Walkthrough. Flashback HD

Flashback - The Quest for Identity


To survive in this game, you need to master the CONTROLS to perfection. Practice a variety of jumps until you can do them with ease. You will have to move very fast in the last stages and you won't have time to think.
There are 4 types of jumps. BOUNCE UP- pressing the Up key on the remote control. If you keep Up you will be able to climb the ledge that is higher. You can JUMP TWO STEPS FORWARD - press and hold the key BUT and press Up. This will come in handy when you jump from ledge to ledge or jump over mines. To make a BIG JUMP, you need to run a few steps, then click. The last jump is the hardest: if it's possible to run at least 4 steps, run and JUMP ON THE Ledge HIGHER. To do this, do not release the key BUT and press the direction key on the remote control in which you want to run, then release it, but the key BUT keep holding. If you grab onto a ledge, you can hang on it for as long as you like until you release the key BUT. To climb it, click Up. and to fall down, just release the key BUT.
To use an item, you must select it in your catalog (called by pressing the " start”), by lot press the key AT. In the second step, you will add a FORCE FIELD to your combat arsenal. While you are not using other items, keep the force field turned on so that you do not have to make much effort to use it. Quickly pressing BUT and AT, you can easily turn on the force field for the duration of your shooting. The force field appears only for a short time, so try to activate it when the bullets are flying at you.
A more serious means of your protection is SHIELD (SHIELD). You own it from the very beginning of the game and keep it until the end. It can save you four hits before it becomes useless (its defensive energy drops to zero), then the next bullet will end your life. But the shield does not save you from falls from great heights. In case of death, you will either have to start this stage again using the password, or return to the last SAVE (SAVE PUMP) Therefore, it is important, of course, that you do not get hit, but it is much more important to recharge your shield wherever possible. ENERGY GENERATORS are intended for this purpose. (ENERGY GENERATORS), which are at each stage of the game. Memorize their locations to. when your shield's resistance went down, you could always go back to them

Stage 1: Planet Titan

This is a great level for getting INITIAL TRAINING. It's also perfect for learning how to solve the puzzles that you'll encounter a lot throughout the game. The important thing to remember is that there is always a way to overcome any obstacle and open any door, so when faced with any problem, think about how the items in your catalog can help you, or take a good look around - the key to solve the problem should be somewhere near.
DRONE ROBOT releases an antenna that detects your presence and signals the robot to self-destruct. The antenna can also shoot at you. If you are in close proximity to a robot and it explodes, you get one hole in your shield. The 2 best ways to deal with robots are as follows: either you. stay at a distance, crouch and shoot at the antenna when it rises, or just rush past the robot at full speed.
After the first room, go down (you can either jump down, or, standing on the edge of the ledge, turn around and start gently going down, for which you need to press BUT and Way down on the remote). Take the HOLOCUBE. select it in your directory (click " start”) and turn it on (key AT). Climb to the top ledge of the first room. Run to the right (to run, hold down the BUT) into the next room and jump over the pit (hold down the Up, when you run out of the first room and run into the second) Once in the next room, jump down. Even lower are the door and the guard. The door must be open. If not, you need to go back and take the holocube, which should then be placed between the door sensors. Click FROM to draw a pistol (oh, and you do it smartly!), then step off the ledge, aim and kill the guard. Go left through the door and jump into the next room. Be prepared for what's to come.
You have to meet the guard and two drone robots. Before jumping towards them and engaging them, go left into the next room, stand next to the left wall and press the Up key to climb up the ledge. Once up there, crouch down and pick up 10 CREDITS. Jump down and go to the room on the right. It is completely optional to engage in a fight with a drone. which is directly below you, especially since it is difficult to fight on a narrow platform, so jump even lower and. after running along the right ledge, fall to the ground. Pull out the gun, turn left, crouch and kill the robot. Hide the gun and run to the left into the next room. Climb up and get the gun.
Walk to the right to appear behind the guard in the next room. You are too close to him to shoot him, so draw your pistol and hit him with the pistol grip (key BUT). Take the CARTRIDGE Go left into the next room, jump down, go right into the next room and jump down.
You are now on a high ledge. Below you is a guard. Stand on the very edge, facing left, then press and hold the key BUT and press Up. to jump to the small ledge opposite. Turn right and climb down. Get the gun, jump down and kill the guard. Head right into the next room. Don't touch the GLOWING GREEN WALL or you'll get hurt. Climb onto the platform and drop down from there on the right side. Go right into the next room. Examine the floor carefully. You will see FLASHES of ENERGY that will kill you if you step on them. Standing in front of the first one, press and hold the key BUT, then press Up. to jump over it. The elevator will definitely feel your approach and go down. Jump up and climb on it. Approach the ENERGY GENERATOR. Select a shield in the catalog, press and hold AT to put it in the generator. Then select the cartridge and hold the key AT pressed to place it in the generator. Then run to the left, jump off the lift, jump over the flashes and go as far to the left as you can until you find a CARTRIDGE LOCK. Use the cartridge to open it, then quickly crouch and fire to destroy the robot drone. Go left into the next room, drop down to the ground and jump over the burst of energy. Stand on the elevator in the center of the room, press and hold the key BUT while simultaneously pressing Up, to climb it.
Go left to the next room. Climb up, then up again, to the left and jump down, there you will find a STONE. Climb back to the topmost ledge and throw the stone to the right. He will turn on the lift at the left wall. Go to the lift and pick up the TELEPORTER. Go right and pick up the stone. Go back and fall down, then get down on the lift. Finally, SAVE! Approach the left edge of the elevator, jump off it and run to the GUARD. And save, save, save!
Remember where the POWER GENERATOR is located? Return to it (far to the right). Climb up the lift, then go left into the next room while pulling out your pistol. To kill the guard, you need to shoot as quickly as possible. Climb up. Jump across the pit to the left, then jump back to avoid turning on the sensor that will lower the lift to the central platform. Climb onto it and go to its right edge - the lift will go down. Jump over the sensors so that the lift does not go back up. Climb (or ride the lift) upstairs and go to the next room. Below you will see a WOUNDED MAN. Approach him (to talk to him. press BUT). Give him the teleporter. Take IDENTIFICATION CARD (ID CARD) Climb back upstairs and go to the ENERGY GENERATOR. Recharge the shield if necessary. Then go back to the SAVE and save.
Climb down into the next room (or fall down - it's safer!). Insert your ID card into the CARD LOCK. Jump down and shoot the guard. Go down to the next room, jump, then go down even lower. Throw the stone as far to the right as possible to draw the attention of the guards, then jump down and shoot at them. When a laser beam appears, fall down and, grouped, roll to the right to avoid hitting the head (!). Keep rolling into the next room all the way to the wall. Climb up it and talk to the man.
Wow, there's a lot of credit cards in here! It's time to pick up a few. Return to the GUARD. Go right through the room and down into the next one. Climb onto the central ledge, pull out your gun and fall. Shoot the guards. Use the ENERGY GENERATOR to recharge the shield. Head right, climb up and press the SWITCH. Jump over the sensor to avoid turning on the glowing green wall. Head right into the next room and kneel down to kill the robot drone.
Fall down and kill the guard. Pick up the CREDITS that are in the center of the room. Go to the next one. Climb up to the central platform and pick up the KEY. Drop down to the right and collect CREDITS. Go right to the next room, shoot the guard. Climb up to the ENERGY GENERATOR. Look around and find some more CREDITS. (You should have enough already!) Head to the left room. Crouch and roll over the central ledge. Don't forget to save. Then head down and to the right. There you will meet the old man again. Buy a G-BELT from him. Put it on and fall into the hole. Here is the end of the stage!

Stage 2: New Washington

This is the longest stage in the game! Head right into the next room, turn left and climb down. Jump, then go up on the lift. Climb to the right ledge. Move as far to the right as possible, run and run to the left, jump and grab the ledge above (without releasing the key BUT, press while jumping Left) Go to the next room on the left and climb up. Now - to the right. In the next room, a serious test awaits you. Kneeling down, shoot the TWO FLIGHTING GUARDS, then quickly get up and shoot again, otherwise you won't be able to deal with them. Talk to your old friend YAN. Sit on a chair. (Beautiful scene! Much better done than the endings of most games!) You will receive a FORCE FIELD. Turn it on and always keep it on, unless, of course, you use nothing else from the catalog. In this case, the only thing you will need to do to create a force field around you is to press the key AT. For a moment, it will protect you from enemy fire. The energy of the field does not deplete, so you can use it as much as you want.
Go right into the next room. Go straight to the abyss, turn left and go down. Fall down, pull out your gun and shoot the guard. Take the FUSE (FUSE). Climb up. Run up and jump to the left, grab the ledge above and climb on it. Select a fuse in your catalog and move it to the switch. Press the switch and go up the lift. Walk left and hit the switch. Get up on the lift. At the end of the game, it remains absolutely incomprehensible what goals this person pursues, but every time he meets you, he says: “Good morning!” Go left into the next room and talk to the man at the CHECKPOINT to get a MAP. Turn on the lift and get down on it. To use the metro, you need to stand to the right of the security barrier and press the key BUT when the train arrives. You will be taken to the next subway station. The sequence of stations is indicated on your map. Click BUT when you get to AMERICA station.
Take the lift up, then change to another, to do this, press the switch, and go even higher. Go as far to the right as possible to fool the sensor and call the lift. Go left to the bar and talk to the bartender. Then go right and talk to JACK. And you still thought that 500 credit cards for a belt is too cool!
Get back down to the subway and go to AFRICA. Take the two lifts up and turn left towards the ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER. Talk to the guy on the right. Pull up and talk to the people in the windows A, C and finally AT. Talk to your boss politely. Give him your ID card to get a WORK PERMIT. Then return to the subway and go to EUROPE.
Climb up the two lifts and go left. You can take a photo by inserting your credit card into the coin slot, but you won't need the pictures you take later. Go a little further to the left and you'll find a HIRE OFFICE. Talk to the man, then go left to the LIST OF OFFERED JOBS.

Order 1 (package delivery):
Use your permission to get a job. Get down on the elevator, charge the shield and save. Go to ASIA.
Climb to the last floor and go right to the TRAVEL AGENCY. Talk to the lady in the booth and get a package. Get down the subway and go to AFRICA. When you appear on the last floor, a guard will attack you. Get ready for it. Go right, find the travel agent and give him the package. Return to the recruitment agency (EUROPE) and receive the following assignment.

Assignment 2 (accompanying a very important person (VVP):
Present your work permit and accept the task, then charge the shield and save. Travel to AFRICA and take the lift up to DISCLAIMER 2. Go left. Jump to the right and take the lift behind the OVP. Go right into the next room. OP can go. but you don't mind. Climb to the very top on the right, then jump down (thus you will deceive the doors). Go right into the next room, climb up, jump over the mine. Hang on the right ledge and fall. Go left through 2 rooms, find the OVP and lead him to this place. Get down on the lift. Climb to the very top, then jump down and shoot the guard. Pick up the KEY. Climb over the wall on the left and use the key to open the KEY LOCK. Go to the next room on the left and be ready to shoot the guard. Fall down and go to the room on the left. Walk to the left and climb onto the upper ledge. Standing on it, quickly shoot at the sphere approaching you. Jump to the right and climb up to destroy the second orb. Go left and look for the KEY, then drop down and go right. Having reached the locked door, open it with the key. Behind the door you will find the OVP. Go to the room on the left and go down the lift. This is a RESEARCH CENTER. Go left. When the OVP recognizes this place, you will be immediately transferred to the recruiting agency. Restore the shield, save and you can take on the next job.

Assignment 3 (elimination of the cyborg):

Get ready for surprises! Go right through two rooms and find a man there. Show him the picture of the cyborg. He will direct you to a bar. Get down 8 subway and go to AMERICA. Climb to the last floor and go left to the BAR. Talk to the man who is at the left wall of the bar and show him the photo. He will direct you to DESTRICTED AREA 1 (located just below). Go down the two lifts and talk to the POLICEMAN. Return to the bar. Head left into the adjacent room, but be ready - you will be attacked from behind (on the right) by a mutant. Talk to the man. Head back to DETAINED AREA 1 and shoot the cop (hey, we didn't invent this game! We only play it!). The cop will fly into the air after the first shot, so be ready to get up and fire again. Pick up the KEY. Return to the bar and go one room to the left to find a CASTLE. Use the key to open the hatch in the floor. Get down there and save. Then go down one floor and jump over the span that is on the right, then go to the right next room, crouch and shoot at the right wall. Two guards, one after the other, will run right under your bullets, then run back, then reappear, and so they will run until you kill them. You will be transferred back to the recruitment agency. Restore the shield and save. Use your work permit to receive your next assignment.
Task 4 (replacing the card in the power generator):
The execution of this assignment will not be particularly difficult for you, unless, of course, you have mastered the control keys well. You must reach the power generator in no more than 90 seconds. With good running speed, you can reach your goal in 75 seconds, but it will be difficult enough for you to find a place for the map, and it is quite possible that the remaining 15 seconds will not hinder you at all. Plus, you have the option to save before the forced march, so don't worry. The TELEPORTER is located in the recruiting agency (such a blue thing on the ceiling) to the right of the SAVE and the ENERGY GENERATOR. Get under it and get to work. Climb the wall and quickly run to the right (hold the BUT) through the next room. Press and hold a key Up, when you exit the second room to jump over the dangerous energy blasts on the floor in the third room. Without letting go BUT, press again Up to jump over the next flight. Run all the way to the right, press the switch, jump down and run to the left. Roll to avoid the danger waiting for you on the threshold of the next room. Climb over the wall, jump over the hole and roll under the next obstacle. Get down on the lift, then another one. Run to the right and jump across the hole into the next room. When you run into the next room, hold the key BUT. Then you will jump up and grab the upper ledge, which includes the elevator below. Wait until it rises to the very top, then ride it down. Run to the right, to the generator (this entire area is marked with the word "terminal"). Take a card from the catalog. The place for it is the slot to the right of the base of the generator. Paste it in there. Restore your shield energy, save, then use your permission to get your next job.

Assignment 5 (destruction of mutants):
Walk 3 rooms to the left and take the elevator down to DETAINED AREA 3. Enter the room and save. Jump down and shoot the mutants (if you manage to kill them without getting hurt yourself, you might want to climb up and save again). Jump to the left ledge and go down. Fall down and shoot the mutant. Jump even lower. Use your force field to deflect the first bullet from the mutant, then shoot him down. Pick up the KEY at his feet and jump down into the next room. Kill the mutants. Further to the left. Open the second door with the key and continue moving to the left. Pick up the STONE and throw it at the sensor to your left, climb onto the ledge, turn on the force field and shoot the mutant. In the next room, the mutant is sitting on the far left wall, so be ready to shoot and use the force field as soon as you enter. Head right. Stand in the center of the room and run to the left; when running out of the room, press and hold the key Up on the remote to make the jump. After landing, immediately crouch and shoot to the left. Jump over the MINE and climb the left wall to get to the sensor. Climb back and go to the next room. Fall down and shoot the mutant. Climb back. Crouch under the beam of the laser gun. Go to the next room (it will be safer if you roll into it). Crouch and prepare to shoot the LEVITATE GUARD, then straighten up to finish him off (use your force field!). Go to the lower right corner and pick up 100 CREDITS and KEY. Head back to the very top (don't forget about the laser gun). Walk down and to the right, then go down into the next room and fight another GUARD. Head to the lower right corner and use the KEY to open the LOCK, but be prepared to turn around and shoot the orb very quickly. If the sphere got too close to you. you can duck and roll under her, then turn around and shoot her. Put away the gun and you will immediately find yourself in a recruitment agency. Charge up the shield and save.
Now you should get the documents. From the agency, go right to the lift, but don't fall into its shaft! Wait for it to rise, then go down to the subway. Go to AMERICA and go up to the top floor. Go right, find JACK (document forger). Take your papers from him and return to EUROPE. Go upstairs and find the man who is sitting at the table under the sign "DEATH TOWER". Give him your papers. Agree, it was easy.

Stage 3: Tower of Death

This is probably the easiest stage, only in some places you are in trouble. The tower is shaped like a pyramid, so climbing it is easy. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER: the spheres will always be at eye level. You can kneel down and calmly fight other enemies. The spheres will only float above your head. As soon as they move away from you, get up and shoot. REMEMBER ALSO that if you stand against the wall facing the center and kneel, the enemies will run out under your bullets.

Level 8:
As you enter the room, be prepared to shoot! Head right 3 rooms to find an elevator, then flip the switch in the center of the butt to open the door on the right side of the elevator. Go chanting until you reach a room with an elevator on the other side, then take the elevator up.

Level 7:
The elevator leading to level 6 is on the right side, but the approach to it is blocked by a wall. Keep going to the left until you reach two doors in the lower left corner (there is also a KEEPER here that you can use!). Destroy the orbs in the room on the right to open the 2 doors leading to the elevator.

Level 6:
Immediately climb the right wall and go right to hit the switch, then go left until you reach an elevator. In the next room on the left is an ENERGY GENERATOR, which you might want to return to before heading to level 5. (The GUARD is located near the elevator on level 7.)

Level 5:
Roll down the tunnel to the left and keep going left until you see an elevator. There is a KEEPER in the room to the left of the elevator. The room to the left of the GUARDIAN is quite insidious: there are three mines on the floor. From the upper right ledge, jump to the left and hold the key BUT to grab onto the ledge below, then drop down and jump to the left. Climb up and jump to the left to deceive the mine on the ceiling, then jump to the right, climb back up and run left to the top left ledge. Two rooms to the left you will be ambushed by two guards. Go down to the bottom floor and run to the right side of the room, then turn left, crouch and shoot the guards. See, it's not all bad.

Level 4:
The higher you go, the smaller the levels become. And it makes things easier for you. Now you need to go to the right to get to the lift from the other side. In the first room on the right, you must climb the wall and shoot the orb, then knock down the guard. Then drop down and finish him off. Press the switch: a door will open upstairs. Then climb to the left and run to the right. Once in the next room, wait until the guards are blown up by a mine. There is an ENERGY GENERATOR in the room. Take advantage of it.

Level 3:
It contains three floors that stretch along the entire level. Go to the very end to the right or left to climb up or go down. Stand on the lift and shoot the emerging guards. Then go right and climb up to the GUARD. Destroy the orb and two guards, then save. Climb up to the top floor and destroy the sphere, then wait until the next one appears and shoot it. Go left through two rooms and see the elevator. Get up.

Level 2:
Crouch and shoot the guard, then roll away from the orb before getting up and shooting it. Flip the switch, then drop down to the floor for more room for the guards to fight.

Level 1:
To deal with the last guard, you need 8 shots. Now you are going to the planet EARTH.

Stage 4: Earth

At first it will be difficult for you, then it will be easier. Go down the lift. Show your documents to the person. Enter the room on the left. The elevator will take you to the top, and you will have to fight with the guard floating in the air. As soon as you enter the next (on the left) room, crouch and shoot to destroy the robot drone and another levitating guard. Fall down and roll away from another drone robot, then turn around and shoot. The next one will be difficult: the elevator will take you to the next room, where you will be attacked by TWO SPHERES, a LEVITATION GUARD AND a DRONE ROBOT at the same time! Remember that the spheres will not be able to harm you if you crouch during the fight with the robot and the guard. Climb up the ledge on the right and look for the POWER GENERATOR. Recharge the shield. Go left, climb down, then right and fight the levitating guard. Climb up and go to the right until you encounter two more levitating guards and a drone robot. Then to the right, where two more levitating guards, a sphere and a robotic drone are waiting for you. If you fall into blue hole, you will find that there is a sphere hiding behind the pole. It's hard to fight her, so jump over the pit, go left and hit the switch to call a TAXI. Try to imagine a future where taxis drive by themselves! The taxi will take you to PARADISE ("Speed ​​Limiter - 200"). Save! Go into the room to the right, where you will see the Paradise icon and a barred door. It's very hard to see, but there is a WINDOW in the upper right corner of the room. Walk back to the left and climb up to the topmost platform (if you do it quickly, you will avoid the robot). Be ready to shoot the orb on the right when you get to the platform. Run from the left side of the platform and jump to the right, pressing the A key to grab the ledge. Climb up, run and jump right again to reach the ledge next to the window. Shoot the glass in the window to enter and be prepared to face the Drone Robot and the Orb.
Once inside, stand on the left edge of the lift and climb down while shooting at the orb. Go right. After entering the room, crouch down and shoot, turning on the force field: you need to kill the guard as soon as the door opens. Jump to the left and pick up the key. Jump on the lift and ride it down. Go into the room to the right, immediately crouch down and shoot the robot drone and the guard. Roll back to the left and shoot the sphere. Go three rooms to the right, wait until the guard comes down, and then fight. Stand on the right side of the lift and ride up while shooting at the orb. Go left and ride up the first lift. Go right and look for the ENERGY GENERATOR.
Go left, then go down the lift. Go left and take the lift up. Walk left into the next room and press the SWITCH. Go back to the lower room on the right and open the LOCK with the key. Go down the lift and get ready to shoot the robot drone and orb. Save! Climb onto the platform directly above the GUARDIAN: the wall will move. Ride the elevator down, be ready to shoot the sphere. Climb up to the next room. Jump to the right (there is a guard somewhere here) and go to the next room. Take the key. Destroy two spheres to open doors. Go to the Sping Room. Stand in the doorway and climb up. Go to the room on the right. Jump to the switch on the right wall and press it to move the wall below. Go back and go down to the first floor of the next room (adjacent to the room where the CAR LIFTING BOX is located). Go right to the CASTLE (destroy the orb along the way). Recharge if necessary.
Go left into the next room and climb up to the door. Enter the door. Drop down and pick up the MOUSE. Roll to the right wall under the LASER GUN. Press SWITCH. Go to the lift, which is located below the POWER GENERATOR. Take the lift up. Walk up and climb the wall. Take one step forward, kneel and roll forward towards the TRAP DOOR. Press the switch, save and recharge if needed. Go left and fall down. Click the switch. Jump to the right and go to the next room. Take the KEY and jump down. Destroy the drone robot. Climb up, then go left and jump through the span. Climb up and go right to the KEY LOCK. Use the key to open the door. Climb up to the door. Go right and shoot the guard. Go right into the next room and shoot the guards and the orbs.
Get ready for an unpleasant surprise! When you jump over the RED MINE, you will be followed by a MOVING FORCE FIELD. You may want to save before moving forward. Run to the right and get ready for the OBSTACLES. In the next room, jump over a mine, then over a hole, then step forward and jump over another mine. Run to the edge of the screen, then stop and shoot the orb as soon as you enter the next room. Run through the door before the field catches up with you!

Stage 5: Secret base "Paradise"

You start this stage unarmed, but the guys outside are armed, so you better run.
Run to the right and fall, quickly grab your gun and shoot at the guards. If you exit this first encounter with only one hit, save. Pick up the KEY next to the GUARD. Go right into the next room and use it when you see the CASTLE. Climb up the ledge to the left above you and press the SWITCH to open the door in the lower left corner of the room. Climb to the very top of the room (quickly run past the EXPLODING MOUSE). Climb up to the next room.
This room has a GLOWING GREEN WALL moving from the floor to the top platform, then back. Follow her action, then run under her to the right. Kill the robot drone in the next room on the right. Head left to the last room. Stand under the ledge and quickly climb it as soon as the glowing wall passes by. Head left into the next room and fall into the pit; you will find an ENERGY GENERATOR there. Climb back up, then climb further to the ledge with the FLASHING GREEN WALL. Roll under it, kill the guard and take the TELECONTROL and TELERECIEVER. You can put the receiver on the ground (or throw it somewhere), then return to it at any time when you turn on the telecontroller. Stand under the upper platform the guard is on and climb up when he heads to the left (use the force field when you climb). Take the key from the ledge. Head to the next room on the right (recharge if needed). Climb to the top floor and throw the TV to the right, then turn on the remote control. Take the TV receiver and go to the right into the room. Use the KEY when you find the LOCK, then head left and down to save. Return to the castle and throw the TV receiver down into the hole on the right. Turn on the telecontroller, then pick up the TV receiver. Walk left and jump down. Below you is a new enemy. POLYMORPHOUS GUARDS "float" under the ceiling. They can take the form of a human and are endowed with the ability to shoot. The best way fight them - crouch and roll on the floor to get away from them. The guard jumps when he touches you. so wait until he is directly above you and then move quickly to the side, turn around and shoot. Each of the morph guards requires 3 - 6 hits. There is a robot drone in the room on the left, so be prepared. When you jump down, the door will open, letting in a morph guard. Roll into the room. Use the force field! When you destroy the guard, the door will open. Hit the switch, then head to the next room on the right to fight another morph guard (3 hits). Jump right and down and fight the last morph guard in the area (6 hits!).
Go left: after two rooms you will find a KEEPER. Climb up the wall. There are THREE PITs in the center of the next room, and TWO GLOWING GREEN WALLS are moving past them. Each hole contains a sphere. There are many ways to act in this room. Try jumping down the first pit and shooting the orb, then climb up the right wall as the glowing walls move to the left. Shoot the remaining two orbs as they rise from their hiding places, then run to the right and stand next to the door until the walls start moving left again. Jump to the left and fall into one of the pits, then climb out of it on the left side as the glowing walls start moving to the right. Go to the next room and climb the wall. Throw the TV receiver to the left on the floor. then turn on the controller. Pick up the receiver, then stand under the BLUE TELEPORTER. You will be in the next step. Real crowds of morph-guards are waiting for you on it!

Jungle Titan

In the opening video, the hero is trying to hide from two guards. Air pursuit is arranged, during which the hero is knocked out and he crashes.

Waking up, a hero named Conrad Hard reports that he remembers little. We go down several levels down and find a gun. We rise two levels higher and shoot at the wooden wall. We pass through the vacated zone and find the Holocube, with the help of which Konrad watches a hologram message from himself from the past. We go further, we come across flying drones that love to fly up close. So you need to quickly react and plant a clip in them. To open the standing doors, you need to go through the low gates, which will turn green. All subsequent doors will open in the same way.

We reach the magnetic bridge, which immediately disappears. To activate it, you need to trace the power source using empty pipes. We also take the pistol amplification module on the spot.

We go to the right. We see a large boulder, behind which a drone flies. Aim at the boulder by holding down the left mouse button for a few seconds to increase the power of the shot. We go further, we see a blue sign that speaks of traps on the ground. We jump over them. We rise upward on two elevators.

We hear cries for help, we run and see a man named Bolton hanging on the belts, we shoot at the belts. He asks us to bring the stolen teleporter. To his left are molecular glasses, they help to see active game items.

We go to the left, we pass through the gate and jump to the bridge. We run along the bridge all the way to the left, we see the first channel of the outer contour, which we need to shoot.

Then we go down and go left towards the bridge. We rise up and a little to the right above the bridge platform we see the second channel of the outer contour from above. We shoot it, and the bridge starts.

We go further, after meeting with several flying drones we see a gate through which it is impossible to pass. First we need to find a teleporter, on the map it will be marked with a question mark. Climb up a few levels until we see a red fruit. You need to shoot him so that he falls, and the elevator with the teleporter on the left side rises to your level. We take a teleporter and return back to Bolton. After leaving, an ID-card / passport remains in its place, which should be picked up. We go back through the bridge and reach the gate through which it is impossible to pass. We rise one level up, and then we run to the left, right above this gate, then we go down, thus we bypassed this gate.

We go down further down the level, we reach the gate, through which you can only pass with the help of an ID-card / passport. Then we go down to the platform from which we are shown a security camera and a turret. Without descending from the platform, we destroy the camera and go down, the turret is disabled.

We go to the right and meet a man with a backpack (Joe). To go further, you need to jump into a nearby abyss, but for this you need to have an anti-gravity belt. Joe is ready to give it away if Conrad collects 7 red explosive fruits.

We take the elevator up. In addition to drones, it is necessary to destroy mutant people equipped with rifles. To pick up a red fruit, you need to shoot at the branch holding it. Fruit is easier to identify with molecular glasses. We rise above and reach the platform, which will ferry us to the right. There we collect the rest of the fruits. We return to Joe and exchange fruits for an anti-gravity belt. We jump into the abyss.

New Washington

We are moving into a closed room. Following the map, we rise up and go through the pipe, because of which the hero is not visible (you can turn on the molecular glasses to see Konrad a little through the pipes). We increase the strength of the shot and break the barrier, destroy the enemy with a flying pack. We take away his force field.

We go to the right to the elevator and rise twice. We launch Virtual Challenges to complete side missions.
From Virtual Tests we go to the left, we go down on the elevator to the train. We select the station "America".

Leaving the train, we get to the elevator and go up to the very top, where we have to fight off several flying drones. In the room on the right side there will be a hole in the ceiling. We climb up and take the Memory Chip.
Then we need to find Joe. We get down and go left to the bar, where you need to defeat the flying enemy and the drone. To survive, you need to use the force field more often. You can simply run away from opponents and Joe will contact you, or defeat opponents and talk to the bartender. We need to complete tasks to earn $1500 for fake documents. We return to the train and select the Africa station.

There are no enemies at Africa station. We go upstairs and talk to people, go to the director, give him an ID-card / Bolton passport and get a work permit.

We leave for the station "Europe". On the top floor on the left is the Employment Center. In a small booth there is a person who directs us to the console to complete the task.

Task 1. $100

In the first task, you need to receive a package from the Spaceport at the Asia station and deliver it to the TITAN agency at the Africa station. During the delivery, you will have to fight off drones and enemies on flying packs.

Task 2. $300

After completing the first task, we immediately get the second one for $300. We are invited to accompany a particularly important person who is on the floor below. We get down and go to the right to the closed sector. We meet a person who needs to be escorted to the laboratory. His leg is damaged, so the force field must be disabled so that the escort can pass. We also go down alone and destroy all enemies. It is better to turn on the glasses to see the traps.

Task 3. $500

We automatically teleport to the Employment Center. We approach the terminal and get the task to replace the old system board. We return back to the teleport, and we are moved to the Generator zone, where we need to change the board. Upon arrival in the zone, we are given 90 seconds to complete. It is better not to navigate on the map.

We slip through wires, jump over pits and destroy drones, shoot through fragile surfaces. We go down to the very bottom and replace the board.

Task 4. $400

We return back to the Employment Center and approach the fourth console. We are given the task of finding a virus-infected replicant and destroying it. We go to the bar at the station "America" ​​and talk to the man at the bar. He sends us to the floor below to meet with a friend of the replicant. Then we return to the bar and kill the mutant. To the right of him we approach the person and interact with him. Again we return to the floor below, destroy the cyborg and take the key from him. We return to the bar and where the man stood, use the key and open the passage to the dungeon.

Here we find our goal. The replicant is able to teleport to any other point. We run and shoot at him until we finally kill him.

Task 5. $600

We return back to the Employment Center, where we receive the last task through the terminal. We need to clear the closed sector 3 at the Europa station. You need to go down two floors and go to the right until you are attacked by enemies.

Arriving in a closed sector, we kill the enemy. We go down below through the turret so that it does not have time to kill you. We continue to destroy enemies, going down. We open the gate at speed in order to have time to go through the closing floor. After that, we put on molecular glasses and see the laser. We shoot at the source of the laser and pass on. To go through the next hatch, you need to be on the glowing zone. In the menu of throwable objects, select a stone (turn the mouse wheel), aim by holding the wheel and right-clicking. We are waiting for the trajectory to appear, throw it so that the stone is on the blue zone.

We rise upward, we destroy traps and mutants. We go down, killing the mutants and drones, we shoot into the channel of the outer contour, a hatch opens for us, we go down through it, we continue to destroy the mutants, going down. At the end of the path we meet a huge mutant who has a lot of health. We shoot at him with all possible means. After killing, we take away the catalyst for the virus.

tower of death

First floor

After arriving at the Death Tower, you need to climb to the second floor, surviving and earning points by killing enemies such as drones and teleporting mutants. You should not just shoot at turrets that do not shoot. We climb higher and stand under the laser, the first doors open. We kill enemies. We climb onto the platform at the second door and throw a grenade into a narrow opening, which is issued by a special machine gun. It is necessary to throw so that the grenade touches the button. To do this, also select a grenade and hold down the wheel and right button mouse to select the aiming path, then detonate the grenade by pressing the mouse wheel when it is at the button.

Upon hit, the door will open. You go further, destroying the drones, reach the elevator and go up to the second floor.

Second floor

On the second level, mines are everywhere, so you need to constantly use glasses to detect them. There are also strong enemies who can teleport. When you come to a narrow gap, a hatch should open underneath you. To do this, go up and activate the lower gate.

Killing enemies, we reach the turret, which cannot be turned off, since the camera is protected, so we run / slip through the turret and move on, not forgetting about the invisible mines. We go upstairs and take the elevator to the 3rd floor.

Third floor

We go up, jump over mines, destroying drones and cyborgs. To open the door, we go up, jumping right next to the first row of electric traps. We quickly return downstairs and run through the door until it closes. After passing through the door, we rise to the fourth floor.

Fourth floor

Having risen to the fourth floor, go up and go to the left, not forgetting about the invisible booby traps. Be careful, when you meet a drone, it's better to kill it right away, because then there will be a few more drones and a teleporting cyborg. Before opening the last door in front of the elevator, you need to climb higher, where you need to immediately destroy the camera from the turret. We go back to the elevator and go up to the fifth floor.

Fifth floor

We go up and go to the right, where the turret hangs. We make sure that the turret is out of sight, before reaching it, we go up and shoot at the protected camera at the right angle. We pass by the turret, shoot the button, the door opens for us. We go down a little lower and reach the sixth floor.

Sixth floor

In the sixth level, you need to open the doors by destroying the yellow buttons. There will be three buttons in total. There will be a lot of enemies, so you can return to the beginning of the level and replenish your health.

seventh floor

We destroy enemies, moving on the level. Don't forget about invisible mines. We run through the turret and reach the elevator.

eighth floor

On the eighth, last floor, you need to kill all the replicants, not forgetting the invisible mines. After destroying all enemies, you win the show.

After the announcement of the winner, the fight with the boss begins. It is a man in a purple suit. To destroy it, you first need to break through the shield with grenades, and then shoot at it. To replenish the supply of grenades, you need to go down to the lower floor to the terminal with the replenishment of grenades.

Earth. spaceport

Arriving on Earth, we immediately encounter one replicant who needs to be killed. We go down the elevator down, we see a replicant. We are invited to go upstairs and go around it, avoiding the rays. For a quick advance, we go on an open attack and kill the enemy.

We go down the elevator and continue to kill replicants. We go outside and go to the edge, jump to the air transport and to the other edge. We go further, killing enemies, we make a similar jump with the help of air transport.

After killing a few more enemies, we go down the floors of the house and meet a friend. We are stunned and we get on a jetbike (high-speed air motorcycle). When driving a jetbike, we must dodge moving and static obstacles. In the allotted time, which is added only as you progress, you need to get to the 100% mark. Obstacles are repeated all the time, they are not difficult to remember.

Earth. Paradise Club

Arriving on a jetbike, we go to the Paradise club. After killing several enemies, we climb onto the moving platform, but we are not going anywhere. We shoot at the yellow spinning button on top, then break through the glass on the right and jump inside the club.

We climb a couple of levels, we approach the edge and shoot up at the button. The platform drives up to your level, you can jump on it with a run. We go up on the platform. We shoot at the glass and kill the guard. Then on the left we shoot at the button.

We return back to the center of the hall and jump from the elevator to another platform on the right. We shoot at the button from above, and another platform arrives, we climb onto it. On this platform we go up, shoot the enemies, pick up the statues that will remain of them. There should be three in total. We jump onto the elevator on the right side, or we throw a grenade so that it hits the top button and the elevator itself rises. We go down below, insert the statues and go down.

Arriving down, we see a red laser that instantly kills you if it hits you. We stand under the platform and wait for the laser to be on our left, then we run further. To hide from the second laser, raise the elevator, then jump down and hide under it. We are waiting for the laser to be on the left side in order to run away from it.

In the next room, you need to destroy the drones as quickly as possible so that the laser stops going down. Then we move on. Sector 2 will have a system of lasers that can detect you both above and below the platform. We quickly climb up and jump through all the platforms.

Being in the corridor, we kill all the drones until the laser reaches us. After killing them all, a door will open through which you need to quickly run out.


Once in the cell, we must escape from it. We approach the bed and pick up a stone, then throw it through the bars so that the guard is nearby. (Remember that the gun is under the bars.) Noticing the stone, he, along with a flying drone, will run into your cell. As soon as the door opens, we run past him and rush for a pistol in order to eventually eliminate the enemies.

We go to the right, get up on the elevator and on the right we see a small gap in the wall, into which you need to throw a grenade so that the camera is destroyed below and the turret stops working accordingly. We select a grenade at the terminal where the guard wandered. We destroy the camera, go down and go further along the level, fighting with guards of the same strength.

We reach the room with the laser and the enemy. We quickly run under the second platform and wait for the opponent to come out to us. We kill him and go upstairs, there we quickly kill another enemy and pick up a teleporter. To use the teleporter for its intended purpose, click on the mouse wheel, throw it, then click on the mouse wheel again and move to where you dropped it. Don't forget to pick up the teleporter when you move. We go down to the narrow opening in the right wall, throw a teleporter there and move.

We go down, throw a teleport at the bottom of the mine and move, kill several enemies.
Next, in front of the closed room, we stand on the blue zone, the door opens, we throw a teleporter there and move.

boss fight

The enemy can turn into slime and move across the ceiling and floor, when he returns to his true form, move away from him so as not to get hit by his wave, then turn on the shield to dodge his shot and shoot him. You need to shoot with a strong charge.

We break the glass with a powerful charge, throw the teleporter to the vertical glass, then move. We shoot a powerful charge at the glass, kill the drone, then throw the teleporter into the narrow wall opening at the top of the wall. Having moved, we go into the ball.

6. Homeworld

We run forward to free the professor, the first enemy behaves like a boss from the previous location. We kill him in the same way, wait in the shield until he shoots, then shoot him with a strong charge. After killing the enemy, we shoot with a strong charge at the button next to the blue laser, we pass through the opened door. Enemies in this location are stronger, hard to kill, constantly turn into slime and regenerate health. Sometimes it's better to just run away from them.

We carefully go down using the teleporter. We shoot at the blue sphere with an orange shell, thereby raising the platform and clearing our way. We go further and approach the next gate. Under them are two lasers: the right one closes them, and the left one opens them. We throw the teleporter to the door, then run to the left laser, wait until the gate is fully opened, and teleport. We slip through the gate, fight with the morph or run away from it.

We jump over to the left ledge, located above all. We shoot three times with a powerful charge in the eye and go down to the professor.

We go with the professor to an inconspicuous elevator with handrails, go upstairs and go to the left to the door. We throw the teleproter into the slot above the door, move, destroy the enemy, go upstairs with the help of the teleporter and open the door to the professor.

We open the door, which was located in front of the professor's cage. We go down to her. We get up on the laser, thereby activating the elevator. He goes down through the fire, but we throw a teleporter down this shaft down to the elevator and move.

Going down, we shoot at the orange eye, and a hatch opens for us, we go down and go to the right. We throw down the teleporter, we move there. Ignoring the elevator, go left, go down and reach the big orange balls. We shoot at the hanging balls so that the moving one can be attracted to them. In this way we drag the movable ball from one hanging ball to another to the left. Then we lower the movable ball and roll it all the way to the left so that it clears the way. Next, teleport through the laser and pick up the key.

We enter a room with a huge ball. We approach the three tentacles, and one of the platforms rises up. We climb it and climb higher. Climb up until we reach the morph.

We kill the morph and powerfully shoot the hanging button to call the elevator. We go up, kill the alien and shoot the orange eye, located in the gorge. Then we go down the elevator and go to the right to the second button, which also calls the elevator. We go up, throw the teleporter and move higher to the lasers.

Among the three lasers, only one is movable. Behind them is a door, and in the middle of the lasers is a blue area that you need to stand on to open this door. We shoot at the orange eye in order to push the platform under which we will go and hide from the laser, we must shoot several times so that the platform does not go back. When we reach the blue area, the door opens and you can throw a teleporter through it. We move on.

We go down below, we see three fiery flames from the earth and eyes. We shoot at the eye with a powerful charge, while the eye flies off, quickly throw the teleporter into the vacated area and move.

brain destruction

First, we shoot at the orange ball attached to the blue laser so that it moves to the left. When the ball reaches and hits the left wall, the brain field will disappear for a while. We manage to shoot in the brain with two powerful charges. After that, the protection is restored, and the enemy arrives to us, which must be destroyed and do everything over again. As a result of such manipulations, you can keep within three repetitions if you shoot at the brain with two strong charges at a time.

Having won, we throw the teleporter to the place where the blue hatch opened. We get down and go left through the entire level. We reach the elevator and jump to the left, we reach another elevator and go down for a long time, approaching the final boss.

boss fight

The main boss appears before us in the form of a huge heart with six tentacles and eyes at the end of these tentacles. From the powerful shots of the enemy, you need to hide under the platform.

Next, shoot one eye. Slime is released from this eye, turning into a morph that must be defeated. While we are fighting the morph, the boss does not attack us. Having performed similar actions with all eyes and morphs separating from them, we defeat the boss.

Then we go to the right to the edge of the map and drop the neurophage down. Everything starts to fall apart. We are given about 2 minutes to leave the planet. We run back all the way, destroying the cobblestones with charged shots. We get on the boat and fly away. End of the game.

This game is one of the gems of the 16-bit era game consoles, a drag value from the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo days. And although now we can already play the modern version of Flashback, which was released in 2013 and has been significantly improved, improved, has better graphics (and if you have a choice, then play it better), still most of the above is true. and in relation to the very first Flashback, with which the author of these lines met in the late 90s on Sega console Genesis.

Remember everything

The Flashback game begins with a beautiful opening cutscene: main character escapes from captivity, pursued by evil aliens, steals a shuttle, which the enemies shoot down with the fire of their weapons. And in the end, our hero falls on the planet Titan. Because of the disaster, he loses his memory, and from weapons he only has a pistol with him. But, nevertheless, the hero is determined to survive - and for this he needs us... Together with the nameless character, we move along the plot, gradually learning the details of his past.

What immediately attracts attention is the obvious references to films with the participation of Arnold Schwarzenegger. We don’t know if this was done intentionally or it happened by accident, but there are coincidences: the loss of memory by the main character and the recording of a message to himself (“Remember Everything”), a show game of the future (“Running Man”), plus one more of the enemies in this game is very similar to the cyborg T-1000 from Terminator 2. As for the Flashback itself, for those who played on 16-bit consoles, it will very much resemble Another World from the same developers, but the game itself is much more interesting than its predecessor. And the main character, with his light and smooth movements, is very reminiscent of a Persian prince from another popular game those times.

The second thing that sets Flashback apart from other games of that time is that it is very long by the standards of 16-bit projects. The Flashback story has seven large stages, each of which has its own password - you do not need to start from the very beginning each time. You can easily spend 3-4 hours on the passage, the story itself is very exciting and, in addition to the main storyline it contains many side quests. The plot begins in the forests and swamps of Titan, where the protagonist armed with a pistol confronts the savages (shooting at him with blasters). Then the action is transferred to the cyberpunk city of New Washington, where you will have to complete various quests, trying to raise money to leave this planet (in particular, we will take part in the show game “Death Tower”) we will find ourselves in a mysterious world alien to man, where we will have to fight against insidious aliens. We will not retell the plot of Flashback in more detail, so as not to spoil your impression of this game.

Unlike the same Prince of Persia, in Flashback a very strong emphasis is placed on completing quests. Thus, this is already much more than just a platform thriller - this is a real action-adventure, albeit made in two-dimensional graphics. We talk with the right characters, perform important missions for money (like working as a bodyguard for a rich person or cleaning up a territory inhabited by mutants), we acquire fake documents, etc. All this makes the plot very interesting, and the story itself resembles more serious sci-fi movies and books than a game for a 16-bit console.

Acrobat without memory

Despite the fact that our hero has lost his memory, he is quite formidable in battle Useful in-game weapons - a pistol with infinite ammo, grenades collected at levels and a small teleporter - it can be thrown forward several meters, after which the hero can teleport to where the object fell . In this way, many game traps can be overcome, some puzzles are also tied to the use of a teleporter.

Secret successful completion Flashback - confident control of a very mobile main character. The protagonist can run and jump, dashingly roll and silently sneak up on the enemy from behind. He pulls himself up on the ledges and hangs on them on his hands, and also confidently jumps over quite large abysses from a run. A force field saves from enemy shots, which can be activated for a short time. And besides, there is a full-fledged energy shield that protects against four hits. The shield can always be recharged using power generators.

As you progress through the hero collects a variety of items that are needed at certain stages of the game. Enemies in Flashback, in addition to the actual aliens, are people, mutants, robots and various traps and mines. We also note the very beautiful graphics of the game, and not only during the passage: from time to time, according to the plot of Quest for Identity, we are shown nice hand-drawn videos, a beautiful intro video and the ending stand out especially.

Fade to Black 1995

Flashback: Quest for Identity for its time was, if not revolutionary, then an evolutionary game. Not surprisingly, it sold well (and even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling French game). Already in 1995, Delphine Software sent a sequel for sale, which received the title Fade to Black. This action-adventure was already fully 3D and was released in DOS and PlayStation versions. While Fade to Black sold fairly well overall, it was far from the success of Flashback. It's simple: this time we were presented with a completely standard three-dimensional action movie for that time, which did not please with any serious distinctive features.

In 2003, the studio planned to release the third game in the series, Flashback Legend. However, in 2002, Delphine Software went bankrupt, and Legend remained an unfulfilled project.

Finally, in 2013, Ubisoft released an official remake of Flashback by VectorCell on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. The game has become fully three-dimensional, has acquired improved intro videos, but we are still looking at the game world in a two-dimensional perspective, with a side view. In general, the plot of the 2013 version repeats the plot of the original - I'm glad that the developers of the remake treated the original project very carefully. The remake is distributed exclusively digitally, and if you want to play Flashback today, you'd better go with the 2013 version. By the way, this version also comes with a 1992 game by default, so you can also compare the old and the new project.

Flashback HD is a remake of a game from 20 years ago. original game Flashback: The Quest for Identity was released in 1993. Modern game fully conveys the plot and gameplay of the original, only the graphics have been changed.

We play as a GBI service agent named Conrad Hard. The action takes place in the distant future on one of Saturn's moons called Titan. The main character's memory has been erased, and now he will have to collect pieces of his memories from backup copies, unraveling the conspiracy of the insidious Morph aliens masquerading as people along the way.


Eyes of Morph

Morph Eyes are hanging living purple plants. Eyes of Morph are secret game objects that must be destroyed in order to complete the game in 100%.

The location of the Eyes of the Morphs is highlighted in purple in the text and boxed as optional bonus actions. Also, the location of the Eyes of Morphs is indicated on playing cards at the end of the article. This will be convenient if you are not going to read the entire text of the passage, but are only interested in the location of secret things.

1. Jungle Titan

We come to consciousness. Our memory is lost, we need to figure out what happened before this fall. Use the "A" and "D" keys to move left and right. Using the "W" key, you can climb up by grabbing the ledges of the upper platforms. The "S" key can be used to descend from the ledge of the platform. We go down several floors, select pistol(Gun).

We rise two floors up, shoot the wooden wall on the right (we hold down the right mouse button to aim, the left mouse button to shoot). We jump over the abyss (press the spacebar).

We find Holocube(Holocube), we watch a message from ourselves from the past, but the memory does not return it to us. We go further, we shoot flying robots of drones.

We pass through the low gates, they light up in green, from this the doors standing nearby open. In this way, all subsequent doors will open. We get to the energy magnetic bridge, which disappears right in front of us. Here we take pistol amplification module. To restore the bridge, you need to come to the source of energy, where empty pipes lead.

We go to the right to a large boulder. We hold down the left mouse button for a few seconds to make an enhanced shot and break the stone barrier.

At the end of the path we see a man hanging on the straps on a tree. We shoot at the belts above the man to free him. After talking with a man, we learn that his name is Bolton (Bolton), after the fall he needs health care. A man asks to bring him a stolen teleporter in order to quickly get to the first-aid post. To the left of it we take molecular glasses(Molecular Glasses), allowing you to see active game items. They are used by the "Q" key.

Having received new level hero, press the "Tab" key to enter the menu. By pressing the "Page Down" button, go to the "Skills" tab, distribute the three skill points received.

We return downward, we go down on the elevator, again we jump over two traps. We climb onto the upper platform on the left, shoot at the thickening on the pipe (channel of the outer contour). We return to the magnetic bridge, we shoot at the blue thickening on the pipe from above, from this the bridge turns on. We pass along the bridge, we shoot three drones.

Then you can shoot the plant from above to get a red fruit (grenade). We shoot a wooden partition, we go further. We rise along the right elevator, climb up, get up in the blue luminous area, from this the elevator on the left will go down for a while. To make the elevator go down and not go up, shoot the red fruit above the blue glowing area. The fruit will fall and press the button. We go to the descending elevator, on it we take bolton teleporter.

We return down the right elevator. We go to the left, climbing onto a high ledge.

With a teleporter, we return to the place where the fallen Bolton sits. Having received the teleporter, Bolton gives us his ID-card(ID Card). With the card we go to the lower left part of the level to open the locked door there.

Below we see a security camera and a machine gun turret attached to it. Without going down, we shoot the video camera, only after that we go forward.

We reach the person rocket pack. He says that you can get to the local city - New Washington through the neighboring abyss, but in order to painlessly go down, you need to use an anti-gravity belt. We get the task to collect 7 red explosive fruits to exchange them for a belt.

We go up the elevator. Here we are opposed not only by drones, but also by mutant people with rifles. To collect fruits, shoot at the holding branch, and when they fall to the ground, select them with the "E" key.

We climb onto the moving platform on the right.

We turn on the platform, we arrive at the lower right part of the level. Here we find some more red fruits. We climb onto the platform next to the machine gun turret, quickly run to the right, jump off. From here we shoot the video camera located on top, after that it will be safe here. We destroy the boulders with charged shots (hold down the left mouse button).

We return to the man with the jetpack, give him the fruits, he gives us antigrav belt(Anti-Gravity Belt). We jump into the abyss on the right.

2. New Washington

2.1. Asia Station
Flashback 2013. 01 Asia Sector

We get into the high-speed subway. We shoot the attacking drones.

We climb up into the ventilation. We pass a couple of floors. At the end, with a charged shot, we break through the wall and exit to the metro station. Here we shoot the flying enemy. After the victory, the saved man Yen returns to us part of the memories on a special device. Likewise, from a defeated enemy, we take force field(Force-Field), which can temporarily protect us from shots (to do this, press the "R" key).

We rise in one elevator, then in the second.

On the top floor we go to the left side, we use the virtual reality terminal - the virtual console (VR area).

In virtual reality, we get a plot message from a certain Professor. It turns out that our memory contains important information about the means for the mass destruction of aliens. Restoring our memory is vital to the survival of humanity. After the message in VR, you can go several additional missions to level up.

Drone Challenge

In the initial area we see three cubes at the top. If you shoot one of the cubes, then one of the three tasks is activated. For each completed task, we get extra skill points.

1. Destroy 10 drones.

2. Destroy 5 drones in 10 seconds. First, we run along the platforms, dodging enemies. When there are at least three of them, we begin to shoot them. The remaining two will have time to appear in the remaining 10 seconds.

3. Collect 20 energy balls.

Stealth Challenge

You can learn how to stealthily destroy enemies in the left corner of VR. After that, we go into the doors on the right to start the test. We sneak up on the lower enemy from behind, hit him hand-to-hand (key "F"). We destroy all subsequent enemies like this: we cling to the edge of the platform, but do not rise, but hang on it; we shoot somewhere to the side, from this the enemy on the platform will come to the cliff and look down, at this moment we grab him and drop him down (key "F"). At the end of the test we get increase maximum health (Stimpack Upgrade) (1/8).

Other VR experiences aren't available yet, so let's head back to real world flashback.

From the virtual console we go to the left. We go down the elevator and go to the train.

We sit in the train car, select one of the four stations on the metro map: Asia, Europe, America, Africa. Now by story mission you need to go to the station America.

2.2. America Station
Flashback HD. 02 America Sector

We leave the train, go up the elevator. We fight off the drones, on the right we climb onto the upper left platform. In a closed box we find memory chip with part of his memories (Memory Flash).

We go down, go left to the Starlight bar. We destroy the drone and the flying enemy, actively use the protective field.

After the victory, we talk with the bartender. To further complete the global task, we need to purchase fake documents. For this, the bartender suggests that we find a certain Joe at the Africa station. We return to the train and go there.

2.3. Africa Station
Flashback 2013. 03 Africa Sector

The African station is very calm. There are no enemies, no hidden bonuses. Joe contacts us via video link and offers fake documents for $1500. Now you need to earn the required amount. This is where you can get a job. We go upstairs, talk with all the employees, go to the director and get from him work permit(Work permit). We are going to the European station to the employment center.

2.4. Europe station
flashback. 04 Europe Sector

On the top floor, go left to the Employment Center. At the information desk, we are told that you can get a job if you go to one of the terminals on the left.

Exercise 1

We approach the very first terminal, take a task for $100: you need to deliver a case from Asia station to Africa station. Nothing complicated, we are guided by the minimap, along the way we fight off attacking drones and replicants with rocket packs.

2.5. Africa station. Closed sector 2
Flashback 2013. 03 Africa Sector – Restricted Area 2

Task 2

After completing the first task, we immediately get the second one for $300. We go down from the top floor of Africa station to the floor below. Here on the right we go into a separate zone. We need to guide an old acquaintance of Bolton through a closed area filled with enemies.

We go forward, rest against the closed door. Bolton's leg is injured, so he can't jump, you need to open the door for him. We climb up. On the upper small platform lies points improvement (1/8), allowing longer use of molecular glasses. We destroy the drones, on the platforms we make our way further to the right. We pass through the blue laser beam to open the blue laser gate. We return to Bolton, shoot ahead of the CCTV camera. Together with Bolton we go down in the elevator.

Enemies in this zone use a protective field, so it's best to kill them stealthily. We lure the first enemy with a shot to the edge of the platform, and then we throw it down, as in the test of the virtual console. The next two enemies are suddenly attacked from behind. Attention! There will be traps ahead - bombs falling from the ceiling. We get up under the green laser, then together with Bolton we go down further down. Mission completed. We get another one from Bolton memory chip.

2.6. Generator
Flashback HD. Generator

Task 3

Automatically teleport back to the Employment Center. We approach the third terminal, we take a new task for $500. We are given a Motherboard to replace an old damaged board in a reactor under the city. We return back to the teleport, we are transferred to the Generator zone.

Here, we are given only 1:30 minutes to complete, we need to act quickly. To get around the hanging electrical wires, you need to make a tackle (the "Alt" key). We roll under all the wires, jump over the pits, shoot the drones.

After going down the elevator, we go to the right, we approach the reactor with a green backlight, we change the board (key "E"). The task is completed, we return to the working complex.

2.7. Station America. Closed sector 4
Flashback 2013. 02 America Sector - Restricted Area 4

Task 4

Through the terminal we get the 4th task for $400. You need to find a faulty replicant infected by the Professor's will with the Neurophage virus. We go to the station America, we talk with the man at the bar. The man sends us to the floor below to Zone 04. There we talk with a friend of the infected replicant - a police robot. He reports that the replicant offers a deal, the meeting will be near the bar, we return there. We come to the bar, kill the mutant that has appeared, approach the man on the left, learn about the closed area below. We return to the lower floor to the police cyborg, destroy it, take the key to the dungeon. After that, we again go to the bar, to the left of it we press the button, we go down to the closed area.

Here we find a replicant robot that can teleport to any point nearby. We run after him, shoot, and gradually kill him. Getting a virus sample neurophage. Mission completed.

2.8. Europe station. Closed sector 3
Flashback HD. 04 Europe Sector – Restricted Area 3

Task 5

Through the terminal we get the 5th task for $600. We need to destroy the mutant settlement in the closed area of ​​the European station. There is no need to go anywhere, we are now at this station.

We enter the closed area, silently kill the first enemy from behind, pick up on the floor grenade. We carefully get off the platform, hooking on the edge of the platform, we shoot at the video camera hanging on the right. Now you can safely go down.

Below we kill the second enemy, then the third. On the intermediate platform with the third enemy lies stone required for further passage. We get up into the upper blue laser, then into the blue laser in the lower right room, we run into the temporarily opened hatch in the floor on the left.

We jump into the hatch, kill a couple of enemies. Now you need to go up through another hatch, but it is closed, and opens only if you step into the blue glowing area on the floor. We need to throw a stone into the blue zone. To do this, select a stone in the menu of throwable objects (turn the middle mouse wheel), aim before throwing (hold the wheel and right mouse button), wait for the stone's flight path to appear, direct it to the blue zone and throw it (release the mouse wheel).

We go upstairs, neutralize the traps hanging on the ceiling, take grenade. We enter a large open room of three floors.

We go down below. There are three drones in the cage on the left, and on the floor lies grenade. To enter inside, you need to destroy the cell wall with a charged shot. We go to the right, at the end of the path we shoot at the blue thickening on the pipe. On the opened hatch we go down even lower.

We jump down, here you need to fight with a large mutant. He has a lot of health. To defeat him, first we throw grenades at him, then we constantly shoot at him, and to protect him from his shots we use a protective field. After the victory, we take away the catalyst for the virus, and we get the item Neurophage is active. We automatically return to the Employment Center.

Having completed all 5 tasks, we go to the person to the right of the information desk. With $1,500 earned, we buy a fake ID in the name of Jay Carpenter. With the documents we go further to the right, we sign up for the TV show "Death Tower".

3. New Washington. tower of death

Level 01
Flashback 2013. Death Tower. Level 01

We go forward, we shoot drones and replicants. We do not destroy non-shooting guns hanging from the ceiling, otherwise we will be given more game points Towers of death. We climb up and stand under the laser to open the first doors.

We approach the second doors. We climb onto the upper platform, take hand grenades from a special machine gun. We need to throw a grenade into the narrow opening on the right (press the wheel and right mouse button to aim), and then explode the grenade in the air next to the glowing yellow button on the pipe (press the mouse wheel again to instantly explode the grenade). We pass through the opened doors.

We kill a couple more enemies. We take the elevator to the second level of this show.

Level 02
Flashback 2013. Death Tower. Level 02

Here you need to be more careful - there are mine traps on the floor and ceiling. There are also several strong enemies here, using an energy shield and teleportation. We reach a large room, where a machine-gun turret and a video camera hang on the left. The camera cannot be broken, it is protected, so you need to quickly run under machine gun fire using rolls (“Alt” key). You can also go around this place from above and shoot the video camera from behind.

Ahead are mines falling from the ceiling, we shoot them from afar. We approach the elevator and leave to the upper level.

Level 03
Flashback HD. Death Tower. Level 03

At the very beginning, we climb up to the terminal with grenades. We are trying to throw a grenade into the upper left corner, through a narrow hole blocked by a movable obstacle. The obstacle rises higher and higher each time, and then again begins to fall to the very bottom. We catch the right moment, throw a grenade and explode it in the air to destroy the Eye of Morph (4/10). The second time we throw a grenade to the bottom, and blow up the yellow button, this will open the door. We go inside, we take weapon upgrade (1/8).

To the right of the first-aid kit there is a wall with the inscription "Death Tower", we shoot at it with a charged shot. We go inside, turn on the glasses, shoot the Eye of Morph (5/10).

Level 04
flashback. Death Tower. Level 04

At the beginning, a machine gun turret hangs on the second floor. We quickly climb onto the platform, roll to the right to the wall, shoot the video camera and the drone from below. One machine-gun burst will hit, but not kill. We go back, we recover at the first-aid kit. Further from the upper left platform with a running start, you can jump over to the platform with a virtual console, where a new challenge has opened.

Virtual console. Replicant Challenge

1. Kill 5 replicants (humanoid robots).

2. Kill 3 replicants in 12 seconds.

3. Collect 22 energy spheres.

We pass forward, run under another machine gun, quickly shoot the video camera. Or we destroy the video camera by throwing a grenade up. After that, we go up the elevator.

Level 05
flashback. Death Tower. Level 05

Ahead on the right we see a hanging video camera, to which a narrow passage leads. But it is not necessary to destroy it with a grenade, you can also hit it with a pistol, you just need to stand in the right place. If you destroy the camera, then ahead you can take upgrade grenades (1/8). Further, in the same way, you can destroy the yellow button with a pistol to open the door.

Level 06
flashback. Death Tower. Level 06

Here you need to find and destroy three yellow buttons to open all the doors. There are a lot of replicant enemies around, but if it gets hard, you can always return to the beginning of the level and use the first aid kit.

Level 07
flashback. Death Tower. Level 07

Level 08
flashback. Death Tower. Level 08

Here you only need to kill a few replicants. After destroying them, we win the show "Tower of Death" and win a ticket worth $50,000 to planet Earth.

Boss: Alien Showman

After the show is over, we are attacked by a man in a trendy pink suit. This boss has a good energy shield that won't let normal shots through. You need to use grenades to temporarily destroy the shield, and then finish off with shots. On the lower floor there is a terminal with grenades, which you will have to use very often to replenish your own ammunition.

First of all, I apologize for the lengthy opening speech, which, as planned, may help to feel what is so good and what this game is remembered for.

Developers have always sought to tell a fascinating story in games, skilled programmers felt like "their own directors" and invented their own narrative techniques as they went. At first, adventure games with text commands like: "look at ...", "approach ..." and the like were popular. As a consequence of such sophisticated management, the pace in them was unhurried, and game process was reduced mainly to conversations, searching for objects and solving problems. One example of such games is Maniac Mansion from 1988.

Flashback - Overview

Flashback - Overview Maniac Mansion

At the same time, there were authors who were more fond of creating dynamic games. Their script, however, was simple, but the process was driving and fun - just right to shake things up after rpg games and conversations. For example, the 1990 Commander Keen platformer.

Flashback - Overview

Flashback - Overview Commander Keen

What do we have? .. In the case of a platformer - a rich gameplay with jumping, shooting at opponents and collecting bonus points. Adventure (or, as we used to call them, quest) gives a written story. The player moves forward through their actions in revealing new information: they can be obtained by studying the environment of locations, talking to other characters, or starting some kind of scene after solving the puzzle. And it would be, perhaps, great to combine these two qualities to get a particularly exciting adventure.

Today, this approach has led to the proliferation of games scornfully branded with the word " kintso". This is mainly due to the abundance of staging moments: each game level to some extent involves the player to participate in skits. But everything turns out to be squeezed into the narrow framework of a pre-staged action ... Is everything so bad? .. I think that discussion on this topic will require a separate analysis and comparison of projects of past years and today.

It is interesting to remember that such a formula was implemented quite a long time ago and very successfully back in 1991 in the game Another World, the author of which was the programmer Eric Chaiy. He skillfully used the meager graphical possibilities to convincingly depict objects, characters and locations. A separate success was the animation, made using rotoscoping technology (they were filmed on video of human movements and, after processing, transferred to the digital world of the game), which ensured its smoothness and credibility.

And the story!.. This game - as a reflection of the development of the gaming industry by analogy with the cinema. First, the silent genre. The whole game will be held in the style of an understandable and readable pantomime: the plot is the arrival of a scientist to conduct some experiment with a particle accelerator. Starting the installation. Unforeseen emergency and sudden teleportation of a scientist from planet Earth to an alien lake. Immediately at this moment the player takes control. But he is not informed about this in any way, and the gaping player watches in surprise as the main character is dragged away by the tentacles. Repeat. We quickly ascend, admiring the unearthly panorama, but again, we must remain alert. There is danger at every turn, and every time you have to replay because of something. In general, the difficulty is very typical for games of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Flashback - Overview

Flashback - Overview

The perspective is recognized, the familiar sensations of control, the animation will please again. Well, let's not forget about textbook complexity. In fact, having no direct connection with Another World, Flashback can be considered its ideological successor. However, the way of narration has changed: the world has lost its silence, and now the secret of what is happening can be revealed by reaching the right interlocutors or sources of information.

Flashback - Overview

Flashback - Overview

Something about player differences. If players abroad had not only a disc, but also a brochure-manual, then only the game usually ended up in our area (and it’s still good if the music and screensavers were not cut out). The world of the game at that time was protected from unnecessary information. Now it is customary to see right in the game learning its rules and messages about which keys to press for what. Previously, controls were reported separately, the game world appeared solid and devoid of messages that were not related to maintaining the atmosphere. Also, the brochures could contain some information about gaming world, stories and characters, which added understanding of what was happening. On the other hand, the habit of experiential understanding of the game has raised us to be harsh hardcore players.

Flashback - Overview

Flashback - Overview

Initially, you can pick up a holocube in which the protagonist wrote down a message to himself. This will be the first step in understanding the local history. Further progress will involve solving puzzles with the help of acrobatics, shooting with robots or armed people, collecting and using items, and sometimes communication.

Flashback - Overview

Flashback - Overview

The difficulty of the game holds back the speed of progress. The completion of each stage will be a big event for the player, so most likely the passage will be dosed and therefore may stretch for several days. It can be possible to save by using the appropriate automaton installed in some place of the level - in case of death, the game will be resumed from the position of this automaton. But if you exit the game, you will not be able to boot. Instead, a menu for entering a code word is used, which will send you to the beginning of the corresponding stage of the game. This code word is shown at the beginning of each next level.

Flashback - Overview

Flashback - Overview

The levels will please with their diversity and artistic beauty: the jungle, the urban slums of the XXII century, the spectacularly designed area of ​​the show "Death Tower" (hello, "Running Man"), where the hero has to earn money (everything, everything, I will not spoil the intrigue). Even something alien will find a place. New places will bring with them new threats. Opponents replacing each other and threatening the protagonist with weapons are especially good. If in the jungle these are clumsy mutant bumpkins with an incomprehensible thunder-stick who stand still and shoot only when they see the hero, then in the show "Death Tower" you will have to deal with smart killers - they themselves go on the attack on the hero, they even know how to go down or climb the platform! Serious challenge. By the way, long before
