Counting games from 10 to 0. Counting games

This charming, cute baby, who came to Earth from outer space, has long been loved by children and adults. He not only became a real earthling, but also mastered reading and counting, and now helps all the kids understand this difficult science. So today he decided to arrange a real lesson for everyone. Hooray! A new adventure begins - the game “Counting to 10” with Luntik!

In order to learn and remember the names of the numbers, the pink alien never tires of repeating them. Now every boy or girl will probably never again confuse one with seven, or six with nine. It’s not for nothing that they say: “repetition is the mother of learning”; this is confirmed in practice.

After the first introductory task, we proceed to the second, no less interesting and exciting. Here Kuzya will give out tasks, and your lunar friend will evaluate your knowledge.

Next, count how many leaves are in front of you. How many strawberries? “Count to 10” and learn numbers. And here is the last, final stage of our lesson. Here you will have to work hard before you put the numbers in the right order. If you make a mistake, it doesn't matter. You can think a little and make the right choice.

The game “Counting to 10” will amuse you and teach you arithmetic, and this is so important for a future student. If you find it difficult, call your parents. Together you will definitely figure everything out.

We wish you a great time and fun with the charming Luntik.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today I invite you to play a very fun and simple game that will help our kids learn to count.

Here is a game between my daughter and me, which consists of several fields with different numbers and a set of ladybugs with a certain number of dots on their wings from 0 to 10. The essence of the game is as follows.

First, print out the number fields and ladybugs themselves. Cut the ladybugs into cards. Place one box in front of your child and ask him to find a ladybug with the same number of dots on its back as the number. For example, on number 1 we place a ladybug with one dot on its wing, on number 2, respectively, a ladybug with two dots on its wings, etc. Play with one field first, when the baby learns to quickly sort the cards, put another field or several at once - this is the most difficult option. Accordingly, you will have to print several sets of ladybugs.

This game, first of all, teaches the baby to count, develops his logic, attentiveness, ability to concentrate, perseverance, fine motor skills of the fingers and much more. Try and play it, teach your child to count easily and quickly. Here you can download the game “Learn to Count” for free.

Cartoons on the topic

I suggest you watch online videos with cartoons to teach counting to little ones. Most of them suggest counting to 10, but there is a video that can help you learn how to count to 100.

  • Learning to count life kids. These are educational cartoons for the little ones, where a bunny, cat and other animals teach kids various tricks of science. In this video, children will learn to count.

  • Baba Yaga learns to count. The heroine of folk tales Baba Yaga in the cartoon “Baba Yaga Learns to Count” will this time act as a “teacher” for kids. The cartoon “Baba Yaga Learns to Count” depicts how the sinister heroine of fairy tales begins to learn the basics of mathematics. The cartoon “Baba Yaga Learns to Count” will help kids learn the basics of counting to 10 in an interesting and exciting way. You can watch the cartoon “Baba Yaga Learns to Count” here

  • “Learning to count to 20”, or “Learning to count to 10”. There are quite a lot of varieties of such cartoons. For example, a cartoon with Zheka the Hedgehog, who counts apples and then puts them in boxes. The cartoon, featuring Zheka the Hedgehog, does not just list numbers, but makes kids think and count the apples before they are put into boxes. This is an interactive cartoon where Zheka the Hedgehog constantly asks the kids where and how many apples should be put. Zheka the Hedgehog will teach kids how to count to 10 if you just play this video for your child sometimes

  • You can watch cartoons from the series “Learning to Count to 10” with Piggy and Stepashka, as well as with cars. The baby may be familiar with Khryusha and Stepashka from the TV show “Good night, kids!” These heroes may be known to him, so counting with Khryusha and Stepashka will be just a pleasure. You can watch cartoons with Piggy here

  • The cartoon with cars is based on the fact that cars put various objects into the back and count them. Watching cartoons with cars is also quite exciting: they are accompanied by songs, colorful and short-lived, so the child does not get tired. There are also versions of cartoons where children are encouraged to learn to count to 100. You can watch cartoons with cars here

  • You can also watch educational cartoons online where you can count candies. By counting the candies, the baby will learn to count to 10

  • "Luntik." An educational cartoon was created based on the beloved TV series “Luntik”. In it, Luntik counts and shows numbers. You can watch the educational cartoon “Luntik” here

  • Counting table we learn to count from 1 to 10 with a song. This is a musical cartoon where children are encouraged to count to music.

  • Cartoon series "Soon to school." A fascinating series of cartoons “Soon to School” will allow your child to learn to count to 100. The basis of the cartoon “Soon to School” are objects or numbers up to 100. In general, cartoons unobtrusively introduce children to difficult two-digit numbers using game moments, while participating The child himself can play in the game. You can watch the “Back to School” episode here

Cartoons that teach children to count are designed for an audience from 3 to 6 years old. If you turn on these cartoons to your child every day for 10-15 minutes, he will soon begin to count even without your help. Try it!

In the first year of life, the baby learns a lot of new things, and as he grows, he feels the need for new knowledge. Therefore, upon reaching 2–3 years old, many parents begin to search for ways that will tell them how to teach their child to count. After all, at this age he is ready for something new and is able to learn the lesson he has learned well. Timely teaching of numeracy guarantees by the age of 5 the proper preparation necessary for 1st grade students.

From this article you will learn

Counting to 10

For many 3-year-olds, counting from 1 to 10 can be overwhelming. Therefore, before mastering this lesson, you need to start with a simple one - counting to 5, and only after that move on. You can teach your child to count within five in the following ways:

  • Curling the fingers on one hand.
  • Using pictures for children that you can buy or print your favorite ones from the Internet. Instead of numbers, they should depict objects in quantities from 1 to 5.
  • Watching educational cartoons, playing games whose main goal is to learn numbers.
  • Using a simulator such as an abacus, special sticks, and counting material.
  • Having learned thematic rhymes.
  • Determining the number of objects in real life.

Having taught a child to count mentally to 5, parents should not wonder how to teach their child to count to 10. After all, the methodology used is similar, the difference is only in the number of numbers used. Counting within 10 can be practiced in a playful way that is easier for children to understand. And you can consolidate the result that was given by counting cards, simulators, etc.:

  • You can ask your child to wash a certain number of plates, cups, vegetables, while counting to 10, pronouncing each number.
  • When going to the store, we learn to count to 10 on the products indicated on the list. Parents must write exactly 10 names of goods that they and their child will search for.

When learning, it is important not to overdo it, because a child can very easily be discouraged from doing anything by long sessions that take place against his will. Therefore, only after making sure that the baby is in a great mood and ready to study, you can start it. For kids, learning to count to ten is already a feat that deserves praise and is an indicator that they are ready to move on to a more serious level.

Count to 20

As a rule, counting to 10 for children 3 years old is not difficult. Things are a little different when it comes time to learn to count within 20. Difficulties can arise when counting to 10 is not entirely clear for children, which means that parents, in their desire to teach the baby to count, rushed and thereby confused him. You need to ask the question of how to teach a child to count to 20 only when he knows the numbers well, counting within 10.

When studying counting within 20 with children, they need to explain and confirm the main nuances, for example:

  • The number consists of 2 digits. The first is tens, the second is units. Counting material will help children master counting.
  • Without knowing how to teach a child to count to twenty, you should give him a clear example of what this number can look like. The best way to demonstrate this for preschoolers is to place two tanks in front of them. Put 2 items in one of them, ten in the second. Using this example, the child will be able to understand what tens are and what units are.
  • It is also necessary to explain that after 10 there are two-digit numbers, and their units follow each other (1,2,3 and so on).
  • After the baby has learned the first 20 numbers, you can figure out how to teach your child to count in his head. To do this, you can consider examples based on available items. We teach the child to count to 20 by asking him to put a certain amount of prepared material (sweets, bagels, pebbles) into a container. In this case, the first time the task should be performed out loud, and the second time the counting of objects should be pronounced in the mind.

How to teach a child to count quickly in his head? It’s a matter of time, and only regular classes and improvement of acquired knowledge will become a prerequisite for mastering the count up to 100, and at the age of 5 this is quite possible. In addition, this is the right age to explain to a preschooler how to do it correctly.

Count to 100

Children as young as five years old can learn to quickly count to 10 or 20 in their head. But not all parents know how to teach a child to count to 100 at this age. Yes, a small preschooler may experience difficulties in the process of mastering new knowledge, especially since the number one hundred provides for a huge number of others, the mere thought of which shocks not only children, but also their parents. In fact, difficulties can be avoided and a preschooler can be taught to count to 100 without difficulty by choosing the right approach.

  • The easiest way to explain to children what “100” is is to give an example of the tens that it consists of (10, 20...90). At the same time, it is necessary to talk about the fact that between tens there are also ones. A preschooler who counts from 1 to 20 will know this.
  • Every day the child needs to be given a specific task - learning new numbers. You can limit yourself to ten. In this case, repetition should be carried out from 1 to the number that was learned last.
  • After each completed task in the form of mastering new numbers, you can conduct control games. For example, having written a number series, skip several values ​​in it that the child must determine. You can also count any objects that surround it.
  • Counting to 100 for children is an incredible achievement for which they must be praised and encouraged, because this is the strongest incentive for achieving great heights.

Knowing how to teach a child to count, most parents make a common mistake - they push him too hard, which discourages him from learning. You need to remember that a 5-year-old preschooler will be able to learn more material in a playful way.

No amount of teaching, rigor and persistence from parents will give the expected result. In order to properly teach your child to count, you need to:

  • Make classes regular, as well as repetitions of the material covered. In the second case, it is recommended to do this in the form of a game, inviting the child to count toys, leaves, stones, cars.
  • It is better to start teaching your child to count before he goes to school. After all, the time provided by the school curriculum may not be enough, and the child’s performance will begin to decline.
  • There is no need to set a goal to familiarize a preschooler with numbers in every possible and impossible way. He must not memorize them, but understand the principle of their calculation.
  • We learn counting with the help of auxiliary materials - sticks, cards, an image or the number of objects on which corresponds to a certain number. Now such material is freely available, it can be printed or purchased at your nearest store.

But parents should not stand aside, relying on them to teach their children everything. Classes should also be conducted at home. This will not only allow you to better assimilate the material covered, but will also be an excellent reason to allocate time for the kids, which they may lack.

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