Gamers shared their experiences on how to properly build a railroad in Minecraft. Guides: Construction of a railway station with automatic dispatch of cars About creating items for the road

Building a railroad in Minecraft is a fairly simple process, but it has a number of nuances. First you need to craft a trolley and rails. This was reported by experts in the “Hi-tech” section of the “Stock Leader” publication for investors.

Simple one-lane routes.

The simplest type of railway. To build them, you need to install all the rails one after another, and then limit the ends of the tracks with opaque blocks.

You can accelerate trolleys using a trolley with a stove, or make part of the path inclined so that the trolley accelerates while sliding down the mountain. Both of these options, unfortunately, are not very good: the speed of the trolley with the stove is even lower than that of the player, and it is quite difficult to maintain the required slope of the tracks all the time.

Disadvantages: difficulties with accelerating the trolley.
Efficiency: minimal.

Simple two-lane tracks.

This is the second simplest type of railway. It is built completely similarly to single-lane tracks, but will need at least twice as many large quantity rail to create a simple type of railroad. The ends of these tracks must be connected to each other, so that the trolley will travel in one direction along the tracks indefinitely. For this type of railway, a trolley with a stove is best suited - it can run until the fuel runs out.

Disadvantages: with each new activation, the trolley with the stove will go in the direction opposite to the one it went in the last time. This poses certain difficulties (provided that the trolley with the stove will push other trolleys).

Looped paths.

They are built on the principle of single-lane tracks, but the ends of these tracks must form a loop so that the end of the loop is directed in the direction opposite to the end of the tracks. However, when creating such tracks, one should not forget about the “southeast rule”: the trolley tends to turn east or south. For acceleration on these tracks, a trolley with a stove is best suited.

Efficiency: average (one piece of coal is needed for one trip).

Disadvantages: Due to the “southeast rule”, creating correct loops can be quite difficult. Although you can install a lever next to the arrow that will force the trolley to turn in the desired direction.

Electrical paths.

At the moment, this is the simplest of all types of tracks - along them any trolley can move endlessly without wasting fuel. However, such rails are quite expensive to construct. Do you need simple rails, push rails and electric rails, as well as levers or red torches. The lever is the cheapest option, especially considering the fact that the electric rails will consume quite a lot of red dust. First, just start laying a path from ordinary rails, inserting electric rails every 25 blocks. Electric rails give the minecart enough energy to travel 64 blocks, but in order for the cart not to lose speed, they need to be placed every 25 blocks. If you want simple trolleys or trolleys with chests to move freely along such rails, you need to place electric rails every seven blocks. It is worth considering that going uphill is more difficult work, so more energy must be transferred to the trolley before going up. To do this, you can install several electric rails.

In order to activate the electric rails (and when turned off, they will simply stop the trolley), you need to install one lever or a red torch next to them. Near electric rails, push rails can be installed instead (in such cases they will only be activated when a minecart passes over them), but this will require more resources.

Using the ability of electric rails to accelerate or stop the trolley, you can create quite convenient stops - as soon as the trolley arrives at the stop, it will stop, but when you press the button, it will move on.
Let us remind you that

This design works on the following principle: a trolley rides, drives onto pressure rails and stops at a stop. At this time, the signal from the pressure rail is delayed by the repeaters and then goes to a stop. Thus, the trolley leaves after some time. And here are the instructions on how to build Minecraft train station.

We dig a trench 5 blocks long, one block wide and one block deep. The first block of the trench will be the block from which the movement begins. That is, the trolley enters the first block, then goes to the fifth and leaves it. Then you need to install the rails as follows: on the first block - electric rails. On the second and third, ordinary rails are installed. On the fourth - push ones. On the fifth - electric rails. Immediately after the fifth block, you need to install pressure rails, but do not dig anything else, but place them on the block above.

Making a trench

Thus, it turns out that the delay lasts 10 seconds, this is enough to board the carriage. But if freight trolleys are traveling, then the delay must be increased, since it takes time to put the cargo into the freight trolley. Then all that remains is to run the wire from the repeater along the dug trench to the electric rails on the first block.

There are a large number of methods of movement in Minecraft - by land, by water and even by air. One of the most accessible and important means is the railway, which can greatly facilitate life in the game.

So, in order to acquire your own railway, on which you can transport a large amount of resources, you will need rails and a trolley.

Rails in the game can be of three types - regular, electric, and push.

To create regular rails, six iron ingots and one stick are used. We place everything in the correct order on the workbench and get rails.
Now all that remains is to place them on the blocks, as a result of which they will unite and form a railway. Please note that such a road can not only be straight - you can install it at an angle or with a turn.

To craft electric rails we will need a much larger amount of resources, but it is worth it. We place six gold ingots, red dust and a stick on the workbench.

That's all. Now we place them in between the usual ones. Their main role is that they can significantly accelerate the trolleys that move along them. By the way, such rails need to be turned on using a torch or pressure rails. The latter type can only be used on a straight road.

Let's figure out exactly how to craft pressure rails. Take six iron ingots, red dust and a pressure plate.

That's it, now you have your own rails and all the materials to create a high-speed railway.

Creating trolleys in Minecraft

Of course, rails and railroads are not enough to transport yourself and resources. It is also necessary to create a trolley. For this we need five iron ingots. If you want to develop a trolley with an engine, then you will also need a furnace.

If you want to put them on the train tracks, then just select them and click right click mice. But if you have a desire to put them into action, then you need to hold coal in your hand, which is the fuel for the operation of the trolley. You can get this resource deep in the mine. Remember that the mines are dark and full of various monsters. So don't forget to take a torch and weapons with you.

One of the ways to travel in Minecraft is to travel on a trolley along the railways. But they can also transport valuable cargo. To create railways you need rails and trolleys. You can see how to make trolleys below, and we will look at how to make rails in more detail.

Types of trolleys

  • An ordinary trolley.
  • Trolley with engine.

  • Trolley with dynamite.

  • Trolley with funnel.

Types of rails

There are 4 types of rails in Minecraft:

  • ordinary;
  • energy rails;
  • push;
  • activating.

Regular rails

The easiest to create, the most frequently used.

At the very beginning of the train, a trolley with an engine is required, otherwise it will not move.

To create regular rails you will need:

  • One stick (can be made from boards of any type of wood).
  • 6 iron ingots (to get iron ingot, needs to be melted down iron ore in the oven).

Energy rails

To create, you need gold, which is not so cheap. But you don’t need a lot of them; energy rails are used for acceleration. They can be turned off and on, and in order for them to work, you need to place a red torch/redstone block or an activated lever next to them.

It would also be a good option to install rails with a pressure plate in front of the energy rails.

We will need:

  • One stick.
  • One redstone.
  • 6 gold bars (to get a gold bar, you need to smelt gold ore in a furnace).

Pressure rails

Used to activate energy rails, and can only be activated by a minecart.

To create we need:

  • 1 stick.
  • 1 stone pressure plate.
  • 6 iron ingots.

Activating rails

Does not affect the speed of trolleys. A trolley with TNT traveling along the activated rails will explode in a few seconds, and a trolley with players/animals will drop off its passengers.

They need to be activated. Activated in the same way as energy rails.

For crafting you will need:

  • 2 sticks.
  • 1 red torch.
  • 6 iron ingots.

Types of railways

We know what kind of rails there are and how to make them, but what next? How to do railway?

There are many types of roads, but we will consider only three main ones.

  • Single stripe. Built in one lane, minimal resource consumption. You only need rails and two blocks, the efficiency is the lowest of all types of railway.

It is necessary to lay a straight line of rails and place blocks at the ends.

  • Two-lane. Much more resources are required than for single-band, but the efficiency is also greater.

It is built according to the same principle, but the two-lane road is closed, unlike the one-lane one.

  • Looped. Similar to a single-lane railway, but at the ends there are loops rather than blocks. If you make more loops, you can make stops.

You can see how it is built in the image.

Now you know how to make rails in Minecraft, what kinds of railroads and trolleys there are. Thanks for reading the article!

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