Card file of didactic games in educational areas of the fgos. Game in the pedagogical process of a kindergarten in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard up to Trifonova E.V., Candidate

Anna Brul
Business game for preschool teachers on the topic "FGOS"

Target: to identify the level of familiarization of teachers with GEF DO.


1. Clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on GEF DO.

2. To promote the development of pedagogical horizons on this topic.

Organizing time:

Upon entering the hall educators it is proposed to choose one emoticon from two colors, according to the same principle as the tables on the tables, thus, 2 teams are obtained educators.

What legal documents became the starting point for changes in our system?

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ);

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations (DOO) (SanPiN No. 26 dated 15.05.2013

The order of organization and implementation of educational activities for the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education No. 1014 of 08/30/2013;

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155)

All these documents require high professionalism from teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Modern educator it is necessary to learn how to adequately respond to ongoing changes in education, be able to work in a team of like-minded people - all participants in the educational process, competently and efficiently work with children and parents in modern conditions, select the content of education yourself and adapt it to the age group of your children, checking it with the requirements GEF DO.

And now I offer you a warm-up that will defuse the situation and serve as an occasion for a more serious conversation. I invite the participants to introduce themselves, as they would like to be called today.

And now you have to complete tasks that will help reveal your knowledge about GEF Preschool education. To do this, we will split into two teams. When entering the hall, you took emoticons of a certain color. Now I will put colored tablets on the tables, and I will ask you to change seats in such a way that the color of the tablet matches the color of the emoticon. And so, we got two teams. There is a bell on the table, whoever is ready to answer should ring it. Points are awarded for a correct answer.

1. Name the educational areas according to GEF DO?




Artistic and aesthetic;


2. Name the correct ratio of the mandatory part of the Program and the Part formed by the participants process:

(60% and 40%)

3. What educational area does the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity belong to?

(socio-communicative development)

4. What educational area does the formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for literacy education belong to?

(speech development)

5. What educational area does the formation belong to elementary representations about the arts?

artistic and aesthetic development;

6. The specific content of the educational areas specified in the Standard depends on ...

Age and individual characteristics of children.

7. What is the purpose of the DO Standard?

targets for preschool education.

8. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?

A game

9. With what type of children's activity does the development of work skills in children begin?

self-service and elementary household work

10. Name the stages of preschool childhood

infant, early, preschool

11. What requirements does GEF DO?

Requirements for the structure of OOP DO

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the OOP DO

Requirements for the results of the development of OOP DO

12. Who is the family in system preschool education standards?

Participant of the educational process and partner.

II. One representative per team (young teacher)

1. Decipher the abbreviation GEF DO

2. Decipher the abbreviation OOP DO

3. Decipher the abbreviation RPPS

4. Define the concept "standard" (norm, standard, sample, requirements)

III. (task in an envelope)

1. Subject of regulation of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" - This:

a) realization of the right to education;

b) public relations that arise in the field of education in connection with the realization of the right to education, the provision of state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education.

2. Education is:

a) a single purposeful process education and training, which is a socially significant good and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests;

b) activities aimed at personal development, creation of conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state;

c) a purposeful process of organizing the activities of students to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies, gain experience in activities, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in everyday life and form students' motivation to receive education throughout their lives.

3. Participants of educational relations - This:

a) a set of public relations for the implementation of the right of citizens to education, the purpose of which is the development by students of the content of educational programs (educational relations, and public relations that are associated with educational relations and the purpose of which is to create conditions for the realization of the rights of citizens to education;

b) students, parents (legal representatives) underage students, teachers and their representatives, organizations engaged in educational activities;

c) participants in educational relations and federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, employers and their associations;

4. What right in the Russian Federation is guaranteed to every person, according to the Law on Education in RF:

a) the right to a family;

b) the right to education;

c) the right to a name.

5. What legal documents laid down the basic principles GEF preschool education?

a) The concept of preschool education;

b) National Education Initiative "Our New School";

c) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

d) Priority national project "Education";

e) Convention on the Rights of the Child;

f) The charter of the preschool educational organization.

6. At what age can preschool education begin in educational institutions? organizations:

a) when the children reach the age of two months;

b) from the age of three;

c) at the request of the parents (legal representatives).

7. Amplification is: (section I., point 1.4)

A) Enrichment of the development of the child, the maximum realization of his age-related capabilities;

B) All-round acceleration of the mental and physical development of the child;

C) Slowdown, lag in the mental and physical development of the child.

8. Correctional work and/or inclusive education should be directed on: (section II., point 2.11.2)

A) Child education;

C) Ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering the Program;

D) Mastering the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation.

Teachers are given the task to compose a phrase, previously cut into separate words, phrases (the phrase is cut into one, two, three words). The time to complete the task is 3 minutes.

1. The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. This federal state educational standard for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.

Teams are invited to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when getting acquainted with the document GEF DO.

(GEF, standard, targets, object-spatial developing environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Summing up the game.

REFLECTION: teachers are invited to share their impressions of the event, tell what happened, what didn’t, express wishes for the future.


Take care of your mental health, folks.

Do not bring the level of mental stress to critical values.

Do not forget that not only your wards, but also you yourself need help, care and attention to protect and preserve your psychological health.

Cognition of the world in preschoolers occurs through the game. Therefore, the organization of gaming activity in preschool educational institutions is determined by a special role in the educational process. And the teacher is required to methodically competently include different types of games both as an independent activity of children, and as a means of organizing cognitive, creative activity and developing indicators of physical growth.

mission game in kindergarten

Game activity is an organized activity that involves the direction of the mental, physical and emotional efforts of children to achieve the set game task.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), the goals of gaming activity in kindergarten are distributed according to the educational areas of work with kids:

  • didactic - acquaintance and expansion of ideas about the world around, development of skills and abilities determined by the requirements for the development of the sphere of knowledge in preschoolers (through educational games, for example, children of the older group learn to “make friends” letters, that is, to make syllables), development of work skills ( for example, in role-playing games, kids of the first younger group help their mother with cleaning);
  • developing - the development of attention, speech, thinking processes, memory, the formation of the ability to observe, conduct a comparative analysis, compare, stimulate the imagination, creative vision, fantasy;
  • educational - the formation of initiative, moral and volitional qualities, partnership, sociability;
  • socio-communicative - familiarization with the observance of the rules adopted in society, the development of the ability to control one's emotional manifestations, the ability to communicate with friends and adults.

In games, children learn to build partnerships with both peers and adults.

The educational tasks of games have their own characteristics depending on the age of the children and the type of game. According to the content of the game are:

  • didactic or educational, aimed at explaining, practicing or consolidating educational material;
  • mobile, aimed at strengthening and maintaining the health of babies;
  • theatrical, designed to reveal the creative potential of young pupils.

Table: tasks of playing activity of different types in kindergarten

First junior group(1.5–3 years)Second junior group (3–4 years)middle group(4–5 years)Senior group (5-6 years old)Preparatory group (6–7 years old)
Didactic games
  • expand the experience of children through sensory games(children learn to distinguish colors, shapes);
  • learn to correlate figures on a plane in size.
  • to consolidate the ability to correlate 2–3 objects by color and size, alternating them in a given sequence (for example, a large blue pyramid ring, a red medium and a small yellow one);
  • learn to compose images from 4-6 parts;
  • develop the ability to follow increasingly complex rules.
  • improve the ability to make a whole out of parts;
  • to consolidate the ability to compare objects, focusing on external signs;
  • develop attentiveness, memory (for example, in the games “What are the changes”, “Who has a toy”, etc.);
  • to attach to board-printed games ("Lotto", "Domino").
  • learn to find minor inconsistencies in the features of objects (in color, shape, size);
  • continue to form the habit of obeying the conditions of the game;
  • encourage the desire to play with toys of different types (folk, electronic);
  • foster healthy competition.
  • develop the ability to initiate games, taking the role of a leader;
  • stimulate the ability to find solutions for a game situation;
  • train voluntary attention;
  • arouse curiosity;
  • introduce kids to the manufacture of didactic aids (for example, "sultans" or weathercocks);
  • work on the development of logical and figurative thinking.
Outdoor games
  • learn to play in groups, with an adult;
  • train motor skills (walking, running, rolling, throwing).
  • learn to act in game conditions with a change in the nature of movements (from walking to running, for example);
  • introduce kids to group games;
  • train climbing skills, crawling;
  • to form skills to handle the ball, balls in games aimed at developing dexterity of movements.
  • continue to work on the development of dexterity, speed of reaction and orientation on the playground;
  • stimulate creativity in inventing combinations of movements;
  • generate interest in different sports;
  • develop the habit of following the rules.
  • continue to stimulate the desire to independently organize and play familiar games;
  • expand knowledge about different sports;
  • learn the rules of folk games.
  • actively practice games with a competitive element;
  • continue to work on improving movements of a different nature (running, squats, jumps, etc.);
  • stimulate interest in sports;
  • educate the need for an adequate assessment of the results of the games.
Theatrical games
  • learn to play side by side without interfering with your comrades;
  • train in performing several actions with one game attribute and transfer these actions to props (for example, wash hands and wash dolls and learn to perform these actions on yourself);
  • encourage children to choose toys for play at their discretion;
  • develop behavioral skills in their playing role;
  • to form the prerequisites for a creative understanding of reality.
  • to promote the initiative of inventing games on the themes of nursery rhymes, fairy tales, songs;
  • develop the skill of imitation (fly “like birds”, meow “like cats”, etc.);
    learn to combine individual game actions into one storyline;
  • train kids in choosing a role for themselves;
  • develop the ability to play both on your own behalf and on behalf of your character (“mother”, “doctor”, “daughter”, “patient”);
  • learn to expand the game environment with the necessary props;
  • learn to use the constructor in games (to build a bridge, a house for dolls, etc.);
  • develop the ability to track the course of the deployment of plot actions;
  • to form the ability to get along with comrades in short games.
  • enrich the plots of games;
  • encourage children to take the initiative in compiling game plots, distributing roles;
  • to introduce kids to the performance of sketches aimed at the development of volitional and sensual manifestations;
  • learn to independently select the props necessary for games;
  • to form the ability to find a common language in the distribution of materials to create scenery from the details of the designer;
  • to attach to games related to the work of adults.
  • stimulate the desire to organize theatrical games;
  • encourage the desire to improvise;
  • to teach to choose the direction of the plot in accordance with the knowledge gained from fairy tales, in the classroom, during excursions;
  • learn to complicate the game by introducing a new character or complicating the rules, attributes;
  • continue to work on developing the ability to resolve conflicts that arise along the way;
  • to cultivate the skill of coordinating one's actions and desires with the actions and desires of a partner according to the principles of honesty and justice.
  • to form the ability to independently organize gaming activities;
  • develop the ability to create missing attributes (for example, bus tickets from fallen leaves);
  • continue to develop the ability to plan the game and predict its results;
  • to cultivate partnership, that is, benevolence and readiness to help a comrade.

Video: partnership formula in gaming activity

Game activity functions

The purpose of the game for a preschooler is an opportunity to reveal their potential, and for an adult - help in the direction of the baby's development vector. This determines the functionality of gaming activities, divided into several types:

  • entertaining function (stimulates the interest of the child, gives him pleasure from the process and result of the game);
  • sociocultural (helps to comprehend the norms and rules of behavior in society);
  • diagnostic (allows an adult to determine deviations in the development and behavior of the child, for example, the isolation of the baby);
  • correctional (aims to make positive changes in the personality of the child);
  • therapeutic (helps in an entertaining way to overcome certain difficulties that the baby encounters in various activities, for example, with the help of theatrical performances of therapeutic fairy tales, children overcome fears, become more sociable);
  • communicative (forms the child's ability to receive and transmit information in the process of communication, joint activities with peers, develops speech);
  • cognitive and educational (helps to consolidate the blocks of information received by the baby in the process of various activities, forms curiosity);
  • self-realization function (the game allows the child to determine the range of his interests, since the baby will not play if he is bored, of little interest).

This is interesting. For the full inclusion of all functions in the process of the game, children must voluntarily take part in this type of activity. Only in this case, each kid will be able to learn moral, universal values, become an independent person in all types of social relations.

The game implements several functions of interaction with children at once.

Classification of types of gaming activities

Types of play activities can be distributed according to the function of an adult and the form of manifestation of initiative in children:

  • creative games or game activity at the request of the children (the kids themselves choose the game, indicate the goal and come up with the rules, the adult is in the position of the observer);
  • didactic, mobile and theatrical game activity or games initiated by the teacher (these methods of interaction are determined by the framework of the rules established by adults);
  • gaming activity determined by the traditions of the people (this type includes musical games, as well as historical games).

How play activities are integrated into the education process

Based on the classification of games according to the form of participation of children and adults, it can be concluded that the game is integrated into different areas of the educational process.

An example of integration can be the game "In the hospital", which I played with my pupils in the senior group. Before the introduction to the game situation, the guys and I took a tour of the medical office kindergarten- that is, they implemented the tasks of the social and communicative direction. We talked with a health worker about the appointment of a thermometer, scales, their importance in human life - we completed the tasks of cognitive and speech development. They remembered the plot of K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Aibolit", which helped to fulfill the tasks of the speech and socio-communicative direction. And they also made attributes from plasticine (vitamins, tablets), thereby outlining the scope of the direction of artistic and aesthetic development.

The game is integrated into both directly educational and leisure activities of preschool children.

Organization and management of gaming activities

GEF outlined the main components of the organization of the game. This is the collection:

  • conditions of the organization;
  • conditions for motivating children;
  • implementation conditions, including accounting for time for the implementation of the game plan.

Let's consider each of the components separately.

Terms of organization of the game

Conditions of motivation

  1. Do not impose your vision of the way to solve the game task on the kid. So, for example, if a kid puts together a puzzle, starting with the main figure of the plot, you should not insist that it is more convenient to first lay out the details of the picture frame.
  2. Praise the kids for participating in the game.
  3. Starting from the middle group, all changes in the rules during the game should be coordinated with the children at least at the level of agreement or disagreement. additional task or work out one or another plot twist. This condition applies mainly to mobile games and theatrical fun.

Implementation conditions

  1. Creative approach of the teacher. An adult must necessarily work out the material based on the needs of the kids. For example, using a toy in class as a motivating technique, it is better to take Luntik, familiar to all modern children, and leave Cheburashka until the next time, after showing the kids a wonderful Soviet cartoon. So the children will have an idea about the character, and the teacher will not need to explain to some children what kind of hero he is.
  2. Justified by the goals and objectives of a particular segment of the educational process, the choice of games. So, if at 3-4 years old children get acquainted with several names of vegetables, fruits, berries, then at the stage of introducing new material, you should not give the children the didactic domino "Gifts of Nature", in which children need to collect cards depicting the stage of plant growth in a single chain , fruit, methods of its processing. But at the stage of fixing the material, this game will be very appropriate.
  3. Orientation to the individual characteristics of children. First of all, this concerns the organization of play activities with children with developmental disabilities, but we will dwell on this a little later. As well as the level of general development, temperament of the guys. So, in the middle group, when organizing games for the development of independence with children who often sort things out with their fists, the teacher should not completely go into the position of an observer. It is better to take the role of the player, observe the behavior of the fighters, redistribute the playing roles if necessary.
  4. Game time tracking. Failure to comply with this condition often fails young teachers who still do not know how to correctly allocate time between the stages of gaming activity. It is important to take the time to explain the game, not to crumple the process itself, and be sure to take stock. Experienced educators recommend laying +1.5 minutes for each game.

Children can be very carried away by the game, so the teacher needs to calculate the time for this type of activity with a margin.

When are games played

Games are organized four times a day:

  • after coming to kindergarten before breakfast (from 5 to 40 minutes);
  • after the first meal and before the start of classes (from 5 to 7 minutes);
  • during a walk (an hour and a half);
  • after sleep (20-40 minutes).

Games before breakfast

For the younger group, these are games that do not involve complex personal relationships, for example, with sand, water on the street or with a designer indoors. In the middle group, this may be a playful interaction with toys brought from home. Kids at 4–5 years old understand each other well, so the teacher does not interfere in the course of the game, but only corrects it. In the older group, games of all kinds are practiced. At the same time, the selection should focus on the topic of the lesson that will follow breakfast. For example, before a lesson on the development of speech, literacy, you can play games to develop thinking, attention.

Games before class

These types of play activities require little intellectual concentration (with a simple construction set, balls, small toys). Usually, games with movements that are not of a group nature are selected, otherwise the kids will get tired. Do not offer children new games that need long explanations.

Games while walking

In the younger group, toys and sports equipment are used to expand the motor experience of children. In the spring, these can be games with the ball “Catch the ball”, a run “We jump like grasshoppers”, jumping in the game “Catch butterflies”, climbing and crawling training, fun “Hide and seek”, “Catching”, etc. In addition, the kids are interested in participating in games with a constructor, sand, during which the teacher teaches children to play, inventing a game situation indirectly, for example, through a toy.

With children 4–5 years old, the teacher alternates games with and without rules, and experience in role-playing games (“Zoo”, “Family”, “Hospital”, etc.) is replenished. In games, the teacher tries to rely on the self-organization of children.

Older preschoolers can discuss what they will play even before going outside. The participation of the teacher consists in advice on how to implement the idea of ​​​​the game, as well as in the choice of the driver (counting or direct appointment).

Play activities after sleep

Can be held outdoors (weather permitting) or in a group. All elements of the interior are subject to the game, you can also introduce children to new game activities. Types of games can be combined in various ways. Also, games with natural material are connected, which are inherently related to the program for getting to know the world around, the development of speech, for example, compiling a forest clearing from dry leaves, chestnuts and acorns. After sleep, older preschoolers can be carried away with long-term building games, for example, the game "Building a house", in which the building is repeatedly, over several days, supplemented and modified.

This is interesting. Cleaning up toys at the end of the day can also be done in a playful way, in which "workers" from the construction site take apart toys, and "drivers" carry them to shelves and cabinets.

It is important to teach kids to put away toys after playing.

Receptions in game activity

When working on games, the teacher uses all the methods of interaction with children, combining them depending on the type of game and the stage of development. game actions. So, at the introductory stage of didactic games, explanation and demonstration will prevail, and at the main stage of theatrical games, the emphasis will be on the practical activities of the kids.

Verbal tricks

Speech interaction in game activity is realized with the help of:

  • an explanation that can be presented in the form of a fairy tale plot (for example, the teacher can explain the conditions of the learning game “The letter grows” using the plot that the letter ate well and began to grow - the children show how from a small letter in one corner of the sheet, it turns into a large one at the opposite end of the sheet);
  • riddles and poems (usually this technique is used by a teacher to motivate kids, so, before the theatrical game "Mirror" to my pupils of the senior group, I guess the riddle "A window is hanging. Antoshka is in the window. Antoshka has moved away - an empty window");
  • reading, practiced in groups where there are children who can read (the essence of the technique is that the children read the conditions of the game themselves in “magic instructions” or “letters” of fairy-tale characters).

Visual tricks

Visual images for children play a key role in all activities, since it is through the visual channel of perception that babies learn the world. Visibility in games can be represented by:

  • pictures with illustrations of the course of game actions (for example, for outdoor games);
  • demonstration, that is, the presentation of all actions by the teacher before independent repetition by children (this technique is also used in educational games - lotto, puzzles, etc. - and in mobile games, especially those where there are many types of movements replacing each other, and in theatrical ones, in which the teacher shows, for example, facial expressions and gestures of the character portrayed by the baby);
  • showing - the teacher shows a sample of the task using a video (usually this technique is used in outdoor games, for example, with a ball).

If the game is familiar to children, then a reminder of the conditions can be in the process of playing activity.

Attributes for games

Props for games deserve special attention, in particular, toys, which in this type of activity can be of three types:

  • ready-made (dolls, cars, animals, etc.) for getting to know the surrounding objects, developing fantasy and the sensual sphere;
  • semi-finished (cubes, pyramids, puzzles, etc.), designed to activate the intellectual sphere of the baby through the arrangement of the details of the pyramid in size, building objects using the constructor, etc .;
  • materials for the manufacture of toys (kinetic sand, clay, cardboard, etc.), the intended purpose of which is to stimulate creativity and imagination (sculpting dishes from sand or clay, laying out cars with pebbles, etc.);
  • theatrical and play attributes (dolls for flannelette, finger toys, costume elements, etc.), with the help of which children complement one or another chosen image.

Practical Techniques

Through drawings, applications and crafts, children reinforce the information received during the game. For example, making the application "Traffic light" in the middle group can be an option to consolidate knowledge of traffic signals from the mobile game "Cars".

The traffic light craft can be part of reinforcing the content of the Cars game

Diagnostics of gaming activity

The game is the main activity for preschoolers, so the dynamics of all areas of personality development can be traced on the basis of monitoring game activity. The diagnostic monitoring card, which is carried out regardless of the age of children twice a year (at the beginning and at the end of the school year), includes such indicators of the development of the game as:

  • content (sources of ideas and their diversity, the number of game tasks, the level of independence in solving game problems);
  • types of interaction with materials for games (variety of plot, independence in actions with substitute objects and role-playing statements);
  • the nature and time of the interaction of the kids in the game (with whom the child enters into the game interaction, who sets the game tasks, how long the interaction takes).

You can get acquainted with samples of maps for monitoring the game. Based on the map, an analytical report is compiled. An example of an analytical reference on gaming activity can be seen in the publication of the educator Semeikina A.Yu.

Diagnostics allows you to trace the development of play activities in children

Features of play activity in children with developmental disabilities

For special children, the game is no less important than for healthy ones. However, it becomes a means of moral, mental and speech development only with the systematic and competent guidance of adults.

Playing activities in children with hearing impairments

Main difficulties:

  • hard of hearing children do not start the game themselves;
  • mastering subject-effective substitution, that is, the meaning of a toy can be divorced from reality, for example, a wooden stick acts both as a thermometer in the game "Hospital" and as a pointer in the game "School" (the teacher pronounces any substitutions, and this is inaccessible to hearing-impaired children) ;
  • mastering the meaning of words and phrases through the formation of subject correlation that occurs in the process of game communication (for example, children learn during the game that there is a zipper on Dunno’s jacket, but they cannot correlate this word with a natural phenomenon during a thunderstorm);
  • mechanical repetition of familiar games, since children do not comprehend the semantic relationships in the plot (if a kid is used to running in an outdoor game, then it is difficult for him to reorganize and add more walking in a different direction, pace).

Features of working with hearing-impaired children:

  • emphasis on role-playing games, where it is easier for children to comprehend the principle of substitution, and to replenish vocabulary through subject correlation (a white coat is for both the “Shop” and the “Hospital”);
  • expansion of the list of games due to different ways of organizing game activity, for example, children present the same plot both on a flannelgraph and in the form of dramatization, thereby kids see the variability of game actions in different circumstances;
  • systematic pronunciation of game actions by adults and children, adding new ones.

Playing activity in children with visual impairments

The main problem of children with poor vision, as well as those with poor hearing, is that they themselves do not initiate the game. To explain how to play to healthy children, verbal clarification combined with visualization is needed. The second component in working with children with visual impairments is losing its relevance. The word becomes the most important device, thereby contributing to the merging of the game with learning.

For visually impaired children, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in games so that children do not have delays in speech development.

Play in children with mental retardation

The play activity of these children is determined by the degree of mental retardation. But in general, in the younger and middle groups, the emphasis is on story games in which children comprehend a variety of relationships: children-parents (“Daughters-mothers”), patients-doctors (“In the hospital”), etc. In the senior preschool At the age of children, they are attracted to object games: with natural materials, toys that help children learn the principle of substitution, which is important for the game. The main task of the teacher is to help children form an imaginary situation, since the figurative sphere of sick children is very poor, and they themselves, without the guidance of a teacher, they will not be able to do this.

Playing activity in mentally retarded children

This type of activity is the main direction of correctional work with mentally retarded children. However, in children with intellectual disabilities, the game is not the leading activity. Moreover, without adult guidance, a sick child may not progress beyond simple activities with toys. The main task of the teacher is to form simple elements role-playing game by the end of preschool childhood (for example, playing the role of a cashier in the game "Shop" or a guest in the game "Guests have come to us"). At the same time, it is important to ensure that the game manipulations are not repeated by the child many times, but vary, since for special kids they do not carry a semantic load, that is, a boy rolling a car from corner to corner and imitating the sounds of a motor does not pursue any goal.

By the end of the preschool period, children with intellectual disabilities should move from simple manipulations with toys to elements of a role-playing game.

Game activity in kindergarten is an integral element of the content and organization of the educational process. On the one hand, the game is valuable in itself because through it the children expand the scope of knowledge, comprehend the norms and rules of behavior in society. On the other hand, the educator uses the game as a structural basis for educational work, putting into its form different types of activity and interaction options. This determines the importance of a methodically verified approach to the selection, preparation and conduct of games with preschoolers.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

The child learns the world in all its diversity through those activities that are understandable and close to the baby. In this context, the leading position is occupied by the game. That is why the implementation of the goals and objectives of teaching, developing and educating children in preschool educational institutions is carried out through game elements. This approach is fixed by the program requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Consider the features of the gaming activity of preschoolers in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is the gaming activity according to GEF

This is interesting. The famous Russian pediatrician, psychologist and philanthropist of the 19th century E.A. Pokrovsky said: “... Let the children play while the game pleases them, attracts them to itself and at the same time brings them enormous benefits!”

The main feature of preschool education is the lack of PURPOSED learning, as this does not correspond to the level of development of the child. Instead, the game comes to the fore, through which the implementation of the activity approach takes place. However, in the modern world, the emphasis has shifted: there has been a transition from yard games to individual games, and from group games to computer games. Therefore, the task methodical work in kindergartens - to return the game to children without interrupting the present day. In this context, the question of the play activity of preschool children should be considered.


Properly organized and skillfully directed play allows the child to

  • develop physically and intellectually;
  • form positive character traits;
  • learn to communicate with peers and surrounding adults;
  • learn new knowledge quickly and easily.

GEF is based on the scheme of the child's development line: to feel - to recognize - to create. That is, entertainment, knowledge and creativity should be carried out in kindergarten at the same time. All this is combined in a game.

Goals and objectives

An important direction of involving children in gaming activities is the development of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve problems related to different areas of life (training, socialization, that is, relationships with other people, self-determination, etc.). In addition, gaming activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • develops logical, figurative, critical thinking;
  • forms the skill of building cause-and-effect relationships;
  • expands the range of mental operations, Creative skills, fantasy;
  • fosters a creative approach to solving problems;
  • forces to take the initiative;
  • develops various mental functions, including speech;
  • promotes physical development.

The implementation of the goals is helped by the systematic solution of such tasks as:

  • familiarity with moral and ethical concepts (for example, in the context of events dedicated to patriotic education);
  • general physical training;
  • development of a strategy of "co-creation" in different types of gaming activity;
  • selection of game material;
  • proper organization and conduct of games.

Principles and forms of the game

In order for the technique to "work", you need to apply it correctly. For this, the Federal State Educational Standard provides for the following principles for introducing gaming activities into the work of a preschool institution:

  • free involvement in the game (you can’t force kids to play, this can provoke a “reverse loop effect”, and the child will refuse other types of interaction);
  • the exclusion of activities that violate the norms of public morality (for example, gambling for money or things), or degrade the dignity of the players;
  • lack of demonstrative edification and didacticism (that is, you should not overload the lesson with information);
  • a clear understanding of the rules of the game by the children;
  • exceptionally positive impact on the emotional, intellectual spheres of the participants;
  • sufficient amount of time and material and technical base for the game;
  • the presence of a play environment for boys and girls;
  • timely change in the form and content of games depending on the age of the children;
  • creation of conditions for demonstrating the independent activity of children (theatrical, intellectual, constructive, motor).
  • accessibility of the subject-game environment for all participants.

The form of the game can be:

  • individual, where everyone fights for himself;
  • group, in which the baby feels responsible for his actions.

It is also worth mentioning such a form as a project, which can be both individual and group, and also have different time frames for implementation.

Policy Documents

  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of May 17, 1995 No. 61 / 19–12 “On the psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions”
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2014 No. 03-51-46 in / 14-03 Exemplary requirements for the content of the developing environment for children preschool age brought up in a family.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their health and development"
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"
  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 "On the approval of SanPin–13" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions.

A detailed analysis of these documents allows us to conclude that significant adjustments have been made to the modern legal field for determining the essence of the education system in a preschool institution in comparison with the program documents of previous years.

Conditions for the development of gaming activities in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard

The implementation of game technology in a preschool institution has a number of features. Among the fundamental features are

  • creative approach of the educator to work;
  • the choice of a game that will allow solving the problems of training, development and education at a particular stage of a child’s development;
  • taking into account the personal qualities of the players;
  • timing.

The games used can be divided into two groups:

  • with fixed rules (for example, loto);
  • free games, that is, the rules of the game are hidden (this is convenient, for example, when reading is being taught - children should help an adult who cannot read learn this skill, etc.).

List of receptions according to GEF

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, games are divided into:

  • leisure (serve as excellent entertainment during pauses between the main types of activity or for bringing children together during walks - "Stream", finger games, etc.);
  • mobile (contribute to physical development - physical education, warm-ups, etc.);
  • theatrical (they solve the problems of forming the expressiveness of speech, intellectual, aesthetic, communicative education, develop creative abilities - staging fairy tales, staging excerpts from books read, etc.);
  • computer (with a mandatory training component);
  • games with rules (they teach kids to follow the rules, and also show that everyone is equal before the “law” - lotto, dominoes, etc.);
  • role-playing games (develop the gaming experience of preschoolers, open up new horizons for displaying the world - "Daughters-Mothers", "Cossacks-Robbers", "Snow Maiden", etc.)

Video: Role-playing lessons in junior, middle and senior groups

Video: "Journey" for the senior group

These types of games are used in working with children of any age, taking into account the level of development of the kids. So, for example, lotto in the younger group consists of separate pictures of animals that need to be correctly positioned on a poster with the image of several animals.

Modern types of gaming activities

Game-cultural practice allows, through the simulation of the playing space, to realize the educational goals set, for example, to check with the help of the “captain of the ship” the ability of the “crew” to perform the simplest arithmetic operations within 10

As for preschool education today, the set of gaming technologies within the list of types of games designated by the Federal State Educational Standard has been supplemented, which is associated with the practical orientation of education at all levels of interaction with children. So, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Korotkova, candidate of psychological sciences, dealing with issues of preschool education, identified 2 types of gaming activities:

  • game-cultural practice (plot game, free game);
  • game-pedagogical form (plot-role didactic game, didactic game with rules).

Game educational situation

The famous Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the world around us flows into the spiritual world of the child."

Game activity can be implemented in two directions: the first is that the children themselves set the rules, come up with the content of the game based on the available attributes (toys or other available equipment), the second is that the process of learning, development and education is carried out on the basis of the game technology. In the latter case, the entire organizational moment remains with the adult. It is about such a technique, which is called a game learning situation (ITS) and helps to overcome the gap between the leading game activity at the moment from the learning activity in the future, and will be discussed further. IOS has the following features:

  • uncomplicated plot that takes a lot of time;
  • specially organized play space;
  • Availability didactic purpose and educational task;
  • the guiding role of the educator.

IOS types

Based on the foregoing, several types of gaming educational situations can be distinguished depending on what accompanies the game:

  • the use of analogue toys (for example, comparing an inanimate analogue with a living one - a dummy of a plant with an indoor flower);
  • connection with a literary character (for example, the inclusion in the work of such well-known heroes as Dunno, Petrushka, Pinocchio);
  • IOS travel (games that simulate a trip to the forest, zoo, museum, etc.).


Video: Physical education lesson "Toy Town"

Video: Narrative educational situation on traffic rules in the middle group

Video: Lesson "Math Journey with Masha and the Bear"

The essence of socio-gaming technology

One of the modern forms of gaming activity implementation is socio-gaming technology. This is such an organization of the child’s own actions, in which he does, listens and speaks, that is, the baby participates in drawing up the rules, writing the plot of the game. Such a complex task distinguishes this technology from the game in the usual sense, where the child most often acts as a "performer". Moreover, socio-game interaction presupposes the obligatory existence of a “contract”, rules and communication. In other words, children can even argue, but with the goal of agreeing and finalizing the rules. The authors of the technology E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov identified a number of principles for such activities.

  • The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.
  • Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of error in children.
  • Freedom and independence in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of their actions to general rules.
  • A change in the mise-en-scene, that is, the situation when children can communicate in different parts of the group, trying on different roles (for example, first treasure hunters, and then robbers who guard these values, correct answers to arithmetic examples can act as treasures).
  • Focus on individual discoveries. Children become accomplices of the game, that is, as mentioned above, they can modify or change the rules of the game.
  • Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is simple, and what is difficult is more interesting (so, it is much more entertaining to train with Luntik on an intricate tongue twister than to repeat the same simple one with Vupsen and Pupsen).
  • movement and activity.
  • The work of children in small groups, mainly in sixes, sometimes in fours and threes.

The advantage of this kind of activity is that it defines the baby not as an object of education, but as a subject, that is, a full participant in the process.


The forms of social gaming activity can be as follows:

  • Games with rules that can change depending on the situation (for example, all participants are Dunnos, they ask an adult questions on the topic, and next time all the children are Knowles, and in the role of Dunno - a toy with which the kids explain what was yesterday did not know themselves).
  • Competition games.
  • Dramatization games (that is, staging stories of fairy tales, events).
  • Directing games (when the child himself comes up with a plot for the game, but the toy is not identified with the child).
  • Role-playing games (the kid takes on the role of a character, identifies himself with a doll, for example).
  • Fairy tale therapy (in unpretentious plots, children see themselves and their actions, for example, “Tales about a baby who looks like you”, “Tales from whims”, etc.).
  • Techniques socially aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort (for example, when learning the alphabet, the task can be this: help Dunno find the missing letters in the alphabet, hidden in riddles).
  • Self-presentation (a story about oneself in the form of alternate answers to the questions of the host-adult, for example, accompanied by the transfer of some kind of “relay object” from one participant to another).

Examples of social play activity

All the techniques of this technology can be used in different age groups: the form remains unchanged, but the content component may vary depending on the level of preparation of children.

"Magic wand"(in the form of self-presentation)

The essence of the game: children stand in a circle and receive a “magic wand” (for example, a pointer). The task of the players: passing the object to each other, answer the question posed by the adult. For example, "What is your favorite toy?". Further, the task becomes more complicated: "Why do you like her, name 3 reasons." Then you can expand the range of questions - from personal to well-known: "Name the most popular toys today."

"We speak in unison"(socio-directed reception)

The essence of the game: children are divided into groups, the teacher asks a question. The task of the guys in chorus is to answer it. Thanks to the collective response, even those guys who are not sure about the answer or do not know it will not feel uncomfortable.

"Mystery Hat"(a game with rules with elements of socio-orientation)

The essence of the game: we put questions written on pieces of paper in a hat (if the child cannot read, then the teacher helps him), the kids take turns pulling questions and answering them. So you can repeat elementary arithmetic operations, traffic rules, etc. in a playful way. Due to the fact that the hat falls into the hands of everyone, each child feels like a leader, that is, a leader.

Video: Socio-play approach in the development of communication skills of preschoolers

Computer games

Information technologies (in particular, games) in preschool education, along with the generally accepted opinion about the dangers for the mental and physical health of children, have a number of undeniable advantages over other gaming technologies. Computer games:

  • help to quickly move from visual-effective to visual-figurative thinking, which is an important step in the development of logic;
  • contribute to the formation of the ability to analyze;
  • speed up the process of managing their own external activities (for example, the baby needs to simultaneously perform mouse actions and watch the image on the screen), etc.

Thus, computer games allow the children to make the transition from the simplest forms of thinking to complex ones much faster.


The use of this gaming technology depends on the material and technical base of the preschool institution. But if such classes are not held in kindergarten, parents should know which computer games recommended by methodologists can be used at home. Anyone can download these games, just enter the name in the search bar.

  • "Finding Nemo. Underwater school "(middle group). Purpose: to get acquainted with the animal world of the planet. Children will be able to learn about the life of animals in the wild, their habits and habits, as well as learn how a beaver builds its house, fly with a bat in search of food and see the arrangement of an anthill.
  • "Merry alphabet" (senior group). Purpose: to consolidate and improve the skill of dividing words into syllables, to make a sound analysis of words. Kids will be able to break words into parts, make new words, combine them into simple sentences.
  • "Planet of numbers for kids" (younger group). Purpose: to learn how to count up to 10, to give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsimple geometric shapes, to teach how to compare. The guys get acquainted with the circle, square, triangle, correlate the figures by color, size. Learn to count up to 10.

How to do the right analysis?

Monitoring the success of using gaming techniques in kindergarten is carried out 3 times a year (at the beginning, at the end of the school year, and also in the middle). The whole group of children is assessed, the teacher or the person involved in a particular lesson conducts diagnostics. This analysis is carried out on 3 aspects:

  • organizational component;
  • activities of an adult (educator, physical education teacher, music worker);
  • child's activities.

Table "Analysis of the gaming activity of preschoolers"

Aspect of analysisAnalysis CriteriaGrade
Organization and conduct of the gameCompliance of goals with the tasks of the group
Compliance with the level of development of children
Program Compliance
Sanitary Compliance
Compliance of the material and technical base with the conditions of the game
The activities of the educatorA variety of techniques for solving game problems
Appropriateness of techniques for the age of babies
Correct use of techniques
Children activitiesMastering the content of the game
Activity, attention, interest in the activity (at least 2 criteria are evaluated)
Compliance of behavior with the conditions of the lesson
Compliance of knowledge, skills and abilities with the norm

Based on the results of filling out the table, you can see those methodological gaps that are indicated in the “none” column. These criteria should be paid special attention to, changing the form of gaming activity or making improvements to its content.

The game for preschoolers is the leading activity. It is through him that children learn the world, learn to interact with other people, know themselves. The task of an adult is to diversify this practice with interesting forms of games. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the requirements that are put forward for this kind of activity by the Federal State Educational Standard and other documents regulating the process of education of preschoolers. Properly organized work will ensure high achievements in the training, development and education of future students.

Card file of didactic games for children of senior and preparatory to school groups according to educational areas GEF

Speech development

Purpose of the game - to form the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning.

An adult reads a poem, and a child should notice semantic inconsistencies and choose the right words.

Having dropped the doll from her hands, Masha rushes to her mother:

There creeps greenonion (beetle) with long whiskers.

The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya: “Do not forget one thing:

Be sure to take tenherons (drops) before bed.

bugbooth (bun) did not finish. Reluctant, Tired.

gored meboiler (goat), I am very angry with him.

"Joke". The goal of the game is for the child to notice as many stories as possible.

We have a house with miracles in the alley,

Come take a look and see for yourself:

The dog sits down to play the harmonica

Red cats dive into the aquarium

Socks begin to knit canaries,

Kids' flowers are watered from a watering can,

The old man lies on the window, sunbathing,

Granddaughter's grandmother plays with dolls.

And fish read funny books,

Taking them little by little from the boy.

"What do you hear?"


Equipment: objects that make sounds familiar to children; screen.

Description: The host invites the children to listen and remember what is happening behind the door or screen. Then he asks to tell what they heard. The winner is the one who more and more accurately determines the sources of sound.

Instruction: “Now we will play the game “What do you hear?” and find out who is the most attentive. It is necessary in complete silence for some time (I detect it) to listen carefully to what is happening behind the door (screen). At the end of this time (1-2 minutes), it is necessary to name as many sounds as possible. In order for everyone to be given the opportunity to speak, it is necessary to name the sounds heard in the order of their turn. You cannot repeat sounds when naming. The one who names the most such sounds wins.

Note. You can play with a group of children or with one child. The order in the game can be set using a rhyme. Items that can be used for playing: a drum, a whistle, wooden spoons, a metallophone, a children's piano, containers with water for pouring it and creating sounds of pouring water, glass objects and a hammer for knocking on glass, etc.

"Listen to the sounds!"


Equipment: piano or audio recording.

Description: Each child performs movements in accordance with the sounds heard: a low sound - becomes a “weeping willow” pose (legs shoulder-width apart, arms slightly apart at the elbows and hanging, head tilted to the left shoulder), a high sound - becomes a “poplar” pose (heels together, toes apart, legs straight, arms raised up, head thrown back, look at the tips of the fingers).

Instruction: “Now we will play the game “Listen to the sounds!” and find out which of you carefully knows how to listen to the sounds of the pianoforte. There are low sounds (listening) and high sounds in sound (listening). We will play like this: if you hear the low sounds of the piano, you will have to stand in the pose of the “weeping willow” (show with comments). Let's all get into the weeping willow pose. Like this. Well, if you hear the high sounds of the piano, you will have to take the “poplar” pose (show with comments). Let usAll let's take this pose of "poplar". Be careful! Let's start playing".

Note. It is necessary to alternate sounds, gradually increasing the tempo.

Target: development of auditory attention, the formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Equipment: scarf or bandage for blindfolding.

Description: Standing in a circle, the children choose the driver, who, being in the center of the circle blindfolded, tries to recognize the children by voice. Guessing the player by voice, the driver changes places with him.

Instruction: "Now we are going to play interesting game"Recognize by voice." To do this, you need to stand in a circle and choose a driver who, with a blindfold on his eyes, will carefully listen to the voices of the players. The one to whom I will give a sign will pronounce any word with his own voice. The driver must guess the player by voice. If he guesses the player, he must change places with him: the player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the player. If he does not guess, then he continues to be the driver until he recognizes the next player by the voice. Let's start the game."

Target: auditory development.

Equipment: a large circle previously drawn on the floor, a scarf for blindfolding.

Description. Running in a circle, children follow the commands of an adult. The chosen leader, standing with his back to the children, guesses by the voice of the one who called him by name. In case of guessing, the driver changes places with the one who called him by name.

Instruction: “Now we will play an interesting game. One of the players will be chosen as the leader. On my command "Run!" you will run around the playground. To the words: “One, two, three, run in a circle!” - all the players gather in a circle, and the leader becomes blindfolded with his back to the circle and listens carefully. The children who are standing in a circle say: "Guess the riddle: find out who called you."

At the end of these words, the one of you to whom I give the sign will call the driver by name. The driver must guess who called him. If the driver guesses correctly, he changes place with the child who named him. If the driver does not recognize the voice, then I will offer him to recognize the voice of another child.

"Be careful!"

Target: stimulation of attention, development of reaction speed.

Equipment: tape or gramophone record of S. Prokofiev "March".

Description. Each child must perform movements, according to the commands of an adult: "bunnies" - jump; "horses" - hit "hoof on the floor"; "crayfish" - to back away; "birds" - run with arms outstretched; "stork" - stand on one leg.

Instruction: “Now we will play. You have to be careful in this game. Stand in a circle next to each other. Listen carefully to my words - commands. When I say "bunnies", everyone should jump in a circle like bunnies. When I say "horses", everyone should show how the horses kick with their hooves. When I say "crayfish", everyone should show how the crayfish move backwards. When I say "birds," the players should turn into birds and run in a circle, spreading their arms to the sides like wings. When I say “stork”, everyone should instantly turn into storks and stand on one leg. Well, when I say "children" - everyone should become children. Let's start playing."

"Four forces".

Target: development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description. The players sit in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: "earth" - hands down, "water" - stretch your arms forward, "air" - raise your hands up, "fire" - rotate your hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

Instruction: “For this game, you need to sit in a circle and listen carefully. If I say the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch their hands forward, the word "air" - raise their hands up, the word "fire" - rotate the hands in the wrist elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

"Broken phone".

Target: auditory development.

Description. Children sit in a row or in a circle. The host pronounces a word quietly (in the ear) next to the player sitting next to him, he passes it on to the next one, etc. The word must reach the last player. The host asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” If he says the word proposed by the presenter, then the phone is working. If the word is not right, the driver asks everyone in turn (starting from the last one) what word they heard. So they will find out which player messed up, “spoiled the phone”. "Guilty" takes the place of the last player.

Instruction: “Now we will play “Broken Phone”. Sit in a circle on the carpet in a comfortable position. The first player says a word quietly into the ear of the player sitting next to him. The player who has learned the word from the leader passes this heard word (quietly in his ear) to the next player. The word, as if by telephone wires, must reach the last player. The host asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” He calls him. If the word matches the one that the presenter came up with and called, then the phone is working. If it does not match, then the phone is damaged. In this case, in turn, starting from the end of the row, everyone must name the word he heard. So they will find out which player messed up - "spoiled the phone." The "guilty" player takes the place of the last one. Let's play".

“Whoever they called, catch him!”

Target: formation of attention, development of reaction speed.

Equipment: big ball.

Description: Each child, moving freely around the playground and hearing his name, must run up, catch the ball, throw it up, while naming the name of one of the players.

Instruction: “Now we will play the game “Catch the one you named!”. I have a big beautiful ball in my hands. While I hold it in my hands, you can run, jump, walk around the site. As soon as I toss the ball up and call the name of one of you, the one whose name I call must run to the ball as quickly as possible, catch it and throw it up again, calling the name of the other player. So the game continues for a long time. Let's start playing."

"Name the extra word"

Target: activate attention; develop thinking, speech. Correct pronunciation skills.

The adult names the words and invites the child to name the “extra” word, and then explain why this word is “extra”.

- "Superfluous" word among nouns:

table, wardrobe, carpet, armchair, sofa;

coat, hat, scarf, boots, hat;

plum, apple, tomato, apricot, pear;

wolf, dog, lynx, fox, hare;

horse, cow, deer, ram, pig;

rose, tulip, bean, cornflower, poppy;

winter, april, spring, autumn, summer.

- "Extra" word among adjectives:

sad, mournful, dull, deep;

brave, sonorous, bold, courageous;

yellow, red, strong, green;

weak, brittle, long, fragile;

deep, shallow, high, light, low.

- "Extra" word among verbs:

think, go, think, think;

rushed, listened, rushed, rushed;

arrived, arrived, ran away, galloped.

Target : development of auditory attention, consolidation of ordinal counting skills within 10, development of thinking.

Equipment: ball.

Description: INaccording to the commands of an adult, the child to whom the ball is thrown counts in order to10.

For example, I will say "five" and throw the ball to Lena. How should you count?

Lena: "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten."

Right. Let's start playing."

Note. A more complicated option could be this. The teacher warns: “Children, be careful! I can take the ball before you count to 10, and I will throw it to the next child with the words: "Count further."

You must remember what number your friend stopped at and continue counting. For example, I say: "Four" - and I throw the ball to Vova. He counts up to 8, I take the ball from him and throw it to Vitya with the words: "Count further." Vitya continues: “Nine, ten.”

As an option, there can be a game "Before" and "After". The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, says: "Up to five." The child must name the numbers that go up to five. If the teacher says: “After five”, the children should name: six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

The game is played at a fast pace.

"Listen to the pops."

Target: development of voluntary attention.

Description. Children moving in a circle take poses depending on the leader’s command: one clap - take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides); two claps - the “frog” pose (crouch, heels together, socks to the sides, hands between the legs on the floor); three claps - resume walking.

Instruction: “Now we will play an interesting game “Listen to the pops!”. All players will have to walk in a circle one after another and listen carefully to my commands. When I clap my hands once, everyone should stop and take the stork pose (show pose). If I clap my hands twice, everyone should stop and take the frog pose (demonstration). When I clap my hands three times, I need to resume walking one after another in a circle. Let's start playing."

Conceptual thinking.

"Finish the sentence"

1. Lemons are sour, but sugar...

2. The dog barks, and the cat ...

3. It's dark at night, but during the day ....

4. The grass is green and the sky...

5. It is cold in winter, but in summer ....

6. You eat with your mouth and listen...

7. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...

8. The bird flies, and the snake ...

9. The boat is sailing, and the car ...

10. You look with your eyes and breathe...

11. A person has two legs, but a dog ...

12. Birds live in nests, and people ...

13. It snows in winter, and in autumn ...

14. They knit from wool, and from fabric ...

15. The ballerina is dancing, and the pianist ...

16. Firewood is sawn, and nails ...

17. The singer sings, and the builder ...

18. The composer composes music, and the musician ....

Sequence of events.

1). “Who will be who (what)?”

Who (what) will be: egg, boy, seed, caterpillar, chicken, acorn, egg, flour, iron, brick, fabric, student, big, girl, kidney, puppy, wool, skin, calf, board, chick, kid, lamb.

2). "Who (what) was?"

who (what) was before:

    chicken - egg;

    horse - foal;

    cow - calf;

    oak - an acorn;

    fish - caviar;

    apple tree - seed;

    frog - tadpole;

    butterfly - caterpillar;

    bread - flour;

    bird - chick;

    sheep - lamb;

    wardrobe - board;

    bicycle - iron;

    shirt - cloth;

    boots - leather;

    house - brick;

    strong - weak;

    master - student;

    leaf - kidney;

    dog - puppy;

    fur coat - fur;

    goat - kid.

Sound Perception Games . (from 4 years old)

    Give an idea of ​​loud and quiet sound, whisper, rustling, creaking, squeaking, ringing, rustling, etc.

    Learn to hear different noises, listen.

    Games to imitate sounds: how birds sing, how animals scream. cars are making noise...

"The word is lost." (from 5 years old)

The host pronounces rhyming and non-rhyming phrases that useunsuitable according to the meaning of the word. Children listen carefully and suggest the right word.

    Drinking milk from a bowl on the floorspoon (cat),

    In the clearing near the oak tree I collectedpieces daughter (mushrooms).

    delicious cookedMasha. Where is the bigzhroshka our. (Porridge, spoon).

    There is a big frost in the yard, you can freezetail, (nose).

    "Bake meflat iron! - asks grandmotherhook, (pie. granddaughter)

cognitive development

Describe any object or toy.

Questions: what color? What is it made of? What is it for? etc.

Complication: to tell a fairy tale or story about this subject.

For example: "apple". What is it? In what fairy tales known to you we are talking about the magic apple? Tell those stories.

"Try to come up with some new fairy tale or story about an apple or apples.

"Edible - inedible". (with a ball).

Target: the formation of attention, the development of the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects.

Equipment: list of item names.

Description. The child must respond and perform movements in accordance with the words of an adult.

Instruction: "Attention! Now we will find out who (what) can fly and who (what) cannot. I will ask, and you immediately answer. If I call something or someone capable of flying, for example a dragonfly, answer: “Flying” - and show how she does it - spread your arms to the sides like wings. If I ask you: “Does the pig fly?”, be silent and do not raise your hands.”

Note. List: eagle, snake, sofa, butterfly, Maybug, chair, ram, swallow, plane, tree, seagull, house, sparrow, ant, mosquito, boat, iron, fly, table, dog, helicopter,carpet...

The game can be played with one child or with a group of children.

"To new places".

Target: the formation of motor-motor attention, the development of the speed of movements.

Equipment: pre-designated circles for each child.

Description: Each child, at the command of an adult, changes his circle, his place - he scatters "to new places", ending up in a new circle.

Instruction: “Now we will play the game “To new places”. Each of you should stand in a circle-house. When I say: “For a walk!”, Everyone will start “walking” after me one after another. But when I say: “To new places!” Everyone should find a new circle-house for themselves. Whoever occupies the new house last is considered the loser. Let's start the game."

Note. You can go for a walk musical accompaniment or a song

We get acquainted with the signs of objects with the help of riddles.

“Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs.”

"In front - a patch, behind - a hook, in the middle - a back, and on the back - a bristle."

“I don’t have legs, but I walk, I don’t have a mouth, but I jump, when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work.” “A blue scarf, a scarlet bun, rolls on a scarf, smiles at people.” "Lump of fluff, long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots."

They fly without wings, they run without legs, they swim without sails.

"We are looking for the same properties of objects."


1. Put a few small things in the bag. Determine by touch what these things are. Are any of the items on offer the same?

2. Find the same among several toys or things.

"Comparison of objects".

1). Compare items to each other , look for four similarities and differences. Material: geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, rectangle; 4 colors and 2 sizes. (16 geometric shapes of large 4 types and 4 colors; 16 geometric shapes of small 4 types and 4 colors).

    pick up figures that differ in one feature;

    figures that differ in two features;

    three signs (pick up the most dissimilar).

2). "Word Comparison"

For comparison, we give a pair of words:

    fly and butterfly;

    house and hut;

    table and chairs;

    a book and a notebook;

    water and milk;

    ax and hammer;

    piano and violin.

Questions: Did you see the fly? And the butterfly? Are a fly and a butterfly similar or not? HowThey are alike? And how do they differ from each other?

A game .

Prepare 15 different items.

For example: cup, plate, bag, bread, sugar, towel, fork, spoon, handkerchief, kitchen board, rolling pin, nail, hook, key, pencil.

select :

    metal objects,










    which can be hung by a thread.


1). Search for an extra picture

2). Work sequence:

    "3 extra" (with pictures);

    "4 extra" (with pictures);

    "3 extra" (on verbal material);

    "4 extra" (on verbal material). Question: "Why extra?" “How can you name the remaining objects with one word?”


1. Table, chair, bed, kettle.

2. Horse, dog, cat, pike.

3. Christmas tree, birch, oak, strawberry.

4. Cucumber, turnip, carrot, hare,

5. Notepad, newspaper, notebook, briefcase

6. Cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball.

7. Wolf, fox, bear, cat.

8. Violet, chamomile, carrot, cornflower.

9. Doll, car, rope, book.

10. Train, plane, scooter, steamer.

11. Sparrow, eagle, wasp, swallow.

12. Skis, skates, boat, sled.

13. Chair, hammer, planer, saw.

14. Snow, frost, heat, ice.

15. Cherry, grapes, potatoes, plums.

16. Bus, tram, plane, trolleybus.

17. River, forest, asphalt, field.

18. Firefighter, astronaut, ballerina, policeman.

19. Desk, board, textbook, hedgehog.

20. Snake, snail, butterfly, turtle.

21. Paints, brushes, teapot, canvas.

22. Hat, roof, door, window.

23. Milk, tea, lemonade, bread.

24. Leg, arm, head, shoe.

25. Brave, evil, brave, courageous.

26. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.

27. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.

28. Hour, minute, summer, second.

29. Spoon, plate, pan, bag.

30. Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.

31. Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.

32. Pine, birch, oak, strawberry.

33. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.

"Say one word."

We list several items, ask you to say what unites them, how they can be called in one word:

1. soup, porridge, goulash, jelly;

2. horse, cow, sheep, pig;

3. chicken, goose, duck, turkey;

4. wolf, fox, bear, hare;

5. cabbage, potatoes, onions, beets;

6. coat, scarf, jacket, suit;

7. shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals;

8. hat, cap, skullcap, beret;

9. linden, birch, spruce, pine;, blue, red, yellow;

11.ball, cube, rhombus, square;

12. TV set, iron, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator;

13. car, tractor, tram, bus

Derivation: guessing, guessing on the basis of already available data.

1. The man ate a cutlet. Did he use a fork?

2. Masha baked a pie for dad. Did she bake it in the oven?

3. Mom stirred the coffee in the cup. Did she use a spoon?

Criticality of cognitive activity.

“It happens - it doesn’t happen »

The host calls some situation and throws the ball to the child. Child

must catch the ball in the event that the named situation occurs, and if not, then the ball does not need to be caught.

1. Dad left for work.

2. The train flies through the sky.

3. The cat wants to eat.

4. Man builds a nest.

5. The postman brought a letter.

6. Bunny went to school.

7. Salted apple.

8. Hippo climbed a tree.

9. Rubber cap.

10. The house went for a walk.

11. Glass shoes

| 12. Cones have grown on the birch.

13. The wolf roams the forest.

14. The wolf sits on a tree.

15. A cup is boiled in a saucepan

"Remember your place."

Children are located in a certain way around the perimeter of the hall (for example, in one corner, by the window, by the ball on the floor, etc.) and remember their place. A musical fragment is turned on, the children run freely around the hall. During the pause, they should as quickly as possible:

a) return to your seat;

b) take a place one position forward when moving clockwise.

With a large number of children or if children have difficulty remembering the place and sequence of movement, you can pair them up (an additional emphasis is placed on mutual assistance and coordination of actions).

"Find a couple."

The material for the game can be two identical sets depicting figures, objects, animals, numbers, letters, words, color cards. Played by two or more participants. Paired pictures are laid out with the image down in several rows. First, the first player turns over any two cards, showing all the participants the pictures depicted on them. Everyone is trying to remember the image itself and the location of the cards. Then the cards are returned to their place face down.

The next player does the same, but with the other two cards. All subsequent moves are made by participants in such a way as to open two identical pictures in one move. Having opened two identical cards, the player takes them for himself and he is awarded one phantom (point). At the same time, free places remain empty (the rows do not move). The one who gets the most forfeits wins.

Social and communicative development

Play 2-5 teams of 3-10 people each. One person from each team is called. We will call him conditionally Vasya. The facilitator reads the questions, and the teams must answer them as accurately as possible. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the leader (the team gives their answer, Vasya gives his answer, and the leader compares). Questions can be: Vasya's date of birth, what is the name of Vasya's mother, who best friend Vasya, what did Vasya eat for breakfast today? etc. Each team answers questions about their player. For the correct answer, the team is given points. The team that scores the most points wins.


The players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, and the outer circle in the other direction. At the signal of the leader, both circles stop. Those in the inner circle raise their hands to form a gate. The rest then run into the circle, passing under the gate, then run out of it. Suddenly, the leader gives the next command, and the players of the inner circle abruptly lower their hands down. Players who are inside the circle are considered trapped. They join those in the inner circle and join hands. After that, the game is repeated.

Game "Remember appearance"

The game is useful for a group where everyone knows little. 4-15 people play. A pair of players is chosen. Having previously studied each other's appearance, they stand back to back. Everyone else begins to each of them in turn ask questions about the appearance of a partner. For example: how many buttons does your partner have on his jacket, what color are the laces on his boots? etc. Of this pair, the one who gives 3 wrong answers the fastest loses.

Game "Terrible Peepers"

Everyone sits or stands in a circle with their heads bowed and their eyes closed. On the count of three, everyone looks either at the one sitting on the right, or at the person on the left, or directly opposite. If their eyes meet, both scream and leave the circle. This is repeated until everyone has left the circle.

Game "Salad"

Although this game is very simple, but it can become your favorite. It is worth playing it once and you will like it! The game requires one chair less than the number of players. Play 10-20 people. Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in a circle. He gives everyone the names of fruits and vegetables. For example, it turned out, 3 apples, 3 pears and 4 bananas (the one standing in a circle also takes the name of the fruit). The game starts. Standing in a circle shouts out one name: a pear! Those who received this fruit must change their place. Again, there is only one left. He also calls out the name of the fruit, or maybe two at once. If the word "salad" is shouted out, then all players must change places. The game can continue indefinitely.

Game "Caller"

Everyone is blindfolded, except for the host. He must constantly move around the room with a bell in his hand. The rest try to catch the leader by ringing the bell. Sometimes they catch each other and are convinced that they were mistaken when they heard the ringing of a bell in the distance. The player who catches and recognizes the caller becomes the host

Exercise "Threads of Friendship"

Participants wind the thread around their finger, after which they say what they love most and how they usually relax, then throw the ball to another person. As a result, a “web”, “network”, “connecting thread” is formed in the center, which unites all participants. The next stage - the participants wind the thread in reverse order and ask any question. Preschoolers can be asked to first talk about their difficulties and shortcomings (what is difficult for them or what traits of their character they would like to part with), and in the opposite direction about what they like in that person , to whom a ball is thrown, or for which he is grateful at the other end.

Training - "web"

You pass the ball to the person you want, because ... (the quality is called), you cannot pass it to the same person twice. the teacher begins, as a result, each child has a thread on his finger - then they tear off a piece of themselves from the common cobweb and ask them to tie the person they want to remember for life with a knot around their wrist. up to 3 or more knots are possible. with each tying - the child makes a wish. Surprisingly, children wear these threads for a long time. before tying, it is necessary to say that these threads of friendship must be cherished, for the one who treats them with care, the wish will come true and on that day the thread will fall by itself.

Exercise "Kindness"

Leading. In each of us, to one degree or another, a sense of kindness, a good attitude towards people, is developed. What can you say kind and good about peers, teachers, parents? You have 5 minutes to prepare for the story. You yourself choose a person, it is desirable that he be familiar to other participants or be present in the group. Keep your story short and to the point, emphasizing what you appreciate about each of the people you're talking about.

Exercise "Magic Pillow"

Hello game

Please start walking around the room. I invite you to say hello to each of the group by the hand and say at the same time: “Hi! How are you doing?" Speak only these simple words and nothing else. But there is one important rule in this game: when you greet one of the participants, you can release your hand only after you begin to greet someone else with your other hand. In other words, you must continuously be in contact with someone in the group. Have you imagined how this happens? (When everyone has said hello to each other and the group is used to this ritual, a second round can be started - with a different greeting, such as: "It's good that you're here!") This game brings the group members physically closer to each other and brings them to work together. element of friendship. And you can say: Hello! My name is Ivan. What's your name?" And when someone already knows their name, you can simply confirm it: "My name is Ivan, and your name is Irina! And the answer: "Yes, my name is Irina, and your name is Ivan"! Then not only in the game there is a physical rapprochement, but the names will be remembered easily, which will affect communication.

Postman game

The players hold hands, the driver-postman is in the center of the circle. He says: "I am sending a letter from Serezha to Lena." Serezha begins to send the "letter". He shakes hands with his neighbor on the right or left, he shakes hands with the next one, and so on in a circle until the “letter” reaches Lena. The goal of the postman is to “intercept the letter”, that is, to see which of the children has it now. The child leads until the "letter" is intercepted. It is desirable that every child has been in the role of a postman.

The game "Hugging"

A game like tag, but with one new rule: you can't tag those who are standing in a tight hug. But you can stand like this for no more than 7 seconds.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Children look at cards with clouds of various shapes and guess objects or animals in their outlines. At the same time, they note that clouds are different not only in color, but also in shape.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that when there are a lot of clouds in the sky, they look like an air city, where there are towers and domes.

The game "Portrait spoke."

Target. Continue acquaintance with children's portraits, learn to compose a coherent story.

Move. The teacher offers the child to choose a reproduction of the picture with a child's portrait and tell on behalf of the character of the picture about himself

The game "Guess the mood."

Target. Learn to describe the mood of a person by facial expression.

Move. The teacher depicts fear, delight, sadness, joy on his face. Children determine the mood. Then the children independently carry out the task of the educator, convey the mood by facial expressions: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness, etc.

A game. "Guess and go around."

Target. To teach children to identify by ear and restore in memory an object of a three-dimensional or planar type. To find an object and check yourself by the method of examination - bypass this object.

Move. The teacher calls the words, and the children say, a volumetric or planar object. At the same time, they must show it with their hands (if it is voluminous, the hands seem to hug the object, if it is flat, the hands show it with movements along the plane of the table

Game "Find the flaw in the portrait."

Target. Learn to see the missing parts of the face in the portrait. Continue to get acquainted with the portrait genre, its features.

Move. Children are given images of the same face with different imperfections (no eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, pupils, lip line, upper or lower lips, iris, ears). The teacher suggests identifying the missing parts and completing them with graphite material - a black felt-tip pen.

The game "Compose a still life."

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about still lifes.

Move. 1 task. Children are given planar images of inanimate and living nature. Children make up a still life, selecting images that are unique to this genre, and give a name to their work.

Task 2. It is proposed to compose a still life from various objects (dishes, food, flowers, toys, as well as a background for a still life). Children make a still life, and explain why they took objects of a certain type, give a name to the work.

A game. "Artists - restorers".

Target. Continue to introduce children to different genres of painting and the work of artists.

Move. Children restore a reproduction of a picture or illustration cut into several parts (according to the number of children). At the end of the work, its genre is called.

Wave game.

Move. The players sit down in a circle. An adult suggests imagining that they are swimming in the sea, plunging into gentle waves, and depict these waves - gentle and cheerful. The training ends with “swimming in the sea”: one of the players becomes in the center of the circle, the waves run up to him one by one and gently stroke the swimmer. When all the waves stroke him, he turns into a wave, and the next swimmer takes his place.

A game. Storm game.

To play, you need a large piece of cloth so that you can cover the children with it.

Move. The teacher says: “The trouble is for the ship that will be at sea during a storm: huge waves threaten to turn it over, the wind throws the ship from side to side. But the waves in a storm are a pleasure: they frolic, compete among themselves, who will rise higher. Let's pretend you are waves. You can joyfully buzz, raise and lower your hands, turn in different directions, change places.

The game "What's wrong?".

Target. R develop observation. Attention.

Move. The teacher closes in the picture, some detail of clothing, object or the object itself, and the children must guess what is missing in the picture.

Find the emotion game.

Target. Learn to highlight pictures according to mood.

Move. The teacher distributes pictograms with emotions to the children and exposes reproductions of paintings different in genre and mood, and then offers to select a pictogram for each reproduction. Children justify their choice and tell what emotions they experience when looking at the picture.

Game - exercise "Describe a neighbor"

Target. Learn to carefully consider a person, to give a verbal portrait.

Move. The teacher invites the children to consider each other carefully and describe their neighbor. You can use the frame technique: one child is invited to pick up a frame or a hoop, draw a portrait, and describe this living picture to everyone else.

The game "Find bright and faded colors in nature"

Target: To teach children to find color contrasts in the surrounding nature, to name them.

Move. The teacher suggests that all children go to the window and find in the Landscape from the window "bright and faded colors in objects, plants, natural phenomena

Game based on the picture "I go, I see, I tell myself."

Target. Immersion in the plot of the picture. The feeling of its details as parts of a whole composition.

Move. You can start like this: I see I am walking in the picture “Rye” ... Then the child tells what he would see if he entered the space of the picture.

Physical development

Divide children into 4 groups. Each group stands in front of a certain line at a distance of outstretched arms to the sides. Before each group, put a hoop with a diameter of 60 cm. At the signal "one", the first of the columns tilt their bodies forward, take the hoop on the sides and lift it up. Then they lower them onto the shoulders, through the body and lower them to the floor, quickly step over and rush to the end of the column. The teacher fixes the attention of the children to who correctly skipped the hoop and stood at the end of the column earlier, and marks them with a flag. Then, at the signal "one", other children from the columns do it, etc. Each time the teacher rewards the first of the four columns with a flag, and at the end the number of flags in each column is counted. The column with the most flags wins. The game is repeated.


Children are divided into two equal groups. One group - "mice". They stand in a column one after the other. From the second group of children, make 3 circles - these are 3 "mousetraps". Children who form mousetraps hold hands and at the words of the teacher: "The mousetrap is open," the children in a circle raise their hands. The mice run first through one mousetrap, and then through the second, etc. At the word of the educator: "clap" the mousetrap closes (children in a circle lower their hands). Mice that remain in the circle are considered to be caught and become in a circle. The game ends when all mice are caught. The mousetrap with the most mice caught wins. The game is repeated. Children change roles.


On one side of the site there are two "garages" (draw two parallel lines at a distance of 5 - 6 steps from one another). Make places for "cars" on the lines; put cubes. In one garage there are cars with red wheels (red circles on the cubes), and in the other - cars with green wheels (green circles on the cubes). Children - "chauffeurs", are divided into two equal groups, stand facing their cars, each near their steering wheel, which lie on the cubes. The teacher, who plays the role of a policeman, stands at the same distance from two garages and directs the movement of cars. When he takes his left hand to his side, the children - drivers from the garage, standing on the left side, bend down, take the steering wheel with both hands and get ready to leave (column). On a raised green flag, the children leave the garage and disperse throughout the site. On the red flag they stop, on the green they go further. To the words of the educator: "To the garage," the cars return to their places. The teacher notes the attentive driver, who returned to the garage before everyone else. Then the teacher takes his hand to the side and the children - drivers, who are on the right side, do the same.


On one side of the site there is a place for "butterflies" and "bugs". A circle is inscribed on the side - "owl's nest". The selected child - "owl" gets into the nest. The rest of the children - "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. At the word of the educator: "day" butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground). At the word of the educator: "night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. At this time, the owl quietly flies to the hunting ground and takes those children who have moved (takes them to the nest). At the word of the educator: "day" the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2 - 3 butterflies or bugs. The teacher marks the children who have never been taken by an owl to the nest.


On one side of the playground behind the line, the children stand in a line. At a distance of 10 - 15 steps from the children, a circle is drawn (diameter 2 - 3 m). One leader is chosen from the children, who stands in a circle with his back to them. The leader closes his eyes and says: "Quickly go, keep up, stop!" At the time when he says these words, the children quickly move forward with large steps towards the leader. To the word "stop!" everyone freezes in place, the leader looks quickly. If the child did not have time to stop and stand up straight, the leader again leads him to the line and, when the game is repeated, he begins to move again from the line. The leader closes his eyes again and says the same words, and the children move further towards the leader in the circle, and so on until one of the children reaches the leader in the circle before he says "stop!" This child changes places with the leader and the game is repeated.

Shepherd and wolf

Of the children, a "shepherd" and a "wolf" are chosen, the rest of the children are "sheep". At one end of the site they draw a "house" for the sheep, on the opposite side of the site - a field where the sheep will graze. On the side is a wolf. The shepherd leads the sheep in the field. Sheep run and graze in the field. At the teacher's signal: "wolf!" the sheep scatter around the site and run away to their house. The wolf catches the sheep. The shepherd protects them. The wolf takes the captured sheep to himself. When the game is repeated, the shepherd, returning home, frees the lamb caught by the wolf. The wolf tries to keep the shepherd away from the sheep and at the same time catches the others. The game ends when the wolf has a few sheep (by agreement).

Change flag

Children are divided into 2 or 4 identical groups and stand in front of the line in parallel columns, facing in one direction. On the opposite side of the site, in front of each column, there is one hoop, in the hoops there are flags (for example, green). Each first player in the column is given a flag of a certain color (for example, blue). At the teacher’s signal “one”, the first children from the columns (one child each) with blue flags quickly run to the hoops, change the blue flags to green ones, return to their places and raise the green flags. Green flags are passed second in their column, they themselves stand at the end of the column. The column approaches the line. The teacher gives the signal again, the second ones run, then the third ones, etc. Each time the teacher marks the one who first changed the flag and put it correctly. The game continues until every child in the column has changed the flag. The column that quickly and efficiently completed the task of the educator wins. The game can be repeated.

Wand - knocker

On one side of the playground, plant the children, dividing them into identical columns. At a distance of 1 - 2 steps from them, draw a line from which the children will run to the opposite end of the site where the chair is. There is a wand under the chair. One from each column goes out to the line and they run to the word "one" or "run". Whoever pulls out the stick faster, he knocks and says: "One, two, three, stick - knocker, knock!", puts the stick in place and sits down in his place. The column in which the child won receives a flag. Then comes the second, third pair, etc. At the end of the game, flags are counted. The column with the most flags wins.

Go ahead!

Children are divided into two groups. They line up and stand facing the middle of the site. At the first signal, one group turns to face the opposite side and marches in place, and the second line goes forward. At the second signal, the children who were marching in place turn around and catch those who were marching in a line forward. The latter quickly run away to their places (behind the line). The game is repeated. Children change roles. The group of children wins, in the line of which there are fewer caught children.

Where does anyone live?

Children stand in two lines at a distance of 8 - 10 steps from one another. In the middle between the lines, draw two circles, each 80 - 100 cm in diameter; one circle - "yard", the other - "forest". Each line has the same "birds" and "animals". Each child from the first line chooses for himself the name of any bird or animal that lives in the forest, or the names of domestic animals and birds that walk around the yard. The second rank chooses the same names for itself. For example, the first two children in two lines are hares, the second are cats, etc. When the teacher calls pets, children who have the names of these animals quickly run into the forest. For example, to the teacher's signal "cuckoo!" children - "cuckoos" from two lines rush into a circle, which is a forest; on the signal "cats" children - "cats" from two lines rush to the circle, which is the yard. The teacher marks the child from the pair who runs to the circle faster. When all the children are in the circle, the game ends.

To your checkbox

In the middle of the site, 5 small circles are drawn one next to the other; In each circle, the leader stands with a flag of a certain color in his hands. Children are divided into 5 groups. Each group has its own color, the same as the leader's. At the signal of the educator, the leaders take turns leading their columns to the edge of the site, marching in a large circle that was drawn earlier. To the words of the educator: "Leading to the places!" The leaders return to their circles and quietly change flags, and the children continue to walk in a large circle. To the words of the teacher: "To your flags!" the leaders raise the flags up, and the children run towards them. The group of children who quickly finds the flag of their color and stands in a column behind the leader wins. A new leader is chosen from each group. The game is repeated.

Sly Fox

Children stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder with their hands behind their backs. The caregiver passes behind them and does not noticeably touch any child. A child touched by a teacher becomes a "sly fox". The teacher invites one of the children to look carefully at their comrades, to look for a cunning fox with their eyes. If the child does not immediately find it, then all the children ask: "Cunning fox, where are you?" and carefully watch the face of everyone, whether the fox appears. After three questions, the fox replies: "I'm here!" and starts catching. Children run in different directions. When the fox catches 2 - 3 children, the game ends. When repeating, choose another fox.

Carp and pike

Half of the children form a circle (bets). Children stand at arm's length apart from each other. The teacher chooses one child as a "pike". Pike stands outside the circle. The rest of the children - "carp" swim (run) in the middle of the circle - "bet". To the word of the educator: "pike!" the child quickly runs into the circle (bets) and tries to catch crucian carp, who are in a hurry to sit down or stand for a friend who is standing in a circle. The pike catches those carp that did not have time to hide. Those caught are taken from the circle. The game ends when the pike catches a certain number of carp. Then the teacher chooses a new pike. The game is repeated.

Help out!

Children stand in a circle facing the center. The two children who were previously chosen leave the circle and run: one child runs away, the other catches up. A child who is running away can be saved by standing behind one of the children who are standing in a circle and saying: "Help me out!" The child who was addressed should run away from the circle and also stand behind the other. If the child does not have time to get up, she will be caught. When the game is repeated, another pair of children is chosen.

Quach, take the ribbon!

Children stand in a circle. Each child receives a ribbon and ties it to their belt. In the center of the circle stands "kvach", He has no ribbon. To the words of the teacher: "Catch!" the children scatter all over the site, and the "kvach" catches up with the children and tries to remove the ribbons from the children. A child who is left without a ribbon is not out of the game for long. To the words of the teacher: "One, two, three, get up in a circle!" the children stand in a circle, and the "kvach" counts the number of ribbons removed and returns them to the children. The game is repeated with a new "kwach" 3-4 times. At the end of the game, the teacher marks the most dexterous "kwacha".

Butterfly Catching

From the children, 4 "catchers" are selected. They stand in pairs and move to the edge of the site in one place. The rest of the kids are butterflies. To the words of the teacher: "Butterflies, butterflies flew into the garden," children - "butterflies" fly - run around the entire site. At the word of the educator "catchers!" two children, holding hands, try to catch a butterfly: to surround it, joining their free hands. When the catchers catch a butterfly, they take it to the edge of the site and sit it on a bench. At this time, the rest of the butterflies squat down. To the words: "Butterflies, butterflies flew into the field," children - "butterflies" jump all over the site. They are caught by another pair of catchers. When 4 - 6 butterflies are caught, count how many each pair caught. Then other catchers are selected. The game is repeated.

Looking for a leader!

Children, divided into two identical columns, stand at one end of the playground in front of the line. At the opposite end of the site opposite each column on the line are 3 multi-colored cubes, and at a distance of 2 - 3 steps from the cubes (to the right and left) are the same multi-colored cubes. At the teacher’s word “one”, the first children in columns run in a straight line to the cubes, take one of them, run to the side (one to the right, the other to the left) and take a cube of the same color as in the hand, with two cubes of the same color, return to the place and lift up. The winner is the child who first lifted the cubes of the same color up, returning to their place. Then the children return, put the cubes in place and go to the end of their column. The teacher notes who did the task better. Then the second, third, etc. enter the line. At the end of the game, the teacher determines the winners.

At the factory

All children agree that they will depict the movements of some car. One child is an "engineer". He must quickly notice where the breakdowns occurred. The engineer leaves the room. The rest of the children, except for one, agree on what movement of the car they will perform. Then an engineer enters, looks at who is working. Approaches a child who does not perform the movement correctly, shows how to do it. A new engineer is chosen and the game continues.


All children sit in a circle at arm's length. Two children are chosen in the middle of the circle: one child is blindfolded, the other is given a bell in his hands. A child with a bell runs, "blind man's blind man" catches her. When the blind man catches a child with a bell, then they choose other children in the middle of the circle, and the game continues.

Find and shut up

Children sit on chairs along the room. The teacher invites the children to stand up and turn to face the wall, closing their eyes. He himself takes a few steps back and hides several multi-colored flags in different places. To the words of the teacher: "Look for the flags!" The kids go looking. The one who saw the flag does not raise it, but goes and tells the teacher in the ear where he lies and sits down.

Blow harder!

Divide the children into two groups and sit at opposite ends of the playground. Place the risers in the middle and stretch two threads between them in parallel (one is higher, the other is lower), each 1 m long. String pieces of paper on the threads. From each group, the teacher calls one child from the group. They approach the threads with papers and blow on them with such force that each piece of paper moves to the end along the thread.


Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher asks them if they want to go to the river and swim there, bask in the sun and what they need to take with them. The teacher explains to them that when he calls the thing necessary for bathing, then everyone, raising their hands up, will say "necessary!" When he calls an unnecessary thing, then everyone should sit quietly, without raising their hands.

Be careful!

Children sit on chairs in a circle. Leader in the center. He turns to one of the children with a question. The answer is not the one to whom the question was asked, but the one who sits on the right side of him. If the child answers correctly, then he becomes the leader. Questions can be asked in different ways. Whoever makes a mistake loses.


Children sit on chairs, and the teacher or child stands in front of them and shows any movement or recites a verse, trying to make the children laugh. Everyone must be serious. The child who laughed pays a fine: he closes his eyes and guesses what was put in her hand or he goes to make him laugh, and the one who made him laugh sits down.

The game in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard DO “I. General Provisions” of the basic principles of the Standard: One of the basic principles of the Standard: - implementation of the Program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child. (n(4))

“In order to implement an educational program based on play, children must be able to play. In order to fulfill its leading role and really become a means of developing valuable personal qualities, the game itself must have a certain level of development corresponding to age. Game in modern preschool education // Electronic journal "Psychological science and education"

Under these conditions: 1. The use of the game as a pedagogical form in some cases may turn out to be ineffective (children will replace didactic tasks with game ones, the effectiveness of educational activities will be replaced by processuality immanent in the game) 2. A number of targets at the stage of completion of preschool education cannot be achieved with low the level of development of the child's play activity

“Considering the educational value of the game, we mean the game as a form of education, as a means for solving certain educational tasks in relation to preschool children. Meanwhile, even in educational pedagogical literature, play in its pedagogical meaning is often confused with play as an age-related manifestation of the child. Play as a child’s activity develops according to its own laws” (Usova A.P. Pedagogy of play and its pressing problems. // Preschool education, 1963, 1.) Play as a child’s activity and play as a pedagogical (educational) form

The problem of terminology Creative game role-playing game Amateur game Photo: DOU 1782 Role-playing game is still in some cases perceived as “organized by an adult” A game in which an imaginary situation is present was consistently called in Russian pedagogy:

© Novosyolova S.L. On the new classification of children's games. // Preschool education - S. 86. or the site “Game. School of S.L. Novoselova "

Only amateur games are the leading activity and are of decisive importance for child development. As can be seen from the table, they are not limited to the role-playing game, but are represented by a number of subspecies, which confirms the position that not only the role-playing game is the leading activity. However, such games do not arise by themselves, "from scratch". For their appearance and successful development, the child's play experience must necessarily include the games of the other two classes.

The game as an activity It is characterized by integrity - from the motive to the mode of action (the child plays because he wants it, he plays what he wants, and plays the way he wants). It is characterized by emotional saturation, pleasure from the process, and not from the result. It develops and changes forms as it develops (from expanded external objective activity to folded internal activity). In the formed form, it can exist as an action as part of other activities. In the game, as an activity, the BASIC AGE-NEW FORMATIONS are formed

The game in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard DO “IV. Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of preschool education "-" Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education: ... ... shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive research activities, design, etc. ...; … actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games; ... the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities, and above all in the game; the child owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conditional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms. … (4.6.)

“The specific developmental influence of the role-playing game has not been studied enough at the present time ... but further research in this area is hindered by the mixing of children's development in the game, through the game and with the help of game techniques. There is a false impression that the game brings up "everything in the world." Wenger L.A. Role-playing game and mental development of a child // / Game and its role in the development of a preschool child. - M., 1978, p. 35, vid.auth. What is formed in the game?

“... many teachers do not have a personal conviction that it is the game that ensures the timely and full development of the preschooler” Skorolupova O.A. The game is like a holiday! M., 2006, p. 4 On the meaning of the game, or: The problem of preserving the specifics of preschool childhood in the context of the MOO; What to talk about with parents at parent-teacher meetings on the problem of the game

The main neoplasms of preschool age, significant from the point of view of the success of a child's education at school: 1. Formation of an internal plan of activity 2. Formation of sign activity 3. Formation of arbitrariness 4. Overcoming an egocentric position 5. Formation of a cognitive motive 6. Formation of the ability to organize independent and joint activities What is formed in the game?

Formation of arbitrariness in the game Smirnova E.O., Gudareva O.V. Play and randomness modern preschoolers. // Issues of psychology p. 100.

The game in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard DO “II. Requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education and its volume "- the content of educational areas is determined by the goals and objectives of the Program and can be implemented in various types of activities (communication, play, cognitive research activities - as end-to-end mechanisms for the development of the child) which games are organized as part of the program early age(1 year - 3 years) - ... games with compound and dynamic toys; - for preschool children (3 years - 8 years) - a number of activities, such as games, including role-playing, playing with rules and other types of games ... "(2.7.)

Problems of using the game as a form educational work The limited possibilities of the plot game for solving various kinds of educational and subject tasks were shown in the study by L.I. Elkoninova (1979): up to a certain age, a child solves many real didactic tasks in a plot game in a conditional plan (“pretend”). The conclusion of the study: "Role-playing game cannot perform any didactic functions." Only after the game can be implemented in a verbal form (E.E. Kravtsova), it is possible to include plot (plot-didactic) games in the learning process. Up to this point, only game techniques are used that motivate the child for productive or other activities and make this activity meaningful.

Problems of using the game as a form of educational work ignoring the game task when pedaling didactic, educational. “In a didactic game, didacticism should be at the level of autodidacticism, but our autodidactic game is very weak, it is poorly developed by practice and completely insufficiently developed by pedagogical science.” If the game is not autodidactic, then it quickly falls into the category of game exercises: "Adults are most willing to invent game exercises." (Psychology and pedagogy of the game of a preschooler. - M .: Education, - P. 341) The substitution of the actual children's game with game forms, which leads to a paradoxical situation of deprivation (oppression) of the game against the background of its total exploitation.

The game in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard DO “III. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education" - "Conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age", - "Conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age", including: " creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, participants in joint activities; ... support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (game, research, project, cognitive, etc.) ... support for children's spontaneous play, its enrichment, providing play time and space ... "((2, 4))

Should children be taught to play? “The game must be taught, especially in early childhood, this should be stated quite boldly. But you can learn in different ways. It is impossible to build a model that should be the result of development and impose it on a child. First of all, it won't work, and if it does, it won't be a game. The game will become an activity." (F.I. Fradkina. In the book: Psychology and pedagogy of the game of a preschooler. - M .: Education, - P. 290) If there are no organized games at all - modern child may not get the required gaming experience. If the work of a teacher is limited only to the organization of this kind of games, the child will never learn to play on his own. If there are no organized games at all, a modern child may not get the necessary gaming experience. If the teacher's work is limited only to the organization of this kind of games, the child will never learn to play on his own.

Game in the educational program of preschool education Direct educational activities - the organization of didactic games in accordance with the content of educational work in educational areas Free activity - pedagogical support for amateur children's games (role-playing, directorial, experimentation games), as well as games with rules organized on the initiative of the children themselves, mobile, leisure, folk

Work on pedagogical support for the amateur game of pupils Early age group - introducing children to different games(subjective (including with composite and dynamic toys), plot, mobile), translation of objective actions into semantic actions in the context of a game situation. 2nd junior group - enrichment of children's play experience through joint games with an adult (individual and small subgroups), formation and development of play actions, play interaction, understanding the conventions of a game situation Middle group - development and development of role-playing behavior, support for children's play associations , enrichment of game interaction, expansion of the thematic focus of story games, enrichment of the game experience of children through familiarization with games with rules, mobile, leisure, theatrical, folk games.

Work on pedagogical support of the amateur game of pupils Senior group - enrichment of the game experience in the development and complication of the game plot, in the organization of subject space own game through joint games with the educator in subgroups, creating conditions and supporting amateur play of children, introducing children to different types of games (mobile, with rules, leisure, didactic, folk, intellectual, etc.) Preparatory - formation and pedagogical support children's team as a playing children's community, support for independence and initiative in the selection and implementation of different types of games by children; support for the transition to dialogue games, fantasy games, games in a self-made object environment.

A comprehensive method of pedagogical support for amateur games Novosyolova S.L., Zvorygina E.V. The developing function of the game and questions of its management at an early age. // In the book: Pedagogical and psychological problems of managing the game of a preschooler. M .: NII OP APN USSR, - with Zvorygina E.V. Formation of play activity of children in groups of early and younger preschool age. // Management of children's games in preschool institutions. - M., Enlightenment, The game of a preschooler. / Ed. S. L. Novosyolova. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989 Zvorygina E.V. The first story games for kids. - M .: Education, 1988 Novosyolova S.L. "Module game" system. M., 2004 Skorolupova O.A., Loginova L.V. Playing?.. Playing!!! Pedagogical management of the games of preschool children. - M .: Scriptorium 2003, Zvorygina E.V. I play!: conditions for the development of the first amateur plot games for kids. - M .: Education, 2007 Kasatkina E.I. Game in the pedagogical process of modern kindergarten. - Vologda, 2007 Komarova N.F. Comprehensive management of role-playing games in kindergarten. - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", - 157 p. (re-ed. 2012 – 160 pp.) Trifonova E.V. Directing games for preschoolers. – M.: Iris-press, p. The development of the game of children 2-3 (3-5, 5-7) years old. Toolkit. // Trifonova E.V., Volkova E.M., Ivankova R.A., Kachanova I.A. - M.: "Sphere", 2013 (2014).

Enrichment of play culture “the teacher should organize different types of games with children, enriching the children’s play experience” - 93% “the teacher should make sure that independent story games are a priority, so that children mainly play them” - 7% - this is only half the battle. The second (and most importantly, the first) necessary part of the work, without which all our efforts will be nullified, is the creation of conditions and the provision of sufficient time for amateur games for children.

Principles of complicating the game plot Normally, a collective director's game, as well role-playing the play of children in the presence of separate playing subgroups can develop "focally": small groups of children organize their own play spaces, which along the way joint game intersect and diverge again, regrouping in a completely different order. The task of the educator is to teach children to establish and maintain semantic connections between different storylines, regardless of whether they currently converge or diverge; take into account the game plots of other groups in order, if necessary, to use them to solve their own game problems. You should not try to unite all the children within a single storyline, it is better to support several.

Principles of complicating the game plot Within the framework of each individual storyline, it is also possible to complicate its structure through the use of different plot models. The most common are: setting a goal and moving towards it through difficulties (obstacles with a “-” sign) and distractions (obstacles with a “+” sign) that the hero needs to overcome on the way to the main goal. Classical folk tales, as well as many author's tales, serve as an excellent model for constructing such plots; organization of the storyline, in which during the game it is necessary to take into account not only the goals, interests and tasks of your character (or characters), but also the goals and interests of other characters, regardless of whether one child or different children play “for them” . Children often agree on such situations in amateur games: “Come on, yours, as if you didn’t know, and ....”, “But mine, let me not guess that they ...”. Model: sitcom; returning in the course of the plot to past events (either in terms of memories, or due to the fact that they begin to somehow influence current events) or predicting an event - as part of a developing plot (“And if you do this, then then it will happen ... "), and in terms of preliminary planning of the game plot by children. Some legends and epics of different nations serve as a model for a plot with predicting events.

Activating communication "Often we confuse an imaginary situation that should unfold in the game by the child himself, and a scenario already invented by someone and only embodied by the child in his own activity." Novikova T.S. The value of the game for the formation of educational activities. // Journal of Practical Psychology - P. 73.

Elements of a developing object environment that meet the requirements of transformability, multifunctionality and variability For children of early - middle preschool age: Substitute objects For children of middle - senior preschool age: Modular environment is a large constructor from which you can make a variety of buildings for play - 34.5% is a universal "substitute", its elements can designate everything that children need according to the plot of the game - 86% For children of senior preschool age: Home-made, incl. "Breadboard" environment

Children of senior preschool age (which is confirmed by observations and research) have an increased interest in a realistic toy. The substitute object does not suit the child. Available toys also do not always correspond to his plans. There are two ways out of this situation: either an endless “buy”, or the child begins to create toys himself. The ability to independently create the necessary toy is the ability to create a TOOL for one's activity, this is the ability to organize one's own activity in accordance with one's needs. The educational value of homemade toys has long been known. D.V. Mendzheritskaya noted that “home-made toys are necessary even with the richest equipment.” And she also noticed that “in our kindergartens there are a lot of homemade toys, but in most cases they are made by adults, and sometimes they are not even used in the game, but stand at the exhibition. And this is reflected in the lack of understanding of the characteristics of the child, who seeks to do everything himself. The independent production of the necessary toys by the child completely resolves the contradiction between the breadth of playing interests and the desire for a realistic toy. At the same time, like a substitute object, a home-made toy allows you to build a game, starting not from the existing environment, but from a concept, i.e. from the tasks and needs, from the image of the world of the child himself. Creating a homemade toy is not a “made-and-played” vector. This is the “I play - I do for the game” vector. Homemade toy in the preschool educational process

The game layout, created by the children themselves with the help of a teacher, as an element of the developing object-game environment of childhood, fully meets the requirements for the developing object-game environment, since it: It is a variant of the organization of a generalized multifunctional environment that allows you to organize a game on different topics and plots. Convenient for organizing games that last for a long time (play in the environment created by the child "here and now" is most often destroyed and not resumed). Allows you to organize structurally complex story games. Allows the child to find the most comfortable place for him in the course of common joint activities (some children actively develop the plot, acting with toys or realizing role-playing dialogues, others comment on what is happening and offer advice on the further development of the plot, others are actively involved in creating the subject environment of the game, the fourth observe; at the same time, children easily change their position in the game, freely moving from one activity to another). It activates the child's design thinking, his manual skills, contributes to the generalization of the experience of constructive activity, because. all these skills are practiced in a situation of highly motivated activity. Allows you to organize various kinds of didactic games (on historical or geographical topics), in which the practical application of children's knowledge contributes to their transfer from a superficial level of familiarization to a deep level of understanding.

Problems of Using a Mock Environment When organizing a mock play environment with preschool children, there are some limitations to be aware of when using mocks. Firstly, a mock-up environment (any: home-made or completely ready-made) may not be a very suitable option for organizing a game for children who play poorly. They are happy to play with the layout, but they cannot organize the game outside the layout. For them, the layout will be an excellent basis for holding gaming activities, but then you should move away from the mock-up game environment, moving on to options for organizing the game with the help of substitute objects. Subsequently, it will be possible to return to games in layouts, gradually moving to their home-made versions. Secondly, the layout can limit the theme of the director's game to a certain extent, since it is poorly transformable. Perhaps only landscape models initially suggest a fairly wide range of possible topics. Creating layouts of different themes solves the problem only in part, because. but they can limit the manifestation of the child's play initiative, just as the thematic play corner does. Thirdly, excessive attention to the process of creating a layout can occur to the detriment of the development of the game itself, switching the attention of the teacher and children to productive activities. It's great if a child can create various game layouts if necessary, but at the same time he must be able to organize a director's game outside the layout environment.

Universal developing game subject environments (content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe, as well as all ages: from infancy to school age): “A pile of sand” with a variety of “blotches” (sticks, pebbles, corks, etc.) Various craft materials

Development of children's play "(authors: Trifonova E.V., Volkova E.M., Ivankova R.I., Kachanova I.A.) Sections: The main problems of play activity, which deals with the main problems of children's play that are relevant today , presents a modern approach to the organization of different types of children's games in a preschool educational institution. The organization of the game of children of different ages in the conditions of the preschool educational institution is addressed to educators working on the Exemplary Basic General Educational Program of Preschool Education "Origins". It is written in full accordance with the content of the comprehensive thematic planning developed by the staff of the Research Institute of Preschool Education. A.V. Zaporozhets, and contains materials for organizing games during each week for each age period (for children 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7 years old). Appendix with descriptions of recommended mobile, traditional and leisure games Where can I find information on the problem of the game and the developmental subject environment? 2. Game site. Scientific approach of S.L.Novoselova , psychologist, doctor of science, evolutionary researcher Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova, as well as members of her laboratory and graduate students. At the moment, the site contains over 100 articles and brochures, including books: Playing a preschooler, Games, toys and play equipment for preschool educational institutions, The "Module - game" system, Developing subject environment, Parents about children's games and toys, Computer World preschooler, etc. Where to look for information on the problem of play and the developing subject environment?

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