Nancy draw ghost by the water. Walkthrough of Nancy Drew: Shadow by the Water

This project is very original and will be of interest to many. The game is interesting, and there is quite a lot of originality in it. Probably connoisseurs of the series will surely love this toy, because it, like many other games in this magnificent series, is very exciting.

Watch the video walkthrough of the game Nancy Drew: Shadow by the Water

Walkthrough of the game Nancy Drew: Shadow by the Water may be relevant for those who do not have the opportunity to play themselves. Also, it will help you if you are stuck at some point and cannot get past it. Just look at the video above and repeat the steps in a similar sequence. In addition, by looking at the gameplay you can make your own conclusion whether it’s worth playing the game personally.

Other information about the game

The game has an excellent, beautiful design. The gameplay is very typical, but that's a good thing. In terms of technology, the project is quite good, although not a masterpiece. The game has a great atmosphere, setting, concept... In general, the toy turned out to be decent, and it will probably appeal not only to connoisseurs of the series.

Probably many people should familiarize themselves with the game Nancy Drew: Shadow by the Water. Why? The game just turned out really, really good. She has a lot of advantages. The project is done with taste, and hardly anyone will deny it. The game turned out to be very harmonious, which is perhaps very important, especially for similar, static games.

However, the fact that the game is somewhat static does not mean that it is somehow dull. There is plenty of dynamism here, it’s just achieved with minimal means. Yes, the game is characterized by minimalism. However, this is in many ways a good thing. Why? Firstly, many people like this style. Well, secondly... Thanks to its simplicity, a lot of games in the series have already been released, which will make many people very happy.

The gameplay in the game will be very enjoyable for those who love games about all kinds of investigations. Indeed, the gameplay here is made in such a way that it is really very interesting to play. You need to pay attention to various small details. Speaking of details... A lot of attention is paid to them in the game. Indeed, various small details are very well worked out, and, very importantly, these details are often very important.

It’s probably worth saying that the game has an excellent design, which is very stylish. The game really has its own special style, which makes it even more original. For all its technological simplicity, the toy pleases with its sophistication and beauty. Perhaps someone might even consider the game a work of art.

Graphics and physics in the game they are not bad, although there is, perhaps, nothing masterpiece in them. They cope with their task perfectly, and perhaps it is unlikely that any complaints can be made against them. Probably enough has been said about the game, it’s time to sum up some results on this wonderful, amazing project.

The game turned out to be very unique, which will be very important for many. After all, there are now a lot of fairly similar games, so something new will probably be received positively by many gamers. So watch walkthrough of Nancy Drew: Shadow by the Water in Russian, or install and play yourself.

Walkthrough - Page 1

Walkthrough and saves for the Russian version of the game


If this is your first time encountering a series of games about Nancy Drew, then read the book “What a Real Detective Should Know,” which lies on the table to the left of the case materials. From this book you will learn the main features of the game. You'll learn how to control movement, learn the meaning of different mouse cursors, and get tips on how to inspect objects and active areas in the game. Also get acquainted with the materials of this case by opening the folder on the table, then click on the air ticket and select the difficulty level. The game was played at the Junior Detective level. The passage is divided into days conditionally. Also, conditionally, Nancy teaches Japanese schoolchildren English in the morning, we will not take part in this process, so we will have to play from 19-00, and sometimes at one in the morning. The game is linear, but with free passage of some locations.

Warning. When downloading the saves suggested in the walkthrough, remember that the algorithm for your walkthrough may differ from the actions suggested by the author of this material. In this case, your personal achievements are lost, and you are left with the author’s version of the game.

Saves (savings) for Windows XP are in the folder My documents\Shadow by the Water

The game was played at the level " Junior Detective"

Titles you can get at the end of the game

  • Cat Whisperer. For taming a wild beast
  • Easter Egg. Top secret
  • Clothes designer. For showing your ideas to the whole world
  • Finder. For watching a creepy recording
  • Honest burglar. For returning “borrowed” items to the owners
  • Puzzle Master. For solving all of Rentaro's puzzles
  • Sound engineer. For listening to everything that happens around
  • Chef. For mastering the art of making bento
  • Souvenir lover. For receiving all prizes
  • Clean. For frequent bathing
  • The ideal teacher. For successful work with students
  • Know-it-all. For the correct answer to a quiz question

The first day

Ryokan Hiei

After watching the introductory video, we take the room key from the counter and examine the broken portrait on the floor and pay attention to the information board to the left of the counter. We turn around and approach the table in the corner on which lies guide"Famous Gardens of Kyoto." We read information about the location of stones in the Ryoanji Rock Garden. We go out into the garden to admire its beauty. We automatically answer the call from Bess and Jess. We return to the hall and head to the second floor to our room. The entrance is to the left of the reception desk. We find our room, on the door of which “24” is written, take the key from the inventory and unlock the front door with it.

We enter our room and look around. There is a brown one on the shelf on the left folder. We open it and find in it blank envelopes and information about the hotel. To the left of the folder, open the transparent plastic box and get acquainted with its contents. We study information about our future students, their characteristics and their answers to questions. You can check the first works of young students and evaluate them by placing appropriate stamps next to the answers. We open the balcony door and look out into the garden. We turn around, go to the closet and open our suitcase. We take a Japanese phrase book and a metro ticket from the suitcase. We leave the room and go down to the first floor. We pass forward and at the end of the corridor on the right we see a blue curtain with hieroglyph. We touch it and meet Rentaro, who tells us that he can be found in the garden. It turns out that this curtain covers the entrance to the bathhouse and the blue curtain on the door means that only men can enter the bathhouse. There is a red curtain for women.

We follow the young man into the garden, and find Rentaro in workshop at the end of the garden. We talk with the young man on all available topics, then take the one suggested book with puzzles and leave. We find ourselves in the hotel building again. We go through, look at the room numbers and go into the room numbered “18”. Before entering the room, pay attention to sign on the door indicating the opening hours of the culture room. After a short conversation with Takae Shimizu’s grandmother, we proceed to the first katakana lesson. In this lesson we will have to write our own name in hieroglyphs. In the first lesson, it will be enough for us to trace the proposed hieroglyphs with a brush according to the template. To do this you need to take brush, and, without lifting your hand from the left mouse button, fill in each numbered hieroglyph in order with ink.

If Nancy herself doesn’t like writing hieroglyphs, then you can always ask an elderly Japanese woman to give another calligraphy lesson. We draw hieroglyphs until Takae Shimizu praises your work. Anyone who finds it difficult to cope with this task can download save "Calligraphy Lesson". Let's turn around and open top drawer a small cabinet standing on the floor, and take out the book “Writing in Japanese” from there. We look at Japanese characters and read information about them. Having finished reading, we close the locker drawer, leave the room and go to the hotel lobby. We overhear a conversation between one of the guests that she is unhappy that some extraneous sounds are frightening her family, and she intends to leave here immediately. We speak with Miwako, then approach the table and find on it book"Japanese Ghost Stories" and read it. The book tells the beautiful legend of Okiku and the nine plates. Having finished reading, we leave the hotel and head to the garden. We go into Rentaro’s workshop and chat with him on all available topics. We agree to help the young man with the broken painting. In this puzzle it is necessary to untangle all the threads so that they do not intersect with each other.

As a small hint, I offer you a screenshot that shows one of the possible options for the position of the threads. If you have problems unraveling the threads, you can use save "The threads in the portrait are unraveled." We move the cover and find a strange thing behind it certificate about exorcism, signed by Savannah Wood. Under the certificate is a newspaper clipping with a portrait of a Japanese woman and an article in Japanese. We ask Rentaro about everything, but he categorically refuses to translate the article for us. Having finished asking questions, we look into the inventory and read instructions for solving nonograms. Click on the first line and solve the first nonogram.

We tell Rentaro about the solved puzzle and receive a task from him: solve Japanese Sudoku. We take out the book from the inventory, click on the second line, which has become active, and read instructions for solving sudoku. Fill out your option Sudoku. In order to insert a number into a cell, select it in the column on the left and click the cursor on the cell in which we want to insert this number. If a number can no longer be inserted into the table, then it becomes inactive, which greatly simplifies our task. Having decided sudoku, we talk about this to Rentaro.

He again invites us to try to solve the third type of puzzle, called “Renogram”. Reading instructions to solving such puzzles, then proceed to solve it. We select the smallest number from the bottom row and see where we can put it. The numbers next to which this number can be inserted are are highlighted, and the next digit clings to the cursor, which will need to be inserted into another cell. Having decided on the proposed renogram, you don't have to solve such puzzles anymore unless you set yourself a goal: to get a certain title at the end of the game.

We return to our room, because it is already late. While walking along the corridor, some strange sounds are heard (if you listen closely). We go into our room and see on the wall sign with your name, which we wrote in calligraphy class. We take out a mobile phone from inventory, first call our friends, and then set the alarm for 19-00. Let's watch a short video. We look out onto the balcony, but there is no one there anymore. After some time, the alarm sounds.

Now you need to check rooms 25, 30 and 33.
You can start from room 25, which is in your wing. Open room 29 with the key you found under the control panel in the hall. Turn left and notice that between adjacent rooms there is a door that can be opened with some object with a star on it. You already have such an item # Rentaro plastic card. You can go through all the doors to room 25, but you won't find anything interesting in it. Go to the opposite wing to the second floor. You can also go from room 38 to room 30, but there is nothing interesting in it either.
The remaining room is 33. Open the door to room 39 and go to room 33. As you pass through room 35, you will hear an eerie sound. Once you open the door to room 33, you will fall into a trap. Nancy will quickly slam the door.

Timed task.

Quickly run to the balcony door, which has a mosaic-shaped lock on it. You have to complete the puzzle, otherwise someone will knock down the door and the game will end.
The mosaic consists of 6 similar sectors. Select any colored piece, find all the other 5 and paint them with the same color by clicking on the buttons on the right. It is better to go sequentially from the outer pieces to the center of the mosaic. Bottom gray button # reset color.

Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
After this, the door will open and you will jump out into the garden.
Return to room 39 (you will receive the sixth SMS from Yumi). Go to room 33 #, it is the fourth in a row and has beige wallpaper. Approach the painting on the left wall # there is a wooden bird depicted here.
Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
Click on the painting and a secret passage will open in the closet. Go down it to the basement. Examine the wall on the left # for some reason it is filled with bricks. Turn around and look at the muddy pool, in which something will stir.
Turn right and approach the small altar to the left of the door. A piece of paper with the Japanese crossword puzzle that you found in the bamboo will automatically appear on the screen. Nancy will say that she needs to find the other half of the puzzle. Look at the table to the right of the door and read the note from Yumi to Miwako: #Stop this or you'll be sorry#.
Go up. You should receive the last, seventh SMS, which shows Rentaro and Yumi (if this does not happen, talk to Rentaro, Takae and Miwako). Nancy decides to print the photos. Go to Kure.
To the right of the entrance there is a machine with a picture of a koala bear. Click on it and open the front panel. This is an instant photograph. Click with your hand on the slot in the lower right corner of the screen # Nancy will automatically put her mobile phone there. In front of you is a display with two functions: take a photo or print a photo. Click on #Print# and print all color photos.

Fourth Easter egg:

Print out the black and white drawing and pick up the egg with the cat in the blue robe. Don't forget to take your cell phone.
Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water

Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
You can take a photo and try to guess what Nancy Drew looks like in the blurry photo (optional).
In your inventory, click on any photo. All seven photos that need to be organized will appear on the screen.

Solution (same for both difficulty levels):
Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
There are some Japanese characters in the photos # need to ask Yumi about them.
Go to the exhibition. Yumi will answer that it is a digital code and will force you to help her with the bento again. After this, Yumi will tell you that the last subway train has already left and will invite you to spend the night with her.
Automatically you will find yourself near the door of Yumi's apartment. Open the door, go to the shelf above the computer and take the green frog. Dial the four numbers you saw in the photos and get the second part of the Japanese crossword puzzle.
Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
At night someone will knock on the window. Pull back the curtain and read the message on the glass.

8. Day eight

Return to the ryokan and go to the basement. Go to the wall with the Japanese crossword puzzle.

Junior detective:
Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
Senior Detective:
Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
A secret panel will open. Read Kasumi's letter and take the sword. As soon as you move away from the panel, a ghost will attack you. You will find yourself underwater.

Timed task.

Take the sword and quickly cut the ropes.

Solution (same for both difficulty levels):
Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water
When you surface, examine the one who attacked you (you need to lift the ghost's head by the hair and examine his hand). Go to room 18 and talk to Takae about Kasumi. Now we need to find Rentaro.
When you enter his house, Rentaro will not be there, but a new EVP device will appear at the base. Take it with you. Check the table and use your dictionary to read the note on the pink piece of paper with room number 33: #Today it must end!#. Take the orange device # this is the universal key. Go to room 33 (you need to open the door with the master key directly from the corridor).
Inside you will find a villain. As soon as control passes to you, quickly open your inventory and use the universal key on the door. The door will slam shut, and on the table in front of you will be all the keys and electronic devices that you collected during the game. Grab the EVP device and turn it on. Record the conversation with the villain. Choose any of two endings.

After the game, don't forget to watch a selection of unsuccessful takes.

Copying of material is permitted only with the indication of the author of the passage, known on the Internet as Julia-10

The game is non-linear.

The senior and junior detectives differ in the complexity of the puzzles.
For those who play games in the series for the first time, training is provided.
Nancy has a multifunctional mobile phone.
Bess and Jess give clues.
The game was played in English, so during localization there may be differences in the translation of some technical terms and names.
Nancy lives according to a schedule:
until 19:00 she teaches English to Japanese students,
From 19.00 to 22.30 he attends classes in Japanese traditional arts.
The reception is open from 7 am to 1 am.
If you want to change the time, use the alarm clock on your mobile phone.

There are four Easter eggs.

After another investigation, Nancy goes to Kyoto to relax in a traditional inn (ryokan).

1. Day one

The clock is 19.00. Enter the hotel and go to the reception desk, behind which are a girl and an old woman. At this time, a portrait will fall from the wall. The old lady will say that this is a bad sign and will leave. Meet the girl - her name is Miwako. She will give you the key to the room (number 24) and tell you a little about the hotel.
Her family has owned a ryokan since the 17th century, and the tradition is passed down from mother to eldest daughter (Miwako is the youngest daughter). The old lady's name is Takae, she is Miwako's grandmother and gives lessons in traditional Japanese arts in room 18. Miwako has a mechanical cat that can be made to sit with the command "Tate". The fallen portrait depicts Miwako's mother (the girl will refuse to talk about this in more detail).
Turn around and look for two books on the low tables on either side of the front door - you should read information about the stones of a traditional Japanese garden and the legend of a ghost named Okiku. Near the reception desk there is a stand on which the names of the hotel guests are written (there are only five of them, including Nancy). Opposite the front door is the exit to the garden. The hotel itself consists of two wings. Nancy's room is located in the left wing, if you face the reception.
When you go out into the corridor, your girlfriends will call you. Go up to the second floor and open room 24. Turn around to the front door and open the right cabinet. Take out a Japanese dictionary and a subway card from your suitcase.
There is a brown folder on the floor against the left wall. Read information about the hotel. The ryokan is located at Misawa Subway Station. Tourists are advised to visit the Future Technologies exhibition at Matsue Subway Station and the arcade at Kure Station. Pay attention to the envelopes for letters - you will soon need them.
Nearby there is a green box containing the work of Japanese students. The first folder contains brief information about each student, and the second contains the work itself. You can take stamps and mark next to each phrase whether the student answered correctly or incorrectly. If the answer is correct, put a green tick; if not, put a red cross. The works will be updated every morning.

If you check all the works correctly, you will receive an asterisk in your title at the end of the game.

Go downstairs. Go to the opposite wing and find the sauna (on the first floor opposite room 7). There is a blue curtain hanging in front of the door, click on it and meet Rentaro. He will say that if there is a blue curtain hanging over the door, it means that men wash in the sauna, and if there is a red curtain hanging, then women can enter.
Follow Rentaro and you'll come out into the garden. Go through the garden, the bridge and open the door of the house. Rentaro works here. He will tell you about the local ghost and give you a book of Japanese puzzles. They can be solved throughout the game.

If you solve a lot of puzzles, you can get a star for your title at the end of the game.

The first puzzle is called a "nanogram" or Japanese crossword puzzle.
You need to shade the empty squares according to the numbers above the columns and rows. For example, if it says “5”, then you need to shade 5 squares in a row. If it is written: “1, 1, 3,” then you first need to shade 1 square, then after a few cells another 1, and then after a few cells another 3. The difficulty lies in the fact that at the same time you need to look at both the number in the column and to a number in a line. Start with the row or column that has the largest numbers.

Junior detective:

Senior Detective:

Give Rentaro the finished task, and he will give you a book with Sudoku (you can also ask for a new task with a nanogram).
You must fill in the empty fields with numbers from 1 to 9. There should not be the same numbers in each 3 by 3 square, in each row and in each column. Start with the row or column that has the most completed numbers.

Give Rentaro the completed task. The third puzzle is called "renogram". You need to place the missing numbers in the empty squares so that they touch the previous and next ones. Numbers can be placed horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

Solution (same for both difficulty levels):

Return to the lobby and you will hear that one of the hotel guests is complaining about ghosts and is planning to leave here. Talk to Miwako about this and note that there are only 2 guests left in the inn. Go to room 18 (right wing from reception) for a traditional Japanese arts class.
Takae, Miwako's grandmother, is waiting for you. She will say that today you will learn the Japanese letter "katakana". Take the ink brush in the upper right corner of the screen and carefully paint over the stencil. Each icon must be drawn in one motion, without moving your hand, and try not to go beyond the stencil. If you make a mistake, take a new sheet at the top of the screen and start again (you will write "Nancy Drew" in Japanese).
When you're done, turn to Takae's left and notice the small cabinet against the wall. Open the top right drawer and read the book about Japanese characters.
Go to your room, set your alarm for 19:00 and go to bed. Something will wake you up at night. You will see a shadow on the balcony, and the tissue paper screen used for the door will be torn. Look around the balcony - there is no one there. Nancy decides to go back to bed.

This page provides general information about the game Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge (Nancy Drew. Shadow by the Water). As information about the project becomes available, on this page you can find news, videos, screenshots, wallpapers, art, interviews with developers, articles, previews, reviews, tips for passing and much more. You may have come to this page because you want to download torrent Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge (Nancy Drew. Shadow by the Water) without registration or download for free Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge (Nancy Drew. Shadow by the water) at high speed. The Gamer-Info portal provides information about games, and you can find links to the free download of Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge on other resources. Help others learn more about the project, leave a review about Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge, rate it or just share the game page on social networks.

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The Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge trailers presented in the database can be downloaded for free at high speed using direct links. Links to free video downloads become available after registration.

You can also find a walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge, which will help save your nerves and time in searching for the right switch or a key hidden in the depths of locations. The walkthrough will also be useful for those who like to find all the secrets and collect achievements. If the game is in English, and you don’t speak it well, then you will need the opportunity to download the Russian translation Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge for free without registration. Russifiers for some games contain Russian voice acting, but in most cases these are just subtitles. The pages of our portal also present codes for the game Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge, which will help you pass even the most difficult bosses.

If you have problems launching or normal operation of Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge (Nancy Drew. Shadow by the Water) on a PC, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with possible solutions to the problems encountered in a special guide. You can also look at detailed information on a separate page system requirements of Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge (Nancy Drew. Shadow by the Water) and related information.
