Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game

↓.Decisions and their consequences.↓

All solutions are current at the time of the release of The Second Witcher. Many decisions do not resonate in the Third Part of the game, however, nothing will be written about this in the manual, so as to avoid spoilers for the Wild Hunt.

If, in your opinion, I made a mistake in some reasoning, then please write about it in the comments, and not just thoughtlessly put a downvote.
Also, if you have any questions about the game, then ask them in the same comments and I will try to answer them.

Ariane La Valette
Reach an agreement will survive the fire and in the third chapter will turn to Radovid for help to find his sister Anais. The castle of La Valette will remain behind the fragmented Temeria.
Kill La Valette's castle will be surrendered to Nilfgaard by mother Marie-Louise La Valette.

Should I give the sword to Iorveth?
Give me a sword there will be a pogrom in Flotsam. Triss, using a mega-scope, will talk to Philippa Eilhart.
Don't give There will be a celebration in Flotsam. Iorveth is captured. Triss will talk to Detmold.

Iorveth or Roche?
Iorveth The Pontar Valley will not be captured by Kaedwen. Temeria will become dependent and will be divided. If you take into account the comic from CDPR" Matters of Conscience"(Remorse), then we can call this option the most canonical by the standards of the game.
Roche The Pontar Valley will be captured by Kaedwen. A chance for Temeria to become independent and undivided. Loredo is dead and Flotsam remains in Temeria's power. Prince Stennis will be killed.
Quite an important point, which, as it turns out, is not known to everyone. Having chosen one of the sides, we will play the entire 2nd chapter in completely different locations, so it is recommended to go through the game twice or at least make a save before making the choice.

If you chose Iorveth
Kill Loredo or save the elves?
Kill Loredo Flotsam will remain in the power of Temeria. Iorveth talks about people's indifference.
Save the elves Loredo surrenders Kaedwenu to Flotsam. Iorveth is happy for saving the elves.

Iorveth's Path
Prince Stennis
Allow lynching (Sentence - death) Death of the heir to King Damavand. Without a legitimate ruler, Aedirn will begin anarchy.
Give to a fair trial (Sentence - life) Prince Stennis will be crowned ruler of Aedirn, who may be able to restore the country (But without the Pontar Valley).

Roche's Path
King Henselt
Let him be killed There will be chaos and disorder in Kaedwen. Just before the invasion of Nilfgaard, the kingdoms of the North will lose their balance. The Blue Stripes will be avenged.
Convince not to kill him The Pontara Valley will be annexed to Kaedwen, which will balance the positions of Henselt and Radovid in the North.

Iorveth's Path
Together with Philippa, disenchant Saskia or save Triss?
Save Saskia The beginning of a widespread hunt for sorceresses, magicians and witchers. The chapter will not be restored. The lodge plans have been disrupted. Saskia is disenchanted (Perhaps not completely, we will find out in the future) and will become queen of the Pontara Valley. Triss will survive, but relations with her may be damaged. No.
Save Triss The Nilfgaardian camp will be destroyed, the death of Renuald and Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen. The Chapter and Council of Sorcerers have been restored, which will allow the creation of a powerful association of magicians of the North. Temeria will become divided, the fate of Anais and Roche unknown. Iorveth is seriously injured.

If you saved Triss for Iorveth

Kill The plans of the lodge are completely disrupted, their main trump card is destroyed forever. The Pontara Valley needs a leader.
Spare The lodge strengthens and retains control over Saskia (With a small chance of disenchanting her, because Iorveth finds a dagger to perform the ritual). Pontara Valley retains a leader who still remains under the authority of the Lodge.

Roche's Path
Save Triss or save Anais?
Save Triss The Nilfgaardian camp will be destroyed, the death of Renuald and Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen. The Chapter and Council of Sorcerers have been restored, which will allow the creation of a powerful association of magicians of the North. The Lodge's plans are disrupted. Temeria will become divided, Roche will be outlawed. In the future, Anais may claim the throne.
Save Anais The beginning of a widespread hunt for sorceresses, magicians and witchers. The chapter will not be restored. Death of the sorcerer Detmold. Triss will be saved by Leto. Option 1 or option 2.
Option 1 - give Anais to Natalis (Freedom of Temeria) Temeria will exist independently of other states, but many dissenters remain in the country. Anais prepares to be a wise and intelligent queen.
Option 2 - give Anais to Radovid (Temeria Dependency) Radovid occupies Temeria in whole or in part (Depends on the life of Henselt), and claims that he holds the country only as a protectorate until the rightful queen, Anais, comes of age. But it is quite possible that Anais will never be queen. Also, if you imported saves from the first part of the game and disenchanted Princess Adda, whom Radovid married, then his heirs can automatically become the rulers of Temeria, but only upon the death of Anais.

Kill or spare the dragon (Saskia)?
Kill The plans of the lodge are completely disrupted, their main trump card is destroyed forever. Kaedwen need not fear Saskia's revenge for the capture of the Pontara Valley.
Spare The Lodge strengthens and maintains control over Saskia (With a small chance of disenchanting her, but it is unknown if Iorveth finds the dagger). Saskia can be used as a weapon against Kaedwen or in revenge for the Pontar Valley.

Sheala de Tanserville
Save Sheala will tell us Yennefer's location. A strong sorceress will return to the Lodge.
Let die The lodge will lose a powerful sorceress. Yennefer's location will later be revealed by Summer.

Kill Foltest will be avenged and Geralt will keep his oath to Roche. The Witcher School of the Snake will remain destroyed.
Spare Geralt will not keep his oath to Roche. The Witcher School of the Snake may be restored, which may help in the study Wild Hunt. Geralt and Leto part like old friends. Leto was also announced in the third part of the game, where he will help Geralt. Better not kill him, he will have a good role in part 3.

About endings

A small spoiler for part 3 of the game, which many have probably already completed: everything that I wrote above does not affect the game at all, except for a couple of dialogue inserts and one and a half quests.
There are a large number of final states of the world based on the main decisions in the game (Something like 40), that is, in all these endings the kingdoms of the North have different locations. And their locations are influenced by the following choices:

  • The fate of Ariana la Valletta
  • Roche or Iorvet
  • Fate of Commandant Loredo (If Roche is chosen, he is automatically dead)
  • Fate of Prince Stennis (If Roche is chosen, he is automatically dead)
  • Fate of King Henselt (If Iorveth is chosen, he is alive automatically)
  • Save Triss/Anais/Saskia
  • Give Anais to Radovid or Natalis (Only with Roche)
As you can see, there are quite a lot of ending factors, despite the fact that these are only the main decisions in the game, when both exist great amount other less significant decisions, plus importing saves from the first part (As an example, Siegfried is alive or dead and our relationship with him).

This video is one of the ending options, here the following decisions were made: Arian is alive, the party to the conflict is Roche, Henselt is alive, Anais was given to Natalis, the dragon is alive.
It's best to watch it through a browser (Google Chrome in particular), because it has time codes and 60fps (And also Dark level)

If we complete the passage of the second chapter on the side of Iorveth, we learn that Saskia fell under the influence of a spell that turned her into a weak-willed tool in the hands of Philippa. So we follow this couple to Loc Muinne.

Together with Iorvet we pass through the mountains and reach the city. Along the way you will have to fight off harpies several times. [Combat] To break into the valley, you should use a silver sword and the Aard Sign. [Choice] Suddenly, Iorveth notices the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose - they are standing guard at the city gates. [A] The elf says that he will have to look for another way to get through the gate, and goes to the caves. [B] If we completed the first “Witcher”, playing for the Order, we can calmly approach the knights. If not, nothing good awaits us in the Order’s camp: even if we survive, the city gates will still be closed.

[A] If we decide to go through the caves, we will encounter corpse eaters and crab spiders. [Combat] Crab spiders attack with a run. You should dodge them, and then strike them quickly with a silver blade. Let's not forget about the Igni Sign. It is better to first immobilize the Rotten Rotten with the Yrden Sign, and then finish them off with powerful blows.

Following Iorvet, we finally get out of the caves and along the aqueduct we go to the city of Vranov. On the way to the gate we will have to fight the harpies again. Accompanying Iorveth in the ruins, we will come across a brood of gargoyles. [Combat] These creatures are afraid of silver and it is better to cut them down with quick blows. The Aard and Yrden Signs may come in handy.

After the battle with the gargoyles, we will find ourselves in the old square, in the middle of which there will be a descent into the basement. Under the ground we will find four security symbols and a chest, which definitely contains something valuable. If you neutralize the symbols in the correct order, you can get to the contents of the chest. The order of neutralization is set randomly, so you just have to hope for luck. The stakes are high: if we make a mistake, we will have a hard time. Opening the chest, we find a scroll that gives rise to a new task: The Secret of the Manuscript. Walking through the city with Iorvet, we hear a conversation between the guards who are discussing the sorceress that interests us. From the chatter it appears that she is being kept under lock and key.

[B] If the Grand Master of the Order of the Flaming Rose is our good friend since the time of the first “The Witcher”, we are allowed through the gate without incident. The guards are trying to stop us, but Siegfried orders them not to pester the guests. He says that now the knights of the Order act as the personal guard of King Radovid of Redania. In addition, we learn that Philippa Eilhart was arrested on charges of treason and is now languishing in a dungeon under the Redanian camp. After this, Siegfried gives us his ring - an identification mark that will tell any member of the Order that they are friends. Now we can enter the city.

Whichever way we have to go, sooner or later we will end up in the city of Loc Muinne. Now we need to find the sorceress Philippa Eilhart. [Choice] There are two ways to meet the sorceress in prison: [A] allow yourself to be captured by the guards or [B] sneak inside through the drains under the city's pavements.

[A] Finding the guards will not be difficult they patrol the entire city. A collision with a patrol will result in a fight. If during a fight our health is seriously compromised, we will lose consciousness and wake up behind bars. Philippa will be sitting in the next cell. But if we choose this method of getting into the dungeons, we will have to part with all our belongings: we will not get them back. Philippa promises: if we help her break out of captivity, she will remove the spell from the enchanted Saskia. After this, accompanied by Shilyard and guards, King Radovid himself will appear before us. After talking with the monarch, we will have the dubious pleasure of talking with the Nilfgaardian ambassador, who will again order us to be killed. We are preparing to sell our lives dearly, throw off our shackles and begin the battle with the Nilfgaardians.

[B] It will be somewhat more difficult and longer to walk through the sewage drains: the entrance to the underground sewer is located quite far both from the place where the guards overheard the conversation (if we entered the city through the caves) and from the gate (if the Grand Master of the Order of the Flaming Rose is on our side ). Along the way you will have to hide from patrols or cut through the ranks of guards. One way or another, our path will lie to the east, to the right of the main city gate. Walking along the eastern walls, we come across two Nilfgaardians. Having defeated them, we look for the entrance underground - it is not far from the tower. It's not easy to get lost in the sewer, but corpse eaters have taken a liking to it. [Combat] They can be destroyed with the Aard Sign and a silver sword. Don't forget that these monsters explode before they die. The only way through the drains leads us to the prison, where we see King Radovid of Redania blinding Philippa. Immediately after this, we will have to go through another battle, this time with the guards of Ambassador Shilyard.

[Combat] Fighting the imperial guards will not be easy, especially if we ended up in prison as a prisoner and lost all our equipment. Signs will help us a lot in battle, especially Aard, Yrden and Quen. They will allow us to easily deal with some of the soldiers, and the rest will have to be dealt with by more ordinary methods.

Once we defeat Shilyard's men, it's time to talk to Philippa. And again we are faced with the problem of choice. [Choice] [A] You can help Philippa escape from the dungeon (Spellbreaker) or [B] refuse to help the sorceress, and instead try to recapture Triss from the Nilfgaardians (Where is Triss?).

Breaker of Spells

If we decide to help Philippa, we will have to escort the blinded sorceress to the exit. Two Nilfgaardian guards will stand in the way, but Iorveth, who comes to the rescue, will get rid of them. After talking with the elf and Philippa, the three of us head through the underground drains to the sorceress’s residence. You can't do without a fight with the corpse eaters. [Combat] It is better to attack quickly in order to have time to move away from the exploding corpses. In battle, the Quen sign will be very useful to us, as it can protect the witcher from explosions. We deal with several packs of monsters, and Iorvet and the sorceress join us again, who is trying to explain the way to her home. Eilhart takes us to the top floor of one of the houses. In the room there is a chest surrounded by ritual candles. Inside there is a dagger that can remove the spell from Saskia. To break the magic seal on the chest, we need to light the candles in a strictly defined order. Philippa talks about her notes, which contain the clue needed for the solution. These notes can be found on the first floor, in the sorceress’s bedroom. The papers are in the desk drawer.

We start with the right candle, the one closest to the entry. The next candle will be located diagonally from the first. The third candle is to the right of the second, the fourth is diagonal from the third, and the last candle is located right in the middle. Having correctly lit the candles, we will see how the freed Philippa will turn into an owl and fly away, leaving us to deal with the elemental guarding the chest. [Combat] In this battle, it is important to block the guard's attacks and deal powerful blows yourself. It is best to attack the elemental from the sides and back. Let's not forget about the Signs Aard, Yrden, Quen. When the guard is defeated, we open the chest and take the dagger.

After finding the dagger, we talk with Iorveth regarding Philippa and Sheala and tell him how to remove the spell from Saskia. It looks like in search of the dragon you will have to attend the event for which everyone gathered in Loc Muinne. Iorveth volunteers to go first to scout the path. We can take a break and get busy side quests, to meet the elf later on the way to the meeting place of the sorcerers. (Meeting of sorcerers).

Where is Triss?

If we believe that rescuing Philippa from prison is not in our interests and that we need to save Triss, we will have to refuse help to the unfortunate Sheala and take Shilyard hostage. After that, we, accompanied by the ambassador, go to the exit outside. Finding this exit is not difficult: there is only one road leading to it. Along the way we meet Nilfgaardian guards, but we shouldn't worry about them.

So we get to the exit. But here’s the problem: we get out in the Nilfgaardian camp, and we are immediately surrounded by soldiers. The Black commander cannot be embarrassed by a hostage. The Nilfgaardians kill Shilard, after which we are faced with a battle with many opponents at once. [Combat] The Aard and Quen Signs are an invaluable aid in the fight against a large number of enemies. By simultaneously knocking down and paralyzing opponents, we can easily deal with entire groups of enemies. To defeat crossbowmen, you should approach them at blade length and deliver several powerful blows before the arrows take up their swords. We help ourselves with the Aard Sign.

Having destroyed the enemy, we understand that the gates leading to the city are closed. We need to look for another way out of the camp. To the left of the exit from the prison there is a corridor where the undead Nilfgaardians remained. [Combat] This time there are only two opponents in front of us. We block their attacks and counterattack with powerful blows. This should be enough. After the death of the guards, we will have to run around, destroying all the other soldiers we meet. Sooner or later we will reach the square where Matsen’s fresh forces await the witcher.

[Combat] There are many opponents, and you won’t be able to rest between the first and second waves of enemies. We should actively place blocks and dodge the soldiers’ blows, not forgetting to deliver powerful retaliatory strikes. The signs of Aard and Igni will give us a serious advantage. Soon we will cross blades with Matsen himself, but before that we will have time to talk with him about Triss and the Lodge. After the conversation, the Nilfgaardian will rush into battle. [Battle] There is another battle ahead with the subordinates of Emperor Emhyr. We already know how to deal with shield guards: we dodge a blow with a shield and deliver powerful blows in response. The Signs of Aard, Igni and Yrden will not interfere here. After killing Matsen, we search his corpse and find the key to Triss’s cell.

Now we are one step away from saving Triss: all that remains is to go down the stairs and open the camera. Then there is a long conversation with Merigold, and the sorceress explains a lot to us: she talks about the creation and significance of the Lodge, about the role of Philippa and Sheala in the death of Damavand, about their plans to create a new state in the Pontara Valley... We have a real trifle to escape with these knowledge from the Nilfgaardian camp. We are going to the exit from the prison. Here Triss suggests splitting up: in her opinion, it is easier to act separately, and it will be possible to meet again at the place where the sorcerers gather (Meeting of sorcerers).

Meeting of sorcerers

If we arrived in Loc Muinne together with Iorveth and decided which of the sorceresses we will save (Philippa Breaker of Spells or Triss Where is Triss?), then we will come to the meeting of the wizards with either the elf [A] or Triss [B]. In any case, the road will be the same. First we need to get to the place where one of our friends is waiting for us.

[A] Having reached the place, we find out that Iorvet has already dealt with the guards at the entrance. It's time to go to the meeting. The flower of the nobility gathered here: the kings of Kaedwen and Redania, the representative of Temeria, Constable Natalis, Saskia, Sheala de Tanserville and many, many others. Saskia is still under the influence of Philippa's spell, but still dreams of creating a new state in the Pontara Valley. Shilyard also comes to the meeting. He claims that he managed to capture the killer of Foltest and Demavend. Nilfgaardian soldiers bring Leto into the hall, who tells those gathered about the secret Lodge behind which Philippa and Sheala stand. Radovid sends for the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose, who are eager to arrest the sorceress. But the dragon interferes with them...

[B] Once we get there, we'll talk to Triss again, after which we'll encounter a pair of guards at the entrance to the amphitheater.

It's time to go to the meeting. The flower of the nobility gathered for it: the kings of Kaedwen and Redania, the representative of Temeria, Constable Natalis, Saskia, Sheala de Tanserville and many, many others. Saskia is still under the influence of Philippa's spell, but still dreams of creating a new state in the Pontara Valley. Here we and Triss appear on the scene, who immediately accuses Sheala of murdering a person royal blood. Triss claims that there are witnesses to this. Radovid orders the arrest of de Tanserville. The Knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose surround the sorceress, but then a dragon appears and carries Sheala away from danger...

Appearance of the Dragon (And the Dragon Came)

Having turned into a dragon, Saskia takes Sheala and carries her to a tower near the amphitheater. While the dragon is circling over the city, we have to go to this tower and finish off the sorceress. We have one path - all others are cut off by flames...

We run to the tower and try not to get caught by the dragon along the way. De Tanserville is at the very top. Sheala admits that the Lodge is behind Demavend’s death, and Leto just conveniently fell into the trap. But at the same time, the sorceress believes that the Lodge is not responsible for the death of Foltest and the attempt on Henselt’s life. According to her, Leto acted in the interests of the Nilfgaardian Emperor Emhyr var Emreis in these murders. In addition, Sheala tells us about news from Cintra: shortly before the start of negotiations, imperial troops crossed the Yaruga River. De Tanserville says goodbye to us and disappears, leaving us alone with a very angry dragon... [Combat] We protect ourselves from the flames with the help of the Quen Sign. It is better to attack at the moment when Saskia breathes out fire, because it is at this time that it is easiest to get close to the dragon. When our resistance exhausts the creature, the floor will not support the weight of the dragoness, and she will fall down. To escape, we will have to climb onto the roof of the building. But the battle will continue there too.

[Combat] Saskia will be hard to defeat. You will have to dodge the dragon's attacks and wait until the opportunity presents itself to deliver a series of powerful blows with the silver sword. Towards the end of the fight, a QTE scene begins, as a result of which we leave the city on the back of a dragon. After the next QTE scene, the dragon will unsuccessfully land on the forest edge and pierce her stomach with a broken tree trunk. Saskia's fate will be in our hands. [Choice] [A] If earlier we freed not Triss, but Philippa, then in our things there is a dagger that breaks the spell. With the help of this enchanted weapon, Saskia's life can be saved. [B] If we killed the Nilfgaardians to save Triss, the saving dagger will not be at hand. All that remains is to abandon the dragon to the mercy of fate or finish her off.

Assassins of Kings (Epilogue)

The decisions made in Loc Muinne will lead to the fact that after the battle with Saskia and returning to the city, we will meet Leto. If we previously saved Triss from the Nilfgaardians, she will be waiting for us near the city limits. If we didn’t save her, the elf Iorvet will be in the same place. After a short conversation, Triss or Iorvet will tell us about Leto, who is sitting in the former Temerian camp and seems to want to see us. Walking through the city streets with Triss, we will come across a group of Kaedweni soldiers who captured Iorveth. You can intervene and save the elf, or you can leave him to his fate. If previous actions led us to the city along with Iorvet, then we will simply meet soldiers. Sooner or later we get to the place where the Temerian camp stood, and we see the Killer of Kings himself. He stands openly in the square, and the problem of choice will again arise before us. [Choice] You can give him a chance to explain, or you can attack. If the conversation follows, we will learn about looking at recent events from a slightly different perspective. If Leto can convince us, a fight can be avoided. If not, words will be replaced by the clashing of swords. [Combat] If we continue to believe that Leto deserves to die, he must get what he deserves. It is possible to defeat an experienced killer, the main thing is not to forget about blocks, powerful blows and the Igni and Yrden Signs.

This will be followed by the final scene, which will involve Geralt and either Triss or Iorveth.

Prologue | Chapter I [

Hi all! In this guide, I will share with you a way to defeat a dragon in the finale of the amazing game The Witcher 2, without actually engaging in open combat with it. No, no, without any cheats or use of bugs. everything is legal) For some this will not be new, but for others it may be very useful))

So, first of all, I would like to say a little about leveling up and, in fact, the build that we create throughout the game - and believe me - by the end it will be just a walking killing machine, and fights with enemies will be similar to those of a fighter MMA attacked a group of kindergarteners. The only thing you will regret is that there are not enough enemies and they will not attack in hundreds, so beautifully they will splash their guts on the walls))
I advise you to choose the swordsman branch and the alchemist branch for this, and by the way, we have enough talent to pump up both branches. I advise you not to touch the magic branch, the signs work great anyway, and they won’t be useful when the enemy just falls down)

Here, by the way, you don’t have to take level 2 to deflect arrows (I took it for the achievement), and you can start the alchemy branch on the left, for the sake of mutagens, it’s your choice, but you can gain a couple of extra talents. In other guides, I saw advice to upgrade your armor, upgrade your defense, choose elixirs that increase armor (Virga, Tiara) - FORGET! We pump up the attack and only the attack, and at the end it will be simply outrageous, I assure you.
For the final battle we will need
1) Swords - DEITVEN and FORGOTTEN SWORD OF VRAVINS. You don’t even have to bother with crafting Zerrikanza, it’s not worth it. After all, Deitven’s ability gives 6 times! more damage to large monsters, which will be more convenient for us
2) Elixirs - Raffard's Potion and Thunder (with level 2 Catalysis pumped up) The rest of the elixirs in the game can be said to be unnecessary when there is this killer couple. Don't forget to smear your swords with Falka's Blood
3) I advise you to push mutagens for attack, forget about armor, and good ones for Critical effects, everything else is superfluous.
4) We need to understand that our goal for the finale and the battle with the final boss is a lot of HP and a huge attack, which together gives us a local god mode. Yes, the damage to you will be considerable, with a small armor indicator, but your heap of HP still needs to be destroyed, and your attack will knock down everyone and everything with 1-2 splash

And as a result of all this: We run to the top of the tower, while the dragon breaks through the walls, breathes fire and sticks its face into the gap, at that moment we hit him/her in the face with our Ubersword. Usually you need to destroy half the dragon's HP, but not this time) After a couple of times, the dragon's HP scale drops to zero. We go upstairs to Sheala, save her (or watch her burst). At this point I thought that there wouldn’t be a battle on the roof of the tower, but no, a dragon flies in with zero lives and... you can throw a bomb at it, you can hit it with a sword again, it doesn’t matter what you choose, just to kick. The final scene starts.
Congratulations, you didn’t have to twist, turn, set traps, think through tactics and reinvent the wheel. Believe me, you will experience relief. just like me when I played the game for the first time and rebooted final battle many many many times.

The result I would like to sum up is that attack decides everything. You can be perverted in the swing as you like, but by choosing an attack, you will see how easily all your problems are solved) Thank you for your attention)

P.S. One of the most difficult missions - a fight in a room with an Operator in the quest In Memory of Old Years - also falls on the easy side, my Operator withstood a couple of splashes and leaned back like a dear. Well, you will understand. what am I talking about
P.P.S. This guide is useful at difficulty levels Hard and higher; lower then it will be completely uninteresting)

The fight with the huge dragon is one of the most difficult in the game. It is also the last monster you will have to face. It all starts inside the tower, where Geralt sorts things out with the sorceress Sheala. As soon as she disappears (whether she goes away or dies during teleportation - it’s up to you), the dragon will break through the wall of the tower and attack you. Set “Quen” as quickly as possible and run around the room, dodging the monster’s melee attacks. As soon as he performs his attack, run up and deliver a short combination of blows. Please note that the fire spewed out by the monster does not do very much damage, so it is quite possible to break through the flames and quickly attack. If something happens, run further away and replenish Quen. When you take about half of the dragon's lives, it will finally break the wall and fly away. You will have enough time to prepare for the last fight: you cannot brew a potion, but you can just stand and wait until your health is restored. As soon as you are ready, climb onto the roof, where the dragon is already waiting for you. From this moment on, you must constantly maintain magical protection, otherwise any attack from the monster will cause you severe damage. Your task is to constantly dodge the claws and teeth and carefully run up to the dragon to deliver one or at most two blows. This will last a very long time, but you don’t have to choose. Combinations of blows are ineffective, since the dragon will break through your defense, and after that it will cost him nothing to finish you off. It is best to attack immediately after the monster tries to reach you with its paw. Having received his, the dragon will begin to hide behind the tower and occasionally hit you with its tail. Follow his movements and stay on the opposite side of the roof. Sometimes the dragon takes off and attacks from the air. It's quite easy to dodge the flames and air raids if you run in a circle. As soon as you exhaust the monster, a QTE scene will begin, after which you will be given a choice - kill the dragon or leave it to die in the forest. If you chose the path of Iorveth, then you will also have the opportunity to free the defeated giant from the spell using a magic dagger.

So, you are in snowy Loc Muinn. Go down the slope. The elf Iorvet will be next to you. Along the way you will need to kill a dozen harpies. As a result, you will reach the remains of the ancient city, make your way through the ruins. When you meet the “Order of the Flaming Rose”, you can choose your next path.

You can send Iorvet through the underground tunnels, and rush straight to the knights. Or you can go into the dungeon together. You can go to the Order then if you have saves from the first part and there Geralt was friends with Siegfried. If this is not the case, then it is better to go together with the elf.

In the dungeon you will meet the evil Head Eye. You will kill him without spending much effort.

When you get to Fresh air, you will hear a conversation. The bottom line is this: some sorceress Philippa Eilhart is languishing in prison. There are two ways to get into the dungeon. The first way is simple and fast, and the second is simple and lengthy. To complete The Witcher 2, you need to anger the guards, and wait until Geralt gets punched. As a result, you will find yourself in prison. There you will meet the long-awaited Philippa.

After talking with her, you will learn that she knows about Saskia’s secret and wants to use the secret to strengthen a certain magical mysterious society. Unfortunately, the conversation will be interrupted, as the sorceress will be taken away by King Radovid. He will order your companion's eyes to be gouged out, then he will move on to your person. Naturally, they will not take your life right away, but you will need to wait for the council’s decision. But you can’t waste time, so it’s worth getting out of the dungeon.

You won’t have to think for long, as Ambassador Fitz-Esterlen will come. He will talk about his insidious plan, and at this time you will be able to untie yourself with the help of “Igni”. Then there will be a video. There will be a conversation with the already blind Philippa. You will have to make a choice - save her from captivity, or go to help Triss.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – Where is Triss?

It is quite logical to go to help Triss. Take Fitz-Esterlen hostage and go with him along the secret passage. The ambassador will show the way along it. You will come out, but directly under the Nilfgard camp. Its settlers do not treat the "White Wolf" very well.

They will kill the ambassador and put a fairly high reward on your head. Their leader will leave, leaving them to be torn to pieces to faithful dogs. In such a situation, it is best to use the “Quen” sign. When you've dealt with all the bastards, go to the door. You will find that it is closed. Take a detour. There is a staircase near the place where the battle took place. You can use it to climb the walls of the camp. You will have to kill a couple more of the emperor's soldiers.

When you get to the hill, be prepared to fight a bunch of soldiers. At first they will attack three people at a time, then they will knock down dozens of them. When you've killed everyone, climb up the hill and continue to the dungeons. After talking with Renuald aep Matsen, prepare for the next Nilfgardian attack. When you kill them, you need to fight 1 on 1 with Matsen. He is not such a strong fighter, but has a huge supply of vital energy.

After his death, take the keys and go down to the dungeon where Triss is languishing. There will be a rather serious conversation with her.

Walkthrough of the game WITCHER 2 – Meeting of the Sorcerers

When you get out of the camp, the girl will offer to split up. Quite reasonable. Buy a new weapon from the local blacksmith, brew some elixirs, and go to the place where Triss Merigold is waiting for you. The entrance is guarded by soldiers - kill them. Go inside and watch the video. Sheala was sentenced to death for the murder of royalty. But before putting on the shackles, she will call on a tame dragon for help. He will take her away from the battlefield, leaving behind a lot of scorched territory. Geralt was trapped. At the same time, you need to deal with the sorceress, otherwise Saskia will deal with you, becoming a dragon.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – And Came the Dragon

Go up the slope and run into the tower. Walk along the steps carefully, they collapse. Among other things, you will be disturbed by a dragon who just wants to fry the hero. When you are at the top of the building, watch the video, activate the crystal until the sorceress is torn into pieces. As a token of gratitude for her rescue, she will want to tell you that she did not kill anyone except King Dimovend. It turns out that the “snake” witcher is to blame for everything. Say goodbye to Sheala and get ready to fight the dragon.

Although the dragon looks formidable, in fact, using the “Quen” sign will help you defeat this bull very easily. When the health of a representative of the old race is at a critical level, a QTE scene will be launched. In it you need to quickly click on the left mouse button. As a result, Saskia, in the guise of a dragon, will fall into a tree and pierce herself through. If you chose the path of saving Triss rather than Felippa, then feel free to leave.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 - Epilogue: Assassins of Kings

When you arrive in town, you will be greeted by Vernon Roche. He will tell you that Summer is waiting in the shopping area. Having been quite surprised, go to the meeting place. On the way, you will meet marauders ransacking Iovert's body. It's good that the elf is still alive, but he needs help. While Triss is busy treating a sick comrade, you must continue on your way.

When you meet your main enemy nose to nose, you will again have a choice. You can question the Witcher or challenge him to a battle.

If you decide not to fight, then you will go drink vodka with him to find out about the motives that prompted you to do this. So you will find out that Leto killed to revive the witcher school that raised him. If these arguments seem unconvincing to you, you can kill him.

Well, the walkthrough of The Witcher 2 has come to an end. Geralt has cleared his name, the king's killers have been found. But there are new adventures ahead, in which Triss Merigold and Vernon Roche will help!

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