon as Dark's soul is cleansed, he will give you the last fragment

darkness from his soul and will be re-educated forever. Agvares.

Demon seducer. At the court of one of the houses, he learned to control the minds of people, which is how he can help. The squad strengthened by it receives a number of improvements, but you will not control it.

However, the demon copes well.
Gaudi.A young and very dedicated paladin. Possesses an ancient sword that destroys any undead in one blow. Its ability to double your critical strike chance against undead and demons will come in handy in the final battle.Table 1NameLocation
CellsprosSkillsJim Crowd (with scar)
Scarlet WindWeapon, armor, boots, artifact or regalia+1 to speed and “morale” for pirates, sea wolves, robbers, marauders, sea devilsJim Crowd (no scar)Give Jim the blood of the goddess
Weapon, dress or armor, boots, artifact+700 to leadership+1 to speed and “morale” for pirates, sea wolves, robbers, marauders, sea devilsTrains troops, turning robbers into marauders (5 gold) and pirates into sea wolves (7 gold).ElenhelVerona, house next to the bridge Gloves or shield, dress, regalia or belt, artifact
+4 to intelligenceEvery five fights can restore your mana to maximum. Every thirty battles writes a random scroll of travel magic. The first scroll is strictly defined:Fortune's smile+10, 15, 20 or 25% to critical strike for all shooters (depending on lens level)Improves your lens. You get the second and third levels for 34 and 50 battles, respectively. The fourth costs exactly 100 crystals.
Moron Dark (evil)ElonaTrains troops, turning skeletons into skeleton archers (2 gold) and knights into black knights (50 gold)
Moron Dark (purified)Reeducate MoronWeapon, armor, helmet, regalia or belt+3 to attack, +1 to “morale” of undeadTrains troops, turning swordsmen into archers (5 gold) and black knights into knights (50 gold)
MoldokUzalaShield or weapon, shield, regalia or belt, artifact+1 to initiative and speed for orcsOnce every eight to fifteen battles, he takes half the trophies, after which the next battle begins with the maximum reserve of rage
AgvaresSheterra, in the cave of creaturesWeapon, dress or armor, gloves or belt, artifact+100% to basic attack for dryads, forest and lake fairies and demonesses

Controls a squad of peasants, barbarians, pirates, robbers, swordsmen, sea wolves, marauders, guardsmen, archers, assassins, cavalrymen or knights in battle.

Gives them +10 attack and defense, as well as one of the following properties:

2 to speed;

Counterattack (the fighter always responds to the enemy’s blows);

The ability to set enemies on fire with your blows;

Regeneration on impact, which after each attack on an enemy completely heals one fighter;

Fire resistance, +50% fire resistance.

Does this once every 7-10 battles.

GaudiNamelessWeapon, armor, gloves or shield, regaliaDoubles critical strike chance against undead or demonsTrains troops, turning knights into paladins (100 gold) and priests into inquisitors (25 gold).

New Spells

First, let's remember those spells that are no longer with us. Last Hero , talent, veil. The first two disappeared forever, and veil organically merged into oil mist.

Now let's look at the new items.


Nature's call. Summons a troop of animals, the strength of which depends on the level of the spell and intelligence. The level of the squad also depends on the degree of advancement in the school of order.

Avenging angel. Strikes a unit with lightning that attacked the one on which “Angel” was cast.

Anger management. Converts some of the rage into mana.

Spells have also been strengthened ax of magic And light of life.


Wake up the dragon. Awakens the baby dragon, which drinks some of the hero's mana and is ready to work again.

Exorcism. Deals damage to undead and demons and double damage to summoned warriors.

Time ago. Returns the selected unit to its state at the beginning of the last round. To do this, the cell where the squad was standing at that time must be free.

Additionally, spells have been weakened mirror of pain And trap, but strengthened geyser And teleport. Source of magic now gives a fixed, rather than percentage, increase in defense. A oil film not only reduces the target's resistance to fire, but also prevents it from shooting.


Zlogn. Turns a corpse into a clot of death, destroying a certain percentage of the enemy squad. The undead, on the contrary, are resurrected.

The Death Star. Creates a star on the battlefield that shoots rays in all directions.

Spells weakened victim, kamikaze, ice snake . Strengthened: plague, fiery ball, fiery rain, Armageddon.

The magic of travel

New to the world of Teana. Spells written on scrolls that increase the hero’s characteristics for several battles or summon powerful creatures. They take their place in the book of magic.

Titan Sword, titan armor, depth of thought Raises attack, defense or intelligence by ten points for two battles.

Magic Flow, mad anger raise the maximum mana/rage reserve by thirty units for two battles.

Ancestors' experience increases the amount of experience gained during battle by 50% (for five battles).

Burning Gaze Raises the hero's base leadership by 20% for one battle.

Birth of a Giant, wind song, call of death summon creatures of the fifth level, flying and floating creatures (or pirates) and a squad of undead, respectively. Occupies a vacant position in the army or reserve. Leadership is equal to the hero's current leadership.

Gloves or shield, dress, regalia or belt, artifact Increases critical strike chance by 15% for three battles.

Having been fairly pumped up with the magic of wanderers, your heroine will be able to easily deal with even invincible units and bosses.


Many creatures in the game have acquired new skills.

  • Swordsmen and guardsmen became very careful, which allows them to dodge 30% of attacks, losing 30% of the squad.
  • All types of knights are now real masters and increase their defense by 30% three times per battle when receiving damage.
  • Ogre can once per battle absorb enemy turn points.
  • Archdemons have learned with a fifty percent probability halve an enemy detachment with smaller leadership.
  • Black unicorns have become vindictive and now always deal critical damage with a retaliatory attack if they are not attacked by an elf.
  • Both types of zombies learned once per battle renounce, transferring your turn to an allied unit.
  • Barbarians, berserkers and dwarves always deal critical hit with the loss of half the squad.


Now we get to the most interesting part - quests. We will not consider the main task and most contracts here. We will also omit some orders from the give-and-fetch category. By the way, keep in mind that if you were asked to bring, find or buy something, then as soon as the item is in your inventory, try to use it. By doing this, you will almost certainly increase your stats, get spells, runes, or something else nice.

On a note: Before you start hunting for enemy heroes, take the time to run around all the “quest givers” on the map. It is very possible that you will be given a contract for these heroes.

Many orders now have two (sometimes even more) solutions, contracts are especially prone to this. Should you kill the person who lured you into a trap, or believe that he has repented and let him go? Should he take the title of champion of Teana for himself or leave it to the old warrior? Pardon the herbivorous vampire or disincarnate? The choice is yours, you can be guided by mercantile intentions, the voice of your heart, or anything else of your own choice.

It is important: You will encounter digital marks in the text. These numbers indicate important places and characters on the maps.


Our first island is not rich in quests. But a couple interesting moments There is.


The fisherman (1) caught a net full of some unknown fish and wants to sell it. But first you need to get a license. We take his catch and drag it to the university (2). After which we return to the hut with the license.

Besides this task, there is another interesting place on the island. If you go east from the Temple of Hope, into the park, then among the columns you can find meditating pilgrim(3). Talk to him and tell him about your mission. After which you will be offered a choice of two runes of strength, spirit or magic, choose to your taste.

And finally: don’t be too lazy to occasionally look at Friedrich (4) and the university.

Their range is constantly updated.

Scarlet Wind

An island with a romantic name and equally romantic inhabitants. But the quests are again sparse - mostly various contracts.

Near the Jolly Sailor Tavern, drunkard Hanky ​​(1) will tell you the story of Rob Cuttlefish and his treasure. It is hidden behind a talking door (2), which opens only if you know the password. Only the cuttlefish parrot knows him, and where he is is unknown. The parrot can be found on the Rusty Anchor, in the cemetery near the water (1 on the Rusty Anchor map). Talk to the bird and find out the password, after which you can return to the cave. A lot of interesting things await you inside.


The local smuggler, Harry Topor, will offer you bloodless work. You just need to dig up treasures with smuggled picks and deliver them to his accomplice at the Rusty Anchor (2 on the Rusty Anchor map). Map included.


The island has harsh barbarians and quests to match. There is only one task here that does not involve a fight. And even then it will end in battle.

Left walker.

His beloved wife, Erika Proud, left the nice little Rolf Levohod (1). Based on Rolf's nickname, one can easily understand the reasons for the divorce. The barbarian, however, is not going to put up with the loss and asks to return his wife. We will find the wife in the tent (2).

Erica, as expected, refuses to return. We have two options: force her to return or force her husband to improve. There will be a fight anyway, but Rolf is stronger. However, there will be more goods in his store.

Rusty anchor

Another pirate island inhabited by tough tropical men.

Lapel. Local innkeeper Barney Tortuga (3) drank an anti-alcohol potion and now cannot take a drop of alcohol into his mouth. In his profession, this is tantamount to failure. Therefore, we need to sail to Elona and in the tavern "

Healthy Mind

» (1 on the Elona map) beg for an antidote. By the way, you can try it yourself.

Gain extra mana.

Ataman Sokhaty (5) will meet you under the palm trees and offer you a lucrative deal: you bring him fifty robbers, archers and pirates each, and he will pay you and give you “something else”. At first glance, the reward is not worth the effort, but only at first. This something turns out to be the key to the orc vault (6), where a squad guarding the loot, the loot itself, and a captive green dragon awaits you, ready to join you. A very useful lizard at this stage, I tell you. The only pity is that the entrance itself is guarded by a strong shaman Zag-Zag, but if desired, it is easy to lead him around a palm tree.

It is important: if you enter or exit a cave, then all troops are at abandoned location will freeze and wait for your return. This means that if you jump into a cave under the very nose of the enemy, then when you come out of it, you will find yourself in front of that very nose.

Therefore, leave yourself some room to maneuver in advance.

A reformed pirate.

Captain Von Hausen (7) came up with a cunning plan to lure the simpletons into a trap, but then became disillusioned with his craft. He will ask us to collect all the bottles with notes that were supposed to lure the victims. You can replace one of the notes in the bottles and subsequently dig up the captain's treasure.


Capital island with many monsters, shops and treasures. But there are just not very many quests. But almost all of them are interesting and ambiguous.

Liberation. The old marshal (1) will tell his sad story and ask release the prisoner Comrade DeLavera. The Duke sits in his own castle (2) under guard. Once you free him, you can help with some other things. He wants you knocked out from Marquis Von Kraus (3) confession in staging an assassination attempt. This is not an easy task and will drag on for ten levels. After losing, the Marquis will beg to be spared in exchange for information. This time you have no choice, you have to let Krause go. He will send you to to the orc leader

(1 on the map of Dersu) on Dersu - Great Uchkuk. The leader will share very interesting information about Deminion’s past, all you have to do is pass this information on to DeLaver..

Ladies showdown This quest does not appear on the map in any way. As you walk northeast of the royal castle, look into the peasant house (4). A nice girl will meet you there Enya . Talk to her about her father, and it will turn out that she is not only a countess, but also the bride of King Frederick. Hurry up with the good news to Debir, the king will not remain in debt. And the countess herself will ask you(5) - Deminion's wife. Allegedly, it was she who persuaded the usurper to commit the assassination attempt. We return to Verona, storm the castle and... listen to the sad story of Magbet. Now you are free to choose: kill her or have mercy. In the second case, you will receive a truly royal gift.


In the north of the island lives current champion(6) all Teana. You can challenge him and win the title. However, Arnold Heningham (that's his name) will say that you are lucky and ask that the fight not be counted, offering something valuable in exchange.

Agree - you will receive an artifact and access to strong troops. If you keep the title, you will be left without an artifact.

Dwarven beer.

The innkeeper Hunchback (7) will ask you to bring him dwarf beer with Montero. As soon as you deliver the order, the Hunchback will offer you to bring him not ordinary, but special flight beer. You can pick it up from the dwarf innkeeper (1 on the Montero map), or you can, after consulting with him, distill the beer yourself at the nozzle factory (2 on the Montero map). After receiving the flight beer, carefully inspect the barrel - a surprise awaits you. Now return to the hunchback.


The most original and quest-rich island.

Ax of the elements.

The task is not taken directly. To get it, you need to talk to Chris Caster (3) in his forge and hear his legend about the axe. Then buy a weapon. Now it's time to improve it. There are three obelisks on Montero: wind (4), ice (5) and lightning (6). Visiting each of them increases the power of the axe.
However, the trick lies in the fact that the first obelisk visited will determine the type of weapon and its further development path. The remaining two can be visited in any order. See the table for the characteristics of various modifications of axes.table 2First visited obeliskFirst class weapons
Second class weaponsThird class weaponWind+2 to attack, +1 to speed for dwarves of levels 1-3
+3 to attack, +1 to speed for dwarves of levels 1-4+5 to attack, +1 to speed and initiative for all dwarvesIce+3 to defense; level 1-2 gnomes attack without response
+5 to defense; level 1-3 dwarves attack without response+7 to defense; all the dwarves attack without response; +10% to physical resistance to all gnomesLightning+2 to attack; +5% to critical strike chance; +10% to lightning damage

On my own behalf, I can advise you to pay attention to the second option. Dwarves are very strong guys, and with an unanswered attack and increased protection become completely scary.

Test subjects.

The necromancer Meshmer (1 on the Montero Mine map), for whom, by the way, you will be given a contract, suffers from a shortage of gnomes. He needs three hundred miners and one each of a dwarf, gunner, alchemist and giant. The first are used as labor, the rest are for experiments. If we can deliver them all to him, we will receive not only a reward, but also access to a device that turns people and gnomes into skeletons and black knights. The meshmer can still be killed after completing the quest. After this, the castle will remain standing, but you will no longer be able to carry out the transformation.


At the finished item factory (2 on the Montero Mine map), Vargan will ask you to deliver him gears and send you to the lever mechanism factory (7). But this is just the beginning. You will be sent to various authorities several more times until they are driven to white heat. It’s good that at least they will give you the exact address.

There is nothing complicated - just travel from character to character and enjoy the sprawling bureaucracy of the dwarves.

Gift of Neotar. After you destroy the driller, go visit Master Neotar (8). Ask him to sell it to you

special weapon

On a note: . He will grumble, but will send it to the seller.

Tell Pyzhik (7) that you are from the master, and in front of you is the entire assortment.

for lovers of labyrinths. The path to the Hungry Beast lies through abandoned mines. If you want to get hold of some good trophies and a few runes, don’t be lazy to explore them. Tekron

On a note: Small island, few quests. But here you can get a stone of sorrow, ride a submarine and talk to a white dragon. The most

interesting tasks

do not lie on the surface, but below, in a large channel. be sure to buy dragon eggs from Torbochkin, and then ask him about them. Then you can use them. Don't worry, the purchase will pay off.


To get this miracle, you can fork out money, or you can go through a text quest and launch the boat yourself. I recommend the second one. There is nothing complicated - if something is wrong, then when you launch the boat you will be informed about the problem. Most

main advice

The hunter Lan Mandrake will meet you in the large canal and ask you to bring him the dragon cloak from the abyss. To do this, you will need to defeat (or bypass) two strong units, but as a reward, in addition to the standard set, you will receive a living book that enhances your summoning spells.


A very nice island with talking animals, polar bears and magical owls.


Bangan (1), wandering along the shore, will say that he doesn’t need anything from you, and will give you the map of his late paranoid uncle, because of which he ended up on this island. There are a lot of crosses on the map; which one will be true is determined by chance.

Explore. Good luck to you.

Owl necromancer.

To the north you will find a wise owl (2). More precisely, educated. She can speak and read, and especially likes to read magic scrolls. But what a pity! - she still can’t read the “call of the necromancer” scroll, it’s flooded with ink. Let's help the bird and bring it a scroll. Find out for yourself what happens next, I won’t spoil your fun. This is interesting:

from a wise owl you can hear what that very “call” sounds like. There are no more spell texts in the game. Necrocharms sound like this: “Agastrum sankritikus magum-sum necro fagus.” I don't recommend repeating it out loud.


Island of cruel and warlike orcs. But the tasks, oddly enough, are almost all peaceful.

Glasses for an old orc.

Babura (2) has become completely myopic and can no longer read her favorite books. Therefore, she asks us to bring her gnome glasses from Tekron (2 on the Tekron map). How can you refuse an old woman?


The young orc Bagur (3) dreams of marrying the beautiful Gulhatai (4). The only problem is that she doesn’t pay attention to him at all. We'll have to melt her heart. First we go to Bagura, she will advise us to collect pearls for beads. Pearls lie on the banks of Dersu and neighboring Uzala. Having obtained the pearls, we exchange them for a necklace, carry them to Gulkhatai and congratulate the newlyweds. This is how women are...


Wise but careless Owl.

A small island inhabited by fierce goblins.

As soon as Rakush found the source of the water of joy, he immediately became a leader and he no longer needed his old wife. Therefore, he gave Shake (1) to Coruscan (2) - a bad and cowardly hunter. The wife, tormented by shame, asks us to deal with her husband. We can agree, or we can go to Coruscan and talk. He will ask us to kill the brontor and tell everyone that this is his, Coruscan's, victory. Then everyone will immediately respect the goblin. Well, that’s very much an option. By killing the monster, you will not only help the unfortunate goblin gain authority, but also save his family.

Goblin Report.

Dwarf researcher Vasdegam (3) will ask you to deliver his report on the goblins on Elona to the lecture hall.

Before you do this, read the report - you will learn a lot of interesting things about goblins and find several scrolls.


The continent of the elves is engulfed in war, so peaceful missions are few and far between.


At the local lecture hall (2) you can get a master's degree in one of three sciences: lizard science, sopromagic and botany. In the first case, you will have to fight with an army of lizards, in the second with a bunch of archmages, necromancers, priests and other sorcerers, and in the third you will fight with an army of plants against various fiery creatures. In all three cases, Professor Dambior, a very powerful magician, will oppose you. In addition to the usual reward for completing the task, you will receive a master's diploma. For detailed specifications, see the table.

Entertaining astronomy.

Stargazer Aster Bless (3) will ask you to find a recently fallen star. As soon as you pick up the meteorite, it... will talk to you and tell you a lot of interesting things about the structure of the world. After you impress him with your intelligence, he will withdraw into himself. Now you can carry it to the astronomer too. He will ask you for one more favor - to bring a set of tools for opening the meteorite. Forward to Montero!

Bad deal.

World famous trader Lew Klisan (4) sold his soul to the devil. And now he wants to buy her back. But Sargatas (1 on the map of Sheterra), who owns the soul, does not want to sell it. But I’m ready to give it up on the condition that we defeat him.


A traveling house ruled by Samail. Here you can acquire excellent spells, troops, artifacts and a couple of interesting tasks.

Phasmodeus (2) wanted to teleport to his friend Mulcidar (3), but bad luck - the island moved a little, the coordinates were lost, and the unfortunate man ended up right in the stone. He even bit his tongue from shock. Now the demon cannot cast the spell and return and sends us to a friend for a potion. Mulcidar reacted instantly and gave us the language of Abalakumus, saying that it was a thousand times better. Amelie took the artifact and brought it to the poor fellow. But I just couldn’t resist and licked it once. Interesting! As a result, she learned many new words in several dozen languages ​​and became wiser. The walled demon was very happy, tore out his tongue and gave it to the princess, and put a new one in place of the old one. After which he cast a spell and... disappeared. I had to go to Mulcidar again for a reward.

Captive blacksmith.

The local blacksmith Gyfestion (4) doesn’t want to work for Samail at all, but he can’t get away - the magic shackles won’t let him in. That's why he asks us to charge a special sword with the blood of dragons, after which the weapon will be able to cut anything. To do this, he even gives you a tip to the path architect (4), who can transfer you to Ulrix. It will cost 10,000. As soon as the sword is filled with souls, take it back to Giftion.

To the north you will find a wise owl (2). More precisely, educated. She can speak and read, and especially likes to read magic scrolls. But what a pity! - she still can’t read the “call of the necromancer” scroll, it’s flooded with ink. Let's help the bird and bring it a scroll. Find out for yourself what happens next, I won’t spoil your fun. on Sheterra you can offer everyone you meet to buy your soul. Only a blacksmith would agree. The result is funny.

An escaped demon.

Asclepus (5) will tell you about his former test subject. This was a wonderful demon who survived poisons, spells, wounds, the growth of new limbs and much more. Is he really dead? No, he just ran away. Hippocrates (6) will be found in the village of demons and will complain to you about his life. You can send him with Christopher Lane and fail the mission. You can bring him back and hand him over to Asclepus, or you can go back and show the tormentor where the crabs spend the winter, and leave the medical establishment to Hippocrates. He will be extremely grateful to you, give you a reward, restore mana and rage to the maximum for free, and completely update your assortment. So before the battle, buy everything you need from Asklep.


My favorite island - with its own history and very charismatic inhabitants. Every undead here is an individual. I advise you to read the dialogues carefully - you will get a lot of pleasure.

Should I become a necromancer?

Right on the promontory hangs a sign with the announcement - “A necromancer of the highest category is looking for an assistant.” Great idea! Let's go study. Mysticus (1) will turn out to be a fairly friendly, but thorough guy and will offer us to first pass the test. It consists in cleaning out basements from all evil spirits.

On a note: This business is not difficult and profitable - there is something to profit from in the bins. Upon completion of the cleansing, we will be given access to the black ritual, which allows us to strengthen the undead. The ability to transform the dead into... more dead can be developed. With each ritual in which ten or more creatures participated, the skill will increase. want to get it faster new level

dark ritual? Then turn your troops into tens at the beginning and twelve at the second and third levels. This way you will very quickly reach the heights of necromancy. Next task - get the rarest skin black demon to create the Grimoire of Darkness. You can buy it from a traveling merchant, our old friend Lew Klisan. We will find him all in the same place - on Elon. He will tell us that he does not have skin, but there is an excellent fake - the skin of a red demon, which has undergone special processing. What to do, you'll have to buy it. However, we won’t say anything to the teacher, let him think that we did a great job. This will happen, and we will be given the last task... kill the teacher

. This will help him comprehend all the secrets of death and finally finish his work on the Grimoire. In addition, his body will be occupied by spirits that will need to be driven out of there. This can be done by properly beating the mortal flesh. We prepare for battle and raise the dagger... After the battle, the teacher will wake up and, after curious memories from childhood, return to the essence of the matter, initiate us into necromancers and give us an excellent staff.

Wrong vampire.

Another task will be given to you... by a tree (2) growing to the west of the castle. It will complain about a perverted vampire who drinks its juice, causing the plant to die. Well, let's punish the sucker. Upon arrival, Vegeta (3) will tell us that he was born that way - he cannot drink blood, only juice. He taught this to many young vampires. This former druid had never hurt even a fly in his entire life. It’s up to you to decide what to do with this misunderstanding: you can kill him and get what’s due, or you can forgive him, believe the promises to drink juice from several trees, but a little at a time, and fail the task. In exchange, Vlad will agree to turn your troops into vampires. He still knows how to do this.

An old zombie (4), living in the mill, will complain about loneliness - previously you could at least talk to a living statue, and even that one was broken by some dead pirates.

Could we collect the statue? Why not? We will need: arms, torso and head. You can buy the first one from a wealthy zombie (5). Bargain to the last minute, zombie money is of no use anyway. The torso can be picked up nearby from Randall Khripun (6) in a dilapidated house. He will ask you to guess a couple of riddles for this. That same pirate will have his head, but he will not give it away in peace. After the fight, go sculpt. By the way, the eyes of the statue are made from power runes, why does she need them? As soon as the statue is in place, talk to her, receive the reward and go to the mill for the reward.

Caring zombie.

Randal Khripun, who lives in a dilapidated house, is very lucky: he retains his mind to carry out difficult work. Thanks to this, he remembers everything that happened, including his relatives. He also remembers the terrible conditions of their existence. Therefore, over the years of work, Randall was able to save a tidy sum and asks to transfer it to his brother Corwin in Verona (8 on the map of Verona). You can do this, and at the same time bring your relatives together, or you can open the package and take everything for yourself. The last option is for absolute villains, because the money there is more than modest for this stage. So if you are a villain, don't forget to pick it up.


The last and most difficult island in terms of combat. But there are also relatively peaceful quests here.

Secret recipe.

The leader of the Big Nursery (1) will ask you to get the secret of training the soldiers of the Small Nursery (2). The problem is that the small nursery is directly subordinate to the Temple of the Sleeping Serpent (3). Well, let's go there and tell you in plain text what we need. The priests will be right and will give us the necessary “remedy”, which we will take to the leader. We can also try this decoction - we will become stupid, but we will become wild.

Peaceful tribe.

The leader of the Poor tribe (4) will ask you to take the red branch of dissent to a small nursery that is kidnapping the children of a peaceful tribe. Why not help the pacifists? True, the caretaker of a small nursery will react rudely, and you will have to fight. But after your victory, no one will risk offending Poor.

This quest is highly recommended before the fight with Ctahu. So, the priests of the temple discovered the half-dead Ksar, who was a member of the local parliament.

The poor fellow was all wounded and raving about terrible things, but when he came to his senses, he lost his memory. We need to get a special herb that awakens the memory of our ancestors in the lizards. We will find her in the cave (5). We can smell the grass ourselves - we will learn something about our creation. As soon as Xar's memory returns, he will tell us what happened in Genome and give us a map showing the location of the dagger. With his help, the peaceful Ksar entered the Genome. And weapons will help us a lot in the fight against the lizard. I warn you - the dagger is under guard.


Lizard Shionis (6) asks you to deliver a report to the Marshal on Verona (1 on the Verona map). There are no surprises, but you can learn a lot about lizards.

A world called Endoria opens before you. The main character Olaf goes to fight various undead. He will have to fight enemies in the dungeons of the gnomes, icy wastelands and even in the kingdom of Darion. The hero will be helped by his friends, companions, as well as 5 Valkyries. He can use spells in battle and learn rune magic.

Olaf can also use a completely unique ability called vis. This ability is only possessed by skalds, who can cast certain verses that can affect the battle.


To play "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North", your computer must have at least 1 GB of RAM, or better yet 2 GB. Also, the sound card must work correctly with Direct X.

You will also need a DVD-ROM to read the corresponding disc. Your hard drive must have at least 5.5 GB of free space to play the game. And video memory needs at least 128 MB, recommended - 512 MB. Processor frequency of at least 2 and 6 GHz. operating system - XP or Windows 7. You can install and play the game on other OSes. Here are the minimum requirements

. In addition, you will need a keyboard and mouse to control the game.

Classes As soon as the player starts the game, he is asked to choose which class his character will have. There are 3 classes in total, this could be: Viking (that is, simply a warrior), Magus (that is, a magician), Skald ().

unique character

  • You need to come up with a second name, which is essentially a nickname, choose a coat of arms and a difficulty level.
  • In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North", Skald's passage of the game has special features - he is a commander, he can read the verse and inspire his troops to fight. Also, after the battle, the gods can return part of his troops.
  • The Magus has magic and can heal and resurrect. Magi are powerful sorcerers and know the magic of runes. The Magus is not a general, but he can summon creatures and practice alchemy. The disadvantage of the magician is that he has the lowest level of leadership, and at the beginning of the game certain scrolls are generated, and then the card will fall. Random will help - if you come across good ones, you can try to play a sorcerer. Well, if the situation turns out to be unsuccessful, then there is nothing to talk about here.

In this picture you can see the parameters of the hero. At the top left is the hero's class, and in this case it is a sorcerer, character level, leadership points, attack and defense points, and intelligence. You can also see how much gold, rage and mana the hero has.

Received awards are located at the bottom left.

Below the hero you can see the army that he can command, as well as his inventory. There are small windows around the character where you can see the items he is wearing - his weapons, armor, jewelry, and so on.

Available Valkyries are displayed at the top.

On the right you can see the spell that the hero uses. And if you press the button of a spell, you can read about it. Skills are also displayed - our hero owns rune magic.

In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North," pumping up the player is simply necessary, because the character's level affects his parameters, which also increase. To gain experience, you need to fight with opponents and complete different missions.

  • Leadership shows which troops and at what level join your character.
  • Attack and Defense show the corresponding parameters for the creatures in your army.
  • Intelligence is a parameter that enhances spells.
  • Mana is the energy that is spent for spells. May accumulate over time.
  • When your hero fights, he gains the Rage parameter. You can spend the appropriate runes for development.

Races in the game

When playing through the game "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" it is very important to know that there are seven races in total in the game. In addition, you can meet some creatures that do not belong to the above races.

  • The first is the Vikings, like our hero. These are very harsh people, they strongly dislike the undead. Vikings are usually warriors, but there are also sorcerers among them. This race has the ability to know runes.
  • People are friends with gnomes and also with elves. They do not like demons, various undead creatures, as well as orcs. People can fight, but there are magicians and priests among them.
  • Elves are protective of people, help them, and do not like gnomes. Elves have fairly low health, but they are excellent archers, and they are also very fast, and they have nature magic.
  • Dwarves do not like demons, and also create various devices. Dwarven comrades are rather slow, but they have great health and a good blow. Dwarves can be alchemists or mechanics.
  • Undead. Actually, the dead - they don’t care what races there are in the world. They don't care about poison, but they don't care about holy attacks. They can take away vital forces from the enemy. Among them there are vampires and zombies, and necromancers are also considered undead.
  • Demons. Dangerous ones are both magicians and warriors; they have very strong attacks. They don’t care about fire, because their native world is fiery. They don't like the cold.
  • Orcs are mostly nomads and hate the undead. This is brute force, there are a lot of them, and they also have shamans. They wield catapults.

Among neutral creatures, such as pirates, dragons, spiders, snakes, griffins, and so on, you can find an ally. If you make friends with one of them and pay well, you will most likely lure them to your side.

Who to play?

Experienced players It is advised to choose a Viking to play “King's Bounty - Warrior of the North”, because it is easier for them to play. Skald will be more difficult, but Magus is recommended only for experienced players.

As soon as you choose a hero class, indicate a nickname and choose a coat of arms. After which the difficulty level will be available to you. Pay attention to the parameters, equipment and skills.

Below is the official trailer for the game, where you can see what adventures await the brave Olaf.

The main thing for the hero is a journal where all his tasks are recorded. When the hero completes missions, he receives some kind of reward. This could be gold, objects, scrolls on which spells are written. In the log you can see what kind of task it is, what mission it belongs to (plot or secondary), and also indicates the reward that is given for completion.

When the task is completed, it will be noted in the journal accordingly. If the mission is complex, then the tasks may have several stages. And at the same time, more than one reward is given for them. Usually the task is easy to complete, since there are characters associated with the mission or providing one, they are marked with symbols. Eat regular tasks, and there are related to the murder of some enemy. If such a task is present, then the icon in the journal shows crossed swords and a portrait of the victim. It is very profitable to fulfill such contracts, because as soon as you kill an enemy, you are immediately given a reward, and you no longer need to run to the customer for it.


If your character uses an amulet in battle, calling on the Valkyries for help, then their combat skills will increase. They provide assistance in the game; you can take all five of them on a journey, but first you need to choose which one is the main one. Her bonus will be valid at 100%, and the rest - at 25%. This bonus depends on the level, which can be increased by giving various items to the celestial maidens.

In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" complete walkthrough the game is impossible without the help of the Valkyries. They have preferences in the choice of items they receive. So, for example, Krista prefers regalia.

Regina will choose shields or armor, Hilda needs to give weapons.

To Mist - artifacts, to Gudrid you must give boots or gloves, as well as belts.

The maximum level of any Valkyrie is 5th.


The Book of Magic stores various spells and scrolls. You can either buy them or find them somewhere, and they are sometimes given as a reward for completing a task. After opening the book, you select a scroll and cast your spell. However, after this the scroll will disappear. Only a certain number of such scrolls can be stored in a book.

All magic is divided into 4 types:

  • Order - divine magic, healing, protection, special abilities.
  • Distortion - strengthens, weakens, illusion aimed at the mind.
  • Chaos - destroy, weaken, exterminate, destroy.
  • Runic - defense and attack.

The spell is used mainly in combat, their effects are completely different.

Travel magic is particularly prominent and is used for travel. At the same time, the hero’s parameters are increased or characters are added to the army. The spell requires scrolls that cannot be learned or improved.


The "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" quests begin at this stage of the game.

To begin with, your father will tell you that the undead have begun their invasion. You will need Runolv, this is a magician and your compatibility uncle who can give useful advice. You will also find some kind of tooth, it is unclear whose it is, you need to show it to Runolv. He will ask you to bring Deadman's Whip, 4 pieces. You can find the undead wandering nearby and take these things from them. From each squad you will receive one whip.

Ahriman is the Death Knight, you need to kill him. Once you do this, you will receive a dragon tooth, and your father has another one. The third tooth is with brother Eric, who will exchange it for animals and Vikings. There is Uladar Maritarius in the cave, you need to kill this guy. Then you tell your father about the death of this citizen.

Eric is lost, you need to find him and bring him back. My brother is hanging around somewhere near the harbor. It turns out that he joined the undead detachment, he attacks you, you defeated him, but now you are afraid that your father will be angry. Your uncle sends you to Westlig and gives you a map.


As soon as you land on the island, you realize that things are bad. And the undead have reached here, so you will need the ruler of the island, Ingvar. He will tell you what happened. Further on Fastland, find Runvald, show him a fragment of the mask. Tell Ingvar about this.

You should find any survivors who are on the island. Tell the king about them. You will need four fragments of the artifact, which is a mask. Near the lighthouse you find a Valkyrie who will help you with this.

Runvald tells you that his brother has disappeared somewhere, go to Ingvar. It turns out that the brother mysteriously disappeared, and later turned out to be a traitor - he was able to open a portal of darkness.

Portal of darkness

Valkyrie will tell you that in fact the undead came to the island for a reason, Runorm, Runvald’s brother, is to blame for everything. This comrade decided to study necromancy, and everything would have been fine, but that’s not enough, he decided to open a portal of darkness and call in an army. Valkyrie says that he is hiding on Mount Galskap, at the very top. You need to kill the Dead Spider.

Then go up the mountain and kill Runorm. Next you will find yourself in Greenworth.

Regina and Guildford

First you need to help the Valkyrie. To do this, go to the Verlon Heath. The prince of vampires is there, you need to kill him, take away the weapon and give it to Regina.

It is located by a necromancer with the appropriate name, you must go to the wasteland and find this terrible necromancer there, the Valkyries will help you defeat him. After which you take the artifact to the prince.

He tells you that there is another artifact for defeating the forces of Darkness, called the Staff of Star Light. This is a very powerful thing and destroys not just one or two representatives of the undead, but entire armies. It is located in Arlania among the magicians. You need to go there and pick up the artifact. You need to talk to the magicians and tell them about the staff. Unfortunately, the magicians will not want to give up the staff, and you will have to fight them.

When you give the staff to Guilford, the prince talks about another artifact - a valuable thing called the "Dragon's Tear". You will need to go to Demonis to find this very Tear.

It is necessary to sign four peace agreements with the demon lords. Two of them are quite peaceful, but two are not, so they have to fight. Next, all agreements must be taken and given to Xeona.

The "Dragon's Tear", accordingly, is guarded by a dragon, which is located in the cave; it must be defeated, the artifact taken away and given to the prince.

But it turns out that the prince deceived you, he is a traitor and commits an attack. Even if you just try to defeat him, a whole bunch of undead will attack. A Valkyrie appears and drags you away from there.


Your primary goal in "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" is completing quests. After deceiving Guilford, the next quest begins with the search for allies.

The traitor prince's castle is now guarded by none other than your brother. The armies there are very large, and there is no way for you to defeat them. Rezo is an archmage, he gives the hero advice that he needs to find allies. You must go to the Vikings, gnomes, elves and form alliances with them. You may also need demons. Of course, you can do without them, but it is best to take them with you.

The elves will join you if you find an antidote for spider bites, find Il Taera and kill the spider that bit her. However, the elves will put forward a condition: they need a legitimate queen. This is Amelie, and she was going to the dwarves, she should be found. You will be allowed to go through the passage into the mines to find the queen.

Dwarves and Vikings can't divide the gold mine; you have to do it for them. Ice dragons are interfering with developments and must be killed. And as soon as you tell the lord of the gnomes that the ice dragons have been defeated, the gnomes will agree to sign a treaty with the Vikings, which you need to tell the king about.

To conclude an alliance with the Vikings, you need to go to Southern Vinland. It also turns out that the orcs began to fight, and you need to find out why. Once the war between the Orcs and the Vikings is over, you can form an alliance with the Vikings.


Unfortunately, the prince turned out to be a deceiver; Guilford dreams of power. You need to destroy the undead and report this to the archmage, then go to Greenworth and talk with your brother Eric to collect data on the composition of the armies. In "King's Bounty - Warrior of the North" quests always come down to this task - you will need to destroy all the armies and kill the prince.

You should remember that your brother is under a spell, so you need to remove it. As soon as you do this, he will go to fight with you.

Guilford is very strong, it is recommended to take creatures into the army that cause the most physical damage. You will also need various artifacts that reduce damage from magic. It is best to take cavalrymen because they are fast; You will need paladins who attack well, can resurrect the dead and walk one more time.

Trolls are recommended - they have the ability to self-generate, and they are, in essence, strong “tanks”. It would be good to recruit black knights, they are also “tanks” and attack with great damage. You need to take resurrection, teleportation, acceleration spells with you.

Do not be distracted by the creatures surrounding the prince, attack only him, it is advisable to also kill the necromancers, otherwise they will raise the undead, which you will kill.

Two stages of the battle

It should be understood that in the battle with the prince you will have two stages. In the first, Guilford will be a man, he has little health, he sits on a throne and is the commander of his army, a commander.

He is dangerous because he uses the Amardeggon spell. This spell deals great damage to your troops. And the faster you reduce his health to zero, the better, otherwise the prince will be able to cast the spell several more times. Such a spell poses a significant threat; you need to complete the first round of the battle faster. It is recommended to use the "Ghost Armor" spell. You kill the undead, after which the prince rises from his throne and his combat becomes aggressive. Once his health is reduced to zero, he will become a dragon and the second stage will begin.

Guilford now has more health points. He also calls upon the undead, including Kill them, otherwise they will poison your troops. It is recommended to collect creatures that do not react to poisons. It is also best to use knights because they deal very high damage. Amardeggon Guilford no longer casts the spell, but can use another, no less dangerous - Burning of Souls.

This spell raises undead that were killed in 3 lines. It also deals damage on these lines. Do not build troops in rows, otherwise not one detachment will die, but several.

If you act on a whim, it’s a different matter when you use cunning hints and not entirely obvious secrets.

Most users go through the game the standard way - when they first clear the four starting Viking islands, and then kill the powerful spider boss. After the fight with the boss, the losses turn out to be horrific, but also all the troops are eventually “lost”, as a result plot twist... Then main character finds himself “naked” on a completely alien continent, where there are no Vikings, no weak opponents, and no opportunity to properly use the sea. If by this moment a lot of gold has not been accumulated to hire five full-fledged squads, then it’s a lost cause. Of course, on normal difficulty all this feels less painful, but it can still lead to a hopeless situation.

Correct passage

Nordlig (island no. 1)
The game begins on the island of Nordlig, which is notable for several things: a secret raven, the presence of an ancient scroll of a random type, and also the ability to cheat quite coolly. During your walkthrough, try to first search all retail outlets for the presence of the “Trap” spell. It doesn’t matter at all what character class you have chosen and what tactics you prefer - the trap is useful for everyone. Mages can use it to kill enemy units without using soldiers at all, and warriors and skalds benefit more from the passive property (an enemy who steps on the trap loses all movement points that turn). Any class can upgrade a trap if it finishes off enemies with it, so you should try to do just that on the starting island, saving the lives of weak opponents for the future if the scroll with the spell has not yet been found.

After you destroy the necromancer breeding undead on Nordliga, do not hand over the main task to the king, but immediately go to the port. Since the wall protecting it has disappeared after the death of the boss, you can safely board a local ship and start plundering the islands. If you immediately tell about your feat, the port will be blocked by another powerful mini-boss squad. In the sea you can find a bunch of chests, artifacts and even some new troops, and an extra pumping up of the trap won’t hurt before the fight with the future mini-boss. You also need to swim to the lighthouse and talk to the NPC regarding talking parrot. After which you should continue to perform story missions, for which they will give you a map of the second island - Westliga. But, you should not attack the auxiliary strong armies of opponents, as they will come in handy a little later. Even if you have the strength to win, it is better to hold your horses.

Westleague (island no. 2)
First of all, on the second island you need to get the Valkyrie Christa as a companion. It is located on a snowy mountain near starting location(the center of the island), guarded by one weak detachment of enemies, which they are also allowed to bypass. As soon as Valkyrie is obtained, you should immediately begin a new search for the “trap” spell, if you have not found it previously. Immediately after this, go to the previous island and start cleaning it out at 100%, since now you have a chance to upgrade your magical warrior in every battle. The more powerful the opponents, the stronger the Valkyrie's leveling experience, especially in the very first rounds of each battle. When playing as a warrior, I would recommend first of all improving the ice wall, since by the mid-game it can block all passages to your troops. Even with thousands of enemy troops, it will take several hits to destroy one wall, and the losses they will suffer are simply colossal (it works better against numerous enemies of levels 1-2).

Vestlig is not an interesting or noteworthy island, as there are no secrets or opportunities to cheat. On the other hand, powerful Viking sorcerers are often generated, as well as evil-eyes with the effect of controlling opponents. One of the houses near the center of the island sells thorn seeds, which will be indispensable in the future, so you should not use them to summon thorn units.

Fastland (island No. 3)
One of the castles is located on Fastland, and access to it is quite quick. It is profitable to store three types of troops there, which are not needed yet, but it would be a pity to dismiss them. You can also sell extra spell scrolls in castles to gain some coins. By completing the story missions here, you will receive a second Valkyrie in your squad, and it is better to do this as soon as possible in order to give more choice when leveling up the Valkyries’ skills. The “sweeping blow” ability often likes to pop up when taking the next level, but developing it is extremely pointless. The rage costs are small, the benefits are also quite small, the coverage radius is weak, and there is also friendly damage. There is a lighthouse on the island, which, miraculously, I lose sight of every time. He starts a long chain of side quests, designed to seasoned players, who cleared all four base islands.
Isterreng (island no. 4)
It's already getting hot here. Once you gain access to this island, immediately head inland to the smugglers' hideout. There you need to pick up the talking parrot from NPC Gregory, then take the bird to the Nordliga lighthouse and exchange it for a raven. This raven is a cheat. If you talk to him, and not just use him as an item, it becomes clear that the bird can eat scrolls of wanderings, and then reproduce them after a certain number of battles. If you are lucky enough to get the "Ancestors' Experience" scroll, congratulations, the game is a success! This scroll increases the amount of experience gained from battles by 50%, but only works five times, after which it burns out. However, the raven Rind is capable of making an infinite number of such scrolls, the main thing is that there are those same sprouts of thorns for feeding. Usually, it takes me 7-8 battles and 1-2 units of grain to create one scroll. This means that you can use the experience bonus almost constantly.

However, I advise you not to use the “Ancestral Experience” until you advance further in the plot, since the extra boost in leveling up even on Isterreng is insignificant. The next thing you need to do is talk to the pirate Simon, who is standing right on the icy territory. He will ask you to complete a simple task, after which he will hand over a secret map of the elf continent - Merlassar. In fact, this is not part of the main plot and is a big bonus. On Isterreng, things have not yet been completed - we again go to the smuggler Gregory and this time we chat for a long, long time. It is necessary to ask him about distant lands persistently (about three times), since at the first dialogues it may seem that the game is simply scrolling through randomly generated refusal phrases, but this is not so! Ultimately, he will offer to buy maps of two secret islands of “freedom” at once. If you were going through the storyline normally, you would have gone to beat the boss spider a long time ago, since the path to it opens up quite quickly. Instead, we hammer the creature down to character level, like, 30th... Yes, yes!

Merlassar (island no. 7)
In fact, it is better to go through this island seventh in a row, since somewhere up to level 25 your troops will not be able to do anything against the local fauna. But, there are a whole bunch of retail outlets with a huge abundance of elven units, and even available for free (they are not guarded). If you're lucky enough to find the Avengers, congratulations - the game is a success again. Although these archers do not deal much damage, they are capable of putting units of level 1-4 enemies to sleep twice for 2 turns. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether there are ten opponents or a million - sleep will take care of everyone. Actually, it makes sense to divide the Avengers into two or even three squads in order to permanently keep all enemies asleep at once, while the remaining troops arrange a quiet hour with axes and clubs. It is best to save the “Ancestral Experience” scrolls for this island, since it is home to an incredible number of named mini-bosses. One important nuance - the elf Gwenwynn is too pompous, so after your first visit she will refuse to trade... In general, make all purchases from her at once (I missed the exorcism scroll, which I could not find anywhere else later).
Freedom Islands (island No. 5 and No. 6)
The islands of freedom differ little from each other - both are inhabited by pirates, orcs and the undead. There are weak enemies here and there near the outer sides of the islands. It is very profitable here to engage in mass robbery of chests and altars, since access to them is usually free. I advise you to take a closer look at Catapult units, as they cause enormous damage to structures (towers), which are very common in battles with artifacts. At this stage, you should thoroughly upgrade your three Valkyries, sacrificing to them the appropriate items of low levels (1-3rd). After a Valkyrie reaches the fourth level of development, she can issue a special task. I don’t know the exact conditions, apparently it’s tied to the plot, and since we went against it, it’s not a fact that we’ll be able to take these quests.

On the islands of freedom, it is also convenient to kill the most powerful opponents under the “Ancestral Experience”, but clearing 100% will not be so effective, since there simply are not enough thorns to feed the raven. Here we can advise you to examine all the buildings of Merlassar, but personally I found only one pathetic sprout of an ent, which was not enough for a long time. This marks the moment when it’s time to go to the boss spider. After victory, access to the huge continent of Greenworth will open, where nutritious sprouts will definitely be found. And then the first thing left is to find a port, buy a ship (ask for permission) and set sail for your past affairs. It is worth noting that it is better not to take important warriors for the boss, especially those that are not widely available on store shelves. Troops that attack without surrendering (fairies, royal snakes, assassins, etc.) are perfect here - this way you can lead the boss by the nose.

After going through the game several times, I came to the conclusion that it is best not to develop more than two magical schools at the same time;
Equipping items to drop coins is completely pointless;
Instead of foaming at the mouth when level 3-4 units die, recruit level 1-2 soldiers who can be easily resurrected with the appropriate spell without deep development of the school of “order”;
Any +1 damage bonuses will work wonders with level 1-2 units that initially only have 1-3 damage - even peasants will become killing machines;
Sometimes troops have unexpected skills that are so-so in description, but in reality are extremely useful. For example, the Forest Fauns’ “nightmare” skill deals enormous damage to sleeping opponents, without bringing those out of their sleep state.

Illegal reproduction of copies of the game, objective criticism and claims made up from thin air, lack of real prospects on the prosperous console front - some teams have enough of one problem to never take on the creation of expensive large-scale projects again. “Nonsense, we’ll break through, there’s no land for us beyond Kaliningrad” - seasoned Space Rangers gritted their teeth, rallied their ranks and began a new battle, like heroes own game. Phoenixes and creative demons teleported from Vladivostok, magic designers conjured a dozen bright spells, and a select corps of new characters, led by a pretty princess and a pet dragon, rushed to attack their creators.

It's not just the developers who are facing problems. The world of “King’s Bounty: Legend of a Knight” is dying in a war with demons. The leader of the hellish horde, the archdemon Baal, besieged the capital of the kingdom of Darion and demands revenge with the knight Bill Gilbert. Alas, there is no one to take the battlefield. The glorious hero has not been seen at home for a long time - he never returned from his last journey. The chief royal magician and the monarch's daughter, who adores her childhood idol, gather in search of the legendary knight. Agility and agility are not the last qualities in the world of King’s Bounty, so it is not surprising that the young princess was the first to rush into the portal.

It turned out that Bill Gilbert had reached a neighboring dimension - a world called Teana. But where exactly the famous traveler stopped, none of the inhabitants knows. Unless the local gods will help with a hint, but you still need to reach them. However, Princess Amelie has a good reason to make such a useful acquaintance - in the ancient prophecy we're talking about“about the child of heaven” who will change, fulfill, save... - well, and so on. Only the predicted chosen one is able to activate a set of magic stones; such an experiment will kill the impostor on the spot.

You'll have to run wild for these souvenirs. This is the first monarch he meets who unconditionally believes the words of the prophecy and is in a hurry to part with the unnecessary trinket. Other guardian characters are not so trusting and require specific evidence of “chosenness,” fulfillment of the divine will, or an equivalent exchange. As before, will powerful of the world This is just a guide to action, the final goal, the horizon line. The player will do anything but strive for the end of the game. Firstly, it is harder to do than it was before. Secondly, it’s simply a crime not to live with the problems of local characters for a week. Without us, there will be no beer in the taverns, and the scoundrels will remain unpunished, and no one will collect the scattered treasures instead of the player.

Anecdote from life:
- Darling, what did you buy?
- King's Bounty, continued.
- Children, say goodbye to dad - you won’t see him again this week.

Since the little princess grew up without the participation of the player, as compensation it is proposed to choose the heroine’s specialization and the corresponding image. A blonde in a sparkling “armored swimsuit” stands guard over the ideals of goodness and light, that is, she fills the vacancy of a paladin. The fiery brunette casts combat spells and prefers black mini-armor, while the red-haired warrior prefers fierce red. Good looks are absolutely useless for gameplay. Only the profession or color of the armor is important.

The differences between warrior, mage and paladin have become even more significant. A born leader with a large army is extremely dangerous in a direct confrontation, but is helpless against the spells of others. It’s a little easier for a paladin: there are enough abilities to reduce the consequences of someone else’s magic, there is something to greet a horde of undead and demons, and the bright hero’s troops of soldiers are also quite large. It’s more difficult for a magician who is forced to use spells and curses to both inflict significant damage on someone else’s army and compensate for the lack of troops. However, after updating the magical arsenal and the appearance of demonological assistants, playing for the most complex character has become even more interesting.

- Princess Amelie, Warlike and Beautiful Stranger, Tearer of Heads and Hands, Tearer of Hearts.

During adventures and gaining experience, unique skills will further enhance the contrast between the heroines, so the choice of profession must be approached with a clear understanding of weak and strengths. So, the magician develops more slowly and more cautiously, but a nurtured runt with fellow demonologists and guards from a brood of dragons does terrible things, rarely allowing the enemy to continue the battle beyond the first rounds. In a protracted battle, the arrows and artillery will slowly but surely complete what they started with magic, while the intimidated and slowed down enemy will deal with a pack of summoned demons, storm the walls erected in a couple of seconds and bypass numerous traps.

The changing nature of battles requires a sophisticated approach. Previously, on each of the continents there were numerous detachments recruited from creatures of a certain race, which reduced the player’s tactical decisions to one or two scenarios and turned the liberation of a location from unnecessary elements into a monotonous meat grinder. For the princess, things are both simpler and more complicated. On the one hand, there are much fewer patrols and guards, according to the small size of the maps. Secondly, all units are motley gangs, the composition of which is more like a deck of cards for board games. That is, each battle turns into a unique and exciting duel, rich in tactics and unexpected experiments. Exams for location bosses are especially difficult: a mechanical robot driller, a lizard, a giant toad and a gremlin.

This state of affairs was influenced not only by the imagination of the designers, but also by the updated system of the heroine’s skills, new spells, the recruitment of promising recruits into the army, the emergence of a new class of useful things and the reduction of Spirits of Fury. The latter were replaced by one little dragon, who is gradually maturing and mastering fairly similar techniques. Due to the strict professional division and the meager allocation of the necessary runes of strength, spirit and magic necessary to pay for training, you have to carefully select unique skills. Strengthening the heroine before the start of the battle is partly responsible for the new school of Wandering magic, the spells of which are used on global map. At first glance, the old sections “Order”, “Chaos” and “Illusion” were also strengthened. In fact, it turned out that the useful new items “Avenger Angel” and “Return of Time” are similar to the techniques from the arsenal of the old Spirits of Fury.

The most noticeable changes affected the personnel - many were dressed in bright suits and learned a couple of new techniques. The luckiest ones were the three playable races: the newbie lizards, the neutrals, and the gnomes. The first united in their ranks fossil creatures that act well both at long distances and in counterattacks. Time itself works for the ancient lizards and their breeding assistants. Showing pity for harmless worms or flying pterodactyls is fraught with major complications on the battlefield. The neutrals have two new leaders - a demonologist who summons creatures of the demonic dimension, and an assassin who prefers to cut out the most valuable targets using teleportation. The second pair of newcomers looks paler - the furious royal griffin and the hefty troll are more likely an improved version of the griffin and ogre. The gnomes also applied their knowledge of technology - two types of mechanical droids strengthened the infantry units and added missing mobility to the infantry.

With the usual artifacts and squire assistants, the situation is similar to the previous game, except that more items are combined into thematic sets, and the player’s achievements are celebrated with special awards that do not take up space, but bring a noticeable increase in damage, experience and gold found.

The accompanying “brides” do not persuade the heroine to give birth. Friends only carry an additional set of artifacts. Compensation - unique skills of companions in training troops and special tasks dedicated to the character traits of voluntary assistants. A pirate needs to heal terrible scars, a dark knight needs to free himself from the power of darkness, an arrogant elf needs to learn politeness and humility. In some places a kind word will help, in others you will have to back up your exhortations with brute force, and in others you will only have to come to terms with the obnoxious behavior of your companion and take out your rage on the enemy who turns up.

The metamorphoses that occurred with King’s Bounty can be divided into two parts. The first is finishing everything, total work on mistakes, completion and implementation of most early ideas. The second part is the evolution of game elements. It seems to us - towards consoles and the tastes of Western audiences. This includes a more varied nature of battles, a reduction in the size of locations, a simplified system of Spirits of Fury, and bright, memorable character figures. In the end - a beautiful girl, a cute dragon and achievements. If this is, indeed, an aggressive attack on the prosperous Western gaming market, then the project still lacks multiplayer, fashionable cooperative play and beautiful CG videos. Without them, the attack will simply fizzle out, just like last year's appearance in front of a bunch of English-speaking fans.

Stereo mode can be added to many modern games. Another thing is the feasibility of entertainment in the style of the 80s in modern game. In “King's Bounty: Princess in Armor,” a special graphic filter blurs the image, and a person’s eyes, armed with two-color anaglyph glasses, perceive the picture more realistically - in volume. First of all, the scenery and characters benefit, which become almost tangible. The temptation is great. grab the fighter figurine and move it along playing field without the help of a mouse. Alas, the transmission of stereo images does not imply a rich color palette, and my head hurts after this experiment.

When setting off on a new journey, forget the word “add-on”. There are so many qualitative and quantitative changes that the project has actually turned into new game. King's Bounty has become brighter, more interesting, more mature. There are fewer inappropriate jokes in the dialogues, the plot and tasks are more evenly distributed across the islands and continents, the balance of professions, spells, and creatures has been reworked. Independent story, cosmetic video update, new world, a new furious assistant - a dragon, a new race of intelligent lizards, a new school of magic, new fighters, new tasks, a new class of useful things - rewards that do not require space in your backpack and are not inferior in useful properties the best artifacts. From the old - only newly arranged scenery, which is adjacent to a bunch of familiar characters and scenery. There is still a lack of modern add-ons in the form of multiplayer and co-op, but these are more likely to be funding problems than a lack of talent among the developers.

  • Large-scale reworking of the original concept
  • Improved footage
  • Rigid division of the heroine’s development according to her chosen specialty
  • Challenging and interesting fights
  • New: bosses, lizard race, school of wanderer magic, companions, spells, monsters and baby dragon
  • The matured script is inferior in brightness to the funny and childish predecessor
  • Still no multiplayer or co-op

For those who play King's Bounty: Warriors of the North - Ice and Fire(2014) PC, look for version (Update 1).
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North / King's Bounty: Warrior of the North (2013) ( Repack R.G. Games

Update from 02/22/2014
1. Fixed dialogues with Owls, eliminated a bug due to which owls could be picked up without an active quest. (restart required)
2. Fixed a bug due to which bonus Runes were not given for creature experience.
3. Fixed a bug due to which the Mystic Empathy bonus continued to be given to hypnotized creatures that returned to their army.
4. Fixed a bug with the message when attacking Miners.
5. The description of the characteristics of Druid creatures has been corrected.
6. Skalds gain experience for using their talents Song of Praise and Evil Mockery.
7. Royal griffins gain experience for using the Sky Guard talent.
8. Descriptions of properties for Robbers and Marauders have been corrected.
9. Fixed reduced durations positive effects from the hero's skill Fortitude of the North.
10. A situation has been fixed where the effect of the Empathy talent could continue to operate even after the Mystics came out of their trance.
11. Typos in the Armor properties for some creatures have been corrected.
12. A bug with the talent Magic Creature Block Witch Hunter has been fixed, when damage was not dealt to the unit under the effect for using non-combat talents.
13. Descriptions of some items have been adjusted.
14. A bug has been fixed due to which the Fire Shield talent of Pyromagi creatures did not add resistance to fire damage, but replaced it.
15. An error in the description of the Ogre's Rage effect has been corrected.
16. A bug has been fixed when other creatures received energy instead of Contemplators.
17. The problem with the impossibility of taking one of the bonuses in Arlania has been fixed. (restart required)
18. A bug has been fixed due to which Jarls did not receive experience for using the Call to Battle talent.
19. The duplicate talent Seeding has been removed from the Thorn Hunters.
20. A bug has been fixed due to which the damage of rage skills for the Valkyrie’s Favorite medal was not increased.
21. The Yew Bow item correctly gives bonuses to Avengers and Scouts.
22. The additional damage from the talents of the Contemplators has been fixed when they have accumulated the required amount of energy, and the requirements for activating enhanced effects have also been reduced.
23. Improved trafficability on the pier in the Ice Gardens.
24. A bug that caused the game to crash during the turn of creatures Advisors under the control of artificial intelligence has been fixed.
25. All effects applied to them are correctly removed from Sky Guard creatures.
26. The correct message is displayed when Snow Falcons creatures use the Ice Blast talent when there are no ice spikes in the arena.
27. A bug has been fixed due to which, when using the Birth of a Giant scroll, simple Ents, creatures of level 4, could drop (instead of Ancient Ents, level 5).
28. Improved cross-country ability in the upper part of Demonis.
29. The Stone Idol quest can be completed even if the chronology of its completion has been disrupted.
30. Added additional arenas for the Ice Gardens.
31. Problems with the quest Hunting Monsters have been fixed (restart required).
32. Fixed a bug with instantly receiving a level 4 or 5 medal for the Valkyrie's Favorite medal.
33. Fixed a bug due to which units could skip a turn after using a rage skill (for example, Mysta's ball lightning.)
34. Fixed a bug with unjustified great reward in gold for defeating the masks of Virtue.
35. The Chalice of Tears item correctly gives a health bonus to Mystics.
36. The cost of Rune Sorcerers creatures in the Mysterious Delivery item has been corrected.
37. The requirements for the Blind Fury medal have been reduced.
38. Creatures Contemplators and Rune Sorcerers can now select Vector and Destruction as a target for their talents and deal damage to static objects - pawns.
39. Fixed a bug due to which the creatures Rune Sorcerers and Snow Falcons did not receive Attack bonuses from Regina the Fiery.
40. Fixed a bug due to which Rune Sorcerer creatures could receive a healing bonus for experience.
41. A bug with the crash when a Catapultist bomb explodes has been fixed.
42. Incorrect parameter modifiers for Adrenal for some creatures of the Orc race have been fixed.
43. Fixed a bug due to which Ogre creatures could not use their Throw talent on level 5 creatures.
44. The dialogue with the character Simon Danziker has been corrected, when after completing the quest about the missing cabin boy, the dialogue thread about the Ice Gardens became inaccessible.
45. The Frost Stars item correctly provides a bonus to Defense.
46. ​​A bug has been fixed due to which Pyromagi creatures could, after their death, continue to receive a bonus from the Keeper of Fire feature for setting units on fire and lose the animation.
47. Fixed a bug with Miners getting a second turn under the effect of Hops when they dealt damage.
48. A bug has been fixed due to which the dialogue for the character Rezo on the quest New Home for Lizards appeared ahead of time.
In addition, in base game Bugs with the "Kamikaze" skill and scrolls of wandering magic have been fixed.
When I passed, because of these mistakes I spat for a long time.
Good luck!
