What does a scroll give in the game hay day. How to quickly gain experience and money in Hay Day

IN Hay Day, as in any other game, there is a proven method that will help you quickly and freely advance through the levels.

Initially in the game, the barn and silo contain very few goods. But their large capacity is the secret of rapid development in Hay Day. Thus, in seeking to enlarge the silo and barn, we will exaggerate our wealth and experience.

We know that a silo is enlarged using nails, screws and wood panels. But how to collect enough of them? The fastest and easiest way is to plant and harvest wheat. Why wheat? Yes, because this crop grows the fastest. Every 2 minutes, when harvesting wheat, you will receive some useful item, including items to expand our silo and barn.

But after harvesting several fields of wheat, we are faced with the problem of overflowing the silo. Where should all this wheat go? You can put it in a roadside kiosk, you can open additional trays in it, you can try to set a minimum cost of 1 gold for every 10 wheat, but this will only temporarily solve our problem.

The main market for our wheat will be visitors, or beggars, as Hay Day players usually call them. They usually buy up more than half of all the wheat we have. But there is one important nuance here. Beggars do not come as often as we would like, and considering that they are always asking for anything but wheat, they are of little help to us. This is exactly what we will learn to correct.

So that beggars only ask for wheat

  1. Get rid of everything that occupies your barn, leaving only building materials for expansion
  2. Saws, axes, shovels, dynamite, etc. also need to be used or sold
  3. There should be no crops left in the silo except wheat
  4. All your production must be suspended

And now, after there is nothing left in our barn except bolts, boards, adhesive tapes, nails, screws, wooden panels and feed, and the silo is filled to the top with only wheat, the beggars have no choice but to buy a lot from our wheat.

As our silo increases, we will be able to collect more wheat, and since beggars buy in huge quantities, often more than half of the total volume, we will be able to plant wheat more and more often. I don’t argue that the process is quite tedious, but there is no faster, free and legal way. During those two minutes that are needed for the wheat to grow, we can and should leaf through the newspaper with advertisements; it happens that we manage to buy exactly what we really need.

After playing our farm in this way for several months, we will be able to collect enough gold coins, significantly expand our barn and silo, and take on the game Hay Day with even greater pleasure.

One downside to this fast way get rich is that it cannot be practiced any time you want it

The process of liberating the barn and tower is quite lengthy and unprofitable. And refilling the silo with all the crops, and the barn with numerous products, is even more difficult. So try to work with wheat for as long as possible so that you don't have to go through this whole process again.

What can fall from planting wheat?

The most common drops from wheat are axes and saws. Less commonly built for a barn or silo. You can also wait for the explosives. Thus, from the wheat harvest you can expect everything except finished products, vouchers and diamonds.

But these are all words, and we can only find out the real numbers by conducting a real experiment. From this video we will find out the most accurate amount of gold that we can earn per hour by planting wheat.

After analyzing the video, we can calculate the exact income. In total, we planted 9 wheat in 156 fields, and from them we received (data in the table).

What happened? Quantity Sales income
1 PC. 36 coins
3 pcs. 810 coins
2 pcs. 540 coins
2 pcs. 50 coins
1 PC. 403 coins
2 pcs. 540 coins
1 PC. 54 coins
1 PC. 403 coins
2 pcs. 540 coins

In total, we got 15 items worth 3376 coins

Knowing these data, and the fact that we spent 25 minutes planting and failing the crop 9 times, we can draw the following conclusions.

  1. On average, planting 75 fields of wheat will drop one random item
  2. One planted field of wheat brings 5 ​​coins (taking into account the sold wheat at the default price)

Thus, we can conclude that by playing for 8 hours in this way, with a field of 100 squares, we will earn: 90,000 gold coins.

As you can see from the calculations, planting wheat is a very profitable way to play, as our small experiment proved to us.

IN Lately A farm simulator called Hay Day has gained immense popularity - this game has already been liked by many thousands of gamers who are happy to free time build their own farm, get animals, sell what they produce and interact with other gamers to get more benefits. However, like all other games, this one also has its secrets. Hay Day is a game that won't require you to invest real money(that is, you can use them, but there is no point in the game when you are simply forced to do this - everything is entirely voluntary), however, if you want to achieve a high result, then you will need to know certain features. This will allow you to grow faster, make more profits and use your resources more efficiently. What are there Hay secrets Day?

Cheat codes

Many people immediately try to find out which ones are available in Hay Day cheats. And they should be immediately disappointed - they don’t exist. You should remember that this game is based on a mobile platform. And although it is more solitary, you still constantly interact with other players in some small ways, for example, during races you compete with them. So the developers did not leave any options for using cheat codes, since this would put some gamers in a more advantageous position than others. That is why you need to think not about cheats, but about what are available in Hay Day secrets passing. Because in reality there are a lot of them, and if you don’t know them, then it will be quite difficult for you to develop your own farm. So this article will help you become a successful farmer and absolutely without using cheats.


So, as said earlier, the secrets of Hay Day largely lie in those functions that depend on other players. For example, you can pay attention to the notice board that you can find in your farm newspaper. There will be offers for the sale of certain goods by other farmers. Here you need to spend coins wisely - buy either what you urgently need, but cannot get it otherwise, or what will help you do business. For example, you can buy a large quantity of certain goods wholesale at a low price, and then sell them at a higher retail price through the same advertisements. This is how you can make money, but for this it is better to first study the market, because you can buy a large batch of goods that, as a result, no one will buy from you at all. As you can see, the secrets of Hay Day can tell you quite interesting options development.

Getting Diamonds

Just like any other like a game, there are two types of currency here. Coins are the main money that you can spend freely, since you can earn them no less freely. But diamonds are a completely different conversation. The fact is that they are given just a little bit each time you reach a new level, but you will never have enough for what you would like to buy right away - you will need to constantly save up several levels to purchase at least something. That is why all the main secrets of the Hay Day game are related to obtaining diamonds. But how can you still get them? The very first thing you need to do is link your account Facebook to the game. For this they give you five diamonds at once. You can get another one if you start following the game page on the same social network, where you can also participate in competitions with various royalties from diamonds - perhaps you will be able to win. You can also view trailers for other games from the developer - you also get a diamond for each view. As stated earlier, when you climb new level, then you also get diamonds - usually there are very few of them, one or two. You can still count on finding diamonds if you discover a chest - they may be hidden inside, although this happens quite rarely. And, of course, you should strive for level 24, since upon reaching it you will be able to perform “mining-digging”, and this process will also bring you stones. That's all the main secrets of the Hay Day game for getting additional free diamonds.

Waste of diamonds

As you well understand, your Hay Day farm will constantly require improvement and improvement, and often the game will ask you to spend diamonds on one action or another. Never listen to this advice - after all, the developers in this matter tried for themselves, and not for you. You recklessly spend diamonds, then realize that you need them for something else - and rush to buy them for real money. To avoid this, do not follow in-game advice. The very first and, in fact, the only thing you need to do with diamonds is to increase the production queues in your buildings at their expense. This is done so that you can put many more products into production at the same time than originally intended. This way, your Hay Day farm will prosper much faster.


The game also has a large number of a wide variety of decorative items, creatures, and so on. However, they do not always appear on the farm at your own request, and users do not always want to see them. Therefore, you should learn how to get rid of unwanted guests, such as frogs. They appear in the pond at random times, croak and distract. If you want silence, then use one trick. Place a small pond next to a river and wait for a frog to appear. Immediately place a large pond directly on it and wait a couple of minutes. Then move your pond to the place where you want it to be - the frogs will no longer disturb you.

Tom assistant

Don't miss level 14. Pay special attention to it, as you will have a personal assistant on it, capable of a lot. However, he will only be at this level - at subsequent levels he can only be summoned for diamonds. So make the most of his help.

Greetings to all fans of the game Hay Day or those who are just thinking about starting their own farm. Being one of the old-timers of this game, I can say with confidence that in more than four years my interest in the toy has not diminished at all, for which I am deeply grateful to the creators of Hay Day.

One of the latest innovations is the “Reserve”, where new animals live - giraffes, elephants and hippos, as well as their babies. Of course, in order to collect the treasured pieces of the puzzle to get an animal, you have to try hard. You can find them in red suitcases or chests that are hidden on the farm and in the city, respectively, and can also be won in the Derby or received as a reward for successfully loading a steamship.

I hope that soon the assortment of bouquets in your favorite flower shop will increase. So far, only “Bouquet of Wild Flowers”, “Bright Bouquet” and “Delicate Bouquet” are available. By the way, peonies - new from the last update - greatly decorated the beds on my farm.

The Derby was also diversified by adding Bingo. Essentially, the meaning is the same, only on the card instead of numbers there are tasks - serve a certain number of visitors in the city, send 2-6 ships, grow one or another type of agricultural product (corn, wheat, lettuce, strawberries, green tea, etc. ).

The animals on the farm again pleased us with a change of clothes for winter. Now the sheep are trembling funny with deer antlers on their heads, and the goats look like little grannies in their lilac scarves. Excellent graphics and design are the hallmark of Hay Day. And yes, the decorations from holiday to holiday delight with variety.

I don't know what I would do without my trusty assistants, Rose and Ernest, who help take care of the animals and basic supplies on my farm. True, their services are not free and you will have to pay a certain amount of diamonds for their work. However, for example, I very often come across cards with accelerators that can be activated, and assistants will work for free during the specified hours. Accelerators are, by the way, an awesome idea. They concern a variety of areas of the farm - assistants, growing crops, maintaining a personal train, reducing Tom's sleep time.

As it happens, I don’t particularly like fishing, so I make fishing nets that in twenty hours will give me my rightful three pieces of fish fillet. The only exception is the next competition, where valuable prizes are given for the kilograms of fish caught. But watching the duck salon can be very, very fun, because the duck decides to work on his hair, or even wants to drink a cocktail.

The number of production machines also grows with each update, but my favorites are still the “Jam Maker”, “Sandwich Machine”, “Sushi Bar”, “Flower Shop” and “Pasta Kitchen”. The dairy and sugar factory can no longer cope with the increasing demands of visitors and the number of delivery orders. However, the creators of the game are in no hurry to add additional cars, which players from different parts of the world have been asking for for so long.

Of the pets, horses can rightfully be considered the most profitable, since they give the most experience in six hours of waiting. And the funniest ones are donkeys (the plus is that they give experience every hour). Cats and dogs are also good, but their food uses valuable ingredients - milk and bacon. This is why I prefer not to feed them very often (bacon and milk are often required to produce other necessary foods). So, pigs will produce bacon four hours after feeding, sheep will produce wool after six hours, and cows will produce milk in just an hour (the production of goat's milk will take eight hours).

In general, there are a lot of different aspects in the Hay Day game, it’s impossible to remember them all at once. The most important thing is that game process is always being improved (something new appears), and this allows players the most different levels and the ability to play for fun.

Perhaps some points from the tips will not be a secret to you, but still something will definitely become useful for you and come in handy while playing Hay Day.

Forget about cheat codes for Hey Day, since they simply cannot exist.

Secret 2

To earn extra gold, run to the newspaper with advertisements more often; be sure to have a table with maximum prices for all goods on hand. You can create such a list yourself, or download a ready-made one. The table should have a maximum price for the entire quantity: from 1 to 10, thus, when looking through the trays of other people’s kiosks, you can buy goods that were not offered at the maximum price, and when selling in your own kiosk, set only the maximum price. This way you can earn even more coins than using the wheat method.

Secret 3

Diamonds, which can be bought in the farm for real money, can be obtained this way: for example, after logging in via Facebook you will receive five diamonds; for gaining levels you get from 1 to 5 diamonds. Diamonds can be found in unlocked boxes - up to 8 pieces. There is a chance that you will receive a diamond for watching a movie with a ticket near your mailbox. The fastest way to earn diamonds is in the mine, extracting various ores.

Secret 4

Diamonds must be spent wisely. For example, it’s quite smart to take for 10 diamonds additional task at the races. And also, you need to open up additional cells in production a little at a time. The main thing is not to spend diamonds on something that will end after some time and will not affect your winnings or losses, for example, at horse races.

Secret 5

A farm that has suffered a frog infestation can get rid of them. This can be achieved by placing a small or large pond from the store on them for a while.

Secret 6

Don't miss the opportunity to hire Tom from level 14 - for free. You will have 3 days left to buy whatever you want. Order him every two hours the maximum quantity of the product that you need or that takes the longest to produce.

Secret 7

Even after you have opened all the land on your farm, continue to collect expansions. Appears regularly in Hay Day new land, which needs to be opened again. Who knows, maybe someday you will be able to see other farms located right next to yours.

Secret 8

Shipping trucks should not be neglected. This is always a lot of experience and good earnings. Especially when they give double coins for tasks on a special occasion.

Secret 9

Making as many friends as possible is a must in Hay Day. Also decide which community is strong enough and develop together with your neighbors.

Secret 10

If you constantly leaf through a newspaper with advertisements, you can find expensive and rare items. The main thing is to ensure that your barn and silo have enough space for purchase. Buy without hesitation, because at this moment hundreds of other farmers are leafing through the newspaper.

Secret 11

Don't get carried away with buying expensive decorations for your farm. Style and beauty largely depend on your taste. If you have no imagination, look through the farms of other players. You'll definitely find something you like. By looking at many farms and choosing the best from each, you can create the most beautiful and unique farm.

Secret 12

Did you see an exclamation point in the newspaper? This means the farm needs watering or help with sending a steamer. So be sure to walk around the area and look at the boxes on the ship, maybe you can close a couple. These actions are always beneficial, not only to your neighbor, but also to you.

Secret 13

Try buying different pets regularly. When there are enough vouchers, you will be able to purchase and feed your pet, and it will regularly bring you experience, and sometimes various elements in the form of formations, axes or saws.

Secret 14

If you exit and log into the game, the advertisements in the newspaper are not updated - this is a myth. The secret to updating a newspaper is 2 minutes and 10 seconds after entering the previous one. Check it out for yourself. If you haven’t visited a newspaper with advertisements for a long time, then go in and quickly leave. Plant the wheat as soon as it ripens, count 10 seconds, and the ads will be the freshest.

Secret 15

Remember to plant the crops that take the longest to grow before you go to bed. Also, load all production to full capacity only with what has been in production for the longest time.

Secret 16

Starting another farm in Hay Day is usually unnecessary. But if you still decide to start playing again, then just delete the game and install it again. Until you link it to your Google or Facebook account, new farm will be level 1. And if you need to play it on another device on Android or iOS, then just enter a different account.

Secret 17

The same farm can be downloaded on different devices, but you can only play on one at a time. The moment you connect to the farm on one device, the connection on the other will be lost.

Secret 18

There is a very rare hack. You can load production without taking away the finished product. It is enough that at this moment there is no room in the barn. This secret can be a big help in winning races. When you notice a task to produce something in large quantities, you can complete the task even before taking it.

Secret 19

Most farmers, when starting production, pull the necessary ingredients into free cell. And the more cells we have, the further we have to drag our finger or mouse.

Now let’s take into account that we have two dozen factories and factories, and each has 5-10 cells. And we can produce hundreds, or even thousands of products per day. It's not hard to imagine how much time we can save if we learn to do it right. For example, few people know that you can start the production of the required product by throwing ingredients only into the first cell, even if it is occupied.

By touching only the corner of the main cell, the desired product will appear freely and begin to blink in the background. But that's not all. Main secret in quick bookmarking productions is to cover an even shorter distance with your finger on your smartphone or tablet.

It turns out that the fastest loading of production is the one in which we just need to pull the desired product to the factory itself. At the same time, the production itself begins to glow a little around the perimeter, so we understand that the ingredients can be thrown.

Secret 20

It happens that it is absolutely necessary to remove friends. The procedure for removing them has changed slightly with the advent of a special book. So, in order to delete friends whom you no longer want to see in the tab, just do the following.

First of all, open the bottom panel by clicking on the 3 people in the lower right corner.

And open the book of friends, which is marked in the screenshot above. Next, we go to the “Friends in the game” tab and we have the opportunity to delete or block any friend.

HAY DAY Best game in the farm genre. It captivates with its stunning graphics and pleasant melody. Diamonds are given as gifts for all holidays, the decorations are updated, the developers do not sleep and often pamper players with updates.

You can really get hooked on this game, it’s better not to even start playing it, honestly)! She doesn’t have time to get bored, the higher the level, the more interesting and difficult it is. By the way, there are a total of 300 levels in the game, I have friends who have level 100 or more... I can’t even imagine how long it would take to achieve such a result))

I started playing Hey Day while on maternity leave, the game is very relaxing)))

How to add friends? If you have iOS, you can add friends via Facebook and Game Center. If you play on Android, you can add friends via Facebook.

Boy TOM. If you don't want to lose your good sleep, it's better not to hire Tom the boy. This guy will work for you for free only for one day, then you can hire him for the same day by paying him in diamonds. But if you paid diamonds for his services, you will try to exploit him to the fullest (order as many items as possible). How does Tom work? He does not bring building materials for the barn and silo, but you can order all the products from him, as well as axes and saws - these are also considered rare goods. After completing an order, Tom is ready to fulfill the next order in two hours. If you get excited, you will enter the game every 2 hours.

STROYMAT to expand the silo and barn can be obtained by harvesting from the fields. This trick will work most quickly with wheat, because it matures quickly. It’s better not to sell construction mats (expanders), they will be useful to you. The same applies to land certificates, pegs and hammers.

STEAMBOAT - The best part is that for every complete shipment of a steamship you are given steering wheels, when you have accumulated 15,000 of them you will receive a reward of 50 diamonds. Also, do not hesitate to help your friends load their ships, for this you will receive steering wheels and letters of gratitude, for which you can receive either diamonds or some kind of or a decorative item, or you can get any product). You will receive letters of gratitude the next day after helping a friend (heal a tree, bush, help load a steamer). They also give you a voucher for sending a full ship.

VOUCHERSyou will need it first for purchasing animals (cats, dogs, horses, donkeys...which provide experience and building materials); secondly for fishing. You can get a voucher by sending a ship or sending a machine with precious items from a mine, or you can also win it in the Wheel of Fortune.

FISHING oooh.... well, there are many nuances here, each fish has its own character, if you play, pay attention to the width of the hole and the activity of the fish. If the hole is very small and the fish is flopping around a lot, don’t miss it)))! You can catch crayfish.

MINE opens at the initial levels, but if you don’t have enough money, you can wait with it, it’s better to repair the boat first. The mine is more interesting to players at higher levels, you'll still have time. BUT! You can find DIAMONDS in the mine, so decide for yourself.

DIAMONDS - I personally have never spent real money on buying diamonds. The developers don’t spare diamonds anyway; they give them away with every update. They can also be found in chests. I foolishly spent my first diamonds on closed chests. Do not open closed chests, it is not profitable. You can also earn diamonds by completing white house tasks, or by catching fish (large, medium and small). And they are also given for completing global tasks (you don’t have to complete them completely, the main thing is to take part). My advice is that diamonds should only be used to expand the cells of production machines!

If you want to earn money faster money, sell products through newspaper at the maximum price, fortunately advertisements can now be posted every 15 minutes. By the way, the newspaper is updated every 2 minutes. In the newspaper you can find rare goods; products are sold at low prices mainly by the Chinese and Americans. By the way, in the newspaper you can go to an advertisement with eggs, and accidentally find a building mat in the store))! If by chance the store puts out the wrong product that you wanted, you can’t get it back! With the help of diamonds, you can remove an ad from the store, but the product will not return to you - it will go into emptiness. To make money faster, it is not profitable to ship products by truck. It doesn't give you much money, but a good truck gives you experience. It is profitable to sell through a newspaper at the maximum price.

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