Rhythmic play exercises for children. Musical and rhythmic games for children


Methodological developments of musical rhythm games are aimed at developing: emotionality, sense of rhythm, sense of musical form, perception, imagination. Musical accompaniment teaches children to be rhythmic, develops musical memory and hearing.

In music, the concept of “rhythm” can be understood as follows: long, short, medium-duration sounds alternate evenly, in an orderly manner, forming colorful rhythmic patterns.

Proposed didactic material unites musical and didactic games to develop children's hearing, rhythm, and musical creativity. I sincerely wish that these games will help in working with children, diversify musical activities, and introduce children to the world of music.


(5-6 YEARS)


Preparatory work: selection of percussion instruments (tambourine,

bells, xylophone, metallophone, triangle, etc.), as well as

fairy tale plots.

Target: activating children's interest in various types of

tools. Formation of rhythmic thinking. Development

fantasy and memory training.

Progress of the game:

children must tell a story using percussion instruments.

* Each participant in the game presents his own instrument.

* The teacher offers a fairy tale plot, and the children select

an instrument that suits the sound of every character

fairy tales, and then the desired rhythmic pattern.

For example: Karabas-Barabas - tambourine,

Pinocchio - xylophone,

Malvina - bell,

Pierrot - triangle,

Artemon - ratchet on the downbeat of the bar.

* The text of the tale is voiced.

* The teacher takes away from the children all the instruments that were used in the fairy tale. Children are asked to turn away and listen anew to the story told with the help of instruments (the events in it will be presented in a different sequence, which means that the children are creating an almost new story).


Target: development of a sense of rhythm.

Demo material: flat figurines of fairy-tale characters from cardboard (5 pcs.), painted in Russian style. You can use nesting dolls.

Handout: two wooden spoons for each child.

Progress of the game:

the figures stand on the table, one after the other in a column. Children sit in a semicircle. The Russian folk melody “The Moon is Shining” sounds.

“Meet guys, cheerful girlfriends have come to visit us

(matryoshka dolls). These are: Dashenka, Glashenka, Sashenka, Irinushka,

Marinushka. (Arranges them in one line). They love to dance and

they want to teach you.

This is what Dashenka can do! (Takes a matryoshka doll and taps a rhythmic

drawing. Children repeat the rhythm with wooden spoons. Can be given in

hands cubes, clap the rhythm with your palms or stamp your feet. Rhythms

can also be demonstrated to children on the piano).


Target: development of a sense of rhythm.

Demo material: large doll, painted in Russian

style (height 65 cm). One arm is attached so that it can move

right left. At the bottom of the hand there is a cube attached so that it hits the

the edge of the sundress.

Progress of the game:

“Today, guys, I will introduce you to the amazing doll Glashenka. Oh, and she’s an expert at dancing! She knows how and will teach you! As she claps, you repeat (the Russian folk melody “Oh, you birch” sounds).

Children repeat the rhythmic pattern with clapping and kicking. Can be taken in

hands spoons, cubes, sticks, tambourine. If you divide children into subgroups and give them different subjects, you will get an orchestra.


Target: learn to distinguish the timbres of instruments - drum, tambourine,

metallophone. Develop a musical and rhythmic sense.

musical instruments.

Game aids: flat houses where bears, hares “live”,

squirrels. Table screen. Animal hats.

Progress of the game:

children are divided into three subgroups. They put it on their head

hats with images of animals. Each group of “animals” is located in its own house. There is a screen on the table behind which there are musical instruments.

“Now the forest animals will be walking in the forest. They will come out to the sounds of the drum

bears take a walk, bunnies jump to the sound of a tambourine, and to the sound

metallophone - squirrels. On a forest walk, animals do not meet each other

they offend, they give in to each other, and as soon as another instrument starts playing, they stay in place and don’t run away!”

The music director plays instruments in different

sequences. "Animals", according to the sound

instrument, perform their characteristic movements. At the end of the game, all the “animals” must hide in their houses.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm.

Game material: bibabo toys (bear, bunny, horse, bird). Tambourine, metallophone, musical hammer, bell.

Progress of the game:

“Today toys should come to visit us.” There is a knock on

door. The music director comes to the door and quietly puts a bear on his hand: “Hello, children. I came to visit you to play and dance with you. Olya, play the tambourine for me, I’ll dance.” The child slowly hits the tambourine, the bear in his hands rhythmically moves from foot to foot. The rest of the children clap their hands.

Other toys are also played with. A hare jumps to the rapid blows of a hammer on a metallophone, a horse gallops to the clear rhythmic blows of a musical hammer or wooden spoons, a bird flies to the sound of a bell.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm.

Game material: image of a forest, clearing. In the center there is a cut or pocket in which pictures are displayed (“Hares are sleeping”, “Hares are dancing”).

Progress of the game:

The music director invites the children to go for a walk in the clearing. “Little bunnies live here, and you will know what they are doing when you hear the music.” The disc contains lullaby or dance music. The child determines its character and inserts the corresponding picture into the pocket.



Game material: big and small cockerel.

Progress of the game:

Sing the song "Cockerel". While singing, indicate with a gesture the eighths of the duration with a short movement of the hand to the right, and the quarters with a longer movement, also to the right. The child sings along with the adult and shows the step of a small cockerel with a short movement of the hand, and the step of a large cockerel with a long movement.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game: say the word “BE-loch-ka” with the children. Clap your hands, rhythm on your knees. Lay out a chain of

pictures and rhythmically say the names of the toys.


Target: develop attention, purity of intonation, sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game:

choose a child to play the role of “builder”. Put a helmet on him.

The music director sings the song and bangs his fist on the downbeat of the beat. The “builder” and the children try to knock in the same way.

Knock-knock, mo-lot-com

we built a new house for them.

Having chosen a new “builder”, repeat the exercise, tapping the rhythm. The music director should draw the children’s attention to the fact that they will sing the song quietly, “thinly” from another, higher sound.

As a complication:

1) both the children and the “builder” tap out their rhythmic

part according to the lines of the song;

2) The 1st “builder” knocks on the plank with a hammer (“Knock-knock”), the 2nd -

with a stick in a triangle.



Progress of the game:

Children stand one after another and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The leader (last in the chain) taps the rhythm to the next child. And he passes the rhythm on to the next one. The last participant (standing in front of everyone) “conveys” the rhythm by clapping his hands.

The presenter may be the music director. Children can sit on chairs in the train.


Progress of the game: the music director shows the children that big

the circles are designated "TA" and the small circles are designated "ti-ti." He posts

circles 2-3 rhythmic patterns. Children pronounce syllables

clap, play musical instruments.



Target: learn to distribute attention, hear metrorhythmic



children are divided into two subgroups. To the first part of the music “Polka” by I. Sats, one subgroup performs a stamp with one foot, showing how “a goat knocks its hoof.” Another subgroup shakes its head, imitating a goat. Before the game, words and figurative movements are repeated (rhythmically perform stomps and shakes of the head). Then move on to distributing the actions of subgroups.

The goat is angry, the goat is silent,

He clatters his hooves

He shakes his beard,

He won't find any cabbage.


Target: development of the ability to clearly pronounce text with rhythmic movements of arms and legs.


Children do exercises while sitting on chairs. They say the end of the phrase: clap, clap, clap, etc.

Bird: caw, caw, caw!

Wind: clap, clap, clap! Children clap their hands rhythmically.

Legs: slap, slap, slap! They stomp their feet alternately.

Children: ha, ha, ha! Stretch your arms forward with your palms up

Mom: ah, ah, ah! They shake their heads.

Rain: drip, drip, drip! They clap their palms on their knees.

Cloud: bang, bang, bang! They stomp their feet.


Target: Give children the idea that there are long and short sounds.


Sing a song using one sound, using syllabic names of short and long sounds.

There are pe-se-nki ringing in the sky,

All the kids are looking up:

There are many flocks of birds in the sky,

Because the month is May.

Clap the rhythmic pattern of the song, making as many claps as there are sounds in the melody. A long clap corresponds to a long sound.


Target: develop accuracy in following verbal instructions.


Children are assigned droplets, the rest accompany their actions with rhythmic onomatopoeia “Drip” on the downbeat of M. Rauchwerger’s play “Rain”. Before playing, learn a poem with the children.

The rain danced on the roof,

He knocked in droplets:

Here's one, and here's another,

Third, fifth, eighth.

Onomatopoeia can be replaced with claps, signals from children's percussion instruments: tambourines, rattles, etc.


Target: develop rhythmic speech.


children stand in three columns and perform imitation actions one by one, pronouncing the text rhythmically.

We'll play together

Depict carpenters:

And saw and plan,

Hammer the nails firmly.

To rhythmic music, actions are performed simultaneously. Then

The order of players in the columns changes. Or one does it, and the other

He encourages her by clapping on the downbeat.


Target: teach the distribution of attention, develop a sense of uniformity of tempo and rhythm in motor reactions.


To the music of M. Rauchwerger's "Physical Culture March", children perform dynamic movements. On odd beats they move forward with a brisk step, counting out loud: “One, two, three, four!” On even beats, children stand still and clap their hands, reproducing a rhythmic pattern.


Target: develop rhythmic memory, metric sense.


the child chosen by the bunny sits in a circle. Children holding

hands, with a calm step and song, walk in a circle to the 1st and 2nd sentences.

On the third - they stop and clap their hands for accents, for

which the “bunny” jumps forward. Who cares about the "bunny"

jumps, he takes his place in the center of the circle. Game continues.

Why are you sitting there, little bunny?

Why are you silent, little bunny?

One jump, two jump!

Jump, jump, jump!


Target: coordinate movements and words, develop rhythm.


Children perform movements rhythmically to the text.

Tara-tara-ta-ra-ra - move fractionally, stomping

From the collective farm yard

Tractors are leaving. rotate in fractional steps

Let's plow the land, accentuated words stand out

We will sow rye with a strong flood

Let's thresh bread

Feed the little kids.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm in combination with music, be able to coordinate the movement of the hand and speech.


children perform movements to the words of the nursery rhyme.

Click. Right hand click.

Click. Left hand click.

Clap. Right hand on the right knee.

Clap. Left hand on left knee.

Click. Right hand click.

Click. Left hand click.

Clap clap. Clap in front of yourself.

Repeat everything 2 times.

One two three four five. put your palms together

fingers say hello.

Click. Two-handed click.

Clap. Clap in front of you.

Click. Two-handed click.

Repeat everything twice.

Hello, hello, all fingers say hello

Hello, with the big one in turn.

R-r-r! Circular movements with your hands.

Repeat everything twice.


Target: develop rhythmic hearing, learn to accurately reproduce

repeating rhythmic pattern.

Equipment: tambourines according to the number of children.


children stand in a circle with tambourines in their hands. On the odd bars of A. Alexandrov’s “New Year’s Polka,” the music director calls the children by name. The one who is named hits the tambourine three times on an even beat. The beating of the tambourine is accompanied by the rhythmic pronunciation of the words “Don’t yawn!” the rest of the children.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of words and movements.


winter-winter pleases us with its games and fun. Children

perform rhythmic movements to the following words:

Wow! Wow! Wow! "plates"

The sleigh claps on the right, on the left in rhythm

With all my might. stomp 2 times

Wow! Wow! Wow! "plates"

Snow under the hill clapping to the rhythm of music

Like fluff. 2 claps overhead.


Target: understand the rhythmic structure of words in combination with music.


children perform movements to the words of a song set to music

M. Gogoleva (see notes below).

We stomp our feet, stomp

We clap our hands, clap, clap

We are blinking eyes, winking

We shrug our shoulders. Raise their shoulders one by one

One - sit down, two - stand up, spring

One, two, side step to the left

One, two extra steps to the right

It's time for us all to play! Do 4 claps over


Target: develop a sense of rhythm, accompanied speech.


You and I will go to the railway station. Children, do you like to ride the train? Sit down, let's all show you how the wheels knock.

The game is played while sitting on the floor.

Right hand. Left hand.

Knock. (Knock on the floor one by one, 2 times) Knock.

Knock. (Knock on the knees in turn 2 times) Knock.

On right. Left.

Knock-Knock. (Knock on the floor with both hands) Knock-knock-knock.

Right hand. Left hand.

Knock. (Knock on the floor one by one) Knock.

Take a deep breath, pull your arms forward and exhale, say

Repeat the exercise from the beginning.


Target: develop the distribution of attention, sense of rhythm, coordination of words and movements to music.


in accordance with the rhythmic pattern, children alternate clapping in

palms, tapping knees, snapping fingers and

floods (see notes below).

There are eight couples on the floor -

The flies danced.

But when I saw a spider,

They fainted.


Target: develop auditory attention, a sense of rhythm in playing spoons with

musical accompaniment.


children stand in a circle. The music of F. Schubert “Ecosaise” sounds. They

perform movements with spoons:

measures 1-4 - clap their hands alternately (in a chain), observing the rhythmic pattern.

Beat 5 - the fifth child in the circle takes two steps forward.

Beat 6 - claps his hands twice.

Measure 7 - two steps back.

Beat 8 - claps his hands once.




music by M. Sosnin sounds (see notes below). Children perform certain movements.

Musicians, have fun! Rhythmic claps for loss

Don't spare the drums!

One two Three!

Three, two, one! The thumb says hello to

index, middle, ring and

in reverse order.

Let's start dancing! "Spring"

Let's start dancing! Stomp to the rhythm of the music

Gather together, dancers,

Hippos and elephants,

Zebras, hedgehogs, raccoons - “Spring”

Everyone who wants to dance,

Everyone who wants to dance! Stomp to the rhythm of the music at the end of 2

short cotton.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate singing with movement.


Children stand one after another, arms bent at the elbows, fingers clenched tightly into fists. Bend your legs slightly at the knees.

The music director suggests going on a trip. When pronouncing the text of a nursery rhyme, children perform a rhythmic movement of a fractional stomping step with an acceleration of the tempo towards the end of the game. The tempo is pronounced very rhythmically and clearly.

Chug, chug, puff,

I puff, I grumble.

I don't want to stand still!

I'm knocking my wheels, I'm knocking,

Sit down quickly

I'll pump it up: chug, chug!


Target: develop motor-auditory coordination, modal hearing.

To develop the ability to rhythmically highlight musical



To the music of G. Pakhulsky “Dreams” (or any waltz of your choice), children easily move around the hall and, at the end of musical sentences, “catch a snowflake” with a rhythmic strike of the palm.


Target: learn to switch auditory attention with the sensation of a strong beat to the sequential alternation of strong and weak beats in a bipartite measure.


Children stand in a free formation. To the sound of Russian folk song“Polyanka” children clap their hands on the body below (“in cold water") with the word "Oh!" on the stressed beat from bars 1-8.

For other measures - “into hot water” with the word “Ay!” alternately clap at the top on the strong and weak beats.

The game situation can be changed: clapping to stomping (“strong and weak splashes”).


Target: teach switching auditory attention from metrical emphasis to even durations of eighth notes in two-beat time.


Children stand in a circle and hold cubes in their hands. Singing the text clearly, highlight the strong beats of each measure with your voice, while simultaneously striking the cube against the cube. When finishing phrases, you need to hide the cubes behind your back.

Bunny, bunny, bunny,

Sitting under a bush.

Bunny, bunny, bunny,

Trembling under the bush.

Bunny, bunny, bunny,

Got wet in the rain.

Bunny, bunny, bunny,

I couldn't hide.

Target: develop motor and auditory coordination.


Children stand in a circle and perform movements according to the text:

The cabbage walks smoothly (walks from its toe).

It is important that the tomato walks (walks on the entire foot).

The radish walks carefully (they walk on their toes).

Polka dots run easily (easy running).

Slowly, the turnip strides, walking on its heels).

The carrot hops in a hurry (jumps).

The fellow cucumbers are marching (march in a circle).

Carrot fashionistas

They took a new thing (while standing still, they make turns).


based on Russian folk nursery rhyme

Target: develop children’s ability to clearly pronounce the text of a nursery rhyme by performing its rhythmic pattern on percussion musical instruments.


Musical director I'm going, going to see my grandmother, my grandfather.

Children (incredulously) To the woman, to the grandfather.

Musical director (affirmative) To the woman, to the grandfather.

Musical director On a horse, in a red hat.

Children in a red hat.

Musical director in a red cap on the flat

path, on a red leg.

Children On a flat path.

Musical director On one leg.

In an old little shoe, over the bumps

Children in an old shoe

Musical director Over the bumps

everything is straight and direct, and then suddenly-

All together and into the pit!!!


poem by I. Tokmakova

Target: develop coordination of speech and movement.


Like on a hill - snow, snow, (children squeak with small bags,

depicting snow).

And under the hill - snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the snow. (Children sigh and exhale noisily

Quiet, quiet... Don't make noise... (They turn to each other, hold

index finger near closed mouth - shhh


Poem by G. Vieru


his rhythmic pattern on the drum.


A hedgehog walks with a drum, boom-boom-boom!

The hedgehog plays all day long, boom-boom-boom!

With a drum behind your shoulders, boom-boom-boom!

A hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident, boom-boom-boom!

He loved apples very much, boom-boom-boom!

He forgot the drum in the garden, boom-boom-boom!

At night the apples were picked, boom-boom-boom!

And the blows rang out, boom-boom-boom!

The hares got scared, boom-boom-boom!

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn, boom-boom-boom!

Option 1 Children stand in a circle, recite the text and hit the large drum in the center of the circle.

Option 2 . Children hit small drums.



Target: develop the ability to reproduce rhythmic patterns, attention, dexterity.

Progress of the game:

children - “hares” stand in a semicircle. A fox is “sleeping” in the distance.

The melody of M. Krasev “Hares and the Fox” sounds (see notes below).

Measure 1-2 - the hares clap their paws into a rhythmic pattern on the right and left.

Beat 3-4 - jump on two legs three times.

Measure 5-8 - repeat movements.

Beats 11-12 - they rise and look at the fox.

Measures 13-16 - repetition of movements 1-4 measures.

Measure 17 - The right ear is stroked twice.

Beat 18 - stroke the left ear twice.

Measure 19-20 - twirl the tails.

Measure 21-22 - they jump.

Measures 23-24 - they are spinning.

Measures 25-31 - the hares approach the fox with rhythmic jumps (to the rhythm of the music).

Beat 32 - the fox jumps up and catches up with the hares.


Target: develop the rhythm of movements and the ability to combine them with the pronunciation of words, respond to the acceleration and deceleration of the pace of reading poetry.

Progress of the game:

Children stand around the carousel at a distance outstretched arms. At a signal, children raise their ribbons, turn one after another, and walk in a circle. The movements are accompanied by reading poetry.

When introducing the game, the text is spoken by an adult, and when the game is repeated - by children. You can extend the run by repeating the word “run.”


Barely, barely, barely slow walking

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then, walking with acceleration

Everybody run, run, run.

Let's run, let's run, running on toes to the rhythm of the words

Let's run, let's run...

Hush, hush, don't rush, the movements slow down and

Stop the carousel, the children stop,

One-two, turn to face the center,

One-two, put the tape on the floor.

So the game is over.


Target: teach attention distribution.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into two subgroups. To the 1st part of the music “Polka” by I. Sats, one subgroup performs a stamp with one foot, showing how “a goat knocks its hoof”; another subgroup shakes its head from top to bottom, imitating a goat shaking its beard. Before the game, children repeat the words:

The goat is angry, the goat is silent,

He clatters his hooves.

He shakes his beard,

He won't find any cabbage.

All children should first be taught to rhythmically stomp and shake their heads. Then distribute the actions of subgroups. The game is played with a change of tasks for the players.


Target: development of coordination of movements, rhythm.

Progress of the game:

According to the text, children perform rhythmic movements with their hands (claps,

clicks, slaps), legs (jumping, spinning).

If you like it, then clap like this: clap, clap!

If you like it, then clap like this: clap, clap!

If you like it, then click like this: click, click!

If you like it, then show it to someone else,

If you like it, then click like this: click, click!

In the last verse, all movements are repeated in strict sequence:

Clap clap! Click, click!

Slap, slap! Top, top!

The text can change like this:

If you're having fun, clap like that!

If life is fun,

We will smile at each other

If you're having fun, clap like that!!!


Target: develop rhythmic perception and musical memory.

Progress of the game:

The chairs stand in a circle, each with a musical instrument. To the music, children walk in a circle around the chairs, and when the melody ends, they pick up the instrument that lies in front of them on the chair. The leader beats out a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it.

When the game starts, one chair is removed.

(6-7 years)



Target: development of a sense of rhythm.

Demo material: flat figurines of bears,

painted in Russian style.

Handout: cards with the image of three bears and


Progress of the game:

“Do you guys remember the fairy tale “The Three Bears”? (Children's answer).

In the last room, Mashenka lay down in her crib for a minute and fell asleep. And at this time the bears returned home. Do you remember what their names were? (Children answer). Listen, who was the first to enter the hut?” (Tapping out a rhythmic pattern on the instrument on one or two sounds. Children call who came). The music director brings out the figure of a bear. “How is the bear going? Slow, hard. Clap the rhythm with your palms, how is it going? Now find where to put the chip.” (Children put circles on the corresponding image).


Target: development of a sense of rhythm.

Demo material: flannelograph, drawings of a steam locomotive and a steamship on velvet paper.

Handout: cards (30x9 cm) and three strips of cardboard:

wide (3x6 cm) - long sound, narrow (1.5x 6 cm) - short.

Progress of the game:

“Look, guys, what a beautiful ship is sailing on the sea.

He wants to greet us with his cheerful whistle. (Attaches

steamer on flannelgraph). Like this!" (Depicts the piano

rhythmic pattern). Kids slam the beat and lay it out

stripes on your cards.

The game is also played with a steam locomotive.


Target: teach children to distinguish between dance genres, improve their musical and rhythmic sense, and musical and auditory performances.

Musical and didactic material:“Waltz” by A. Arensky; "Polka"

Ts.Cui; "Grass-ant" r.n. melody; "Zainka" r.n.p. in arr.

N. Rimsky-Korsakov; “Cheburashka” by V. Shainsky.

Handout: five cardboard cards (10x30 cm) and 15 cardboard circles. Each card shows three pictures, conventionally indicating genres of dance music (waltz, polka, folk dance, modern dance, character dance).

Progress of the game:

children sit at tables. In front of them are 1 card with images of dancing couples or fairy tale characters and three chips.

Option 1.“Now you will hear dance music and you will have to guess which of the pictures on your card matches it. If it is a waltz, cover the picture with the image of a spinning girl, if it is a polka, cover the picture with the image of a dancing couple, if it is a folk dance, cover the picture with the image of a round dance, if it is a characteristic dance, cover the chip with the image of a fairy-tale character.

Option 2. Children are divided into five teams: “Malvina”, “Pinocchio”, “Cheburashka”, “Bunny”, “Matryoshka” and are placed in different places in the room.

The first team dances to the sounds of a waltz (“Waltz” by A. Arensky), the second team dances to the sounds of polkas (“Polka” by Ts. Cui). The third is a plot dance (“Cheburashka” by V. Shainsky). The fourth is a characteristic dance (“Zainka” R.N.M., arranged by N. Rimsky-Korsakov), and the fifth is a folk dance (“Travushka-Ant” R.N.P.). The music director repeatedly performs pieces in different sequences. At the end of the sound, their game ends with a competition in agility: which team will take the starting position faster.


Target: to develop children’s ability to determine durations and arrange them in rhythmic patterns.

Demo material: sheets of paper, pencils, cards with

notes of different durations and drawn in different


Progress of the game:

Children are given a variety of tasks. Namely:

1. Draw one track with quarter notes, the other with


2. The child takes even steps and pronounces the syllables: “ta”, “ta”.

One for every step. You can clap your hands at the same time.

3. Pronounce the duration card into syllables: “TA” - long,

"TI" - short.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into three groups of five people each.

The first group performs movements counting in quarters: tilting the head left and right, up and down, accompanied by the words “drip, drip.”

The second group - on the count of eighths: movements of the hands up and down, accompanied by the words “drip-drip, drip-drip.”

The third group is counted in sixteenths. Move your fingers up and down, saying the words “drip - drip - drip - drip.”

First, the game is played alternately with each group of children. Then the groups unite. You can use musical accompaniment.


Target: improve rhythmic perception and musical memory.

Progress of the game:

Children line up one after another in a column. They walk through the hall to the sounds of a march. As soon as the rhythmic pattern changes, they stop facing the center. Take turns imitating drumming or clapping your hands to a given rhythm. The one who conveys the rhythmic pattern more accurately is given a real drum. He walks ahead of the column and plays it.


Target: improve rhythmic hearing.

Demo material: cards, on one half of which the rhythmic pattern of a song familiar to children is depicted, and the other half is blank. Pictures illustrating the content of the song. Children's musical instruments - a group of percussion (spoons, triangle, drum, tambourine, musical hammer, etc.).

Handout : Each child gets 2-3 cards.

Progress of the game:

The child leader performs a rhythmic pattern of a familiar song on one of the instruments. Children identify the song by rhythm and cover the empty half of the card with a picture.

The game may have a more complicated version:

Players are given several large cards, each of which is divided into 4 parts. Each part is graphically marked with a rhythmic pattern of a familiar song (“Christmas Tree”, “Cockerel”, etc.). The presenter has color drawings depicting the content of the songs. The presenter chooses any pattern and plays the rhythm with cubes, sticks, and spoons. Children must find at home big map graphic image of the rhythm and cover it with a card with a picture. The one who closes his cards the fastest wins.


Target: development of rhythmic feeling.

Progress of the game:

The music director sings the song “Shadow - shadow, po - te-shadow” to the children. The following tasks are given:

  1. Ask the child to sing and at the same time quietly clap his hands, marking the rhythmic pattern of the song with clapping.
  2. Sing a song in roles (adults for the author, and children for the fox, bunny, hedgehogs, fleas, bear and goat). Clap your hands at the same time.
  3. Change roles with the child.
  4. Clap, switching to a whisper (the claps still remain), then completely hide your voice and leave only your palms.
  5. If the rhythm is well mastered, you can lay it out in short and long strips.

Listen, listen, discern,

The sound is short and drawn out.

Develop a sense of rhythm -

This is very, very important!



Target: develop the distribution of attention, a sense of rhythm.


Children sit in a circle and recite the text at a moderate pace, highlighting stressed syllables with clapping.

Here the clock goes - “Tick-tock.”

The clock is ticking - "Tick-tock".

Let's play together

And depict a clock.

To the accompaniment of measured music, children sequentially clap their hands one after another and pronounce the words: the first - “Tick!”, the second - “Tak!”. Syllable, sound,

The clap corresponds to the metrorhythmic beat. The game continues until the children imitate the ticking of a clock.


Target: develop stability of attention when reproducing rhythmic patterns.


rhythmic game is played to dance music. The 1st part of “Letki-enki” by R. Lihtenienene sounds. For the first part, children perform springs, counting out loud “One-two!” On the second beat - actions according to the text.

1t. - One, two!

2 t. - Clap-clap-clap.

3t. - One, two!

4t. - Top-top-top.

5t. - One, two!

6t. - Slap-slap-slap!

7t. - One, two!

8t. - In your mouth!

The first time children perform the game, standing facing in a circle, when repeated, they turn around in a circle.


Target: develop rhythmic hearing, learn to accurately reproduce rhythmic patterns.


children stand in a circle facing the music director. With the help of rhyming text, he creates a mindset for visual and auditory memorization.

Eyes, eyes you look,

Remember everything.

Legs, legs, everything is behind me

Repeat together.

The musical director, to the music of Mussorgsky's "Hopak" from the opera "Sorochinskaya Fair", shows a rhythmic pattern with his feet, stamping in one place on the first phrase. On the second, children repeat the movements in the right rhythm. Having mastered the rhythm, children can convey it with claps, slaps, the sound of percussion instruments for children, and alternate between group and individual performance.


Target: learn to compose a “Rhythmic story”.

Equipment: painting, tape recorder, disks.


children look at B. Kustodiev’s painting “Maslenitsa”. They determine who and what they will portray. Before listening to music and imitating movements, they are given a poem to memorize.

To bring the picture to life -

Everyone be careful.

We will distribute the roles

Let's depict everything now.

After listening to the music of P. Tchaikovsky “Maslenitsa” from the cycle “The Seasons”, children determine the nature of individual musical fragments that correspond to the content of the picture. Creative tasks are performed collectively or in a subgroup. One part of the children depicts horseback riding, the other - sledding down a hill, the third - playing snowballs, the fourth - the flight of a bird, the fifth - buffoon musicians.

In accordance with the nature of the music, the actions are distributed as follows:

“Rhythmic stories” should be composed with 1-2 actions, then increase their number. Recommended paintings:

I. Surikov. Taking the snowy town.

F. Vasiliev. Before the rain. Thaw.

V.D. Polenov. Moscow courtyard.


Target: develop rhythmic memory, teach to perceive and reproduce durations.


children listen to the song and clap the rhythm of onomatopoeia in phrases, bars, one at a time and in a group. When the rhythmic pattern is mastered, perform the song in roles.

1 verse. Two friends lived in the yard -

Goat and lamb.

Chorus. Me-me! Me-me-me!

Be-be! Be-be-be!

Me-me-me! Be-be-be!



Verse 2 The goat raised his horns,

Singing loudly.

His friend was not inferior to him,

Imitating by screaming.

Verse 3 The puppy approached his friends:

To make sense -

Study the notes."


Target: develop auditory and rhythmic memory, learn to retain

memory order and methods of performing rhythmic movements.


Five children are selected from among the children. Each of them has their own

serial number, which the teacher tells them separately from each other.

The game begins to the sound of L. Beethoven's play "Ecosaise".

The squirrel was jumping, jumping, the 1st child is jumping.

Another one ran up to her. 2nd child runs up

Three more people are in a hurry, three run up.

Five of us started jumping. Five children jumping on


Target: develop rhythmic memory and reproduce rhythmic

drawing of motif and phrase.


children are divided into two teams. One runs away, the other catches up.

Both teams move like a snake with an easy run: the first team - on even musical formations, the second - on odd ones to the music.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of words and movement in combination with music. Perform the rhythmic pattern correctly.


children perform rhythmic movements to the music of E. Yanovitskaya.

Sparrows tap their sticks on the floor twice,

Two hands right, left

They jump under the window, take turns jumping on the floor

Little sparrows tapping on the floor with their sticks two

Two hands right, left

They feed on grain. The sticks are held vertically and 3

They knock in front of them once.

In the cold winter we tap the floor with a stick twice

right and left

Let's keep an eye on them, counter blows with chopsticks 3 times per

Horizontal position.

Sparrows are knocked on the floor with sticks 2 times,

two hands right, left

We'll give you some grains. In front of.


Target: development in children of a sense of rhythm and visual attention, skills

distribute the movement of the hand over the entire musical phrase.


For each child there are 4 cubes on the table. There's a melody playing

Measure 1-4 - The child moves the cubes to the music from right to left

with his right hand and says the words:

We put it on without further ado!

A child is trying to build a tower. I took it on “one”, put it on “two”.

Measure 5-8 - shifts the cubes from left to right with the left hand and says the words:

Cube upon cube, cube upon cube,

The house will be ready soon!


Target: develop auditory attention and a sense of rhythm in playing spoons.


children perform movements with spoons to the Russian folk song “I’ll go and I’ll go out.”

Children sit on chairs.




1st phrase - knock with eighth notes on the right leg from bottom to top.

2nd phrase - knock with eighth notes on the left leg from bottom to top.


1st phrase - plate movement in quarters.

2nd phrase - claps (two eighths - on the right, two eighths - on the left, 2 claps with quarter notes in front of you).


1st phrase - they knock spoons from left to right in eighth notes.

2nd phrase - they knock the spoons from right to left with eighth notes.


1st phrase - two claps in front of you with quarters, once on your knees, once in front of you.

2nd phrase - two claps in front of you with quarters, once on your knees, once in front of you.


Target: form a feeling of speech and musical sentences.


The music director sings odd phrases with words, and children sing even phrases with onomatopoeia, playing along on the bells.

  1. Merry bell -

Ding - ding - ding.

Laughs and laughs -

Ding - ding - ding.

2. He sang in winter, barely audible -

Ding - ding - ding.

But the sun came out again -

Ding - ding - ding.

3. And sonorous drops -

Ding - ding - ding.

In response they sang to him -

Ding - ding - ding.


Target: learn to retain a given sequence of actions in memory, develop imagination and a sense of rhythm.


Children listen to a song, and the music director instructs them to remember the actions of the baby elephant.

Early in the morning the elephant woke up

I immediately plunged into the water

And splashed, puffed,

Tumbled on the sand.

Ponytail, ears wet

And sunbathed in the sun,

Took a nap and slept for an hour

And he ran to the baby elephants.

Children compose a composition of movements, depicting an elephant to rhythmic music (see Radynova's program). At the same time, one part of the children dances, showing creativity and invention, the other composes a story, describing figurative movements.


Target: develop children’s ability to clearly pronounce the text by performing

its rhythmic pattern.


A cheerful dog was walking, chiki, briki, woof!

And the geese ran after her, raising their heads.

And behind them - a piglet, chicks, Bricks, oink!

Chicky, Bricky, repeat what I say!

Children are divided into two teams.


Poem by I. Tokmakova

Target: develop children’s ability to clearly pronounce the text by performing

its rhythmic pattern. Strengthen the ability to portray

long and short sounds with noise instruments.


Musical director. It's dark at night. It's quiet at night.

Children. Hush, hush.

Children. You'll write, you'll write.

Musical director. The fox trail leads to the hole.

They use noise instruments to imitate the steps of a fox.

Musical director. Dog trail to the kennel.

Depict the steps of a dog.

Musical director. Belkin's trail leads to a hollow.

They move like squirrels.

Musical director. Myshkin - to the hole in the floor.

Depict a mouse.

Musical director. It's a pity that it's in a river, on the water.

Children. Glissando on metallophone up-

Musical director. There are no traces of you anywhere.

Children. They shrug their shoulders and spread their arms

To the sides.

Musical director. Only darkness. It's quiet at night.

Children. Hush, hush.

Musical director. Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

Children. They open their mouth silently.


Russian folk nursery rhyme

Target: develop children’s ability to clearly pronounce the text by performing

rhythmic pattern with “sounding gestures” and wooden

with chopsticks.


Children are divided into two groups.

1 group.

Dilili, didili, where did you see Masha?

2nd group.

We looked into the garden - Masha was dancing at the gate.

When pronouncing, with “sounding gestures” in rhythm they depict how Masha

1 group.

Didili, didili, where did you see Katya?

They recite the text and at the same time tap the rhythmic pattern with wooden sticks.

2nd group.

We looked into the green garden - Katya was pinching grapes.

They recite the text and click their fingers to show how Katya plucks grapes.

1 group.

Didili, didili, where did you see Dunya?

They recite the text and at the same time tap the rhythmic pattern with wooden sticks.

2nd group.

We looked under the porch - Dunya was gnawing on a cucumber.

They crunch hard paper in rhythm.

1 group.

Didili, didili, where did you see Vanya?

They recite the text and at the same time tap the rhythmic pattern with wooden sticks.

2nd group.

In a clearing near a well, Vanya is fighting with a chicken.

On each downbeat they push, pretending to fight with a chicken.



Target: Feel and reproduce metric speech pulse

(poems) and music, develop communication skills, auditory

attention, skills of basic music playing in an orchestra, sense of rhythm; develop an interest in playing musical instruments.

Progress of the game:

Children in a circle, accompanied by cheerful rhythmic music, pass the cube around the circle, saying the words:

The cube moves in a circle

Give the cube to a friend.

The cube can show

What should you play on now?

Each child takes turns throwing the dice and taking the dropped instrument.

from the table and puts it on his chair. The game is repeated until all the children have taken their instruments. Then everyone plays “orchestra” together.

It is advisable to divide children into subgroups. If the children wish, the game can be repeated several times so that the children can play different instruments and enjoy playing music together.


Target: teach children to distinguish and convey rhythmic patterns

familiar songs on musical instruments.

Musical and didactic material: tambourines (one for two children), metallophone. Melodies of songs in recordings.

Progress of the game:

the music director distributes tambourines one at a time for two

children, invites them to sing the melodies of famous songs on some syllable (“la-la”). He sings along with the children, then reminds them in which hand and how to hold the tambourine. Asks the children to listen carefully to the melody of the song that sounds on the metallophone, and then repeat its rhythmic pattern by striking the tambourine. Marks children who correctly convey the rhythmic pattern.



Progress of the game:

Children stand in a round dance and perform movements while singing. For a tune

a well-known melody is used.

We'll go right now

Together - one, two, three!

And then let's go left

Together - one, two, three!

Let's gather in the center of the circle

Together - one, two, three!

And we'll all return to our place

Together - one, two, three!

We'll sit down quietly

Together - one, two, three!

And let's lie down a little

(Children fold their hands under their cheeks.)

Let our feet dance

(Children stamp their feet.)

Together - one, two, three!

And they clap their hands

Together - one, two, three!

Let's turn right

(They circle to the right.)

Together - one, two, three!

Shouldn't we start all over again?

Together - one, two, three!

(Children join hands again)

The game can be played with fairy-tale characters. Children perform the movements shown or, singing the lyrics of the song, teach the characters to dance themselves.


Target: develop children's visual attention, spatial orientation, and sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game:

children stand in a circle, with a plume lying on the floor in front of each child.

One, two, three, four - clap their hands

Let's get ready to play, 2 knee claps

2 hand clicks

We will hand over the sultana. They take the sultans from the floor

He is about us, and we are behind him! Children hand over sultanas

circle once or twice.

We're catching up, we're catching up

And now we'll catch him!

Cheerful music is playing, children are running freely around the hall. At a signal, they stand in circles according to the color of their plumes.

1. Game “For the little ones”

Number of players: any.

Children repeat words and actions after the teacher at a slow, medium, and then fast pace; starting to speak in a whisper, then in a low voice and very loudly. More three times repeating is not recommended.

Four steps forward
Back four steps
Let's stomp our feet,
Let's clap our hands.
We blink our eyes,
And then we'll jump.

2. Game “Repeat after me” or “Do as I do”

Number of players: any.

Everyone stands in a circle, the leader in the center shows the movements to the music, and the players repeat after him. The music changes and so does the presenter. Both the teacher and the children themselves can choose the leader.

3. Game "Stream"

Number of players: at least 9 people.

Players stand in pairs, one behind the other, depicting a high goal. The driver walks under the gate to the music, choosing a couple, then stands in front of all the couples. Once again, the one left without a partner becomes the driver. There may be several drivers.

4. “Game fashion rock”

Players stand in pairs in a circle facing each other. The presenter shows in advance the movements that will need to be performed to the music: side steps left and right for four counts (with a strike on “4”), then 4 steps back (with a strike on “4” and clapping your hands), then 4 steps forward , but returning not to your pair, but shifting to the left - to a new partner (partner). Then the movements are performed to music.

5. Game “Stand in a circle around...”

Number of players: at least 8 people.

Music sounds, children dance freely, standing in a general circle. When the driver claps or the music stops, the players must form a circle of the number of participants named by the driver and dance again, but with a new lineup.

6. Game “Prohibited Movement”

Number of players: any.

Children stand in a circle to dance. The teacher informs that he will show movements at random to music, which the children will have to repeat, but one of them is forbidden, and does not need to be repeated. The one who repeats the forbidden movement will leave the circle. Then one of the children can drive, inventing a prohibited movement on their own.

7. Game "Big Walk"

Number of players: at least 8 people.

Players become pairs in a circle. The presenter shows in advance the movements that will need to be performed to the music: children, holding each other’s hands, walk in a circle for 6 steps, turn towards each other at “7-8”, then disperse for 4 counts, clap 3 times, stomp 3 times and converge, moving to the left - towards the partner - neighbor. Then the movements are performed to music.

8. Game "Peeking"

Number of players: any.

Everyone stands in a circle, dancing to the music. And two people sit on chairs in the center back to back, pretending to dance on a chair. The music stops and the dancers must turn their heads left or right. If they turn in one direction, they will dance in a circle, and a new couple of the teacher’s choice will take their place. If those on the chairs turn in different directions, they will remain there until their head turns coincide. If after the third time the dancers on the chairs do not look in one direction, then, at the request of the teacher, they will have to vacate the chairs for another pair.

9. Game "Dance on a chair"

Number of players: any.

Children sit on chairs that are in a row. The teacher also sits on a chair opposite the children and demonstrates voluntary movements to the music. Children try to keep up with the teacher. The music stops, the teacher invites someone willing to take his place.
The new driver shows his movements, and everyone repeats after him, then he frees his place for another driver. Music can be different.

10. Game "Who's first?" (with jump rope)

Number of players: any.

Children sit on chairs that are in a row. Two drivers sit on chairs in front of them with their backs to each other at a distance and dance to the music. And on the floor under their chairs lies a jump rope so that, bending down, the driver can reach out with his hand and, when the music stops, pull the rope in his direction. The music stops and the one who first pulls the rope in his direction remains in place, choosing a new opponent. The music can be different and not last long.

11. Game “If you have fun, do it this way”

Number of players: any.

The presenter sings and shows what to do, and the players repeat. The movements can be any.

(shows the first movement).
If your life is fun, do it
(shows the second movement).
If life is fun, may the sun smile on us.
If your life is fun, do it
(shows third movement).

Then the driver changes. One of the children can be the driver.

12. Dance game “We dance in circles”

Number of players: from 6 people.

Participants stand in a circle, and the leader asks them a question: “Are our ears good?” Answer: “Good.” Question: “What about the neighbor?” Answer: “Better!” Each participant grabs the neighbors on the right and left by the ears, and everyone dances in a circle, saying: “We dance from the heart, from the heart!” Our ears are good, good!” (2 times). And then the presenter names another part of the body, for example: elbows, arms, legs, knees, shoulder blades. Anyone can be the host, but after all participants remember the rules of the game.

Second version of “Lavata”

Number of players: any.

Leading: Let's learn the words to our song:

Together we dance tra-ta-ta
Our cheerful dance Lavata (repeat 2 times).

Leading: “Our hands are good! And the neighbor’s is better!” (Everyone joins hands and sings.)

Etc., changing the position of the hands each time. (“The head is good, the ears are good, the knees are good,” etc.)

13. Dance game “How we can dance”

Number of players: from 5 people (with rope or skipping rope).

The participants of the game line up. Music is turned on, preferably cheerful. The participants begin to dance. At this time, any two pull the rope and walk towards the dancers. The players' task is to step over each time without touching the rope, which is raised higher and higher each time. The participant who lasts the longest is the winner.

14. Dance game “Dance of meetings and partings”

Number of players: any.

During the next dynamic dance, which children, as a rule, perform in a general circle, the leader offers to choose a soloist and soloist. As soon as they find themselves in the center of everyone's attention, the presenter will explain that this couple will not dance in the center of the circle for long. As soon as the music stops (and it will definitely stop after 20-30 seconds, the DJ will take care of this), the partner, to the thunderous applause of the dancers, will say goodbye to his partner and invite another soloist into the circle in his place. The music will start playing again, and everyone will applaud the main couple in the updated lineup. But - again a pause, and this time the partner, to the applause of those gathered, will thank her partner for the dance, and invite another soloist in her place. So in a solo couple, the partner and partner change in turn, and the intrigue remains: who will be next?

15. Dance game “Partners and partners”

Number of players: 6 girls and 5 boys.

The boys stand in a circle, with their backs to each other so as not to peek. The music turns on and the girls begin to dance (run) in a circle around their partners or from partner to partner. As soon as the music ends, each girl must stand in front of her partner. The one who does not have enough partner drops out and takes one of the partners with her.

Second option: the partners stand, and the partners dance around them.

Third option: "Musical chairs" There should be one less chair than there are participants. The rules of the game are the same.

16. Game “Musical objects”(hats, balls, gifts, toys)

Number of players: any.

The number of items should be one less than the number of players.
Game option: they pass balls along to music, and there are one fewer of them than the participants. The music stops and the one without the ball comes out. If the ball bursts, the player also leaves the game. Or instead of balls, players pass and put on hats. Moreover, you can take the hat off another player yourself, rather than wait for it to be handed over. When the music stops, the player who does not have the item in his hands leaves.

Second option: transfer one item. And when the music stops, the player who will have the item in his hands comes out. The last one left without an item will be the winner.

Third option: if you play with a gift, then it will be taken by the one who will have this gift at the end of the musical excerpt. This makes it fun to give out gifts.

17. Dance game “Aram-zam-zam”

Number of players: any.

The players stand in a circle and, under the guidance of the teacher, learn the movements: for the phrase “aram-zam-zam, aram-zam-zam” we do 3 claps on the knees, repeating; to the phrase “goo-goo-goo-goo-goo-goo” we do “rolly-polly” - rotating the arms bent in front of you in a circle away from you (fingers gathered into fists); to the phrase “ram-zam-zam” - repeat the first movement; repeat the first and second actions again with the words; then to the phrase “arafik-arafik” we bend the body forward with arms crossed on the chest
(twice); then we repeat the actions to the phrase “guli-guli-guli-guli-guli-ram-zam-zam.” Having learned the words and movements, we dance to the music: on the spot, moving in a circle, in pairs opposite each other.

18. Dance game “Holiday Train”

Number of players: any.

Children stand one after another, holding hands (the neighbor’s hips). The teacher is in front of everyone - the leader. Music sounds, everyone begins to follow the driver, repeating after him the movements that he makes arbitrarily, adding the phrases: “Left hand drive! (turn left.) Steer to the right! (turn right) Mountains! (

rise on your toes.) Tunnel! (sit down or bend over.) Forward move! (Move forward.) Reverse! (move backwards.) Stop!” (the driver changes.)

Second option “Dancing snake”:The driver comes up with movements on the go without phrases, and the rest repeat after him. When the music stops (after 20 seconds), the driver goes to the end of the snake, and his previous neighbor becomes the new driver.

19. Game “Dance figure freeze”

Number of players: any.

The presenter stands with his back to the players and says the words:

Let's clap cheerfully - once.
Great jump - two.
Spinning, spinning - three.
Dancing figure freeze.

At this time, the players clap their hands, jump, spin, and then freeze in place in a dance pose. The presenter turns and chooses the one whose dance figure he liked to take his place.

Second option: Instead of the leader’s words, music sounds - the children dance. The music is interrupted, the presenter chooses a new presenter.

Another morning has come, accelerating the already frantic rhythm of our lives. Irina Ivaskiv is with you. And this concept - the rhythm of life - says a lot to me, a composer. People who come into or leave our lives change the rhythm of life, either improving it or driving it into arrhythmia. I think that children feel the rhythm no worse than adults. In my own way. Today I will share with you my experience in developing a sense of rhythm in children. So, simple but very useful rhythm games...

Rhythmic chant "Lunch"

Prepare a visual aid with the words of any poem that can be used for rhythm play. Children can tap the rhythm with their hands, feet, sounds, objects. A good example of such a poem would be the lunch chant:

We wanted to eat so badly

We sat down at the tables together.

We made noise and shouted

They banged the spoon on the table.

We demand to bring lunch,

We haven't eaten for a hundred years!

They brought us food -

We're finally full!

During the 1st and 2nd lines we tap the rhythm in half durations (in 4/4 time), in the 3rd and 4th lines - in quarter notes, in the 5th and 6th - in eighth notes, in the 7th and 8th – come up with an original jazz pattern. At the end, on the syllable “we” we make an ovation - something like a tremolo of claps.

Rhythmic game "Tyts, you-tyts"

We divide children into 3 groups:

  • 1st group: bim-bom, bim-bom
  • 2nd group: tyts, tyts
  • 3rd group: shake, shake, shake

First, you should practice the rhythmic pattern separately with each group, then connect the groups together. The groups take turns entering, but then pronounce their words simultaneously (the teacher’s task is to build an ideal rhythmic ensemble). Change groups from time to time (so that during the game each group can say 3 different rhythmic patterns). You can add all sorts of cowboy stuff (like: trrrrrrr-ehaaaaa). And if you and your children come up with synchronous (within the same group) movements, believe me, the children will remember your lesson for the rest of their lives! And even those who previously grinned at just this word will love the music.)))

The best rhythmic exercises

  • Exercise “Say the words of the song (don’t sing!) to the rhythm of the song”
  • Exercise “Clapping famous musical phrases”
  • Practicing complex rhythmic sections on the piece itself

Best Rhythm Games

  1. Rhythmic game “Rhythmic Echo” (children must clap exactly what you clap)
  2. Rhythm game “Guess the Song” (children must guess and sing a couple of lines of the song whose rhythm you clapped)
  3. Rhythm game “Turn on the tape recorder” (children sing a song; when you turn off the tape recorder, children need to continue singing the song to themselves; when you turn on the tape recorder again, children need to start singing out loud, continuing the lyrics of the song, trying not to fall out of rhythm)

Rhythm games for an open lesson

For various “emergency-exclusive” cases, I always kept the game “Clappers” in reserve. I developed it 20 years ago, but to this day it helps me out. Prepare cards with different rhythmic patterns for this game. Explain to the children the symbols on the cards:

  • Hands: 1 clap
  • Boy with hands on knees: 1 clap on knees
  • Cross: no claps, pause

The game is based on 4/4 time signature. Therefore, each card is divided into 4 identical cells. We start the game with the simplest rhythmic patterns (and always at a slow pace). We clap each symbol with quarter durations.

We make the game even more complicated: we speed up the pace, start showing cards faster, without time to think, so that the given rhythm does not stop when changing cards.

We make the game even more complicated: we divide the children into two teams, start a simultaneous game with two teams, first showing them the same rhythmic patterns, then different ones.

We make the game even more complicated: we post the text of the rhythmic “Lunch” chant (children should know it well enough) and try to pronounce the words of the chant, accompanying it with the rhythmic pattern that the teacher shows on the card.


Rhythm games are some of our favorites. The kids are delighted with them! Use them not only in music lessons, but also in other classes, as five-minute rest periods, as attention games, as team games as fun games. On hikes, quests, camps, for holidays and family gatherings - they will create a good, friendly atmosphere everywhere! If you found the article useful, write about it in the comments. our channel on YouTube.

The games we offer help develop children's sense of rhythm.

"Friendly guys"

The children pronounce the words: “Me and my friends” all together, accompanying them with movements and claps.
When hearing the word “I,” children press their hands to their chests and pronounce it drawlingly. For the words “my” and “friends”, perform two claps on the knees, shorter ones. The result is a rhythmic pattern consisting of a long sound - “I” and two short sounds “my friends”.
When the rhythm is mastered, the children clap “my friends” on the knees of the neighbors sitting on both sides. If the rhythm performed by children sounds confident, then you can decorate the actions by playing a polka or dance melody on the piano, metallophone, or add any percussion instrument.

"Clap - stomp"

A piece of music with a clear rhythmic pulsation (four quarter time) is selected.
Children clap first on the strong, first beat, then on the first and third. Gradually the task becomes more difficult. Children clap on the first and second beats, and remain silent on the third and fourth beats. Then they clap on the first and fourth, and rest on the second and third.

"Let's dance!"

Children stand in a circle in pairs, holding hands. To the music of the Russian folk song “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden,” they walk in a circle (8 bars). Then they circle in pairs (8 beats). Then they go to the left in a circle and circle again. Then they go (four beats) to the center. Everyone standing in a pair on the right spins like an asterisk, holding on with their right hand (four beats).
Returning to their seats, they spin again with their pair. Now those standing on the left side in pairs go to the center and also spin around like an asterisk, etc.

"Make no mistake"

Children stand in a circle, facing the center. To the accompaniment of cheerful, active music, they take turns performing the following movements: clapping hands, clapping knees, stomping, springing. Each child performs only one movement. The main thing is not to be late, wait your turn and not mix up the movements. If the children understand the game, you can speed up the pace.
The game develops not only a sense of rhythm, but also attention, concentration, and develops endurance.

"Kalinka Malinka"

Children sit cross-legged facing the center of the circle. In front of each of them is a cube. The text of a familiar song is sung in chorus at a moderate tempo: “Kalinka, raspberry, my raspberry.” At the same time, each player moves the cube in front of him to his neighbor on the right and receives a new cube from his neighbor on the left. The cubes “travel in a circle” to the beat of the music until they return to their “owners.” The movement of the cube must occur on the strong beat, that is, on the stressed syllable of the text.


"Locomotive" is a more complicated version of the previous game. Children sit on chairs in a circle as much as possible closer friend to friend. The left hand rests on the left knee, palm up, this is the “station”. There is a “car” cube on the palm of your hand. The “carriages” begin to move to the text: “Locomotive, locomotive, he carried the carriages.” The text is pronounced in the following rhythm: two short sounds, one long. In the rhythm of the text, children hit the cube on their left palm 2 times, holding it on top with their right hand, saying: “Pa-ro...”, and on the long syllable - “voz” - they transfer the cube to the palm of the neighbor on the right, at this time receiving a cube from the neighbor on the left, and so on throughout the text several times. The cubes move in one direction, the “train” has moved on. To avoid a “crash”, you must first clap the rhythm more than once with everyone together, on your palms, without dice. When it is mastered, you can “send the train.” An adult (he sits in a general circle, and in front of him there is a basket with cubes) takes one cube from the basket and throws them in a circle, one after another, until each child has a cube in his hands. When coherence is achieved, the movement of the train can be accelerated and slowed down - change the pace, thus making the tasks more difficult.

"Merry Four"

The movements are performed to cheerful 4-beat music. Children mark the rhythmic pulsation by clapping, slapping their knees, or stamping their feet.

For example:

On “one-two” - claps,
on “three or four” - floods.

At “one-two” - pause,
on “three or four” - we slap on the knees.

Boys on “one-two” - clap, girls on “three-four” - slap on the knees, then change roles.

Some clap the first beat, others clap the second, third and fourth.
The pace can gradually speed up.

Vasilenko Olga Mikhailovna,

Rhythmic teacher,

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 8", Angarsk

Musical and rhythmic games for schoolchildren

These musical and rhythmic games will be useful to rhythm and music teachers, choreographers working with children's groups of primary education.

Emile Jacques-Dalcroze (the founder of rhythm) proved that it is possible to translate musical rhythm into plastic movements of the human body, understanding that the rhythm of music is closely related to the motor, muscular reactivity of a person. Dalcroze formulated the purpose of his system as follows: “The purpose of rhythm is to lead its followers to the point that at the end of their studies they could say not so much “I know” as “I feel”, and above all create in them an irresistible desire to express themselves, that can be done after developing their emotional abilities and their creative imagination.”

Music literacy needs to be explained in an accessible way, so that it is interesting for gifted children and understandable for those who do not study music. Children learn musical time signatures by jumping over a rope that moves according to a given musical time signature. I propose to learn the duration of pauses through the musical game “morozko”, after which, apply and consolidate the acquired knowledge in a dance etude. We study such a topic as: “Introductory and closing chords” in the games: “station” and “snowballs”. The “musical phrase” is very clearly perceived through games such as “pass the ball” or “toy store”; a lighter version of these games helps to learn the strong and weak beats of the beat. Children love to play the musical game “butterfly spiders” and “locomotive”, and the teacher, meanwhile, explains the dynamic shades in the music and the musical tempo.


Goal: through the game, to let students feel the “musical phrase”, its beginning and end.

"Ball" 1st grade

Children stand in a circle, one in the middle with a ball.

On “one” - the ball is thrown to any of the children

On “two” - the ball is returned to the leader

On “three” - the ball is thrown clockwise to the next

On “four” - the child passes the ball to his neighbor on the left

On “five” - the child with the ball extends his arms with the ball (teases the one in the center)

At "six" - presses the ball towards himself

At “seven, eight” they change places. End of sentence.

The game continues from the beginning. If the same children go to the center, you need to add one person, then everyone will visit the center. The game can be complicated, including two or three balls. The main thing is to introduce children to synchronicity.

“Toy store” 1-2 grades.

Children are invited to come up with any shapes (toys, animals). The poses should be stable, not lying down, since at the beginning of the phrase (at “one time”) you need to take the first step. The teacher appoints a “buyer” (if there are many children in the class, then several). Task for the “buyer”: you can only take six steps around the “toy store”, on the count of “seven” he touches the figure he has chosen, on the count of “eight” he stands next to the chosen figure, repeating it exactly. The child who was touched (bought) becomes a “buyer” and on the count of “one” begins his steps through the “toy store”.

The musical tempo can be moderate for steps or fast for jumps. The teacher can complicate the task by offering to move in different ways (penguins, foxes, bears, old men, etc.)

"Conductor" 3rd grade

To start playing, you need to learn a four-quarter rhythmic pattern.

“one two three pause” - four times. - Claps or three jumps in place.

“one two three four” - four steps forward

“one” - “two” - (half) - two long claps

“one two three four” - four steps back

“one” - (whole) - one long clap.

After the children remember the rhythm, we divide them into four teams. The role of the conductor is played by the teacher, then by anyone interested. The essence of the exercise is for the teams to carefully follow the conductor’s hands and perform the learned rhythm only by the command indicated by the conductor. The “conductor” has a lot of options; you can change performers for each phrase, or several phrases per team.

Topic: Improvisation on a given topic.

Goal: compose a “polka” excerpt and dance it in a ready-made dance etude.

"Troika" 3rd grade

Children line up in threes in a circle. The teacher explains how to move in a circle while maintaining “threes” (those who take shorter steps in the inner circle, longer ones in the outer circle). A moderate tempo polka is good for this exercise.

Introduction: hands on the belt, legs 6th position.

(1-2 eights) We perform six jumps in a circle and three stomps in place - 2 times. At the end of 2 “eights”, the outermost of the three turn to face their central one.

(3-4 eights) the outer children perform six claps and three taps - 2 times, and the central child performs any “polka” movements according to the musical phrase and tempo. At the end of 4 "eights", the central one changes at will either with the one on his right or with the one on his left. After the change has occurred, another child becomes central and the game is repeated.

"Repeat after me"

We divide the children into two equal teams. We line them up along the edges of the hall.

Introduction – children stand with their hands on their belts, feet in 6th position.

1 “figure eight” - the first children come out from both sides to the middle of the hall (jumps, polka step)

2 “eight” – the one on the right shows movements for one musical phrase

3 “eight” - the one on the left repeats the same movements

4 "eight" - they turn to their teams, who must repeat the same movements with a wave of their hand.

Then the exercise is repeated, at 1 “eight” those who stood second go to the center, and the first go to their team and stand last. When the entire right column had been in the place of the one who came up with the movements, it was the turn of those on the left to come up with the movements. You can divide them into girls and boys and give the exercise a competitive moment, taking into account the quality of the movements performed and the synchronization of execution.

Theme: MUSICAL SCALE. 4th grade.

Purpose: To give students the concept of musical sizes and to feel their differences.

At the preparatory stage, the teacher suggests conducting, and then clapping two quarters, three quarters, four quarters. We discuss their similarities and differences. During the discussion, we find out that the beginning is “one”, there is always a strong beat, and then the slices are added accordingly. We invite you to come up with your own rhythmic pattern. If the rhythmic pattern is created correctly, the class repeats it several times.

After this we move on to the practical part. Using two jump ropes. Jump ropes are stretched on the floor parallel to each other, at shoulder distance. Always on the first beat(s), the ropes will be connected, and the remaining slices will remain open. Thus, students must calculate their jumps so as not to step on the jump ropes.

Example of "two quarters": starts inside the ropes, feet together.

“one” - jump legs apart, “two” - jump on one leg, or two together.

Three-quarters example: Starts inside the ropes, feet together.

“one” - jump legs apart, “two” - jump on one leg, “three” on the other.

Four-quarter example: Starts inside the ropes, feet together.

“one” - jump legs apart, “two” - jump on one leg, “three” on the other, “four” jump legs together, you can add half a revolution or a full revolution inside the jump ropes.

For a given rhythm, you can come up with a lot of combinations, even including an element of gymnastics.
