Tic-tac-toe combinations. Rules of the game of tic-tac-toe

Did you know that with tic-tac-toe strategies you can win with 80% probability? We'll talk about this later in the article!

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

The game of tic-tac-toe is well known to both adults and children. When playing it, it is important to reserve the final decision. If a player's X's or O's do not line up in a row or diagonally, he will lose. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you need to know the secret of how to win at tic-tac-toe.

How to win at tic-tac-toe?

The most popular is the game on a nine-cell field. The field consists of three squares horizontally and three vertically.

As always, first draw a field and select a cross and a zero. The first question that I would like to clarify is whether it is possible to win against an opponent if you are a cross? The answer is yes, since the cross always goes first in this fight.

According to the rules of the competition, you need to make three identical moves horizontally or diagonally. And you need to do this faster than your playing partner. The cross goes first in the competition. The first player has a better chance of winning. The second move will be for the zero.

How to win with a cross easily and quickly?

The most advantageous first step is a position in the center of the field. This cell gives the player the advantage of walking not only straight, but also diagonally. The player has a chance to line up three pieces in a row according to:

  • diagonals - two lines;
  • verticals - one line;
  • horizontal - one line.

After the enemy's second step, the first zero will appear on the field. Depending on where the enemy placed it, a further line of defense is built.

In theory, the enemy has two options:

  • put a zero in one of the four outermost cells;
  • place a zero in the position of cells that do not pass through the diagonal numbered 2, 4, 6, 8. This step can be decisive for the outcome of the battle.

Now the player moving with a cross has a greater chance of winning rather than being defeated. The second step is building an attack. You need to put a cross in the free corner cell. It is necessary that a diagonal passes through it. This position will encourage the opponent to build a line of defense.

The third move of the cross will be to capture another corner cell. This is necessary in order to get as many rows as possible, in which one figure is missing. Thus, you go one position ahead of your opponent. No matter where the zero places its piece, the cross will always have another option in stock.

If, at the second step of your battle, the enemy placed a piece on one of the cells numbered 1, 3, 7, 9, the chances of winning become low, although they depend on the enemy’s inattention.

The winning strategy is to build a line of three identical pieces horizontally or vertically. How to easily increase your chance of winning? You need to place the first figure in the center or in the corner.

Move scheme for zero

For players fighting for the zeroes to win, winning is much more difficult. After all, the right to strike first in this game is worth a lot. Here you need to try to reach a draw, and if your opponent is inattentive or inexperienced, you even have a chance to win.

The first step of the zero (in case the opponent has not placed his piece in the center) is to place the zero in cell number 5. Further tactics will be similar to those prescribed for the crosses. If cell number 5 is occupied by a cross, you need to select diagonal cells with numbers 1, 3, 7, 9.

The opponents' next blows must go in parallel and prevent the formation of a row of three figures.

You can learn how to win consistently by studying the pattern.

If the cross made its first move not through the central, but through the corner cell, then the enemy has two options for developing the game strategy.

As soon as the zero moves to the center, the enemy needs to quickly move to the corner opposite from the first move. In this case, the zero will have two steps to choose from. Whichever one is chosen will be the outcome of the battle. Let's say the zero does not place the figure in the corner square. Then the cross will begin to defend itself, and the battle will end in friendship. But if the enemy's position is indicated in the corner cell, the crosses will be able to make a kind of “fork” and occupy the remaining corner.

How to make the cross win all the time? You need to adhere to the following tactics:

  • occupy the center;
  • force the O's to start defending;
  • build a “fork” of crosses.

There is a strategy when the zero is placed in the corner, and the crosses are placed in a straight line. Then the zero begins to line up diagonally, but the cross also occupies the last free corner. The result is a fork.

How to win in tic-tac-toe 3x3 or more cells?

This popular game very useful for the development of logic and thinking, because it is based on the basics of programming and mathematics.

In a game of 3 by 3 cells, the main reason for the loss of one of the players is a mistake made during the first move. It is he who determines the further chain of events. In order for the second player to have a head start and not lose, he needs to make his first move, which will be made after kickoff, place your piece in the center of the field or in one of the corners. This will allow him to occupy a strategically important place and, if necessary, block the threat from any point. In a 3v3 competition, the most important thing is the first strike strategy.

An interesting type of combat is 3D 3v3v3. Here the competition is fought in a cube. The winnings are awarded to the player who occupies the top central field. There can be no draw in this fight. You can win by taking a central position on the field, as well as by using moves that are diametrically opposed to each other.

To complicate the competition and increase winnings, a Silverman playing field measuring 4 by 4 k was invented for the players. In this battle, the player’s goal is to make a straight line from four identical figures. The battle strategy for the first player is to attack and block the opponent's moves. There is no draw in this version of the game. The worst way to start a competition on a 4v4 field is to oppose it diagonally. But even in this case, the first player always has six options for moves. As practice and analysis of the battle shows, the players who made the first move in this game have huge advantages. To change the conditions and make the game more difficult, the main diagonals for winning are not counted. In this case, to win, the first move does not need to be made along the main diagonal.

On a 4 by 4 board you can play interesting option games - “Crazy Tic Tac Toe”. Here the figures are not tied to the players. The winner is the one who is the first to collect a row of any four figures.

How to play tic-tac-toe 5 by 5 cells?

The 5v5 game is interesting, but the principle of its operation is the same as in the game on a field of nine cells. The main tactic of the competition is to create forks that will not give the opponent the opportunity to build a row of 5 pieces. To make the game long and interesting, special rules are established for the first player. It is forbidden to build more than two forks, and it is also forbidden to create forks on a platform of 3 by 3 and 4 by 4 cells. Compliance with these conditions opens up the chances of winning for the second player. It is noteworthy that in this version of the competition you can skip one move. But, if the second player misses a move, then the game ends in a draw.

How to play tic-tac-toe 10 x 10 squares?

The 10x10 and 15x15 playing fields are boards called gomoku. This is fascinating sport game, which is popular all over the world. The main point of the competition is to create a row of five identical figures. There are many algorithms for calculating moves and even computer calculations have been carried out.

You need to know that one figure affects other figures within five cells on each side of the figure. The main goal of the players is to prevent the opponent from placing three pieces in a row.

You need to act in a chain, first building a chain of two pieces, then three, four, and so on until victory. As in simple level, the second player is always one step behind the first, so he needs to carefully think through each of his moves.

The game came to us from antiquity. Today there are many variants of the competition: on paper, with stones on the computer. There are virtual games, where real people play, place bets and earn real money. But you need to remember that the difficulty of the battle increases as you grow playing field. When playing online, there is no guarantee that your opponent is not a machine that has several solutions and algorithms for one move. That is why online game requires attention and concentration from a person.

The main principle is to create a situation in which 2 lines are almost filled at once. Then the enemy’s move no longer matters (see figure, numbers - order of moves). To create such a situation, it is best to occupy the middle of the field.

Step 2

Consider a situation where you start and put a cross in the center. The opponent has the choice of placing the zero in the corner or in the center of any line. If he chooses option 2, then he has already lost. You just need to put the following cross as in the picture (rotate the field depending on the enemy’s move). The number 4 marks the forced move of the “toe” to protect the inclined line. The number 5 marks your next move to create a hopeless situation.

Step 3

If the opponent chooses the first option, then you need to put a cross in the opposite corner (see figure). The opponent will have the choice to place a zero in position 4 or 5 (similarly on the second line). If he chooses 4, then you put a cross in position 5 and win, if the opponent chooses position 5, then the result is a draw (there is also an extremely illogical move to one of the positions 6, then put a cross in the second 6 and again you win) . If you put a cross (on move 3) in any other place, it will automatically be a draw.

Step 4

Consider the situation when the enemy starts. If he puts a zero in the center, then he needs to go on the defensive and make a draw. You have to put a cross in the corner. Then see the previous step (on the “other” side).

Step 5

If the opponent places a zero in the center of the line (as in the figure), then you cannot place a cross in the cells marked in red. Otherwise, the enemy will make a move to position 3 (on the side where you placed the cross), and then to the center and you lose. It is best to take the center, and then, if possible, take one of the 3 positions. This will ensure either a draw or your win (watch out for the opportunity to create a combination described in step 1, for example, if the opponent puts a zero on the opposite side, then occupying the 3rd position will automatically create a winning situation).

Step 6

If the opponent puts a zero in the corner, then there are many options. In Fig. prohibited moves are presented (top row) and typical mistakes. If you avoid them, there will be a draw.

Step 7

If you start, you can also start your move off center. See the previous two steps, putting yourself in the shoes of the zeros. Thus, it is most advantageous to start the move in the corner of the field, since only 2 paths out of 8 remain for the enemy, and there is a greater chance that he will make a mistake.

Each of us at least once in our lives played the famous tic-tac-toe game, trying to build 3 crosses or 3 zeros in a row or diagonally on a nine-cell field. If you've practiced this game enough, you probably know that two experienced player always end the game in a draw, and this makes the game uninteresting for them. In this article you will read about how to win at tic-tac-toe, or at least not lose, and also learn all the tricks and secrets of beating this popular game.

A little about the rules. The goal of the game is to line up 3 identical figures (3 crosses or 3 zeros) horizontally, vertically or diagonally on a nine-cell field in a row before your playing partner does. The game of tic-tac-toe begins with the player's move, who places a cross in any cell on the three by three playing field (we note right away that he has a much greater chance of winning than his opponent). After this, the second player bets at any free cell zero Then the cross moves again. Then again zero. And this continues until:

One of the players will not build 3 crosses or 3 zeros in a row or diagonally, and as a result will be declared the winner;

There will be no free cells left, and there will be no three identical pieces in a row on the field - in this case, a draw is declared.

Take any of the corners

  1. If the enemy occupies any cell except the central one, you are guaranteed to win.
  2. Go to any of the free corners.
  3. It is logical that the enemy will block winning combination, standing between your two “crosses”. This is what we need!
  4. Take another free corner...

A win-win combination!

If the enemy occupied the center

  1. Suppose, as we agreed, you put a “cross” in any of the corners. But an insidious enemy occupied the center.
  2. Take a corner diagonally from the one already occupied.
  3. If the enemy marks in any of the free corners in the timid hope of winning, you win.
  4. Just cover his winning combination by taking the last empty corner...

Inevitable victory!

Winning at tic-tac-toe does not always depend on chance or luck. There is a certain pattern on how to win this game. This is exactly what our article is dedicated to.

A little history

When thinking about how to win at tic-tac-toe, people are rarely interested in the origin of this puzzle. Meanwhile, its history goes back to antiquity. Similar games existed among many nations, but most experts agree that the Japanese were the inventors of the game. Many attribute the authorship to the Chinese, citing the "gomoku" puzzle. But there is no clear answer to this question, because prototypes of tic-tac-toe were discovered during archaeological excavations in America, Greece and other countries. Such a simple game, at first glance, is shrouded in many secrets and mysteries.

Rules of the game

There are not many people in the world who are not familiar with the rules of the game tic-tac-toe. Millions of schoolchildren and students spent their boring lessons doing this activity, writing dozens and hundreds of notebook sheets. Nevertheless, it is worth recalling the rules for both beginners and experienced players.

  • First you need to draw a square field of nine cells (three in height and three in width) on a piece of paper.
  • The game is designed for two participants, one of whom will walk with “crosses”, and the second with “toes”.
  • The first to enter the competition are the "crosses".
  • Players take turns filling the cells with their symbols.
  • The winner is the one who is the first to build a continuous row of “crosses” or “toes” in any direction (vertical, horizontal, diagonal).
  • In the event that all the cells are filled, but a solid line is not formed, the result is a draw.

The rules are extremely simple and familiar, perhaps, to everyone. But not everyone knows that victory does not always depend on chance. There are certain rules on how to win at tic-tac-toe.

Game Features

Of course, for most people, the game of tic-tac-toe is purely entertaining and is in a good way kill time. Some people compete in this activity for money, desires, and even stripping. Some even consider tic-tac-toe boring and meaningless, because there is no place for imagination in them. But only true connoisseurs know that this is a complex logical, highly intelligent, strategy game. Even the Chinese are passionate about this activity, and they really know a lot about puzzles.

Serious opponents can spend hours drawing squares, filling them with X's and O's in the hope of winning, but often the game ends in a draw, and they have to start over again. That is why every fan of this puzzle dreams of learning the secret of how to win at tic-tac-toe. There is a scheme to achieve victory.

Victory of the "crosses"

Since the tic-tac-toe players start the game, they have a little more options on how to win at tic-tac-toe. The essence of the strategy is to create an advantageous situation on two lines at once, preventing your opponent from blocking your path. Therefore, you need to learn to calculate the enemy’s actions several steps ahead, setting the tone of the game.

Most often, “crosses” strive to occupy the central cell, considering it the most advantageous position. However, the player drives himself into a dead end by allowing the enemy to surround him. There is a more effective option for how to win at tic-tac-toe.

  • Make it a rule to occupy the lower left corner. So, by controlling the entire field, it will be easier for you to figure out how to win at tic-tac-toe. The photo below demonstrates the mechanism of action that should be followed in the event that the “toe” is not in the center of the field.

  • Also, a cunning opponent may choose a different path and make a move in the central square, thinking that he will complicate your task. Everything here really depends on your luck and the possible “zero” error. If he starts building diagonal lines, then victory is in your pocket. Otherwise, you can count on a draw at most.

Victory of the "noughts"

Since the “noughts” go second, they are left to react to the opponent’s actions, repelling attacks. But this does not mean that the second player has no options on how to win at tic-tac-toe. Here, as in the first case, everything depends on what place the opponent will occupy on the field.

The schemes may seem complicated only at first glance. In fact, you just need to learn them and be able to navigate while playing. By the way, if you are interested in the question of how to beat a computer at tic-tac-toe, then use the same algorithm. But with the car it will be much more difficult, because all the winning combinations are also familiar to it.

  1. Make only thoughtful and verified moves. There is no need to rush and give in to emotions; it is better to take a short break. The obvious step is not always the right one.
  2. When in doubt between two moves, choose the safest one. It's better to come to a draw than to lose.
  3. Calculate your opponent's moves in advance. Imagine what you would do in his place and block the possibility of victory.
  4. Focus on two options that can lead you to winning.

The first article examines various options for solving the problem, but there is no implementation in the form of a game; in the second, there is a game, but the computer “plays” rather poorly. I decided to make my own version of the game gomoku with blackjack enough strong game computer. A publication about what happened in the end. For those who like to jump straight into battle - the game itself.

To begin with, I want to decide on the main points. Firstly, there are many varieties of the gomoku game, I settled on this version: the playing field is 15x15, the crosses go first, the one who is the first to build 5 in a row wins. Secondly, for simplicity, I will call the game algorithm for calculating the computer's moves AI.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you enjoyed reading and playing as much as I enjoyed implementing it :)

P.S. A small request, if you win easily, please attach a screenshot of the game and moves (from the console logs) for analysis and improvement of the algorithm.

Update 1
1. Increased the importance of scales for attack by 10%. Now attack for AI is preferable to defense, all other things being equal. For example, if the AI ​​and the user have 4ka, then the AI ​​will prefer to win.

2. Changed the values ​​of the weights according to the templates. With a more precise balancing of the scales, you can achieve best game AI.
Template weights are now as follows:
99999 - xxxxx - five in a row (final winning line)
7000 - _xxxx_ - open four
4000 - _xxxx - semi-closed four (two such fours are preferable to one open, perhaps " more interesting game" will)
2000 - _x_xxx, _xx_xx, _xxx_x - semi-closed four with a gap (2 such fours are equal to one open four and are “preferred” to an open three; but if there is only 1 such four, then an open three is preferable)
3000 - _xxx_ - open three
1500 - _xxx - semi-closed threesome
800 - _xx_x, _x_xx - half-closed three with a gap
200 - _xx_ open deuce
There are also small weights (from 1 to 20-30) around all moves to create a “slight randomness of the move.”
