Guide to pumping up cx interlude. Guide to SH - Guides to Persians - Guides - Catalog of articles - Website of the Clan "Free Pack"


First look at the character.

Let's start the story with the fact that our Dark Elf magician belongs to one of the elemental magicians, whose element is Wind. The main thing that sets us apart from other magicians is the power of the magician's attack - it is not just big, it is huge. in pvp they fear us more than all other magicians... and rightly so

Let's look at the basic characteristics.

  • Intelligence- 44, the highest among elemental magicians, which sets us apart from everyone, is responsible for the power of Magic attack and the imposition of debuffs
  • Wisdom- 19, the lowest among all elemental mages, is responsible for the speed of casting spells and the likelihood of a Critical Strike.
  • Spirit- 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its recovery, also affects Mage Defense and resistance to Mental attacks.
  • Force- 23, more than everyone else, is responsible for the attack power in melee, but for us it has no important meaning.
  • Dexterity- 23, for us this is only the speed of movement, dodge and the probability of blocking shields, we are second only to the Light Elves.
  • Endurance- 24, this is the amount of Life (HP) and its recovery, Resistance to Shocking attacks and the amount of weight carried.


There is no global variety here; at lvl 40 we can get all 3 tattoos. Until then this is not necessary.

  • the first two tattoos are:
    • +4intelligence / -4spirit (to increase Magic Strike Power)
    • +4Wisdom / -4Spirit (to increase spell casting speed)
  • maybe a third tattoo
    • +4 endurance / - 4 strength (because we still don’t have enough HP, but we don’t need strength, besides, this tattoo will allow us to carry more “Nipple” Blessed Charges)
    • +1wisdom / -1spirit (to further increase casting speed)

At early levels, we probably won’t have the adena to put +4/-4 tattoos, so we can safely put +4/-5 bought in the store. Later you can remove them and put them on 4/4.

The basis

It would be nice to do a quest for Kookaburra (Baby Kookaburra)

  • 52-61

Character equipment

We wear the Devotion set, mobs don’t reach us, and the D-grade caste doesn’t give us anything.

Kach theory

Here everyone chooses for themselves how and where it is more convenient for them to swing. In general, I advise you to level up with a party, but in the guide we’ll look at solo leveling.

Naturally, it is advisable to have a PA (premium account) for more fast pumping character (x2), you can also purchase runes in the item mall, this will still increase the pumping speed. As usual, our faithful companion is Baby Kookaburra (chicken. Not kamael, although similar!)

If you have PA, then the first place to go once a day is “Solo Kamaloka”. In addition to experience, there you can receive points and various rewards in the form of spirit (soul) charges, elixirs and healing.

Hunting zones

  • From 20 to 40
    • - quest from Livina (in the Orc village) and Moira (Orc Guild in Schuttgart) - we get lvl 21.
    • - quest from Lewis in Gludin - we get lvl 26-27.
    • - quest from Alva in Gludin - we get lvl 29-30 (depending on vitality).
    • - solo kama + kama + lab - we get lvl 35.
    • - Quest line in the temple Temple Preacher, Temple Executioner, Temple Warrior - 1, Temple Warrior - 2 - we get lvl 37.
    • - We complete the first 2 marks (Test of Wisdom, Test of Trust) - we get 38.5 lvl.
    • - Quests in Heine (Shadow Fox 1-3) - we get lvl 39.5.
    • - Test of magic - we get lvl 40.3, take a professional and happily equip ourselves in the C grade. There is about 2kk of pure adena in your pocket, excluding expenses for D guns, gear, elics and BSSD.
  • From 40 to 52
    • We swing near the crater of the Ivory Tower or near Adena, not far from the cemetery.
    • At lvl 46, swing into the forest of robbers.
  • From 52 to 61
    • Labyrinth or Forgotten Plains, we can also go to the Battlefield.
  • From 61 to 76
    • Valley of Saints.

We download to the port spot up to 63, and also take the quest “Heart in Search of Power”

    • Next we go to the middle spots of the Valley of Saints, then to the distant ones... In general, we sit there until lvl 72. You can also go to the Burning Swamp and do a quest for regents.
    • Next we can go to Hot Springs, Forest of the Dead, around Goddard.
  • From 76 to 80
    • At the beginning we go through the quest for the 3rd profession. In general, at this level it’s time to have a permanent party for leveling, but if there isn’t one, then:
    • We swing in Varka, Ketra, Forest of the Dead or go to the Crystal Island to beat fire stones for our weapons, also in solo locations for magicians. Further, I don’t consider quality without a party, look for a constu.

Sub skills


Any subtleties will be learned personally. I will tell you only the basis on which you will build your playing style. Spoiler:

I will not consider PvP 1x1 (if you are very interested, you can look in the Olympus section, the tactics will be almost the same) PvP party to party: against a party of melee soldiers, your main goal will be enchantments with a cancel lance and Sat (soul breakers\executioners). and only after them do you kill the healers, then the DD, and then the pothos is all that remains. As soon as 2+ enemies appear in range, we use the flash aura (the one that knocks down targets), and then we hit our target. It is advisable to kill enemies immediately after resolving so that they do not have time to buff the noble.

against a party of magicians, your main target will be the enemy’s magicians - no magician, no damage, everyone is happy. after that we kill the healers, then who will remain. It is advisable to kill enemies immediately after resolving so that they do not have time to buff the noble.


with the advent of enlightenment and the NPC buffer, we can become, if not a serious ollie farmer, then a threat to all average people. It is important to understand that for a serious approach to Olympus you need a lvl close to the top one, sharpened skills and gear close to the top one (a set of unique items, sharpened armor and weapons). It is also useful to have several sets with different attributes to change them to suit the enemy. Tactics for most battles are the same - enlightenment, vortex, slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk. the subtleties of the game will come with experience. Also, at first it would be nice to have 1-2 mentors who will suggest actions and point out mistakes (fraps can also cope well with this role - watching videos helps to understand mistakes well).

things that will be useful at Olympus

several low-C weapons with useful drugs - a celestial, an active VM set of talismans (which are described below), a radar or a friend in the VT\TS who will warn who you are fighting with. potions for fishing, potions for heat on cotton, potion for breathing under water (?) TV bizha will be useful for resistance to paralysis (x2) and root (x2), also if there is no epic, then for resistance to stun.


On Olympus we may need talismans, now I will highlight the main ones:

  • talisman for invulnerability - gives P.Def 3600, M.Def 2700

useful against all classes

  • talisman for max Clarity - you can use skills without MP (Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity MP consumption for skill decreases with the power of the Talisman.)

might be useful against supports

  • talisman for removing silence

against magicians/svs and kamaels

  • White Talisman of Bravery Increases resistance to mental attack when equipped with Talisman.)

vs support with trance

  • talisman for resistance to root (White Talisman of Freedom Increases resistance to hold when equipped with Talisman.)

against tanks

  • White Talisman of Grounding Increases resistance to shock when equipped with Talisman.

against tanks, bers and archers, dwarves

  • White Talisman of Motion Increases resistance to paralysis when equipped with Talisman.

against the executioner, nekra and ShK

  • talisman to increase running speed (Yellow Talisman of Speed ​​Increases speed when equipped with Talisman.)

against tanks

basic tactics

  • daggers- a talik on Ud will come in handy. The main thing here is to dodge the first backstab, then fall after a couple of nukes under enlightenment.
  • healers- usually it will be like this - enlightenment, demon wind, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory. Our task is to try to kill during the time of enlightenment; if we fail, we may lose.
  • magicians- the one who got the first crit wins. enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.
  • selfers- one of the most harmless creatures. you can simply snub the owner without giving a damn about the servant.
  • archers- they are dangerous only by their stun, but otherwise they are harmless and die faster than they can stretch their stun.
  • glades/shooting ranges- they are dangerous because they can run up close under the celestial and plant 1-2 abilities from which we will stick together. here you need a talik on the oud, and the rest is standard - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.
  • dwarves\spearmen- nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory. although once a year they may stop you and pick at you
  • bd\svs- the first one is dangerous only because of the jellyfish, in which it can cancel us out and kill us. The second one is dangerous only because of silence for a minute. If this nasty thing doesn’t go away, then they die in a second or two.
  • tanks* - it’s crap, there’s almost no chance against serious tanks. you can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have oud and a mirror =\
  • bers- pray that you don’t knock out your weapon and stop us - if you’re lucky, we’ll kill you, but that’s how they usually kill us =\
  • executioner- there is almost no chance. You need maximum resistance to paralysis (Dark Crystal Set + TV bijou with resistance to paralysis) and the correct selection of a buff against its theft.
  • destr- the chances are also small. the main chances of killing them appear only in the talik on the oud.

Changes when updating the game


  • added 20% CPU

Video games for class

© 2008-2019, Linedia - knowledge base and encyclopedia Lineage games 2 in Russian: quests and descriptions, walkthroughs and articles, things and monsters, classes and races, manuals and guides, skills and abilities.

The dark elf race is beloved by many Lineage2 players, but does everyone know where they came from?
Initially, there was a race of elves, which was created by Shilen, the goddess of water, then, after bloody wars on the territory of the world of Lineage2, a division occurred. “Among the general mass of elves who called themselves Tree Elves, a group of Brown Elves stood out. They insisted on continuing the battle for power, even using forbidden black magic. However, the rest of the elves did not share these views.” After the Brown Elves learned the dark magic of Dasparion, they declared Gran Kain their new patron, while Einhasad remained as the patron of the Tree Elves." Further, "At the decisive moment, the Brown Elves used a deadly black magic spell to destroy the Tree Elves. Those, in their agony, still managed to impose a curse on the Brown Elves, which turned them into a race of darkness, known to everyone as the Dark Elves race."

Basic parameters (Dark Elf Mystic)

- number of Health Points a character has. Initially, HP is 95 (the lowest among magicians)

- number of Mana Points a character has. Initially, MP is 58.

- character speed. The speed of the Dark Mage is 125.

- maximum transferable weight. 62,000. (the lowest figure among magicians).

- affects the P.atk indicator - 23

- affects: Atk.Speed, Accuracy, Critical, Evasion, Movement Speed, probability of blocking a blow with a shield - 23

- affects: Load, maximum HP, HP recovery rate, time spent under water, probability of falling into a state of shock, probability of getting bleeding (bleed) - 24 (most low rate among magicians)

- affects the M.atk indicator - 44 (the highest among all classes in the world of Lineage2)

- affects: Casting speed, chance of spell critical damage, resistance to debuffs, resistance to spells Hold, Sleep, Silence, Cancel, Paralize, Fear. - 19

- affects: M.Def, maximum MP, MP recovery speed, resistance to poison spells, chance of interrupting a spell when an enemy attacks. - 37 (lowest among magicians)

Due to their highest INT, Dark Elf Mystics achieve the most damage with a single spell. This is compensated by a small WIT indicator, and, as a result, low Casting speed, which can be reflected in PvP, which I will discuss below. MEN of dark elves also leaves much to be desired, due to the lowest level of MEN among magicians, the dark elf mystic has the lowest M.Def.

Now let's look at the most important spells for this profession

1. Combat spells.

Hurricane- A powerful wind spell that hits the enemy like a hurricane.
Aura Burn- a spell given to you for professions Dark Wizard"a - can sometimes help in battle.
Curse:Poison- I.
Vampiric Claw- a spell of the same power as Hurricane costs more MP, but it drains the enemy’s health, restoring HP to itself.
Shadow Flare- the most powerful spell up to level 68. When inflicting damage 3 times the enemy's remaining HP, a bonus to EXP and SP is given.
Death Spike- similar in strength to Hurricane and Vampiric Claw, requires 1 Cursed Bone to cast.
Curse Death Link- useful when you have little HP left, transfers your pain to the enemy, the less HP you have, the greater the damage to the enemy. If HP is at maximum, the damage will be 1.
Aura Symphony- Causes very high damage to the enemy without an elemental basis (if 2 enchantments of any magic are successfully cast on the player). Strength 350.
Demon Wind- Deals very high air magic damage to the enemy (if 2 air magic spells are successfully cast on the player) Additionally reduces the enemy’s HP recovery rate. Strength 350.
Elemental Storm- Deals enormous damage to the enemy with a mixed elemental base (if the player is successfully enchanted with fire and water magic). Power 500 can rightfully be considered the spell that deals the most damage in the game, because SpellHowler has the highest INT and, as a result, M.atk.

2. DeBuffs

Curse Chaos- Reduces enemy accuracy.
Silence- deprives the enemy of the ability to cast spells.
Slow- slows down the enemy.
Surrender To Poison- makes the enemy vulnerable to poison.
Surrender To Wind- makes the enemy vulnerable to the wind.

3. Mass spells

Poisonous Cloud- mass poison, very useful during sieges, mass PvP.
Tempest- massive destruction of enemies by wind, also an excellent spell for sieges and mass PvP

4. The rest

Body To Mind- Distills HP into MP, very useful for quality.
Corpse Life Drain- sucks HP from a corpse. Combined with Body To Mind, almost non-stop quality.
Sleep- puts the enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Seed of Wind- Casts an air magic spell on the enemy. If no additional enchantment is applied to the enemy within 5 seconds, the enchantment will dissipate.

5. Passive skills

Fast Spell Casting- Increases the speed of magical attack. An important skill for Spellhowler, who is naturally deprived of castspeed.
Clear Mind- Increases MP recovery speed when walking and sitting. In combination with Body to Mind and Corpse Life Drain guarantees non-stop quality!

A more detailed analysis of these spells.


1.Hurricane- what you use to shred mobs, “hurricane” will always help you :) it is especially effective in conjunction with Surrender To Wind and on mobs that are vulnerable to wind spells, for example, on the biggest boss - Antharas.
2.Vampiric Claw- if a mob wounds you, use the vampire's claw to heal your wounds, while still causing significant damage to the mob.
3.Shadow Flare- dark attack, more powerful than Hurricane and Vampiric Claw, takes a little longer to cast, but it's worth it! another over hit to boot :).
4. Death Spike- mainly used in PvP or on mobs that have resistance to wind, and on which Hurricane will not work very well.
5. Curse Death Link- for example, the mob has almost finished you off, you have very little HP, and the mob still has a decent amount, use this spell, and you will inflict even more damage on it compared to Hurricane and Shadow Flare and save your life. Next, Corpse Life Drain - and bam! You already have quite a bit of HP :)


1. Silence- usually used in PvP, not relevant in PvM.
2. Slow- at the initial levels the spell is not relevant, it reduces too little speed, but then it is an excellent thing for PvP and PvM.
3. Surrender To Poison- I think the skill is not very necessary, because a skill with poison can hardly be called effective, and in PvP poison is rarely used, especially since it knocks down Sleep.
4. Surrender To Wind- a good debuff for PvP and PvM, in PvP it is usually applied after successfully putting the enemy to sleep, in PvM Surrender To Wind is first applied, then the mob is hit by Hurricanes, it allows you to save a lot of BSPS

Mass spells

1. Poisonous Cloud- can be used in mass PvP, during sieges and so-called “locomotives”, a useful thing, in a word.
2. Tempest- again for sieges, PvP masses and “locomotives”. Deals damage equal to 1/2 damage from Hurricane.


1. Sleep- if you are attacked by a mob that you cannot cope with, or in a group you want to help a person who has been attacked by several mobs - Sleep will help you. Usually the first spell used in PvP.
2.Body To Mind And Corpse Life Drain are used in PvM, the more often you use this connection, the less time you spend resting.

Life SpellHowler"a

1. Level 40. Equipment and places for training.
There are many options here, for example, if you have the Knowledge set (+10% M.Atk -5% to MP regeneration rate), then you don’t have to worry about clothes yet, but if you have Demon Fangs in your hands, and even sharpened to +3 or more, then forget about changing your gear in the next 8-10 levels.
If you have the means (about 6.5kk), you can afford Sage's staff, and you can leave the clothes (Knowledge set), or, if you are embarrassed by your castspeed, buy the Karmian set (+5.24% P.Def, +15 % CastSpeed).

2. Now the question arises: where to swing?
- With 40th to 45th-46th you can level up in Cruma Tower in a party or solo, depending on the circumstances (I personally always leveled up on golems solo in Cruma - author's note). Sometimes you can go to Ivory Tower or Enchanted Valley to knock out books.
- With 45-46 you can either swing in a party on the 2nd floor of Cruma Tower, or go to The Cemetary and clear the area from Deprive and Ratman, but be careful! - Deprive can suck vital MP out of you. Up to level 48 you should have enough of them.
- 48-52 : we move deeper into The Cemetary and begin to take down all types of orcs that are there and Grave Guard, from which, if you are lucky, you can drop top C-grade weapon, for example Eminence Bow or, most importantly, Deadman's Staff, Ghoul's Staff and Demon's Staff with
Which one to collect is up to you, since you are already a Spellhowler with experience, and can make the decision yourself (I chose the Zubei set - author's note)
On 52+ levels you can safely go to a party with clanmates in The Giant's Cave or Lair Of Antharas, from there you can not get out until ~level 70, combining quality with knocking out precious resources and pieces of B and A grade things.
On Level 60 you can start collecting some of the A-grade sets, for example:
1. Dark Crystal Magic Set (+8% P.Def, +15% M.Aspd, +7 Movement, slightly reduces the chance of interrupting a spell when hit by an enemy, +50% to resistance to paralysis spells) very good set;)
2. Nightmare Magic Set (+4% to MP regeneration rate, +8% M.Atk, +70% to resistance to sleep and immobilization spells) mainly for PvP.

The issue of equipment is not yet closed, there is such a wonderful set as the Demon Set (-270 HP +4 Int, -1 Wit) gives a SIGNIFICANT increase in M.atk, some wear this set up to maximum levels. But, if Demon's tunic and demon's stockings can be bought in the Luxury Store for crystals, unfortunately, Demon's gloves can only be obtained by completing the Wishing Potion quest, and you also have to be very lucky to get them.


Many consider Spellhowler to be the worst in PvP among magicians, due to the low level of CastSpeed, but this is far from the case. Let's look at a few examples.
Only magicians and archers pose a real threat to Spellhowler (the rest fall in the arena without question;)).
1. enemy - Spellsinger, Sorcerer
Here, whoever is lucky, whoever puts the enemy to sleep first will win, let’s say you put the enemy to sleep, then we apply the debuffs Surrender to Wind, Slow, Silence, slip one more time, and now you can pummel the enemy with all your might with Hurricanes, Shadow Flares and Vampiric Claw"ami.
2. enemy - Necromancer
Again, everything depends on luck, but here, after you are put to sleep, there is no chance - Silence, Curse: Gloom, Slow will be cast on you - and you will not be able to do anything else, but if you managed to put the enemy to sleep, then we act again according to the example discussed in paragraph 1.
3.Enemy - Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, HawkEye
In this case, things are worse, archers can disrupt the casting of your sleep more than once, the main thing is to put the archer to sleep, then apply debuffs: Silence, Curse:Chaos, Surrender to wind, Slow - and hammer with combat spells until the enemy dies.

Mass PvP/Sieges

We try to stay behind the tanks and in front of the buffers/healers, constantly cast Poisonous Cloud and Tempest on enemies, sometimes choose point targets and finish them off with non-massive combat skills.


Spellhowler has the highest damage among magicians, he deals it consistently, so he is the right character in the party.
If you prefer to level up not in a full party or solo, but together, then the best partners for you will be Shilien Elder (SE) or a second SpellHowler (SH).


The download methods were discussed above, you just have to choose the appropriate one;)
The usual tactic for mobs of your level is to simply hit them with Hurricane, sometimes doing a combination of Body to Mind and Corpse Life Drain, in order to spend less time on MP and HP recovery.
If mobs are higher than you in level, it would be better to first cast Surrender to Wind on the mob, and then, as in the previous case, Hurricane + BtM + CLD

SpellHowler - Lord of the Storm

Let's start the story with the fact that our Dark Elf magician belongs to one of the elemental magicians, whose element is Wind.

First look at the character.

Male magician: thin build, with toned abs. A feature of the race that immediately catches the eye is the position in which they run, bending forward. Female gender: very famous in the L2 world, probably because of their breast and butt shapes, and their outfits look very attractive on them. And when they run in a forward bend, it’s not as embarrassing as on the men’s field.

Let's look at the basic characteristics.
Intelligence - 44, the highest among elemental magicians, which sets us apart from everyone, is responsible for the strength of the Magic attack and the imposition of debuffs
Wisdom - 19, the lowest among all elemental mages, is responsible for the speed of casting spells and the likelihood of a Critical Strike. We were unlucky here and without additional buffs, equipment and tattoos, we shouldn’t go on the warpath.
Spirit - 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its recovery, also affects Mage Defense and resistance to Mental attacks. Here we are also in last place, but this does not affect us much. because This is the first Characteristic that all magicians lower.
Strength - 23, more than everyone else, is responsible for the Strength of attack in melee, but for us it has no important meaning.
Agility - 23, for us this is only the speed of movement, dodge and the probability of blocking shields, we are second only to the Light Elves.
Endurance - 24, this is the amount of Life (HP) and its recovery, Resistance to Shocking attacks and the amount of weight carried, here we are also in last place.


There is no global variety here; at lvl 40 we can get all 3 tattoos. Until then this is not necessary.

the first two tattoos are:
+4intelligence / -4spirit (to increase Magic Strike Power)
+4Wisdom / -4Spirit (to increase spell casting speed)
maybe a third tattoo
+4 endurance / - 4 strength (because we still don’t have enough HP, but we don’t need strength, besides, this tattoo will allow us to carry more “Nipple” Blessed Charges)
+4 agility / - 4 strength (for those who want to run fast)
+1wisdom / -1spirit (to further increase casting speed)

At early levels, we probably won’t have the adena to put +4/-4 tattoos, so we can safely put +4/-5 bought in the store. Later you can remove them and put them on 4/4.

at 76 tattoos do not change.

Kach theory

Introduction: how to level up quickly and effectively is a question that any gamer who plays any game asks himself. So Lineage2 official Russian server is no exception. The first thing worth noting is that a Premium Account (PA) gives you *2 rate - the experience gained will always be twice as much as that of a character who does not have it. Many will start shouting all this is donat - this is not so, and more people will agree that this is a small price to pay for quickly leveling up to those levels when the game begins to bring pleasure not only from killing mobs, but also participating in battles on high levels: captures of castles, clan and allied battles in the vastness of the game. In addition to PA, gaming capabilities allow us to acquire Runes of experience or SP, anyone who has ever acquired one will confidently say that this helps to quickly take or increase the desired level in a very short period of time. But I don’t insist, so everyone can decide for themselves.
Well, let's move on to the game process itself, namely leveling (the process of gaining experience that leads to the desired level), it is divided into solo leveling, where you level up alone without a party, or is it a group where you play the role of DD (the character who inflicts on the monster maximum damage in a group)

Solo quality

And so solo leveling means that you are leveling up alone, for a magician this is one of the fastest leveling processes, but then you are limited to the opportunity to find friends and comrades in arms. But how to level up when there are no buffs, because... buffs for “Newcomer Helpers” are only up to lvl 62, you need to think about this now. Then they can be replaced by buff scrolls from the IM (game store) or, for example, the Kookaburra pet.


This is a Bird (chicken) with two heads, which you need to download at this stage, or start even earlier. up to lvl 55 this is an immature pet that will only heal you, but at 55 it grows.
From lvl 55 max Inspire for 2 min, bless mana 6 lvl 20 min, pours mana to the magician about 170
From 60 adds a bless body lvl 6 20 min and a shield lvl 3 2 min, pours about 200
C 65 Insight and concentration max lvl.
Also, the "chicken" has a battle heal. At 55 about 600, at 60 about 700 HP instantly, with HP less than 20%, this can save you at any time when you do not expect a crit from a mob or when there is more than one of them.
You can either buy it from clans that have KH, or go through a quest for it. It is not difficult and short, it is taken from the pet manager in Gludio, after which you will have a lvl 24 petClick on the pipe next to you.
But what else you should remember: for buffs and MP fill you will pay in foodFor a pet, buy him protectionso that a random mob does not kill him with one hit, and the percentage of experience you receive is 5%.

If you have PA, then the first place to go once a day is “SoloKamaloka”. In addition to experience, there you will be able to receive points and various rewards in the form of charges, elixirs and heals.

Solo is good, but high lvl after 3 pros, problems with quality will begin, many spots require correctly assembled parties, where there will be a full-fledged buff and teamwork. There are fewer and fewer locations with 2-3 nuke mobs as you grow.

Party quality

Well, there are several options. This is a quality duo with EE (SHE), not inferior in speed to a solo one, and besides, no Pet can replace the Live pourer SHE and EE.
Also, DBs are good companions for you (they give an increase to Magic Attack and Spell Speed. And an over, after lvl 62 gives a full-fledged buff and an irreplaceable companion in high-level locations.

If you have a consta (permanent party) of 9 people, it is not advisable for everyone to level up at early levels together; it’s easier to break up into mini groups and level up at the same spots as the duo. DD in any const should pull support and not allow him to lag behind in lvl.

At average lvl 60+ you can go to the Catacombs or necropolises corresponding to your lvl. And to all spots where there are fat mobs. The earliest: these are the Lair of Antares (LoA), the Tower of Insolence (ToI) and the Wall of Argos (WoA), etc. as your lvl increases.

The more experienced the party will be, knowing how someone behaves in the game and having played during the time they reached high lvl. This will make it easier for her both in PvP and in high-level locations.

Now we will consider the Dark One in several stages. What skills do we have, what do they give and what are they sharpened for at High lvl. What to wear and where to rock at each stage.

1) 40lvl - 51 lvl
2) 52lvl - 60 lvl
3) 61lvl - 75 lvl
4) 76lvl - 79 lvl
5) 80lvl - 83 lvl

I don’t consider the period from 0 to 40 lvl because... takes a very short time, where from 0 to 20 it’s 1.5 hours carrying out the instructions of the “Beginner’s Assistant”, with the guidance of Grace, we are now accompanied by Noob buffs right up to lvl 62, issuing shadow weapons. And up to 40, one to three days with passing 2 professions.


note: all magic sets must be normal; ordinary items that do not provide any bonuses other than physical protection are not suitable for a magician.

C Grade (40-51)- 2 sets are relevant.

Seth Karmiana- Set bonus: Phys. Def. +5.26%, Spd. Mag. +15% - Convenient and most common set for all occasions up to lvl 52, due to low wisdom and slow spell casting for a dark mage this is the best choice.

Demon Set- Set bonus: Max. HP -270, INT+4, WIS-1 - the second set, if necessary, is usually used when training on monsters that die with one skill, or when going to the RB to inflict more Demag at the expense of +4 to Intelligence.

As for weapons, we can be nostalgic for previous chronicles and buy a normal magician sword of Homunculus (Homa)insert SA for insight (+15% magic speed) and level up with it to lvl 52. You can save money and buy a regular top with a sword or stick, you won’t insert SA, but M.’s attack will be greater than Khoma’s, but by lvl 52 there will be money for V gr weapons.

Jewelry can be purchased in the store, normal, it can be sharpened to +6, +7 and you can run around in it up to A or S gr.

Places to swing

Suitable for solo and duo swings:

- Plains of Glory
- Plains of Fury
Both locations are located near the City of Aden; you don’t have to run far from the Newbie Assistant with a buff. You can start already at lvl 40, but it is advisable to already get a tattoo on Intelligence and you can easily level up to lvl 47-49
- Cemetery
You can move here after visiting the area around Adena, the mobs here are from 50+

- Ivory Tower
You can start from the hole under the tower itself from lvl 40 to 44, then move to the locations around it and level up on them to lvl 50-52
- Forest of Robbers
After the vicinity of the ivory tower, you can move to this lacquer mobs here up to lvl 53-54.

-sea dispute
This is also a suitable location for us where you can level up from lvl 40 to 50, going deeper if the mobs turn green for us.

- Valley of Dragons
A good location that also allows us to start leveling up at lvl 40 and finish on monsters up to lvl 56 in the depths of the valley.

You can also swing from 40 to 48 at these locations:
- surroundings of the Hunter's Village
- Alligator Island

Locations where you can go to swing mini parties.

- Krum Tower (40 - 52)
Here you can swing a small party, first on the first floor then on the second, mobs here *2HP

- Catacombs Weaned mobs here *4HP from 40 to 48 lvl, so that magicians can level up well, a mini party of 2MAGA, BD, SHE (EE) is suitable, the pourer is an irreplaceable professional here, otherwise you will constantly sit on your butt and regenerate MP.

B Grade (lvl 52 - lvl 60) - equipment

B grade, the first thing you need to purchase is this weapon, because... The more damage you do to monsters, the faster you will level up. BGR equipment is sold in Giran in the Lyubsor store for Grade B and C Crystals, you can get them from breaking things into crystals or buy them from players or gnomes.
And so the sword of Valhalla- it costs 579 in Cree and 1737 in Cree.

Set Avadon - Set bonuses: F.Def. +5.26% and Speed. Caste. +15%. To purchase the set we will need 291 B Kree and 870 C Kree. in the same Luxor store.

B gr. Jewelry Black set normal drops well from mobs, normal jewelry drops in Kamalok RB and Labyrinth or craft.

Places to swing

Forgotten Plains
You can go here already at lvl 48-50, the mobs here are from lvl 54, but are vulnerable to the wind.
- Valley of Silence
As your level increases to 54-56, you can move from the Forgotten Plain to the pit or to the left of the Cave of the Giants on the map. here you can level up to lvl 60-61. Good quality + adena.

- Battlefield
- the area around the Ruined Castle
In these two areas, you can start leveling up at lvl 50-52 and up to lvl 62, moving deeper into the location. But they are more suitable for support classes. which hit with a holy attack because The location is overflowing with undead.

alternative location for downloading.
- Forbidden Gates from 56 to 62
- Ice labyrinth from 56 to 66.

A grade (61lvl - 75 lvl)

And the grade, this grade is only crafted.
We choose a one-handed magic weaponLegendary sword (Catfish) orBranch of the tree of life, insert Sa on Insight.

Of the sets for Agr, I recommend only the set:
Set Dark Crystal (DK) - Set bonuses:
F.Def. +8%, Spd. Caste. +15%, running speed +7, small chance of reducing cast interruption, Paralysis Resistance -50%, WIT+2, and MEN-2.

A gr. jewelry set of Greatness, you can craft it, but if you have a chiseled Sgr or Bgr, then you can leave the resources for crafting S gr bizhi.

Places to swing

Valley of Saints (VoS)
If you are well dressed and your weapon is sharpened, then you can go here at lvl 58 and level up:
up to 60 -> 64 spots near the teleport point
up to 62 -> 66 spots from the middle of the location
up to 64 -> 72 spots in the very depths of the location at the other end from the teleport point.
Tips, try to select monsters that can be killed with 2 nukes, the mobs here are good at crit with magic, it is advisable to equip A gr Jewelry at lvl 61. Also at medium spots there is a recipe for DK peppers, which can be crafted or sold at a good price. There is also a quest for resources taken from the Necromancer at the very beginning of the location.

- Forest of the Dead (FoD). here you can level up from lvl 62 to lvl 77. You can level up to lvl 64 in the northwestern part. In FoD there are high-level spots where you can level up to lvl 77: on one there is a Tablet (the spot is more often called the Tablet) and (Cursed Bookcase), Vampires live here. All other spots are suitable for level 64-72. All FoD spots are characterized by the presence of very uneven terrain and the presence of a large number of obstacles (rocks, trees, ruins, etc.). Mob density is medium-low (day), medium-high (night). Therefore, these places are not suitable for relaxed swinging. Expa is the same as in VoS (64-70) and the best on Vampires. There is also a quest for resources.

- Blazing swamps (BS). A noteworthy place, you can level up from lvl 70 to lvl 77. first at the lower location, then rise closer to 74 to the spots where the orcs are Orcs Hames, you can level up to lvl 77 on them, even without paying attention to the fact that the mobs begin to turn blue.

Suitable for mini parties.

- Hot Springs (HS) You can start leveling up at lvl 70, mobs here *2HP start at lvl 73. You can swing like on KDL in solo or duo in a location where there are tents, or mini-parties in the depths of the HS where there are aggressive mobs, but on KDL it will be dangerous here.

- Wall of Argos (WoA). Here you can level up mini parties from 60 to 74 lvl mobs here from 2*HP to 3*HP

- Tower of Insolence (ToI)
- Lair of Antares (LoA)
both locations allow you to level up from 60 to 76-77 lvl, here you can level up with a full party with all the buffs and full-fledged damage control.

- Catacombs and necropolises of the corresponding lvl.

Now you have completed the quest for the 3rd profession for the Storm Lord.

S grade (76lvl - 79 lvl)

S grade is also obtained by crafting and mining recipes and pieces for them.

Our main weapon at this stageStaff of Mysteries (Arch), we also insert SA for Insight, + this grade allows you to insert attribute stones, for our class these are Wind Stones. Stones increase elemental damage.

S et Tine - Set bonuses: WIT+1, INT+1, MEN-2, Magic attack power +17%, running speed +7, resistance to cancellation -50%, vulnerability to stun -50%, weight limit +5759. Due to the fact that our dark magician has the lowest spell casting speed; up to lvl 80 it is recommended to remain in the Arg set.

Jewelry set by Tateossat. We also craft and carry.

Places to swing

Forge of the Gods (Fog)
In this location, monsters 78+ have a dense cluster with *5HP multipliers. With a competent party of 2-3 magicians, with the support of SWS, DB, EE, horse breeder, bisha and over, SWS or DB collects a wig, the magicians work with AOE (massive) skills, over root and debuff. Approximately 15k exp with 0 vitality and a normal amount of adena at “+” of the costs. A wig of 10-15 mobs falls in 10 seconds. There is also a quest for a recipe for S gr weapons, if you have a permanent party, it is better for one member of the party to have it.

- Ketra/Varka
On distant spots, the same party described above, you can collect 15-25 mobs. Here you can also have a mini party of 1-2 magicians, EE(SHE), BD or over. There is also a quest for S group equipment, if you have a permanent party, it is better to increase the alliance lvl of one party member.

- Pagan Temple (Bagan)
It is located under the city of Runa, to get there you need to complete a quest from the NPC standing in front of the descent to the bottom where this location is located. The place is more suitable for classes that hit with a holy attack, but even here we can feel great in a full party. We are most interested in the distant rooms, where we can spoil pieces for the staff of Secrets (Arch), and the monsters here are lvl 78 with *5HP and provide good experience.

Crystal Core (IoP)
This location is ideal for duo leveling, the monsters here are 80+. Why is it interesting to us besides the upgrade - this is a quest for Y80 grade equipment + Attribute stones that fall from monsters, for insertion into Y gr and beyond.
- Tomb of the Emperors (IT)
The first rooms are suitable for soloka, but there are very few monsters and a lot of competition. Then in the depths of the tomb they have a very dense accumulation and up to *5HP 78+ lvl. We also need a full party. The place is interesting for the quest for Y gr weapons.

- Monastery of Silence (MoS)

So we have reached the first step to the pinnacle of magic mastery. We took lvl 80.

S80 grade (80 lvl - 83 lvl)

Dynasty Set Set bonuses: Int+2, Wit+1, Men-2, Spd. Caste. +15%, Maximum MP +321. +8 to resistance to darkness, increased resistance to stun, increases M.Atk by 6.6%

Seal of the Dynasty (Sigil)
When using the Seal, increases M. Atk. by 4% and MP recovery by 17%

Dynasty jewelry set

swing places

Hell Island
An interesting location, there is a quest for S80 sets, mobs 83+, without a full party and S weapons with 150 arguments, there is nothing to do, the quality is not very good, but you need to dress. Below is a link to a complete guide for this location.

-Primeval Island
Island filled with dinosaurs, lvl 80+, quality mag party. The location has a good drop in resources for the S80.

I’ll also look ahead to what awaits us in Gracia+, an update that will appear approximately in the fall-winter. Changes to areas for leveling up magicians, both in parties and solo.
- Fields of Silence and Whispering Fields, these are territories near the city of Hein, the location is made for solo or duo leveling after lvl 80. You can read in detail about all the changes and monsters at this link -

- Primordial island, the territory has also undergone changes and now you can swing here solo or duo, details -

Sharpening skills

In order to sharpen your skill, you will have to go to Hardin Academy (school dark magic in the dungeon between Giran and Oren) to Master Anastius.
Approaching him, you will see that the master offers one, but 4 options at once:
Let's look at them in turn:

1) Skill improvement
This is the so-called "regular enchant", which in most cases is produced by players. For any unsharpened skill, you can choose any of the available enchant branches (see below), which will require a special book, as well as a certain amount of SP and Exp (SP cost = EXP cost).
If the skill has already been sharpened to at least +1, the choice of branch is not provided and the book is not required, but the costs of SP and Exp grow faster, the more sharpened the skill is.
Each attempt to sharpen a skill has its own chance, indicated in the enchant window. If you fail, the skill sharpening level will be reset to zero (thus you irretrievably lose the book and all SP and Exp spent on sharpening) and to try sharpening again you will need the book again.
Books The Giant's Code required for this enchantment can be obtained in the following ways:
1) One piece (“for warming up”) is given for completing the quest for the 3rd profession.
2) Lords of castles can buy these books for fruits from the manor.
3) Buy in the Olympus shop for 5500 points.
4) Buy on the market from players

2) Safe improvement.
This is the so-called “safe enchant”, which is most often performed by players of 80+ levels to achieve impressive (primarily for enemies who fall under such a skill) levels of skill sharpening.
This sharpening is only possible for skills sharpened to at least +1. Each attempt at safe sharpening requires a special book and spends 5 times more Exp and SP than in the case of sharpening the same skill with a “regular enchant”. The chances of successful enchantment are the same as with a “regular enchant”. In case of failure, only the book, Exp and SP for this attempt are lost, the skill sharpening level remains unchanged.
Books Codex of Giants - The mastery required for this enchantment can be obtained in the following ways:
1) Buy from the NPC an orc from the Border Watch fortress, roaming around each fortress, for 1800 epaulettes + 1.8kk aden.

3) Cancel skill improvement.
This option allows you to reset the skill sharpening level. In this case, 80% of the SP spent on a “regular enchant” is returned to the level of enchantment that your skill had. Spent Exp is lost forever.
Skills are reset if you made a mistake when choosing an enchant branch, but did not have time to sharpen it particularly strongly (for example, you sharpened it to +1 and realized your mistake).
This anti-sharpening is only possible for skills sharpened to at least +1. A fool understands that one reset of one skill = one book.
Books Codex of Giants - Oblivion, required for this enchantment, can be obtained in the following ways:
1) Buy from the NPC an orc from the Border Watch fortress, wandering around each fortress, for 200 epaulettes + 1kk aden.
2) Knock out a fortress/castle in Pailok.
3) Buy from characters at the market

4) Change the improvement path.
This option is designed to change the direction of skill sharpening. When changing direction, it is possible (rarely) to lose up to 3 levels of sharpening. Most often it is used either if you mistakenly sharpened a skill on the wrong branch, or if the expected effect of sharpening on this branch differed greatly from the real effect. Sometimes used when updating the game to new chronicles, when developers add new interesting enhancement options to old skills.
This sharpening is only possible for skills sharpened to at least +1. Each change of sharpening direction requires a special book and does NOT require Exp or SP.
To the bottom Codex of Giants - The discipline required for this enchantment can be obtained in the following ways:
1) Buy from the NPC an orc from the Border Watch fortress, wandering around each fortress, for 540 epaulettes + 1.26kk aden.
2) Knock out a fortress/castle in Pailok.
3) Buy from characters at the market

Table of chances of sharpening skills depending on level:

Additional links: - which will help you find important information by gameplay

A little from myself:
It is enough to return to the beginning of the guide and look at our characteristics, and understand what we are missing and what can save us from our omnipresent enemies. There were a lot of debates and thoughts, but personally I will offer several classes for the sub:
1. The first is the Warrior classes - what will be useful to us from them is a lvl 75 skill to increase SP +738
2. Tank classes - they have an interesting skill by 75, increasing P. and M. defense by 20% when receiving damage, but for 15 sec
3. Summoner classes - from them you can get a skill of 75, also when receiving damage, which increases characteristics (10% casting speed\Mage attack, 10% physical speed\physical attack, for 15 sec)
But everything is learned through trial and error. And no one can decide for you who to take as a sub - there are a lot of factors.

F.A.Q.- Frequently asked questions and answers to them will be published

Question: Where can I buy "Cursed Bone"?
Answer: The cursed bone is sold at Hardin Academy from NPC Sema. We choose from him - buy a shadow item - find the bones. The second way is to buy from Necromancer characters, they have the skill to summon Cursed Bones, for this they need Kree.

Question: What in-game abbreviations (jargon) are used regarding The Storm Locker?
CX - (from English



Earrings: Zaken and Antharas.

Skills (sharpening)

Basic skills:

Surrender To Wind:

Vampiric Claw:

Aura Flash:

Wind Vortex:

Wind Vortex Slug:

Throne of Wind:

Arcane Power:

Curse Fear:

If skill +30=+25% m.def

Passives (from subs):


So now PM

Int +1 \ Vit +1
So now books

Magician's Will 1
Star Fall 1
Enlightenment 1
Protection of Rune 1
Protection of Elemental 1
Protection of Alignment 1
Hurricane Armor 1


against magicians/svs and kamaels

vs support with trance
against tanks

against Sat, Nekra and ShK

against tanks

Something like this

CON +4 STR -4(+ HP (previously still resisted fromstun gave, I don’t know right now) - f.attack) \ Vit +1 Men - 1
I would recommend Elegy, as it gives a large p.def and resists and a good increase in m.attack, but you can alsoMonrai , It will give less resistance and p.def, but more m.attack from mv bonuses.
Necklace: here is your choice, roller/freya, from the roller there will be more attack and an increase in debuffs, from frey there will be more resist
Earrings: Zaken and Antharas.
Rings: Well, my choice
Beles and Bayum, will give more resist and m.def.
Skills (sharpening)
CX hits the wind, so almost all skills will be in the wind!
Basic skills:
This is the main striking skill, it needs to be sharpened to perfection.
Surrender To Wind:
Temporarily reduces the target's resistance to air attacks and increases resistance to earth attacks, sharpening to lower the wind\may have a chance
Vampiric Claw:
Sucks life from the target, restoring its health, sharpen for absorption
Aura Flash:
Releases elemental power on nearby enemies, disrupting their target of attack. Requires 3 Spirit Ore, sharpen for chance
Wind Vortex:
Creates an air vortex. When using air magic, the enemy's resistance to air magic, Speed, Spd. is immediately reduced. Atk. by 10% and Speed. Mage by 30%. Constantly reduces MP. An overshot is possible. Power 140.. sharpen for chance
Wind Vortex Slug:
Creates a powerful Wind Whirlwind that inflicts wind damage on the enemy with 195, Strengthen added by user" M.. Atk. sharpen on ver.
Throne of Wind:
Uses the power of the storm to weaken the enemy for 10 assistants and generate 173 HP. damage per second, sharpen for power
Arcane Power:

Maximizes magical effectiveness by increasing M. Atk. to 30% and MP consumption to 10%. Every second, 50 HP consumed, sharpen for power
Causes the enemy to sleep for 30 assistants,
focus on the cost \ but I still think there’s a better chance , In 30 seconds you can add debuffs.
Staff of Evil Spirits - Blessing of the Body. Grants a 20% chance to cast Bless the Body when using a beneficial skill on a target. Effect 5.
Hell Knife - Magic Mental Shield. Gives a 50% chance of applying a Mental Shield when using a beneficial skill on a target. Effect 4.
daggers - a talik on Oud will come in handy. The main thing here is to dodge the first backstab, then fall after a couple of nukes under enlightenment.
healers - usually it will be like this - enlightenment, demon wind, vortex +
slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory . Our task is to try to kill during the time of enlightenment; if we fail, we may lose.
magicians - whoever got the first crit wins. enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.
glades/shooting ranges are dangerous because they can run up close under the celestial and plant 1-2 abilities with which we will stick together. here you need a talik on the oud, and the rest is standard - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.

Dwarves/spearmen - nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory. although once a year they may stop you and pick at you

BD\SVS - the first is dangerous only because of the jellyfish, in which it can cancel us out to zero and kill us. The second is dangerous only because of silence for a minute. If this nasty thing doesn’t go away, then they die in a second or two.

Tanks are bad here; there is almost no chance against serious tanks. you can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have oud and a mirror =\

Bers - pray that he doesn’t knock out the weapon and stop him - if you're lucky we'll kill you, and this is how they usually kill us =\

wtf executioner? - there is almost no chance. You need maximum resistance to paralysis (Dark Crystal Set + TV bijou with resistance to paralysis) and the correct selection of a buff against its theft.
something like this

and you're not bad!
I like
I'll definitely use it

Let's start the story with the fact that our Dark Elf magician belongs to one of the elemental magicians, whose element is Wind. The main thing that sets us apart from other magicians is the power of the magician's attack - it is not just big, it is huge. in pvp they fear us more than all other magicians... and rightly so

Intelligence - 44, the highest among elemental magicians, which sets us apart from everyone, is responsible for the strength of the Magic attack and the imposition of debuffs
Wisdom - 19, the lowest among all elemental mages, is responsible for the speed of casting spells and the likelihood of a Critical Strike.
Spirit - 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its recovery, also affects Mage Defense and resistance to Mental attacks.
Strength - 23, more than everyone else, is responsible for the Strength of attack in melee, but for us it has no important meaning.
Agility - 23, for us this is only the speed of movement, dodge and the probability of blocking shields, we are second only to the Light Elves.
Endurance - 24, this is the amount of Life (HP) and its recovery, Resistance to Shocking attacks and the amount of weight carried.

So we level up somehow up to LVL 40 in Kruma tavern (dion) from 40 to 61 - Lesu (Rune) and from 61 to 70 in Varka, from 70 to 80 in Tomb (C4), then we go to ZI (hall of illusions) and so on There, both the farm and the quality are excellent. Well, you can also swing from 79 to 84 on the stamps. Here is the link click.
(your opinion on where to swing may not coincide with the opinion of the author)

I don’t buff bers because it cuts a lot and gives little (useful), on our server it doesn’t help magicians much. (buff it for leveling)
There may be disputes in Songag, well, some want one resistor, others want another!

INT +4 MEN -4(+ m.attack - m.def)
VIT +4 MEN -4(+ cast - m.def)
KON +4 STR -4 (+ HP (previously it gave resistance to the stun, now I don’t know) - f.attack) \ Vit +1 Men - 1


I advise you to take s84 Archangel Acumen, as there will be more damage from the grade. Option 2 of 2 hands Cycllic Cane Empower, well, given that you are accelerating the cast, then take this push because it doesn’t give casts, the M. attack will simply be space and damage.

I would recommend Elegy, because it gives a large p.def and resists and a good increase in m.attack, but you can also use monray, it will give less resist and p.def, but more m.attack from mv bonuses.

Necklace: here is your choice, roller/freya, from the roller there will be more attack and an increase in debuffs, from frey there will be more resist

Earrings: Zaken and Antharas.

Rings: Well, my choice is Beles and Bayum, they will give more resist and m.def.

Skills (sharpening)

CX hits the wind, so almost all skills will be in the wind!

Basic skills:

This is the main striking skill, it needs to be sharpened to perfection.

Surrender To Wind:

Temporarily reduces the target's resistance to air attacks and increases resistance to earth attacks, sharpening to lower the wind\may have a chance

Vampiric Claw:

Sucks life from the target, restoring its health, sharpen for absorption

Aura Flash:

Releases elemental power on nearby enemies, disrupting their target of attack. Requires 3 Spirit Ore, sharpen for chance

Wind Vortex:

Creates an air vortex. When using air magic, the enemy's resistance to air magic, Speed, Spd. is immediately reduced. Atk. by 10% and Speed. Mage by 30%. Constantly reduces MP. An overshot is possible. Power 140.. sharpen for chance

Wind Vortex Slug:

Creates a powerful Wind Whirlwind that inflicts wind damage on the enemy with 195, Strengthen added by user" M.. Atk. sharpen on ver.

Throne of Wind:

Uses the power of the storm to weaken the enemy for 10 assistants and generate 173 HP. damage per second, sharpen for power

Arcane Power:

Maximizes magical effectiveness by increasing M. Atk. to 30% and MP consumption to 10%. Every second, 50 HP consumed, sharpen for power

Forces the enemy to sleep for 30 assistants, sharpening the cost \ but I still think there is a better chance, in 30 seconds you can manage to throw debuffs.

Curse Fear:

Causes the enemy to flee from fear, sharpen the cost

Reduces target accuracy by 12 for 30 assistants, sharpen for chance or power, just choose it for yourself, useful against bows.

Sharpen Magic Defense+1 OE increases m.def by 1%

During subsequent sharpening, it increases m.def by 0-1%
If skill +30=+25% m.def

Passives (from subs):


So now PM

Int +1 \ Vit +1
So now books

Magician's Will 1
Star Fall 1
Enlightenment 1
Protection of Rune 1
Protection of Elemental 1
Protection of Alignment 1
Hurricane Armor 1

As an example of the variety of buffs, as I said, everyone may have a slightly different variation!

Staff of Evil Spirits - Blessing of the Body. Grants a 20% chance to cast Bless the Body when using a beneficial skill on a target. Effect 5.

Hell Knife - Magic Mental Shield. Gives a 50% chance of applying a Mental Shield when using a beneficial skill on a target. Effect 4.

Daguerres - a talik on Oud will come in handy. The main thing here is to dodge the first backstab, then fall after a couple of nukes under enlightenment.

Healers - usually it will be like this - enlightenment, demon wind, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory. Our task is to try to kill during the time of enlightenment; if we fail, we may lose.

Mages - whoever got the first crit wins. enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.

Glades/shooting ranges are dangerous because they can run up close under the celestial and plant 1-2 abilities with which we will stick together. here you need a talik on the oud, and the rest is standard - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.

Dwarves/spearmen - nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory. although once a year they may stop you and pick at you

BD\SVS - the first is dangerous only because of the jellyfish, in which it can cancel us out to zero and kill us. The second is dangerous only because of silence for a minute. If this nasty thing doesn’t go away, then they die in a second or two.

Tanks are bad here; there is almost no chance against serious tanks. you can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have oud and a mirror =\

Bers - pray that he doesn’t knock out the weapon and stop him - if we’re lucky, we’ll kill, but that’s how they usually kill us =\

Executioner - there is almost no chance. You need maximum resistance to paralysis (Dark Crystal Set + TV bijou with resistance to paralysis) and the correct selection of a buff against its theft.

Destr - the chances are also low. the main chances of killing them appear only in the talik on the oud.


We may need talismans on Olympus; now I will highlight the main ones:
1. talisman for invulnerability - gives P.Def 3600, M.Def 2700
useful against all classes
2. talisman for max Clarity - you can use skills without MP (Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity MP consumption for skill decreases with the power of the Talisman.)
might be useful against supports
3. talisman for removing silence
against magicians/svs and kamaels
4. White Talisman of Bravery Increases resistance to mental attack when equipped with Talisman.
vs support with trance
5. Talisman of Freedom Increases resistance to hold when equipped with Talisman.
against tanks
6. Talisman of Grounding Increases resistance to shock when equipped with Talisman.
against tanks, bers and archers, dwarves
7. White Talisman of Motion Increases resistance to paralysis when equipped with Talisman.
against Sat, Nekra and ShK
8. Yellow Talisman of Speed ​​Increases speed when equipped with Talisman.
against tanks

Something like this

Did you even read what you wrote?

Let's start the story with the fact that our Dark Elf magician belongs to one of the elemental magicians, whose element is Wind. The main thing that sets us apart from other magicians is the power of the magician's attack - it is not just big, it is huge. in pvp they fear us more than all other magicians... and rightly so

Intelligence - 44, the highest among elemental magicians, which sets us apart from everyone, is responsible for the strength of the Magic attack and the imposition of debuffs
Wisdom - 19, the lowest among all elemental mages, is responsible for the speed of casting spells and the likelihood of a Critical Strike.
Spirit - 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its recovery, also affects Mage Defense and resistance to Mental attacks.
Strength - 23, more than everyone else, is responsible for the Strength of attack in melee, but for us it has no important meaning.
Agility - 23, for us this is only the speed of movement, dodge and the probability of blocking shields, we are second only to the Light Elves.
Endurance - 24, this is the amount of Life (HP) and its recovery, Resistance to Shocking attacks and the amount of weight carried.

So we level up somehow up to LVL 40 in Kruma tavern (dion) from 40 to 61 - Lesu (Rune) and from 61 to 70 in Varka, from 70 to 80 in Tomb (C4), then we go to ZI (hall of illusions) and so on There, both the farm and the quality are excellent. Well, you can also swing from 79 to 84 on the stamps. Here is the link click.
(your opinion on where to swing may not coincide with the opinion of the author)

I don’t buff bers because it cuts a lot and gives little (useful), on our server it doesn’t help magicians much. (buff it for leveling)
There may be disputes in Songag, well, some want one resistor, others want another!

INT +4 MEN -4(+ m.attack - m.def)
VIT +4 MEN -4(+ cast - m.def)
KON +4 STR -4 (+ HP (previously it gave resistance to the stun, now I don’t know) - f.attack) \ Vit +1 Men - 1


I advise you to take s84 Archangel Acumen, as there will be more damage from the grade. Option 2 of 2 hands Cycllic Cane Empower, well, given that you are accelerating the cast, then take this push because it doesn’t give casts, the M. attack will simply be space and damage.

I would recommend Elegy, because it gives a large p.def and resists and a good increase in m.attack, but you can also use monray, it will give less resist and p.def, but more m.attack from mv bonuses.

Necklace: here is your choice, roller/freya, from the roller there will be more attack and an increase in debuffs, from frey there will be more resist

Earrings: Zaken and Antharas.

Rings: Well, my choice is Beles and Bayum, they will give more resist and m.def.

Skills (sharpening)

CX hits the wind, so almost all skills will be in the wind!

Basic skills:

This is the main striking skill, it needs to be sharpened to perfection.

Surrender To Wind:

Temporarily reduces the target's resistance to air attacks and increases resistance to earth attacks, sharpening to lower the wind\may have a chance

Vampiric Claw:

Sucks life from the target, restoring its health, sharpen for absorption

Aura Flash:

Releases elemental power on nearby enemies, disrupting their target of attack. Requires 3 Spirit Ore, sharpen for chance

Wind Vortex:

Creates an air vortex. When using air magic, the enemy's resistance to air magic, Speed, Spd. is immediately reduced. Atk. by 10% and Speed. Mage by 30%. Constantly reduces MP. An overshot is possible. Power 140.. sharpen for chance

Wind Vortex Slug:

Creates a powerful Wind Whirlwind that inflicts wind damage on the enemy with 195, Strengthen added by user" M.. Atk. sharpen on ver.

Throne of Wind:

Uses the power of the storm to weaken the enemy for 10 assistants and generate 173 HP. damage per second, sharpen for power

Arcane Power:

Maximizes magical effectiveness by increasing M. Atk. to 30% and MP consumption to 10%. Every second, 50 HP consumed, sharpen for power

Forces the enemy to sleep for 30 assistants, sharpening the cost \ but I still think there is a better chance, in 30 seconds you can manage to throw debuffs.

Curse Fear:

Causes the enemy to flee from fear, sharpen the cost

Reduces target accuracy by 12 for 30 assistants, sharpen for chance or power, just choose it for yourself, useful against bows.

Sharpen Magic Defense+1 OE increases m.def by 1%

During subsequent sharpening, it increases m.def by 0-1%
If skill +30=+25% m.def

Passives (from subs):


So now PM

Int +1 \ Vit +1
So now books

Magician's Will 1
Star Fall 1
Enlightenment 1
Protection of Rune 1
Protection of Elemental 1
Protection of Alignment 1
Hurricane Armor 1

As an example of the variety of buffs, as I said, everyone may have a slightly different variation!

Staff of Evil Spirits - Blessing of the Body. Grants a 20% chance to cast Bless the Body when using a beneficial skill on a target. Effect 5.

Hell Knife - Magic Mental Shield. Gives a 50% chance of applying a Mental Shield when using a beneficial skill on a target. Effect 4.

Daguerres - a talik on Oud will come in handy. The main thing here is to dodge the first backstab, then fall after a couple of nukes under enlightenment.

Healers - usually it will be like this - enlightenment, demon wind, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory. Our task is to try to kill during the time of enlightenment; if we fail, we may lose.

Mages - whoever got the first crit wins. enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.

Glades/shooting ranges are dangerous because they can run up close under the celestial and plant 1-2 abilities with which we will stick together. here you need a talik on the oud, and the rest is standard - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory.

Dwarves/spearmen - nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + slug, nyuk nyuk nyuk - victory. although once a year they may stop you and pick at you

BD\SVS - the first is dangerous only because of the jellyfish, in which it can cancel us out to zero and kill us. The second is dangerous only because of silence for a minute. If this nasty thing doesn’t go away, then they die in a second or two.

Tanks are bad here; there is almost no chance against serious tanks. you can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have oud and a mirror =\

Bers - pray that he doesn’t knock out the weapon and stop him - if we’re lucky, we’ll kill, but that’s how they usually kill us =\

Executioner - there is almost no chance. You need maximum resistance to paralysis (Dark Crystal Set + TV bijou with resistance to paralysis) and the correct selection of a buff against its theft.

Destr - the chances are also low. the main chances of killing them appear only in the talik on the oud.


We may need talismans on Olympus; now I will highlight the main ones:
1. talisman for invulnerability - gives P.Def 3600, M.Def 2700
useful against all classes
2. talisman for max Clarity - you can use skills without MP (Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity MP consumption for skill decreases with the power of the Talisman.)
might be useful against supports
3. talisman for removing silence
against magicians/svs and kamaels
4. White Talisman of Bravery Increases resistance to mental attack when equipped with Talisman.
vs support with trance
5. Talisman of Freedom Increases resistance to hold when equipped with Talisman.
against tanks
6. Talisman of Grounding Increases resistance to shock when equipped with Talisman.
against tanks, bers and archers, dwarves
7. White Talisman of Motion Increases resistance to paralysis when equipped with Talisman.
against Sat, Nekra and ShK
8. Yellow Talisman of Speed ​​Increases speed when equipped with Talisman.
against tanks

Something like this

the same situation here.. I stupidly copied the guide from the Asterios forum
Solitaire Mat