Games with the most exciting story on pc. The best computer games with an interesting and exciting storyline

The selection contains only cult games, so in order not to spoil the experience for gamers unfamiliar with the presented masterpieces of the gaming industry, we tried to avoid spoilers as much as possible.

10 Mafia the City Lost Heaven

The theme of mafia clans operating in North America has featured so often in popular culture that it seems that one more exciting story can hardly be told in this path. Do you think so too? Then don't miss the cult Mafia from the Czechs from the Illision Softwarks studio.

The story of the life of Thomas Angelo, who, due to an unpleasant series of accidents, had to change the routine work of a taxi driver for the bloody profession of a gangster, grabs the player with the tenacious paws of the script and does not let go until the final cutscene. As befits a serious work, in the game Mafia the City Lost Heaven there is no clear division into good and good guys, there is no obsessive bias towards morality or the romanticization of a criminal lifestyle. There is only a dramatic story with a completely understandable moral: sooner or later you will have to pay for all actions.

9. The Last of Us

When writer and creative director of the game Neil Druckman began developing The Last of Us, he set himself the goal of "taking the level of storytelling in games to the next level." To some extent, he succeeded in this and the game received a number of awards for the best script in 2013. At the same time, although we do not consider The Last of Us plot to be the best in the history of the gaming industry, it definitely deserves close attention and is quite capable of reaching the hearts of even callous gamers.

The story of Joel and Ellie, traveling across America for a good mission, forces the player to intermarry with this seemingly incompatible couple. Like, the game skillfully plays on parental feelings. But omitting any sentiment, the value of The Last of Us is that it is an extremely violent game that exposes the whole dark essence of people. Even the protagonist here is not from a detachment of good guys and will surprise players more than once with his p (p) misdeeds.

8 Valiant Hearts The Great War

This game is a great antithesis of The Last of Us, showing that you can tell an exciting and soul-stirring story without expensive cutscenes and cutting-edge graphics. Valiant Hearts The Great War looks extremely simple, unpretentious, but thanks to the plot, it has found a huge army of fans among gamers of all ages.

According to the plot of the game, the fates of four main characters are intertwined, who were drawn against their will into the bloody First World War. Against the backdrop of tragic events, the player will see a story full of brave heroes with valiant hearts (Valiant Hearts) and ready to do anything to save their loved ones and give their descendants the opportunity to live in a better world. Stories about human values ​​will always be relevant and Valiant Hearts The Great War is the best example of this.

7. Alan Wake

The authors of the mystical thriller Alan Wake were obviously inspired by the literary masterpieces of Stephen King. Here in place is the main character, who is far from bodybuilders with square faces, and a provincial town with a bunch of strange characters hiding more than one pair of skeletons in their closet, and the ubiquitous elements of mysticism. But even with a huge number of references to the legendary writer, the game's screenwriter Sam Lake managed to create an original work.

According to the plot of the game, the writer Alan Wake arrives in the city of Bright Falls in an attempt to find his missing wife. The preamble of the story is primitive, but later the scenario of the game will spin so much that in the finale there will be only one question: “What, what was that?”. For the answer, you can refer to the two released additions to the game, but the number of questions will only increase. In general, it is recommended to everyone who is ready to break the brain in an attempt to deal with the ups and downs of an ornate plot.

6. Celeste

For the author of these lines, the hardcore platformer with pixel graphics Celeste was the main discovery of 2018. When I launched this seemingly absurd game, I expected to get only a series of difficult obstacles, but Celeste exceeded my wildest expectations many times over. Under the veil of a nondescript platformer lies a story familiar to many people about trying to find oneself, to find the very meaning of life, overcoming numerous obstacles in its path.

What is the best way to understand what you are worth? The answer is simple: break out of your comfort zone and meet your dream through a series of difficult trials, and this is what the plot of Celeste tells about. It is rare that a work of art manages to make you think about your own life and reconsider your views on familiar things in the finale, but Celeste easily manages to pull off this trick with a gamer. And, apparently, I'm not alone in this opinion, because the platformer has earned excellent reviews among critics and ranks second among .


Horror called SOMA from the studio Frictional Games is an extremely controversial game. SOMA does not cope with its genre task to scare the gamer at all, even more - the next scarecrow on the way does not cause anything but boredom, but you can close your eyes to this aspect for another dose of an intriguing and extraordinary sci-fi plot.

Simple guy Simon Jarett lived the usual life of an ordinary Canadian hard worker. The daily home-work schedule was occasionally interrupted by merry drinking at the bar with bosom friends. Nothing special until Simon finds himself the only survivor of a huge scientific complex at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Finding out what wind brought Simon to the bottom of the ocean, and at the same time deciding on the question “what is a person” will be the main task of the gamer in the SOMA game.

4. The Witcher 2

Of course, at this position (and maybe even higher) of the top 10 games with the best story, many players would prefer to see the third Witcher. We do not belittle the plot of the end of the trilogy about the glorious witcher Geralt, but in terms of the plot, The Witcher 2 is head and shoulders ahead of the third part. The writers of CD Project managed to create a complex and well-twisted plot, for a full understanding of which you need to go through the game at least 4 times.

The outset of the plot is obscenely cliched: Geralt is caught alone with the corpse of King Foltest, whom the witcher has sworn to protect. In an attempt to clean up his good name, he falls into a large-scale round dance in which a bed of witches, witchers from the snake school and monarchs of competing states are involved. The excessive emphasis on politics was perceived by many players (especially those who are not familiar with Sapkowski's original source) as a plot flaw. But even in this case, it is worth paying tribute to the intricacy of the script and how the fates of the characters are subtly intertwined with each other.

3. Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty

Of course, what top game with the best storyline can be without at least one creation of Hideo Kojima? While the young Russian gaming community is practicing wit, calling the eminent Japanese "genius", most of them hardly suspect how close the jokes are to the truth. Metal Gear Solid 2 is the best example, without jokes, of the genius and talent of Hideo Kojima, not only as a game designer, but also as a first-class screenwriter who is not afraid to raise philosophical and difficult topics for the layman to understand in his games.

The plot of Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty touches on the topics of environmentalism, artificial intelligence, social engineering, the significance of information and many other topical issues under the sauce of postmodernism and frequent breaking through the "4 walls". After passing through Metal Gear Solid 2, the head naturally buzzes from the flow of information and there is a strong feeling of trying to figure out what is happening.

2 Bioshock Infinite

I admit, it was very difficult to decide which of the "Bioshocks" to include in the selection of games with the best story. On the one hand, the first part, where the utopian philosophy of objectivism is perfectly revealed, on the other hand, we have Biohsock Infinite, which plays on the theme of the multidimensionality of the universe. But, perhaps, thanks to the mind-blowing ending, I want to highlight the plot of Biohsock Infinite.

The complexity of the scenario of the game is on the rise: in the role of Booker DeWitt, we are heading to the city of Columbia soaring in the sky to bring a girl named Elizabeth to a mysterious customer - there are a lot of questions, but the general outline of the plot remains clear. But then, the further you move along the script line, the easier it is to get lost in the intricacies of the plot, where the main villain, the customer and even the girl Elizabeth are not who they seem at first.

1 Planescape Torment

Here we come to the top of our top games with the best storyline. Choosing a leader was an easy decision, because even 19 years after the release, Planescape Torment remains a completely unique game, stuffed with references to Buddhist philosophy to the eyeballs. And in general, you can see how the developers had a desire to create the most difficult game for understanding. Of course, except for those gamers who prefer simple stories about rescuing a princess from the clutches of a dragon.

You can start with the main character named "Nameless", who is in search of death, and end with the very device of the Planescape world, which is a multiverse. The unique concept of the game made it possible to fill the plot with a bunch of unusual characters, each of which is a storehouse of interesting information, as well as moments of incredible ingenuity. The ability to delve into your own insides and call on the help of a cosmic god is the least that Planescape Torment is capable of.

The rapid pace of technological progress penetrates into all spheres of human activity, improving existing technologies and creating new ones. This trend has not bypassed the gaming industry, which is developing at an incredible speed. Manufacturers put in a tremendous amount of effort to make the computer more than just one of the everyday household appliances. The current generation of gamers is already pretty spoiled with cool projects, so programmers from leading companies have to work hard, otherwise new games on PC will not be able to succeed and justify the budget invested in their creation. But every now and then, works that truly deserve attention are presented to the public.

The importance of this type of entertainment in modern society is growing exponentially, gaining more and more adherents who are ready to spend their last money on a CD that opens the door to a universe of adventure and excitement. Literally every week there are releases of the expected works, so new games for pc are very numerous, so it's so easy to get lost in the endless galaxy of fresh new products. To prevent problems with finding noteworthy creations, this resource was created, which allows you to collect a personal list of released games.

Nevertheless, among the countless stream of fresh releases, it is very difficult to choose really worthwhile works with a good plot, advanced graphics and convenient gameplay for purchase. Perfectly aware of this fact, the administration of our portal has created a section where you can find out what interesting games on a PC are, for the purchase of which it will not be a pity to spend personal savings. This resource is a true friend for any person whose main hobby is gambling, so here you can find an overview of each of the recently released new products. The creative team of professional journalists tirelessly monitors the slightest changes in this market so that visitors can get acquainted with all the information they are interested in in a timely manner - find out system requirements or watch a trailer.

Our employees have tried to make the site as informative as possible, therefore, along with the latest news of the current season, among other information, you can find answers to all tormenting questions. A friendly community of gamers can become faithful assistants in finding the best games, because informative articles, reverently prepared by an experienced team, objectively review popular games, demonstrating all their positive and negative sides.

The bulk of the products released today are distinguished by impressive entertainment and original storylines. But still, quite often there are completely tasteless creations, which are intended to be avoided by the list of the best games on the PC, selected with special care by our authors. Innovative techniques and great enthusiasm help developers to give the world community new games that are destined to go down in the annals of history - they hit the imagination, sending fantasy flights that amaze even the most sophisticated gourmets.

Agree, because playing a computer game with a faded, boring plot is far from interesting. And you probably don't want to go through with it. Therefore, in order to avoid such a desire, we present you ten computer games with an exciting plot, go…

10. Opens our top game called Alan Wake It's such a Stephen King twist. Once-successful writer Alan Wake has been in a creative crisis for two years and cannot write a single line. After much persuasion from his wife, he nevertheless agrees to change the situation and move to a small town called Bright Falls. They settle in a wooden house on the shore of the lake, where there are trees, mountains and beautiful landscapes all around.
Standing on the veranda, Alan hears the noise and screams of his wife, having time to notice how she falls into the water. Without hesitation, he jumps after her. Having gone into himself, he is in the middle of the forest in a broken wheelbarrow and with a cut on his forehead. As it turned out later, from the moment he jumped into the lake to save his wife, a week has passed, about which he does not remember anything ...

9. The game is in ninth place. "Heavy Rain". Its plot will keep you in psychological tension all the time. First, we are drawn to the American dream - a good home, a well-paid job, a loving family. And then it all turns to dust and the realities of life throw Ethan Mars to the very bottom, where he is left alone with his suffering. One scene of cutting off a finger in the game is worth something ...

8. Eighth place and game Mafia 2. The son of a poor immigrant, Vito Scaletta, is trying to get out of a beggarly life that has haunted him since early childhood. On the streets, Vito realized that only by joining the Mafia could he achieve wealth and success.
Dreaming of avoiding the fate of his father, who was a pauper, Vito strives to become a member of one of the families.
Vito, along with his childhood friend Joe, will dive into the world of organized crime. Together they will try to prove their loyalty to the Family. Starting with small jobs such as stealing cars, robberies, soon they will reach a high position in the family ... but the life of a mafia may not be as attractive as it seems at first glance.

7. Seventh place and well-known game "Half Life 2"- introduced the world to the young physicist, doctoral degree holder, Gordon Freeman. A simple assistant at the Black Mesa research center finds himself at the center of a space war that began because of an unsuccessful scientific experiment with teleportation. Alien creatures from distant alien places break through the breached dimensional barrier and start carnage in the Black Mesa. But this is only the beginning before the nightmare that awaits the Earth...

6. In sixth place in our top game Assassin's Creed: Black Flag- The year is 1715, pirates rule the Caribbean and have even established their own illegal republic where corruption, greed and cruelty have become commonplace.
Among these outcasts is a brash young captain named Edward Kenway. The struggle for glory brought him the authority worthy of the legendary pirate nicknamed Blackbeard, but also dragged him into a war between the Assassins and the Templars, which could destroy everything that the pirates created...

5. The middle of our top went to the game Mass Effect 3» “The earth is on fire, a blow from outside the known space was dealt by terrible machines that began the destruction of the human race. Commander Shepard is the only hope for saving humanity. He must rally the civilizations of the galaxy and begin the last mission - the return to Earth. An ancient alien race known as the Reapers has begun a global invasion, leaving behind the ruins of civilizations. The earth has been invaded, the galaxy is on the verge of complete destruction, and only you can fix the situation. The price of a mistake is non-existence.

4. In fourth place is the game The Walking Dead 2- the second season of the game continues the story of Clementine, a girl from Atlanta, orphaned during a zombie apocalypse. The action of the first episode of the second season begins a few months after the end of the events of the 5th episode of the 1st season (the death of Lee) and continues more than 2 years after the end of the events of the 5th episode of the 1st season. The main thing in the game are the conversations and relationships of people.

3. The bronze of our top goes to the game "The Last of Us"- the story of Joel and Ellie, striving to survive in a destroyed world hit by a terrible epidemic. A pair of heroes will have to cross the devastated USA to get to the safe zone and save their lives. During this transition, Joel and Ellie will encounter more than once other survivors and mutants who can either help you or kill you.

2. Silver goes to the game "Grand Theft Auto IV"- tells about an emigrant from a certain Russian-speaking country - Niko Belice, who comes to America at the invitation of his brother, who, in the same way, left for the USA in search of his dreams. The protagonist will have to get into the dangerous world of crime, winning his place under the sun.

1. The gold of our top is taken by the game Metal Gear Solid» - an anti-terrorist operation at the base for the disposal of nuclear weapons on the island of Shadow Moses (“Shadow of Moses”), captured by a group of special forces soldiers from the FOXHOUND unit. The plot of the game is so large-scale and confusing that the entire series got into the playlist at once.

What kind of computer games do you know with an exciting plot?

The plot is the main component in games (which have at least some kind of plot). All the players who fell in love with game worlds for their thoughtful plot have long wanted to influence in some way, to do what they want, to turn where they want, to kill who they want. It is about such games that we will talk with you today. You can influence the plot in different ways, you can simply change the cosmetic part of the plot, change some points, and of course you can create a different, completely new ending to the game. All games on our list will have these qualities, or some of them. (This top is based on my personal opinion and may differ from yours.)

Fifth place: Fable Anniversary

Morning in the village, next to dad, mom and younger sister, it seemed that it could be better?! But at some point, your village is attacked by hordes of bandits-robbers. You skillfully hide behind a fence and at the moment you notice that your village has flared up like a "Christmas tree", the first thing the main character thought about was, of course, his family. In a rush, our boy runs to his house and finds his father dead. After mourning his death, he notices that a bandit is rapidly rushing towards him, and, holding his head down, awaits death. But lo and behold, he is saved by the local master hero, and takes him to the school of heroes, where our character will have to be reincarnated into a real hero of Albion. The game surprises with its non-linearity, at the time of its release, there was a very meager selection of games with a non-linear plot on store shelves. And then a game appears in which you can not only change the elements of the plot, you can also change the appearance of the hero depending on your actions (good and evil deeds), also your physique and beard will change depending on the choice of the hero class. From this or that mission to you public opinion will change (people will respect or be afraid). And as a result, before the last task, your appearance will change beyond recognition (horns, red aura, flies, glowing eyes or white hair, a halo above your head and blue eyes). By the standards of the time period in which it was released, the game is very non-linear and therefore takes an honorable fifth place.

Fourth place: Dishonored

The country is affected by the plague, and you act as the main adviser and bodyguard of the queen and her daughter. Having sent you to other countries for help, the queen expected a more pleasant outcome of events, but nevertheless you were refused help, and with this you returned back to your hometown. After entering the harbor, you are met by the queen's daughter named Emily, who is glad to meet you again and offers to play. Soon you meet several representatives of official power and after, the queen herself. After giving her the letter, you notice that there are no nearby guards, and running people can be seen on the roofs of neighboring houses. Taking out your sword and pistol, you are trying to protect the queen, but alas, this does not work, the queen is killed, and the young princess is kidnapped. Soon, guards with influential officials come running to you and accuse you of murdering and kidnapping royals. In prison, you are tortured, and soon you receive a letter and a key to the cell, and try to break free in order to find the princess and help the rebels return her to power. The game is made in the genre of stealth action from the first person. You have an incredible number of opportunities to complete the game, almost every task will have two or more options for solving a problem. It is also possible to complete the game without killing anyone, which will affect the appearance of the city, and the inhabitants in general. For its non-linearity and the ability to complete the game without killing Dishonored gets fourth place.

Third place: The Walking Dead

The next place in the top 5 non-linear games belongs to The Walking Dead. The whole world is plunged into chaos, due to the sudden appearance of a zombie virus. And in it you play the role of an ordinary surviving guy named Lee, just next to you is a girl you saved named Clementine. Your main task will be to reach a safe place and, possibly, find the parents of a little girl. As the game progresses, other characters will join your group (Kenny, Katya, Duck, Carly, etc.). Each of the characters brings their own character to the game, makes us worry about him or, on the contrary, hate him. The choice in the game has to be made almost every minute, choosing the right dialogue options or doing the right things. Unfortunately, the whole choice put before the players will only affect individual cutscenes and the attitude of other characters towards you. The final can end with three possible outcomes, which will be expressed only in the form of a cutscene. Incredibly difficult decisions you will have to make during the game, kill or save, help or hurt, protect or insult, all this makes the non-linearity that we talked about earlier more interesting and more fun. Due to its general non-linearity and interesting variable plot, the game deserves the third place in our top.

Runner-up: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The huge world of the kingdoms of the North, filled with monsters, and just bad people. In this world, there is a small group of people, changed by mutations, who call themselves witchers, and are created in order to fight incredible hordes of monsters. You play the role of Geralt of Rivia, a witcher of the "Wolf" school, one of the last witchers on earth. The main task of the third part of the game will be to find your adopted daughter Ciri, and save her from the clutches of the Wild Hunt. Your friends and other kind people will help you with this. An incredible number of entertaining quests, and the same incredible variety of methods for completing these tasks. For example, let's look at one of the moments of the game, when you arrive in Velen, in order to find out from the locals about Ciri, in one tavern you meet a group of dirty bandits who, having entered the tavern, immediately turned their gaze against you, then you have a choice , kill, ignore or befriend them. Depending on your decision, both the ability to access the baron of those places and the opinion of people in Velen about you will change. Also, after making a decision in this task in favor of ignoring, you can hear the conversations of these bandits on the topic of robberies and violence, and even then change your mind and kill them. For the incredible non-linearity of both the main plot and additional missions, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt deserved to take second place in our top.

First Place: The Stanley Parable

The office is somewhere in the city center, or maybe not. Big company, maybe not. And a Stanley office worker who spent his whole life pushing buttons that popped up on his monitor. But at one fine moment, the commands stopped coming to his monitor, and the main character decided to find out what was really the matter. Leaving his office, he noticed that all the employees of his company had disappeared somewhere, and he was left alone. Then he decides to go in search of answers to his questions, guided or not guided by a voiceover that told him where to go and what to do. The value of this game lies in its unique non-linearity, you have a huge choice of what you want to do. You can listen to the announcer and go where he says, you can disobey him and go the other way, you can listen to him every other time, you can not listen at all, you can stand, you can turn back. And all this will lead you to one of several dozen finals of the game that will not be similar, and even surprise you with something. Because of this freedom of choice and non-linear plot, The Stanley Parable takes the honorable first place in our top. Or does it not take? You decide!

Well, that's all, I hope you agree with me about the games in this top. Good luck on the battlefield!!!

Nowadays, computer games of the Adventure or Adventure genre are quite widely known on the World Wide Web. Now the world of computer games is gaining momentum and is developing at such a speed that you don’t have time to keep up with the latest releases. A large number of people can no longer imagine their computer without some favorite game, and maybe several computer games. You can download Adventure games via torrent on this site at any time convenient for you for free. All currently existing games can be divided into types or genres. The most common of the genres of computer games that exist at the moment are: strategy, simulation, RPG, racing, arcade and many other genres.

In Adventure games, as a rule, the player-hero, according to the plot of the game, must interact with other participants and heroes of the game, use various objects and solve logical problems. The most striking examples of such games on this site are: Syberia, Space Quest, Myst.

Adventure genre games, as a rule, arouse great interest among players who love everything mysterious and mysterious, which is actually present in abundance in Adventure games. Adventure computer games can be played by absolutely all people, of all ages. These games will appeal to both parents and their children. Thanks to the story, players judge how interesting and successful this game will be. For the youngest gamers, computer game manufacturers provide Adventure Games, where the main characters are their favorite cartoon characters.

Before you start playing an adventure game, the producers usually set out a backstory during which you will know what happened to the hero of the game before, and what needs to be done in the future. The most common tasks in Adventure Games are freeing the princess, finding various artifacts, or saving "your" family from certain death. For children of primary school age, on the expanses of the World Wide Web, you can find a game specifically for your child, in which the main role will be played by his favorite cartoon character or TV series. In games of the Adventure genre, all the main characters have different super powers. They can be super agile or bouncy, throw lightning bolts, or be extraordinarily strong. Passing different levels of the game, you will learn more and more about the life of your hero and acquire more and more useful and necessary abilities for passing.

Games of this computer genre should be chosen for children, because in such games there is no violence, they develop logical thinking in a child. As the game progresses, the child will need to defeat various evil heroes and help the good ones, while the game is accompanied by the solution of various logical problems.

A computer game of the Adventure genre is characterized by dynamism in the storyline. In order to complete all the levels of the game, the gamer needs to follow the rules prescribed by the plot and the developers. Adventure games can be played with several people, which develops team spirit. This genre of computer game is quite exciting and interesting for any gamer. You can download all games of the Adventure genre via torrent on our website for free and without any extra effort.

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