Demon invasion and event before Legion - Guide (UPD). Guide to demonic invasions in the WOW Legion pre-patch Legion Invasion Event

Demon Invasions will be available on the living World servers of Warcraft is just a few weeks away from the release of Legion.

The demonic invasion will affect six locations original game. Invasions will continue throughout the Legion pre-patch; To access them, it is not necessary to complete the quest chain on the Broken Shore:

  • Invasion: Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill)
  • Invasion: Westfall (Watch Hill)
  • Invasion: Azshara (near the Gates of Orgrimmar)
  • Invasion: Dun Morogh (Kharanos Village)
  • Invasion: Northern Barrens (Crossroads)
  • Invasion: Tanaris (Gadbambasque)

Achievements for the Legion Invasion (prepatch 7.0.3)

By completing missions in one location, you will receive the achievement Confronting the Legion, and by completing missions in all six zones, you will receive the achievement Defender of Azeroth: Legion Invasions.

Both achievements are in the Rituals of Power category: you only have a few weeks to earn them. These achievements will no longer be possible to complete after Legion is released.

Invasion stages

Each Legion pre-patch invasion is a group scenario with multiple stages:

  • Stage 1: Defend an invasion point, such as Kharanos in Dun Morogh or Crossroads in the Barrens.
  • Stage 2: Eliminate the two lieutenants and the demon commander.
  • Stage 3: Drive the Legion forces out of the location. You can open the map to see where the enemies are currently located. Progress comes from killing enemies and saving friendly NPCs.
  • Stage 4: Kill the demon boss at the invasion point. The bosses are quite strong, with powerful abilities - they are not easy to defeat.

Against the demonic threat, you will fight alongside the opposing faction (Alliance and Horde) and one of the leaders may come to your aid (for example, Muradin and Moira in Dun Morogh).

In addition, in each location there will be special mounts or devices (steam tanks, for example), as well as used items that can cause great damage (in Dun Morogh these are bombs).

As the battle progresses, you can gain buffs such as Hero's Resolve and Inspiration.

Video of the demon invasion in the Legion pre-patch:

Nether Shards in WOW Legion prepatch

  • Equipment Set: Fel-Infused Cloth Armor for 200 OP
  • Equipment Set: Felshroud Leather Armor for 200 OP
  • Equipment Set: Fel Ring Mail Armor for 200 OP
  • Equipment set: plate armor from the fel forge for 200 OP

Note: items you can get as loot from chests (Large Legion Chest and Small Legion Chest) have the same appearance, as transmog sets.

If you only need them for transmog, it will be much easier and faster to buy a set than to farm chests.

When all 9 stacks of the effect are gone, you can turn into a Doomguard for 1 minute using the ability Submit to Darkness.

Strategy: If your ability Cloak of Darkness is on cooldown, look for places away from the city guards: if you are killed, all progress and all stacks of the effect will be lost.

IN Lately Blizzard has a tradition of creating small events in honor of the release of the next expansion. 2 weeks before the official release, the developers will present “Legion Invasion” on Azeroth, which can be played by players who have pre-ordered it or not.

Also, starting August 10, gamers will be able to try out the new Demon Hunter class (only those who have purchased Legion will be able to play).

So, we present a guide to the Legion invasion in the pre-patch.

The event can only be completed before the release of the addon, since after the release of Legion the invasion will no longer be available. After completing the quests, we will receive two achievements: Stand Against the Legion and Defender of Azeroth: Invasions of the Legion.

Quests are located in the zones: Azshara, Dun Morogh, Zilsbrad Foothills, Northern Steppes, Tanaris, Westfall. To get the second achievement, you must complete all tasks related to the invasion in all six locations.

How to complete Legion invasion quests?

  • In each location described above there will be several stages of completing quests:
  • Point defense (city in location)
  • Destroy the demon commanders and lieutenants
  • Finish off the remnants of the Legion.
  • Kill the elite mob at the end of the stages. It is worth noting that when the boss is killed, one of the kings of the Horde or Alliance will come to the rescue (they are allies in the invasion).

As a highlight, we can note the presence of many mobs and interactive objects, for example, catapults.

Rewards for the Demon Invasion in the pre-patch

For each invasion you can get about 40 Void Shards, which are spent on various bonuses and gear.

Rewards for shards:


Cost (Void Shards)

ilvl 700 Necklaces

ilvl 700 Rings

ilvl 700 Accessories

Harbingers of Doom

With the release of the Invasion, NPCs of Doom will appear in faction capitals. By approaching them and talking, they give you a leaflet, and for collecting all 12 different leaflets you can get an achievement. Now this all makes sense - you can get it before the patch comes out.

In the prepatch Legion, which is expected to release on July 20, will feature demonic invasions, quests on the Broken Shore, and many new rewards. In this guide you will learn how to find and close all the new content that will appear in prepatch 7.0.

If you are interested in learning about all the innovations that await players before the release of 7.0, we recommend reading about the changes in the prepatch Legion.

Demon Invasions will only be available for a few weeks before the expansion's release.

The invasion will take place in six zones: Azshara, Dun Morogh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Northern Barrens, Tanaris, Westfall.

Completing one invasion will reward you with the achievement Confronting the Legion, and completing all six Defender of Azeroth: Legion Invasions. You will only have a few weeks to obtain these great feats.

Not all incursions will be active at the same time. To find out which invasion is active, open the world map.

Stages of invasion

Each invasion is a group scenario with several stages:

    Stage 1: Defend the invasion location.

    Stage 2: Kill the demon commander, as well as two lieutenants.

    Stage 3: Defeat the Legion forces near the invasion location. You can open the map to see where the enemy forces are. Kill monsters and rescue wounded NPCs to fill up your progress bar.

    Stage 4: Defeat the boss in the invasion zone. The bosses are quite difficult and have dangerous attacks. If you are not a tank, you will die very quickly.

The opposite faction will help you destroy the demonic forces. Several faction leaders will also join in stopping the invasion: Trade Prince Gallywix in Azshara, Xin Gogelmogel in Tanaris, and Muradin and Moira in Dun Morogh. During combat, you can use siege weapons like the Destroyer in Azshara and Mech Tanks in Dun Morogh to deal more damage.

Nether Shards and rewards

Nether Shards can be obtained for various stages of the invasion, 260 for the entire event.

In the Illidari camps that are located near the invasion zones, as well as Orgrimmar and Stormwind, you can exchange shards for various items.

For Nether Shards you can get transmog sets, level 700 equipment, and a pet - bat Fel.

Also, for completing the second and fourth stages of the invasion, you will receive a Small Legion Chest and Large Legion Chest, respectively. In addition to Nether Shards, you will find items of equipment with the fel mark of level 685 in them.

From the large chest you can also get a level 700 weapon and an item that increases the level of weapons obtained during the invasion to 725.

Heralds of Doom

Shtorgrad and Orgrimmar were filled with doomsayers with their signs. After talking with one of them, you will receive a special leaflet.

Collecting all 12 flyers will earn you the It All Makes Sense Now achievement. This is also a great feat; you can only complete it during this event.

Dark whisper

Random players in Stormwind and Orgrimmar they will begin to hear mysterious whispers. Shortly after this, you will receive a panel with 5 abilities, as well as 9 stacks of the Frail Mind buff. If you don't want to play, just uncheck it.

Once all 9 stacks are spent, you will be able to transform into the Dreadlord for a minute.

Secret items

Secret Item Sellers are only available if you have not yet completed the Broken Shore event. You must be at least level 98 and have started the Broken Shore quest chain. Please note that you must not enter the ship in the Battle of the Broken Shore scenario to see these vendors.
