Make a rar set. Rare items

I’ll say right away that I didn’t look for much information, being guided by a principle proven in life - if you want it to be the way you want it, do it yourself %)
But links to technically competent information are welcome.
Data used:
-the game itself
-information from other players (write information here, I will add it to this first post)

So, Masterwork items, a little theory.

When crafting according to a recipe that is not 100% (requires clarification), there is a chance to get not an ordinary item, but a foundation item. BS Mammon turns this item into a Masterwork item with the help of the Mammon Varnish Enhancer, which sells the Merchant of Mammon at a price of 100k regular adena per piece.

Transformation scheme:

Foundation weapon: changes to Masterwork weapon.

Foundation B jewelry: changes to Masterwork jewelry.

Foundation sealed A,S jewelry: changes to sealed Masterwork jewelry (which is then unpacked as usual).

Foundation B body armor: Changes to Masterwork armor.

Foundation sealed A,S body armor: changes to sealed Masterwork armor (which is then unpacked as normal).

Foundation B helmet: changes to Masterwork helmet of one of 3 types: Heavy/LA/Robe use. Any of them can then be exchanged for another at BS Mammon, free of charge.

Foundation sealed A helmet: changes to a sealed Masterwork helmet of one of 3 types: Heavy/LA/Robe use. Any of them can then be exchanged for another at BS Mammon, free of charge.

Important! The Sealed Masterwork Helmet unpacks like a regular Helmet, but after that it cannot be exchanged for another type. Therefore, I do not recommend unpacking masterwork helmets, especially since this is not necessary - the characteristics do not change and the helmet is not part of the set, neither sealed nor unsealed.

Foundation sealed S helmet: changes to sealed Masterwork helmet (which is then unpacked like a regular helmet).

Foundation sealed B gloves/boots: exchanged for sealed Masterwork item, which can then be unpacked for free into one of 3 types: Heavy/LA/Robe use, from a regular BS in the city. And pack and unpack it in a different form.

Foundation B gloves/boots Heavy/LA/Robe (unpacked from BS in the city): exchanged for the corresponding masterwork gloves/boots. Next they are packed and unpacked at BS in the city.

Foundation sealed A gloves/boots: change to sealed masterwork gloves/boots, which are then unpacked as usual, into one of 3 types: Heavy/LA/Robe Use. To exchange for another type, just like regular ones, they are first packaged, then unpacked into another type.

Foundation sealed S gloves/boots: change to sealed masterwork gloves/boots (which are then unpacked like regular ones).

Rare items provide qualitatively all or part of the bonuses of the corresponding set. How much quantitatively - that's what I'm here and want to find out. All rare parts of the same type (“rare set”) do not provide any additional bonuses (in particular, they do not change the main parameters (STR, DEX, etc.) like regular sets.

Grace Finale:
All rare parts of the same type or rare body top or full + any combination of simple and rare bottom/helmet/peppers/bots do not provide set bonuses.

A regular top or full body + any combination of simple and rare bottoms/helmet/peppers/bots give a set bonus (and each rare item gives its own bonus). It is no longer possible to craft a rare body.

The practical meaning of this is that the rare body gives a noticeably greater bonus than other parts. Therefore, if it is available, the set bonus is not given, so that the rare set is not noticeably better than the usual one. The remaining rare parts give small bonuses, so a set with rare parts is not fundamentally better than a regular one.

Rare armor

Doom Boots(information from Orc_Bibigon):
A Masterwork Item that increases Max HP and increased Breath Gauge.
Bonus to Max HP: +53.
Breath Bonus: Unknown.

Blue Wolf Helmet(information from Raffard):
Bonus to Max MP: +90.

Masterwork Blue Wolf Boots.
Blue Wolf Boots.
A Masterwork Item that increases Speed ​​and MP regeneration rate.
Speed ​​bonus: +1.
MP regeneration bonus: unknown.

Blue Wolf Boots.
Rare item that increases physical defense.
Bonus to Pdef: +0.9% .
MP regeneration bonus: unknown.

Blue Wolf Boots.
A Masterwork Item that increases Max MP and MP regeneration rate.
Bonus to Max MP: +34.
MP regeneration bonus: unknown.

Masterwork Tallum gloves (Thanks to Polubog for providing the peppers for testing).
Tallum Gloves:
ASpd Bonus: +0.8%
Weight limit bonus: +1.39%

Tallum Gloves
A Masterwork Item that increases MP regeneration rate, Max MP, poison resistance and bleed resistance.
Bonus MP regen: unknown, Bonus to Max MP: +37.
Bonus to resists - unknown, presumably ~+8% each.

Tallum Gloves:
A Masterwork Item that increases M. Def. and resistance to poison/bleed.
Mdef Bonus: +1.13% Mdef.
Bonus to resists - unknown, presumably ~+8% each.

Tallum Helmet(information from MrCubical):
A Masterwork Item that increases Casting Spd., M. Def., poison resistance and bleeding resistance.
Bonus with CSpd: no.
MDef Bonus: Unknown.

Tallum Helmet(information from Renka):
A Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., weight limit, poison resistance and bleed resistance.
ASpd Bonus: +1.3%
Weight limit bonus: +2.08%
Bonus to resists - unknown.

Tallum Plate Armor(information from MrCubical):
A Masterwork Item that increases Atk. Spd., weight limit, poison resistance and bleed resistance.
ASpd Bonus: +9.3% - 9.5%
Weight limit bonus: +11.82%
Bonus to resists - unknown.

Masterwork DC Robe "set" (information from Selestine).
Dark Crystal Robe:
Bonus with CSpd: +15%.
PDef Bonus: Unknown.
Speed ​​bonus: +3.

Dark Crystal Helmet
A Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Casting Spd. and Speed, and decreases Casting Interrupt, and increases paralysis resistance.
Bonus with CSpd: no.
PDef Bonus: Unknown.
Speed ​​bonus: +2.
Bonuses to protection from cast interruption and paralysis resistance: unknown.

Dark Crystal Boots
A Masterwork Item that increases P. Def., Casting Spd. and Speed, and decreases casting interrupt and paralysis resistance.
Bonus with CSpd: no.
PDef Bonus: Unknown.
Speed ​​bonus: +1.
Bonuses to protection from cast interruption and paralysis resistance: unknown.

Dark Crystal Gloves
A Masterwork Item that increases physical P. Def. and moving speed, and decreases magic cancel rate and resistance to paralysis.
PDef Bonus: Unknown.
Speed ​​bonus: +1.
Bonuses to protection from cast interruption and paralysis resistance: unknown.

In total, the “set” gives +15% CSpd, ~+8% Pdef, +7 Speed, bonuses to protection from cast interruption and paralysis resistance are unknown and it is not possible to calculate them.
Regular DC Robe set.
Masterwork DC Robe "set".

I find it difficult to comment. On the one hand, a rare “set” in total gives seemingly the same amount as the actual bonus of a regular set, without giving +2 WIT. But on the other hand, there is a discrepancy between the descriptions for the helmet and the bots, what is the mistake here, and how it should actually be; the same +15% CSpd, but “scattered” over 3 items, or only the robe gives +CSpd, and the helmet and bots should not give (as it is now, then the description of the items is incorrect). Either the description is correct, and the helmet and bots should give +CSpd separately, in which case the total +Cspd bonus may be greater than or equal to the bonus of a regular set (+15% plus bonus from +2 WIT).
To summarize, there are many shortcomings and outright bugs in the masterwork system of things...

Majestic Circlet(information from PepperJam)
A Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk. for bows and crossbows, increases Max MP, Weight Limit, and stun resistance.
Bonus to PAtk: +0.85%.
Bonus to Max MP: +60.
Weight limit bonus: +2.09%.

Majestic Circlet.
Increases resistance to shock attacks and P. Atk./accuracy.
Bonus to PAtk: +0.57%.

Majestic Plate Armor(information from First Elf)
Bonus to PAtk: +8.22%.
Bonus to Accuracy: +6.
Stun resistance bonus: unknown.

Majestic Boots(information from First Elf)
A Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Accuracy and stun resistance.
Bonus to PAtk: +0.4%.
Accuracy Bonus: Stun Resistance Bonus: unknown.

Majestic Gauntlet.
A Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., Accuracy and stun resistance.
Bonus to PAtk: +0.36%.
Accuracy Bonus: Stun Resistance Bonus: unknown.

Armor Of Nightmare(information from Wella)
A Masterwork Item that increases P. Atk., sleep resistance and hold resistance.
Bonus to PAtk: +17%.
Bonuses to leep resistance and hold resistance: unknown.

Ring of Black Ore(information from Doc)
Bonus to Max MP: +9.

Tateossian Ring(information from Darkinside)
A Masterwork Item that increases earth resistance.
Bonus to Earth resistance: +1.

Rare guns.
Kris - Confusion(information from Yolly)
A Masterwork Item that increases Evasion.
Bonus to evasion: +3.6.
Those. will add 3 after rounding. But if you insert SA evasion into it, which gives 2.41, then together they will give 6 evasion.

Sword Of Damascus - Earth(information from
Bonus to Max HP: +319.

Shyeed's Bow - Concentration(information from Polubog)
Accuracy bonus: +4.

Sword of Miracles - Holy Spirit(information from Kwenta)
A Masterwork Item that increases heal amount.
Bonus to heal: +42 +/- 5.

Dragon Hunter Ax - Lightning(thanks to BARABASHA for testing):
A Masterwork Item that increases critical rate.
Despite the description, it does not add critical, but increases critical damage (gj, NCsoft testers%)).
The bonus to critical damage is either percentage ~+30-35% (like DW/Dance of Fire) or const, like SA CD, then the bonus to critical damage is const ~+615 PAtk on a crit. I'm guessing the latter, like HD (see below).

Forgotten Blade - Thunder(thanks to Gemini for the screen found).
A Masterwork Item that increases critical attack rate.
Bonus to critical: +55 +/- 1.
A very good bonus. Considering that there is also SA Focus, +84.3, under the full buff it turns out to be ~363 critical. Increase in dps from Thunder ~10%. Or in other words, FB+3 Focus Thunder ~FB+6 Focus.

Heaven's Divider - Lightning(thanks to Keel for testing).

A Masterwork Item that increases the critical attack impact.
Gives a fixed increase to Patk on a critical hit, +360 +/-100 Patk. This error is due to the large spread of damage and high base Patk. Those. PAtk on a crit without a nipple is 3.4k+, the damage spread is around 80, this is already a Patk spread of about 500. I give the number simply based on well-matched average values. In principle, this is my mistake, I gave several buffs to Patk, but it should have been the other way around, so that PAtk was as small as possible.
But this is not important, the important thing is that the masterwork HD property is a la SA CD for daggers, i.e. plus a fixed PAtk value on a crit, which is not affected by buffs, nipples, or anything. This is clearly visible in 3 series of measurements - first hits without nipples, the bonus to Patk is noticeable (crit damage ~2.2x), then a series of hits with nipples and then everything is immediately clear, the crit damage is noticeably less (~2.08x) - that means fixed increase, it is not affected by nipples, so the crit multiplier is lower. And a control experiment - a series of hits with DW, the net multiplier should be 2.7x, here 2.79x. Those. with a full buff, 5x+ crit multiplier and normal titan patka (tens of k), you simply won’t notice this increase from rare HD.
To summarize - titans, you shouldn’t bother with masterwork HD)

Draconic Bow - Lightning(information from PoraTblu):
A Masterwork Item that increases Max HP.
Bonus to Max HP: +444.

Angel Slayer - Concentration(information from
A Masterwork Item that increases Accuracy.
Accuracy bonus: +3.

Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge - Thunder(information from
A Masterwork Item that increases the critical attack rate.
Bonus to critical: +55 +/- 1.

Arcana Mace - Nature(information from Said):
A Masterwork Item that increases Max MP.
Bonus to Max MP: +289.

Technical information

Atk. Spd = DEX Modifier * Weapon Atk.Spd. * Passives (%) * Buffs (%) * Armor Bonus (%) * Weapon Bonus (%) * M.Def. Bonus (%) + Buffs (const) + Passives (const)
(%) - multiplier, increases the product by a certain amount
(const) - term (constant) - added to Aspd after all factors are taken into account.
A slightly modified formula with l2p, taking into account the changes in the latest chronicles, although I’m not sure about passives - const ASpd, it seems to be from the skills of subs.
Aspd = 1.13 * 433 * 1.33 * 1.08 * 1.2 * 1.15 * 1.008 ] * 1.07 * 1.04 = 1087 ASpd.

Max MP = ((Base MP*MEN Modifier)*Buffs*Weapon Bonus)+Boost Mana+Robe Bonus+Set Bonus+Armor Bonus
The base MP values ​​on l2p are outdated, L2Calculator also does not calculate it quite correctly, so I won’t give an example, simply, the bonus of a rare item is an Armor bonus, const, a term that is added to MP regardless of other modifiers.

M.Def. = (Jewelry M.Def.*Level Modifier*MEN Modifier*Armor Bonus (%)*Buffs (%)) + M.Def. Mastery (const) + Buffs (const)
The bonus of a rare item is a multiplier (Armor Bonus).
MDef = (48*2+71*2+95) * 1.66 * 1.31 * 1.013 ] * 1.3 * 1.2 = 1144 MDef.

It is not possible to test a very small bonus to MP regen, as well as resistance to poison/bleed. In principle, you can test for damage, but this is quite difficult, and the information on them is not very relevant.

Critical Damage
PAtk on critical hit = 2*PAtk*Soulshot bonus*Buffs (%)*Mdef bonus (%) + Critical power passive (const) + SA CD (const)
Soulshot bonus =2 if used.
The bonus of a rare item is either % (as an additional buff) or an additional const term.
AS CD (+265 PAtk), PAtk 1500, pacifier kick.
PAtk on critical hit = 2 * 1500 * 2 * 1.35 (DW3) * 1.35 (Dance of Fire) * 1.2 (CoV) * 1.15 (AQ) + 265 = 15355 Patk
Those. critical damage will be ~5.12 times stronger than a normal hit (PAtk 3000 with pacifier).

Accuracy = ((square root of DEX)*6)+Level+Weapon Accuracy+Passive+Armor Bonus+Guidance SA+MDef Bonus+Buffs
Those. Everything is simple here - all accuracy modifiers are const terms. Bonus rare weapons you can simply add up to the accuracy of the gun itself.

When attempting to create items of rank B or higher, there is a small chance of creating a rare item. Created items cannot be equipped immediately; they require special processing.

Since the installation of the Gracia Final expansion, rare armors have been included in armor sets, except for the rare top or solid armor.

How to get a rare item?

When attempting to create items of rank B or higher, there is a small chance of creating a rare item. "Chaotic" is added to the item name. Created items cannot be equipped immediately; they require special processing.

How to remove a seal?

A rare item cannot be equipped or broken into crystals. To remove the Seal of Chaos on an item you will need Special Composition of Mammon. The Blacksmith of Mammon can remove the seal.

S84 (Weapons and Armor of Venus)16 11 9
(Weapon of Icarus, Destino)
14 9 7
12 7 5
S7 4 3
A3 2 2
B1 1 1

Seal removal procedure:

  1. Buy Special Composition of Mammon from the Merchant of Mammon.
  2. Remove the Seal of Chaos from an item from the Blacksmith of Mammon.
  3. Remove the normal seal from an item (for armor and accessories) from the Blacksmith of Mammon or Master Ishuma.

Rare Weapon Effects

EarthIncreases Max. HP.
LandslideChance to stun the enemy on impact.
Holy SpiritIncreases the effectiveness of treatment.
Evil spiritAbsorbs enemy HP when hit.
ToothChance to poison an enemy on impact.
FireIncreases HP recovery speed.
NatureIncreases Max. MP.
LightningIncreases critical strike power.
WisdomReduces MP consumption when using a skill.
Great StormIncreases Spd. Atk.
ConcentrationIncreases accuracy.
ThunderIncreases critical hit chance.
ClairvoyanceIncreases attack range.
GiftednessIncreases MP recovery speed.
DestructionIncreases physical attack.
hailIncreases magic attack.
ConfusionIncreases evasion.

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→ Rar things in lineage 2: weapons and gear

A lot of time has passed since magicians in Avadon could calmly go to the Olympics, and the DK set only aroused envy. With the release of more and more L2 chronicles, the store is replenished with new sets and weapons.

Expanding the range of equipment in the store

As the character's levels increased, the need for new gear and weapons appeared. New armor sets can be collected by leveling up in new locations and completing new quests in them.

However, not only armor can provide additional bonuses to the lineup; weapons, for example, can also provide the owner with some additional stat. Rar weapons or gear are gold in color, and unpacking them (on chronicles, where there is also the 7 Seals event) costs a little more than regular things.

Of course, you won’t find gold items in the L2 store; in order to acquire them, you will either have to spend a lot of money or constantly craft things. The higher the grade in the line of 2 weapons, the lower the chance of crafting with additional bonuses. Therefore in

How to get PAR gear in Lineage 2 Revolution
craft, drop, get RAR gear fluff
Fail Craft

First craft of UR gear! | Def 1

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Lifehacks in Lineage Revolution, sharpening, drops from RB, as well as crafting PAR items in the top mobile game Lineage 2: Revolution
