What to play with your brother at home. Home outdoor games

All people love entertainment. However, not everyone has enough imagination to compose contests and compose entertainment programs. In this case, women and men are accustomed to using the services of specialists - animators and presenters. It is these characters who are invited to many festive events. But what if the celebration is rather modest, or if guests just unexpectedly came to you? This article will tell you about what games you can play at home. You will learn the most common options for a fun evening, as well as get acquainted with popular children's games.

Home Entertainment

Why are such programs needed? They help not to get bored and stir up a modest campaign. If you have a solemn event planned, it is better to think in advance about what games you can play at home. In the event that guests have appeared unexpectedly, table entertainment can save you. It is also worth taking care in advance about what to play with children at home. Otherwise, kids may get bored while adults are having fun. There are many fun activities. Consider the most popular and simple options for adults and kids to play at home.

Board games

Surely everyone is familiar with popular board games. What can you play at home with three or more people?

You can offer guests entertainment such as bingo. Perhaps someone does not want to play such games. However, be sure that after a few games all the guests will be involved. To play, you need to prepare a trifle. In this case, a home piggy bank will be very useful.

Currently, in addition to loto, there are many more games for the home. You can buy them in almost every supermarket or specialty store. Just go to the seller and ask what three of us can play at home (four, five, and so on).


If you are a gambler, then this option will be the most suitable. Most often, this entertainment is preferred by male representatives.

What can you play at home (gambling entertainment)? This type includes the game of "Monopoly", cards, and so on. For the first option, you will need a special card, chips and toy money. You can make them yourself, but this is quite difficult to do. Monopoly can be purchased at any entertainment or book store. For card leisure, there is no need to purchase additional funds at all. All you need is a deck. There are a lot of card games, but in Lately poker is becoming more and more popular.

Active games

What to play at home with three or with a large number of participants? In this case, gambling will be an excellent option for entertainment. You can choose the most suitable one for your company.

Widespread in last years received a game called "Twister". For it, you need to purchase a special card, which is placed on the floor. A lot of circles are drawn on paper, in which the participants put their feet and hands. So, by throwing a special die, you will receive new tasks, after which you will take the appropriate positions.

Also interesting option becomes karaoke. If you have special equipment, then you can sing with your friends, then calculate your points and choose the winner.

Mind games

What can you play at home big company? You can choose educational and intellectual entertainment.

A game called Guess Who has been very popular in recent years. For such entertainment, you will need small leaves that have an adhesive strip. On each of them the name of one or another object is written, after which a piece of paper is glued to the forehead of a person. The participant must guess what is written on his piece of paper.

There is also a very interesting game, the purpose of which is to create a parody. You are given the name of one of the participants. After that, you need to come up with and show a small scene, parody this person. Each participant is given a score and at the end a winner is selected.

Intellectual entertainment can be attributed to all forgotten game to the cities. The first participant names any city, the next person must continue - say locality to the last letter of the previous word. This continues until most of the participants leave the game. The person who cannot come up with the next name of the city always leaves.

Also among intellectual games you can select crosswords or puzzles. Currently, there are a lot of printed publications with similar tasks on sale. You only need to purchase a similar book and offer your friends this option, which you can play at home. Surely all guests will like this entertainment.

Entertainment for two

If a friend or girlfriend is going to visit you, then you should think about what to play at home together. It is worth noting that in this case, games such as Parody, Twister or Guess Who will not work. However, there are still plenty of ideas on how to spend time with two people.

What to play at home together? You can give preference to chess, checkers or backgammon. These entertainments are quite exciting. Spending leisure time similar games you won't notice how time flies.

To play chess you will need: a special time counter, a board and pieces. Checkers also need these elements. Backgammon, on the other hand, will require additional attributes - dice. By throwing them, you will move the checkers by the received number of spaces.

In addition to these games for two, you can choose from Lotto or Monopoly. It is worth noting that with a smaller number of participants, the game may not seem as interesting, but it will be no less exciting.

Prepackaged Entertainment

If you think over the scenario of the entertainment program in advance, then everyone will have much more fun. All games described above can be chosen spontaneously. Pre-prepared games include a lottery or active contests for participants.

It will be even more fun if you prepare prizes for all guests in advance. They don't have to be expensive or original. Among the presents, you can put ordinary soap or a toothbrush, a comb or any other small things.

Many hosts of solemn events use this method. They come up with all the contests in advance and thus create a fun environment.

Children's games

What should girls (or boys) play at home? If you are preparing a solemn event for the kids, then you should think about entertainment in advance. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children. What is interesting to kids may not be to the liking of schoolchildren. You need to organize everything in such a way that all the children are involved.

Toddler games

If the kids are very small, then you can offer everyone a developing musical toy. Also, children can be given a place to draw or sculpt. Be sure to stock up on props: pencils, paints, paper and plasticine.

Among the active games, you can choose to ride down the hill (if you have a children's sports corner) or catch up. In this case, you should take care of security in advance. Remove all breakable objects and cover sharp corners. The freer the room, the better.

Fun for older kids

Boys may want to play with cars or have some kind of competition. Girls love dollhouses, sewing and dressing up.

School-age children most often find something to do on their own. However, at a party, some children may be shy and behave modestly. You need to do everything to emancipate such children. Play with the kids in active game, for example, hide and seek, and then quietly retire.

What can you play together at home (with a child)?

If you are at home with a baby, then you need to come up with daily games and entertainment. If the baby is still very small, then he will surely like the learning game. In the process, you and your child should study all the items that are at home. Toddlers are always interested in the things of adults. Show the baby some of the objects on which he stopped his eyes. At the same time, tell what this or that device is for. Such a game will be not only interesting, but also very informative.

With a toddler of two or three years old, you can play catch-up or hide-and-seek, you can also organize dances or sing a song. Reading books, drawing or helping mom around the house will be a very exciting activity for the baby.

With older children, you can organize leisure as follows. If you have a daughter, then teach her to knit or sew. Such a game, perhaps in the future, will grow into an exciting and interesting hobby. Boys can be taught to work with some devices in an entertaining way. For example, to be controlled with a hammer or a vacuum cleaner. Such help in the future will be very useful to you, and now the child will spend interesting time with you.

Summing up and a small conclusion

So, now you know what you can play at home in a large or small company. When choosing a game, always consider the wishes of your guests. Only in this case will an opinion be formed about you as a hospitable hostess and a cheerful person.

Organize your time properly and have fun. Good evening to you!

Mobile and exciting educational games, which children played for days on end a few decades ago, are gradually forgotten and become a thing of the past. And in vain! Many of them contribute to the development of logic, dexterity, endurance, and also instill in the child such important qualities as cohesion and mutual assistance. And no gadget will teach this and will not replace these games.

We invite you to remember your favorite yard and board games. Play with your kids!

hide and seek

First determine the driver. He stands facing a wall or a tree and counts out loud to 20 or 100 until all players hide.

The main thing is to hide so that the driver does not find it. And the driver must find all those hiding.

When the driver finds someone, he must run back to the wall and knock on it. If the player comes running first, he must say: “Knock-knock I” and exit the game. Whoever the driver caught first, he becomes him next time.


The driver is chosen by the counting room. The players form a circle, the command “I am a tag!” is pronounced, then everyone scatters in different directions. You can specify the conditions, for example - “Do not run out over the fence”, etc.

The driver needs to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. Whoever he touches, he now becomes a "feed", and the driver becomes an ordinary player.

Gorodki (Baker)

For this game you need: sticks, bats, chalk, a tin can or a plastic bottle.
First, they prepare the platform for the game, drawing it with lines parallel to the short side of the platform: the first line is a pawn (soldier); the second is a lady; third - kings; fourth - aces, etc.

The rank zone is located from the beginning of the site to the last line. And the territory of the baker - from the last line to the end of the site.

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn, in the middle of which they put a ruffle (you can on a brick).

They appoint a “Baker” and determine who will take turns knocking down the ryuha. The “baker” becomes “behind the can”, the players are at the first line. The players then take turns trying to knock out the ryuha. Then the "storm" begins - the players run up and pick up their bits, return to starting position. The “baker” takes the ryuha, puts it in its place and protects it. The main task is to prevent the stick from being stolen from your zone. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next game.

For each shot down, the player rises in rank.


A rectangular field with 10 squares is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. Players take turns throwing a pebble at the first square. Then the first player begins to jump from square to square and push the pebble behind him.

On the square with the number 1 - jump on one leg;
2 - with one foot;
3.4 - left for 3, right for 4;
5 - with two legs;
6 and 7 - left for 6, right for 7;
8 - with one foot;
9 and 10 - left for 9, right for 10.
Then they make a 180 degree turn and jump back in the same way. If the player stepped on the line or stood on both feet, the move goes to another one.


First, the “bouncer” is determined (2 players can be on both sides). They stand opposite each other at a distance of 10-15 meters. The rest stand in the center of the platform.

"Dodgers" must hit all the players with the ball (if the player is touched by the ball, then he leaves the court).

"Knocked out" can catch the ball on the fly and try not to let go of it. If the ball hits the ground, the player is considered "knocked out".

rubber bands

This game was played mainly by girls. You need 3-4 meters of elastic, which is put on the legs of two players and stretched, forming two parallel lines, through which the third player must jump. The elastic band moves from the level of the ankles to the neck.

At each level, a certain set of jumps is performed: runners, steps, a bow, an envelope, a boat, etc.

Cossack robbers

Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". They choose the "ataman" and determine the "battlefield". The Cossacks determine the location of the headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are not).

The purpose of the robbers: to capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The purpose of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and "find out" the correct password.

On command, the robbers scatter and hide, drawing arrows on the pavement as clues. The Cossacks at this time come up with "torture" for prisoners. After some time, the Cossacks go to look for the robbers. If they find them, they put them in a “dungeon”, from where they cannot escape. The robbers are trying to capture the "headquarters".


The game includes a special set with 24 cards with numbers written on them. As well as a bag with kegs, which are numbered from 1 to 90, and chips for closing duplicates.
The driver shakes the bag of kegs to mix everything well, and begins to take out the kegs in turn, calling the numbers written on them.

The driver and players are not allowed to peek into the bag. Players follow the numbers - if they have this number on their card, then the player takes the keg for himself, placing it on the corresponding number. If two players have the same number, they put special chips on these numbers.

sea ​​battle

A square is drawn on a piece of paper in a box and "ships" are drawn. Then the players take turns “shooting”, naming the squares according to their “coordinates”: “A1”, “B6”, etc. If a ship or part of it is on the cell, then it is considered “wounded” or “killed”. This cell is crossed out with a cross and another shot is fired. If there is no ship in the named cell, a dot is put in this place and the move goes to the opponent.

The game is played until the complete victory of one of the players.


Players throw the ball to each other, naming any object. If something edible is named, the player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it. If the named item is inedible, then the ball is discarded.

The player who accidentally caught the ball becomes the driver.


Pioneerball requires 3 to 8 players on each team. First, it is determined whose team will serve the ball first.

Teams stand on both sides of the net, the ball carrier moves to the far end of his court. Then the player makes a serve - tries to throw the ball over the net. If he succeeds, the players of the other team catch the ball and throw it back.

The player who caught the ball cannot take more than 3 steps towards the net. Only one transfer is allowed within one command. Teams toss the ball until it falls on the opponent's territory.


A leader is chosen, the rest are divided into pairs, clinging to hands. Players stand behind each other, raise their hands up, forming a corridor.

The driver gets into the corridor from one end and goes to the other end, choosing a mate along the way. Having chosen a player, he takes his hand, separating the standing pair. The new couple goes to the end of the "brook" and stands there, raising their hands up.


First determine the territory - the battlefield. Participants are divided into two teams and prepare for battle.

The task of the players is to attack and incapacitate opponents by throwing snowballs at each other. They play until everyone is tired or bored.

Swan geese

First, a “goose house” is drawn with chalk - geese and the owner live here. On the other side of the site they draw a “field” - geese will go there for a walk. Between the "goose house" and the "field" they denote the "lair" of the wolf.

The owner says the words, referring to the geese:

Geese, fly into the field, take a walk, do not fall into the paws of the wolf.

The players run away.

Then the owner and the geese have a dialogue:

Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Well, fly home!
- The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
- What is he doing?
- He sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us.
- Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings!

Geese "fly" home, and the wolf tries to catch them. Caught geese are out of the game.

Higher feet off the ground

This game is played in places where there are many trees or horizontal bars so that you can climb or jump without touching the ground.

First, a leader is chosen. The game starts like regular tags, only in this game the escaping player can sit on a swing, a log and raise his legs or hang on a horizontal bar. The main condition is that the legs do not touch the ground.

Bathroom and toilet design in Khrushchev

The participants are divided into two teams. The first team calls the second player. A word is suggested to him, which he must show exclusively with the help of facial expressions and gestures, without saying anything. Teammates are trying to guess what he depicts.

A limited time is given for guessing, for example, a minute. Then everything is repeated with the player of the other team.

In more difficult variant"Crocodile" is a phrase. For example, a quote from a famous song or a quatrain, a proverb, a saying, and so on.

2. Hat

The game involves two teams, which must have the same number of players. Each participant writes 5–6 words on cards (small pieces of paper) (one word per piece). The cards are then put into a hat.

The first player draws a card from the hat and, on a signal, begins to explain to one of the players the word written on it. One-root and consonant words cannot be mentioned, metaphors, synonyms, abstract explanations can be used. The task of the second player is to express their versions and have time to guess the word in 20 or 30 seconds. If it worked out, the card remains with the team, if not, it is put back in the hat.

Then the players of the second team guess the word in the same way, and so on until the hat is empty. The team that has the most cards wins.

3. What does he do?

This is a kind of variation of the "Hat". Players are divided into teams. Each of them writes some action on a piece of paper, for example: change a diaper, flip pancakes, ride a Ferris wheel, pass an exam, dance in the fan zone at a rock concert, and so on.

The player pulls out the task and tries silently, only with gestures and facial expressions, to show this action to a teammate.

The rest of the rules are the same as in the "Hat": the team wins, where the most artistic and quick-witted players who scored more cards.

4. Contact


One of the players is designated as the leader. He thinks of a word - a common noun in the nominative case and singular - and calls its first letter. The rest of the players can ask the leader leading questions, meaning a specific word.

For example, the word "cow" is guessed. The player remembers the k-word and asks the facilitator, "Isn't this a place that kids really like?" (carousel). If someone has guessed what is meant, he says: "Contact!" Both players count to ten and say the word in unison. If both called "carousel", the leader opens the second letter "o". If the second player made a mistake and said, for example, "boat", everyone thinks further.

The task of the facilitator is to understand as quickly as possible what word the player has thought of and name it, while the “contacting” participants count to ten (“No, this is not a carousel”). If he succeeds, the second letter does not open.

The game continues until someone guesses the hidden word. In this case, the winner becomes the leader.

5. Answer in 5 seconds

The participants are divided into two teams. Each comes up with a musical task and calls the opponent's player. For example: name three styles of rock; three heroes of musicals; three songs that are good to listen to in traffic; three associations with the word "radio" or "rhythm"; three musical professions; three items that are on stage during the performance, and so on. The player must have time to answer within five seconds.

Tasks can be changed: give out not musical, but, for example, sports, geographical, natural or even local history tasks.

6. Danetki

A game with very simple rules. The facilitator thinks of some situation and briefly describes it. For example: “A man jumped out of a plane, but survived. How did it happen?" Players can ask questions to which the facilitator can only answer "yes" or "no". For example:

Did he fall into the ocean?
- Not.
- Was he with a parachute?
- Not.
- He was rescued in the air by another parachutist?
- Not.
Was the person in a moving plane?
- Not.
- Was the plane on the ground?
- Yes.

Situations can be of any complexity. The main thing is that they have at least some logic. The one who solved the situation becomes the leader.

7. Who am I?

Each player writes on a small piece of paper the name of a popular hero or the name of an item. After that, the sheets are mixed and distributed to all participants. They stick them on their foreheads without looking.

The players sit in a circle. Each of them can ask questions. For example: “Am I human?”, “Am I with huge legs?”, “Am I green?”. After the answer "no" is received, the right to ask questions passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

It's a knockout game: whoever guesses he's a stool or Sherlock gets out of the circle. Everything continues until the only one left who cannot guess what the inscription on his forehead is.

8. Twister


Three or four people can play twister at the same time. To play, you need inventory - a white field with circles of green, yellow, blue and red, arranged six in four rows. Plus a flat tape measure divided into four sectors: each of them corresponds to a certain arm or leg and is further divided into sections of four colors. The host spins the arrow and tells which sector and which arm or leg the player should move to.

You can make your own twister field on the grass using a cardboard box with a circle cut out in the bottom and four different colors of spray paint. And replace the roulette with cards with the inscriptions “right leg”, “left hand”, “red”, “blue” and so on, which the presenter pulls out of a hat or box.

If you do not want to part with your smartphone even in the open air, you can download applications for playing in the company.

9. Alias

A game similar to Crocodile, but with certain limitations. Participants are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other. The first player receives a word in the application that he needs to show to his partner using synonyms, gestures, translations into foreign languages, and so on.

For each word guessed, the couple gets a point. If the process does not go, the word can be updated - in this case, the team loses a point. A minute later, the smartphone is transferred to another pair. Those who score the most points win.

10. Space team

Space team is team game for companies of up to eight people who shout nonsense consisting of technical terms to each other. This continues until their ship explodes.

Each player connects using their smartphone or tablet. He is provided with a randomly generated control panel with buttons, toggle switches, sliders and dials. The main task is to follow the provided instructions in time, while the ship falls and the star behind threatens to explode.

11. Frills

Dynamic "wrong side" of the game "Who am I?". Instead of cards, you need to attach a smartphone to your forehead, where it will be written who exactly the player is at the moment. The rest should explain this in any way possible, without naming the word itself.

After the set time expires, the smartphone is transferred to the next “victim”. Whoever guesses the most times wins. There are categories available in the game from which you can choose words, for example: "Cinema", "Household items", "Elements", "Orders of nature" and so on.

12. Bomb - party games

The application contains the best fun for large companies: Crocodile with original tasks, Fanta, Danetka and other games.

The leisure of two people helps to diversify the games. No matter where you are - on the road, in the hospital, at home with a friend, easy games for two will not let you get bored.

What can you play with a friend

  • lie or truth Tell your friend two true facts about yourself and one false one. She must guess where you lied.
  • Crocodile- it is necessary to show with gestures an animal, a famous figure, the name of the film. Your friend has to guess.
  • Category- you and your friend must guess each other a letter and write as many names as possible that begin with it in certain categories. Categories - cities, flowers, animals, films.

What can you play with a friend

What can you play with a guy

  • I never- chips are required (can be replaced with any items: paper clips, matches). Then one person says something he has never done. If the second one performed such an action, he gives the player one chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.
  • Fanta- on small pieces of paper, you and the guy write forfeits-desires. You can just take it out in turn and do it. Or combine with a game of cards, where the loser draws a phantom and grants a wish.
  • Word- write a word on the back of your loved one with your finger, and he tries to guess it, focusing on tactile sensations. Then change places and the guy already thinks of the word.

What can you play together with a girl

What games can you play together on the street

  • Above leg- reminiscent of the modern challenge "The floor is lava." During a walk or communication, it is necessary to suddenly shout "Higher feet from the ground." The participant must take his feet off the ground in any way: sit on a bench, hang on a horizontal bar, climb a tree. Whoever finds the last place to raise his legs and performs the action is considered the loser.
  • Bowling- you will need a ball and plastic bottles that can be filled with a little water for stability. The task is to knock down as many bottles with the ball as possible.
  • Quest- one person hides the object, the second, with the help of notes with puzzles and riddles, looks for it.

What games can you play together in the hospital

Fun outdoor games for two in winter

  • Darts- a target is drawn on a tree. It is necessary to hit the target with a snowball.
  • find me- a game of hide and seek, where a partner must be found by following in his footsteps.
  • Treasure- it is necessary to hide the treasure (pebble or any other object). Partner to draw tips on the snow or lay out from branches and stones.

What can you play together on paper

Card games for playing together at home

When choosing a game, be guided by the preferences of the partner and the place for the game. At home, it is easier to get props for games (ropes, bottles, cups, ball). On the street, you need ingenuity and improvised materials. Most games do not require additional props and are appropriate almost everywhere.

The article will offer you several options for interesting games for a fun time together.

Games and entertainment "on paper" are familiar to a person from school desks. They are distinguished by their simplicity and the fact that they are able to capture and interest from the first minutes. For such games, you only need a piece of paper (depending on each: in a cage, line or blank), as well as a pen or pencil.

Games "on paper":

  • Tic-tac-toe - a classic game for which you need to draw a grid of 9 cells. Decide with your partner who and what will draw (tic-tac-toe). Start the game, each move is one sign. The winner is the one who managed to draw three identical signs horizontally, diagonally or vertically.
  • Sticks - For this game you will need a checkered sheet. On it you need to draw a geometric rhombus. The task of each player is to draw sticks inside the rhombus that would occupy one side of the cell. If someone manages to find a non-closed cell (that is, sticks on three sides), he immediately draws a fourth one, and inside his own sign - a cross or a zero. The one who draws the most symbols in the playing field wins.
  • Hand - you will need a piece of paper in a box (you can also use it in a line). Circle your hand, inside its outline you should paint the numbers from 1 to 100 in different places (tangled). Your partner does the same on his sheet. Then you exchange sheets. The task is to take turns finding a number from 1 to 100 and circle it after finding it. While you are looking for him, your partner draws zeros around the outline of the hand. The one who draws a full sheet of zeros in the "free territory" will win.
  • Sea battle - in order to start the game, you should draw two battlefields (each player). The field looks like a square 10 by 10 cells each (the top line is indicated by letters: from a to u, and the left vertical from 1 to 10. Inside the field, each player draws ships: 1 of 4 cells, 2 of 3, 3 of 2 -x and 1 single). Your task is to shoot at the enemy's field, naming the coordinates, for example: "a-10" or "g-7". The one who first "sinks" all the enemy ships will win.
  • Words - a long word is written on a piece of paper. The task of each player is to come up with as many small words as possible from a long word. The one with the highest number wins. For example, the word "parallelogram" and from it the words: "pair", "gram", "lego", "goal", "frame" and so on.
  • Word Crossword - Write a long word in the middle of the sheet. Your task is to add small or other words that would consist of several letters of the original. The winner is the one who makes the maximum number of words (1 word - 1 point), long word (more than one letter - 2 points).

Video: "6 games on paper"

What can you play cards with?

Many people like to play cards, because they allow you to completely forget about time and have fun.

Interesting games to cards:

  • Fool - This is an old and familiar game. There are two types: "Ordinary Fool" and "Flip". The task of the game is to beat a card of an older one of the same suit or any trump card. Each player receives 6 cards and replenishes his set as they are discarded. Whoever runs out of cards wins.
  • Queen of Spades Players must have an equal number of cards. All of them must be in pairs. In turn, each player draws a card from a partner without looking and, adding a pair to it, discards it (for example: 9 cross and 9 diamonds). Among all the cards there is one - "Queen of Spades". The one who has this card left (it is the only one that does not have a pair, since 1 queen is discarded from the deck immediately) and its owner at the end of the game will become the losing side.
  • Trump card - place the deck face down in front of you. Designate a trump card (any suit) in advance and turn over one card at a time. The one who is lucky enough to put a trump card takes the entire stack of cards turned over. The one with the most cards will lose.
  • Drunkard - place the deck face down in front of you. Start turning over the cards one at a time. The one with the highest card must take the entire flipped pile. The loser will have more cards at the end.

Mobile games for two at home without a computer: what to play?

An alternative to "harmful" computer games mobile interesting games that can be played at home or outdoors can become.


  • Edible or not edible the task of this game is simple: everyone should guess what object the partner will call him. Depending on this, he either catches or hits a small ball. The one who beats off the “edible word” or catches the “inedible” loses.
  • Crocodile - is a simple and very interesting game in which everyone has to show the word with gestures and movements. It is impossible to pronounce a word and make sounds. The one who doesn't guess the word loses.
  • Cold or hot - your task is to hide some object at home or on the street. The partner is looking for him, and you help him to do this, reporting "hot, warm or cold" as he approaches the hidden thing.
  • Note - the game is simple and interesting: one participant writes words on the back of his partner with his fingers, and he guesses the letters and makes a word. The one with the most words wins.
  • Broken phone - This game will require a large number of children. Everyone sits in a row. The first child comes up with a word and tells it to his neighbor, but quickly and quietly. He conveys it exactly as he heard it. The latter speaks the heard word loudly. If the word ended up being “spoiled”, everyone voices what they heard and thus the loser is revealed.

What games can adults play at home, in an apartment together, without a computer?

Adult games are characterized by more complex thought processes, as they are mainly designed for logic.


  • Backgammon - for this you need bones, checkers and a special field for the game. The winner is the one who first throws the checkers in a circle and returns to his place.
  • Chess - logic game, the meaning of which is to capture foreign territory and destroy the "enemy army".
  • Checkers - the game is designed for white or black checkers to move to the opposite field and "destroy" the opponent's checkers.
  • Guess who I am (Tarantino) The game is very simple and exciting at the same time. The names of world personalities (actors, singers, politicians) are written on pieces of paper. The leaves are mixed and everyone, without looking, chooses one for himself, then fastens it to his forehead. The task of everyone is to guess what kind of personality he got by leading questions.
  • Mafia - complex turn based game in the detective genre. The game should use normal or special cards, can not do without the help of the presenter.

Video: " Educational film on the game of Mafia. Description. Rules"

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a husband and wife?

  • Lotto - a classic game with which time literally “flies unnoticed”. To do this, you will need a special set of tickets and a bag of kegs. The first person to fill out their ticket with numbers wins.
  • is a logic game in which you have to remove blocks from the built tower by taking them out of the middle. The task is not to break the tower, the one whose tower crumbles will lose.
  • Truth or lie - each of the players tells two stories, one of which is fiction, and the second is true. The task of the second player is to find out what is what. The one who knows his partner best will win.
  • Associations - your task is to think of a word and name all associations with it to your partner so that he guesses it. Whoever guesses the most words wins.
  • "What movie?" - for this, players should be real moviegoers. Describe the story of the main character without naming him, and your opponent will guess the movie. The more correct answers, the more points.

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a guy and a girl?


  • Townships- the task of each player to name the city with the letter that was the last in the already named word. You can also change the theme of the game, for example, not the names of cities, but the names of flowers or dishes.
  • Strip cards - for a young couple, even the usual "Fool" will be much more interesting if everyone takes off their clothing items in turn.
  • Puzzles - buy a big jigsaw picture and try to spend time together putting it together piece by piece. At this time, you can discuss many life issues and tell interesting stories.

Collecting puzzles is an interesting pastime

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with a friend?


  • Divination for the betrothed - an interesting pastime for two young girls, especially since there are many fortune-telling options at the moment: on cards, wax, coffee grounds, by phone call, and so on.
  • I believe, I don't believe your friend asks you a question, to which you must answer correctly and incorrectly, and her task is to choose the right answer. The winner of the game will be the one who has the most correct answers.
  • "Weak" - in any game (whether it be cards, loto or hands) there can be "weak". This is the punishment that should be done. As a rule, this is a funny or shameful activity that is not easy to carry out.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your brother?


  • Domino - interesting and exciting game for folding bones.
  • Mosaic - you can put a lot of interesting pictures together.
  • Constructor - build castles, houses or entire cities together.
  • active game with a special playground.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your sister?

  • Monopoly - interesting, exciting logic game with many tasks and elements.
  • Modeling from plasticine or plasticine dough - modern modeling dough or plasticine will allow you to create interesting figures and have fun.
  • Puppet show - funny stories with toy characters will certainly amuse you and help you have an interesting time.

What can two boys and girls of 10-14 years old play together without a computer if they are bored?

  • paper dolls - for the game, you should draw and cut out the dolls, as well as come up with paper clothes for them.
  • I am a designer - girls really like the game, as it makes you feel like a real designer, creating fashion collections and arranging a show for your girlfriend.
  • In rubber - is a fun and moving outdoor game.
  • At the hairdresser creating hairstyles and style for your girl friends is very interesting.

What can you play in the hospital together?

  • Guess the melody - you need to sing a familiar song with your voice, and your partner in the game must guess it.
  • Coloring and drawing - a fun and relaxing pastime that everyone will enjoy.
  • In the questionnaires compiling interesting questions about hobbies and answering them.
  • Poems- each of the players writes one line, which continues the previous one in rhyme.

The leisure of two people helps to diversify the games. No matter where you are - on the road, in the hospital, at home with a friend, easy games for two will not let you get bored.

What can you play with a friend

  • lie or truth Tell your friend two true facts about yourself and one false one. She must guess where you lied.
  • Crocodile- it is necessary to show with gestures an animal, a famous figure, the name of the film. Your friend has to guess.
  • Category- you and your friend must guess each other a letter and write as many names as possible that begin with it in certain categories. Categories - cities, flowers, animals, films.

What can you play with a friend

What can you play with a guy

  • I never- chips are required (can be replaced with any items: paper clips, matches). Then one person says something he has never done. If the second one performed such an action, he gives the player one chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.
  • Fanta- on small pieces of paper, you and the guy write forfeits-desires. You can just take it out in turn and do it. Or combine with a game of cards, where the loser draws a phantom and grants a wish.
  • Word- write a word on the back of your loved one with your finger, and he tries to guess it, focusing on tactile sensations. Then change places and the guy already thinks of the word.

What can you play together with a girl

What games can you play together on the street

  • Above leg- reminiscent of the modern challenge "The floor is lava." During a walk or communication, it is necessary to suddenly shout "Higher feet from the ground." The participant must take his feet off the ground in any way: sit on a bench, hang on a horizontal bar, climb a tree. Whoever finds the last place to raise his legs and performs the action is considered the loser.
  • Bowling- you will need a ball and plastic bottles that can be filled with a little water for stability. The task is to knock down as many bottles with the ball as possible.
  • Quest- one person hides the object, the second, with the help of notes with puzzles and riddles, looks for it.

What games can you play together in the hospital

Fun outdoor games for two in winter

  • Darts- a target is drawn on a tree. It is necessary to hit the target with a snowball.
  • find me- a game of hide and seek, where a partner must be found by following in his footsteps.
  • Treasure- it is necessary to hide the treasure (pebble or any other object). Partner to draw tips on the snow or lay out from branches and stones.

What can you play together on paper

Card games for playing together at home

When choosing a game, be guided by the preferences of the partner and the place for the game. At home, it is easier to get props for games (ropes, bottles, cups, ball). On the street, you need ingenuity and improvised materials. Most games do not require additional props and are appropriate almost everywhere.

Yes, there were some. Who else remembers?

In the old days, our ancestors whiled away the long winter evenings at home, in the family circle. In peasant huts they had fun with outdoor games in "Thorns", "Bear" or "Tergach". Noble people complained about board games, such as,.

Children preferred to play trousers: with a hook on a fishing line, one toy was pulled out of a pile so as not to hurt the rest. The youth played "Smoking room": they passed a burning torch around in a circle, saying “Alive, alive Smoking room, thin legs, short soul.” The loser was the one in whose hands the torch went out.

Many people still remember "Ring" The players sit on the bench. A leader is chosen who will have a ring. All players fold their palms in a “boat”. The host holds a ring or any other small object (button, pebble) in folded palms. Passing his hands between the palms of each player, the host imperceptibly puts a ring in someone's hands. Then he steps aside a little and says: “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!” After these words, the task of the player with the ring is to quickly stand up, and the other participants - to keep him on the bench. Managed to jump - became the leader. No - the leader remains the same.

Also, don't forget "The sea is worried". According to the number of players, chairs are placed in two rows so that the back of one chair is in contact with the back of the other. Each player must remember well his chair, where he sits. After everyone is seated, the chosen leader shouts: "The sea is rough!" All the players jump up and run around the chairs. The host seizes the moment when everyone ran far away from the chair, and unexpectedly for the players shouts: “The sea has calmed down!”. After that, you need to take your place, and since the leader has taken one of the chairs, there is turmoil between the players and everyone tries to grab the place that came across. The player left without a seat becomes the leader.

How about you "Pebbles"? The game is played with five pebbles for two minutes. Caught stones are removed from the game. The game ends after six rounds. On the sixth round, all five pebbles are taken into the palm, thrown up and picked up by the back of the hand, then four pebbles are shaken off. The last pebble is tossed up, and during the flight the remaining four are picked up from the table. At the end of the sixth round, the participant is awarded five points. If six rounds are completed without errors within the time allowed, five points are awarded. By the way, the game is played with only one hand. Changing hands is not allowed.

And how many street games were there! For example, a game that old-timers remember with pleasure is called "Master and Apprentice".

Three holes are dug in the ground in a straight line, two steps apart. The player moves away from the pits for 40 steps and throws a pebble into the first pit. If he hits, he throws in the second, then in the third, then in the reverse order. If you hit all the holes, you are a “master”, if only there or back you are an “apprentice”, and if you stumble on one of the first holes, then you are a “student”.

And you rarely see children playing tag, trap, burners. Yes, and modern children no longer know such words. However, it is important to remember that our grandparents didn’t really have toys, and those that were were most often home-made, but the games were one more interesting, and although various and easily accessible online flash games now dominate, it’s too early to celebrate - it’s time will show.

To start the game, the so-called "barkers" were used. Many people remember from childhood "Tai-tai, fly in ...". Of course, such "barkers" great amount, especially since they were created by the children themselves, they were not limited by any rules.

The essence of the game lovichki (as a variant of "salochki") is that the leader (who is appointed or selected) catches up with one of the participants in the game. Nowadays, children often call such a game "catch-up". However, there are several complicated versions of this game. The first is that the leader runs after other players, holding on to that part of the body (or place) for which he was caught by the previous player. Another option: the player touched by the “catch” stops, spreading his arms to the sides, other players, touching him, can “disenchant” him. The task of the presenter is to “bewitch” all the participants.

Very popular and loved in Russia was the game burners. Most likely, the game got its name from the fact that in the old days the players were surrounded by lights. For the game, the participants become pairs, one "burner". The driver becomes his back to the pairs, pronouncing phrases in poetic form (various options), but the last words must be “the last (first, second, fifth, and so on) pair run.” On the last words, the couple that was named should run around the tree (or some other object, this is agreed immediately) and stand first in the column. The driver must get ahead of one of the pair and take his place. Whoever is left without a place becomes the new driver.

Remembering the old Russian games, you can not miss "towns". The task of the players is to knock out figures (towns) built in a row with a bat (usually using a wooden one). This game can be both team and single. Several attempts are given to knock out. The player or team that has eliminated the most pieces in the fewest attempts is considered the winner. The important thing is the distance that the player moves to knock out the pieces, the number of towns.

Lapta- one of the favorite games of our grandmothers, which, unfortunately, has already begun to be forgotten. So the game requires a field 50-60 meters long. 10 meters from the end of the field, lines are drawn on both sides. Behind one line there will be a "house", and behind the other - "con". The players are divided into parts. The first team is called "beating", the second "driving". The “hitting” team is placed behind the “home” line, the “driving” team is on the field. The player of the “hitting” team with a bast shoe (wooden bat) must hit the ball and run to the “kona” line and back, while the “driving” team catches the ball and tries to hit it. If he managed to run, the players of his team play further in the “house”, no, they change places with rivals. However, at the moment the “leading” team runs over the “home” line, the players of the opposing team can “tarnish” any player who gapes on the field, then the teams change places again. So on the field there is a constant struggle for the possession of "home". The team of the player who has not “stained” himself gets a point. The team that earns the most points wins.

"football", which later the British who stole it will be renamed football!

it was this game that was captured by the German artist Christian Geisler, who worked in Russia in 1790-1798.

There you are "Seine".

The game takes place on a limited area, the limits of which cannot be crossed by any of the players. Two or three players join hands to form a net. Their task is to catch as many floating fish as possible, i.e. the rest of the players. The task of the fish is not to get caught in the net. If the fish is in a seine, then it joins the drivers and becomes part of the seine itself. The game continues until the player who turned out to be the most agile fish is determined. Details: Fish have no right to break the seine; disengage the hands of the drivers

Fishing rod. The players form a circle. The driver, standing in the center, rotates the rope with a bag of sand tied at the end - a fishing rod. The players jump over the rope as it passes under their feet, trying not to hit it. The one who touches the rope becomes the leader. Details: The rotation of the rope should be done no higher than the level of the knees.

At the turn of the 18th century and the 19th century, they also played gambling "Pristenok"

The participants in this gambling game alternately hit the wall with the edge of the coin so that it falls to the ground as close as possible to the opponents' coins. If you can reach the neighboring coin with your fingers, then you can pick up the coin.

Or more compact in the inventory "Grandma"

Played "Svayka"

It's no secret that children need attention. Sometimes adults wonder why a healthy well-fed He just wants to attract attention in this way. It is worth playing with a child in how instead of tears he gets a smile, and joyful laughter sounds in the house. Adults also sometimes do not mind playing. It is important to choose the right entertainment program for each age group.

What can you play at home together with a child under 2 years old

You need to talk a lot with the baby, show him household items, in game form tell what it is. Some children are afraid of noisy household appliances, they start crying when their mother turns on the vacuum cleaner or mixer. Before you start using these home helpers, you need to play sounds with your baby. Tell your child that now the vacuum cleaner will make noise like this: "Rrrr." Let the child repeat these sounds with you. Before you start using the mixer, buzz along with your favorite child. Such an entertaining game will appeal to the baby and teach not to be afraid of noisy appliances.

What can you play at home together with a child of this age? Children of this age group are happy to assemble and disassemble the pyramids. The game performs an important function - it develops motor skills, thinking. Show young children how to put matching shapes into a box with a hole. The kid is sure to love it.

He will not be able to play one game for a long time. After a quiet one, play with him in a noisy and fun one. You can rock the child on a home swing or right on your foot, while reciting familiar verses. If a mother needs to do household chores, she can put the baby in a high chair and play “Magpie-crow”, “Ladushki” with him. Let him show with his fingers how the magpie cooked porridge, how the patties flew and sat on the head. Here's what you can play at home with your baby.

2 to 7

Children of this age need more complex games. Girls love playing with dolls. Sit down next to your daughter and show how to feed dolls from a toy set, put them to bed. Babies this age love it role-playing games. You can buy a play kitchen complex for your child. There is a toy fridge, stove and even kitchen appliances for the kids. The baby will repeat everything after her mother and grow up to be a real hostess.

Boys like to play with cars and airplanes. Some already from childhood show the makings of real designers. With such children, you can play Lego, showing how to build a particular structure. Younger children are bought large parts of the designer. For a son of 6-7 years old, you can purchase smaller parts. He will build a garage complex, bring his vehicles there, put the little men, who are also included in the kit, the way he wants.

Kids also like fun games at home for two. Hide an object in turn with the child, playing "cold-hot". Hide and seek will cheer up your beloved child. It's amazing how many places in the apartment there are for this entertainment. If it happens in the country, then there are even more of them in the open.

2 to 7: Keep on having fun and growing

There are also houses. The children like the children's loto with pictures, mosaics, threading the lace through the figures of animals and plants. You can buy a whole toy farm for your baby and show him how to deal with it. It is interesting to compose a story together and role-play it with the help of figurines or puppet theater characters.

Educational computers are bought for children of this age. It is also interesting to play with the electronic mind together. He will teach the kid to pronounce letters correctly, write and read. In a playful way, it is easy to learn the words of not only Russian, but also foreign languages.

The child will also play with pleasure. And at the same time, the mother can continue to do business, telling the child what word to make, and encouraging him for the correct answer.

7 to 12 and older

Now about being at home together at that age. It could be puzzles. When purchasing them, you need to proceed from the nature of the child. Some can spend almost hours putting together big pictures from small details. Others, however, quickly get bored with such an occupation. For the last group of children, it can be advised to purchase a puzzle consisting of several large pieces. Collect the picture together with the child, helping him.

Schoolchildren like games such as "Mafia", "Monopoly". They can also be played together, as well as checkers, chess. This activity is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. If two friends do not know what to do, they can compete by playing these mind games.

Such a pastime trains memory, teaches logical thinking, like the next game. For her, depending on whether children or adults participate, 4-7 any items are taken. One person remembers their location on the table and turns away, and the second at this time will change position or swap 2-3 objects in places. Those who turned away should see and tell about the changes.

We play smart and fun

At an older age, children are increasingly attracted to the computer. You can play with this miracle of technology, but try to have your son or daughter spend a little time with him. Play with your child in computer games designed for two. For example, in The Chronicles of Narnia. Together you will go through the tours faster and cope with the task. After quiet games- active.

If there is more than one child in the family, then you can come up with games at home for two children (or more) right on the go. Let them compete after being at the computer to see who can do 10 push-ups faster or unwind an old shelf with a screwdriver. This is more suitable for boys. Girls can cook something delicious for dinner. This is how the game will be combined with benefits.

Adults in games also often become children. Some people get upset when they lose. Two adults can play card games. There are many of them. Darts will help show the accuracy of the eye. You can practice your dexterity by playing Twister. At the same time, legs and arms are placed on circles of the same color as the roulette wheel showed. Domino - beautiful game for two adults. If two girlfriends have gathered, they can try to sing each other. First one, then the other will tighten the ditty.

Games for two at home: summing up the above

As you can see, there are games for each age category. Very young children enjoy playing with pyramids, soft toys. You can also offer children music lessons - sing a song with them, dance. Children of the older age group are unlikely to be entertained in this way. They like intellectual pursuits. They are attracted to the computer. It is important not to allow the child to sit at the computer for a long time, but to try to distract him with others. You can play cards with him, make a model of a ship, an airplane together, and then try them out in action by launching them into the sky or sending them to sail at home in the bath. Many people like the Young Chemist sets (astronomer, botanist). Adults will find entertainment too. You can start with the mobile game "Twister", and finish with a calm one - chess or cards.

The article will offer you several options for interesting games for a fun time together.

Games and entertainment "on paper" are familiar to a person from school desks. They are distinguished by their simplicity and the fact that they are able to capture and interest from the first minutes. For such games, you only need a piece of paper (depending on each: in a cage, line or blank), as well as a pen or pencil.

Games "on paper":

  • Tic-tac-toe - a classic game for which you need to draw a grid of 9 cells. Decide with your partner who and what will draw (tic-tac-toe). Start the game, each move is one sign. The winner is the one who managed to draw three identical signs horizontally, diagonally or vertically.
  • Sticks - For this game you will need a checkered sheet. On it you need to draw a geometric rhombus. The task of each player is to draw sticks inside the rhombus that would occupy one side of the cell. If someone manages to find a non-closed cell (that is, sticks on three sides), he immediately draws a fourth one, and inside his own sign - a cross or a zero. The one who draws the most symbols in the playing field wins.
  • Hand - you will need a piece of paper in a box (you can also use it in a line). Circle your hand, inside its outline you should paint the numbers from 1 to 100 in different places (tangled). Your partner does the same on his sheet. Then you exchange sheets. The task is to take turns finding a number from 1 to 100 and circle it after finding it. While you are looking for him, your partner draws zeros around the outline of the hand. The one who draws a full sheet of zeros in the "free territory" will win.
  • Sea battle - in order to start the game, you should draw two battlefields (each player). The field looks like a square 10 by 10 cells each (the top line is indicated by letters: from a to u, and the left vertical from 1 to 10. Inside the field, each player draws ships: 1 of 4 cells, 2 of 3, 3 of 2 -x and 1 single). Your task is to shoot at the enemy's field, naming the coordinates, for example: "a-10" or "g-7". The one who first "sinks" all the enemy ships will win.
  • Words - a long word is written on a piece of paper. The task of each player is to come up with as many small words as possible from a long word. The one with the highest number wins. For example, the word "parallelogram" and from it the words: "pair", "gram", "lego", "goal", "frame" and so on.
  • Word Crossword - Write a long word in the middle of the sheet. Your task is to add small or other words that would consist of several letters of the original. The winner is the one who makes the maximum number of words (1 word - 1 point), long word (more than one letter - 2 points).

Video: "6 games on paper"

What can you play cards with?

Many people like to play cards, because they allow you to completely forget about time and have fun.

Interesting card games:

  • Fool - This is an old and familiar game. There are two types: "Ordinary Fool" and "Flip". The task of the game is to beat a card of an older one of the same suit or any trump card. Each player receives 6 cards and replenishes his set as they are discarded. Whoever runs out of cards wins.
  • The Queen of Spades - Players must have an equal number of cards. All of them must be in pairs. In turn, each player draws a card from a partner without looking and, adding a pair to it, discards it (for example: 9 cross and 9 diamonds). Among all the cards there is one - "Queen of Spades". The one who has this card left (it is the only one that does not have a pair, since 1 queen is discarded from the deck immediately) and its owner at the end of the game will become the losing side.
  • Trump card - place the deck face down in front of you. Designate a trump card (any suit) in advance and turn over one card at a time. The one who is lucky enough to put a trump card takes the entire stack of cards turned over. The one with the most cards will lose.
  • Drunkard - place the deck face down in front of you. Start turning over the cards one at a time. The one with the highest card must take the entire flipped pile. The loser will have more cards at the end.

Mobile games for two at home without a computer: what to play?

An alternative to "harmful" computer games can be interesting mobile games that can be played at home or outdoors.


  • Edible or not edible the task of this game is simple: everyone should guess what object the partner will call him. Depending on this, he either catches or hits a small ball. The one who beats off the “edible word” or catches the “inedible” loses.
  • Crocodile - is a simple and very interesting game in which everyone has to show the word with gestures and movements. It is impossible to pronounce a word and make sounds. The one who doesn't guess the word loses.
  • Cold or hot - your task is to hide some object at home or on the street. The partner is looking for him, and you help him to do this, reporting "hot, warm or cold" as he approaches the hidden thing.
  • Note - the game is simple and interesting: one participant writes words on the back of his partner with his fingers, and he guesses the letters and makes a word. The one with the most words wins.
  • Broken phone - This game will require a large number of children. Everyone sits in a row. The first child comes up with a word and tells it to his neighbor, but quickly and quietly. He conveys it exactly as he heard it. The latter speaks the heard word loudly. If the word ended up being “spoiled”, everyone voices what they heard and thus the loser is revealed.

What games can adults play at home, in an apartment together, without a computer?

Adult games are characterized by more complex thought processes, as they are mainly designed for logic.


  • Backgammon - for this you need bones, checkers and a special field for the game. The winner is the one who first throws the checkers in a circle and returns to his place.
  • Chess - logic game, the meaning of which is to capture foreign territory and destroy the "enemy army".
  • Checkers - the game is designed for white or black checkers to move to the opposite field and "destroy" the opponent's checkers.
  • Guess who I am (Tarantino) The game is very simple and exciting at the same time. The names of world personalities (actors, singers, politicians) are written on pieces of paper. The leaves are mixed and everyone, without looking, chooses one for himself, then fastens it to his forehead. The task of everyone is to guess what kind of personality he got by leading questions.
  • Mafia - a complex turn-based game in the detective genre. In the game, you should use ordinary or special cards, you can not do without the help of the host.

Video: " Educational film on the game of Mafia. Description. Rules"

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a husband and wife?

  • Lotto - a classic game with which time literally “flies unnoticed”. To do this, you will need a special set of tickets and a bag of kegs. The first person to fill out their ticket with numbers wins.
  • is a logic game in which you have to remove blocks from the built tower by taking them out of the middle. The task is not to break the tower, the one whose tower crumbles will lose.
  • Truth or lie - each of the players tells two stories, one of which is fiction, and the second is true. The task of the second player is to find out what is what. The one who knows his partner best will win.
  • Associations - your task is to think of a word and name all associations with it to your partner so that he guesses it. Whoever guesses the most words wins.
  • "What movie?" - for this, players should be real moviegoers. Describe the story of the main character without naming him, and your opponent will guess the movie. The more correct answers, the more points.

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a guy and a girl?


  • Townships- the task of each player to name the city with the letter that was the last in the already named word. You can also change the theme of the game, for example, not the names of cities, but the names of flowers or dishes.
  • Strip cards - for a young couple, even the usual "Fool" will be much more interesting if everyone takes off their clothing items in turn.
  • Puzzles - buy a big jigsaw picture and try to spend time together putting it together piece by piece. At this time, you can discuss many life issues and tell interesting stories.

Collecting puzzles is an interesting pastime

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with a friend?


  • Divination for the betrothed - an interesting pastime for two young girls, especially since there are many fortune-telling options at the moment: on cards, wax, coffee grounds, by phone call, and so on.
  • I believe, I don't believe your friend asks you a question, to which you must answer correctly and incorrectly, and her task is to choose the right answer. The winner of the game will be the one who has the most correct answers.
  • "Weak" - in any game (whether it be cards, loto or hands) there can be "weak". This is the punishment that should be done. As a rule, this is a funny or shameful activity that is not easy to carry out.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your brother?


  • Domino - An interesting and exciting game of folding bones.
  • Mosaic - you can put a lot of interesting pictures together.
  • Constructor - build castles, houses or entire cities together.
  • active game with a special playground.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your sister?

  • Monopoly - interesting, exciting logic game with many tasks and elements.
  • Modeling from plasticine or plasticine dough - modern modeling dough or plasticine will allow you to create interesting figures and have fun.
  • Puppet show - funny stories with toy characters will certainly amuse you and help you have an interesting time.

What can two boys and girls of 10-14 years old play together without a computer if they are bored?

  • paper dolls - for the game, you should draw and cut out the dolls, as well as come up with paper clothes for them.
  • I am a designer - girls really like the game, as it makes you feel like a real designer, creating fashion collections and arranging a show for your girlfriend.
  • In rubber - is a fun and moving outdoor game.
  • At the hairdresser creating hairstyles and style for your girl friends is very interesting.

What can you play in the hospital together?

  • Guess the melody - you need to sing a familiar song with your voice, and your partner in the game must guess it.
  • Coloring and drawing - a fun and relaxing pastime that everyone will enjoy.
  • In the questionnaires compiling interesting questions about hobbies and answering them.
  • Poems- each of the players writes one line, which continues the previous one in rhyme.

Video: "Board games: what to play with friends?"

Home games for the entertainment and development of children, schoolchildren, preschoolers on the children's site Tvoi rebenka.ru!


Each of the players receives a pencil and a long strip of paper on which he writes the name of one of those present, bending the paper so as to cover what was written, and passes it to a neighbor sitting on his right hand, he describes someone's appearance and passes the piece of paper further. Then, in the same order, write answers to the following questions: what kind?, what did you do?, when?, where?, what were the consequences? Of course, no one should know what has been written before. When each of the pieces of paper went around the circle of the players, one loudly rereads everything written, which excites a lot of laughter, since there are many incongruous things. one color of the leaves will serve to describe the boys, and the other - girls.


One of the players writes some short story, leaving a space in front of each noun: of course, the rest should not know what he is writing. Then each of the players says some kind of adjective, which, one after the other, in order, fits into the left places of the story; in this case, such inconsistencies are obtained that reading a story usually causes a lot of laughter.


All players sit around the table, on which they put their index fingers. One starts naming various flying birds and insects, with everyone throwing up their fingers, and suddenly mentions the name of a thing that cannot fly. Those of the players who at the same time raise their fingers from the table pay a forfeit.


One of the participants quietly passes some phrase into the ear of his neighbor, sitting on the right; he repeats this phrase to the next, and so on. The last phrase is proclaimed aloud and is usually unrecognizably distorted, partly, perhaps, from that; that someone did not hear it well, or maybe someone deliberately distorted it.


Everyone sits in a circle. One throws a handkerchief to one of the players and utters a syllable. The one who caught the handkerchief must immediately add one or more syllables to form a word with the first. For example, the first one says "sa", the second one adds "zha", etc. Then he, in turn, throws a handkerchief to another, naming some new syllable, etc. Whoever thinks or Says a syllable that does not composes a word, the fant pays.


A sheet is fixed on the wall, in front of which one of the players sits down. At the other end of the room, a lamp is placed on the table. All the players pass in turn between the lamp and the guesser, who must recognize the passerby by the shadow, and he does not have the right to look back. Passers-by, of course, try to change the shadow as much as possible, raising their shoulders, hunching over, changing their hairstyle, etc. The one whom the guesser recognizes from the shadow sits in his place.

Finally, evening came. The time of joint rest and communication, in general, is an idyll. But what is really happening. In the evening, everyone in the family does their own thing. And to be honest, everyone is sitting buried in a TV, smartphone or computer. And you feel inside it shouldn't be like that This is tearing apart the family. It is necessary to spend quality time with your children, because they grow up so quickly, but what exactly to do, to be interesting to EVERYONE? The content of the article:

Why is the game important for children (and not cartoons)

  • Through play, the child prepares for the adult world., not in terms of the exact transfer of skills (to teach washing and ironing), but in a deeper sense - he gets to know his psyche, reveals his inner strengths, learns to cope with the tasks set (and capturing a dragon in a castle is a hoo-hoo task!)
  • Joint games with a child will give you invaluable minutes of communication, laughter, through the game you are faster find out what your baby is thinking and what he is afraid of. If some plot is repeated in each game, then most likely it is the study of their fears (children do it unconsciously). Of course, the game is the main development, this is how all preschoolers should be taught.
  • For development the child must move, and not sit, looking at the changing picture of the tablet. This is not necessarily about mobile games - we are talking about development fine motor skills, which is directly related to the brain

Ways to spend time with your child

So that you don’t succeed again today “Ay, I don’t know what to do with my child in the evening, everything is boring, I’m tired, I’d better go and watch TV,” we give an extensive list of activities. So our list is: things to do in the evening with family and kids.

1. Creative activities with children:

1.1 Record a story

Children are very fond of fantasizing, ask them the topic of the story (the new adventures of Polirobocar or Winnie the Pooh's Journey to a modern city) and ask them to fantasize, and you write it down under their dictation. The story should be limited, such as sheet size. The child must be warned about this in advance. It is interesting to see how they manage to logically complete the story when you show that there are a couple of sentences left to the end of the page. If the story is not invented, then take turns fantasizing. An offer you - an offer - your child, according to this principle, you can play with the whole family. Mom-dad-child-still a child. For laughter, you can divide the roles: one writes a detective story, the other good fairy tale, the third is science fiction, and the fourth is horror. Everyone will try to shift the focus of the story in their own direction in their proposal, and in the end it will turn out to be very funny. In general, this game is a great entertainment for a party)))

1.2 Draw with paints, felt-tip pens or pencils

When choosing materials for creativity, in no case should you save. If you buy penny pencils with a hard lead that scratch on paper instead of drawing - don't be surprised why your child doesn't like to draw so much. It is much easier to instill a love for creativity through high-quality stationery. Try the purchased pencils and felt-tip pens yourself - you should have fun, the mark should be soft, and not require much pressure. That's when you and your child will learn how much fun you can get through drawing.

1.3 Colorize ready-made images (you can print pictures from the Internet)

If you have a printer, just type "boys/girls coloring book" or specifically "construction machinery coloring book", "bunny coloring book". Switch to the "Pictures" tab and invite the child to choose what he likes. And you can sit down and color such fashionable now "mandalas for adults" that help relieve stress and calm the mind.

1.4 Shoot a cartoon from plasticine on camera

Build scenery - let it be a toy city, populate it with residents. Now you need to mount the camera on a tripod (if you don’t have one, then put the camera on the same table on a pile of books, make a slight tilt). To make the picture come to life, you need to move the characters a little bit and capture each change with a camera. It is very convenient to use plasticine, but you can also move Lego figures, cars, soft toys.

1.5 Play constructor

The constructor is a very versatile toy, because you can make a lot of different things out of it. A friend of mine told me that as a child, his parents fundamentally did not buy any toys, except for the designers. "If you want a machine gun - make it from a constructor, if you want a tank - make it from a constructor, if you want a ball - we'll probably buy a ball)))" As a result, this guy has outstanding mathematical ability and he clearly has a head and shoulders above his peers the ability to solve non-trivial problems. In addition to Lego and its analogues, there are other interesting constructors: Zoob, Polissya, Banchems, magnetic constructor and others.

1.6 Glue the model or application, play with stickers

With older children, you can glue a model of an aircraft or a tank from special kits. Applications are suitable for kids, they like to mess around with glue and suddenly discover that a recognizable picture suddenly appeared from scattered small pieces. To make the application even more interesting, print the animals from Smeshariki. Found. Print their houses there and glue them directly onto this background. It's not so scary if your printer is black and white, all the same, the images are very loved and recognizable. Also, children love to glue stickers (you can get a notebook for this and glue them by category). If you are already tired of buying them endlessly, then get reusable ones, for example, from the series of books "Wonderful Stickers".

1.7 Sculpt from plasticine

Topics for construction, modeling and drawing: together we make houses, or planes, or a castle, or together we build a city. One makes a road, another car, and a third house. You can fantasize about "The World of the Future" and sculpt flying chairs or a teleportation cabin. And you can create a real model, look at the object and try to repeat it. Sculpt or assemble a toy car, Christmas tree, chair from the designer.

1.8 Fold paper shapes (origami)

For example, ships(to run them in the bath) frogs(arrange competitions, whose will jump further), boxes (for gifts to grandmothers), airplanes (launch them from the sofa in the most spacious room) Addition:

Whatever you do, it will be great, at least sometimes, to turn on the background classical music, it develops the brain for both an adult and a child, harmonizes and accustoms to the beautiful.

2. Intellectual entertainment with children

2.1 Speaking a foreign language with children

It's no secret that learning another language greatly develops the brain, not to mention the practical benefits of knowing a foreign language for any person. How to easily introduce foreign speech into communication with a child. You can ask with a smile at dinner: Give me bread and show your hand to the bread, in a few days he will remember and it is highly likely that he will do it himself. play in Hide an item: Cold-hot, but you prompt in English - hot-cold (under table). ball game edible-inedible. Throw the ball to the child and name the words, if you say something edible, the child should grab the ball, if not, hit it. Name simple English words: cat, dog, plane, tank, bread.

2.2 Solve riddles

Riddles can be invented by yourself, they do not have to be folding. Guess what you see, soon the child will seize the initiative and you will guess :) For example, "A large white closet, mom hides milk in it" (Refrigerator).

Do not neglect reading, start a tradition of cozy reading before bedtime. This is very close. The child needs the world of books to train his imagination, because what you read will certainly form images in his head and they move and come to life. Unlike cartoons, where all the images are pre-drawn, and the child is only a passive observer.

2.4 Read poems and fairy tales by Pushkin

I singled this out as a separate point, since Pushkin is a unique personality for a Russian person, and it is worth accustoming children to his poems from childhood. These are not only sonorous rhymes and beautiful words, but also the second semantic series, which is not fully unraveled, about life, our future and past.

2.5 Decipher ciphers (Morse code)

Write ciphers to each other using Morse code, then switch and decipher them. Or encode a message with the answer to the question: "Where is the candy hidden" :)

3. Paper and board games

  • funny game on paper
  • tic-tac-toe
  • gallows (guess words)
  • Hands (if the child already goes to school and knows the numbers well)
  • Board game (Dixit, Monkey Island, Carcassonne, Memo, Jenga Tower)
  • The game of spillikins (games with small objects, matches).

You lay out a mountain of matches and you need to pull out any one without shaking the rest, the closer to the end, the more difficult the task becomes. Perfectly trains fine motor skills and accuracy in movements.

4. Activities for the whole family

4.1 Cooking

Bake a cake, make dumplings, make ice cream, or do some pizza magic together! Of course, it's easier for us to go and make a quick pie for the household and not turn the kitchen into winter decorations from flour and dough. BUT! You need to turn off the perfectionist in yourself and turn on the good mother. Always cooking together brings people together and for kids, it's a fun lab.

We are used to it, but for them it’s just a miracle, how an appetizing pie can suddenly turn out from flour, eggs and liquid. And all these mixing, pouring, and so on - this is a great exercise for fine motor skills. So relax about spilled flour on the floor and feel free to invite your child to have fun in the kitchen.

4.2 Put together a big mosaic with the whole family

5. Fun games with kids at home

5.1 Fun racing

If you have several radio-controlled cars, then you can build a fun game. Build a track and grandstands and drive RC cars

5.2 Play Explain with words or Show the word

Say Different (Alias)- a game in which you need to explain in other words, the word that acts as a task. This game is not required to be purchased. There is an excellent free application on the phone (it's called Alias). Crocodile, description and word options read. These games perfectly develop acting skills (crocodile), speech, intelligence (say otherwise). They are very useful to play, and most importantly fun.

5.3 Mini-quest

hide cubes, search and make a word. Kids love doing quests, and parents love that kids develop their wits without sitting still. Take blocks or a magnetic alphabet, or just write a word on paper and cut it into letters. Now let the child go out (for example, to the bathroom), and you hide the letters in various places.

5.4 Labyrinths (draw, sculpt, build with cubes)

Children love mazes, there is something enticing and mysterious in them. You can build it from different materials, as your imagination and the content of your shelves will tell you. Cubes are perfect, as well as books, a designer, pencils with felt-tip pens, dominoes. If there is nothing at all, take a larger sheet and draw a labyrinth with a pencil. How to play then? In itself, the construction of a labyrinth is an exciting and developing spatial thinking. Invite the child to follow the intricate passages with a finger or a small toy. Settle in a dead end branch of an evil minotaur and try to get out with a group of good guys or go fight him. Or maybe you are an explorer and as the character progresses, the child will try to draw a plan of the labyrinth. Start playing, and then the child will tell you.

5.5 Role play:

-play travel or exploration. To do this, you will need to build a plane or a boat, study the map, the flag of the country where we are flying, what is there, what animals, what resources, what people like to eat there. Perhaps you will need preliminary preparation (Internet, encyclopedia) or you can look about it with your child.

-play school, solve examples Alternate the complexity of the problems, write 2 easy examples and one difficult one, if you were made a student, then sometimes "make mistakes", let the child-teacher check for you.

-learn to play with animals just like we did in our childhood. Boil the bears porridge and put them to bed. Preschoolers love it when toys come to life. Think it useless games? It is by modeling ordinary everyday situations that you can understand (if you pay attention) what psychological problems children have and correct them through your beloved bear.

6. Original:

6.1 Write a letter to grandma

In our electronic age, you need to try to keep children in touch with the material world, and in general, live paper letters are quite romantic. Turn the exchange of letters with your grandmother into a wonderful tradition. It's okay if grandmothers live in the same city, the post office will bring them a letter to the next house. Decorate the letter with colored stickers or attach a photo. It is always so joyful to take a fresh sealed envelope out of the box and eagerly open it. And how happy grandmothers will be, you can’t tell)))

6.2 Make a family tree

7. Outdoor games with children:

7.1 play blind cat at home

It's awful fun tickles the nerves even adults. If the rooms are small an adult must catch with one hand, otherwise our dad, spreading his arms, can go through a narrow room and rake everyone in an armful))) Remove all breakable objects away in advance.

7.2 play hide and seek

7.3 games of accuracy, who will get the dice in the basket

Stand behind the line (it can be the edge of the carpet or a put stick) and from here throw balls or cubes into the basket (in a bowl, box). Count the points of who hit how much, you can play tournaments, first the parent throws 10 items and writes down how many hit on the tournament board (leaf), then the child. For fairness, an adult should throw a few steps back from the line and crouch at the level of the child.

7.4 Go outside

Why sit at home, after all? Go to fresh air. There you can: -run or walk fast -feed the birds -play snowballs, build a snowman or a fortress -sled down the hill summer, then: -build a sand fortress (take a couple of bottles of water) -ride bikes

What to do if you are very bored playing with your child

You sincerely intend to play with your child, but as soon as you sit on the carpet and surround yourself with toys, you feel like yawn covers you and you want to go and go to sleep. First, you are not alone most adults have completely forgotten what it means to play. Secondly, there are a couple of ways that you should try, maybe they can help you. Put the baby on your knee and looking into his eyes, ask how he is doing and what he wants to play now. Accept the offer with enthusiasm, but if he enthusiastically yells: "Now we will build an Amusement Park in the hall!" - do not rush to think for him what to build for this. Just ask: "What is needed for this? How can I help?" Let the child have the initiative, this is useful. To awaken your interest, sincerely and admiringly observe your child from the side. As he fantasizes about what he's talking about, you don't have to struggle to think of anything to talk about or play games with. Just relax and follow the initiative of the baby, even if he is only 2 years old (I'm already silent about the ingenuity of 8 year olds). Another way, just the opposite: look at the toys through the eyes of Yourself-From-Childhood, remember yourself at the age of 8, imagine that this treasure fell in front of you N-years ago and start playing by yourself, with enthusiasm, by no means for a child, but exclusively for yourself. Feel the taste of the game, build a car out of such beautiful details of the designer, populate the house with residents or decorate it with a twinkle. You will feel alive and real, and time will stop. It's like going back to childhood in a time machine. Rejoice that you have your baby and next to him you have the opportunity to relive the happy moments of childhood again. Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save

Out of order computer? Everything around immediately becomes boring and uninteresting. But what about games? After all, choosing the time to play with a loved one (both a baby and an adult), you make a mutually valuable gift: your days will be filled with happiness and the joy of communication, and memories of the time spent together will become bright and warm.

Important: classics of the genre - all kinds of board games and puzzles (each age category has its own level). Drawing, coloring anti-stress pictures or needlework will perfectly brighten up the time.

Games for two at home without a computer for girls

The choice of activities, first of all, depends on the temperament of the child.


Homemade puzzles

Postcards or beautiful candy box lids are great for making puzzles. Just cut the image you like into several pieces and your puzzle is ready.


Among children, even the smallest, all kinds of challenges are gaining more and more popularity. The most challenging challenge that can be held for a child is a game with drinks.

For the challenge you will need: juice or any other drink (5-10 small bags/bottles with different flavors), identical kraft paper bags for snacks (by the number of drinks), long cocktail tubes (also by the number of drinks).

Pre-insert straws in all drinks. Bags / bottles with drinks carefully pack in paper bags. Place the packaged drinks on the table and invite the child to drink the drink through a straw and guess what exactly he is drinking.

It's not as easy as it looks, but it's a lot of fun.

Origami Fortune Teller

Invite your guest to make a fortune teller out of paper. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Paper games

Tic-tac-toe is another wonderful and unfairly forgotten answer to the question of what to play with a child.

See the photo for the rules of the game.

To make the tic-tac-toe game more interesting, try using cookies, nuts, and candy together with tic-tac-toe. The winner, of course, takes all the goodies. The playing field can be painted directly on the table using masking tape.

Games for two at home without a computer for boys

Boys are unlikely to want to make button chokers. But thematic jigsaw puzzles may well interest young supermen. How to make puzzles from improvised materials, see at the beginning of the article.

Tower construction

  • In addition, the boys will be happy to build towers of cookies or donuts. Candy, coins, sea or any other pebbles, etc. are also suitable for building a tower. The one whose tower is higher wins.
  • From plastic or paper cups, you can build not only towers, but entire cities. In addition, with the help of cups, you can diversify walks in the fresh air (see photo below).


Invite older children to play reversi. Instead of chips, the game uses two-layer cookies (64 pcs.). And the playing field (8x8 squares) is graphed directly on the table using masking tape. In the center of the field, 2 light chips / cookies and 2 dark ones are placed diagonally.

See the photo below for the rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Reversi"

Rock Paper Scissors

Another gambling game that does not require long preparation is Rock-Paper-Scissors. Depending on the age of the child, you can use a game of 3 elements (rock, scissors, paper), 5 (stone, scissors, paper, lizard, Spock) and even 25!

Rules of the game "Rock-Paper-Scissors"

How to show game elements: (clockwise from top): scissors, paper, rock, lizard, Spock.

Airplanes in the technique of origami

Paper airplanes are a classic children's game. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games for two at home without a computer for adults

Any of the above children's games can be used for adults.

Card games

If many consider card games unacceptable for children's leisure, then for an adult they are quite acceptable. In addition to "Fool" or "Poker", you can play "Akulina". Another name for the game is "Witch", "Sorceress". The rules of this card game are so simple that even a child can play (see photo below).

Rules of the card game "Witch"

Match games

A box of matches will also help brighten up the evening. No, this is not about the MC for making fires. In this case, we will talk about the game "11 matches". See the photo below for the rules.

If desired, you can increase the number of matches up to 27 pcs.

Another game also called "11 Matches". However, the rules are different from the previous one (see photo below).

The number of matches required for the game, 11 pcs. One of the matches needs to be marked. For example, paint with a felt-tip pen.

Rules of the game "11 matches" (II option)

Linguistic games

Word games will also help brighten up the evening. Perhaps they have too original titles and rules, but in this part of the article we are talking about adults with an appropriate sense of humor.

The first of the proposed games is "Gallows". The rules of the game are in the photo below.

Rules of the game "Gallows".

Step-by-step example of the game "Gallows"

Second linguistic game"Balda".

The playing field consists of a grid of 5x5 squares. In the middle horizontal row, the word "balda" or any other five-letter word is written.

An example of the playing field for Balda

See below for detailed game rules.

Rules of the game "Balda".

Mobile games for two at home without a computer

Little fidgets require movement. Perhaps one of these games will become your favorite.

sumo wrestling

Fun mobile game. Will give pleasure to both players and spectators (if any).

For the game you will need pillows (2 for each player) and large T-shirts. Then everything is extremely simple: put on T-shirts, put pillows under them and start the fight. The one who manages to push the enemy out of the conditional circle will win.

Sumo wrestlers game

hide and seek

Try playing hide and seek. If you don’t really want to hide yourself / it’s convenient, hide an object.


If you practice yoga, have your child repeat a few simple asanas after you. Exercises can be accompanied by words from famous game“The sea worries once ...”, changing them a little (see photo).

The obstacle course will please not only kids, but also adults.

What can you play at home with a friend? What can you play at home with your sister?

Any of the above games is suitable for both girls and girls. If none of the options above suits you, take up divination for love. You will find options for simple fortune-telling by going to.

What can you play at home together with a girl? What can you play at home with your boyfriend?

Now there is just a huge selection of board games for lovers. But if you buy finished game not possible, play the game below. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed for you.

What can you play at home with your wife?

Any of the above games can be used for a pleasant pastime in the family circle. It all depends on what exactly you mean by a pleasant pastime and what your ultimate goal is.

What can you play at home with your brother?

Any of the proposed games is suitable for both adults and children.

What can you play at home together with a child of 5 - 9 years old?

It is worth dwelling on this topic in more detail, since children need a constant change of activity.

  • Yes/no game. One player thinks of a word (something that he sees in a room, in an apartment, on the street). The other tries to guess what the first one is up to. The player who guesses the word can be asked leading questions, but he can only answer “yes” or “no”.
  • "False mirror". One player makes a face - the second tries to repeat it.
  • Game "Grandfather's story". One player says: “I went hunting and saw…”. At the same time, he must name any object with the letter “A”. The second player repeats: “I went hunting and saw ...” At the same time, he must name the item that the first player chose and add his own. But the items should be named in alphabetical order.
  • Invite your child to name all the words that begin with the letter "T" or any other letter.
  • "Nonsense". One of the players says a word. The other must make a sentence, each word of which begins with a letter of this word. For example, someone said the word "MOSHKA" - the second makes up the sentence "Marina Wears a Scarf to a Square Orange."

Video: Paper Games: TETRIS - Season 1 Episode 2

Mobile and exciting educational games, which children played for days on end a few decades ago, are gradually forgotten and become a thing of the past. And in vain! Many of them contribute to the development of logic, dexterity, endurance, and also instill in the child such important qualities as cohesion and mutual assistance. And no gadget will teach this and will not replace these games.

We invite you to remember your favorite yard and board games. Play with your kids!

hide and seek

First determine the driver. He stands facing a wall or a tree and counts out loud to 20 or 100 until all players hide.

The main thing is to hide so that the driver does not find it. And the driver must find all those hiding.

When the driver finds someone, he must run back to the wall and knock on it. If the player comes running first, he must say: “Knock-knock I” and exit the game. Whoever the driver caught first, he becomes him next time.


The driver is chosen by the counting room. The players form a circle, the command “I am a tag!” is pronounced, then everyone scatters in different directions. You can specify the conditions, for example - “Do not run out over the fence”, etc.

The driver needs to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. Whoever he touches, he now becomes a "feed", and the driver becomes an ordinary player.

Gorodki (Baker)

For this game you need: sticks, bats, chalk, a tin can or a plastic bottle.
First, they prepare the platform for the game, drawing it with lines parallel to the short side of the platform: the first line is a pawn (soldier); the second is a lady; third - kings; fourth - aces, etc.

The rank zone is located from the beginning of the site to the last line. And the territory of the baker - from the last line to the end of the site.

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn, in the middle of which they put a ruffle (you can on a brick).

They appoint a “Baker” and determine who will take turns knocking down the ryuha. The “baker” becomes “behind the can”, the players are at the first line. The players then take turns trying to knock out the ryuha. Then the "storm" begins - the players run up and pick up their bits, return to their original position. The “baker” takes the ryuha, puts it in its place and protects it. The main task is to prevent the stick from being stolen from your zone. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next game.

For each shot down, the player rises in rank.


A rectangular field with 10 squares is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. Players take turns throwing a pebble at the first square. Then the first player begins to jump from square to square and push the pebble behind him.

On the square with the number 1 - jump on one leg;
2 - with one foot;
3.4 - left for 3, right for 4;
5 - with two legs;
6 and 7 - left for 6, right for 7;
8 - with one foot;
9 and 10 - left for 9, right for 10.
Then they make a 180 degree turn and jump back in the same way. If the player stepped on the line or stood on both feet, the move goes to another one.


First, the “bouncer” is determined (2 players can be on both sides). They stand opposite each other at a distance of 10-15 meters. The rest stand in the center of the platform.

"Dodgers" must hit all the players with the ball (if the player is touched by the ball, then he leaves the court).

"Knocked out" can catch the ball on the fly and try not to let go of it. If the ball hits the ground, the player is considered "knocked out".

rubber bands

This game was played mainly by girls. You need 3-4 meters of elastic, which is put on the legs of two players and stretched, forming two parallel lines, through which the third player must jump. The elastic band moves from the level of the ankles to the neck.

At each level, a certain set of jumps is performed: runners, steps, a bow, an envelope, a boat, etc.

Cossack robbers

Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". They choose the "ataman" and determine the "battlefield". The Cossacks determine the location of the headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are not).

The purpose of the robbers: to capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The purpose of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and "find out" the correct password.

On command, the robbers scatter and hide, drawing arrows on the pavement as clues. The Cossacks at this time come up with "torture" for prisoners. After some time, the Cossacks go to look for the robbers. If they find them, they put them in a “dungeon”, from where they cannot escape. The robbers are trying to capture the "headquarters".


The game includes a special set with 24 cards with numbers written on them. As well as a bag with kegs, which are numbered from 1 to 90, and chips for closing duplicates.
The driver shakes the bag of kegs to mix everything well, and begins to take out the kegs in turn, calling the numbers written on them.

The driver and players are not allowed to peek into the bag. Players follow the numbers - if they have this number on their card, then the player takes the keg for himself, placing it on the corresponding number. If two players have the same number, they put special chips on these numbers.

sea ​​battle

A square is drawn on a piece of paper in a box and "ships" are drawn. Then the players take turns “shooting”, naming the squares according to their “coordinates”: “A1”, “B6”, etc. If a ship or part of it is on the cell, then it is considered “wounded” or “killed”. This cell is crossed out with a cross and another shot is fired. If there is no ship in the named cell, a dot is put in this place and the move goes to the opponent.

The game is played until the complete victory of one of the players.


Players throw the ball to each other, naming any object. If something edible is named, the player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it. If the named item is inedible, then the ball is discarded.

The player who accidentally caught the ball becomes the driver.


Pioneerball requires 3 to 8 players on each team. First, it is determined whose team will serve the ball first.

Teams stand on both sides of the net, the ball carrier moves to the far end of his court. Then the player makes a serve - tries to throw the ball over the net. If he succeeds, the players of the other team catch the ball and throw it back.

The player who caught the ball cannot take more than 3 steps towards the net. Only one transfer is allowed within one command. Teams toss the ball until it falls on the opponent's territory.


A leader is chosen, the rest are divided into pairs, clinging to hands. Players stand behind each other, raise their hands up, forming a corridor.

The driver gets into the corridor from one end and goes to the other end, choosing a mate along the way. Having chosen a player, he takes his hand, separating the standing pair. The new couple goes to the end of the "brook" and stands there, raising their hands up.


First determine the territory - the battlefield. Participants are divided into two teams and prepare for battle.

The task of the players is to attack and incapacitate opponents by throwing snowballs at each other. They play until everyone is tired or bored.

Swan geese

First, a “goose house” is drawn with chalk - geese and the owner live here. On the other side of the site they draw a “field” - geese will go there for a walk. Between the "goose house" and the "field" they denote the "lair" of the wolf.

The owner says the words, referring to the geese:

Geese, fly into the field, take a walk, do not fall into the paws of the wolf.

The players run away.

Then the owner and the geese have a dialogue:

Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Well, fly home!
- The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
- What is he doing?
- He sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us.
- Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings!

Geese "fly" home, and the wolf tries to catch them. Caught geese are out of the game.

Higher feet off the ground

This game is played in places where there are many trees or horizontal bars so that you can climb or jump without touching the ground.

First, a leader is chosen. The game starts like regular tags, only in this game the escaping player can sit on a swing, a log and raise his legs or hang on a horizontal bar. The main condition is that the legs do not touch the ground.

Solitaire Rug