How to make an experience farm in minecraft gt. minecraft farm experience

Why do you need experience in minecraft? Experience is useful for enchanting items - armor, tools, weapons.

You gain experience by killing mobs and mining ore. But in order to get good spells, you need a lot of experience.

It will help to farm the experience of spawner mobs (zombies or skeletons), which can be found in the treasury. First of all, you need to install the torch close to the spawner, thus neutralizing it.

At the top of the spawner, it is desirable to install a pillar, up to the ceiling. This will prevent zombies from accumulating on the spawner.

Then, under the spawner, two layers of blocks are removed so that a 6 by 7 area is obtained.

On the long side, a trench is dug 1 block wide and 2 blocks deep. On it, at the height of the main floor, signs are hung in a row. From the opposite side, water is poured into each of the two corners. Mobs falling from the spawner should be carried by the current to our trench.

A bucket of water pours into the trench on the left and right. Now all the mobs will be in the middle of the trench. Here you need to make a corridor three blocks forward at the same level as the trench. Next - dig a well up. If you find yourself on the surface, then we continue to build the well so that the inner diameter is one block. At the same time, we immediately mount a lifting mechanism inside the well, which is an alternation of plates and water. The height of the well can be absolutely any. The main thing is to make the mob fall well equal to 23 blocks. Between the mechanism of rise and fall we make a straight corridor in three blocks. At the highest point of the lifting mechanism, we pour out a bucket of water, and on the block in front of the descent well we install a sign. We close the corridor from the sun so that our farm works during the day. The roof must be two blocks from the floor, otherwise the mobs will jump and fall from a height of more than 23 blocks, which will lead to their death.

Under the descent well, at a distance of two blocks from its end, a flat area is made and one block is installed exactly under the descent. Now the mobs that fell through the well will only have their legs sticking out, and they will not be able to do anything with us. And we can kill them with one blow!

Remember that your location at this moment should not exceed 16 blocks from the spawner, otherwise nothing will work.

Now it remains to carefully penetrate the treasury and destroy the torch. The experience farm is ready!

Tip - place a workbench and a chest next to the spawner to be able to craft new weapons and stack the loot accumulated as a result of farming.

Know how a person will behave - read about the elements and their characters. For example, the elements of fish are very emotional, so you need to communicate with them using more feelings.

For a good enchantment of weapons, armor, books and other accessories, you will need a lot of experience. But it is not necessary to walk around the world of minecraft in search of monsters, killing them at the risk of life in order to gain precious experience, because more simple solution will create a farm experience.

To make an experience farm, you will definitely need to find a zombie and skeleton spawner in the dungeon. After a long search, when luck smiles at you, light up the spawner and build a six by seven block chamber around it, while the exit will be made on the side with seven blocks. After that, you need to lower the floor of your spawner room by exactly two blocks, so there will now be two air blocks under the spawner. On the spawner itself, we put blocks of something in a pillar to the ceiling, all this is necessary so that the monsters that appear do not get stuck on the spawner and around it. From the side of the long wall, we dig a recess into two blocks, and put signs on the wall above the recess.

From the side opposite from the deepening, pour a bucket of water into the corners of the room, so you get a current from the corners, which blows everything into your pit, and it will also carry the monsters to the transport line. Additionally, in the recess, we also fill in the corners with a bucket of water, that is, only four buckets of water for the whole room with a spawner.

In the center of the wall, that is, the fourth block on either side, in a recess, we dig a corridor three blocks long. After that, at the end of the corridor we put two signs at the level of the body and head, and we dig up a tunnel along which zombies and skeletons will move up, alternating water and signs, we build, so to speak, a conveyor that raises future victims up.

The height of the tunnel should be 23 blocks, the transition between the rise and fall tunnels is three blocks, and is additionally provided with a flow at the end blocked by a sign (as in the picture).

It is very important that the height that the zombie will fly before it hits the ground is exactly 23 blocks, this will ensure that its health level is reduced to the minimum possible. We build a recess near the landing site so that only the legs of the monsters remain in sight, this will ensure a safe farm of experience. Now you just have to go to the landing site, wait for the monsters to spawn and finish them off in the legs, one hit with any sword will be enough for one zombie.

Experience in Minecraft is needed in order to enchant items - armor, weapons and tools.

Experience can be gained by killing mobs or by mining ore. But to get the maximum enchantment, you need a lot of experience. What is needed to extract it? An experience farm will help you.

First of all, a mob spawner can help you get experience in Minecraft, which you can find in caves. Immediately you need to install a torch near the spawner in order to neutralize it. And so that the mobs do not accumulate on the spawner, gently place a pillar above it. Then, under the spawner, destroy the blocks to make a 6 by 7 area. Spawners are found in Minecraft in mines or under large trees. Be sure to remember the place where you found the spawner in order to make an experience farm in the future.

There are special mods for minecraft that add the ability to craft staffs to summon mobs or spawners. But in vanilla minecraft, you will definitely need a spawner.

Making an experience farm in Minecraft

On the long side of the site, you need to dig a trench 1 block thick and 2 blocks deep. On it you need to hang signs at the height of the main floor. On both sides you need to pour one bucket of water. Thus, the mobs will fall out of the spawner and swim into our trench.

In the middle of the trench, you need to make a corridor three blocks forward, and then dig a well up. The diameter of the well should be equal to 1 block. Also in the well you need to install a mechanism - alternating plates and water. The maximum height of the well should be 23 blocks. It is worth closing the farm from the sun so that it works around the clock. The roof must be at least 2 blocks from the floor, otherwise the mobs may die.

Now the most important thing is that under the well, at a distance of 2 blocks, you need to make a small platform and install another block exactly under the descent of the mobs. Now all the mobs that will fall into our well will be at the bottom, or rather we will see their protruding legs. Now you need to get to the found spawner and destroy the torch. Done - now we can kill them and get precious experience in minecraft!

Some Tips

Don't forget - you must be at a distance of no more than 16 blocks from the spawner, otherwise our minecraft farm will not work.

We can place a chest and a workbench near the spawner so that you have the opportunity to craft new weapons and put all the accumulated drops into the chest.

Now you have learned how to make a wonderful farm of experience, all that is left is the ability to spend it on enchantment!

Below seven. Almost any surface that is closed from light is suitable for their spawning, however, to increase their concentration, you can illuminate the dark areas around the farm, both on the surface and underground. Each mob has its own spawn characteristics. It should also be remembered that hostile mobs will immediately attack the player when they are detected.


All hostile mob farms include hostile mob spawn areas. Most often, this is a closed dark room. Mob farms are divided into:

  • Manual- consist only of the spawn location, the player must kill the mobs himself.

Disadvantages: the duration of the process, the danger of dying and breaking armor.
Advantages: honing the skills of fighting monsters, the opportunity to gain experience

  • Semi-automated- mobs are transported from the spawn area to the killing room, where the player kills the mobs manually.

Disadvantages: you need to be near the mob farm to accumulate mobs and avoid their despawn.
Advantages: an easy way to gain experience, with little or no effort on the part of the player.

  • automated- mobs are automatically transported from the spawn area to the killing room and automatically killed, the player only needs to collect loot.

Disadvantages: Unable to get experience from mobs, requires frequent visits, because loot disappears within five minutes.
Advantages: to collect loot, you just need to go to the farm.



A large enclosed space is being built. There is always no lighting. There may be a withdrawal of mobs to the killing room. Farm spawn:

  • Endermen(when the height of the room is above three blocks), in the End, less often in the ordinary world;
  • Slugs(at great depth).

The farm is popular due to the abundance and variety of loot obtained.

Slug farm

It is a large low room above the bedrock. It often consists of one floor four blocks high. Lights up after construction, as slugs are weak mobs, hence easier to kill by hand, and other hostile mobs will get in the way. The farm is no longer relevant as slugs now spawn in huge quantities at night in the swamps.

farm with spawner

Falling from height

Fall from a height can be applied to almost all mobs, except for chickens, ghasts, iron golems, lava cubes and ifrits. The required height depends on the mob's normal amount of health. Water one block deep does not soften the fall, so the water of the fallen objects is possible with this method of killing.

iron golems

Many mob farms with spawners use iron golems to kill mobs. Mobs accumulate in some room, and the player uses the mechanism to let the golems in. Regardless of the number of mobs, the golem always attacks first. And after killing, you can safely collect items and drive the golems to the primary place with trolleys.


When placed inside a solid block, the mob begins to suffocate and dies after a while. This method requires a system of rail tracks, minecarts and boosters that picks up mobs at their spawn location and places them under a one block high ceiling.

Dropped items that remain on the rails can disrupt the system, but this is one of the few methods applicable in the Nether. But there is also the option of transporting them to a piston mechanism, which is controlled. In this case, you can partially suffocate the mobs, and then kill them manually, while gaining experience.

Sorting animals by size


Although manual slaying does not provide automated item acquisition, it is the only way to gain experience from the farm. There are farms equipped with separation nodes that require manual processing of mobs from the general flow, or nodes that redirect the flow of mobs to manual or automatic processing at the player's choice.

It should be remembered that manually killing small batches of mobs of hostile mobs is inefficient, and you can accumulate a large batch only with the help of a spawner, otherwise the despawn quickly outweighs the spawn. Therefore, experience farms use zombies, spiders, skeletons and ifrits. The player stands motionless near the spawner from half an hour to half a day, the spawning mobs are somehow removed from the spawner to the distance at which their excess ceases to block the spawn, where they accumulate in significant quantities, after which they are killed by exploding potions or simply manually. Usually, in order to reduce the health of mobs during transportation, they are subjected to various damage, for example, from falling from a height or contact with cacti.

You can also use wolves and cats. They will destroy everyone who tries to attack (except for creepers, which cats will have to drive away). With this choice, armor is not needed, and weapons can be used on creepers. But there will be an urgent need for food for the restoration of pets and their reproduction.


To transport mobs from the spawn point to the place of killing, as well as to deliver the dropped items to the collection point, water flows are most often used. For items, this is the only possible method of transportation. In the Nether, this method will not work, so lava flows are used there, because all mobs Nether immune to it, but items in the lava will be destroyed. Alternatively, carts can be used to transport mobs to the kill site, as described in the section.

Possible use snow golems to lure mobs or discard them. The difference is only in the number of required mobs.

Experience can be gained in several ways. It drops from mobs, it is given when mining and smelting resources. But in the case of fossils, very little of it is given, as in the case of peaceful mobs. Therefore, if you want to get a high level, you need to kill hostile mobs. Of course, you can really go into the forest at night, putting yourself in danger, but is it worth it if you can make an experience farm based on a dungeon?

So, the first thing we need is the dungeon itself. It can be found in the process of exploring the world, extracting resources, or using cheats and third-party programs, but the author of the article does not recommend that you use the latter method, because interest is lost.

Let's say you found a dungeon. The first thing to do is to light it up so that the mobs do not interfere with the construction process and remove the chests after cleaning them out.

Your second step will be to clear the area in order to get the most out of the spawner. To do this, we need to find the corner of the dungeon with the smallest X and Z coordinates, and imagine that this is the center of the 8x8 square that we will need to clear.

Next, you need to dig down two blocks and dig a small 2x2 hole in the center of this square. Next, you need to put up signs and pour water. You can also build a system that will merge mobs from the spawner.

In the 2x2 pit, we need to start a current that will deliver the creatures to the elevator.

And make your own lift. To do this, select the level Y, on which the mobs will fall, and add 22 to it - the height, after falling from which they will have health for 1-2 hits. The lift is done like this:

Having raised them to the desired height, start the current limited by the signs there, which will deliver them to the descent.

And make yourself a descent - a hole, deep SMOOTH in 22 blocks where they will fall. At the bottom, they should not be able to get out, otherwise they will roam freely and attack you.

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