Walkthrough for the game Half-Life: Opposing Force. Walkthrough of Half-Life: Opposing Force game half life opposing force

Let's start the walkthrough. To begin with, I will say that everyone who is in white, blue and spotted (that is, guards, professors and paratroopers) are our friends, but there are also nits in black (like ninjas, but better armed) and all alien creatures are enemies. At the same time, I’ll add pictures that will explain what this place is about. we're talking about and what to do there.

At the beginning it is not difficult. While we take the bulletproof vest, while we watch how the revived creature, a cross between a paratrooper and a brain sucker, kills a scumbag in a spacesuit and we talk with the guard, everything is clear. We first encounter the problem when we see cleverly intertwined laser beams. We don’t care about the one that is closest to us - it crouched and crawled, but the one that is directed across the stairs is dangerous. Of course, you can jump over, but it’s easier to break the mirror that directs this beam onto the stairs with an adjustable wrench. And we move on.

Having run out into the open space, we see our own helicopter, which has fallen on the wires and is energized. We have to go through the gate to the right of the exit, watch how the idiot guard grabs the high-voltage fence and climbs into the ventilation hole. We jump through the lightning near the reactor and exit the ventilation already inside the high-voltage fence. There we pick up a pistol with a laser sight. And there we turn off the lever. We turn off power to both the fence and the helicopter at the same time.

The next joke occurs when we go out onto the site, where green muck is splashing below, on both sides there are gates with the inscription Secure Access. As we run forward (to the gate straight ahead), an earthquake begins and slabs begin to fall from above, destroying the floor. Plus, the pipe breaks and the acid begins to rise. You can wait until the slab breaks through the piece of floor where you are standing or until the acid rises to the top, but the best thing is if you stand to the left of the entrance (where the broken ladder lies). When the acid is about to touch your boots, a beam falls from above and you can run along it to the upper paths, along them to the door near which the window is. In the window we see that cool man in a tuxedo who fearlessly hangs around the entire base. He opens the door and we run on.

Now we run out and see that a lake of green muck is splashing under us, there is a robot loader in it, and next to it are boxes. One of them has an explosive icon on it. We shoot at this box, the explosion unlocks the robot and leaves. The hatches immediately open and we climb into the hatch at the far end. There, through the boxes through the acid, we press the button. The acid goes away. Go ahead.

When we run out onto the platform with the train car and kill all the ultrasonics, we drag the cart so that the board from it is as close as possible to the car and jump into the car. Let me remind you that when jumping, it is better to press the “sit down” key in order to accurately hit the door.

When we crawl through the pipes, look at the floor. If some slabs are pure white, and others have streaks of gray, then walk only on the white ones - the gray ones will break and you will fall down into the energized water and fry. In night vision goggles, collapsing slabs have green streaks.

After we run over the working fans and past the fiery jets, we stop near the jet that goes deep into the wall. Let's rush there while there is no fire. We kill the evil monsters and see something that looks like Xen in the first Halfa. There is only one box in that area that can be moved. And there is also a non-working fire nozzle, activated by a button. Opposite this nozzle we place the box that can be carried. We turn on the nozzle and an explosion breaks through the floor. This is the hole we climb into.

When we jump into the elevator shaft, we see that you can climb up using a dangling cable. But sparks and lightning hint that there is much more than 5 volts (well, 1000 times at least). So you need to turn it off. And for this we climb down. There is a place where something like ice has been spilled. And in the middle there is a wire. Also under pressure. We crawl around him and climb up the boxes. There we cut off the lever, de-energizing the wires, and again run to the elevator shaft. We climb up the cable.

Now it's time to carry the box. To get into the ventilation shaft you need to drag the box. They walked through, opened the door, dragged the box to the barricade and climbed over the barricade from it. And then you have to go into the ventilation again. This is where we look. behind the broken glass (where the grenade is) there is a box with explosives, and a ray of a wall mine is visible near the closed door. That's where we throw the grenade at that box. Bang! Hole in both walls. We drag the box again and climb onto it into the ventilation. Go ahead.

Now there is a hole in the floor, and there the professor is babbling something. At the end of this basement we turn off the electricity and climb up the cable. Everything around is closed, but there is a walkie-talkie behind the fallen table. Having used it, we call for help. The door is blown out by an explosion and two wardrobes with uniforms are visible. One with glasses. We use it and drag it to the second closed door. He cuts it out and the elevator is visible behind it. Into it!

After we cut the door and enter the elevator, only the gas cutter accompanies us. Having fallen out of the elevator, we immediately deal with the appearing stun guns. And so that the stun guns do not kill the gas cutter. And then we order him to cut out the door in this room. In fact, it’s not particularly necessary to go there, but there are clips and a stuck mine in the room next to the dead guard. She can help us in one place. Then we return and go up the stairs. Having shot all the stun guns, we move on, climbing up the pipes of the collapsed ceilings.

It is advisable to jump over the wires after shooting the gutpaws so as not to get hit by a beam of energy running across. Don't forget that you can swing on the wires, but the faster the better!

Once we got out of the depths of the buildings, we met with the doctor. This is a paratrooper with a stupid face, glasses and a very important mission - to cure a gas cutter hiding in a hangar with ninjas. I want to kill the doctor, but I can’t - “Mission failed!” and a bummer. So it's better to do it this way. We don't call the doctor. Otherwise he will trample after us and they will kill him. We climb into the broken ventilation pipe in the far corner. At the end of it, through the bars we see two ninjas near the car. The coolest thing is to shoot the grate and as soon as it collapses - a grenade from a grenade launcher. They will be crushed. There is a nuclear bomb on the right. It's better not to shoot at her. Otherwise there will be a lot of booms! But behind the rocket there is another ninja, and there is a gate behind which a wounded gas cutter sits.

But to the left of the place where we climb out, there are 2 more ninjas, as well as the door that leads to the medic. Having killed the ninjas, we call the medic and drag him to the gas cutter, and then the gas cutter goes with you and cuts out the door, which is locked near the place where the medic originally stood.

Dealing with the ninjas further is not a problem, especially since 2 soldiers will help you. One of them has a large-caliber machine gun, so if his ninjas don’t catch him, you need to help him die - the machine gun helps, and the next time he will not be seen very soon. First, we open the gate with a lever, then we run along railway and there we raise the barrier with a lever. We board the train and go to where the barrier blocked the path. For those who don’t know, the arrow is switched by shooting or hitting the levers with arrows at the fork.

I think there is no need to remind you that if there is a voltage wire hanging over the train track, is it better to sit down?

Having caught the ninja behind the barricade, we jump into the broken window and, pushing the box, we climb up the pipe.

Ha! Who is this? Yes, this is Gordon Freeman heading off to Xen! Follow us! Jump to the teleporter! Horseradish! He has a spacesuit, but we don’t. He ends up on the island, and we fall past. To death. So there’s no point in jumping after him - he has a mission to kill the Great Embryo, and we have a different one. We run to the place where the professor controls this generator. Prof runs away, and a teleporter appears above. We climb up to it along the collapsed overpass and... find ourselves somewhere like Xen.

When we jump from island to island, a teleport opens at the top and Prof. falls out. But he was in a bad mood, so he crashes to death, and next to him lies our new weapon - Black Mesa. Let's take it. And we jump to the teleport. And again we find ourselves in the center.
After a long and tedious (for me personally) running around elevators and brutal reprisals against various creatures (most of which dream of seeing you in a coffin, but they themselves go there), we find ourselves in a room in which we see a goat in a spacesuit outside the window. I think the button on the remote control is asking itself to be pressed, so we press it (by the way, next to the button there are 2 creatures with sabers, so I throw a bomb there with a manual detonator and explode it. Giblets fall in all directions!). The teleporter transfers this spacesuit to us, and while he reports that “I will open all the coded doors on the level for you,” we can receive treatment and refill the body armor with energy.

We drag this mug to the door, he opens it and we see a broken aquarium behind it. There is no point in dragging the mug any further - at the next door he is killed by a broken cable. So we climb into the aquarium, knock down the creatures, run around the floor and run into a crowd of saber-hands. Then we run through the pipes and find ourselves in the room where we need to go. We run into the teleport and jump, swim, and so on, there are no big problems. By the way, in one place there is a skewed health restorer. It's better not to touch him. Here is a protection restoration generator you can use.

Now we stop behind a small transparent screen. Behind it, 2 corpses are visible, but somehow strangely - ribs and giblets are visible. Yes, this is X-ray radiation! And the inscription “Do not enter without a protective suit!” hints at this. And let's go past the dead soldier - sparks are jumping. You can, of course, jump through it, but protection and health peel off like the husk of a nut. So I noticed a shield on the wall on the other side of the jumping sparks - bam, hit it! - everything went out! Just after this place we slay for the first time that creature that has an electric beetle gun. Let him jump on you (after the creature dies) - we grab him and turn him into a weapon.

There are no further problems, but there is a place there where there is a half-flooded corridor, and 2 water monsters are swimming behind the broken glass. So there we dive into the water and swim into the pipe above. There we break the grate and move on. By the way, I didn’t kill any monsters - I didn’t want to bother.

Following interesting place occurs when we are standing on the stairs in the elevator shaft. Below you can see the exit from the mine and the door lying next to it - like - jump here, dear. Fig! Just in your path there is a cable hanging from which the elevator is dangling. And he won't let you jump. Although you can try, but remember the joke - “Wolf, can you fly? - No! - Then why the hell did you try?” So take the Black Mesa (Grade 6 Weapon) and fire your secondary fire. Upon your return, you will find that you are already where you need to be.

After you have listened to how the bad hologram professor speaks to pass further and received a long tongue (it lies in the display case), we find ourselves on the edge of a failure, but there is no bridge. This is where we pull ourselves to the “other” side with the help of a long tongue.

When we find ourselves on the island of Xen with the snakes, we simply pull ourselves into the hole in the wall with the help of a long tongue.

Well, having fallen down, it’s not difficult to guess that since the door is jammed by a fallen overpass, then you need to look for another way. This way is the fan behind the grille. But if we don’t want to turn into a preparation for pickling, then we need to cut it off with a switch!

We don’t need the dinosaur itself sticking out of the water for nothing - we can’t salt it for the winter!, but the button on the panel near the place from where we came to this creature says “Bridge,” but this is not a computer for this card game, and the retractable bridge switch. But this one-eyed (and is it an eye - she shoots a great green ray from it!) creature is right in the path of the bridge. So only by slamming it can we move on.

It is as tenacious as large gouge snakes, so it is useless to waste simple weapons on it, and the presence of strange levers to the left and right of the creature on the bridges hints at their use against the creature. In fact, you need to turn on 2 switches and a pumping station to cook the creature in that terrible acid that is spilled in a bunch of places. We jump forward and rush to the right. There is a broken staircase and a broken door, but under the stairs there is a ventilation drift and along it we climb out into a room that has exits to the right, left and back (it is advisable to open it so as not to climb through the ventilation every time). And in the center, between the glasses, there is a button. On the left is the inscription Valve (apparently, preparing lava), on the right is GearBox, like a pump.

First, I think you can cook the lava (although it doesn't have to be the first). We go to the right (that is, to the side on which Valve is written). We kill all the creatures, go upstairs and run out to this creature almost at the height of its eye. On the right is the lever. Let's pull. Do you think that's it? Horseradish! On the other side of the puddle and past the creature we see a broken path and greenery nearby. This is where we must pull ourselves with the help of a long tongue. We pull the lever there too. Now, somewhere in the depths, tons of radioactive acid are beginning to be prepared.

Now we return and go left from the button (to GearBox). There are no problems there until we turn on the powerful crusher and it crushes all the boxes in the hall. And in the center there will be a hatch, where we fall through. There we turn on the pump and run again under the hole that brought us here. The water rises and lifts us.

All! The lava is ready and the turbines are howling! Let's press the button! The creature (by the way, the level in the saves is called “Pete the Worm’s Room!!!”, damn it, Pete!) screams wildly and dissolves in streams of acid. Now we return to the “Bridge - Bridge” button and move on along the opened bridge.

Further running around leads us to a place where a crowd of creatures that resemble ninjas fall out of the truck and think that the good one is the one who is dead. Having persuaded them and climbed into the broken container, we understand that there are a lot of them here. So much so that when we come across two soldiers in a building, we understand that these guys in black are decisive and it is impossible to come to an agreement with them. Moreover, one of them has a sniper rifle, which we need. By the way, do not throw grenades in this area and in general - shoot more carefully - everything here is mined and filled with mines and gas cylinders. If it explodes, that’s it! Kesha will grunt and quit the bots. When we run out of the house, we first remove the goat that is on the upper right (those that run out from the left will be noticed by the soldiers from the house and shot). The sniper sits in a room hung with camouflage netting above and in the far wall. I shoot there with an electric worm until snot falls out of there.

Having broken through, we find ourselves in a hangar, where two creatures with electric worms are firing back from the black landing forces. We get the winner. On the right on the upper rise there is a hatch; we climb into it.

Well, damn it, the grasshopper, well, damn it, it was green!!! These creatures are excellent at killing from a heavy machine gun (about 25-35 rounds) or fish (3-4 rounds). You can fire Black Mesa (1 salvo). Be careful! If you fall under a direct hit from their electrical discharge, then you will not be able to withstand more than two hits, no matter how strong your armor is!!! However, you can easily dodge them.

A room with two tunnels, from which saber-hands endlessly run out - pull the levers near both tunnels, the doors will close and you can calmly finish off the saber-hands who managed to run out and move on.

Again we bring down the big grasshoppers. Don't let their little larvae get close to you - they explode powerfully, smashing everything around. At the end of this corridor we see a ladder, we climb up and wait for the paratrooper with an autogenous gun to cut off the lock on the grate of our hatch and step aside. We get out.

The further breakthrough is one of the most difficult. Creatures with a crowd of electric beetles, and even a few grasshoppers. But we have to go. At the end, we run into a dilapidated hangar and from its gates we see a place already familiar to us from the first part of Half-Life - a long dam and a tower. In the center of the dam stands a Flamethrower monster, which someone managed to tie to the spot. We kill him. At the opposite end of the dam there is a detonator. Point at him - Bang!!! There is a hole in the middle of the dam and a pipe in it. We climb into this pipe. (But you can do it differently - immediately, without killing the flamethrower creature, we dive into the water, pull ourselves out on the other side of the dam using a long tongue and blow up the flamethrower creature with a detonator).

After a small but bloody battle with the black devas, we run out onto the square, in the far corner of which there is a powerful mortar on a hill.
A mortar is a dangerous thing. And very much so. One hit is enough for your guts to see the world. By the way, very interesting - Bang! - Shreds to the sides! And here comes the skull! I wonder how we can see it? The eyes probably fell out and are lying there, and the skull flew away... But this is a trifle. I usually take a little to the right and run onto the curb where the mortar is not firing. It’s impossible to jump onto a mortar from it (at least I couldn’t), but shooting the shooter is no problem. Having slammed it down, we take it further to the right - there is a door. We click (use, use) the walkie-talkie after it and return. To the left of the mortar, a gate opened in the wall, but the soldier who opened it had already been killed. Let's go there. There we jump onto the pipes and fall between them. It's very narrow, but you can walk. We are already leaving near the mortar. We direct it to the fence that is now on our left (near the door with the walkie-talkie) and destroy this fence. There's a door there. We reach it - forward!

Having overwhelmed the helicopter and all the living creatures, we climb onto the roof and run along the wire sparkling with electrical discharges to the “other” side. If we don’t stop in the middle to scratch the yak, we won’t lose much health. We climb into the open ventilation.

After running through the underground garage, we climb into the ventilation of the jeep again. We can punch the guard sitting there in the face - he still won’t follow us. Having fallen out of the ventilation in another part of the garage, we see a guard behind the door. The door is locked from the inside, and the outer lock has been broken by black gums. We run to the left of the door, squeeze through the bars and kill the des near the truck. There is an activated warhead in the back. Apparently, realizing that it would not be possible to kill everyone, the des decided to hit everything with a powerful bomb. We use the bomb and turn it off. Let's go back. The guard unlocks the door. To the elevator.

A huge warehouse full of black des and black ninjas. You can, of course, try to shoot them all, but this will take up a terrible amount of ammunition, and you have to spare your health and protection. So I usually go sharply around the left corner, there’s a grenade from a grenade launcher two inches away (even if I don’t kill you, I’ll scare you - they crouch down and you can run) and rush to the wall, then diagonally to the right all the way to the wall, not paying attention to the fire. Behind the boxes, go up the small boxes, then to the end of the passage and to the left and down. While the boxes are crawling, I run into ours to the right, then further, up the elevator and along the boxes to the last large room. There, a crowd of des are tormented by a couple of grasshoppers and a couple of creatures with electric beetles.

We finish off the winner and jump on the boxes to the directly opposite corner of the hall. We run into the passage and a gate opens where a guard stands. We collect everything we have and go to the elevator to the left.

A strong wind will not prevent us from running to the right to the stairs. We run out and see a huge swaying teleport, where balls of light gather in groups. When enough of them are collected, a large byaka begins to climb out of the teleporter. Quite big and big-eyed. I understand that it’s a pity to poke your eyes out, but there’s no time for pity here. On both sides of the teleport there are two turrets with laser cannons. Using them we knock out the creature's eyes. Once she is temporarily blinded, she opens her belly, where a teleport ball shines out. So we hit him. After some time, the creature spits out the teleporter and opens its eyes again, and the teleporter materializes a creature with an electric bug, so it is better to put either a bomb with a manual detonator or a mine with a ray at the place of materialization in advance, otherwise the creature will run, shoot, and interfere.

We repeat gouging out the eyes and shooting the teleporter in the creature’s belly until it gets tired and throws off its hooves.

Once again, that goat in a tuxedo gives a thoughtful speech. Smart guy, he has already recruited Gordon Freeman, and he is also recruiting us.

Let's start the walkthrough. To begin with, I will say that everyone who is in white, blue and spotted (that is, guards, professors and paratroopers) are our friends, but there are also nits in black (like ninjas, but better armed) and all alien creatures are enemies. At the same time, I’ll add pictures that will explain what place we’re talking about and what to do there.

At the beginning it is not difficult. While we take the bulletproof vest, while we watch how the revived creature, a cross between a paratrooper and a brain sucker, kills a scumbag in a spacesuit and we talk with the guard, everything is clear. We first encounter the problem when we see cleverly intertwined laser beams. We don’t care about the one that is closest to us - it crouched and crawled, but the one that is directed across the stairs is dangerous. Of course, you can jump over, but it’s easier to break the mirror that directs this beam onto the stairs with an adjustable wrench. And we move on.

Having run out into the open space, we see our own helicopter, which has fallen on the wires and is energized. We have to go through the gate to the right of the exit, watch how the idiot guard grabs the high-voltage fence and climbs into the ventilation hole. We jump through the lightning near the reactor and exit the ventilation already inside the high-voltage fence. There we pick up a pistol with a laser sight. And there we turn off the lever. We turn off power to both the fence and the helicopter at the same time.

The next joke occurs when we go out onto the site, where green muck is splashing below, on both sides there are gates with the inscription Secure Access. As we run forward (to the gate straight ahead), an earthquake begins and slabs begin to fall from above, destroying the floor. Plus, the pipe breaks and the acid begins to rise. You can wait until the slab breaks through the piece of floor where you are standing or until the acid rises to the top, but the best thing is if you stand to the left of the entrance (where the broken ladder lies). When the acid is about to touch your boots, a beam falls from above and you can run along it to the upper paths, along them to the door near which the window is. In the window we see that cool man in a tuxedo who fearlessly hangs around the entire base. He opens the door and we run on.

Now we run out and see that a lake of green muck is splashing under us, there is a robot loader in it, and next to it are boxes. One of them has an explosive icon on it. We shoot at this box, the explosion unlocks the robot and leaves. The hatches immediately open and we climb into the hatch at the far end. There, through the boxes through the acid, we press the button. The acid goes away. Go ahead.

When we run out onto the platform with the train car and kill all the ultrasonics, we drag the cart so that the board from it is as close as possible to the car and jump into the car. Let me remind you that when jumping, it is better to press the “sit down” key in order to accurately hit the door.

When we crawl through the pipes, look at the floor. If some slabs are pure white, and others have streaks of gray, then walk only on the white ones - the gray ones will break and you will fall down into the energized water and fry. In night vision goggles, collapsing slabs have green streaks.

After we run over the working fans and past the fiery jets, we stop near the jet that goes deep into the wall. Let's rush there while there is no fire. We kill the evil monsters and see something that looks like Xen in the first Halfa. There is only one box in that area that can be moved. And there is also a non-working fire nozzle, activated by a button. Opposite this nozzle we place the box that can be carried. We turn on the nozzle and an explosion breaks through the floor. This is the hole we climb into.

When we jump into the elevator shaft, we see that you can climb up using a dangling cable. But sparks and lightning hint that there is much more than 5 volts (well, 1000 times at least). So you need to turn it off. And for this we climb down. There is a place where something like ice has been spilled. And in the middle there is a wire. Also under pressure. We crawl around him and climb up the boxes. There we cut off the lever, de-energizing the wires, and again run to the elevator shaft. We climb up the cable.

Now it's time to carry the box. To get into the ventilation shaft you need to drag the box. They walked through, opened the door, dragged the box to the barricade and climbed over the barricade from it. And then you have to go into the ventilation again. This is where we look. behind the broken glass (where the grenade is) there is a box with explosives, and a ray of a wall mine is visible near the closed door. That's where we throw the grenade at that box. Bang! Hole in both walls. We drag the box again and climb onto it into the ventilation. Go ahead.

Now there is a hole in the floor, and there the professor is babbling something. At the end of this basement we turn off the electricity and climb up the cable. Everything around is closed, but there is a walkie-talkie behind the fallen table. Having used it, we call for help. The door is blown out by an explosion and two wardrobes with uniforms are visible. One with glasses. We use it and drag it to the second closed door. He cuts it out and the elevator is visible behind it. Into it!

After we cut the door and enter the elevator, only the gas cutter accompanies us. Having fallen out of the elevator, we immediately deal with the appearing stun guns. And so that the stun guns do not kill the gas cutter. And then we order him to cut out the door in this room. In fact, it’s not particularly necessary to go there, but there are clips and a stuck mine in the room next to the dead guard. She can help us in one place. Then we return and go up the stairs. Having shot all the stun guns, we move on, climbing up the pipes of the collapsed ceilings.

It is advisable to jump over the wires after shooting the gutpaws so as not to get hit by a beam of energy running across. Don't forget that you can swing on the wires, but the faster the better!

Once we got out of the depths of the buildings, we met with the doctor. This is a paratrooper with a stupid face, glasses and a very important mission - to cure a gas cutter hiding in a hangar with ninjas. I want to kill the doctor, but I can’t - “Mission failed!” and a bummer. So it's better to do it this way. We don't call the doctor. Otherwise he will trample after us and they will kill him. We climb into the broken ventilation pipe in the far corner. At the end of it, through the bars we see two ninjas near the car. The coolest thing is to shoot the grate and as soon as it collapses - a grenade from a grenade launcher. They will be crushed. There is a nuclear bomb on the right. It's better not to shoot at her. Otherwise there will be a lot of booms! But behind the rocket there is another ninja, and there is a gate behind which a wounded gas cutter sits.

But to the left of the place where we climb out, there are 2 more ninjas, as well as the door that leads to the medic. Having killed the ninjas, we call the medic and drag him to the gas cutter, and then the gas cutter goes with you and cuts out the door, which is locked near the place where the medic originally stood.

Dealing with the ninjas further is not a problem, especially since 2 soldiers will help you. One of them has a large-caliber machine gun, so if his ninjas don’t catch him, you need to help him die - the machine gun helps, and the next time he will not be seen very soon. First, we open the gate with a lever, then we run along the railroad and there we use the lever to raise the barrier. We board the train and go to where the barrier blocked the path. For those who don’t know, the arrow is switched by shooting or hitting the levers with arrows at the fork.

I think there is no need to remind you that if there is a voltage wire hanging over the train track, is it better to sit down?

Having caught the ninja behind the barricade, we jump into the broken window and, pushing the box, we climb up the pipe.

Ha! Who is this? Yes, this is Gordon Freeman heading off to Xen! Follow us! Jump to the teleporter! Horseradish! He has a spacesuit, but we don’t. He ends up on the island, and we fall past. To death. So there’s no point in jumping after him - he has a mission to kill the Great Embryo, and we have a different one. We run to the place where the professor controls this generator. Prof runs away, and a teleporter appears above. We climb up to it along the collapsed overpass and... find ourselves somewhere like Xen.

When we jump from island to island, a teleport opens at the top and Prof. falls out. But he was in a bad mood, so he crashes to death, and next to him lies our new weapon - Black Mesa. Let's take it. And we jump to the teleport. And again we find ourselves in the center.

After a long and tedious (for me personally) running around elevators and brutal reprisals against various creatures (most of which dream of seeing you in a coffin, but they themselves go there), we find ourselves in a room in which we see a goat in a spacesuit outside the window. I think the button on the remote control is asking itself to be pressed, so we press it (by the way, next to the button there are 2 creatures with sabers, so I throw a bomb there with a manual detonator and explode it. Giblets fall in all directions!). The teleporter transfers this spacesuit to us, and while he reports that “I will open all the coded doors on the level for you,” we can receive treatment and refill the body armor with energy.

We drag this mug to the door, he opens it and we see a broken aquarium behind it. There is no point in dragging the mug any further - at the next door he is killed by a broken cable. So we climb into the aquarium, knock down the creatures, run around the floor and run into a crowd of saber-hands. Then we run through the pipes and find ourselves in the room where we need to go. We run into the teleport and jump, swim, and so on, there are no big problems. By the way, in one place there is a skewed health restorer. It's better not to touch him. Here is a protection restoration generator you can use.

Now we stop behind a small transparent screen. Behind it, 2 corpses are visible, but somehow strangely - ribs and giblets are visible. Yes, this is X-ray radiation! And the inscription “Do not enter without a protective suit!” hints at this. And let's go past the dead soldier - sparks are jumping. You can, of course, jump through it, but protection and health peel off like the husk of a nut. So I noticed a shield on the wall on the other side of the jumping sparks - bam, hit it! - everything went out! Just after this place we slay for the first time that creature that has an electric beetle gun. Let him jump on you (after the creature dies) - we grab him and turn him into a weapon.

There are no further problems, but there is a place there where there is a half-flooded corridor, and 2 water monsters are swimming behind the broken glass. So there we dive into the water and swim into the pipe above. There we break the grate and move on. By the way, I didn’t kill any monsters - I didn’t want to bother.

The next interesting place occurs when we are standing on the stairs in the elevator shaft. Below you can see the exit from the mine and the door lying next to it - like - jump here, dear. Fig! Just in your path there is a cable hanging from which the elevator is dangling. And he won't let you jump. Although you can try, but remember the joke - “Wolf, can you fly? - No! - Then why the hell did you try?” So take the Black Mesa (Grade 6 Weapon) and fire your secondary fire. Upon your return, you will find that you are already where you need to be.

Half-Life Opposing Force

Let's start the walkthrough. To begin with, I will say that everyone who is in white, blue and spotted (that is, guards, professors and paratroopers) are our friends, but there are also nits in black (like ninjas, but better armed) and all alien creatures are enemies.
At the beginning it is not difficult. While we take the bulletproof vest, while we watch how the revived creature, a cross between a paratrooper and a brain sucker, kills a scumbag in a spacesuit and we talk with the guard, everything is clear. We first encounter the problem when we see cleverly intertwined laser beams. We don’t care about the one that is closest to us - it crouched and crawled, but the one that is directed across the stairs is dangerous. Of course, you can jump over, but it’s easier to break the mirror that directs this beam onto the stairs with an adjustable wrench. And we move on.
Having run out into the open space, we see our own helicopter, which has fallen on the wires and is energized. We have to go through the gate to the right of the exit, watch how the idiot guard grabs the high-voltage fence and climbs into the ventilation hole. We jump through the lightning near the reactor and exit the ventilation already inside the high-voltage fence. There we pick up a pistol with a laser sight. And there we turn off the lever. We turn off power to both the fence and the helicopter at the same time.
The next joke occurs when we go out onto the site, where green muck is splashing below, on both sides there are gates with the inscription Secure Access. As we run forward (to the gate straight ahead), an earthquake begins and slabs begin to fall from above, destroying the floor. Plus, the pipe breaks and the acid begins to rise. You can wait until the slab breaks through the piece of floor where you are standing or until the acid rises to the top, but the best thing is if you stand to the left of the entrance (where the broken ladder lies). When the acid is about to touch your boots, a beam falls from above and you can run along it to the upper paths, along them to the door near which the window is. In the window we see that cool man in a tuxedo who fearlessly hangs around the entire base. He opens the door and we run on.
Now we run out and see that a lake of green muck is splashing under us, there is a robot loader in it, and next to it are boxes. One of them has an explosive icon on it. We shoot at this box, the explosion unlocks the robot and leaves. The hatches immediately open and we climb into the hatch at the far end. There, through the boxes through the acid, we press the button. The acid goes away. Go ahead.
When we run out onto the platform with the train car and kill all the ultrasonics, we drag the cart so that the board from it is as close as possible to the car and jump into the car. Let me remind you that when jumping, it is better to press the “sit down” key in order to accurately hit the door.
When we crawl through the pipes, look at the floor. If some slabs are pure white, and others have streaks of gray, then walk only on the white ones - the gray ones will break and you will fall down into the energized water and fry. In night vision goggles, collapsing slabs have green streaks.
After we run over the working fans and past the fiery jets, we stop near the jet that goes deep into the wall. Let's rush there while there is no fire. We kill the evil monsters and see something that looks like Xen in the first Halfa. There is only one box in that area that can be moved. And there is also a non-working fire nozzle, activated by a button. Opposite this nozzle we place the box that can be carried. We turn on the nozzle and an explosion breaks through the floor. This is the hole we climb into.
When we jump into the elevator shaft, we see that you can climb up using a dangling cable. But sparks and lightning hint that there is much more than 5 volts (well, 1000 times at least). So you need to turn it off. And for this we climb down. There is a place where something like ice has been spilled. And in the middle there is a wire. Also under pressure. We crawl around him and climb up the boxes. There we cut off the lever, de-energizing the wires, and again run to the elevator shaft. We climb up the cable.
Now it's time to carry the box. To get into the ventilation shaft you need to drag the box. They walked through, opened the door, dragged the box to the barricade and climbed over the barricade from it. And then you have to go into the ventilation again. This is where we look. behind the broken glass (where the grenade is) there is a box with explosives, and a ray of a wall mine is visible near the closed door. That's where we throw the grenade at that box. Bang! Hole in both walls. We drag the box again and climb onto it into the ventilation. Go ahead.
Now there is a hole in the floor, and there the professor is babbling something. At the end of this basement we turn off the electricity and climb up the cable. Everything around is closed, but there is a walkie-talkie behind the fallen table. Having used it, we call for help. The door is blown out by an explosion and two wardrobes with uniforms are visible. One with glasses. We use it and drag it to the second closed door. He cuts it out and the elevator is visible behind it. Into it!
After we cut the door and enter the elevator, only the gas cutter accompanies us. Having fallen out of the elevator, we immediately deal with the appearing stun guns. And so that the stun guns do not kill the gas cutter. And then we order him to cut out the door in this room. In fact, it’s not particularly necessary to go there, but there are clips and a stuck mine in the room next to the dead guard. She can help us in one place. Then we return and go up the stairs. Having shot all the stun guns, we move on, climbing up the pipes of the collapsed ceilings.
It is advisable to jump over the wires after shooting the gutpaws so as not to get hit by a beam of energy running across. Don't forget that you can swing on the wires, but the faster the better!
Once we got out of the depths of the buildings, we met with the doctor. This is a paratrooper with a stupid face, glasses and a very important mission - to cure a gas cutter hiding in a hangar with ninjas. I want to kill the doctor, but I can’t - “Mission failed!” and a bummer. So it's better to do it this way. We don't call the doctor. Otherwise he will trample after us and they will kill him. We climb into the broken ventilation pipe in the far corner. At the end of it, through the bars we see two ninjas near the car. The coolest thing is to shoot the grate and as soon as it collapses - a grenade from a grenade launcher. They will be crushed. There is a nuclear bomb on the right. It's better not to shoot at her. Otherwise there will be a lot of booms! But behind the rocket there is another ninja, and there is a gate behind which a wounded gas cutter sits.
But to the left of the place where we climb out, there are 2 more ninjas, as well as the door that leads to the medic. Having killed the ninjas, we call the medic and drag him to the gas cutter, and then the gas cutter goes with you and cuts out the door, which is locked near the place where the medic originally stood.
Dealing with the ninjas further is not a problem, especially since 2 soldiers will help you. One of them has a large-caliber machine gun, so if his ninjas don’t catch him, you need to help him die - the machine gun helps, and the next time he will not be seen very soon. First, we open the gate with a lever, then we run along the railroad and there we use the lever to raise the barrier. We board the train and go to where the barrier blocked the path. For those who don’t know, the arrow is switched by shooting or hitting the levers with arrows at the fork.
I think there is no need to remind you that if there is a voltage wire hanging over the train track, is it better to sit down?
Having caught the ninja behind the barricade, we jump into the broken window and, pushing the box, we climb up the pipe.
Ha! Who is this? Yes, this is Gordon Freeman heading off to Xen! Follow us! Jump to the teleporter! Horseradish! He has a spacesuit, but we don’t. He ends up on the island, and we fall past. To death. So there’s no point in jumping after him - he has a mission to kill the Great Embryo, and we have a different one. We run to the place where the professor controls this generator. Prof runs away, and a teleporter appears above. We climb up to it along the collapsed overpass and... find ourselves somewhere like Xen.
When we jump from island to island, a teleport opens at the top and Prof. falls out. But he was in a bad mood, so he crashes to death, and next to him lies our new weapon - Black Mesa. Let's take it. And we jump to the teleport. And again we find ourselves in the center.
After a long and tedious (for me personally) running around elevators and brutal reprisals against various creatures (most of which dream of seeing you in a coffin, but they themselves go there), we find ourselves in a room in which we see a goat in a spacesuit outside the window. I think the button on the remote control is asking itself to be pressed, so we press it (by the way, next to the button there are 2 creatures with sabers, so I throw a bomb there with a manual detonator and explode it. Giblets fall in all directions!). The teleporter transfers this spacesuit to us, and while he reports that “I will open all the coded doors on the level for you,” we can receive treatment and refill the body armor with energy.
We drag this mug to the door, he opens it and we see a broken aquarium behind it. There is no point in dragging the mug any further - at the next door he is killed by a broken cable. So we climb into the aquarium, knock down the creatures, run around the floor and run into a crowd of saber-hands. Then we run through the pipes and find ourselves in the room where we need to go. We run into the teleport and jump, swim, and so on, there are no big problems. By the way, in one place there is a skewed health restorer. It's better not to touch him. Here is a protection restoration generator you can use.
Now we stop behind a small transparent screen. Behind it, 2 corpses are visible, but somehow strangely - ribs and giblets are visible. Yes, this is X-ray radiation! And the inscription “Do not enter without a protective suit!” hints at this. And let's go past the dead soldier - sparks are jumping. You can, of course, jump through it, but protection and health peel off like the husk of a nut. So I noticed a shield on the wall on the other side of the jumping sparks - bam, hit it! - everything went out! Just after this place we slay for the first time that creature that has an electric beetle gun. Let him jump on you (after the creature dies) - we grab him and turn him into a weapon.
Now we return and go left from the button (to GearBox). There are no problems there until we turn on the powerful crusher and it crushes all the boxes in the hall. And in the center there will be a hatch, where we fall through.

We don’t need the dinosaur itself sticking out of the water for nothing - we can’t salt it for the winter! retractable bridge switch. But this one-eyed (and is it an eye - she shoots a great green ray from it!) creature is right in the path of the bridge. So only by slamming it can we move on.

It is as tenacious as large gouge snakes, so it is useless to waste simple weapons on it, and the presence of strange levers to the left and right of the creature on the bridges hints at their use against the creature. In fact, you need to turn on 2 switches and a pumping station to cook the creature in that terrible acid that is spilled in a bunch of places. We jump forward and rush to the right. There is a broken staircase and a broken door, but under the stairs there is a ventilation drift and along it we climb out into a room that has exits to the right, left and back (it is advisable to open it so as not to climb through the ventilation every time). And in the center, between the glasses, there is a button. On the left is the inscription Valve (apparently, preparing lava), on the right is GearBox, like a pump.

First, I think you can cook the lava (although it doesn't have to be the first). We go to the right (that is, to the side on which Valve is written). We kill all the creatures, go upstairs and run out to this creature almost at the height of its eye. On the right is the lever. Let's pull. Do you think that's it? Horseradish! On the other side of the puddle and past the creature we see a broken path and greenery nearby. This is where we must pull ourselves with the help of a long tongue. We pull the lever there too. Now, somewhere in the depths, tons of radioactive acid are beginning to be prepared.

Now we return and go left from the button (to GearBox). There are no problems there until we turn on the powerful crusher and it crushes all the boxes in the hall. And in the center there will be a hatch, where we fall through. There we turn on the pump and run again under the hole that brought us here. The water rises and lifts us.

All! The lava is ready and the turbines are howling! Let's press the button! The creature (by the way, the level in the saves is called “Pete the Worm’s Room!!!”, damn it, Pete!) screams wildly and dissolves in streams of acid. Now we return to the “Bridge - Bridge” button and move on along the opened bridge.

Further running around leads us to a place where a crowd of creatures that resemble ninjas fall out of the truck and think that the good one is the one who is dead. Having persuaded them and climbed into the broken container, we understand that there are a lot of them here. So much so that when we come across two soldiers in a building, we understand that these guys in black are decisive and it is impossible to come to an agreement with them. Moreover, one of them has a sniper rifle, which we need. By the way, do not throw grenades in this area and in general - shoot more carefully - everything here is mined and filled with mines and gas cylinders. If it explodes, that’s it! Kesha will grunt and quit the bots. When we run out of the house, we first remove the goat that is on the upper right (those that run out from the left will be noticed by the soldiers from the house and shot). The sniper sits in a room hung with camouflage netting above and in the far wall. I shoot there with an electric worm until snot falls out of there.

Having broken through, we find ourselves in a hangar, where two creatures with electric worms are firing back from the black landing forces. We get the winner. On the right on the upper rise there is a hatch; we climb into it.

Well, damn it, the grasshopper, well, damn it, it was green!!! These creatures are excellent at killing from a heavy machine gun (about 25-35 rounds) or fish (3-4 rounds). You can fire Black Mesa (1 salvo). Be careful! If you fall under a direct hit from their electrical discharge, then you will not be able to withstand more than two hits, no matter how strong your armor is!!! However, you can easily dodge them.

A room with two tunnels, from which saber-hands endlessly run out - pull the levers near both tunnels, the doors will close and you can calmly finish off the saber-hands who managed to run out and move on.

Again we bring down the big grasshoppers. Don't let their little larvae get close to you - they explode powerfully, smashing everything around. At the end of this corridor we see a ladder, we climb up and wait for the paratrooper with an autogenous gun to cut off the lock on the grate of our hatch and step aside. We get out.

The further breakthrough is one of the most difficult. Creatures with a crowd of electric beetles, and even a few grasshoppers. But we have to go. At the end, we run into a dilapidated hangar and from its gates we see a place already familiar to us from the first part of Half-Life - a long dam and a tower. In the center of the dam stands a Flamethrower monster, which someone managed to tie to the spot. We kill him. At the opposite end of the dam there is a detonator. Point at him - Bang!!! There is a hole in the middle of the dam and a pipe in it. We climb into this pipe. (But you can do it differently - immediately, without killing the flamethrower creature, we dive into the water, pull ourselves out on the other side of the dam using a long tongue and blow up the flamethrower creature with a detonator).

After a small but bloody battle with the black devas, we run out onto the square, in the far corner of which there is a powerful mortar on a hill.
A mortar is a dangerous thing. And very much so. One hit is enough for your guts to see the world. By the way, very interesting - Bang! - Shreds to the sides! And here comes the skull! I wonder how we can see it? The eyes probably fell out and are lying there, and the skull flew away... But this is a trifle. I usually take a little to the right and run onto the curb where the mortar is not firing. It’s impossible to jump onto a mortar from it (at least I couldn’t), but shooting the shooter is no problem. Having slammed it down, we take it further to the right - there is a door. We click (use, use) the walkie-talkie after it and return. To the left of the mortar, a gate opened in the wall, but the soldier who opened it had already been killed. Let's go there. There we jump onto the pipes and fall between them. It's very narrow, but you can walk. We are already leaving near the mortar. We direct it to the fence that is now on our left (near the door with the walkie-talkie) and destroy this fence. There's a door there. We reach it - forward!

Having overwhelmed the helicopter and all the living creatures, we climb onto the roof and run along the wire sparkling with electrical discharges to the “other” side. If we don’t stop in the middle to scratch the yak, we won’t lose much health. We climb into the open ventilation.

After running through the underground garage, we climb into the ventilation of the jeep again. We can punch the guard sitting there in the face - he still won’t follow us. Having fallen out of the ventilation in another part of the garage, we see a guard behind the door. The door is locked from the inside, and the outer lock has been broken by black gums. We run to the left of the door, squeeze through the bars and kill the des near the truck. There is an activated warhead in the back. Apparently, realizing that it would not be possible to kill everyone, the des decided to hit everything with a powerful bomb. We use the bomb and turn it off. Let's go back. The guard unlocks the door. To the elevator.

A huge warehouse full of black des and black ninjas. You can, of course, try to shoot them all, but this will take up a terrible amount of ammunition, and you have to spare your health and protection. So I usually go sharply around the left corner, there’s a grenade from a grenade launcher two inches away (even if I don’t kill you, I’ll scare you - they crouch down and you can run) and rush to the wall, then diagonally to the right all the way to the wall, not paying attention to the fire. Behind the boxes, go up the small boxes, then to the end of the passage and to the left and down. While the boxes are crawling, I run into ours to the right, then further, up the elevator and along the boxes to the last large room. There, a crowd of des are tormented by a couple of grasshoppers and a couple of creatures with electric beetles.

We finish off the winner and jump on the boxes to the directly opposite corner of the hall. We run into the passage and a gate opens where a guard stands. We collect everything we have and go to the elevator to the left.

A strong wind will not prevent us from running to the right to the stairs. We run out and see a huge swaying teleport, where balls of light gather in groups. When enough of them are collected, a large byaka begins to climb out of the teleporter. Quite big and big-eyed. I understand that it’s a pity to poke your eyes out, but there’s no time for pity here. On both sides of the teleport there are two turrets with laser cannons. Using them we knock out the creature's eyes. Once she is temporarily blinded, she opens her belly, where a teleport ball shines out. So we hit him. After some time, the creature spits out the teleporter and opens its eyes again, and the teleporter materializes a creature with an electric bug, so it is better to put either a bomb with a manual detonator or a mine with a ray at the place of materialization in advance, otherwise the creature will run, shoot, and interfere.

We repeat gouging out the eyes and shooting the teleporter in the creature’s belly until it gets tired and throws off its hooves.

Once again, that goat in a tuxedo gives a thoughtful speech. Smart guy, he has already recruited Gordon Freeman, and he is also recruiting us.

Information obtained from the site: http://www.chat.ru/~prepod9

Before we start, we can take a short training course.

We appear in the army barracks. The officer introduces us to the rules. We go out into the courtyard and enter the “Advanced Training Facility” building. Inside, we alternately visit several rooms with tasks:
Armory Access – we get armor, we see the armor recharging panel. A little further we stand at a target on the floor, they shoot at us to test the strength of our armor.
Obstacle course - we run through fire, acid, steam, radiation.
In the dark, turn on the night vision goggles (F).
Basic Training – obstacle course, jumping, squatting.
Rope Course - we climb up a rope, then there are two ropes, you need to swing on one and jump to the other.
Live Fire Range - crawling under machine guns, hiding behind the hills.
We go to the neighboring Target Range Access building and learn to shoot:
Pistol Range - a pistol, we shoot at three targets only after the command.
Sniper Range – we shoot at three targets in the distance, then at three moving targets, and at two targets in the far windows.
Squad Training – we learn to command a squad: we call the burglar (key “E”) to the door, he will cut it out with a torch; hold down “E” in front of the medic, he will heal us; We call a couple of soldiers on the radio for help.

Training completed.

Welcome to Black Mesa.

We regain consciousness in the office. Nearby, the professor is trying to save another military man. We have neither health nor weapons. We go out into the corridor, go into the far left room, where scientists are studying the corpses of military personnel, to which headcrabs have attached themselves. We take the armor from the table, a health scale appears.
Further in the corridor outside the window we see how a corpse with a headcrab comes to life and kills a scientist in a spacesuit. Let's run further. We talk to the guard, he opens the doors for us.
On the way we take the first weapon - a red adjustable wrench. We enter a room with multi-colored laser beams. We crawl under the green laser. The purple one blocks the entrance to the stairs, so we break the mirror that reflects the laser. As a result, the laser will hit itself, the installation will explode, and all the beams will disappear.
Further in the corridor, headcrabs fall on us: 2 from the ceiling, then 2 from the side dead ends. Behind the glass door we see how G-man communicates with the security guard. You can't go there. In the boxes under the stairs we find a first aid kit and armor. On the top floor there is also a first aid kit and armor in a box.

We go out into the open space between the rocks. The bridge here is broken, we jump on the green islands under the bridge. We get to the other side of the bridge, and from the dead vortigone we take out a new weapon - an army knife. We can jump over to the island for a first aid kit. We jump over the broken bridge and pass through the tunnel into a clearing.
Here is our crashed helicopter, it fell on the electric fence and cannot be touched. We go to the right along the tunnel, fight off the jumping headcrabs, and exit into the next clearing.
There was a guard behind the electric fence. He tried to get out, but died from electric shock. We break the boxes, they contain cartridges and first aid kits. We climb into the ventilation hatch to the right of the fence. Inside we go through shocks of electricity, they turn off from time to time. We get out into the area behind the fence. We take a pistol from the soldier's corpse. We find a shield on the wall on the left, press the lever, this will turn off the electricity in both clearings. We can go out through the fence gate.
We return to the helicopter. Along the way, two vortigons will appear in the tunnel, in front and behind. Behind the helicopter are a couple of first aid kits and armor. We use the radio, but there will be no help. We go down the stairs.
Underground from the bridge we can jump into the water, there we pass through the cave, on the other side we examine the body of the military man, we find cartridges. We can climb back up the stairs in the water. We pass along the top past the water pipes.

We kill the Vortigon near the corpse of the military man and select the shotgun. We go down one floor, kill the Vortigon, and quickly run through the steam. Even lower on the floor, and 1 more enemy. At the very bottom, an inclined freight elevator arrives, with 2 enemies on it. You can't take the elevator, there's nothing under the elevator, so we go left.
There is a suspended platform in front, gates with Secure Access signs on each side, and below the whole room is filled with acid. We definitely save before this place. When we enter the center, shocks of electricity will begin to break the platform below us, the acid level will begin to rise, and we will no longer be able to escape. We press ourselves against the left wall, where the broken ladder lies, and just wait for a while. Soon a bridge will collapse from above and tilt towards us, we jump onto it, and along other beams we get to the upper door. We see G-man outside the window, he presses a button on the panel to open the doors for us. We go into the cabin, but this person is no longer here. We take the elevator down.

Acid is leaking in the next room. There is a movable hanging platform on top. We jump onto the boxes (we jump and squat while jumping to climb onto higher boxes). We follow them to the stairs. There are headcrabs on the way. In the control room there is a panel-first aid kit, the control button does not work, but if you hold the lever, you can move the platform. We move the platform to the left wall. We go into the hall, climb onto the boxes, jump over the platform, press the button, this will open the gate.
We return to the control room, move the platform to the center. Let's go, climb onto the boxes, jump along the platform to other boxes with a headcrab, and from them into the opened corridor.
We enter a large hall, a monorail passes through here. We press the button to raise the barrier, we go to the other side. There is no normal door, so we jump into the pipe in the right wall. The flow of water carries us down.

We swim through the sewage rooms, first forward, then to the right. We don't fall for barnacle tongues hanging from the ceilings. Let's go upstairs. At the dead end on the right we find grenades. On the left is a new hall.
We're on the bridge above the acid. There is a robot loader stuck below, we shoot at the explosive box, it will explode and the robot will be able to pass. The robot will leave the metal box in the center and leave, only after that they will open the stairs down to us. We jump over the acid along the arranged boxes, get to the “Sewage Overflow Control” pump, press the button. The pump will pump out all the acid, and now you can walk on the floor. We go to the far gate, open it with the button. We go up in the freight elevator.
We are attacked by several alien sheep, hitting us with an ultrasonic wave around them. We don’t let them get close, we don’t waste a shotgun, we quickly shoot them with a pistol. We go out onto the platform and move the cart with the board closer to the standing monorail car. We jump over and squat while jumping to get into open doors carriage.

We Are Pulling Out.

We're going on the monorail. When we start climbing the round shaft, we dodge the vortigons' shots from outside. Approaching the stop, we see how the aliens can teleport over short distances.

We land on the platform, immediately kill the Vortigon that appears, another one will appear on the roof of the car. Only after this we select the cartridges in the corner. We meet a guard, we can take him with us. There is 1 zombie and several headcrabs ahead.
On the way there is a locked door, on the right behind the glass we see how a monster appears, shooting electric flies. People will die and the glass will break, we climb over, but the monster is no longer there. We can open the doors from the other side. If we bring the guard to the Security doors, he will open them for us, inside are machine gun cartridges and grenades.
We take the inclined elevator. At the top, the military man shoots back from 3 vortigons, we rise, kill them, but do not have time to save our comrade. We take the machine gun from the deceased. We recharge the armor on the wall. There is a dead end here, we climb onto the panel with armor using the boxes, and crawl into the ventilation hatch above it.

In the ventilation we climb up the stairs and climb out into the room. Through the window we see a military helicopter; other soldiers are already evacuating. We take explosives from the shelves; there is a health panel nearby. The military man sits in front of the radio and reports on the retreat. Up ahead, another soldier interrogates the doctor, asking where Freeman is. Inside the room behind the professor there are two armor pieces.
We go down to the floor below, go into the hangar, but before we have time to go outside, G-man closes the hangar right in front of our nose. The helicopter flies away without us. We run back out of the hangar, 3 vortigons will appear in it, kill them. One of the enemies broke through the wall, we go into the gap.

Missing In Action

We walk through the narrow utility rooms. The door is closed, we crawl under the pipe. We kill a couple of vortigons. The doors in the next room are also closed. We climb up the pipes arranged by a ladder and climb into the ventilation from above. First, we crawl to the far light grate, break it underneath us, and find ourselves in a storage room with a first aid kit and cartridges. We go into the ventilation again, break the first grate, and jump down there.
We walk on the suspended ceiling. Below is a flooded room with electricity, so it’s better not to fall, but some panels themselves break under our feet. With night vision goggles, the falling slabs are slightly different from normal ones. If we fall, we need to climb up the inclined air duct and continue along the top.
We find ourselves in the ventilation shaft. We walk along the beams above two rotating fans. On the other side we cross the bridge. There is nothing in the water below. We can jump to the far door, behind it one zombie eats up the scientist.
We go to the left room, carefully pass between two fans. There are two more fans at the bottom, but larger. The right fan has only one blade left, we guess the moment and quickly crawl under it. In the ventilation we turn on night vision.

Let's find ourselves in a dark room, here fiery streams pass across the path. You need to jump over the depressions in time while there is no fire. So we go through two streams. Fat zombies appear and throw pieces of meat. Let's go through another stream. The last stream of fire appears quite rarely. At this point we need to run along the chute to the left through the wall while there is no fire.
On the other side we kill 1 fat and 2 ordinary zombies. Alien plants from the world of Xen grew in the corner of the room. There is a dead end here, but there is a button ahead that turns on the fire stream. We find an explosive moving box and push it into the recess. We rise and press the button, the fiery stream will explode the box, which will cause all the neighboring stationary boxes to explode. At the site of the explosion, a hole appeared in the floor, we jump down there.
We come out onto a wide road underground. There is an army truck ahead, with an officer lying next to it. Inside "Storage Area 2" there are new monsters with spikes instead of arms, they can spit spikes from afar. On the right at the dead end you can find several first aid kits. In the main corridor, press the button between the two red doors. There are several more new monsters inside the garage. There is a laser mine in the truck. There is a rocket launcher in the boxes nearby.

Ahead, the scientist barricaded himself from the monsters. On the left is an open elevator shaft, there is an elevator hanging at the top, you can climb up to it via a cable, but it is still energized. We jump over to the stairs opposite, go down, through the fallen elevator we go out to the lower floor.
We go behind the lattice door and climb over the boxes. At a dead end near the wall, press the “Unit 2 Power” lever, this will turn off the electricity.
We return to the elevators, climb up the ladders, and then along the hanging cable. In the top hanging elevator there are two armor plates inside. We go along the elevator roof to the top floor.

And here we have a small puzzle with a box:
1. To get into the ventilation hatch, drag the movable box.
2. The ventilation pipe breaks under us, we find ourselves in the utility room. We go out into the corridor and open the doors to the previous room. We can move the box to the next ventilation hatch, so we can climb up to the professor in the pipe and take the armor.
3. We haul the box to the barricade with the “Push” trash can and climb over the rubble.
4. In the next room there is a grenade, and outside the window there is a box with explosives. We throw a grenade and the explosion blows out two intermediate walls. Along the cleared path we push the box to the last ventilation hatch.
We reach a hole in the floor and go down. The living professor took refuge here. We go further, turn off the electricity, and climb up the cable.
All doors are closed, but there is a walkie-talkie in the corner of the room, we use it to call for help. Two military comrades blow up the door and enter our room. We call the burglar along with us, lead us to the second door “Elevator”, he will cut it out. We enter the elevator.

Friendly Fire.

We go out into a two-story hall with a circular staircase. We shoot back from many vortigons. If the gas cutter survived the firefight, we order him to cut out the door in front, inside there are cartridges and laser mines. We go up to the second floor. We pass through a room with a white screen, it is also full of electric enemies. In the last room we see a rift with a red light. We jump, sit down, climb higher through the pipes, then along two bridges.
We go out into the hall with electricity. We kill two flycatchers on the other side. We jump onto the first wire, quickly swing, jump over to the second, and to the other side. We get to the surface.

We are met by a military medic, we can receive maximum treatment. We'll leave it here for now. On the left you can enter the room, but inside there is a machine gun turret, we can drop it with a grenade explosion, but it is better to enter the building through the ventilation hatch.
There are some enemy special forces in black uniforms in the building. 2 near the exit from the ventilation, 2 more on the left, 1 on the right. There is also a ballistic missile inside, we don’t shoot at it, otherwise the whole building will explode. We clear the room from enemies, and in the far room we find a seriously wounded gas cutter soldier. Let's bring a doctor here.
We take the cured burglar outside, he will break into the "Secured Access" door. Behind the door, a machine gun turret will immediately kill our comrades, but then we will immediately meet two more soldiers.

In the next warehouse there are many killer girls in black uniforms, but we are helped by two soldiers, one of them with a machine gun. We don’t go far, but lure out the enemies so that they come to the machine gunner. If a soldier is killed, we will definitely take his machine gun. Having defeated the enemies, we go up to the second floor, press the lever, this will open the railway.
We walk along the railway. There are a dozen more killers to kill here. If there are several of them at once, we fire an underbarrel grenade into the crowd. We get to the upper bridge, press the lever, this will open the barrier and the gate on the side branch. We sit on the trolley, reverse back to the fork in the railway, shoot at the railway switch, and drive along the right path.
Along the way we crouch down to avoid getting electrocuted. We reach a dead end and kill the last enemy special forces soldier. We climb through the window into the weapons warehouse. Inside we push the box towards the inclined pipe, along it we climb into the ventilation.

We Are Not Alone (We are not alone).

Let's get into the laboratory corridor, here are the health and armor panels. Ahead we press the button, the door to the hall with the teleport will open.
Before our eyes, Freeman jumped into the teleporter and moved to the world of Xen. (If we hurry, we can jump into the portal after Freeman, but after that we will die, falling past the flying islands). Flying six-armed monsters constantly appear around, we shoot them. We wait until the teleport begins to fall apart, the inclined bridge falls, we climb up along it, and enter the orange portal.

We jump over to the lower island and take a new weapon - the Black Mesa portal gun. We run to the springboard, from it we jump to the upper island on the left. Another jump, another trampoline jump. We climb onto the highest island and jump from it into the teleporter.

Crush Depth.

We teleport back to the laboratory. There is a locked door on the left, go right. Here in the water behind the glass we see a diver in a capsule. We approach the panel on the left, kill two spiked monsters, press the button, and the diver will teleport to us.
We lead the scientist in the spacesuit behind us to the locked door on the left, he will open it. We kill the crocodile monster. There is another locked door ahead, but if you call the scientist, he will die when opened. We climb into the side broken aquarium, climb up to the ceiling, and kill the spiky monsters.

Through the ventilation we get into the next room. We enter the central cabin and teleport to the water outside. We swim through the hatch, get out onto land into a dark red room, kill the zombies.
We go down into another pool. We get out onto land, there are several zombies inside the room. The health and armor panels are at a dead end. The health bar is broken and will explode if used. At the bottom we turn the valve, we see that the grate under water has opened, but a monster shark is swimming in the tunnel.
We return to the water, lure the shark into free space, quickly swim into the opened hatch, swim through the tunnel to the next valve, turn it, the water is pumped out of the airlock.

We enter narrow corridors. Here, behind the glass, we see human corpses through X-ray radiation (Gamma X-Ray), so that only bones are visible. It is dangerous to pass through this radiation; we shoot at the shield on the far wall to turn it off.
Ahead we kill the big-eyed, four-armed monster, and take away his new weapon - electric flies. We go further, in the glass corridor under water we jump into the teleport. We find ourselves in Xen on the flying islands, through the next teleport we return to the laboratory in the next room.
We find ourselves in a half-flooded corridor, find a rift under the water, and swim out. To avoid getting caught by sharks, we quickly swim into the hatch on the ceiling.

Vicarious Reality.

Along the water channel we go out to the “Biodome Drainage System” room. We pass into the long corridor "Observation Area" with side windows into the underground garden. At the end there is a dead end, we return, but on the way back monsters appear and break out the windows. We kill 1 spiky and 1 four-armed monster, get out into the garden.
Appears on the ground among the rocks new monster- a large cockroach, he can kill us with one shot of purple energy, we kill him, hiding behind cover.

We go up the elevator to the laboratory, there are 4 display cases with live monster exhibits. We open the rightmost showcase and take a new weapon - explosive crickets. The side door leads back, so we go through the door behind the wall, we find ourselves in the “Specimen Containment Room” corridor.
We break through the glass elevator door and climb through the top hole in the door. In the elevator we climb to the roof, and further along the stairs. At the top, we carefully jump onto the door of the upper floor. We go to the left corridor, take another elevator and go down.

In the laboratory we go up to the upper platform, knock out the large glass, and go down to the aliens.
Below there is 1 crocodile monster and many sheep hitting with a blast wave. In the blue puddle we can endlessly restore health. We enter the cave, inside we go up the elevator to the office.
In the office, one of the flasks is broken, from it we take a new alien weapon - a fish spitting acid. We go into the corridor behind the flasks. The side door leads back, so we go to the end of the circular corridor. A firefly will appear on our way, but it will quickly fly away.

We go down to the room with the cages, there are a couple of alien sheep. In front is the "Specimen Testing Lab" hall, behind the glass they grow barnacles on the ceiling. If we press the button on the panel, we will listen to a message and a hologram from the scientist.
We pass through two more test rooms. In the small intermediate room in the far left display case we take a new weapon - a hand barnacle. We find ourselves in a hall with a broken bridge, plants with acid cartridges inside grow on the walls. How to get to the other side? We use a new weapon: press the button, and the barnacle will release its tongue, aim at the plants on the wall, the tongue can only catch on them. Having swung, we find ourselves on the other side.
In the corridor we go to the left, go up the elevator, clear the laboratory with a large window through which you can see huge claws from underground. This is a dead end. We return to the corridor, go straight.
We find ourselves in a hall with two huge monsters in the form of claws. Using a barnacle weapon, we point our tongue at one of the top plants on the wall, and jump from them into the hole in the wall.
Through the ventilation we enter the technical room. We contact the command by radio. We lower the lever on the wall, this will stop the fan in the next hatch. We climb up and jump into this hatch.

Pit Worm's Nest (Lair of the underground worm).

We fall into a half-flooded room. From above, through the window, we see G-man, he continues to watch us. We enter the next room, go up the stairs. We see many killed military men.
In the hall we meet the boss - a huge four-armed monster. We have a panel with a "Bridge Control" button, but it doesn't work. On the left in the distance is the Pressure Valve, on the right is the Steam Vent lever. We jump down and quickly go right along the bridge.
In the right room we climb into the ventilation. We find ourselves in a room with a button, you will need to press it when we turn both valves. From the panel we go to the left, we pass past the monster along the lower bridge.

We pass through a hall with many boxes. Through the side rooms we get to the panel with the button, after pressing it in great hall the press will turn on and destroy all the boxes.
We return to the hall, jump into the opened hatch in the floor. At a dead end, press the "Gearbox" button. The water will begin to rise, we return to the mine, the water level will take us up.

Let's go back to the monster. Now from the central panel we go to the right. We go out onto the right balcony and turn the lever. Using the barnacle weapon, we release our tongue, fly over to the left balcony, and turn the valve.
We return to the central panel. We turned on the water and steam pipes, because of this, the sensors on the left and right are lit, we can press the button. After this, the boss will drown in acid. We rise to the upper platform, press the button, a bridge will extend, we pass forward along it.

Foxtrot Uniform.

We find ourselves in a canal. We kill the crocodile monster. We climb up using the barnacle weapon. We get out of the dungeon to the surface.
Upstairs military base, there are many black special forces against us. We take a machine gun from the nearest container; it kills much faster than a machine gun. We destroy the enemies near the machine gun point. We pass through the inclined container into the courtyard and into the building.
A couple of our military colleagues took refuge in the warehouse; they warned that a sniper was hiding in front. We collect all the cartridges and go into the yard.
There are many boxes with explosives and laser mines, you cannot shoot at them, otherwise the entire base will explode along with us. We pass along the right side, climb onto the observation tower, kill the sniper nearby, take him away sniper rifle. Then we follow the path between the buildings directly opposite the sniper position. There are a couple more enemies in the building on the left, and there are cartridges for the portal gun in the back room. We can use this cannon by right-clicking to teleport to Xen, restore health, and then return. At the end of the yard there are several more enemies, having destroyed them, we go inside the large hangar.

In the building, special forces are fighting monsters. We wait for who wins and finish off the remaining ones. There are a lot of first aid kits in the truck on the right. We climb onto the hill on the left and go down the hatch into the underground tunnels.
There is complete darkness below, we turn on the night vision goggles. There are as many as 7 monsters walking through the tunnels, shooting dangerous purple energy that kills in two shots, spend on these monsters portal gun or a machine gun. On the left we crawl under the pipe and find ourselves in half-flooded tunnels.
We go out into the hall, where spiky monsters are constantly running out of the side rooms. We don’t pay attention to the enemies, at first the main thing is to quickly press the levers, this will close the doors and the monsters will stop appearing. We finish off the remaining ones, recover by collecting first aid kits from the boxes.
We enter the next tunnels, here there are 3 more purple monsters. Further pitch darkness, and small monsters run out at us from the hatched eggs, which cannot yet shoot energy.

We come out to an area with many skeletons. We go up the stairs to the surface, wait until the grate opens. We are met by three military men: a medic, a gas cutter, and a machine gunner.
We walk along the destroyed part of the base, there are a lot of four-armed and purple monsters ahead, they are hiding in containers. We take a machine gunner with us. If we are low on health, we return to the medic. Having made our way through the crowd of enemies, we pass through the destroyed red door, then through the rubble of the building.

On the other side of the building there are health and armor panels. We go out into the street and ahead we see a dam, the same one that Freeman walked along. There is a huge blue monster on the dam, it is tied up and cannot move, but still resists. A couple of soldiers try to kill him with machine guns. G-man stands on the side tower and monitors the developments.
Using a barnacle weapon, we cling to the green plants ahead and fly to the other side. If we fall into the water, we also cling to the plants with our tongues to get out. We press the detonator, the explosive will blow up the monster. We approach the place of the explosion and climb inside a large pipe in the fissure. The stream will carry us down behind the rocks.

The Package.

We get out of the pipe through the second grate on the left. We are met by two soldiers. Together with them we run along the gorge and shoot back from the black special forces. The main thing is to quickly kill the enemy behind the machine gun using a sniper rifle; the military can handle the rest themselves. We run further along the water.

We run out into the open sandy area. There is a mortar in the far left corner, we quickly run under it so that it does not hit us. We wait until the enemy destroys all the appearing aliens with a mortar, after which we climb up the slope and kill the black special forces soldier near the mortar. You cannot jump onto the mortar.
We enter through a small side door in the corner between the gates. Inside we kill 1 enemy, use the walkie-talkie. We return to the territory, kill 2 new enemies. In a distant building, a hatch into the dungeon opened. The military took refuge there and contacted us, but the special forces killed them.
We enter the basement and collect weapons. We climb onto the pipes using the boxes, then we crawl between the pipes and find ourselves in the next building. At the fork: on the right there is a dead end with weapon boxes, on the left there is an exit to the top, it leads us to a platform with a mortar.
We aim the mortar at the gate on the left. Holding the left button on the panel rotates the mortar either left or right, right button controls height. Use the central button to fire a volley, the fence with the gate will collapse. With the second salvo we kill the running out monsters. After the victory, we go to the destroyed gate and enter the small door.

We shoot down an incoming helicopter through a crack in the wall; to do this, it’s enough to hit it with two missiles. We climb to the second floor and jump through the gap into the courtyard.
Here we destroy the purple monster. There are a couple of sets of armor in the car. There is an electrical wire on top. We climb onto the roof and climb even higher on the boxes. First, we go down the inclined road behind the fences, climb under the gate, and press the lever inside to turn off the electricity. We return to the roof, carefully walk along the disconnected cable to the opposite side. on the far roof we climb into the ventilation box.
We find ourselves in an underground garage. We destroy several monsters. After this, special forces will come down from the ceiling, we kill them too. Along the distant jeep we climb into the ventilation under the ceiling. Here we find the surviving guard. We go into the next room.

In the parking lot we kill a couple of commandos. We approach a door with glass, there is a guard behind it, but he doesn’t want to open it for us. We pass through the slightly open gate on the left. Two enemies are digging in the back of the truck, we quietly kill them from behind. We see that they have activated the warhead nuclear bomb, quickly turn it off.
We return to the guard, after which he will open the door. But through the window we see that G-man is now inspecting the bomb. We collect all the weapons in the warehouse and go down the elevator.

Worlds Collide.

We find ourselves in a huge warehouse. Running between boxes and containers, we fight both the special forces and the girl killers. It’s better to immediately run along the left wall. A machine gun is installed behind the conveyor line. We hide behind a metal box, shoot the enemy in the head, then we ourselves sit down at the machine gun and shoot everyone who runs out at us.
We go to where the conveyor goes up, we pass under the moving boxes, at a dead end we climb up the small boxes. We pass along the top, go down to the conveyor again, and run past the boxes from wall to wall.
We go higher along the side elevator, kill 2 enemies, 2 more hid further. We walk along the narrow passages between the boxes, then climb onto them and go on top. Along the non-working conveyor under the ceiling we go out into the next room.
Below is a special forces battle with strong monsters. While they don't notice us, we need to jump over two hanging boxes and go further down, jumping on the bridge and containers. We finish off the rest. The doors open and the guard lets us inside. We collect all the cartridges and first aid kits from the shelves and go down the elevator.

We find ourselves in a wind tunnel. The wind flow slows down our movement, but we can move forward. We go downstairs and move into the next room.
We can climb up the rope, there is a puddle there with intact?????????? water, we can constantly regenerate in it. In the next room there is a huge portal, from which an equally huge monster emerges.
The boss spits a stream of acid, we hide from him, after which he is inactive for several seconds, we can attack. The monster can also hit with its claws, but these blows are no longer so scary.
On the balconies to the left and right there are laser cannons, from which we must shoot at the yellow eyes of the monster. When we knock out both eyes, the boss will open his belly, there is a purple teleport inside, after a while it will work and teleport an ordinary four-armed monster here. While the belly is open, we shoot inside, this is the only way we inflict damage on the boss.
When the teleport works, the boss's eyes will be restored, and you will have to knock them out again. After the first time, the boss will break the upper bridge. Now you have to get to the left balcony using the tongue of the barnacle weapon. Repeat this more than five times and the boss will be destroyed.

We appear in a military helicopter, G-man is in front of us, we communicate with him. At this time, the helicopter moves to the world of Xen, and then into black hyperspace. G-man recruits us and goes into the portal.

Thank you for your attention!
