Fun games and competitions for children and adults. Organization of joint games with parents in kindergarten Interesting games with parents in kindergarten

Every child is a great explorer, the inventor of the philosopher's stone, hidden in nature and at home. The little boy learns to explore the world, build relationships with peers, overcome fears and doubts through play.

A fictional world with its own rules, in which everything is real for kids: dragons, fairies, knights and castles - helps children face various situations and, guided by logic, imagination, dexterity, find a way out. The mission of parents is to support their child with love and affection on the path to knowledge, development and self-improvement.

Games for parents and children

To ensure that your weekend with your child is filled with joy and positivity, and that family holidays leave unforgettable memories, we suggest spending them playing.


Inside every child lives a little spy. Invite your child to play James Bond by setting up an obstacle course for him in the form of a cobweb. A labyrinth of “laser” beams can be made from ordinary yarn or thin rope. Stretch threads of web between chairs (or trees, if you are relaxing in nature) and ask them to go through the maze as quickly as possible without touching the rope. On the way, the baby must carefully collect treasures (cards, candies, toys) attached with clothespins. It is not allowed to lift the extracted goods from the floor. All family members take turns competing. The winner is the one who goes through the maze the fastest and collects the most bonuses.

Magic word

Little Europeans know this game as “Simon Says.” The game is designed for three or more players, so it is ideal for a large family. One of the players takes on the role of Simon, who gives instructions: Simon says to jump, or Simon says to raise your hands up. Other players try to repeat the command as quickly as possible, but only if the leader said the “magic word” (you can come up with your own: please, I beg you). Anyone who hesitates or performs an action without a special word is eliminated. The last player left in the game wins, or Simon if the last two players made a mistake at the same time.

Paradise in a hut

All children in the world love small houses, fairy-tale fortresses and other cozy places. Why not please your little one with an intricate structure right in the middle of the house? What to build? House, garage, wigwam, den or cave... Anything and from anything! It will come in handy: a large blanket, pillows, boxes and even mom’s high heels. And after finishing the construction of their kuren, the cavemen, or Cossacks. The baby will be delighted! Absolutely - colorful outfits and themed treats will make your day.

Let's draw together!

This game is an unlimited field for creativity! We wet the watercolors and lightly touch the surface of the paints with our fingers. We leave multi-colored prints on a sheet of paper or whatman paper. Now comes the fun part. You can finish drawing funny animals, trees, flowers - whatever you have enough imagination for. Drawing with handprints and fingerprints is a great bonding experience. And if you hang a colorful masterpiece in a prominent place, your family will be warmed by memories of a cool weekend with your closest ones for a long time.

“Hi, I'm Olaf! I love hot hugs"

Laugh and cry (from laughter, of course) - that's exactly what this game is about! On command, mom, dad and their Snowman take a full lungful of air, puff out their cheeks like a snowman’s, and hold their breath. Within 10 seconds, everyone begins to move bizarrely: they spread their arms, walk, sway from side to side, and hug.

Then one of the adults says: “And now the sun has come out and the snowmen have melted.” Players exhale slowly, lower their arms, squat and lie on the ground. The game perfectly relieves stress and increases the child’s level of trust in his parents.

Throwing vegetables

Not literally - conditionally! The players, with furrowed brows, swear at vegetables, berries, and flowers in an angry voice: “You are an eggplant.” In response: “And you are cabbage!” As soon as the game goes too far - offensive words are heard or aggression arises between children - the game stops, the topic changes: “You are a tulip,” “And you are a cornflower.” Psychologists assure that play reduces manifestations of children’s stubbornness, aggression, and negativism.

Dad is at home! Texas Ranger or Slumbering Tiger?

Whatever one may say, the mother spends most of the day with the children. Therefore, as soon as the father of the family appears on the threshold, the children hang on his neck asking him to play.

Playing mother and daughter with dad is a disastrous task, but playing a Texas Ranger, an Arabian horse or an evil dragon is easy! And don't forget to turn on the sound. Growling, kicking and giving the young mischief a ride on horseback is a must.

What about turning into eagles or becoming airplanes? True, mom may not like this idea, so it’s better not to fly long distances in her presence. You should not throw your baby very high to avoid a collision with an “asteroid”.

If you have no strength at all, play as a sleeping animal: a bear, a tiger or a hippopotamus (choose for yourself which one you are more like). Big Daddy the Beast fell asleep, holding the baby close to him, so much so that he... also fell asleep in his arms (this is in the best case). If you have less luck, don't despair! According to the rules of the game, the son must get out of the den, but in such a way as not to wake up his father (a hungry beast, an evil cannibal, and so on).

We are looking for treasures!

There's nothing more fun than a family treasure hunt. Pieces of the map were lost in the middle of the forest (park, yard). Find clues, overcome obstacles, plan a route and go in search of the main prize (toys, sweets). The right path will be indicated by arrows or footprints of a mysterious dragon.

While relaxing outside the city, go on a “hunt”: collect twigs, leaves, seeds, cones, flowers and other natural treasures. In the evening, carefully arrange the collected herbarium or.

Competitions for parents and children

When a family holiday comes to school, without incendiary family games And competitions are indispensable. Who is more inventive: the Skvortsovs or the Polishchuks? Competitions will help reveal the talents of parents and their children.

Drawing a fairy tale

The organizing teacher prepares cards in advance with the names of fairy tales and cartoons: “Three Heroes”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Little Prince” and others. Children take turns taking out the name of the fairy tale and drawing it on a piece of paper. No more than 15 minutes. After time, the children give their masterpieces to their parents. The parents' task is to guess the fairy tale and retell it.

Find out mom!

Mothers sit in a row with their backs to their children and let their hair down. The presenter quietly introduces the girls from the audience to the competition. The more, the more interesting! Children do not see what order their mothers are sitting in. The presenter's assistants blindfold the children and take them one by one to their mothers. Children must recognize their mother by her hair and tell the number of the chair she is sitting on. If the participants are very young, you can simplify the task and allow them to touch their faces, but carefully.

The Bremen Town Musicians

Each family takes turns naming a song that begins with the word “Oh.” Teams that do not find the answer are eliminated. The family that names the most songs and, accordingly, scores the highest number of points, wins.


School years are unforgettable. The presenter invites parents to remember if they have ever been late for lessons and what clever explanations they came up with for the teacher. The funniest and most original explanation wins.


Parents can do everything, even dress a child with his eyes closed. But this still needs to be checked! Fashion designer competition. Mother and child are invited to the middle of the hall. There is a pile of clothes and shoes on the side. Mom is blindfolded. The presenter chooses any item and asks where to wear it. The final result is shown to mom and the jury. The most stylish look wins.

The coolest burger

Dads are invited to the stage. In front of them are a variety of products: a loaf of bread, candy, cookies, sausage, crab sticks, mayonnaise, confectionery topping. Dad's task: cook a luxurious burger in one minute and come up with a name for it.

When the masterpieces are made and evaluated by the jury, the presenter praises the parents for their culinary talents and offers to eat their creations. Speed ​​up!


  • Promote the enrichment of a familiar game with new solutions and the inclusion of productive activities (participation of an adult).
  • Create conditions for the development of free communication between adults and children during joint play activities.
  • Promote the development of auditory attention, visual perception, logical thinking.

Develop friendly relationships (act together, provide assistance); build trusting parent-child relationships.

Hello! I am glad to see you on such a wonderful day. The sun rose early in the morning and caressed the children.

What a miracle, miracles

One - hand and two - hand!

Whose palms do you recognize?

Invite mom to a fairy tale!

Turned their faces to each other


They offered their right hand

They offered their left hand.

And we hugged each other.

Let's play together!

And help each other!

I know the path to a fairy tale is not close,

But this is not the first time for us to go on the road.

And you, my guys, moms, dads

Do you want to go with me?

So, I invite you to Lukomorye!

To get to the fabulous Lukomorye, we need to walk a dangerous path, be attentive, understand and trust each other.

You, dear children, need to put on magic glasses. Trust your parents, and they will guide you along the cherished path. And you, parents, help your children, tell them how to overcome obstacles.

We'll go around the stumps along the narrow path,

Quietly across the river we will find ourselves in a fairy tale!

Is it nice to know that there is a reliable and close person nearby?

Children, was it difficult for you to walk with your eyes closed?


No wonder people say . “You can’t overcome even a bump alone”

Child-parent couples approach the “oak tree” and see a chest. I turn my attention to the chest. It is closed and no one is guarding it.

Look what's under the oak tree? (chest) how to open it? (with a key) Where can I get it?

And here I am, a learned cat, I keep walking around in chains

Magic chest for the watchman

I’m turning into a cat: hello dear guys and mothers!

Cat teacher: How will you get around the obstacles?

So you will find the treasured key!

Cat:Here's your first test!? - in these puzzles there is a miracle fairy tale, you can put them together and find out without a hint. Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Well done!

You assembled the picture quickly, how did you do it?

Yes, “One mind is good, but two is better,” it was difficult to assemble alone, but together it was quick

Cat:I’m a cheerful, entertaining cat and I love to play, everyone follow me together, I’ll catch up with my tail!

Was it interesting for you...?

Children, did you enjoy playing with your parents?

And you mastered this game! Well done! Together they ran after the tail, like a needle after a thread.”

Cat:and here comes the most important test! We will select the key. You need to choose the correct key silhouette, trace it, cut it out and try to open the lock. You will do this together, put on your magic sleeves and get started. “With great patience comes skill”(Cutting out)

Try it, open my magic chest!

And you also coped with this task. But why can't we open the lock? (because the keys are paper)

Doesn't fit! What a disaster! What should we do then?

Walk around, look, you’ll find the key soon! “Without labor, you won’t be able to catch a fish out of a pond.”

Where the acorn is largest

Success awaits you all there!

Parents and children find a key in the acorn and open a chest with gifts.

What was it difficult for you to do together? What did you like?

Dear mothers and children! I invite everyone to dance

Dance (together all together)

Have you, parents, felt how important your help to children is?

You were all friendly and attentive to each other!

How nice it is to see that you are a big happy family together! Everyone, everyone, goodbye! “A good ending is the crown of the whole thing”




How often do parents hear a familiar request from their children: “Mom, dad, play with me!” And how much joy kids get when adults, overcoming fatigue and busyness, putting household chores aside, agree to play. However, play for a child is not only pleasure and joy, which in itself is very important: play has a comprehensive effect on the baby. In play, the child develops communication skills, the ability to establish certain relationships with partners (peers or adults); In games, conscious discipline is brought up, children are taught to follow the rules, justice, the ability to control their actions, and objectively evaluate the actions of others. Play affects not only the development of the child’s personality as a whole, it also shapes cognitive abilities, speech, and arbitrariness of behavior.

Among the huge variety of games, outdoor games occupy a special place. Their most important advantage is that they essentially exhaust all types of human natural movements: walking, running, jumping, throwing, exercises with objects, etc. and therefore are the most universal and indispensable means physical education children. Outdoor games are the best cure for children from “motor hunger” - physical inactivity.

You should work with your child regularly and systematically. For the baby’s health, it is useful to organize physical activity in the morning, 20-25 minutes after breakfast, or at another convenient time, following the recommendations of doctors: you cannot actively move immediately before eating, immediately after it, before daytime or nighttime sleep.

The joy that you bring to your child by playing with him will become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together will help you make your life together kinder and more fun.



"Friendly along the path"

Events: colored cord, rope or jump rope 1.5-2 m long.

A line is marked on the floor of the room with a colored cord, rope or rope. Mother and child stand next to each other at the beginning of the line. The mother invites the baby to “take a walk along the path.” At the same time, she says the following text:

Together along the path,

Together along the path

Our feet are walking:

One, two, one, two -

Our feet are walking.

Over the bumps, over the pebbles

Over bumps, over pebbles...

In the hole - bang!

The child follows his mother along the line. To the words “over the bumps, over the pebbles,” they jump together on two legs, moving slightly forward, hands on their belts; to the words “into the hole - bang” they squat down and put their hands on their knees. When the mother says, “We got out of the hole,” the child stands on his feet with her.

"For Mom"

Inventory: a doll dressed for a walk (hat, coat, boots), or a car on a string.

The child stands on the carpet next to his mother. Mom has a doll or a car in her hands. The mother says to the baby, “I’m going for a walk with my doll (car). Come with me!" After these words, mom begins to move around the room, baby is coming next to her. After 15-20 seconds, the mother stops, turns to face the baby and says: “Kula (the machine) is tired, it’s time to rest.” Then the mother puts the doll (a string from a car) on the rug, squats down with the child, folds her hands under her cheek - “fall asleep.” After 10-15 seconds, the mother again invites the child “for a walk” - the game is repeated.


Inventory: colored cord or rope 2-3 meters.

A circle is laid out on the floor of the room with a cord or rope - this is an airfield. The mother explains to the baby that now they will turn into airplanes together. Then she says:

Airplanes are flying

And they don’t want to go to earth.

It's fun to rush through the sky,

But don't run into each other

The airplanes, represented by the child and mother, with their arms spread out to the sides, begin to “fly” outside the circle. After 20-30 seconds, mom says:

Suddenly a big cloud flies

Everything became dark around.

Airplanes - your circle!

After these words, mother and baby run in a circle - “the planes are landing at the airfield”

“The cat came to the river”

Mother and child hold hands, forming a small circle. Mom reads a poem, shows the movements, and the child repeats the movements and words after her.

The cat came to the stove,

The cat came to the stove,

They walk in a circle, holding hands.

He found a pot of porridge

I found a pot of porridge there,

They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands.

And there are rolls on the stove,

Oh, delicious and hot!

They stop, turn to face the center of the circle, and clap their hands.

Pies are baked in the oven,

Bend forward, arms forward, palms up.

They don't fit into your hands

They straighten up and hide their hands behind their backs.



Inventory: 2 skittles (or 2 cubes) of different colors.

Mom and child stand at opposite ends of the room, next to the pins. They are pilots of airplanes located at different airfields. At my mother’s command: “We are preparing the planes for flight!” They disperse around the room, each stop at their own plane, “pour kerosene into cans” (lean over), “start the engines” (rotate their arms in front of their chests) and “fly” (spread their arms to the sides and run around the room in different directions). The planes are in the air until mom commands “Planes to land!” After this, mother and child must quickly run to their pins - “return to their airfields.”

What's gone

Inventory: 10 small toys (car, cube, ball, rattle, matryoshka, doll, bird, etc.)

Mother and child compete. There are 6-10 toys on the table in front of them. Mother and child take turns looking at them. Then the driver invites the player to turn his back and close his eyes, while he himself removes or adds 2-3 toys. At the driver’s command “One, two, three – look!” the player opens his eyes and turns to face the table. He must correctly answer the driver’s questions: “Which toys have disappeared? Are there more toys or fewer? How long?" etc. The player who was more attentive during the game wins.

"Funny Balls"

Inventory: 2 rubber balls with a diameter of 18-20 cm.

Mother and child stand at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from each other. Each player holds a ball in their hands. Mom reads a poem:

My funny ball

Jumps and gallops

I hit him with my palm

My ball doesn't cry!

I'll throw the ball up,

And then I'll catch it.

Can you repeat this? –

I don't know right now.

And performs the movements according to the text - hits the ball on the floor, throws the ball up and catches it. Then the mother invites the child to repeat the same thing.


1) You can ask your child to complete the following tasks: throw the ball up and catch it with both hands; Throw the ball up and catch it with your right hand, then with your left hand; hit the ball on the floor, clap your hands and then catch the ball.

2) As the child masters the movements, it is recommended to count the number of balls caught.

“Jumping - not jumping”

Inventory: pictures (10*10cm) depicting animals, birds and objects.

Mother and child stand opposite each other on a short distance. Mom names birds, animals and objects that “jump or don’t jump.” If she names something that is jumping (for example, a frog), the child must jump up on two legs; if he names something that does not jump, the child must sit down, lower his hands down, touching the floor with his fingertips.. Having explained the rules of the game to the child, the mother begins to pronounce the names of animals, birds and objects, while simultaneously showing pictures.

Kangaroo The child is jumping

Ball The child is jumping

Hare The child is jumping

Bear Child squats

Table Child squats

Sparrow The child is jumping

TV Child squats

Frog The child is jumping

Tree Child squats

Monkey The child is jumping



"Make a figure"

Inventory: recordings of funny children's songs (“Chunga-changa”, “Two funny geese lived with grandma”, etc.), music center.

Mother and child stand at the edge of the room. Mom starts recording a song for 15-20 seconds. To the music, mother and child run around the room and perform dance movements. When the song stops playing, the players stop and take some pose. Everyone tries to guess what kind of figure his partner showed, and the most successful pose is noted. The game can be repeated 3-4 times.

"Who is the most dexterous"

Inventory: 4 children's high chairs (or 4 stands 20-25 cm high), 20-24 plastic cubes (cube edge 6-8 cm)

On one side of the room there are 2 chairs at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, mother and child stand near each of them. On the other side of the room, opposite the first pair of chairs, another 2 chairs are placed at a distance of 3-5 m. 5-6 cubes are placed on each chair. At mom’s command, “One, two, don’t yawn, don’t drop the cube on the floor!” players take one cube from a chair and quickly walk with it to another chair. Here they take the second cube, place it on the first and take both cubes back. The players repeat this path again with a pyramid (tower) of three, and then four cubes, etc. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.


1) You can only support the bottom (first) cube with your hand; you cannot adjust the cubes on the way.

2) As soon as the pyramid of cubes collapses, the player stops the competition and leaves the game.

3) The results of each player can be recorded. Then, after several repetitions of the game, the results are summed up - which of the players scored more points.

"Wrap yourself in ribbon"

Inventory: tape 4-6 m long.

Mother and child attach the ends of the ribbon to their belts and spread out along its entire length to the edges of the room. Mom commands:

You and I will spin around

Let's have fun together!

One two three four five,

Let's start playing!

Players begin to spin around, trying to wrap the ribbon around themselves as quickly as possible. The player who wraps more tape around himself than his opponent wins.

"Fishing rod"

Inventory: A rope 1.5-2 m long, a bag of sand weighing 120-150 g.

Mom stands in the center of the room, in her hands she has a rope to which a bag of sand is tied - this is a “fishing rod”. At a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from the mother, the child becomes a “fish”. Mom reads a poem:

I'm twisting the rope

I want to catch a fish.

One, two, don't yawn,

Jump higher!

The mother begins to rotate the “fishing rod” as close to the floor surface as possible, the child jumps up, trying to prevent the bag from touching his legs.


1) Before the game, the mother shows and explains to the child how to jump: push off strongly from the floor and pick up your feet.

2) Periodically, you need to pause the game to give the child a rest.

3) A child can become the driver for a short time.



"Four forces"

Inventory: plastic or rubber ball with a diameter of 18-23 cm.

Mother and child stand at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from each other. Mom has a ball in her hands. She explains to the child that the four elements are earth, water, air and fire; Animals live on earth, fish live in water, birds live in air, and no one lives in fire.

The mother throws a ball to the child and says, for example, the word “earth.” The child immediately throws the ball back to his mother and names an animal, for example a hare. If a mother says fire and throws a ball to the child, then you cannot catch it, you need to dodge the ball.


1) The mother throws the ball to the child several times in a row (3-5), gradually accelerating the pace.

2) If the child gives the wrong answer or finds it difficult to answer, then he and his mother change roles. (and vice versa).

3) As the rules of the game are mastered, the first vodf is selected according to a counting rhyme.

"Jump and Climb"

Inventory: 2 jump ropes, 2 small hoops with a diameter of 50 cm, a piece of chalk or Velcro 1.5-2 m long.

At the edge of the room, chalk or Velcro marks the starting line, behind which mother and child stand at a distance of 90-100 cm. Opposite each person, at a distance of 1 m from the line, perpendicular to it, a jump rope stretched to its full length is placed. Next, after 80-100 cm it is placed along the hoop. At mom’s command “One, two, three, run!” players quickly run up to their ropes, jump on two legs and move forward to cover a distance equal to their length, run to the hoops, lift them up, climb through the hoops, put them in place, and run along the ropes back to the starting line. The one who crosses the line the fastest wins.

Note: Instead of a jump rope, you can place other obstacles between the starting line and the hoop: circles for jumping, arcs for climbing, cubes for running around, etc.

"At Melania's, at the old lady's"

Mother and child stand opposite each other at a distance of 80-100 cm. Mother reads poems and shows movements that the child repeats after her:

At Melania's, at the old lady's “Tie a handkerchief” under the chin

Lived in a small hut

Place your hands in a “house” above your head.

Five sons and five daughters

Show the right palm with fingers widely spaced, the left hand on the belt, the same - with a change of hands.

And all without eyebrows Cover the eyebrows with the palms of both hands.

With noses like these

Moving from the nose, straighten the right arm forward, then the left.

With a mustache like this

The fingers of both hands folded together are placed under the nose, then the arms are spread to the sides.

With ears like these

Perform waving movements with the hands forward and backward near the ears.

And all with beard.

With a movement from the chin, straighten the right hand forward and down, and the same with the left hand.

They didn't drink or eat

They bring their right hand to their mouth, the hand is clenched into a fist, and the same with their left hand..

They looked at each other

Perform a half-bend forward, arms forward to the sides.

And at once they did as I did.

The mother shows any figure or movement that the child repeats as accurately as possible.

Notes: As the rules of the game are mastered, the child is appointed as the driver. . The next time the game is repeated, the driver is chosen according to the counting rhyme.

"Prohibited Movement"

Mom and child stand in the center of the room opposite each other at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Mom says the words:

So that we can all toughen up,

So that we don't get sick,

Everyone needs to exercise

And perform the movements!

Who sleeps sweetly in bed there?

Run out to exercise!

Try not to yawn,

Do the exercises!

After this, the mother begins to perform various movements, the child must repeat them. But one of the movements is “forbidden”; it cannot be repeated after the mother (for example, it is forbidden to perform the “hands to shoulders” movement). The mother makes different movements, the child repeats them, and suddenly the mother performs a “forbidden movement.” If the child repeated it, he made a mistake, the game stops. After 10-15 seconds the game continues.


1) As the child masters the rules of the game, you can increase the pace of showing movements.

2) If a player makes a mistake, the game can not be stopped, but offered to the player. For example, take a step forward and then continue the game.

Having learned to walk and talk a little, kids turn into tireless researchers who need an eye and an eye. Outdoor games will help direct their energy in a peaceful direction, develop large and fine motor skills, and, finally, allow them to communicate with dad or mom, who are at work all week. Parents are guaranteed a kind of fitness, the baby is guaranteed the necessary physical contact and new motor experience, and everyone together is guaranteed a great mood!

Fun stickers

In this game, the child will need to look for treasures - right under his nose. And he will win when he finds everything.

What you will need:

  • 20-30 stickers
  • paper and pencil
  • baby body

Skills to be learned:

  1. Buy a variety of stickers that are interesting to your child.
  2. Make a list of stickers so you can identify them.
  3. Draw two silhouettes on a large sheet of paper: a front and back view of the child’s body.
  4. Place your child in the center of the room and place stickers on his skin—some in inconspicuous places, some in plain sight.
  5. Read the name of one of the stickers from the list.
  6. Let your baby find this sticker hidden somewhere on his body.
  7. When he finds the sticker, have him peel it off and stick it to the right place on the paper silhouette.
  8. Continue until all the stickers have moved from the child to the drawing.

Game options. Place stickers on yourself and let your child find them all.

Safety. Don't put stickers on your child's hair, and make sure there are no stickers left on your child's body when the game is over.

Spider in the web

A child at this age enjoys facing new challenges. Make a web for your little spider and watch him try to get out of the maze.

What you will need:

  • Skein of colored yarn
  • Large room with furniture
  • Clear tape

Skills to be learned:

  • Eye/hand coordination
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Problem solving
  1. Take a skein of colored yarn and attach one end to some furniture on one side of the room at a height suitable for the child.
  2. Unroll the skein as you move around the room and tape the yarn to furniture or walls in places. Don't make your web too high.
  3. When you unwind the yarn around the room, cut off a piece of it with a reserve.
  4. Pull the end of the yarn outside the room to lure the child into the room with the web.
  5. Invite your child to take the end of the thread and walk along it.

Game options. Tie small toys to the string so your child can collect them as they move along the web.

Safety. Be sure to keep an eye on your baby so that he doesn’t get tangled in the threads.

Red light, green light

As soon as the child starts moving, call the red light and make him stop. But he won’t mind - it’s just a game! And with the green light he can continue driving.

What you will need:

  • Rope or tape
  • Plenty of floor space

Skills to be learned:

  • Balance and coordination
  • Cause and investigation
  • Gross motor skills
  • Hearing skills
  1. Place a rope or tape on the floor at one end of the room.
  2. Place another rope or tape at the other end of the room parallel to the first.
  3. Clear the space between the two lines.
  4. Place your baby on one side of the room behind the line.
  5. Stand behind the other line.
  6. Tell your child that when you announce: " Green light!" - he will have to try to get to the other end of the room and cross the second line. But if you announce: "Red light!" - then he should stop and not move.
  7. Practice facing him and watching him as you announce "Green Light!" and "Red light!" Correct him if necessary and explain the rules again. When he gets everything right, turn away from the child and shout: “Green light!”
  8. Quickly shout, "Red light!" - and turn around to see if the child has stopped.
  9. Continue playing until he crosses the line.
  10. Switch roles and let your child be the traffic inspector.

Game options. Play with several children. Announcing "Green light!" and “Red light!”, raise the appropriate signs.

Safety. Remove all possible obstacles from the child's path.

Catch-up on all fours

Sometimes the child seems to go back in his development: despite the fact that he can already walk, he may prefer to get back on all fours. When this happens, get into the same position and play tag with him!

What you will need:

  • Pillows, cushions, soft toys, blankets and other soft obstacles
  • Plenty of floor space

Skills to be learned:

  • Ability to cope with anxiety and fear
  • Gross motor skills
  • Problem solving
  • Social interaction
  1. Place soft obstacles around the room for your child.
  2. Place your child on all fours on one side of the room.
  3. Get down on all fours behind him.
  4. Say: "I'll catch you now!" - and start chasing the baby on all fours.
  5. Encourage him to crawl away from you.
  6. Continue the pursuit and watch as the child avoids obstacles in an attempt to escape from you.
  7. When he gets tired of playing, switch roles and let him catch you now!

Game options. Provide a safety island for your baby, such as a spread blanket, where you cannot catch him. When the child gets to this island, crawl away so that he can get out of it, and then start catching up again.

Safety. Don't frighten your child to keep the game fun.


This is a kind of hide and seek game, only here you need to look not for a person, but for a treasure, and the pirate gives clues that will help you find it. The main thing is that the treasure is worth the effort spent on finding it.

What you will need:

  • Small toy or treat
  • A room where you can hide a toy

Skills to be learned:

  • Cognitive development and thinking skills
  • Speech development
  • Object Permanence
  • Problem solving
  1. Choose a special toy or treat that will make the search worthwhile for your child.
  2. Hide the item in plain sight, but lightly disguise it so it's not too easy to find, but not too hard to find.
  3. Bring the child into the room and tell him that they hid a treasure here.
  4. Give your child cues by saying “hot” or “cold.”
  5. When the child finds the hidden object, hide it again, and again, until the child gets tired of the game. Or you can hide different objects to prolong your child's interest.

Game options. Let your child become a pirate and hide something for you to find. Just don't find the treasure too quickly!

Safety. Make sure that there is nothing in the room that could break or injure the child during play.

Comment on the article "Dad is at home! 5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend"

5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Games with a 2 year old child - for development and good mood. Print version. 6 outdoor games for children's party. Think about the menu yourself. Several other 10-year-olds celebrated their birthdays at the same time as us.

5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Games with a 2-year-old child - for But mostly - dad and grandma. I had a very hard time both walking with the stroller and the sandbox. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, and ratings of kindergartens and schools...

6 ways to entertain your child. Games with children. Educational toys for a 1 year old child - do it yourself. Section: Toys and games (what to do with a 6-year-old child at home). What to do with a 3 year old? I don’t know how to entertain a 3.5 year old child (girl).

5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Toys and games. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development of 5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Games with a 2 year old child - for development and good mood. Print version.

5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Outdoor games with a 2-year-old child: cobwebs, stickers, unusual hide-and-seek and catch-up games. Games for child development - with parents. Is there a dad? My child spends a lot of time with his dad on weekends.

How to entertain children in a cafe? Hobbies, interests, leisure. Child from 7 to 10. My question is: how can you entertain children (8 years old) in a cafe, sitting at the table? A game of attention. take a bright and realistic picture with you and show it for 10 seconds.

Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and What games do you play with your child at home, please give me ideas. It is advisable to do something independently under supervision...

5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Games with a 2 year old child - for development and good mood. Parents are guaranteed a kind of fitness, the baby is guaranteed the necessary physical contact and new motor experience, and everyone together is guaranteed a great mood!

Child development psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, hysterics. The situation is this: a boy, 6 years old, very athletic and very sociable, ABSOLUTELY does not play any games with himself.

Dad is at home! 5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Perhaps your daughter is like this, love her, don’t scold her for it. If he doesn’t want to go downhill, let him go on the plain. No need for speed, a walk through the winter forest is pleasant. How a computer game made friends between a father and his son. Zhanna.

Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting the children's theater at home and going often. TRAINS - in any form: play at home and go to the station, etc. Girl, 3, 5 years old. Plays doctor. loves very much. We call this the “Pilyulkin game.”

Dad is at home! 5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. 5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Games with a 2 year old child - for development and good mood.

5 outdoor games with parents on the weekend. Why should parents play with their children? Naturally, to get to this point high level role-playing game, it is necessary that an adult participate in the game, who, following “But my parents didn’t play with me...”

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As children grow, they gradually learn to control their body, a sense of their own body develops (the ability to orient themselves in space, coordination), as well as basic motor skills that should be developed in a child in the first five years of life.

The exercises below are designed specifically for children aged 3 to 5 years. They allow, in a playful environment, to introduce the child to the movements that form the basis of any physical education activity. Warm-up exercises - for example, “Airplane”, “Socks”, “Giant and Dwarf” - will improve and maintain flexibility, which is especially distinguished by children of this age group. age group. Moving exercises, such as playing with animals, will strengthen the cardiovascular system and develop coordination. Strength exercises (Pull-Pull, Saw, Push-ups) will help develop bones and muscles.

Do not forget that these exercises should, first of all, bring joy to the child. Young children cannot always concentrate for long periods of time, so the greatest benefit during exercise will be in an atmosphere of creativity and ease, as well as game moment. For this reason, a specific number of exercises is not indicated here. Repeat them as long as it gives you and your child pleasure.

Airplane. Stand facing each other and take the child by the hands so that his hands are in line with his shoulders. Imagine that your hands are the wings of an airplane and swing them in one direction, and then in the other.

Pull-push. Turn to face your child and take his hands so that his arms are extended upward. Working the deltoid and triceps muscles of the right arm, the child puts pressure on your left arm. You also apply pressure to his hand; the child must resist your pressure. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Swimmer. Stand facing each other and hold hands. Rhythmically spread the child's arms out to the sides to shoulder level, straightening the child's shoulders and chest, and then return to the starting position.

High chair. Stand facing each other and hold hands. The child pretends to sit on an imaginary chair without lifting his feet off the floor. This exercise develops the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Struggle. Stand sideways to each other, legs wide apart; Turn your torso towards each other. The child leans forward, bending his knee, and you press on his shoulders. Leaning on your thigh, the child extends his leg. Then he switches legs and repeats the exercise. This exercise will stretch and strengthen your calf muscles.

Socks. This is an exercise to stretch the leg muscles. Sit next to each other, legs extended. On the count of “one,” bend your foot, and on the count of “two,” extend your toes again.

Spear and shield. This exercise will work your hips, knees and shoulders. On the “Spear” command, raise your arms up; on the “Shield” command, bend your knees, clasping them with your hands, and lower your head.

Giant and Dwarf. Stand facing each other. When asking a child: “Which giant is tall?”, rise on your toes and stretch your arms up. When asked: “Which gnome is small?” lie down on the floor and curl up.

Push ups. Lying on your stomach facing each other, place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and bend your knees. Lower yourself to the floor, bending your elbows. Push up with your hands and rise up again.

Saw. Sit on the floor facing each other so that the child’s bent knees rest against your calves; hold hands. The child leans back until his shoulders touch the floor. Then it rises while you lean back.

Seal. The child lies on the floor and moves forward, working with his arms and shoulders and pulling his motionless legs behind him.


Imitating animal movements not only amuses children, but also develops body control.

The games “Seal” and “Caterpillar”, as well as “Elephant” strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulders, which in a child are usually much weaker than the rest. The Crab exercise works the glutes and quadriceps muscles, as well as the biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles. The Kangaroo game is necessary primarily for the development of the muscles of the lower body.

All five games perfectly develop coordination. In addition, if the child performs them within 15 minutes. and longer, this will have a beneficial effect on his endurance.

Caterpillar. The child leans forward and rests his hands on the floor as close to his toes as possible. Then he takes two “steps” with his arms without moving his legs, and then two steps with his legs without moving his arms, etc.

Kangaroo. With his knees slightly bent, the child leans forward slightly and moves his arms back. At the moment of the jump, he sharply throws his arms forward.

Crab. The child lies on his back. Supporting himself with his arms and legs, he moves backward, working simultaneously with his left arm and right leg, and then with his right arm and left leg.

Elephant. The child leans forward and rests his hands on the floor. Then he takes a step forward, simultaneously moving his right arm and right leg, and then his left arm and left leg.

Worm. The game provides stretching for the entire body. The child lies on his back with his arms extended above his head. Then he rolls onto his side, onto his stomach and finally onto the other side.

Bug. A simplified version of the previous game. Lying on his back, the child clasps his knees with his hands and rolls onto his side, face down and onto the other side.

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