A unique tutorial for playing poker at micro-limits! A poker tutorial for beginners with detailed instructions on how to play. A tutorial for playing poker at micro-limits.

We are pleased to present you a unique series of materials designed specifically for low-limit players who want to quickly move to higher stakes with minimal time investment.

About the Self-Teacher

A tutorial for Microlimits is unique project, which has no analogues in the world. You can take advantage of its benefits only at the Pokeroff poker school and nowhere else.

What is a tutorial? We noticed some time ago that articles were perhaps the most ineffective method of teaching - many of the explicit and unambiguous recommendations that we offered to our students were simply not followed up, since very few found the strength to simply read them, let alone remember. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the best way to teach would be a self-instruction manual that would offer students ready-made solutions that would always be before their eyes - this way they would never have to remember or learn anything, and they would be able to immediately make the right ones solutions, as well as analyze all your mistakes and failures without the help of a coach.

The main discipline for the future self-teacher was chosen No Limit Hold'em at short tables (5-6 players) with a full stack (100 big blinds), as the most promising and easy to learn.

Tables served our purposes best, but the only materials that were available were tables starting hands. We decided to go further and try to create tables for playing poker on all streets without exception, in which students could find answers to all their questions. How to play with top pair on the turn? What to do with a straight draw? Should you bet on the river? We wanted the answers to all these questions to finally be collected in one place.

This is how the “Self-Teacher for Microlimits” was born - a series of tables and explanatory video materials that will allow even the most inexperienced player to get used to poker in less than a week.

"Tutorial for Microlimits" is, without exaggeration, the most useful book about poker in the world. Why? There are no lengthy discussions or unclear advice in it. It teaches you how to play and, most importantly, how to win from day one of your poker career. And you don't need to remember anything! The key to a profitable poker strategy now fits on a few A4 sheets of paper!

What the Tutorial Looks Like: Solution Tables for Low Limits

The main part of the Microlimits Self-Teacher is the decision tables for low limits. They are the result of many months of work and are a one-of-a-kind guide to playing every street of poker.

Contrary to popular belief that it can't be done, we've organized all the knowledge you need to beat low stakes into a handy tabular form.

The tables are easy to use and intuitive. Using them is no more difficult than using the multiplication table - you just need to correctly determine the type of your hand, and also select the desired situation from the column on the left. Then, at the intersection of the selected column and row, you will find the correct action for the given situation. Moreover, each recommendation is unambiguous - it is either Bet, or Check, or Fold - so you will never get confused and can always make the right decision.

These unique materials cover about 80% of all situations that a player may encounter. In other words, the likelihood that when playing low-stakes decision tables you will encounter an unfamiliar or difficult situation minimal. All you have to do is relax and win money!

The tables are provided with detailed comments and examples, so you can never say that the definition of a particular situation or class of hands was incomplete or inaccurate.

The tables also contain comments and general recommendations on the size of bets and raises on various streets, which will help you play any situation correctly.

If you still have any questions related to determining the class of a hand or situation, you can always ask us in one of the lessons - you will receive the most complete and detailed answer.

The tables are designed for printing - at the end of the file with the tables you will find smaller versions of them, created specifically to make them convenient to use in printed form.

What does the Tutorial Guide look like: Video materials

The second part of the "Tutorial for Microlimits" is free video materials that explain decision tables. You definitely need to look through all the ones available on the Tutorial page - in them we analyze in detail dozens of hands using decision tables, and also explain the principle of operation of each table and give tips on increasing the returns from using the tables.

All video materials are in free access, you can contact them at any time.

Poker, like many other disciplines, can be learned on your own. But you must understand the most difficult point in this whole process: you will not always be able to understand whether you are moving in the right direction. The lack of prompts from a living person often delays progress or even leads to the fact that a person stops learning.

However, if we put aside this one drawback, we can say that it is possible to learn to play on your own. And now we will tell you how to achieve this.

Required elements of a poker tutorial

First of all, you must understand that no training will produce results if it is not supported by practice. You can read best books, communicate with professionals and watch recordings of the most important championships, but if you don’t play yourself, you won’t understand a lot.

Plus, not all things are one-size-fits-all. Each player has his own tactics, and you can only understand what yours is by trying everything available

From the very first day of training register at your chosen poker room and start playing.

If you plan to play for real money over time, then we would not recommend turning to gaming applications, like World Poker Club, Poker Shark and so on. They are played by those who perceive poker solely as entertainment. Their style of play has nothing in common with real experience, so such practice will not bring much benefit to you.

Most poker rooms also have modes where you can play with virtual currency. Even if this is similar to what “toys” offer, the audience for them is more serious - often these are those who are simply taking a break from the real money game modes.

Therefore, if you are at that stage when you don’t even really know the rules yet or haven’t memorized the combinations, then you can start with this.

Over time, as you master the basics, move on to micro-limits. The mood of playing for real money will be completely different, and you also need to get used to it. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can move on to devoting yourself to intentional learning.

The best poker tutorial

As in any other area, books are almost The best way learn something new. Poker is no exception. In the not too long history of this game, not many guides have been written, but all of them are worthy of attention.

Some (David Sklansky's Theory of Poker) focus on general points that develop real-time thinking and decision-making skills. Thanks to them, you will understand how the game works and how to make your game exactly yours.

Others (Harrington on Hold'em by Dan Harrington) cover more specific topics but devote more attention to them. So, this work is a classic, and many professionals admitted that it was with its help that they came to what they have at the moment.

Others (Alan Schoonmaker's The Psychology of Poker or Roy Rounder's Poker Math Made Easy) are even more specialized, but take you into narrow but incredibly important areas of poker without which you will never reach the professional level.

We have a variety of literature-based materials, broken down by both the topics they cover and the level of difficulty, so you can start learning poker from scratch and move on to more advanced topics.

Do not immediately turn to the heaviest books. Even in the “Poker Self-Tutorials” for beginners you will find important and new things for yourself.

Videos and articles

Books are structured knowledge that is accumulated and collected into a single whole of experience. Articles are something that is on the agenda and can make your game better at the moment.

With the help of short text materials you can get acquainted with trends, learn about some techniques that are just beginning to be offered experienced players from all over the world. An important element are tests already past games, where the actions of other players are analyzed step by step.

VODs (video on demand) are similar in content, but differ in presentation. Most often, such videos are a recording gameplay with player comments. It can be either a real-time game or a recording

The convenience of video is that you see visualized information that is easier to perceive. The author offers a distribution - you pause and think about what you would do yourself - turn on the video again and see the solution and result. This can be considered a self-test that also develops your skills.


There are quite popular paid courses on the Internet, but with the help of poker tutorials you can just as successfully master the field on your own, spending only on books that will be useful to you in the future. The only thing that can help you a lot is knowledge of English.

Poker, a game played all over the world. The first mention of a game similar to poker dates back to 1526. In that early poker, three cards were dealt per hand, and the game was called “primero” in Spain and Italy and “la prime” in France. The game included the announcement of bets, and the evaluated combinations were: three of a kind, pairs, and also three cards of the same suit, called a flush.

In 1700, bluffing, which had appeared by that time, was combined with the announcement of bets and the handing of not three, but five cards, and the games became known as Brag in England, Pochen in Germany and Poque in France. In these precursors to the game of poker, bluffing, or announcing a high bet while holding bad cards to get other players out of the pot was an important element. It is likely that the French name “poke” is a copy of the German, and the name “rocker” comes from the French.

In the Brag, Pohen and Pook games there was only one betting round. Revealing the cards—all players showing the cards in their hands to reveal the winner—occurred immediately after the end of this round. The seniority of hands was determined by the following sequence: four identical (high); full house- (full house - three identical and a couple of others); three are identical; two pairs; one pair and no pair (high card - the highest ranking card is taken into account).

The game of poker was brought to America by French colonists who first settled in Louisiana and then settled up the Missouri River and throughout the country. Poker in its modern version was first mentioned in 1829 in the memoirs of the English actor Joe Cowel, who traveled around America. In 1834, poker began to be played with a deck of 52 cards. At one time poker was a national card game U.S.A. It is still the most popular card game in the United States.

The return of poker from the States to Europe began after the US Ambassador to Great Britain, Colonel Jacob Schenck, introduced the game to the court of Queen Victoria in 1870. In fact, Schenck drew up a code of rules for the Queen, who expressed her interest in the game. However, in those years the game was not distributed throughout Europe. It was only spread there during the First World War by soldiers of the American Expeditionary Force.

Rules of the game:

Poker is played with different decks - 32, 36, 52 cards, and maybe 54. The number of players is from two to five with a deck of 32 cards, from two to six with a deck of 36 cards, from two to nine with a deck of 52 cards. 54 cards. Before the game starts, each player deposits a certain bet into the bank.

Poker has many varieties. Short joker poker is played with 33 cards (a deck of 32 cards and a joker). Each partner plays five cards. Sometimes they play without trump cards, sometimes the trump suit is determined in this way: the distributor, who is determined by lot, allows the neighbor on the right to remove the deck and distributes five cards to everyone and reveals the first top card, which is the trump card according to the rules. This card is placed face up to the side of the deck. The strength of the cards is determined by the available combinations. There are no higher suits - all suits are equal.

Card rank in descending order:

joker, ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven

Precedence of combinations in ascending order:

five different cards
one pair - two cards of the same value (7 spades, 7 clubs)
two pairs (7 spades, 7 clubs and 8 spades, 8 clubs)
straight - five cards in a row of different stripes(8 of spades, 9 of clubs, 10 of spades, jack of hearts, queen of hearts)
three - three cards of the same value (10 spades, 10 clubs, 10 hearts) full - a pair + three (10 clubs, 10 diamonds and king of clubs, king of diamonds, king of hearts)
suit - any five cards of the same suit
four of a kind - four cards of the same value (for example, 10 spades, 10 clubs, 10 diamonds, 10 hearts)
flush - five cards in a row of the same suit (street of the same suit)

poker - five cards of the same value of different suits (the fifth card is a joker). The strongest combination in the game, the joker (the card with the image of a “robot”) replaces any card missing and necessary for the player to have the strongest combination. If, for example, a player has two pairs after the deal, and the fifth card is a joker, then he has a full. Moreover, the joker replaces the card in the top pair.

The seniority of combinations is determined by the highest cards, regardless of the suit. If the players have combinations of equal value, then there is a draw between them, and the pot is divided equally. A pair of aces is higher than any other pair. With two pairs, the highest cards will be the player with the higher pair.

The seniority of the street is determined by the highest card. , The exception is the so-called reverse straight: ace, 7, 8, 9, 10 (here the ace seems to be considered a six). The reverse straight is the lowest of the straights. The highest three is three aces. The seniority of the full is determined by the seniority of the cards that make up the three.

The seniority of the suit is determined by the highest card. If the highest cards of both partners are the same, then look at the next cards, etc. The seniority of the combination can be determined by the fifth, most last card. The seniority of a flush combination is determined by the highest card. The Joker can be assigned to any card the player wishes.

Progress of the game:

After the cards are dealt, trading begins. Each player decides whether to take part in the game or not, and announces his decision with the words “pass” or “play.” If the first one says “pass”, he either drops out of further “trading”, or adds to the bank any amount not exceeding that agreed upon in advance, calling it out loud. The next one can pass or put no less into the pot than the previous player (more is possible). The same applies to each next one.

After the last one, it’s the first one’s turn again, etc. If everyone but one has passed, he is given the pot. His cards are not checked in this case. If all but two have passed, then any of these remaining ones, after the partner’s next contribution to the bank, can either:

a) say “pass” and thereby, without checking your partner’s cards, give him the bank; b) put into the bank no less than the partner’s last bet (more is possible) and give the partner the right to decide what to do next; c) put no less than the partner’s last bet into the bank and say “we’ll open.” After this, the partners compare each other’s cards and the one with the stronger combination takes the pot. The game is over. The next one begins with a new collection of bets and distribution of cards.

Varieties of poker differ from each other in the order of bets, the order of changing cards and their number. For example, in Odessa poker they play not with one, but with two jokers. If there are two jokers in one trick in a game, then the one placed last is considered senior. Sometimes, by agreement, poker is played by counting points for each trick. When playing for points for a bribe, as usual, you need to move with the required suit. If it is not there, again a trump card; if it is not there, discard any card.

Each player places his bribes near himself. Anyone can watch them at any time. Scoring occurs when all tricks have been played. for 3-4 tricks when playing with a partner or alone - 1 point; for 5 tricks (through march) with a partner - 2 points. If the leader of the game cannot take three tricks, he loses. In this case, the opposing team scores 2 minus points on their opponents' account. The team that manages to get 5 points first wins and receives a bonus from its opponents.

If the opponents of the playing team do not have a single point in this game, the bonus is worth 3 points. If the opposing team has already managed to take 1 or 2 points, the bonus is 2 points. If the opponents already have 3 points, the bonus is 1 point.

Threesome game:

The player acting as the leader plays against the other two. For three or four tricks he gets 1 point, for a through march (5 tricks one after the other) - 3 points. If he loses, each of the two players receives 2 points. Whoever scores 5 points first is the winner. If two succeed at once, the third pays an additional bonus by agreement. It is prohibited for one of the two to play against the host of the game.

Two-player game:

If two people play poker for points, then each player represents a separate team. All sevens and eights are discarded from the deck. For a through march - 2 points. Otherwise, everything is the same as in a three-player game.

Tired of losing money in online poker? Can't climb the limits? Don't have time to study theory?

We bring to your attention the Bettr.ru Self-Teacher - a specialized program for effective poker training, which consists of interactive charts for any gaming situation. The poker tutorial was developed by professional coaches taking into account the generally accepted strategy and dynamics of the game at micro-limits. The program allows you to quickly master and remember basic poker principles without spending time studying theory.

All you need is to correctly assess the game situation and find a table with a solution in the poker game tutorial. You don’t need to think about the next step, everything has already been decided and written down in the table! *

“Tutorial for micro-limits” in Russian, English and Chinese(previously titled: “Micro Limit Decision Tables” / “Poker Made Easy”) is protected by copyright law Russian Federation, US copyright law, and is also listed in the Russian State Library and the US Library of Congress in accordance with the application for copyright protection (No. 1-9H23L5 dated 02.24.2011).
“Self-instruction manual for microlimits” is the intellectual property of O.V. Kononosov, the sole author of the manual.
Use and distribution of the “Tutorial for Microlimits” or any of its fragments (including with proven modifications, as well as in the form of software algorithms and ready-made applications without an explicit text form) for commercial purposes, for the purpose of teaching how to play poker on any other portal ( except Bettr.ru), as well as for the purpose of popularizing the game, is possible only with the written permission of the author.

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