Tommy Versetti's assignments. The further fate of Tommy and his criminal empire Sij and Tommy Versetti

GTA: Vice City became the fourth video game from the franchise of the same name. The plot takes users to a fictional American city known as Vice City. To create it, the real city of Miami was used as a prototype, which was very well reflected in the overall atmosphere and style.

The protagonist is Tommy Vercetti, a mercenary and drug lord who was betrayed by his crime boss Sonny Trout.

At that time, Vice City managed to break many records, as well as earn the love and recognition of the gaming audience. Naturally, fame did not bypass our protagonist either. We will dedicate today's article to him, Tommy Vercetti from GTA - a character whose name is known to any fan of the series.

Biography. The beginning of the story

It all starts with Tommy being imprisoned in Liberty City (another fictional location in the series). The players are explained that in 1971, Vercetti took part in a shootout in which several people died at his hands. What happened that year? The fact is that the Trout family, for whom our hero worked, gave him the task of dealing with a specific goal. At one point, the perfectly thought-out plan went wrong and Tommy Vercetti fell into an unexpected ambush. The result of the forced shootout was eleven corpses, for which the hero only faced the death penalty. Fortunately, the influence of the Trout family was able to save Tommy from certain death by changing his sentence to fifteen years in prison.

Arrival in Vice City

After this, we are transported fifteen years forward - to the year when the hero is released from custody. It becomes clear to the head of Trout that Tommy Vercetti's tarnished reputation will also affect the family image, so he decides to send him to another city. Our hero receives instructions to take control of the process of an important drug deal right in the “Heart” of Vice City. In addition, Sonny was always interested in consolidating the family's status outside the city of Liberty.

Thus, the further history of Tommy Vercetti connects him with Vice City. In company with two other guys from the Family, he arrives for a meeting with a lawyer whose activities are regulated by Trout himself. With this deal, they were supposed to strengthen their position in the new territory, but their plans again turn against the heroes. The exchange of goods is suddenly interrupted when several people, whose faces are hidden by masks, open fire. Trout's men die on the spot - all except Tommy and Ken. They manage to jump into the car and escape from the attackers. Ken, in fear, decides to take refuge in his own office, and Vercetti returns to his hotel room, from where he calls Sonny and tells him what happened. The head of the Trout family, of course, is not happy with such news, and he begins to demand the lost money and goods from the hero.

Start your own investigation

Tommy Vercetti sets out to find the man who ruined their deal. A little later, he meets Lance Vance, whose brother was also killed in that same shootout. Together they find a local influential drug lord named Ricardo Diaz, who turns out to be the culprit of everything that happened. From this moment on, the “partners” decide to act in two different ways. Tommy tries to get closer to Ricardo by running several errands for him, while Lance is leaning towards the option of assassinating himself.

Vance's attempt fails, he is caught and tried to interrogate him. Tommy comes to the rescue, who decides to cancel all his efforts and save his friend, as a result of which he loses Ricardo’s trust. After this, the heroes decide to develop a plan to destroy Ricardo and successfully put it into action. This is how Tommy Vercetti deals with the man who almost ruined his life.

End of the road

After killing Ricardo, Tommy not only gains ownership of the mansion, but also earns himself a reputation as a local crime boss. Parallel to his growing power, Lance Vance begins to harbor suspicions of self-prejudice. He loses his former grip and fails even the simplest assignments.

Not everything is calm in the Trout family either: Sonny is infuriated by the mere thought of Tommy’s success, so he constantly pesters him with his calls, demanding money and a share in power over the city. Much to his dismay, Vercetti refuses to share, and even kills all the collectors sent to him.

Then Sonny decides to come in person, having prepared a trap in advance. Tommy is also ready to greet his former boss with a surprise, but in the end he is betrayed by Lance Vance. During the confrontation, another secret is revealed: it was with Sonny’s hands that the shootout that happened fifteen years ago was organized.

A bloodbath begins. Tommy manages to kill all the bandits from the Trout family and deal with the traitor Lance. At the end of the shootout, he puts a bullet in Sonny too.

In the epilogue

Sonny's death causes Vercetti to escape the control of the Trout family. Tommy continues to grow in the criminal world, earning money and power.

  • The game GTA: San Andreas makes a small reference to Tommy. During the next task, the main character Sij finds himself caught in a shootout at one of the factories. Players can hear a rather interesting mini-dialogue: "Hey, just like the good old days, right, Tommy?" - "Who the hell is Tommy?"
  • Of all the distinctive details of the GTA characters, players remember Tommy Vercetti's clothing the most. Being Italian, the hero prefers classic style and loves expensive things. However, despite this, Tommy Vercetti's Hawaiian shirt is the distinctive detail by which he is always recognized.

  • Let's return to GTA: San Andreas: in several stores you can find toy figures of some characters. If you look, you will find Versetti among them.
  • Tommy's voice was provided by the famous actor Ray Liotta.
  • The second trailer for GTA: ViceSityStories shows players a character whose appearance and clothing strongly resembles Vercetti. According to the chronology of events, Tommy is still serving his sentence.
  • In one mission, Vercetti operated an M-4 using just one hand. This movement suggests that Tommy is well developed physically.

The GTA computer game has gained fans all over the world. Representatives of different ages, professions and religions are interested in it. The project, released in several series, is replete with options and offers the user a range of tasks. Players are delighted to see the main character walking through the city streets with a chainsaw, knocking people down and stealing expensive cars.

History of creation

The first game was presented in 1997 under the name “Grand Theft Auto”. It has been prepared for use on personal computers. The design was done by DMA Design studio from Scotland. Today it is known as "Rockstar North".

“Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” was released in 2009 and was the fourth game on this theme. This is the first project for which the Russian company Buka did not undertake linguistic adaptation. The translation of the project was done by the fans themselves. The main character of the game is Tommy Vercetti, a member of the Forelli clan and the leader of a criminal gang in Vice City.

Storyline in the game "GTA"

The character is smart and quick-witted, but the Italian temperament prevents him from achieving his goals. Hot temper and bloodthirstiness often lead to trouble. Tommy does not hesitate to commit a crime, disregarding human lives. It doesn’t matter to him whether the victim shows aggression. At the same time, the hero is fair. A brutal man hides sentimentality, the ability to love and closeness with family under his unapproachable appearance. Relationships with girlfriend Mercedes Cortez and Ernest Kelly confirm this.

He is a whole person who despises drugs. Acting as the protagonist from the movie Scarface, Tommy even echoes his style in clothing, preferring Hawaiian shirts. Like Montana, Vercetti is destined to kill his boss and take over the business.

The story described in the game reveals the biography of the characters. The user meets Tommy, a prisoner in Liberty Prison. It's 1971, and the hero is convicted of killing several people during a shootout. It turns out that the man, working for the Trout clan, received a task. But his plan failed, and Tommy was ambushed. The forced shootout brought the death of eleven of the character's rivals, and for this he was sentenced to death.

Tommy Vercetti in the game "GTA"

Trout's intercession brought Tommy a reduced sentence. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Afterwards the hero was released. Trout is not happy about this, realizing that the dubious reputation of his former subordinate will affect the image of the family. Therefore, Tommy has to go to another city, where he will control drug trafficking.

The events take place in Vice City. Together with two partners, the man arrives at lawyer Rosenberg, who reports to Trout. The deal with him is intended to strengthen the position of the heroes in the city. But a shootout occurs, as a result of which only Tommy and his friend Ken remain alive. Tommy arrives at the hotel and tells his boss what happened. The goods and money lost by the hero should, according to Forel, atone for the situation. Tommy has to go out in search of the person who gave information about cooperation with a lawyer. He begins working with Lance Vance and gets on the trail of drug lord Ricardo Diaz.

The friends' paths diverge as Tommy tries to get closer to the enemy, and Lance plans an assassination attempt, as a result of which he is caught red-handed. Tommy gives himself away while trying to come to his friend's aid. They have to work together again. After killing Ricardo, Tommy takes possession of the mansion and becomes the local crime lord. Assessing the man’s success, Trout demands a kickback and part of the power over the city from him. Refusal and fight with collectors proves that resolving the issue requires personal presence.

A mafioso comes to Vice City planning a trap for a former subordinate, but Tommy was preparing for a difficult set of circumstances. The weak link of the operation was Lance, who betrayed him. It turns out that Trout is to blame for Tommy's imprisonment.

Their fight ends with the shooting of the Trout clan and the killing of Lance. The epilogue describes Tommy's journey to navigate the waves of crime on his own.

  • In real life, interpersonal relationships play a big role. Tommy's character was originally intended to be revealed through interactions with Mercedes, but the version players saw had little dialogue. The lion's share of interesting nuances remained behind the scenes.
  • A miniature copy of Tommy is sold in stores offering themed branded products. The producers used his appearance from the game "GTA San Andreas".
  • Fans of the game often ask questions about Tommy's ability to swim. In this matter, he can be put against Sidzhey. Both heroes cannot swim, but Sij is afraid of water, and Tommy remembers the oil that was once spilled on the surface of the sea, and considers the water unsafe.

  • Actor Tommy Vercetti was invited to voice the role. The artist received an Italian surname as a child, when he was adopted by a foster family. He participated in the creation of several GTA projects and is known for his images in the films: Heartbreakers, Revolver, Real Boars. In the latter, he played a newly minted biker conquering the roads on a motorcycle.

Thomas Vercetti - mercenary, drug lord.

Thomas was born in Liberty City in 1951.

Together with his father he worked in a printing house. The father dreamed that his son would follow in his footsteps, but Tommy chose the criminal path, starting to work for the Forelli family.

Thomas had dark, short hair. He liked to dress well. He has an Italian accent.

In the 70s he worked for Sonny Forelli. Tomi was good at his job and quickly advanced in his troubled career, becoming cooler and more calculating. His boss, fearing that Vercetti would want to take his place, sent assassins to kill him.

Tomii survived, killing 11 hitmen and earning the nickname “The Butcher of Harwood.” The cops grabbed him. He was due to be executed, but Sonny Forelli helped change the sentence to 15 years in exchange for his silence.

After 15 years, Tommy was released and Sonny sent him to work in Vice City.

When the family decided to start selling drugs, the boss sent him to the shooter. Tommy was ambushed and miraculously survived, along with lawyer Ken Rosenberg. Sonny demanded the return of the money that was thrown to Vercetti and Tommy promises to fulfill the request.

The hero turned to Rosenberg, hoping to earn money and return it to his boss. Tommy put on a nice suit and went to the yacht, to Colonel Cortez's party, where the big shots gathered. On the yacht, he meets the owner and his daughter Mercedes, who introduces him to everyone for whom he will have to work.

Tommy undertakes to find those who are responsible for the failure of the deal. In this case, he meets compatriot Lance Vance, who is looking for those responsible for the death of his brother.

Sonny continues to pressure Vercetti for money, forcing him to do dirty deeds.

Soon the hero is offered a good job for tycoon Avery Carrington. For him, she bombs a building, kills a competitor, and starts a war between Haitians and Cubans.

After this, Tommy begins to work for Colonel Cortez, who helps him find out who is responsible for the failure of the deal in which Trout's money was lost. For Colonel, Vercetti hijacks a tank and steals chips with missile guidance programs.

When the colonel sends his ward to protect drug lord Ricardo Diaz, Tommy begins working for him. For Diaz, he steals the fastest boat and destroys the Shark gang.

Tommy learns that it was Diaz who was responsible for the failure of the deal. When Lance is taken hostage by a drug lord, his friend comes to his aid and destroys the entire gang. He takes over Diaz's mansion, as well as his business, creating his own mafia clan.

Things are looking up for Vercetti. He becomes the guardian angel of the rock group Love Fist, becomes “native” for bikers, buys up part of a business in Vice City, buys an ice cream factory that sells drugs, buys a printing house, a boat workshop, a car dealership, a strip club, a film studio where he makes porn with Mercedes Cortes. When Tommy buys a Malibu club, he begins planning a bank robbery.

Soon the character again begins to quarrel with the Forelli family, who demanded their money. Sonny comes to Vice City to extract money from the debtor and Vercetti returns him the fake three million. Meanwhile, Lance, wanting to get rid of his friend, reports that the money is counterfeit and is framing Tommy. In the ensuing shootout, Sonny dies, as well as the traitor Lance. Only Tommy and Ken Rosenberg remain alive.

Now there was no danger to business in the north and Tommy decides to expand to the south.

Part IV
The next day Tommy woke up. He immediately went outside, got into a rusty Walton and drove to Phil. Having arrived, he got out of the truck and went into Phil's trailer, who was sleeping on a bed with a lamp above it (apparently Phil was not sleeping, but was just lying there with his eyes closed). Tommy accidentally tripped over a piece of wood lying on the floor, causing Phil to wake up. Seeing an old friend, he immediately began to hug him. Phil began the dialogue with an army phrase:
Phil: I wish you good health, Comrade Major!
Tommy: Old man, have you been drinking again?
F: Huh? Oh, no, sparrows are just flying overhead
T: Okay, you drank. In general, this is not what I came for.
F: What do you need?
T: I have problems with Paul Sindacco and his cronies.
F: I can kill him in two seconds, man. I'll try it if you want.
T: I understand you, Phil, but I need more guns than you have. I'm talking about the armory robbery.
F: Okay... let's go for a ride?
T: Where?
F: To a military warehouse.
T: Yes, I’ll just lead.
F: OK.
Tommy got behind the wheel of an army Patriot, Phil sat in the back, so as not to embarrass the driver with his drunken appearance. After 5 minutes of driving, Phil said:
Phil: There are guns in the back - for me and you. We'll break into the base and steal those trucks. They must have guns.
Tommy: Ok.
Both got out of the jeep and headed to the gate, having previously taken the guns from the car - Tommy armed himself with an M4, and Phil preferred Kruger and a couple of bombs that were supposed to blow up the gate. After a deafening explosion, both burst into the base and began to destroy the soldiers, of whom there were 30-35 people. Having cleared the area, Tommy got into the nearest truck, and Phil took the farthest one - both trucks were filled with heavy guns, body armor and bombs that could destroy the entire western island of Vice City. After leaving the base, the friends headed to Phil's hideout. Oddly enough, the police didn’t even understand who to go after, so they headed to the scene of the massacre, without even noticing Tom and Phil. Arriving at Phil's shack, Tommy said:
Tommy: Well, now we are almost ready - all that remains is to gather the guys. I'll go and rest - I'm tired.
Phil: Come on, army man, see you.
Tommy got into his Walton, which he drove to Phil's, and drove home in it.

Part V
After waking up, Tommy drove to Baker's bar. There he grabbed several people for support and went to Phil. He was already waiting for Tom at the house...
Tommy: So, this is the big day. We have to kill that bastard Paulie. We will act like this: bikers - you will be with me, cover me, Phil - you will mine the entire mansion....
Phil interrupted Tom:
Phil: I heard that the bomb was very powerful, and the gang didn't just take over Paul's mansion, they took over the whole island.
T: Okay, still a lot of time with you, I believe you. So, it's all about cars.
Tommy got into the jeep with Phil, two vans with bikers were driving behind. The convoy headed to Starfish Island, where the Sindacco gang reigned. Stopping near the main base, Tommy said:
Tommy: See that hatch?
Phil: Yeah.
T: You will climb there and mine all the places so that the island will completely blow up into the air. I'll let you know when you can blow it up.
F: Got it, boss.
Tommy took the guys and went to storm the mansion. There were a lot of bandits inside, but it was easy to deal with. The first floor has been cleared. The second floor remained. It was more difficult there, because there were bandits with M4s and shotguns. Everyone died, including all of Tommy's allies. Paulie was relaxing in the office. Tommy burst into the office, and, pointing the gun at the owner, began a dialogue with the enemy:
Tommy: Hello...
Paulie: What do you need?
T: Get out of my city or you'll get shot in the head.
P: I thought we had an alliance...
Suddenly, Tommy fell from being hit with a bottle, which was planned by Paul's surviving bandit. He said:
Paul's Bandit: Boss, let's get out of here.
Paulie: Yeah.
Tommy woke up and ran after Paul. He got into the black Washington and drove off. Tommy straddled the bike. After leaving the island with Phil, who was waiting near the entrance to the western island, Tommy said:
Tommy: We can get this over with now.
Phil pressed the red button, and the luxurious district with mansions immediately disappeared from the face of Vice City. Tommy couldn't track down where Paul went. In addition, the 5 people Paul sent after Tom and Phil surrounded them and took them with them to the docks.

The final
...the docks, the smell of the sea... this is what Tommy felt, next to whom Paulie Sindacco himself stood. The enemy said:
Paulie: It doesn't matter that you blew up that island, no one, even the press, won't care who it was. Everyone will remember Paulie Sindacco.
T: (coughs)... but everyone remembers me... and not you... old lizard...
P: Goodbye, I will miss you.
After Paulie left, Phil realized what to do. He took out a knife and began to cut the rope that was tied to his hands from the chair. With his hands free, Phil stabbed one of the bandits, took the gun, killed the others and freed Tom. Tom said:
Tommy: This freak is going to run out of town. We can't let him escape. Phil, get out of here. I'll deal with him myself.
With these words, Tommy ran to the Sentinel and rode it to the airport. Without knowing the road, Tommy drove headlong after the plane on which Paulie was flying. Tom pulled out a gun and started shooting at the tires, although it was ineffective. However, they failed to kill Paul. The plane took off from the ground and flew towards the west. Tommy called Phil
Tommy: ...he left.
Phil: But you're free. He flew away, everyone is alive...
Tommy: I hope for all your options.
Tommy remembered Mercedes and went to the hospital. Mercedes was waiting for Tom near the exit. Tommy ran to her and said:
Tommy: Even though that bastard flew away, we're all free again...

1990, cemetery
Even though Tommy has passed away, all his friends remember him as a young, energetic killer, bandit and just a man, Tom, Tom Vercetti...

Tommy Vercetti is the main character of the game. Worked for Sonny Forelli's gang in Liberty City. He was in prison for 15 years and was recently released. He arrived in Vice City on behalf of Sonny, who, understandably, was not happy about Vercetti’s release. After the deal fails, he plans to settle in the city and sooner or later take control of all the gangster groups.

Reward: $2,000

It's time to show this little town who's boss! We have five minutes to get to North Point Mall and destroy as many storefronts as possible. It is best to use a weapon that can be fired on the run, such as the Mac-10. First we destroy the display cases on the first floor, then we go up to the second and do the same. We don't pay attention to the police.

After completing the mission, we receive the right to purchase all available real estate in the city.

Reward: $4,000

One of the bars on the coast refuses to pay money for patronage. The owner states that he already has a reliable “roof”. So, we need to teach them a lesson. The security turns out to be cowardly. We have 5 minutes to get to their lair, otherwise they will have time to escape from there. We arrive, throw grenades at them or blow up cars with a shotgun. But we don’t go inside, because the guys are armed with good machine guns.

Yeah! A couple of freaks finally got to the motorcycles and are trying to escape. We get into the car, catch up, ram, and then finish off on the spot.

Reward: $10,000

One of our subordinates failed a mission to blow up a cafe in North Point Mall. Now the police have blocked all approaches there and guards have been posted. Lance and I have to dress up as police officers to get inside and personally finish what we started. First, we go to the garage, marked on the radar with a purple dot. Now we need to attract the attention of the police. We kill several passers-by so that we are assigned at least two wanted stars, and wait. As soon as the cops appear, we lure the two into the garage and... change clothes.

We get into the police car and go to the shopping center. We go into a cafe and plant a bomb. We have five seconds to get out of there! We run outside, jump into the car and rush to the nearest repainting, since now not only the police, but also the FBI are looking for us.

This was Tommy's last task. Control over the city has been established, and our mansion has a daily profit of $5,000.

At this stage of the game, the most prudent thing to do would be to buy Sunshine Autos for $50,000. The races available after purchase pay for nearly half the cost of the interior. In addition, if you collect all the cars from the 4 lists, $9,000 will be generated daily there. We are going further - to carry out missions for the Malibu club.

Solitaire Mat