Final fantasy 3 psp professions. Final Fantasy III Walkthrough

The walkthrough is written based on the Russian fan translation of FF III, so the names of the characters, the names of all locations, spells and weapons are written based on this translation.
. You can name the characters at the beginning of the game whatever you want. This will not have any effect on the game.
. Where the level of the characters is indicated, the level of my heroes when passing the game (naturally, it may differ for you, and preferably to a greater extent, since the more “pumped up” you are, the easier it is for you to play).
. The direction in the locations is indicated as - up, down, left, right. On the map - north, south.

After the first battle, we go up and open two chests - in the right is a Potion, in the left is a Leather Shield. Now we go up a little more and touch the stone to clear the passage further. We go to the right, take another Leather Shield from the chest and go up the steps. First, we go along the left passage and take the Breeze from the chest. Then to the right we get another Potion. Now we go up the central corridor to another fork. The enemies at this stage are very easy and are unlikely to cause any serious problems. From the chest at the end of the central corridor we take another Potion. We go to the right and drink from the source, while completely replenishing our vital and magical reserves. From the chest located near the source, take the second Breeze. By the way, as long as the source is nearby, you can upgrade your heroes a little. Then we go to the end of the left corridor and go up the steps.

We go forward and prepare for the battle with the first boss.

We move forward to the Crystal. After talking and watching the game's credits, we get the first five jobs for the characters: Fighter, Monk, Black, White and Red Mages. Now we must choose a different job for each character. The best choice at the moment is a party of Fighter, Monk, White and Red Mages, but no one is stopping us from changing our specialty at any time. We go up the magical pentagram to leave this place.

Once on the surface, we go back into the cave.

We go down to the steps. We move left to a room filled with treasure chests. We take the Long Sword, the Copper Ring, the black magic of Sleep and the Nunchaku for the monk, although you shouldn’t use them yet, as they reduce the force of the blow. We try not to fall into the hole, otherwise we will have to repeat the path to the Wind Crystal. Having collected the trophies, we return along the path along which we came here.

Global map Floating Continent

Heading south to the first city - Ur.


First, we relax in a hotel (a house marked Inn). We check the pot to the left of the bed for a Potion. We go into the left door, from the owner of the motel, and find ourselves in the pub. After talking with everyone, we search the pots on the right - in one of them there is another Potion. We leave the motel and head right, to the old man in a blue raincoat. After talking with him, we use the Potion on him and get an EchoLeaf as a reward. We go to the north of the city, where we find a small path and an old man who will tell you about the warehouse and monsters on the way to it. We walk along the path. Along the way you will have to fight weak monsters. In the end, we reach a small house - this is the storage room. There is a Potion down by the lake. We take 2 Antidotes from the storage (we search the pots) and talk to the old man. He will tell you about a secret passage that will open when you click on the right candle. Let's do it. We go through the secret hole and go right to the steps. There are 5 chests on the second floor. They contain: two Leather Shirts, a Dagger, a Long Sword and magic - Treatment level 1 (we give it to the White or Red magicians). We return to the city. We will find the new Potion near the lawn of flowers on the right bank of the lake. The motel has a hidden passage through the trees - there we will find a woman near the well, and in the well itself there are three Potions. In the city's stores you can purchase improved versions of weapons and armor for our heroes (if you don't have enough money, you can fight a little outside the city, especially since in the city you can restore vital and magic points completely free of charge) and white magic Purification (treatment of poison). We go to the Headman's house, heal at the left source, if necessary, and go to the Headman's room. We speak with Topapa, Nina and Nomak. After this we leave Ur.

Global map of the Floating Continent

To the south of Ur we will find the mining town of Kazus.

Going down the stairs, we will get on board the airship. We go to the helm and lift the airship into the air.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We fly west to Saison Castle.

Saison Castle

We go up a few screens until we get to the king's throne room. We speak with him and with the guards, having received important information about the vulnerable place of the dead and about the Genie. There is a secret room with treasures in the castle - we need to find a wall marked in black - after passing it, we will find 2000 gold, a Leather shield and Ice magic (Black magic of the first level.). There is another hiding place here - in the narrow corridor to the left of the stairs - there we will find Tonfa Nunchakus, but it is better not to equip the monk with them. We return to the castle courtyard and visit the left tower. The enemies here are quite strong for us, but in the tower you can find: Holy and Light Arrows, as well as the Paladin Sword (Red Mage). The paladin's sword is guarded by the strong monster Griffon. Having dealt with him, we visit the right tower of the castle. Here in the chests we select some more Arrows, Potion and Bow, if desired, resting in the princess’s bed. We leave the castle and fly by airship to the entrance to the Cave of the Seal (located in the north, behind the lake).

Cave of the Seal
(Team level: 6)

We go down and take the Potion from the chest. The local undead are very strong, but we can easily deal with them with the Heal spell and attacks from fighters. We go right and up the winding corridor. The next chest will give us the magic Healing Lv. 1 (we will need it if there is another magician on the team). Now we go down and go down the steps to the floor below. From the chest on the left we select 500 coins. Now click on the skull in the upper right corner of the room - we will open a secret corridor. Let's go there... We will meet Sarah - the daughter of King Saison. After a short dialogue, she will join the party, but not as a fighter. We walk along the corridor. At the fork, we first choose the lower path - we will find Veterok. Then we go up. The new enemies of this area - Coins and Lavrois - are destroyed in the same way as skeletons. In the chest we take Bright Eye. Now we go left, then down and we will meet the Genie. It is advisable to heal before the battle.

After defeating the boss, Princess Sarah will seal the Genie in the ring, and we will teleport to Saison Castle. We watch as Sarah throws the ring with the Genie sealed in it into the source and we find ourselves in the throne room. We speak with the king and receive a Canoe from him. We leave the castle and return to the global map.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We make our way on foot to the entrance to the Seal Cave (since we left our airship there). We cross the lake using a canoe and return to board the airship. We're flying to Kazus.


At the entrance we will be greeted by old Sid, who has regained his human form, like all the inhabitants of the town. He will join the team and advise us to talk to the local blacksmith Tako - he will be able to attach a ram to the airship, with the help of which we will overcome the blocking path on the global map - a huge stone (boulder). The Taco House is located in the north of the City. The blacksmith, as a token of gratitude for saving the city, will remake Sid's airship free of charge. There is a Potion in the jug next to the blacksmith. After leaving Tako's house, we head to the entrance to the Mithril Mine. We fight our way to the upper dead end and click on the third wall on the left. A passage will open to another room, in which we will find 2 Mithril swords. We leave the mine. Before the upcoming journey, it is advisable to relax in a motel and do a little shopping in stores: we need Mithril Rings (for magicians), Gloves (for a fighter), Shields, Armor and Helmets (for a fighter and a red mage), for weapons you can buy a Mithril Staff and a Dagger, and from magic - Fire (1 level of black magician). That's it, we have nothing more to do here, we're leaving the city.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We board the airship and fly to the stone... the ram will work and the ship will explode, so we will have to continue on foot. Near the mountain in the south we find the third city - Kanon.


Sid will leave us at the entrance, giving some parting advice. We visit the first house on the left (there are 2 doors: the right one goes to the house, the left one goes to the motel, we go to the right one). There is a Pie in a pot near the fireplace. We can talk to Sabrina and her mother. Now we go to the upper right corner of the city - the steps will lead into the river. Having gone down, we go along the river ford until we find the Elixir. Now we go to the house, which is located in the far left corner - this is Sid's house. We talk to him. His wife got sick. We use the Elixir on it (from the item menu, called up with one button). We speak with Sid. It will open the way to the candle. Click on it and a secret passage to Sid's vault will open. We go left and go down the steps. From the cache we will take: Greatbow, Potion, 2 Mijon, Softening (cures petrification), Ambrosia (can revive fallen friends), Heavy arrows and Dark magic (Black magic level 2). Now let's go down into the water - on the right side there is another cache with Softening, Potion, Heavy Arrows and Ambrosia. In the magic shop you can buy 2 more spells: Thunder and Poison (both are Level 2 Black Magic). We are leaving the city.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We are heading towards the mountain. In the air we will see Bahamut flying to the top.

We approach the moving grass - a voice will be heard from it, and then Darsh will appear. We will hear Bahamut's cry - the battle will begin. Beating him is a stupid and futile thing (I remember I soaked him for 2 hours). The only thing we have to do is just run away. We speak with Darsh. He will give us Mini magic (Level 2 White Magic) and join the team. Let's jump down...

Global map of the Floating Continent

We pass into the center of the small forest located to the right of the landing point.

We heal at the springs and talk to the little man - he will tell you about the city of Midgets in the southern forest.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We go to the southern forest and use Mini’s magic on all the characters in the squad (don’t forget that one magic spell can be used on one or all characters at once). We will end up in the Lilliputian city of Tozas.

While our characters are small, it is very difficult to fight enemies with simple weapons, so we either use magic or try to escape from the battlefield! We need to go 2 floors along the corridor to the left until we find ourselves on the map.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We go to the cave in the north.

Viking Base

You can return to normal! We follow the path until we reach a man sleeping in a bed and two candles on the sides of the corridor. Near the right candle there is a secret passage to a chest with 300 gold. We go up to the steps, but don’t go up, but go into the door on the right - this is a hotel. Here you can buy magic - we need 3 more spells of the second level and 3 of the first (soon we will be forced to make the whole group magicians!). Now we go up the steps. We go left and down the secret passage. We go down the steps. We talk to the old man. We take 600 gold from the chests. If necessary, fallen friends can be revived in this room. Now we return to the central passage and go right. In the secret passage, among the cores, we must find the way to a room with three chests. They have 3 magics - Ice lvl. 2, Fire Lv. 2 and Thunder lvl. 2 (all are Level 3 Black Magic). We return to the corridor and go right. If you wish, you can fire from a cannon. We go up the steps.

Global map of the Floating Continent

The ship is moored to the shore, but we don’t need it yet (except to pump up the exp). Our course is Nepto Temple on the southern peninsula.

Temple of Nepto
(Team level: 11)

Let's go to the dragon's head. She is missing one eye. We'll try to crawl through this hole. We use Mini's magic and go into battle. We pass the floor to the fork. In view of our miniform, it is better not to engage in battle with the local bastiary. Here we are at two holes. We go to the left and take the Helmet and Steel Armor (for the Fighter). We go back to the fork and into the right hole. We take the Snake Sword from the chest and continue through the right hole. We'll get to the third floor. We go along the long corridor straight to visit the boss. Before the battle, we heal and temporarily turn the fighters into dark magicians (if they have no or little MP, they will have to return to the Viking inn and “recharge”!), and also put all members of the squad in the back row.

After the victory, take the red eye of Nepto. Now you have to make a fascinating journey back to the dragon head statue. We return to our normal work, and equip the characters with their usual equipment (I'm talking about the fighter and the monk). We use Nepto's red eye on the statue and get a Water Fang from the sea dragon.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We can return to the Viking base for treatment and sell unnecessary junk. We board the ship moored near the exit from the cave. We sail west and then south to the city of Tokkl.

First, let's go through the secret places - go left, to a dead end with grass, and find the Wine of the Gods. Next to this cache there is another one - we go up to the passage between the house and find the Great Bow. Above this place you can find the Stupid Outfit. Finally, the last treasure lies in the very right corner of the town near the grass - this is the Frost Staff. Now we go to the northernmost house - the local elder lives here. From a woman in the house we learn about a hiding place in the fireplace. Let's go there. We take Triple Nunchucks from the pot, Ambrosia and Kenpo clothes (for the monk) from the chests.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We leave the city and go west through the desert, then south and a little more west. In the forest we can catch chocobos to quickly move around the map. A little further west is the Village of the Ancients.

Village of the Ancients

This village has a huge number of new but expensive things. We need to buy: from magic - Gaze (White magic level 1), Exit and Wash (White magic level 3), and from uniforms - Sorcerer's Clothes for magicians. An interesting detail - there is a girl in the city who promises to give us something if we drive around the map on a chocobo. If we saddle one of them in the forest and perform this simple manipulation, we will receive Midgest Bread as a gift. We leave the village.

Global map of the Floating Continent

With or without the help of chocobos, we return to the ship and sail north - we will find Argass Castle on the shore. Here we go.

Argass Castle

We pass 2 screens to a room with torches. Click on the right torch - a secret passage will open. He will lead us to the steps, but for now we don’t go up, but empty 3 chests - they contain 3000 gold. Now up - there are 6 chests with gold, a total of 13,000 coins! Now let's return to the main hall and go to the round table room. Here is another hiding place in legal education without steps. We take Bombash and Veterok from there. We leave the castle. With the money found, you can and should buy supplies in the Village of the Ancients. When we are ready, we head to the cave, which is located above the lake with a sea monster (west of Argass Castle).

We pass along the corridor and go down to the floor below. We speak with the gurgant and receive the Toad spell (White magic level 2). We leave the cave.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We return to the ship and sail north to the Aries tower.

Aries Tower
(Team level: 13)

Everything is flooded with water. We go along the corridor to the left, then down and into the central passage, straight to a dead end. The heroes will say that only a frog will fit inside the hole under water. We use Toad magic on all members of the group and dive under the water. We will find ourselves on the first floor of the tower. The prospect of being toads does not shine at all for us, so it is better to remove the spell by re-casting it on the characters. We pass through the corridor to the steps. Second floor. We pass through the bridge over the abyss and take the Kiss on the right (heals the Toad's condition). We go left and up to the rise. Third floor. We just follow the corridor to the steps. Fourth floor. We pass along the bridges down - there are two paths: the right one - to the chest with the Tarving sword (Red Mage), the left one - to the steps to the new floor. Fifth floor. There's a dead end here. Let's ask Darsh about this. He will say that there is a lever on the wall - 8 steps to the left. Having opened the passage, we can go to the steps - in the passage to the left of them lies another Kiss. Sixth floor. We just follow the new rise. Seventh floor. In the passage on the right you can pick up an EchoLeaf and a Bombash. The left passage leads to a new floor. Eighth floor. Going up, we will find another fork. The right move is to the Echolist (local enemies really like to cast silence, so the item will not be superfluous), the left one is to the next, already boring steps. Ninth floor. There are 3 chests: one contains a Fire Sword (for a fighter at this stage best weapon!), in the second - the armor of the Flame, in the third - the Wrath of Zeus. We go up the stairs. Tenth floor. Before us new boss, so we get treatment, and only then approach him for a conversation.

After the battle, we go forward to the fire and press “A” - a sad scene with Dash will play out, but it’s too early to say goodbye to him.

Global map of the Floating Continent

The whirlpool to the right of the tower has disappeared, so we can safely swim further. Our task is to sail to the cave of the Dwarves (Gnomes), but we’ll wait a little with this. Leaving the tower behind, we sail east and then south. Soon we will see on the ground to the right new village. Here we go.

In the lower right corner of the village you can find 2 Mega Keys and 1 Carrot. At the farm in the center of the village you can find 2 more Carrots (in pots). The following new spells can be purchased in the magic shop: Bummer, Shadow, Ice level 3 (all are level 4 Black magic), Libra, Confu and Quiet (all three are level 4 White magic). In the hotel you can relax, and also read a message from translators (in the original it was a message from Square) - a cache to the right of the door to the bedroom. We buy about a dozen keys from a store in the north. Basically, there is nothing else to do in the city.

Global map of the Floating Continent

We board the ship and sail towards the Aries Tower, further to the west and a little to the south - in the channel we will see the entrance to the cave. Here we go.

We return to normal. We go down, and then along the bridge to the right. We take Softening from the chest and go into the hole (marked on the wall on the right). In the new room we go to the steps. Once on the second floor, we continue our journey. The first chest will contain the Wrath of Zeus, the second will contain the same thing, and the third and fourth will contain Softening. The steps are at the top right of the last chest. The third floor is located among the river. Two chests here contain 600 gold. To the left of the second of them is Guzko. This is the new boss. Before the battle, we dress the fighters in clothing that protects from fire (Ice armor).

Having won, we take the Horn and return to the Dwarven cave. We will be watched by a mysterious line, the purpose of which we will learn in the cave.

At the first fork, go left and take the Breeze, and then return and go down the lava (if the fighter is wearing ice armor, then damage from the lava will not be dealt). At the second fork, if you go right, you can get another Breeze. Next we go left and soon we will find a descent down. At the new fork (near the lava fall) below we can find the Ice Sword. Let's go left. There are two paths at the new fork: down and up. There is a Mega Potion in the chest below. Taking it, we go up. There is another Mega Potion in the chest. Finally, we go left and down to the steps to the lower floor. At the first fork we go left for the Potion, and then back and up. At the top, click on the stone to open the passage, and take the Mega Potion from the chest. Let's go into the passage. In the new room we go around the mini lake and go through the door (we are treated!).

We approach and talk to the crystal. We will get the Fire Crystal works! These are the Knight, Hunter, Thief and Scientist. We exit through the pentagram portal and return to the Dwarven cave.

Cave of the Dwarves

A boy will come running to us, asking for help in the village of Tokkl. Let's leave this for later. We speak with the gnome at the bottom right - he will open the passage to the treasury for us - we follow him. 16 treasure chests! In them: Diamond (you can get out of the dungeon outside if things are really bad), Gauntlets, EchoLeaf, Scientist's clothes, Scientist's helmet, Knight's armor, 2 Ambrosia, Hero's shield, Carrot, Book of light, ice, fire (Scientist), Softening, Assassin's Bow and Elixir. If there is not enough space, in the forest under the fire cave there is a forest of chocobos - use carrots on the tree, thereby summoning a fat chocobo, which can be used as a warehouse for things. Now we change the fighter to a knight (this is an improved work of the fighter, and we don’t need to go back to the old class!). We rest and sail to Tokkl.

As soon as we walk a few steps, we will be captured by Hein's soldiers.

Haina Castle
(Team level: 16)

After talking with all the prisoners, we use Mini’s magic and get out of the cage through the hole in the upper left corner. We will find ourselves in a labyrinth. We return to normal size. There are Holy Arrows at the bottom of the room. In the center to the left there is a hidden passage further on. Let's go there. In the new room we take Ambrosia from the chest and go up the stairs. We are in front of three doors. Behind the middle one - 6300 coins, behind the right - Wrath of Zeus and Ambrosius, behind the left - only 130 gold. Now we go up the corridor and go through the door. Take the King's sword and go left. We go up the stairs. We go along the upper passage and take Ambrosia. We go along the left corridor down to the stairs. On the fifth floor we go up. In the right corridor you can take the Rune Bow. The door on the left leads to the boss. Before the battle, we heal, and also change the job of our White Mage to a Scientist - this will help you easily win the battle!

Having defeated Hein, we watch the development of the plot - soon we will find ourselves in the Living Forest, to the west of Tokkla. Fairies and the Tree of Life will give us the fang of the Wind. We leave the forest.

Desarrolladora(s) Square Distribuidora(s) SquareSoft … Wikipedia Español

Final Fantasy III- Éditeur Square Co., Ltd. Développeur Square Co., Ltd. Conc…Wikipedia en Français

Final Fantasy III DS - Final Fantasy III Éditeur Square Enix Développeur Matrix Software … Wikipédia en Français

Final Fantasy III- Entwickler Square Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia

Final Fantasy III- fue el tercer titulo de la saga Final Fantasy, de Square Co. Ltd, Squaresoft. No hay que confundirlo con Final Fantasy VI, que en Estados Unidos apareció como Final Fantasy III porque era el tercer Final Fantasy que se publicaba allí … Enciclopedia Universal

Final Fantasy III- For the North American release of the 1994 Super Nintendo game, see Final Fantasy VI. Final Fantasy III Developer(s) Square … Wikipedia

Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS)- Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Final Fantasy III Desarrolladora(s) Matrix Software Distribuidora(s) Square Enix Diseñador(es) Hiromichi Tanaka … Wikipedia Español

Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS)- Final Fantasy III Éditeur Square Enix Développeur Matrix Software ... Wikipédia en Français

Final Fantasy III Legend Of Eternal Wind

Final fantasy iii legend of eternal wind- Album Arrangé du jeu Final Fantasy III (Square) sur Famicom. Fiche technique Composé par: Nobuo Uematsu Arrangé par: Nobuo Uematsu Chanté par: Dido (3, 4) Narré par: Jeff Levy Sortie: 25 May 1990 (édition originale) … Wikipédia en Français


  • The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy: Book 1, Yoshitaka Amano. Previously available only as a part of the now sold-out The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy Boxed Set or still-available The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy Slipcased Edition, Dark Horse is…

Let's dive into that old one, good world adventures of Final Fantasy III again (I promised that I would do a walkthrough).

So first a little from me:

I decided to write a walkthrough for the DS version, but since all the goodies of the game are saved, it can be used for the NES version (when I remember any differences, I will insert a separate notice).

Let's first look at the most beautiful opening of the game. It's rare to be able to do something so sweet and pleasant in Lately, and if you consider that SE made it, then it is especially worth cherishing. In the video we will see our entire team, many chocobos, a flying ship, a similar continent and many other interesting things. Cutting random scenes from you-know-what-game doesn't even hold a candle. But well, let's see what we have in the main menu of the game. Some kind of mind-blowing prophecy flows in the background, exactly the same one that is suggested to start the game.

Altar Cave: Goblins, springs and crystals

And it all starts with us falling into a hole... Our hero lands very painfully and, having recovered a little, wants to look around to see where he ended up. But, literally at the first turn, a nasty monster got out and started picking on us. A fight with three nasty goblins is inevitable, but we know that they pose no danger. We kill them with ordinary attacks (and there is nothing else to hit them with), and after the battle Luneth will very correctly note that this is not the safest place on earth. We mentally agree with him and go north. In the next room there will be two chests with Leather Shield And Potion. Don't forget to equip yourself with a shield and see that we are at a dead end. Let's take a look around. An observant Luneth will notice that something is wrong with that big stone over there. Well, if there is something wrong with him, then why not come up and take a closer look at the anomaly?

We touch the stone and a new passage opens with a roar (Luneth is so cutely scared ^_^. This is all chibi power). In the passage there will be a ladder and a chest with Longsword(you can equip it instead of Leather Shield and Luneth will perform a longer combo, which is what I advise you to do). We go further along the stairs to the second floor.

In the right passage we take it from the chest Potion, and on the left Antarctic Wind. Now you can move on (by the way, there are no goblins here anymore and stronger enemies have appeared, namely Carbuncle and Blue Wisp, but there will definitely not be any problems, especially if you have equipped yourself with two weapons). We almost instantly come across another chest with Potion. It's good not to go to waste, right? And if you go to the right from this chest, you can find another one Antarctic Wind and the healing source of such a “wonderful” color... By the way, I also liked the color. It reminded me of something tropical... What am I talking about? Oh yes, let's suck a little water from there in order to replenish our HP and MP (HP would be enough for us at this stage, but shouldn't we give up everything else?). Now, with fresh strength, it’s worth pumping up our boy a little before the upcoming fight (you don’t have to pump up, but it’s better to save yourself Potion and nerves). Personally, level 3 was enough for me.

Please note that the PROFESSION level and the CHARACTER level are two different things! When we are confident in our abilities, have collected all the items, sucked some water from Wellspring, we can go up to the next floor.

My favorite mystical Prelude is playing here (it gives me goosebumps). We walk a little further, and our boy is enveloped in some strange glow. This evil boss decided to attack us!

Land Turtle

I love the boss fight music *~tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara-tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara~*.But let's not get distracted. The turtle, although weak, isalready requires at least some tactics in battle. She attacks us at about 5-7 HP, that is, we don’t think about Potion until our indicator is more than 14 HP. As soon as it drops below this mark, you need to immediately drink Potion (you can use Antarctic Wind, but I would not recommend doing this, since you can then sell it in the city for 500 gil and buy twice the more potions than we spent or use for other equally useful things). After several such rounds, the turtle will be covered with a copper basin. *Humming the melody of the battle ~tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara-tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara~*

As a reward we will receive 500 Gil And 20 EXP. Meanwhile, a mysterious voice tells us that we have been chosen... Luneth has not yet recovered from the sudden attack of the turtle and takes a fighting stance, thinking that some mysterious villain is communicating with us. But the voice doesn’t really care about Luneth’s questions and continues to talk nonsense about hope. Now our hero looked around and saw that the crystal itself was communicating with him. Well, then according to the well-worn scenario: Darkness is threatening to engulf the world(how many times has Darky tried to destroy the world?), and only we and three unknown (yet) warriors of light can stop this unwanted event. Now our task is to find the remaining warriors. In general, crystals really don’t like to talk about details, so we’ll have to figure it out ourselves. You have to maintain a mysterious atmosphere?!

We are unceremoniously sent to the world map (and completely healed along the way), but there is still work to do at the altar, so we will immediately return back. In the south of the location there will be a passage to the floor below, where we go down (there is nothing else interesting in the first passage). We go out along the corridor into a large room with chests and a pit. It was into this pit that Luneth fell at the beginning of the game, and it is better not to step on the same rake twice (so as not to repeat the entire path through the cave again). We collect from chests 2 Longsword, Bronze Bracers(you can immediately equip yourself), black magic Sleep And Bronze Knuckles(they can replace one Longsword, because they give a greater attack bonus). Having finished collecting all these treasures, you can return to the world map with peace of mind and go to the small town of Ur, which is literally a few steps south of the cave.

Ur: Here we are at home

We appear just next to a cute-looking red-haired girl, who tells us that everyone else has gone to the outskirts of the city. We can only guess who the others are, but we have no time for them yet. Let's go to the magic store and buy ourselves a Poisona and sell two of our Antarctic Winds for 500 gil each. We already have at least a thousand gil, and with that kind of money in our pocket we can already spin around. The only interesting things in the armor store are Leather Armor and Leather Cap (we already got the rest in the cave). Now we go to the very south-eastern border of the city into a small forest to the well and climb inside. We take it from the chests of a small cache 3 Potion(Granny herself allowed it, if you don’t believe me, ask). Our next stop will be the hotel bar (it can be easy to miss because the door is closed, but know that it is on the 1st floor next to the grocery store). By the way, notice how much money we gained from not using Antarctic Wind. One Potion costs 50 gil, and we used a maximum of three. 1000-150=850 gil net profit. That's how things are. In the bar you can talk to a guy who looks a lot like Al-Bhed from FF10, who is very angry because some boulder is blocking the road. Also here you can watch the cutest dance of his girlfriend to the music from Swan Lake and play the melody of Fur Elise on the piano, but it’s so bad that we’ll be booed and torn to smithereens. It’s okay, soon we will go on a worldwide tour to all the bars and prove that we are no worse than those pianists who perform at Carnegie Hall. On the 2nd floor of the hotel you can sleep for free and talk with your grandfather, who will tell you about our current profession.

Now let's go back to the street and, perhaps, go behind the weapons store. There, a local resident will tell us that we can go to the warehouse and grab everything we can, but it’s not that simple. On the way to the warehouse, monsters await us. Well, okay, we already have experience fighting them, and they won’t cause any special problems. We pass from the old man to the north and go to a nice little house (we can meet goblins along the way). Inside we will be met by another old man in a blue robe, who will tell us about secret things that open various passages. The information is quite important, so let’s listen to the old man carefully. The thing is that objects in pots and switches will show themselves as glittering if we bring the camera closer.

Let's listen to the advice and immediately find that two pots and a candle are sparkling. Let's examine this whole thing, as a result of which we get 2 Antidote and open the passage further. We go up the stairs and find a whole bunch of chests. Let's get magic from them Cure(do not mix black and white magic for a character). Let Sleep be in your inventory, and Luneth should know Poisona and Cure, you will soon understand why you can’t learn everything. Take it right away Phoenix Down, Longsword, Eye Drops And Dagger. Don’t sell this whole thing just yet, because very soon we will have a new addition to the team and will find a place where to put this whole thing. There is nothing else of interest in the warehouse.

We return to the hotel and from it we go northeast through the forest to finally see what is happening there. What? Are some evil little triplets clinging to Arc? We need to intervene.

Seeing us, the triplets immediately disappear. After some time, Arc also escapes, wanting to prove that he is not afraid of ghosts and can cope without anyone’s help. All we have to do is go to the elder and ask about the crystal and the whole incident. We follow to the house to the left of the hotel (by the way, it has a healing fountain on the left). On the right is just a pathetic fake. The elder was probably already tired of waiting while we were doing all these things. Topapa (that’s his name) turned out to be very knowledgeable in matters with crystals and talks about how Luneth was brought to the village, and at the same time sends him on a journey to save the world. It’s worth talking again with the old man in blue pajamas, who settled near the elder’s residence. He will teach us how to use objects on people. We use Potion on it and it will give us Phoenix Down. Well, now all the business in the city is over and you can go to the world map. We save and go to the next city - Kazus.

Kazus: An incident within an incident

Immediately at the entrance to the city, you can see Arc marking time and looking around in search of something. Luneth quietly snuck up behind him and scared the hell out of the poor man. Well, who does that?! ...Well, okay, I do this sometimes, but still... Arc, meanwhile, wants to be on the team with us and talks about how he wanted to prove to everyone that he is not a weakling and even made it to the city himself! However, he didn’t say a word about what stopped him. Yes, a common thing - all the residents suddenly became ghosts! On this occasion, the shops are closed, but it’s worth running into the hotel and talking to Sid (which of these ghosts is Sid, you can guess for yourself). He will tell you about a valley, the only way through the mountain range, blocked by a huge stone. And, of course, some scoundrel turned everyone into ghosts.

However, Sid does not lose his optimism and cheerfulness, and at the same time he will give us a flying ship! Well, how can you refuse such an offer? We just have to help the town cope with this scourge. Our benefactor will also say that the only thing that can lift the curse is a mithril ring. And what do you think? There aren't any of them in the city at all! And even if there was mithril, the blacksmith turned into a ghost, and his daughter disappeared without a trace. Things are bad... But we’ll definitely figure it out somehow with the flying ship. We go out to the world map and run into a small desert, which is just near the city. This is where Sid's ship is located. And who is this girl standing near the helm?! And why is SHE asking us what we are doing on the ship?? It turns out that this is the same blacksmith’s daughter.

She really didn’t want to continue her father’s work, and she ran away from home... again. She also took part in the creation of the ship. However, this still does not give her the right to sit like that in someone else’s ship, but oh well. She also cannot make mithril rings, due to her monstrous academic underachievement and failures in her diary. And we didn’t think that everything would be so simple. But Refia remembered where there was a ring. The fact is that the father of this scoundrel once upon a time made one such thing for King Sasune. We take the girl into the team and take the helm. You can continue to follow the story events, or you can get a little distracted and upgrade.

The note: to land, just point at the ship and don’t forget to equip all the items to the team.

The fact is that in Kazus there is a small cave where quite strong skeletons live, and we have Cure magic, which has a detrimental effect on them and causes decent damage (about 120 HP) + in the city you can completely restore everything for free NR and MR. Do you get the idea? But you shouldn’t go there with a level below 4. It’s ideal to go with the fifth one (you can level up in the large forest near Kazus, where Berserker and Werewolf are found). And as soon as we try to go to this very cave, Refia will separate from the team because she does not want to meet her father. Well, okay. Let's upgrade at least half of our team.

The fight should not last longer than two rounds! If you go on the defensive, nothing will happen. My fight went like this:

First round: Luneth – Cure. Arc – Guard. Skeleton 2x Attack Arc. Arc survives two hits with 6 HP.

Or you can just cast Cure on both monsters at once and not suffer like I did -______-

In the second round, you can cast Cure and no longer be afraid of attack. One skeleton certainly won’t do anything to us (well, maybe it will kill Arc...) And after the first battle, the level will definitely increase and become much easier. I worked my way up to level 9. Don't forget that status changes also disappear if you get enough sleep.

Why didn't we wait until we got a fourth member of our team? Yes, because the experience will be divided among four, and according to the plot, these monsters will be encountered anyway. And now the cake for this matter. In the caves, by the way, some painfully familiar music is playing, but I can’t remember what it reminds me of. We swing ONLY at the entrance (and I’m not talking at all about the fact that before entering you need to at least save and be fully healed and have a minimum supply of Potion). The best targets would be Shadow or Skeleton. From one battle with two skeletons I received 210 EXP (Arc still couldn’t stand it x_x). Draw your conclusions, gentlemen. Just don’t forget that the dead character needs to be fed Phoenix Down before sleeping at the hotel.

We pumped up a little, slept and survived. Well, now we can certainly return to the plot. Remember how Refia told us that the king has the ring? We take our flying rattle and go to the castle on the other side of the forest near Kazus.

Castles & Towers in Sasune

There will be a guard at the entrance to the castle. There’s no way around it, but okay, let’s talk to him. It turns out that the scoundrel from Casus has arrived here too. The guy is very upset that he can’t do anything about this curse, but we amaze him with our awareness and say that there is a ring after all. The guard immediately gives us an audience with the king and opens the way inside. We don’t go into the castle itself yet. We still have work to do in the small towers that are located a little further south. Let's go to the right one first. On the 3rd floor there will be chests with 20 Wooden Arrow And 20 Holy Arrow. On the 4th floor (princess room) you can dig up more 20 Wooden Arrow, Bow And Potion. With all this goodness, you can go to the left tower (note that in the left one there are all sorts of bad things in the form of Zombies (their attack imposes the Poison status) and other bad creatures.

Let's run to the 3rd floor, which will greet us with treasures in the form of 20 Wooden Arrow And 20 Holy Arrow. We collect all this and continue to move on. On the 4th floor there will be only one very suspicious chest. Let's better heal, check our equipment and only then open it. We get Wightslayer, but with him in the chest lay a nasty monster.


If you listened to me and upgraded yourself, then there will be no problems at all. If you decide to let everything go on your ownswelling is now at level 3-4, then the situation is changing dramatically. Equip yourself a new weapon to replace the Longsword in combination with Bronze Knuckles, keep the entire team's HP at a decent level to survive Fire, and over time the scoundrel will fall.

Now you can enter the castle. Sleep on the cute pink bed to recover from the fight with the griffin, and rise higher. There will be two walls with cracks. You can go through them and grab a few items for yourself. In the room on the left we will find Phoenix Down, and going down the stairs? in the right room we will find 2000 Gil(a thousand per chest) and the next staircase (we don’t go down there, because we won’t find anything interesting). It’s better to go up two floors without leaving the secret room and take Leather Shield and magic Blizzard. Next to the chests there will be another crack, after passing through which we will find a secret room with Bronze Knucles. Having collected all this, you can finally go to the king. He is also upset, but that is understandable. Not everyone wants to turn into a ghost (to me, it looks more like a wire man). The evil Genie may have been driven into the ring, but Princess Sarah has the ring itself, and she has disappeared (Duuuuuuuh) or even been captured by the Genie.

The scoundrel's residence is located in the north in a cave. The same guard Ingus joins our team, and now we are free to go in all four directions. We have a full team, but don't rush to buy equipment. The new one will open very soon, and we need to save money. There should be enough junk in your inventory to pick up a normal sword for Ingus, and we’ll deal with the rest later. We get out onto the world map, get into the ship and, having flown over a small lake, go into a cave.

Sealed Cave: A fifth wheel doesn't mean it's an extra wheel

Here you can find the same Shadow, Skeleton and Mummy that we used to swing back in Kazusa, so there won’t be any problems. Maybe run around and pump up Refia and Ingus so that they can at least somehow help in the battle. We go all the way to the south and take the chest with Potion, and then we turn east and take magic Cure from another chest. Further along the corridor there is a passage to the next floor. It's spacious here... We take it right next to the entrance 500 Gil from the chest and zoom in on the camera. Yep, the uppermost right skull is sparkling. We kick him and a passage opens further. What do we see there? That's right, the princess slowly follows Jin to destroy him. We have the same goals, so why not unite? We accept a princess into the team (she will not be displayed in the menu, but she gives advice on when to press the Y button, and, most interestingly, gives USEFUL advice!

UPD. Helpful advice Gave it only to Arc. He gets to know the others, chats and does nonsense. We've seen enough of Sarah, we can go downstairs.

Interesting fact: Don't think that Sarah will be just ballast. She periodically heals our entire party or casts interesting spells during battles (random ones too).

If we go to the southeast for a long time, then in a dead end we will find Antarctic Wind. True, it’s a long way back, but we want to collect all the items? Now go north from the intersection and take Eye Drops. Well, then we stomp along the path of least resistance (there are so many turns that I’m afraid to get even more confused).

As soon as we see something like a red carpet, you need to stop, heal and give someone a Blizzard (if you haven't done it before), because the Genie is sitting right on this red woolen product (Hottabych, damn it). We approach the scoundrel and shove a ring in his nose. What? Nothing happens? Damn... Well then we'll have to cope with the old methods...


If you listened to Sarah and me, you should know that the scoundrel is weak to ice, and we have Blizzard magic in stock (dealt 170 HP damage in my case), I haven't tried Antarctic Wind, but I think the effect will be similar. Beware of fire attacks on the entire team and do not forget that he can carry out several attacks in a row. Heal in time (if there is no MP, then you can safely spend Potions), and we will certainly break through. Yes, and Sarah will help several times.

For our victory they will give us him 1400 Gil and (maybe because my team was already strong) 50 experience.

Now the genie is weakened and it can finally be inserted into the ring, which Sarah successfully does. Meanwhile, our entire team becomes transparent and goes to hell (guess who likes to unceremoniously teleport us?). The scoundrel admits that he transported us, and says our charges were assigned to the role of warriors of light, and therefore must, with the help of the remnants of the crystal’s powers, save the whole world. Again. The final fantasy anthem shows us the credits, and only now the real fantasy begins. With great joy we begin to use professions. This is reported to us by a moogle who, with his cheerful music, completely ruined the epic moment with the crystal. Eh...

We stand on the magic circle behind the crystal and teleport to the surface. The flying ship remained near the entrance to the cave and now it is impossible to get to it (well, I couldn’t move the crystal to the ship!). Let's take a look at our menu and see what professions have become available: Warrior, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage and Thief. Quite a decent selection to start with. Well... Let's choose a profession for each team member, but keep in mind that for a certain number of battles (displayed before changing the profession), the character will fight at half strength, and all equipment will completely fall off. Re-equip what you can and try to fight all Adjustment Phase battles with the goblins.

We have nothing to do in Ur and Kazus, so we immediately go to Sasune Castle.

Sasune: The curse ends

Sarah was already waiting for us. We go with her to the source and throw the ring into the water (strange, I thought that some epic special effects would begin, but nothing like that happened). Now the curse is lifted and you can talk normally with the king. Cheerful, festive music plays, the king thanks us, and we report in response that in front of him are not just any children, but four whole warriors of light! Poor Ingus doesn't want to leave, but what can you do when adventure calls. And, as a small gift, we are presented with a magical folding canoe (it’s interesting to look at such a thing). Already at the exit from the castle, Sarah says goodbye to us (poor Ingus seems to be taking the parting hard), and we set off to pick up our ship. Fortunately, a canoe will help you cross the lake. We select the already dusty ship and fly to Kazus.

Kazus: No adventures! Everything is fine

Right at the entrance to the city, Refia meets her father and goes home with him. Well, for now we’ll take a look at the shops that did open on the occasion of the holiday. In the magic store you should buy Fire for the black mage, and in the weapons and armor store, spare no expense and buy mithril wunderwaffles for everyone (don’t forget about Refia, you can stock up on equipment for it now). At the same time, sell your excess equipment. On the street you will find a Moogle from our beloved Mognet corporation. Want to send a letter to one of your friends using Wi-Fi or a message to Topapa or Sarah? The choice is yours. We go into the house near the mine and see that Refia is completely stuck and, it seems, is left without her share of adventures. Okay, we'll get out of it somehow. It’s better to go and talk to Sid (and at the same time thank him for the ship). Good Sid will not only say “thank you” for the rescue, but also give him a ship! All we have to do is drop him off at Canaan's home to his wife, and we're free to fly wherever we want. Isn't he a nice little guy? He joins our team as a guest (you can click Y and listen to him). It doesn't help in battle, I checked.

How to knock down a giant boulder and clear the way? I should ask Refia, maybe she can tell me a way? Or maybe attach a huge mithril ram to the ship and destroy it as soon as possible? It should probably work. The blacksmith and Refia (the poor girl was completely sad) riveted such a thing together and attached it to the ship once or twice. So what? We must try it!


And Refia is already waiting for us on the ship! It turns out she decided to run away from home... again. Well, we can only rejoice at her decision and then... it turns out that none of the four knows their real parents! It already smells like Santa Barbara... But enough about my personal life. Before us is a rock that needs to be broken! True, not everything went smoothly, and our magnificent ship was shattered into pieces.

It all ended with the fact that we received such an excellent and useful thing as a ship.

Now is the time to swim and discover new lands, and at the same time upgrade our team a little (if, of course, you haven’t upgraded it yet). Enemies on the water are weak to Thunder magic, so one attack from our black magician on all enemies should be enough to destroy them all in one blow.

Now that our team looks more or less decent, it’s worth visiting the town of Tokkul, which is located a little south of the exit from the backwater (you definitely won’t miss it, just swim down the coastline and you’ll see it right away).

Tokkul: Mass Hysteria

Entering the city, we speak with two very frightened old men. They run away in fear, and we continue our adventures in complete bewilderment (well, aren’t our heroes just as scary?). From the house with the blue roof we go left, past the moogle, to the next house, near which, in one of the boxes lies Bacchus's Cider. Now, we go north, where near the same house with a yellow roof lies Great Bow(opposite the box there is also a cart with hay). But now will be the most difficult moment. In the very east of the city (go behind one of the houses in the first row and run to the forest) zoom in on the camera to see sparkles on the bare ground. Having picked up an object, we will see what it is Ice Staff(we put the second weapon on our magician).

Having finished collecting treasures on the street, it is worth going to the northernmost house (it also has a blue roof, and two old men are hanging around it, talking about the village of the Ancients, in which they can give us information about crystals).

We go into the house and talk to the elder, who tells us about the disasters caused by the earthquake. After him some warriors came and took everything that could be taken. As a result, the vast majority of the village is inhabited only by old people (for some reason, young people were also taken away). For now, we can talk with Desch, who is amazed at the mess created by the soldiers no less than we are, and at the same time talks with our team about the connection between the earthquake and the arrival of this strange army.

Behind the old man there is something like a fireplace, where a secret passage with Serpent Sword And Kenpo Gi(don’t forget to pick up in one of the pots Sonic Knucles).

If you have a character with the Monk profession, then I advise you to equip him with the newly acquired items immediately.

Finally, let's go into the very first house, and before entering, we will see a boy who will run away into the passage. Going lower, we will stumble upon his mother, who will beg us with all her might for mercy, mistakenly mistaking us for those same ill-fated soldiers. After we reason with her, she will say that the soldiers took her husband to the desert in the west. Now our business here is finished, it’s time to go out onto the world map and walk to that city of the Ancients that we were told about (the husband and soldiers will wait for now).

Free to Float: Chocobos and Purchases

Be extremely careful in the desert! Quite strong monsters live there, a collision with which promises you, at a minimum, a well-damaged team (at my level, Lizardmen took down up to 100HP), but if you are confident in your abilities, then you can well pump up your team there. And in general, if you have leveled up your black mage, you still have Fire Staff, and some reserve of using third-level spells, then you should not have any problems even with the most difficult battles on the map. But I still wouldn’t advise you to get into trouble again. Well, at least stock up on Phoenix Down and Potion, for that matter..

We board the ship and again sail under the coast to the junction between the desert and the plains in the very west. We walk along a small path and see a forest. Here, inside the large forest, you can see another small forest, separated by an edge. If you have played the previous Final games Fantasy, we already guessed that this was the same Chocobo forest that we were missing so much. We go in and catch our feathered friend (and if you have Gysahl Green, you can also summon a plump chocobo by using it on a large tree). Now you can safely travel across the entire continent, without fear of running into stronger opponents, and with Choco it will also be quick (just don’t forget that he will run away as soon as we get off him). However, some territories are still inaccessible to us (this is especially hinted at by the whirlpool at the only exit from the sea). There’s nothing special to do, let’s go to the village of the Ancients.

The cutest music awaits us in it (which, by the way, is somewhat reminiscent of the music from Final Fantasy VIII, when Laguna was recovering from an injury in the village). We rest at the hotel (first revive the dead by drinking some water from the stream in the next house) and buy various medicines if your supplies are pretty damaged after the trip. I would advise you to buy a pack of Antidote, Echo Herbs and Gold Needle to be confident in your health and nerves in the near future. The magic shop will delight us with a new set of spells:

Sight – shows a detailed map.

Teleport – teleports us from the dungeon.

Blindna – removes Blind status.

We don’t need Sight at all, because the same function is performed by Gnomish Bread and my walkthrough, but I advise you to buy Teleport. As for Blindna, I’ll only say that they don’t cast Blind on us very often to spend money, but buy it if you want to collect a complete set of white magic.

We continue shopping and go to the armor store. Here it is worth paying attention to Flame Mail and Mage Robe (Shell Armor goes from warrior to thief). In the weapons store, only Light Staff is of interest (for collection and to strike enemies at sea with lightning without losing MP), but this is optional.

Now it's time to get distracted by a little side quest...

Quest: Children in Trouble!

Conditions: events in Sealed Cave are over, four letters are sent to other PEOPLE (namely through the Nearby\Faraway Friend option).

Minimum level: 10

Reward: Onion Knight profession

We send a letter to Topape and...

One more thing:

Theme: The Children of Ur
Recently, the children have started to play farther and farther away from Ur. While I praise their adventurous spirits, I worry it will lead them to trouble…

The final letter calls us to action:

Topic: The Children are in Trouble!

The children have not come back from their recent “exploration” trip! We have searched as far from Ur as we dared, but could not find them…

We go to Ur and talk to Topapa. He reports that the children most likely fled back to Altar Cave, where we are going.

Altar Cave

We go to the area with the pit and an event is activated in which we are shown children surrounded by three Bombs.

3x Bomb

It all depends entirely on the level of your team. I had the opportunity to “send” letters to other players when I received the second flying ship. And the profession is not so necessary (although it has some BIG advantages, and the Onion Knights are so cute).

Just use Blizzard magic. If you already have Ice Armor, then it’s worth equipping it too. In short, the fight is not the most serious (although it’s hard to judge its complexity from the height of the swing).

After the battle, the children thank us and give us a Crystal Fragment, which allows us to change our profession to Onion Knight!

The quest is over.

After all the shopping, rest and morning pumping with washing all our updates, we continue to travel around the world. We return to our ship (chocobos will come in handy) and sail to Argus Castle.

Argus Castle: People, where are you?

I would like to note that it is not necessary to visit the castle now, but why not rob the whole thing now? There is never enough money, and the items are not bad.

We go inside and, on the second floor, where candelabra hang on the wall, click on the far right one to open a secret passage, where we go straight to three chests (we don’t pay any attention to the wall) and take three times 1000 Gil. On the floor above there are already as many as six chests with 3x 1000, 1500 And 2x100 Gil(very fortunate after our wallet was a little thinner after the village of the Ancients, right?). We go out to the very roof to see two closed doors in the north. They can be hacked by putting our thief in charge of the team to pick up Book of Light, Book of Fire, Ice Arrow, Scholar Robe, Book of Ice, Fire Arrow in the east room. In the western one, a room awaits us with a hidden switch in the chest of drawers, which allows access to Light Arrow, Killer Bow And Medusa Arrow. We collect all these goodies, switch back to our usual leader and leave the secret area. We climb up, past the room with the round table, to appear on the roof again, but in the central area. Here two streams await us - restoring in the east and revitalizing in the west. We drink some water and, if all our work is finished, we leave the castle.

Gulgan Gunch: Geometrically correct companies

Our next stop is Gulgan Gulch. Just go west and go into the cave.

Immediately at the entrance we will meet a moogle (remember to send letters?) and a peasant who will tell you about the gift of clairvoyance of the indigenous people of this place. We cross the bridge and the next guy will talk about the blessings of the crystals with which we receive professions. The rest will tell us equally important information, and we, having listened to them, go down to the floor below to another company of five... Gulgians, who lined up like dots on a dice. We talk to the middle one, he will give us a spell and a vague phrase about the future of our partner Desch in the Owen Tower. We go north (see how the bridge breaks off? In fact, it’s just cleverly hidden from our view) to pick up Ice Staff, Fire Staff And Mage Robe. Our business here is finished, so we get out onto the world map again.

Tower of Owen: Hot Adventures

It's worth checking our facilities before heading to the tower. After the appropriate purchases, we go to that very tower (north of the Argus castle). There is intense music playing here, frogs and new monsters are everywhere, but we need to go along any path, turn to the center and get to the room with a passage further.

Be careful with Petit Mages, who can cast –ra class magic on the team. If the magician is equipped with a staff of a certain element, then the reciprocal magic -ra of the same element should be enough for all enemies to finish the fight. If you are not sure that you will survive to the end, then I advise you to save MP and use Ice\Fire\Light Staff equipped on mages. Just select Item, press up and select a staff (if two are equipped, then even a choice appears).

In the center of the floor we will break for a small scene where Desch offers to turn into frogs, but our Refia, it turns out, really doesn’t like them. Well, we choose the appropriate magic and go into the room again to go down to some kind of high-tech sewer.

You can now remove Frog status from a team.

We go, we go, when we are again interrupted by some voice that clearly does not shine with hospitality. But they didn’t scare us that much, so we just purposefully continued to run further to get to the next floor. Here we pass along a small bridge to a chest with Echo Herbs in the east (but we already stocked up on them, right?) and a very narrow passage further in the west. There is nothing interesting on the next floor - we just run along the only accessible road to the next passage, but as soon as we go even higher, we will again be interrupted by a small scene where a mysterious voice seems to giggle (like ke ke ke, but more colorful), and in the chest, which is immediately visible and can be found Spark Dagger.

We climb further and go north to see another small scene where the same voice tells us that we will never make it up. Be silent, sadness, be silent! We approach the short path to the north (which you can’t step on) and zoom in on the camera to see the switch. We press it and one of the walls disappears, giving us access to a chest with Echo Herbs and I move on.

The next floor does not present us with anything interesting - we just go higher. But after it two chests with Echo Herbs, Bomb Fragment in the east and a passage higher in the west. On the next floor, just go north until you reach a fork. In the east Sonic Knuckles, and in the west the passage is further. This time we immediately go west to take from two dead ends Salamand Sword, Flame Mail and south to the passage near which lies Zeus's Wrath.

I advise you to fully heal, check the condition of the characters and their equipment again, because in the next room a boss battle awaits us.

We go straight to the scoundrel who wants to destroy the tower in the name of the evil lord Xande, which will entail serious consequences. We cannot allow this to happen, so we will have to fight.

Boss: Medusa

Medusa casts petrification on one of our characters with her Stare attack, but she often misses, and we bought enough Gold Needle. Keep in mind that her speed is very high, so expect two attacks in one turn (I advise you to counter Baccus Cider on one of your characters). It can cast a spell on Thundara, or it can just bite painfully. In short, it is advisable to leave two people as backup who will rush with healers, cast powerful spells with a magician (if you don’t have enough MP, use a staff as an object and still hit the evil spirits on the head), and attack with a warrior. In any case, Desch will often help you.

After the fight, Desch finally remembers his purpose. It turns out that he is one of the Ancients, the guardian of the tower. And although the tower did not suffer irreparable damage, in order to restore its operation, in order for the flying continent to continue to fly, he needs to get into the fire itself. Of course, we won't let him go (but what about the girl who fell in love with him?), but what can we do with these heroic heroes? Desch's last wish was for us to visit the Dwarf village, where the power of fire is hidden.

Free floating: Not again, but again

We are thrown onto our faithful ship, the whirlpool subsides, and our team is worried about this cheerful guy who climbed into something like a stove (no, really, I didn’t even understand what kind of device it was). We sail to new territory and first take a walk to a place called Gysahl.

New monsters appear in the water near the edge of the continent, but there should be no problems with them. One use of Light Staff should be enough. And note that dragons can move twice in a row. The next part is also completely optional. If you are too lazy to swim far enough, you can skip it. But I would recommend visiting the cozy town...

Gysahl: The toughest girl in the world

As you probably already guessed, Gysahl is a city that has been producing those delicious greens that all chocobos love for many years. We are greeted with cheerful music and a whole flock of sheep. We approach a little girl who is caring for a herd and watch a cheerful scene. Now we are free to move on and, right next door, we have a magic shop. Let's take a look at the assortment:

As you can see, almost all magic imposes some kind of negative status on the enemy. This is all very good, but a little useless in battle. You can buy it if you have nowhere to spend the money, but I would not advise you to spend money on things that will bring dubious benefits.

Next stop hotel. Here you can meet a dancer, get some sleep, pick up Gysahl Greens from the seller (in the next room) for 150 gil/piece and look at our bestiary from the elder by going into the secret path. Buy 5-6 pieces of grass and go to the chocobo stalls to the right of the magic shop. Inside we take from the pots 2x Gysahl Greens and we can listen to our favorite “Kweh!”, which the chocobos emit when they go through the eastern wall into the stall.

Then we go to the house in the north, where there will be a store selling magic keys. We don’t need the keys (we opened everything we could with the help of a thief a long time ago), but go through one of the eastern walls and pick up Shuriken from a cleverly hidden chest (it's behind the near wall), it's really worth it to us.

Shuriken can be sold for 32,750 Gil, or you can keep it until better times. Do as you wish, although I would probably leave it. It will also come in handy.

Well, now our business here is finished, we are sailing to another part of the continent.

Dwarven Hollows: Rally-ho!

We take a course to the northwest and sail to an island that was previously inaccessible to us. On it we go into the lower of the two caves to get into Dwarven Hollows (we are still denied access to the second).

Inside, the gnomes are waiting for us with their already classic greeting “Rally-ho!”, which is also “Lali-ho”. In the first room two gnomes are waiting for us and nothing interesting at all. We go down below and talk to the gnome near the altar. He will say that some scoundrel stole the sacred relic of the gnomes - Horn of Ice and disappeared into an underwater lake. And gnomes, unlike people, do not know how to swim. So we will have to help return the lost treasure using our “amphibiotic abilities”

Well, for now let's go shopping. The first armor shop on the right with:

Well, the last door is a hotel where you can buy medicine.

Subterranian Lake: I don't need a ton of gold!

We finish shopping and run to the southwestern entrance, where there will be a large lake. When we approach, we will see another small scene in which Refia will have to turn into a frog again and she is extremely not happy about this fact. There's nothing you can do, you still have to transform.

We go down and immediately turn back. We won’t get lost in the vastness of Subterranian Lake, I guarantee it! As a thief, you can steal Hi-Potions and other goodies, pump yourself up (don’t forget to put Ice Armor if you meet a Manticore and switch to Flame Mail when you meet a Bomb, fortunately, you can do this right during the battle without losing a move).

We go straight, straight, straight and come across a chest with Gold Needle next to the next screen. We pass along one bridge and select Zeus's Wrath. Another Zeus's Wrath awaits us further to the southeast (cross another bridge). A little further, to the next bridge and south of its beginning there will be Gold Needle. And exactly the same chest awaits us on the next side.

We go to the next screen (everything is very linear, right?) on which awaits us 2x 3000 gil. Immediately after these two chests it is worth healing (in the north you can see scattered gold coins, which for some reason I mistook for hay from afar). We are waiting for a fight with the same thief who stole the ice horn of the dwarves.

Boss: Gutsco

The most ordinary boss, so to speak. We equip the warriors with equipment that will protect them from ice, and hit them with our strongest attacks. The enemy likes to physically attack twice per turn (can remove from 30 to 180 HP at a time) and heal with Cure for about 90 HP. It’s enough just to cast our –ra magic with a black magician and throw Thunder using a staff (if, of course, you have someone to equip it with). The contraction ended so quickly that I didn’t even notice while I was taking the coffee.

Spoilers: 2x Hi-Potion.

We approach the defeated scoundrel and take away the key item from him - Horn of Ice. Now our mission is completed, and Gutsco mysteriously disappears. We are again given control and we can watch in horror that some shadow is moving behind us (well, it’s not at all difficult to guess who it is). We use Teleport magic (I hope your white mage has it?) or get out of the dungeon to the village and talk to the gnome at the altar again.

Molten Cave: Out of the frying pan and into the fire

He removes the barrier and now we can return the relic to its rightful place. But as soon as we return it, Gutsco reveals himself and steals both horns to gain the power of the fire crystal. There is nothing to do, you have to hurry after the impudent thief in Molten Cave, which is just nearby on the same island.

Lava awaits us inside, removing 10 HP every two seconds.

If you came here before, you will see that the wall of fire blocking our path has already disappeared.

Inside you will have to take a good swim in the lava and fight monsters that have become much stronger. We pass through a dry place to a chest with Antarctic Wind and getting ready to dive into the freshest lava.

Fortunately, warriors of light are made of much stronger material than ordinary people, so she won’t cause much trouble. We go into the lava and, having passed along the eastern passage, we select another one Antactic Wind. Now we go west to the next floor. Here we immediately go south, through the hot bath, to the chest with the treasured Freezing Blade, which we immediately equip on our warrior.

We go back a little, go through the lava flow to the very northern edge and pick up Phoenix Down. In our southernmost corner Hi-Potion, but whether it’s worth the pain, decide for yourself (but if you want 100% in Achievements, then select it).

The last floor has no forks at all. We follow the path of least resistance and select Impact Claws, Phoenix Down and touch the stone, which will open the path further.

We pass through a small room to the altar to see Gutsco, who has already received the power of the crystal. Of course, we can’t just leave it like that. We'll have to fight again.

Boss: Salamander

Although he looks a little funny, the boss is very strong. Our task is to end the fight as quickly as possible at any cost. Equip Ice gear on everyone you can and attack with the strongest spells available. Blizzara, of course, is welcome (it took ~950 HP off of me). What is curious is that this is the first boss who will often attack one character twice in a row (when the others, although they had two moves, attacked different ones). Ice Staff will help in the fight if you are already low on MP.

Another good move: Advance with a well-pumped warrior with Tyrfing and Freezing Blade equipped. I took off ~300 HP, but here everything very much depends on the level of the profession.

For me, he died in about five or six moves, and even managed to steal the Hi-Potion.

We finally killed the scoundrel and, purely out of interest, the whole team approaches the crystal. He blesses us with the power of fire, which means new professions! But first you need to go back to the gnome village and give back these long-sufferingly obtained two Horns of Ice. The teleport located behind the crystal will help us return.

Dwarven Hollows: Now what?!

We go back to Dwarven Hollows, where festive music is already playing and talk to the gnome near the altar. He, as a sign of gratitude, gives us unnecessary junk Magic Key. Let's not get upset! We go to the southeast to the gnome, who stood near the entrance to the treasury, and he will let us through (with the moonwalk of Michael Jackson he will go to another floor) to a whole warehouse of excellent things. We go down the steps and now the stone that blocked the path has disappeared. What we get: Ottershroom, Gauntlets, Echo Herbs, Scholar Robe, Scholar Hat, Knight Armor, 2x Phoenix Down, Heroic Shield, Gysahl Greens, Book of Light, Book of Ice, Book of Fire, Gold Needle, Killer Bow, Elixir. Not bad, right?

It's a good time to give someone the profession of Scholar. I highly recommend spending the Adjustment Phase on the outer side of the sea in order to upgrade new professions and increase your level along the way. You must have a character who can use second level white magic.

But, as usual, there is no moment of peace in sight. At the exit from the caves, a young man crawls up to us with his last strength and says that Tokkul needs us. There, someone is plundering and destroying an entire village, while we are saving all sorts of crystals from the villains and chilling in the treasuries. The guy says something about Hein and that only a Scholar can clear up this case. Successful change of profession, right?

Hein's Castle: Flying Trees

We sail to Tokkul (remember this town near the desert that was plundered by the army?) and as soon as we enter the town, the team collapses. Some scoundrels tie us up and take us to Castle Hein to make slaves out of the team (yeah, right now we’ll just give up that easily).

Please note that you can only visit this area once! If you don't collect all the chests and fight all the monsters, you won't be able to get 100%.

Ingus says it's worth scouting the area. Although we are in an ordinary cell, there is a passage in the eastern wall to the next one (see the unusual shadow falling?). A fellow soldier says that the castle is an old tree that was cursed by Hein. He was once an advisor to the king of Argus Castle, but after the earthquake he was swallowed up by darkness, thanks to which he received such powers. And his strength is not enough. Therefore, he cursed all the soldiers of the kingdom who now carry out his orders. The king seems to be feeling unwell and asks that the scoundrel be eliminated for the greater good. Of course, we cannot refuse. Well, okay.

In the next chamber there are two soldiers: The one with the green helmet is quite ordinary, but the lilac one will fight with us, turning into a Demon. Nothing complicated, but we want to complete the game one hundred percent, right?

We exit through the passage and enter the last chamber. We talk to the lying soldier and he gives us a spell Mini after which it disappears. In the same chamber there is a pot that completely restores health and MP, and the upper right corner is the passage further. We go down to the next floor, run along the path and to the very bottom for a chest with Holy Arrow. Then we take the second passage to the north (it goes next to the path from where we came out) and pick up two Phoenix Down. Back to the intersection and now west, into the hidden passage (that greenish shadow again). To the north of the entrance there will be Phoenix Down and nothing else interesting. On the floor above, three doors await us, each with three chests:

Western: 3000 Gil, Bomb Fragment

Central: 3000 Gil, Antarctic Wind

Eastern: 3000 Gil, Zeus's Wrath

We collect all the goods and go around the rooms along the side path to the exit in the north. We appear on the next floor and, right in front of our nose, in the north there will be a chest with Royal Sword. It can be immediately equipped to our Knight (of course, if you have one), the exit is in the west. The next room is nothing interesting, we immediately go up to the floor above and go out to the outside of the tree. There is only one road here (but how beautiful!), on which there will be a chest with Phoenix Down. The end of the path will take us inside the tree again.

Immediately go left and take Elixir from the chest. Now up all the way Rune Bow at a dead end and, moving back a little, turn left before moving to the next floor.

I advise you to fully heal and get ready for the fight with Hein. It will be very good to have a Scholar on the team or Libra magic from a white magician.

This is where our black magician will be indispensable. The boss is very interesting with his Barrier Shift ability. In short: Hein has a weakness to one element, which we need to identify with our Scholar's Study ability and hit with the best magic of the desired element. But after using the Barrier Shift ability, it changes this weakness and needs to be figured out again. If you don't have a Scholar, Libra's ability is similar (though it's much slower and costs MP). Feel free to use Antarctic Wind, Bomb Fragment, and Zeus's Wrath in your reserves to deal as much damage as possible in a single round. But the focus will, of course, be on the black magician, who uses magic and these items much more effectively than the rest of the party.

Beware of physical attacks, heal in time and use your best techniques, then the enemy will fall very quickly.

We are shaken a little and the tree itself thanks us for liberation from the curse and promises to return everyone and everything to its place.

Together with him we fly to Living Woods, where the wise fauna gives us the Fang of Wind and tells us about the creation of a flying continent. Now our task is to leave the flying continent and go to the surface of the world of darkness. But the opportunity will not wait for us; if we don’t hurry, we may never come down. After another sea of ​​thanks, we are released.

Argus Castle: It's time to expand our horizons

And we appear northwest of the desert in which this tree flew. We take the ship and sail to Argus Castle, where the same festive music that greets us at the end of each task is already playing. We climb into the room with the round table and talk to the king, who once again thanks us for his salvation and gives heirloom Wheel of Time, which turns out to be the engine for a flying ship. Now all that remains is to give it to our Cid and he will make us a new ship in the blink of an eye! But we still need to go into one of the secret rooms (remember, there was also a closet that opened the way to the chests?) to talk to the researcher, who will give us 2x Elixir and promises to mass produce these great gizmos. Let's hope that we will also get the rest for free and go out.

Canaan: Plot twist

It's time to visit old Cid in Canaan. Seeing Wheel of Time, he immediately gets to work and after a couple of moments our ship turns into a ship that can fly! Just press (A). But a ship is a ship that walks on water; it is impossible to land, we only splash down.

Sid accidentally drops an unnecessary phrase about the real house of our team and he has to tell the story of the appearance of all four and Sid on the flying continent. It turns out that our guys got here after a plane crash, when the ship piloted by Sid was swallowed up by darkness and he crashed on a flying continent, and now it’s time to return home. Well, or at least see what happened to the world below after the arrival of darkness.

We shed a few tears, leave the city, take off on our ship and fly beyond the borders of the continent.

The ship begins to descend, but is swallowed up by a cloud of darkness, which takes away the party's power. But we withstand the onslaught of evil forces and fly through the veil to see a surface that is completely shrouded in darkness. And only a small piece of land remained not consumed by the ominous force. By the way, you can sail quite well along it and our first destination is the northern island with a broken ship.

Wrecked Ship: Horizons Expanded

I don’t see any point in pointing out where to go - there are no random fights, the descent down is always nearby. Let me just say that two floors below we will find Blood Sword, Zeus's Wrath and an old man who runs around a sleeping and apparently sick girl. She fought the darkness, but lost and is now completely bad. We “talk” to her and give her Antidote. Aria wakes up and sees the light of the crystals in the team. After a short conversation, she joins the team as a guest and very much asks to be brought to the altar of water, which we do.

Altar of Water/Cave of Tides: A Quick Farewell

The main advantage of the altar is the absence of random fights. We run straight to the pedestal with a tiny crystal fragment. Aria picks it up and now you need to get to the large crystal, which is hidden in the Cave of Tides, which is on the same island to the north.

There are already monsters here, but Aria will help us with her white magic, casting Protect or Cura for the entire party. Light Staffs and Thunder magic will come in handy here, because most monsters are weak against lightning.

We go straight along the path and watch as Aria prays at the doors so that they open. The next screen is a side view, where we are running along a long bridge laid near the waterfalls. It was very beautiful, although there were more random fights here. The exit is below (that is, closer to us). The next room is nothing interesting, as is the screen after it (run along the far bridge, the nearest one will lead you to a dead end). But the room with steps and a bridge hides a chest with excellent Blizzaga. We pick it up by climbing the stairs and walking along the passage all the way. Now go back and take another path into a small room with a descent to the water itself. We go around the large lake and go into the altar itself, where we should heal and get ready for the fight with the boss.

Aria takes the shard and prays at the crystal while it gains light. All we have to do is complete this process by adding a drop of light from our hearts, but someone is interfering in this delicate process. A brave girl pushes us away from danger, sacrificing her life. A robed figure emerges from the shadows, calling himself the Kraken. He must steal the light of the crystal on the orders of Lord Xande and, of course, wants to kill us. This is where a fight awaits us.

Boss: Kraken

If you still haven’t equipped your knights with Flame Mail, then switch to them already in battle because the Kraken will often throw Blizzara at our entire team, whose damage will increase from ice equipment. I had several Bomb Arms (managed to steal them during random battles) and Zeus’s Wrath lying around since time immemorial, which did very good damage. The newly acquired Blizzaga is also a great choice. In this battle, the warriors stand on the sidelines and heal the magicians (due to the enemy’s high physical defense).

In any case, the fight was quite simple and ended for me in about five or six rounds.

And Luneth runs up to the lying Aria, who is already living out her last minutes. She blesses us with the power of water and suddenly an earthquake begins. Another piece of earth rises from the darkness, and the unconscious Luneth has a wonderful dream about a grandmother who asks him to find Doga, with whose help they can defeat Xande.

Amur: Four farts and a woman from the sewer

Luneth wakes up and it turns out that our entire team slept for three whole days. No one remembers that the world was completely swallowed up in darkness, but we are in the city of water Amur, where it is worth looking around. If you're already good at playing the piano, it's worth going to a bar and playing for a fun scene with the whole crowd. I also advise you to chat with everyone around you to understand the complexity of the situation. Namely:

  1. There is one bad man named Goldor, who mistook us for four warriors of darkness. Magic is reflected from Goldor himself. I smell Reflect.
  2. He tied our flying ship to a huge chain so that we wouldn't get away.
  3. He lives far in the south in an estate that is surrounded by a bottomless pit.
  4. To cross the bottomless pit you need to get Levigrass Shoes, which only old grandmother Deliah has.
  5. Grandma lives in the sewer.

Let's take note of the plan and go shopping for now. All Final Fantasy heroes are shopaholics by default and you shouldn’t deviate from this principle. Buy Potions (although I have already completely changed the team’s diet to Hi-Potion) and the rest as desired. Next stop: gun store. And here we’ll pause for a moment to choose new professions for our team.

Ingus, who was my knight, became a bard, but that doesn’t matter. And what matters is WHY he became one! Bards have rather weak defense and attack, and are almost useless at the initial levels, BUT! Just one plus radically tips the scales in their favor. The Sing ability can impose all sorts of positive effects on our entire party at once. And Madhura Harp, which we'll talk about later, imposes Protect status, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. The following harps can completely replace a white mage with their positive effects, and the ability to switch between them directly in battle and the absence of any MP cost for all this beauty gives a simply mind-blowing effect (although at first the effect will be quite weak, but everything will come with his skill) . Do you want to make your life easier? Download the bard, you won't regret it.

Luneth, who was my thief, became a Viking. Vikings have very high levels of physical attack and defense; already in Amur they receive excellent equipment, which is much better than what we have in our inventory. The Provoke ability... well, I won’t say that it’s completely unnecessary, but we need it very rarely, and we need to have decent protection. Physical attacks are much better here.

Refia turned from a red magician into a black knight... There’s a long story with her. I started playing through the game in the hope that the situation with white magicians had somehow changed and we would need them for at least something. Unfortunately, nothing changed and Refia was a dead weight, despite my attempts to somehow correct the situation, and I decided to make her a red mage, who was attracted by the availability of white magic and the ability to use heavy equipment coupled with Staffs who cast elemental magic without spending MP. But time passes, everything changes, and I noticed that more and more often her attack with the staff does not cause serious damage, and it’s easier for me to throw Hi-Potion, which will restore HP immediately, than to delve into magic, waste MP and hope that she will deign to cast it before enemy's move. Therefore, I decided to abandon white magic until better times and make her a black knight. You can equip her with the equipment of a regular knight (which, by the way, is pretty good at this point in the game) and make her a full-fledged member of the team. Moreover, Blood and Royal Sword dealt 1000 HP damage and healed her well already in the Adjustment Phase at the first level of the profession.

And there is no replacement for black magic yet... Arc remained with his former profession.

But enough about the party management, let’s better look at the contents of the weapons store:

Battleaxe 7400 Exclusively for the Viking. If you followed the advice and included this profession, then you must purchase it.
Main Gauche 7000 Suitable for a thief, a dark knight and a bard. But I didn’t take it because the thief is no longer there, and the others have better equipment.
Thunder Spear 8000 We only need the spear for the dragoon.
Selene Bow 16000 A very strong and very expensive bow. I somehow don’t respect this weapon because it is completely dependent on a supply of arrows.
Boomerang 9000 An excellent weapon if you decide to keep the thief. Works well from the back row and is quite strong.
Madhura Harp 10000 Here is this harp for our bard. A bit pricey, but the free Protect is worth it?

I will omit the arrows as there is no need to explain their action. But don’t forget that we still need some money for armor to the store where we are going further, since it’s nearby.

It happens that there is not enough money, so I left the city and pumped up a little (at the same time I did the Adjustment Phase) in the forest nearby. It was a bit difficult, so I advise you to save first and then try.

From the area with the shops we cross the bridge and talk to the girl who talks about the four warriors of light. Immediately, four quarrelsome old men jump out and call themselves those same warriors of light. We are surprised at the stupidity of the “fake” warriors and go along the bridge to the right and up to the house where we talk with the old man. By begging for Levigrass Shoes for our personal needs, we hint that we are those same warriors of light and the old man, filled with joy, is ready to show the way to the sewer where these Levigrass Shoes are hidden. Four cantankerous old men were spying on us at this time and want to ambush us in the sewer.

And we follow the old man, who opens the grate to the water for us. For now, we'll go upstairs to the garden bed and pick up four Gysahl Greens. Then we go to the third... a waterfall or a drain or I don’t know what it is, but this is the uppermost left passage through the water. There we climb onto an island with Thief Gloves, Black Garb and Black Cowl. Only then do we go to the very bottom right corner to the entrance to the sewer.

Sewers: Grandma's sewage

On the first screen we simply get to know the area. There is nothing interesting there; to find a way out, you need to cross the sewage to the other side. But the next location may confuse us a little. But it’s quite easy to figure it out; just climb onto the platforms at the first opportunity and you’ll definitely reach the exit. And if we go a little further along the platform, we will find Cat Claws.

In the next room we walk across the bridge and watch a short scene about cantankerous old men driven into a corner and surrounded by Gigantoad. We'll have to help.

4x Gigantoad

The fight is not the most serious, there won’t be any special problems with the frogs. Just remember that their physical attacks can inflict Poison status.

After the victory, they thank us, and the four scoundrels remain in the sewer to rest. Well, we go down to the next floor. From the entrance we go strictly south until we notice that the walls hide the passage behind them. There we take it from the chest Diamond Bell and Hammer and we go back. The next passage can be found by crossing the bridge, directly opposite the previous one. He keeps within himself Kaiser Knuckles, Power Bracers and Poison Dagger on the second platform. Having finished collecting treasures, we go further along the path and go into a large room where the nasty woman Deliah sits. After a small scene with fake explosive boots, she gives up and gives us Levigrass Shoes.

Free floating: Not so free

Now we are free to go in all four directions, but I would not advise you to get too carried away with exploring the area. In the north, the strength of the enemies is still significantly greater than the strength of our party to interfere there. Two marks on the map are the altar of water and Cave of Tides, which we may need for leveling up.

In the altar of water on the right there is a room with revitalizing and healing springs, so we can thoroughly improve our new professions, saving money on treatments. By the way, next to the altar is a chocobo forest.

After leveling up, we catch a feathered bird and run to the very north to the estate in the mountains. We calmly overcome the hole with the help of our boots. And don't try to walk past the statues to the north. The game really likes to gamble without warning.

Goldor Mansion: Too Much Gold

Everything in the estate is truly made of pure gold! The monsters, by the way, are also golden. We will talk about the tactics of fighting with them:

The monsters are made, albeit from soft, metal, so their physical protection is increased. But this does not mean that we completely abandon our warriors. They did pretty decent damage for me. Our Viking’s Provoke ability turned out to be especially useful here. Enemies deal minimal damage to him (usually they dealt a measly 1 HP. After Provoke, for some reason they began to deal 0).

We have four rooms here, and we don’t need any of them yet. We decisively go straight, turn left and, all the way, down, past the library, to find a neat row of chests in which we will find whole 11 Useless Golden Swords(attack power is 5, and the selling price is 2500 Gil. After some calculations, we determine that we will get 27500 Gil. Not bad.) and only in the last Wyvern Claws.

With a sense of accomplishment, we return to the previous room. Or rather, to the upper right passage inside it. What? Are they asking for a key? What stupidity! Someone needs to become a thief for a second and break this door to hell. We choose the character ourselves (although I don’t advise you to suffer too much. The boss is not one of the most difficult).

Inside, the room may seem... uh... a little empty and completely devoid of any passages, but if we search the western wall, we will find a secret passage into something like a labyrinth. We go in and just keep to the southwest direction until we come out to a long corridor up. In the next room we will have a boss fight, so don't forget to heal.

Goldor stands at the crystal and falsely takes us for warriors of darkness who want to take away this crystal. Of course, no one tries to reason with him, and we immediately move on to the fight.

Boss: Goldor

You've probably met a couple of Golden Bears and Golden Knights along the way. Imagine that instead of two monsters there is one, it has more HP, but the attack power remains at the same level. The fight is practically ordinary, but I would advise you to test the full power of your team, since you have come across such a good punching bag. With my team, the system of moves was built almost instantly:

Black Mage - Blizzaga (and nothing is reflected from him, they were scared in vain) or something magical from the Items.

The Dark Knight – Souleater

Bard - first move: Sing ~ Minne and then Potions on the dark knight to smooth out the effect of Souleater.

Viking – physical attack (the boss dealt him 1 HP damage. You have to try hard to lose)

It's worth mentioning that the villain can throw Blind\Silence, which is a bit of a hindrance, but by this point in the game you should already have enough healing resources. Confuse is much more frightening; here you need to take the weapon off the bard and hit him in the head once as a preventive measure. Protect, which he can throw at himself, will delay the fight a little, but what difference does it make? You can enjoy the beautiful Boss Battle theme by Nobuo Uematsu, which I absolutely adore. If you don’t like it, then turn on something of your own or drink coffee.

Goldor is defeated, but this scoundrel is so crazy that he breaks the crystal so that we don’t get it. What will happen to the world now that one crystal is completely destroyed? Is that fragile balance of the forces of good and evil irretrievably lost? You will find out in the next episode... What am I talking about?

Let's take it Chain Key, which Goldor dropped before fleeing (we’re worried, but we also need a ship. It’s more fun to worry on it) and use Teleport if you still have a white/red mage and Ottershroom, if you don’t mind using it and are too lazy to crawl through the labyrinth to the exit.

In the forest next to the estate, by the way, there is a chocobo forest. If you don’t want random contractions, I would advise you to check it out. Next stop: Amur, or rather, our flying ship, parked near the town.

Start upgrading the Thief profession for one of your characters to level 70-80. Don’t be afraid, there’s still plenty of time, but don’t let them say later that I didn’t warn you. At the same time, I’ll tell you a way to quickly boost your profession:

We fly to Ur or any place where the weakest enemies in the game are found.

We enter the fray and select Defend for each character.

We repeat Defend for four to five rounds and end the fight.

Everyone gets a profession level.

Repeat steps 1-4 until you turn blue.

We will need a thief to obtain one of the most excellent copies for dragoons - Gungir.

We press the action button and remove the chains from our bird. Now we are free to fly anywhere. But the main jRPG cliché does not sleep, and in the most interesting places insurmountable and inexplicable barriers will await us. It's a pity. Although, there are a couple of places that are worth visiting, at least for enrichment and cultural development.

Duster: Cute hoods

The first town on the island that came to my attention was Duster. A couple of Geomancers are waiting for us here (their costumes just bring tears of tenderness to my eyes, but aren’t they hot?).

Do we see a clearing in the center? The trees that grow around it can be walked around. If we go around from the western side, we will see a strange guy who plays us sound when you get i-teeeeeems! Opposite it, near the river itself, we will find Earthen Drums, but the sound that we were promised will not sound. It's a pity.

Well, we go around the clearing on the other side. There will be a similar guy standing here singing the Chocobo song that has been walking through Final Fantasy for a very long time. Twenty something years. So be sure to sing along! Near the corner we will find another one Earthen Drums.

Having had plenty of conversations with the sweetest bards who tell us not only useful but also interesting information (which is quite rare, by the way), we go on what has already become a classic shopping spree. First, to the armor store:

Don’t forget that you have a mountain of gold lying around that someone is itching to take. Don't hold back this impulse. We have a lot of useful things:

Gaia Vest 7600 Expensive and only for Geomancer. Buy it.
Bard Vest 5500 Not so expensive anymore and only for a bard. If you listened to me, then this is a must buy. Stop wearing anything for him.
Feathered Hat 6000 Do we really have a hat that suits everyone?! Yes, she appeared! We take it to everyone who still wears ancient equipment. If there are none, then we take a couple into strategic reserves. You never know when you'll need a hat with feathers that you can put on anyone.
Bard Vest 5500 You already understand who this is for.
Rune Bracers 5000 Bracelets. For a magician. Protects against many statuses. Tears of happiness. Well, is there really anything good for a magician? Also for a bard?! He died of happiness.

The wallet has become significantly thinner after purchasing armor, but we also have a weapons store.

The eyes smoothly diverge in different directions for two reasons:

  1. Prices!
  2. Precious harps!

I even went through my inventory and sold some junk to buy a full collection of harps. I left with an empty wallet and a clear conscience of a man who had spent his money well.

Replito: Village of conical pots

Next stop: Replito – the village of Evokers. Everyone here is just talking about the great Noah, who sealed Leviathan and Bahamut. On the right there will be a passage to a small clearing with a man, next to whom lies Phoenix Down. There will be a similar clearing on the left, there are Elixir, and on its outer side, near the trunk of one of the trees, Turtle Shell. We go around the northernmost house from behind and enter. Here, if we go east all the way, we will come across another chest with Elixir.

Well, the main stop will be a magic store, filled with summoning tinsel, of course, for Evokers.

A short treatise on the topic “Why don’t I like Evokers?”:

Yes because they are unpredictable! The result of the attack depends directly on the little toe of our unfortunate Evoker’s left foot. And, if you buy Escape magic, then damn it, it doesn’t mean at all that as a result we will get the very escape from the battle that we want. Why is that? Let's delve a little deeper into those subtle matters that are tied to the left heel of this magician using the example of the same Escape:

Effect 1 – Ordinary: a move called Chocobo Dash is performed (I advise you to simply use it to see little Choco) and the party leaves the battlefield with a high probability (almost 100%). Everything is fine. Everyone is happy.

Effect 2 or as I call it WTF effect: An attack called Chocobo Dash is performed which theoretically damages one monster. And no Escape for you here! And the attack DOES NOT DO DAMAGE at all, forcing us, spitting saliva, to spew curses at Evoker, the character with his profession, those who invented this profession and just everyone, so as not to miss anyone. “But this is cool! Two magics in one slot!” you say. And I’ll tell you that it’s not cool at all. Not cool at all. Very. Using a simple situation as an example:

Catoblepas (which, by the way, can be found near the city) and the exhausted team. Choose any factor: the banks ran out, someone died, the adjustment phase (if you suddenly decided to make yourself a damned Evoker) or all together. Catoblepas is strong and can also inflict petrification status with a normal attack. Replito is nearby, we need to leave quickly. And we have a great thing called Escape, which we use. And here's a bonus! Our valiant magician tried so hard that the summon does “Chocobo Kick?” (with a question mark)! WHICH MEATS! Catoblepas carries out an attack, the character petrifies/dies and a gamover comes to us, which, as you know, is always somewhere near the bonus. Flying console. A curtain.

How can we ensure that the attack we need is carried out? No way. Done with Evokers.

But what’s most surprising is that I strongly advise you to buy all this magic, because another profession will cause us the Awesome effect with every attack using it. More on this later. Just buy what you can.

Saronia: Hooligans in the bar!

We are finishing our trips around the world; unfortunately, our ship doesn’t have much time left.

We fly south from Replito to the castle and our ship crashes. Someone simply smashed it with their cannon shots. Ingus can smell the war that we ended up in by accident. But for now it's worth going out and wandering around huge city. We skip the northwestern location for now, go southwest and end up in Southwestern Saronia. We go into the first house we come across with one person and talk to him. He says “Choc-choc-choc” and a fat chocobo appears in front of us. You can send unnecessary but important things to him. And through the eastern wall you can go to a room with as many as 11 chests with Gysahl Greens. The most southwestern house with a resurrection source, the northwestern one is a closed armor store. Our stop is the southeastern house. There, three bullies accost the young man with claims that he is impersonating the heir to the throne. We cannot help but intervene.

3x Gold Knight

What can I say? We ate packs of these at Goldor’s estate, and we can certainly handle three. Souleater worked great, causing 1000 HP damage to everyone at once.

After the battle, we talk with the guy who turned out to be Prince Alus and the rightful heir to the throne. His father ordered the soldiers to fight among themselves, and in response to his son’s attempts to reason with him, he simply expelled the young prince from the castle.

This needs to be sorted out somehow, which is what we will help Alus do. But first we go down into the water, go west and turn north, to the old man on a small platform. The old man gives it to the prince Dragon Mail which he gives to us. Now we turn west again and get out to the house with the revitalizing source. There will be a small passage nearby, down over the water. At the end an old man is waiting for us with Wind Spear. We leave the city and go right to Southeastern Saronia.

Here we are waiting for several chocobos, which can be caught exactly like in the Chocobo forest and a large tower in which, as one of the local residents tells us, treasures are hidden, but monsters live there.

Dragon's Spire: Boss Tower

Alus will help us with the magic of Confuse.

The story with Sasune repeats itself. We just go upstairs until we find a room with treasures: 2x Dragon Helm, Dragon Mail, Phoenix Down, 2x Thunder Spear. But keep in mind that some monsters are much easier to catch from here than on the world map. If you are a perfectionist and strive for a complete bestiary, then I advise you to run around here a little, looking for adventures to suit your butt.

We're done with the location.

Northeastern Saronia

Take the chocobo (it's very awkward to appear after leaving the city) and go north to Northeastern Saronia.

There is a weapon store here: Wind Spear 10000, Thunder Spear 8000

We already have both, but we need another Wind Spear. Not at all necessary, but I would recommend it. More on them later (and don’t you dare sell the equipment you just found! It will come in very handy!). At the hotel, don’t forget to buy healing items; we’ll have a boss fight soon.

Oh, and about the fight... We'll need at least one Dragoon. Or better yet, two. Ideally, four. Although, we don’t have enough equipment for four, so we’ll stop at number two. I turned a Viking and a Dark Knight. And don’t be sad, this is just for one battle. But at least it’s worth getting out of the Adjustment Phase. At the same time, save up money for Wind Spear if you suddenly don't have enough.

When all the preparations are completed (I even managed to pump up the third level of the profession for the dragoons), we move towards the Saronia castle.

Castle Saronia: I gave birth to you, I gave birth to you and that...

There are two teams standing in front of the entrance, ready to fight, but we pass them to the guards in front of the entrance. At first she doesn’t let us through, but the king himself wants to see us. The audience is scheduled for tomorrow, but in the meantime we are given a room to rest. Oh, don’t these villains really learn anything?! It is immediately clear that they want to take us by surprise at night, while we are unarmed and cannot fight at full strength. But our guys trust the scoundrel and go to bed. Not really though. Arc and Alus have a heart-to-heart talk about the prince's father, who suddenly expelled his own son from the castle. Well, who will do this? After such a touching conversation, everyone definitely goes to bed, just in time for the king to come and try to kill his own son. But something is wrong. Looks like it's run by Gigameth (that name reminds me of someone...). The father cannot withstand such an onslaught, swings his arms and... commits hara-kiri to himself. Gigameth does not despair. He simply skips his plan until Part when he kills us all (again a familiar phrase. Portal fans will appreciate)

Boss: Garuda aka Gigameth

If you listened to me and made yourself two Dragoons, then nothing will be difficult. But the beginning of the battle is the same in any case:

Mage: Turtle Shell on yourself.

Bard: Loki Harp + Sing = Minuet, making attack power higher.

2x Dragoons: Jump (note that both spears must be equipped)

The tactic leaves two of our characters at the mercy of the boss, but the main thing is to hold out for one of his moves (two attacks). After that, with the black magician we cast Blizzaga, and with the bard we switch to Madhura Harp and again do Sing – Minne, which increases defense (the dragoons don’t need it yet, and they’ll have time). At the end of our turn, the dragoons fall and deal 2000-3000 HP damage each. Add to this ~2000 HP damage from the Blizzaga of a well-developed mage. So we demolish more than half of the boss’s HP in two rounds and rejoice at the saved nerves. The second round can be carried out in the same spirit, or you can finish it off on your own. However, Jump is free, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Just don’t forget to Sing with Loki Harp again so that the damage done is maximum.

And heal if he casts his Lightning on the entire party. It bites very painfully.

The king lives his last minutes... We watch the touching farewell scene and, with gratitude, we are released.

In the same room, in the eastern wall, there is a section covered in cracks. We go into it and go down the long stairs to get to the room with Ice Rod, Dragon Hammer, Tome of Ice, Boomerang, Selene Bow, Tome of Light, Scholar Hat, Golem Staff, Main Gauche, Tome of Fire, Medusa Arrow and Rusty Mail. Are you happy with this set of items? Personally, with my professions, no. But maybe it will come in handy for you someday.

And you'll probably be interested in Rusty Mail. Something like “You need to work some magic on this and it will become the best equipment in the game. Maybe even wearing the Golden Sword and Chuck Norris won't compare to my character." I hasten to disappoint, this is garbage. It’s not for nothing that it’s rusty; it will rust for a long time in our inventory or in the stomach of a fat chocobo. However, if you are going through a game with challenges... Although no, Vest is already there.

Do you see the passage down? We go down there to a large and suspiciously empty room. So it is, in the western there is a section with cracks that hides a room Viking Mail, Gaia Vest, Earthen Bell, Dragon Helm, Viking Helm and one more “joy” Rusty Mail.

We get out of the secret passage completely and go down to the floor below. Here, on the right, there will be a small... probably a room, but from the outside it looks like a storage room. There are four scientists sitting inside and we should definitely talk to the top left one. The engineer (they, it turns out, are engineers), with his team, tells us that they recently raised a sunken ship - the Nautilus. This is not interesting at all, but what is interesting is that they give it to us to use! This is at least some kind of replacement for our old Enterprise, which, unfortunately, has already served its purpose (I hope the Vikings in their cave don’t know that their pride lies in a handful of debris far from land). And our path lies in exactly the same tower on the right. There are two magicians in it who don't tell us anything interesting, but there is a section with cracks in the eastern wall. It would seem that we are at a dead end, but the western wall hides another secret passage further down. So we get to two chests with Phoenix Down.

The guy who stands next to them (why is it even worth hanging around there in such darkness, alone?) reports that the passage further is closed. But before there was an underground tunnel. We take note of the information and leave the castle to check our new baby... It flies much faster, but now we can’t splash down. Have you curbed your curiosity? We land back inside Saronia. Shops have already opened there (although I would declare mourning for the death of the king, but this would interfere with our adventures. Just a little).

The northwestern section attracts us with a library (a magic shop that sells already ancient spells of the third level of both schools of magic, we skip) in which you can gain useful information. Is it true. She's also interesting.

Southwestern Saronia entices us with an armor shop with:

There must be something interesting in southeastern Saronia. I'm sure... But there's nothing interesting there. At all. The only hope is in northeastern Saronia, which, of course, will not let us down.

Western Magic Shop:

Thundaga 5000 Don't you want to buy it? You definitely want to. So don’t hold back and spend the money, it’s so nice.
Raze 5000 K.O. (not captain obvious!) on a weak enemy... Spend MP or hit the head twice with a club? It's up to you to decide.
Erase 5000 Removes positive statuses from enemies. All that remains is to find enemies who cast positive statuses on themselves.
Curaga 5000 See Thundaga
Raise 5000 Tell me, do you have a lot of Phoenix Downs? Aren't you afraid that one day you will squander everything and find yourself far from the reviving source? Have I convinced you enough?
Protect 5000 As if Madhura Harp has been working for a long time (and the effect should have improved significantly by this moment) for an ordinary human “thank you”. But if you want to collect a complete collection and don’t have a lot of money...

The Eastern store offers us fourth-level magic for both schools of magic. You already have. And one more thing: Do you still have money left? Personally, I don’t have one and, for the beauty that will come next, I had to sell some of that junk from the castle. It’s still not necessary with our professions.

To the north, behind a couple of trees, a weapons store was hidden:

The assortment of the second spear store has not changed at all.

Free... no longer swimming: Think for yourself

It looks like we're done with Saronia. It’s time to fly to that Dulg Continent, which seemed so familiar to Arc.

Maybe you want to explore the world in search of adventure, so I’ll say right away:

  • Ancient Ruins– the path beyond the first location is blocked by an adamantite wall. But don't think that there are no random fights in the first location. I barely escaped with my legs, and that was lucky.
  • Unei's Shrine– sleeping beauty and the parrot who says she will never wake up. Nothing more interesting.

And, before you rush to the continent, I would like to warn you about fights in the air (yes, they happen there).

I consider one of the most disgusting fights with two harpies, who can carry out two attacks in one turn. And quite strong attacks with the Confuse effect! And don’t think that you won’t meet them on earth either. The only thing that saved me was the combination of Thundaga, Souleater on everyone.

Well, now you can fly. The entrance is in the south, the location we need is in the north.

Doga's Mannor: Luneth you're a cowboy. Don't joke with moogles

We just go down until the owner of the house notices us and orders us to be captured... Muggles...

But, after a short scene, he comes up and recognizes us as warriors of light. Now we are waiting for a story about three students of the great wizard Noah: Xande, Unei and Doga. The last one stands in front of us and the teacher gave him the power of magic. The teacher gave the second student a world of dreams and now she sleeps eternal sleep in the altar.

But he gave mortality to the first one (trololol) and now he creates evil in this world. Xande has shrouded the world in darkness and stopped time precisely because he is afraid of his demise. But our party intervened and restored the natural order of things, although the resilient Xande wants to repeat his trick again. This is where you need to intervene. Doga is already hatching some kind of plan and asks us to accompany him to the Cave of the Circle, the passage to which is hidden in his room.

We go to the next screen, which is simply full of moogles. The little cuties seemed to love working in the magician's house. But we're interested in the couple at the counters. The one on the left sells healers, but the one on the right just sells excellent magic:

Firaga 10000 The price is steep. But this is Firaga!
Bio 10000 Deals damage. Probably also the Poison status, but I'm not sure. No need, we already have Firaga.
Warp 10000 A completely stupid thing. Teleports the team to the previous floor of the dungeon or monsters from the battle. Just think, when did you really need to go to the previous floor? That's it.
Aeroga 10000 A good thing. But not the most necessary one.
Stona 10000 Buy these ten thousand Gold Needles if you really need confidence that you will be saved from petrification. At least they work faster.
Haste 10000 Increases the number of hits per turn... This means it increases attack power. Worth taking.
Curaga 5000 We already had this couple.
Raise 5000

And if we go all the way to the right, touch the extinguished candle and use Gysahl Greens on it, we will summon a plump chocobo. You can try to sell something in order to get a complete collection of spells.

We return to the racks and pass between them to the next room. There is a pot of healing water and a book that revives. Use as needed. When we have completed our preparations, we find a secret passage in the western wall. Although it's worth talking to Doga about the earth crystal that was destroyed by Goldor. It turns out that it was a fake made by Doga, who only created gold. A kind of philosopher's stone. But the real crystal of the earth is unknown where. In the next conversation he talks about Eureka, which is hidden on the other side of the cave. Forbidden weapons are kept there, sealed by the ancients. Only it, together with the power of the warriors of light, can destroy Xande.

But enough of the chatter.

We use Mini on the whole team (or Mallet on everyone) and go into the passage.

Cave of the Circle: It was fast

It doesn't quite look like a cave, but it's very beautiful.

The monsters here are quite strong, but I don't think there will be any particular problems. We cast –ra magic and use Souleater (which deals damage only depending on the caster’s HP). After three screens of monotonous running to the right, a location awaits us where Doga will cast a spell on our ship that allows him to swim underwater and disappear into a crevice between dimensions in search of the key to Eureka. The team appears outside his house.

And now another side quest awaits us!

Quest: Saronian Legend

Conditions: Completed events in Cave of the Circle, sent seven letters to other DS owners.

Minimum level: 74 – 99

Reward: Metal Card, "Giantslayer" letter signature

We begin correspondence with four cantankerous old men from Amur. An introductory letter always arrives, even when you have not yet fulfilled the conditions required for the quest:

This is closer to the topic:

Theme: Sea voyage
We once went on a sea voyage when we were a bit younger. Halfway through the trip, we saw a huge shadow gliding alongside our ship! We don’t remember exactly where, but it was impressive.

For now, let’s put off the four scoundrels until better times and move on to Alus. First, as usual, an introductory letter:

The correspondence is over, and it’s time for us to combine two stories into one: Four old men swam in the water and saw an underwater shadow, and the legend says about a star that fell into the water. Undoubtedly, the star is our Nautilus, which can dive. All that remains is to find a place with shade on the water.

And this is quite difficult, by the way. We have such a large ocean that it is almost impossible to find any shadow on the water, no larger than a flying continent (heh, from the outside world it’s not that big). But we have a map! So just swim to a given point and dive into the water.

There will be coral reefs nearby, where is the entrance to the dungeon??? (that's what it's called. Honestly), but don't go too far. Just make sure it's open. The secret superboss that awaits us inside is much stronger for now. We will return to it later (also with a solo challenge for the most notorious).

And once again, a side quest.

Quest: Ultimate Weapon

Conditions: 3 letters were sent to Faraway\Nearby Friends.

Minimum level: 35

Reward: Ultimate weapon

First, let's talk to Sara:

Now we need to pester the blacksmith Takka.

Theme: Refia
Are you doing all right, Refia? Remember to come straight home once you’ve completed this journey of yours. There’s a lot of work for you to do!
Theme: Kazus
Kazus has recovered well from that Djinn fiasco. You should come visit, when you have the time.
Theme: Must Be Getting Old
Hey, I got this order for mythril gear recently, so I went into the mines to get some ore... I must be getting old. I wasn’t able to carry back half the muthril I used to!
Theme: The Legendary Smith
I don’t know if I’ve told you, but there’s supposed to be this legendary smith wandering the world. Rumor has it that she fixes things so well, they look brand new!

Now it’s time to visit Sara (her room is located at the top of the eastern tower of Sasune Castle. She is glad that we came and gives us Sara’s Pendant, which is worth repairing. Let’s now visit Takka in Kazusa.

Takka looks at the thing and has absolutely no idea what it is made of. We have to find that same legendary blacksmith. I won’t torture you, she’s in northwestern Saronia (more precisely, in the eastern part of this area, in one of the clearings near the trees). The girl is quite serious, but agrees to an exchange: she repairs a trinket for us, and we give her Orichalcum if we find one. And even after this, any thing that comes out of the hands of the craftswoman will belong to us (she just wants to test the metal. Professional interest, one can understand). After that, they give us a whole Sara’s Pendant. We give the trinket to Sarah (she thanks us and tells us that the medallion belonged to her mother), but the quest is still far from over. We write a letter to Takka again and he immediately writes about the topic we need:

We send him another letter and put this whole matter aside. You won't get any further yet, but you are much closer to Ultimate Weapon.

Let's return to the plot events. Our stop: the underwater space off the continent of Dulg. There will be a narrow tunnel inside, which, however, does not lead anywhere. But it’s enough to surface to see Doga’s Village right next to us and the mountain range that we crossed under water.

Doga’s Village: Where are the houses?...

Magic! As many as six magic shops and nothing more! Unfortunately, most of the magic was already there, but there were a couple of new spells. Before purchasing, be sure to look at how much level 7 MP you have. It is likely that there will be very few of them to get enough benefit from the purchased spells.

Quake 20000 A good thing. Decent damage to all enemies, although it hits flying ones.
Breakga 20000 Petrification on the enemy is more likely. We do not need.
Drain 20000 Nice spell. Deals good damage and, at the same time, heals well.
Curaja 20000 What could be better than Curaga? The answer is obvious! Only Curaja!
Esuna 20000 Removing all negative effects. These negative effects are not so much that you want to spend as much as 20 thousand on a spell.
Reflect 20000 Have you ever thought that reflected magic would greatly help in battle? What if we have armor that gives status for free? That's it.

We don’t have that much money, or rather very little. Shuriken is increasingly attracting attention, but it’s not worth selling it because it will help us out at the very end of the game... Well, or if you then don’t mind paying as much as 65550 Gil for 1 Shuriken. Oh, and try to save as much money as you can, because we'll have to buy lots of it for the final bosses.

Fun math:

To buy 99 shuriken we need to spend 6,489,450 Gil. If you round it up, it comes out to six and a half million.

For selling 99 shurikens we will receive 3,242,250 Gil. A little less than half the money we will buy them for.

Optional for nerve cells

We finish our shopping here and go to a small triangular island in the very southeastern corner of the map. Or rather, under the water, on its eastern side. There will be a cave there, where we should swim.

Sunken Cave: The water is wet

I dealt with all enemies using Thundara + Souleater.

Beautiful underwater cave, beautiful music. What else do you need? Oh yes. Heaps of treasures in the cave! Am I interested in you? Then we cross the bridge and go west to the passage further.

We appear in the middle of a fork, and in every dead end there is something useful. The closest one is the northwest chest with Chakram, which we immediately equip to the thief (if, of course, you have one on your team). Further to the northeast, along a long passage with Tiger Claws at the end. The last chest hides the southwestern passage and is waiting for us in the chest Dual Tomahawk. Having collected all the treasures, we go to the southeast, to the passage further. Here we go down, to the left, across the bridge to an island with chests in which Air Knife, Diamond Bracers, Loki Harp, Diamond Mail. Now we go down the bridge to Elixir, Diamond Gloves and Phoenix Down. Explore the western wall just below the PD chest to find a secret passage to four more. Heal up and get ready for battle, we will have to recapture the most precious goods from the monsters. In the top right chest with Aegis Shield Zombie Dragon is waiting for us.

Zombie Dragon

Although he carries out two attacks in one turn (he bites quite painfully, by the way), there should not be any special problems. Just think of him as a simplified boss. I defeated him in two rounds without healing at all (although it was risky, Arc only had ~120 HP left). Souleater + Viking with two axes (did you remember to equip Dual Tomahawk?) + Thundaga + Loki Harp Sing = victory.

Get some treatment and try to change someone else's profession to magic. The next monster multiplies from physical attacks.

Lower, right chest with Triton Hammer protected by Eater.


Although he has one move and is generally alone, the very unpleasant Divide ability can significantly complicate the fight and bring the situation to a critical point in the blink of an eye. We cast a spell on Firaga, and let him choke on this one MP point.

Don't forget to heal and go to the lower left chest with Reflect Mail, which is guarded by Death Claw.

Death Claw

His HP is much lower than other enemies, but his strength is quite seriously superior. Try to end the fight as quickly as possible. Do not spare the collected Earthen Drums if you see that the problem is a trumpet.

If you can, give at least one character the Dragoon profession and equip it to the fullest, because the last chest contains Trident and Pteryon in addition.


Did you take my advice and make yourself a Dragoon? Then use the same tactics as with Garuda: Bard Sing with Loki Harp, dragoons Jump, the rest something more serious to end the fight as quickly as possible.

When we are done with the chests, we go back and now down the bridge. There will be a chest with Ancient Sword, but if we go even lower, we will find four chests with Cognitome, Diamond Helm, Metal Knuckles, Diamond Shield. After that, our business is finished and it’s time to leave here. We use Teleport or Ottershroom (if you don't mind it).

It's time to visit another underwater place, which is not necessary to visit, but will help you stock up on junk that can be equipped/sold if necessary. We sail to the southern border of Saronia, which is located right next to the ocean, and there we dive to find the entrance to the Saronia Catacombs. Be sure to save in front of him. It would be a shame if we beat one of the bosses and don't get anything worthwhile. And, do you remember how I told you to drug the thief? His time has come. It's time to feel the pockets of Odin himself.

Saronia Catacombs: Great place to sleep

There's not even anything to describe here. Most enemies are afraid of lightning, and Thundaga + Souleater incapacitates everyone 100%. We follow the only passage until we reach a fork. At the fork, first turn right after Golem Staff, Rune Bell and Aegis Shield, and then to the left, simultaneously capturing Reflect Mail, past the entrance Heavy Lance, and only then we go further along the passage to the Saronia castle and even higher, to Odin, who has already been waiting for us. Just remember to heal.


The fight isn't as important as the fact that we need to steal Gungir. To make matters worse, a thief with a profession level below 70 will steal a measly Elixir (I have nothing against them, but not in the case of a spear). We throw healers at everyone who comes under attack, the bard uses Sing with Madhtdura Harp equipped to reduce the damage from his attacks to a minimum, and the thief persistently tries to steal Gungir. As soon as we succeed, we use all the techniques at our disposal in order to kill him as quickly as possible. If he starts using Zantetsuken, which removes up to 1000 HP from the entire team, then his death is close (about 4-5 thousand HP remains to be removed), but damn it, it’s impossible to withstand such an attack every turn! I advise you not to get into a situation where you really want to swear.

After the victory, Odin surrenders to our service and we receive a spell Catastro, which I advise you to throw to a character with a collection of magic for Devout. We go back one location, to a small staircase already in the castle, but where music from the catacombs is still playing. We look for a section with cracks in the eastern wall, heal the team and go to the secret room with chests.

In the top four lies Elixir, but each is guarded by Ouroboros. For some reason, out of fear after Odin, I wanted to write a tactic to defeat them, but I realized that these were the most ordinary monsters that would not cause any special problems, and I gave up on it.

In the lower ones they lie Phoenix Downs and in each Cenchos (recolored Kraken). You have already met him while walking here through the catacombs.

We finish collecting treasures and get out of here. We don't have anything else to do here.

Gungir is still worth using. And the combination with Thunder Spear will help a lot in the next dungeon, which, by the way, is a must-visit, so I turned Arc into a dragoon and completely abandoned magic until better times.

We continue our underwater adventures and head to the southernmost part of the Saronia continent. There will be something like an ideal bay where we go under the water and swim into the Temple of Time.

Temple of Time: Temple for Balalaika

There will be flying wyverns and dragons, which makes the dragoon a very useful choice. I was also attracted to the Geomancer profession, which with Rune Bell does pretty decent damage. Closed doors force you to put a thief on your team, but if you went through the events with Odin and leveled up your profession well, then the transition will be without the Adjustment Phase.

So, we go straight, turn left at the first turn and reach the closed doors. This is where the thief comes into play and breaks them open to reveal a passage to the chest with Diamond Helm.

We go back to the entrance to the room and continue to go left until we see another door behind which hides a chest with Diamond Bracers. After this, we return to the entrance and go south, along the bridge and left again, into the water. Now go north, all the way (in the water the geomancer does a Whirlpool, which simply washes the enemy away from the battlefield) and to the right, to the passage further.

The next room is quite small, just remember to take Defender in the southeast corner. In the next room we do not go down into the water yet, but go right, to the closed doors, behind which a chest with Diamond Mail. We go back, go down into the water and go left, up to the steps, next to which there is a door.

We open the doors and take them out of there Diamond Gloves and Behemoth Knife(the second one can be given to the thief). This area is finished, the passage is further in our northeast. Through a small room we go further and go down a large staircase, on the sides of which there are cascades of waterfalls.

We pass through the water and, in the right room, take Noah's Flute from the pedestal, which first, for some reason, begins to play on its own... But what difference does it make, we take this bandura and leave the room to go into the left Diamond Shield and climb to the very top, where, under the right waterfall you can go to a secret passage, at the end of which lies Blood Lance, Protect Ring and Lamia Harp. We take them and use Teleport or get out of the dungeon with our feet.

We have everything we need to continue the story and we go to Unei’s Shrine (just south of Temple of Time, fly between the mountain ranges where you can see a forest). We go into the altar and place Lute next to Una. She wakes up and, having forgotten how good the real world is, immediately begins to look for adventures and command us. Doga, it turns out, has already told her that we are warriors of light and we need the Invincible ship to defeat Xande (what an agile fart, he has time everywhere), so Una gives us Fang of Fire and assigns the next stop - Ancient Ruins

Ancient Ruins: Paleontologists and Monsters

Unei will help us with Holy and Haste magic.

The expedition inside says that everything was fine until the adamantite stones collapsed. Una knows the solution to this probably difficult task and destroys the adamantite with a stone from the world of dreams. Now the path has been cleared and it’s time to find that very Invincible, which is hidden in the depths of the ruins. We go straight until we see the entrance to the room inside which (at the very end) lies Reflect Mail. The next room hides a further passage and three more doors, behind which there are: a hotel with a medical store and a weapons store with

We don’t need diamond equipment (we managed to get through the roof), but I would advise buying White\Black Robe, because the next solution for colored magicians will be closer to the end of the game. Well, or just think about the magician who will be on the team almost until the very end of the game and buy a little thing just for him.

We go to the next screen and here we go straight to the fork. On it we go down to the very bottom and to the left, into the room with Black Belt Gi. After that, we go up and turn right, to another room with Chakra Band. We go upstairs again, until the next turn to the right (at the intersection) to the room with Faerie Claws and rooms on the left with Rune Bell. We go out to the intersection and go up, all the way, and along the only possible path, through a series of corridors that are too boring and simple to describe. In any case, we will reach the flying ship, where Unei will give us a tour. What is on our ship:

  • Ability to fly over mountains.
  • Free stay in a cabin.
  • Shops for magic, armor, weapons, medicine.
  • Summoning point for a fat chocobo.
  • Moogle
  • Fire support in air battles (yes, yes, you heard right. Approximately 1000 HP damage to all enemies)

Orichalcum Pt.2

If you are completing the quest to obtain the Ultimate Weapon, then the moogle should have a new letter from Cid for you:

Topic: Something in Basement…
Mrs. Cid came running up from the basement today, all scared-like. She says she saw something big lurking in the shadows! I hope we don’t have a monster down there…

We approach the helm and emerge from the water (I love the Invincible theme). A little about the controls, if the description of Unei seemed too condensed for you (you are a cheerful old lady):

  • And - we give the gas and the ship can fly over low mountain ranges. Strictly defined, of course.
  • B – we go to the captain’s bridge of the ship. The passage down, opposite the helm, will take us down to the world map.
  • You can enter the ship using the A button when we are standing on its shadow.

The ship is a little slow, but as you understand from the letter, we have a couple of intimate matters on the flying continent:

  1. Obtaining Orichalcum.
  2. Battle with Leviathan.
  3. The battle with Bahamut, which we will postpone until better times due to the power of the dragon
  4. Visit to the village of the dark knights Falgabard

All activities are optional and will not affect the progress of the story, but is it possible to miss such a party? So, we fly to Canaan and stay close, just in case.

We talk to Uncle Sid and go down to the basement to see a tanned (or jaundiced) Gutsco, who is no longer Gutsco, but Aeon.


The guy is nasty. One of his hits deals ~900 HP damage and often hits the same person twice, which means K.O. (although it depends on what level you are, but, as usual, I went in underdeveloped). But, what is even more surprising, he dies almost immediately and painlessly. You can put yourself in a team of dragoons and he definitely won’t be able to withstand four jumps with good spears.

Geomancer, by the way, is not a special helper here due to attempts to cast Whirlpool, which does not work on the monster.

After the battle, the team sees that the monster left behind some strange thing. Arc says he has never seen such metal and never read about it. We select Unknown Metal and go with the find to Sid. He thanks us for a little cleaning of the basement, but that same unknown metal came into his field of vision. Sid takes a closer look and says what is this Orichalcum- a very rare metal that not everyone knows how to handle. But we know who needs this metal. Don't rush to rejoice, though. The girl left Saronia a long time ago to travel further, but we will keep the thing until the next meeting.

Falgabard: Dark knights choose a quiet life

It’s worth running into one nice place - the village of dark knights (I advise you to choose this profession for one character and start slowly upgrading it. It will soon become relevant). To do this, near Saronia, you need to find a small mountain range over which you can fly by stepping on the gas. Here we go behind the waterfall and find ourselves in a small cave in which there is an old man. Don't rush to talk to him! First, check your equipment and think about the upcoming battle. Nothing special will happen, but just check your team again. Now we talk to the old man and start the battle:


Hits twice per turn and can inflict Blind and Poison statuses. Despite all this - an ordinary and unremarkable enemy, battles of this complexity usually take place on the world map.

The old man is amazed by our strength and gives us a sword Kiku-Inchimonchi. Now we need to go back a little, before going into the water and going out into the river. We walk along the river to a small island with a large stone and zoom in on the camera to see the stones lying on the ground. Demon Mail, Demon Shield, Hi-Potion and Blessed Hammer. We leave the river and go to the nameless cave in the north.

We'll have another one inside Blessed Hammer and a secret passage to the east. Now we go further along the road to the chest with Demon Mail and another passage to the very end, where we find Ashura and Kotetsu. Our adventures are over here.

“What about shopping?” you ask. And I’ll tell you that if we make one dark knight, then we already have everything we need. Of all this, perhaps, you can only pay attention to the Demon Ax for the Viking for 40,000. After this, you can leave the village.


Remember that Hein’s castle, which turned out to be a tree and after talking with him we were thrown onto the world map in a small forest surrounded by mountains? We fly there and jump over a couple of the lowest rocks to the lake, in which a shadow wanders in a circle. We save and go down to a small piece of land and swim to this moving shadow to enter the Lake Dohr location

Lake Dohr: Pool is closed, Leviathan pool is in

Something roughly similar to Sunken Cave, but a little more complicated.

I advise you to collect all the items and meet all the monsters, because after defeating Leviathan the dungeon will become inaccessible.

Let's go southeast and pick up Heavenly Wrath, Phoenix Down, Earthen Drums and Arctic Wind. The northeastern region will delight us 3x Hi-Potion, Elixir and pass on. Here we go strictly north to the chests with Aegis Shield, Platinum Hammer, Baccus's Cider and Turtle Shell, and if from these four chests we go straight south, between the lakes, we will find White Musk(Holy for one enemy, but we’ll save that for now). From the chest we go to the right and, along the path of least resistance, to the passage further.

Try to get a decent level, since the monsters here are rich in experience and gold.

Before the battle you should be at least level 45.

Here we have a crossroads, where you should first visit the northeastern road with Black Hole, Platinum Hammer, Reflect Mail and Black Musk(free Death spell on the enemy), and then southwest with Raven's Yawn and Lilith Kiss. After that, we take the northwestern path with a passage further.

We go around the huge whirlpool and, when you see the bridge that takes us to its center, heal and get ready for the battle with Leviathan. Click the action button to bring his attention to us.


Geomancer is pretty useless here with his Whirlpool. If you take a black mage from Thundaga, a Viking armed with two Platinum Hammers will be quite good. His attacks are not the most serious, but can cause petrification. Blizzaga, which he can cast on one, also does not add a good mood. You'll probably want to use Erase as well, because this bad guy can cast Haste and Protect on himself. When his HP reaches a critical level, he will begin to use Tsunami, which deals pretty decent damage and (I'm not sure, but it's worth saying), I think inflicts K.O. status. with average probability. It’s better not to let things get to the point of a tsunami, I assure you. Don't skimp on your best attacks, White Musk and, in general, all the most powerful things to end the fight as quickly as possible. Using the Defender sword, we immediately cast Protect on the characters with the weakest defense first (that is, magicians). The most important thing is to use the strongest attacks to kill him when the HP is already close to low values, but not yet critical. This way you won't get hit by a tsunami.

After the victory, Leviathan is convinced of our strength and surrenders to serve, and we receive the Leviath spell. Run through the dungeon again and make sure that you have collected and received everything, because we will not return here again, and exit/teleport.

We fly back to the continent of Amur to the speckled northern part and use the abilities of our engine to go through a small labyrinth of mountain ranges. It’s quite simple to describe; you won’t have any problems (but if it happens, write to me right away and I’ll make a map). In its center there will be a small forest and the entrance to the Cave of Shadows.

Cave of Shadows: Training Caves

Most of the enemies here multiply, so I’ll remind you again what it is (in case you forgot after Ancient Ruins).

If an enemy is attacked with any PHYSICAL attack and:

  • He will not be put to sleep, paralyzed, or turned into stone.
  • There will be free space on the screen (there are three positions on the screen for a row of monsters).

Then the monster will perform a Divide counterattack ability and split into two parts. The new part is in no way inferior to the old one and can also use the Divide ability.

How do we get around this nasty thing? There are several ways:

  • Kill a monster at once with one attack.
  • There is no free space on the screen (this already means problems), but we remove everyone’s HP to a critical level and then carry out an attack on everyone.
  • Use MAGIC attacks (Terrain geomancer, magic of color magicians, anything you like, just to avoid swinging swords).
  • Send Shade magic and beat the paralyzed or turn them into stone (you can’t get enough MP that way).

And if you somehow guessed the previous ones yourself, then here’s some new food for thought: They don’t share attacks with a dark sword. Therefore, if you have upgraded the dark knight, then put him in a prominent place (although you can also use Onion Knight), and if you haven’t, then assign the corresponding profession to someone in the party.

There will be a dark knight right next to us, who will tell us the sad truth about the division of monsters. But in the eastern wall there will be a secret passage with Black Musk. We go back and follow the only accessible path to, through the chest with Dark Claws, to the dying knight, who with his last breath gives us his sword - Kotetsu, which is worth equipping yours right away. I hope you don't believe in superstitions. The Cave of Shadows is somewhat... um... confusing and has a lot of secret passages. Often you will have to poke into walls in search of a passage. No special events are expected during the wanderings.

And we return to the descriptions of events when we are already walking along the hefty ridge of some dinosaur. At the end of it there will be a chest with Genji Helm and passage to the next location. We immediately heal, there will be a fight with the boss soon. Don’t forget to distribute the collected equipment and get ready (the profession of the dark knight, if it is not your main one, will be removed from the pedestal). We go straight up to the pedestal with Fang of Earth, but the defender of the artifact, Hecatoncheir, comes to the broken seal.


Not the most serious opponent for our party. We just do what we do against ordinary monsters, adjusted for the fact that he attacks twice per turn and can use Earthquake. Although he didn’t even have time to carry out the last one on me. The geomancer tore it into a Turkish flag.

We get a fang and we need to return to Doga, who has probably already met with Unei. It will be fun to look at two very old and magical farts who have not seen each other for a long time. Again we do all these boring jumps over the mountain ranges and fly to Doga’s house (just don’t forget to transfer to a fast ship. I even parked it inside Saronia, for the sake of beauty and convenience).

Doga's Mannor

I would try to pump up professions with as much protection as possible (Viking, unfortunately, is not suitable), since soon we will have a long and most disgusting plot battle, in which it is very easy to get the coveted gamover. But let's get back to the game. As soon as we enter the house, Doga immediately contacts us and asks us to come get the thing that he and Una prepared for us. A magic seal appears nearby, which teleports us to the grotto.

Doga's Grotto: Suicidal Tendencies

Please note that for 100% we need to collect all the treasures and fight all the monsters at once. After this, the grotto will be closed to us.

A long path along the edge of the cliff awaits us. Along the way we select twice 10,000 Gil and we descend to more interesting terrain. There we immediately turn left and northwest to the room with Rising Sun, Lust Dagger(last weapon for the thief if you don't do the side quest) and White Musk. After that, go right, to the passage further. In the next location we select Chocobo's Wrath, after moving further also Phoenix Down. Again a long and boring descent down, at the end of which there is another Phoenix Down

The passage levels out and Doga says he's going to make the key to Eureka. But to do it, you need to kill Doga and Unei... Our team, of course, refuses to do this. To which Doga himself attacks us.


This thing doesn't look anything like old Dogu! But what's worse is that she's strong as hell. -ga magic (serious damage to the whole team or one), Flare (guaranteed death to one), strong physical attacks (although, if you look at his arsenal, they are not so impressive) and multiply this by the ability to perform two such nasty things in one turn. The enemy is very serious and I advise you to defend yourself thoroughly and keep your HP at a high level. Jump, in principle, can help take one away from fire, but this is not a solution. I used Souleater, but here you always have to be very careful when healing the dark knight. Physical attacks also work very well. Try to use the most powerful spells (if you dare to go on the attack with one of the magicians) or items (which is much better, given the nightmare that is happening). Knight works very well with two equipped shields (Genji + Aegis), Cura from magic and full MP. He should at least provide support and constant healing to the others. Another good choice is a Bard who does Sing and casts Haste, Protect on the team. The rest will perform their strongest attacks (the Dragoon does a normal one, you must have Gungir?) and eventually the boss will fall.

But don't relax. We won't be given any rest and will have to fight Unei, who has taken Doga's place. And you won't like the fight very much.


If you look from the outside, she will be easier than Doga, but we are not given any break or opportunity to heal the team between battles. She often finishes off a battered team (oh, I never learn from my mistakes and relax when fighting with her). The battle begins with her giving herself all possible positive statuses, which are done using magic. Here Protect, Haste and I can’t confirm for sure, but I can probably throw Reflect on myself. This comes mixed with physical attacks. Then, when the buff is applied, the second stage begins, mixed with abundant Aeroga with the same ubiquitous physical attacks. I really won't like the third part of the battle, because it involves casting Holy on one person every turn. What can I say, anyone can’t stand it. Therefore, we need to hit as hard as possible and use Barrier Breaker, Erase so that she is constantly busy with her positive statuses. So somehow it will be possible to win.

We are shown a tragic scene about Doga and Una, who give us the keys to Eureka and Syrcus. Finally, they will say that they will not cease to exist and will remain, like souls, to watch us and once again ask us to defeat Xande, after which they die.

Make sure once again that you have collected all the necessary items and defeated all the necessary monsters, because as soon as we leave here the path will be closed forever.

Path to the Villain

We fly to the northern part of the Amur continent and, near the statues, get off the ship. As soon as we pass by the statues, they are destroyed. Well, at the end of this passage a small mountain range awaits us, so we will have to return to the ship. To the big one. Behind the mountain range you will find a large forest and a crystal tower surrounded by a yellow wall. We go into this yellow fence for the tower and find ourselves in Ancient’s Maze.

Ancient's Maze: Bricks with Eyes

First, heal. But for some body movements we still need to hold down the “up” button. Trust me, you won't miss a beat when you walk through the doors right in front of you and out to the earth crystal (we're fast, aren't we?). But, as usually happens, some scoundrel does not allow us to calmly come, receive light and move on. We'll have to fight.


He's not that scary. It's not that his attacks aren't strong, but somehow he looks a lot like Hecatoncheir, both in appearance and in behavior. Geomancer works quite well here with his Earthquake\Cave-In (although this depends entirely on the level and level of the profession). Even simple professions like Knight and Thief do a good job and deal decent damage. For me, he died in three rounds and didn’t even make a peep.

The scoundrel died, and the last crystal turned out to be much more talkative. He tells us that his powers are drawn to Xande to carry out his insidious plans, the tower of Syrcus or the crystal tower was once upon a time created from solid light, which the main scoundrel turns into darkness. And, of course, he blesses with his power.

I advise you to immediately turn on the Black Belt profession for everyone and go swing. And it’s not that you have a weak team or anything, but we need to get as much HP as possible (if you haven’t noticed, it remains the same, despite the profession), and Black Belt gives the largest increase in HP at a new level. Rock on, comrades. And, I must say, there aren’t that many games left to delay this matter. And you will collect money for shurikens.

Come back when you have something around level 55 and at least 2500-3000 HP. Have you pumped before? Very bad. It is quite possible that you will not be able to reach the maximum of 9999 HP.

Let's climb into Ancient's Maze again and, this time, we go not straight, but on the right side of the altar of earth in order to pick up Elixir in the chest. We go to the door and immediately left behind Lilith's Kiss and Crystal Shield. Crystal equipment is pretty good, so think about using the thing you found. Although, to be honest, I haven’t given a damn about shields for a long time. They are only noticeably useful in boss battles, and even then not always. In short, decide for yourself.

And we, at this time, go to the right and, along the path of least resistance, simultaneously capturing Crystal Mail, White Musk and Crystal Gloves let's go to the next screen. Here we first continue to go right to the chest with Crystal Helm, then we go down to the very bottom to three chests with Break Blade, Phoenix Down and Chocobo's Wrath. Well, the last chest is hidden in the northeast, next to the passage further, and contains Dual Haken. The location that we will see next is so uninteresting that it is not worth describing. Chests with Phoenix Down and Protect Ring lying along the way and do not require any special description of their location. But the next paths, right next to the lava, require explanation. First, we go straight along either of the two parallel paths (they are quite close to the lava, it’s probably hot) for a chest with Holy Lance. Now we go away from the center of the location (depending on which path we chose, but the paths are exactly the same) and, after the paths converge, down to the chest with Hellish Claws(for Black Belt it’s the same). After collecting treasures, go north until you exit to the street.

I can say without a twinge of conscience that there is absolutely nothing to do here. At all. Well, maybe it's worth saving.

Crystal Tower: Lots of transparent walls

We go inside the crystal tower and listen to the most wonderful background melody (although it can hardly be called background). For some actions, we are currently required to press the forward button. But don’t think that there aren’t monsters in such a beautiful place. There are some, and quite strong ones, I tell you. But I don’t think you’ll have time to run into trouble. Let's approach strange symbol and press the action button to apply Doga's key to the door. Click on the symbol again to teleport to...

Forbidden Land Eureka: Talking Weapons

Everything here is quite beautiful, but if you look at the cliff under the paths, it’s also dangerous. The main danger is, of course, monsters.

We go down the left passage and exit onto a small island with Chocobo's Wrath and Fuma Garb(the most relish for the Black Belt, of course). Now go back and take the right path to take White Musk and Elixir(I still don’t understand, are these stars or crystals glowing far below? In any case, it’s very beautiful). After collecting the treasures, we go down to the passage further. This location is as simple as the previous one, but here you should first go left and go into the room where the White Musk. And again, in exactly the same room, but on the left, waiting for us White Musk, Chocobo's Wrath and Phoenix Down. We go down the right passage to find a hidden path to the center of the location. It's right before the wall starts on the left side. We go through, prepare for battle and open the chest with precious Ribbon, but he is guarded by Ninja.


Have you completed the quests with Odin, Leviathan, Bahamut and now you have a summoner? So show me where the crayfish spend the winter! Is there a magician with the most powerful spells? Spend these MP and beat the villain. This is not because he is strong (two mediocre physical attacks that can inflict Blind and Poison status), it is because after the battle we will be completely healed.

We immediately put the ribbon on someone from our party and go!!! THROUGH THE LEFT PASSAGE!!! on a path, at the end of which (in a very beautiful place... waterfalls, glowing crystals...) lies Shuriken. We return and go along the right passage, cross the bridge and turn left for a chest with Elixir(Have you noticed how the game has become generous with rare items?). We return to the main path and follow it. Gradually she begins to write out pretzels and, after the first such pretzel, you will find another shuriken, and, literally after a couple of steps, Phoenix Down and further descent. The path continues to trace out intricate figures and leads us to the altar with some kind of flying thing. Again, I advise you to heal and reconsider your professions in order to fight for the little thing with dignity. Magic ones will be very relevant (Sage, Geomancer, Devout, Summoner). We press the action button and the thing itself talks to us - Moonring Blade. She demands that we show that we are worthy of being called her owners and unleashes Amon on us.


Old Hein has become shabby and more serious since our last meeting. The tactics are approximately the same. We hit him with strong elemental magic or objects (just don’t think of using shurikens). White Musk didn't help much. For some reason I wanted to try the elixir on him, but it only cured him. Phoenix Down didn't kill him either... In short, a very strange undead. And be careful with him, he is Blizzaga and Firaga can cast magic. And Barrier Shift, by the way, too. Summoners and geomancers are quite relevant, magicians are not so much, knights and professions focused on physical attacks are not relevant at all (if there are such people in the team, let them stand as backup). There won't be anything mind blowing. I even managed four Black Belts to combine business with pleasure.

After winning we get Moonring Blade and we go further along the path to the fork. You'll go left - Omnirod you’ll get it on the altar (weapons don’t force us to fight with them, this Omnirod is a good staff), you’ll go to the right and you’ll see an altar with weapons. We heal near him and prepare for a fight with a fast enemy. It is recommended to make one Knight with two shields for your own peace of mind. And it will be unpleasant to go all the way through Eureka again. Masamune asks to defeat him, after which he will agree to serve faithfully. We enter into battle with Kunoichi


A very unpleasant opponent because he makes three attacks in one turn and also casts Haste on himself. Can use Aeroga, which hits very hard. But I wouldn't worry about such nonsense. We don’t pay attention to everything she throws at us and carry out the most powerful attacks to kill her as quickly as possible. I succeeded in the second round.

After the battle, we will again be completely brought into a state of “like a cucumber,” but we continue our journey. Near the passage further, another one awaits us. Phoenix Down, By the way. We walk along a series of bridges so dilapidated that any sneeze would probably cause them to break. Not like four children running around in armor and with an oversized backpack, inside of which there is a whole warehouse of all sorts of rags, cans, herbs and weapons. But we have moved a little away from the topic. We pass by the descent further and follow the path to the unusual altar. I hope it’s not worth saying that you need to heal and get ready. Excalibur also challenges us to a duel...


I don’t know why they put it on such a good weapon. Kunoichi and Amon were much nastier than some general. But, it’s worth saying that he has Drain (nothing special) and Death (you have to try very hard for it to hit the character. The fight will end faster).

After winning we get Excalibur and we go further, through the passage and along the long bridge to reach a large platform. There will be an altar to the left and right of us, and first, perhaps, we will go to the right one, on which he levitates Ragnarok.


The name seems to hint at his protection, but this is a deception. He kicks well and fights back quite weakly. Can cast Reflect on itself, but this is a minor problem. We just keep punching him.

After the battle, Ragnarok recognizes us as worthy and is given to us for use, and it would be time for us to also grab the staff from the left altar.


This multi-headed centipede can cast -ga level spells, Holy, and inflict the petrification status on a normal attack. Ribbon will only protect one character, so keep the Gold Needle nearby. Although, I shouldn’t scare you. Monstrina is no different from its neighbor. We just train our fists and heal on time.

We get Elder Staff and go to the magic seal in the center of the location. It will take us to the last location of Eureka where they will 2x Elixir, 2x Shuriken in chests and two girls. The left one sells spells top level with a price that makes you choke and reconsider your views on “Come on, I’m already rich.”

The second girl sells summoned creatures

Catastro (Odin) 40000
Leviath (Leviathan) 50000
Bahamur (Bahamut) 60000

We don't need it at all if you completed side quests and received them in the canonical way.

Near the girls there is a revitalizing and healing spring. And above the healing one (right) there is a very cleverly hidden secret passage to another girl who sells things much more interesting

Shuriken 65500 So we got to them. Do what you want, steal money wherever you want, but you must have these kids. I won’t talk about quantity, I’ll just say “The more, the better.”
Crystal Shield 50000 We'll find some free crystal gear pretty soon, so I don't think it's worth buying any of it.
Crystal Mail 50000
Crystal Gloves 50000
Crystal Harp 50000
Apollo Harp 60000 The last harp for the bard. Casts Reflect on the team, can cause Death with a normal attack. Well, they don’t throw very strong magic at us, which is worth reflecting.

Try to shop thoroughly so that you return as rarely as possible. You can go back to the teleport and run around the area a little to pump up and earn money. Please note that if you do not shop well, you will have to run all the way to the shops from the very beginning.

Are you done with your work? We use Teleport and prepare for the last two dungeons in the game. And we are approaching the point of no return, so try to finish the things we have left. Namely, obtaining the perfect weapon (you have orichalcum lying around there?). You can get out of this disgusting yellow fence only by completely going through Ancient’s Maze again, but in the opposite direction (Teleport does not work, I warn you).

In the world of Final Fantasy III, 23 professions are available to the player, one of which is secret. From the very beginning, any character has a profession by default Freelancer , and with each crystal he receives, new ones become open to him.

Wind Crystal Professions: warrior, monk, white mage, red mage, black mage, thief;
Fire Crystal Professions: knight, archer, geomancer, scientist;
Water Crystal Professions: dragoon, viking, dark knight, spellcaster, bard;
Earth Crystal Professions: karateka, shaman, magician, summoner, sage, ninja.

Each profession has a rank, and as it increases, damage increases, new levels of magic are unlocked, the number of attacks increases, strength and magic points increase, and the chance of landing a critical hit increases. To increase the rank of a profession by one level, you need to earn 100 profession points.

You can change profession from one to another anywhere and at any time. But there is some limitation, which is called the adaptation phase. It is determined by just a few battles, but until the character passes this phase, the characteristics of the new profession will be greatly reduced. When you reach a high level of the profession, the need for this procedure disappears.

The higher the rank of the profession, the stronger the character and the wider his capabilities. Each profession has its own equipment. There are also items that can be worn by characters of any profession. Freelancer and Onion Knight can equip most of the equipment present in the game, with the exception of legendary types of equipment.

The Freelancer profession is available to characters from the very beginning. A representative of this profession can use any weapon and use low-level magic.

Available from the very beginning of the game.
Weapon: swords, daggers, bows, staves, claws.
Capabilities: white magic of the first level (healing, antidote, gaze) and black magic of the first level (fire, ice, sleep).
Profession points per action: 20.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The warrior skillfully wields weapons. The warrior's skill is onslaught. It allows you to deal more damage, but at the same time reduces defense.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: swords, daggers, bows, arrows, axes.
Ability: onslaught
Profession points per action: from rank 1 to 14 - 20 points, after rank 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, onslaught, defense, thing.

The monk is a melee fighter. He is able to counter even while on defense. As the profession level increases, the attack with bare hands increases.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: claws
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: revenge.
Profession points per action:
Teams:attack, revenge, defense, thing.

The white mage specializes in restoration spells. His physical attacks are weak, but he has great willpower.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: G tin headdresses, armor, accessories.
Ability: white magic levels 1-7.
Profession points:
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

A red mage can use white and black magic, but is not able to learn high-level magic.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: swords, daggers, staves, bows, arrows.
Ability: white and black magic levels 1-5.
Profession points per action:
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The black magician specializes in destructive spells. His physical attacks are weak, but he himself is able to withstand several serious blows.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: staves, bows, arrows.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: black magic levels 1-7.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The thief is very agile, he can act with lightning speed. During combat, the thief can steal items from his enemies, and when escaping, the entire team will receive less damage. A thief can also open a locked door.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: daggers, throwing weapons.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: theft, escape.
Profession points per action:
Teams: attack, theft, escape, thing.

The knight is able to stand up for wounded party members and take the blow on himself. The knight also knows basic white magic.

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: swords.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: white magic of the first level, security.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 12 points.
Teams: attack, magic, protection, thing.

Archer - master of archery ranged. He is capable of attacking with full force even from the back row. The "Barrage" skill allows you to fire 4 shots at the enemy per turn!

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: bow and arrows, throwing weapons.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: barrage.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, barrage, defense, thing.

The geomancer uses the power of nature itself in his attacks, depending on the location of the battle.

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: call.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: nature.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, nature, defense, thing.

The scientist can study enemies and identify their weak points. Magic attacks from studied enemies will dissipate into the void. In addition, the scientist is able to double the effectiveness of the objects he uses. A scientist can use magic.

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: books.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: white and black magic levels 1-3, study.
Profession points per action: 24 points.
Teams: attack, magic, study, thing.

A knight who chose the dark side of the force. The Dark Knight is capable of skillfully handling dark blade, and the “Soul Eater” skill allows him to convert his vital forces into damage.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: swords, katanas, daggers.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: soul eater.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, soul eater, defense, thing.

The Dragoon is skilled with spears, and the Jump ability allows him to inflict serious damage while being completely out of reach of the enemy.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: spears.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: bounce.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 16 points.
Teams: attack, jump, defense, thing.

The Viking is able to protect the entire party from attacks, acting as bait.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: axes, hammers.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: Bait.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, bait, defense, thing.

The caster is capable of using simple summoning magic, and can randomly attract both the light and dark side of summoned creatures.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: summoning magic level 1 and 2.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, call, defense, thing.

The bard supports the party with his songs. The effect of the song depends on the harp used.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: daggers, harps.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: song.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 18 points.
Teams: attack, song, defense, thing.

A karateka is a master of bare-handed fighting. He can enhance his attack to deal more damage, but the third level of enhancement results in self-destruction.

Opens with an earth crystal.
Weapon: claws
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: gain.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, strengthening, defense, thing.

The shaman specializes in white magic. He can learn white magic of any level.

Opens with an earth crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: hats, armor.
Ability: white magic levels 1-8.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The Magus specializes in destructive magic. He can learn black magic of any level.

Opens with an earth crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: black magic levels 1-8.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

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