How to complete an quest room. What is a quest - types of quests and rules for completing them

Relatively the new kind leisure activities - quests in reality in Minsk - have thoroughly penetrated the entertainment sector. Many already have solid experience in completing them, but many people have never even been to questrooms. Of course, it’s better to see it once (in the case of quests, try it) than to hear it 100 times. But we will still give the list useful tips for completing quests in reality, which were compiled by seasoned quest lovers.

    Do not panic. If you have chosen a very good quest, have already completely gotten used to it, and everything that happens really scares you, do not forget that this is just a kind of game that you can stop at any time. Maniac- a very good actor, the chains are real, but they can be removed at your request, and huge labyrinths, it turns out, are located in medium-sized rooms.

  1. Be extremely careful. Even an uninteresting object in the first room can be the key to freedom in another.

  2. However, don't get too hung up on a specific subject. Indeed, in the room, in addition to the necessary “keys”, there may be absolutely useless objects, the purpose of which- distract your attention. If you cannot determine the purpose of an item within a short time, then it is better to put it aside; if you need it in the future, just return to it.

    Play together, don't try to get ahead of everyone. It's better to help each other. After all, in many quests you can solve riddles in parallel. Often storylines branch, and the solution storyline one player depends on the successful resolution of the other player's storyline. Sometimes successful exit from the room can only be carried out with the participation of all team players. In the literal sense: only when all participants gather near the door and use physical force.

  3. IN good quests there will be no repeating tasks, and therefore no similar solutions. And never in a quest are several riddles unlocked with one key. So if you have already used an item to solve a puzzle, you can safely leave it.

  4. If before completing the quest in reality you were warned that some items with a special designation will not be useful for solving tasks, then believe me, this is so. They won't deceive you. You shouldn’t unscrew cabinets from the walls and hang around the outlet, thinking that you will outsmart everyone.

These are very simple and logical rules, which perhaps you yourself would have noticed after playing such games. interactive games repeatedly. They will help you save time and successfully complete the quest.

We invite you to test your abilities and invite you to take horror quest in Minsk “Oblivion”. And always remember rule #1: don't panic :)

Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake...

(Joseph Brodsky)

On Thursday, March 26th, thanks to spbblog I was able to get to testing a new quest from "Rabbit Hole" - "Shrinking Machine".

I will share my experience. What does it feel like to finally “leave the room”, what is the meaning of the quest in reality and how to set your personal record!

Quest in reality is a new entertainment for Russia, but it has already become so popular that it would even be strange to explain what it is. The idea is simple: who among us wouldn’t want to feel like the hero of a book, a movie, or just an adventurer saving himself or the world? It's time to finally physically “leave the room” you live in and try something new. For example, “leave the room” using the brain. You also need to train your thinking skills!

I completed the quest for the first time and in the company of people I didn’t know, but the experience was unforgettable. You can hardly boast about the passage time - as much as 54 minutes, and, to be honest, there were a couple of hints. But the quest was done well. We didn’t notice any special “blunders” or illogical moments, the staff was friendly, the cookies were delicious. In general, everything is as it should be. The setting is quite original - the heroes of the quest are invited to feel like “little” people on the desk of a would-be scientist. And I must say, “growing big” turned out to be not so easy!

So how can you avoid being stupid during a quest, complete it without any hints, and complete it in the minimum amount of time?

1. Choose a quest “according to your strength”. Almost all companies have a gradation of the difficulty level of quests. Who are you: beginner, expert, pro?

2. Be careful. All details are important, even those that seem insignificant to you at first.

3. Don't get hung up on one riddle if you can't solve it. Just take a break and look around - as they say, “the truth is somewhere nearby”!

4. Split up. It is no coincidence that there are several of you on the team. While you sit and the five of you think “what is this master key for?” time passes.

5. Keep it simple. Any quest is designed so that it can be completed in an hour. Everything is quite simple and you will hardly need Google, a large Soviet encyclopedia and deep knowledge of anything.

6. The logic of any quest is the search for the illogical. Yes Yes exactly! Look around: what's out of place? Move it to where it should be and you'll likely get closer to the solution.

7. Don't be nervous. Yes, you are limited by time, but this is not a reason to panic. Because panic also takes time. This is such a “vicious circle”.

8. Don’t forget that you are on vacation, not on an exam. Don't take things too seriously!

9. Don't use force. Tighten the muscles of your brain, but not your hands. If “this thing doesn’t fit in any way,” then it simply shouldn’t fit there. Elementary Watson!

10. Don't think that you are the smartest. Unfortunately, if you completed your first quest too quickly, then, most likely, it was simply poorly written. According to statistics, only 10% succeed in leaving the room of a well-written quest for the first time!

What are quests in reality? This concept is becoming fashionable today. Let's try to explain with an example. Have you heard anything about Escape the Room? They usually play with a team of 2-4 people. Of course, the more people, the more interesting it is. So, your task is to find secret clues and notes in the room in order to find the key and get out of the room. Agree that playing Sherlock Holmes and Watson is very exciting and relaxing.

They say detective stories help you relax nervous system thanks to the fascinating plot and concentration. Yes, people who play games in reality say that while participating in the exciting process, they forget about all their problems and worries and relax after the annoying workdays. And most importantly, you don’t need physical training to complete real quests. Only attention and logic work here.

Organizations offering real games, exist and develop successfully in any city. There are dozens of them in megacities. Here, for example, is one of them Come and take a look for an example. By the way, here they have examples of the most exciting games. Not easy " Chamber of Secrets"with hints, but also with a mystical plot. Agree that the plot plays a decisive role in any game.

In the “Chamber of Secrets” quest from “Turn On” you are not just looking for clues to get out of a closed room, but you are also faced with paranormal phenomena in reality, you will help solve the mysteries of a Russian intelligence officer who disappeared during the Second World War and was involved in occult sciences in the Third Reich . This is the plot! It gives me goosebumps, reminds me of stories about Indiana Jones. Do you want to find yourself in his shoes for an hour? We advise you to sign up for such an assignment.

The second version of the quest is Virus-Z (“Virus - Z”). This is 100% a most exciting adventure in the spirit of American disaster films. The Ebola virus has mutated, and your task is to find an antidote in an hour. The only survivors are you and your team. Walking outside scary zombies who will soon begin to break down doors. Can you do it in an hour using hints and encrypted messages?

Quest rules

Every game has rules! So: play from 2 to 4 people. An hour is given for the task. If you don't pass, you'll remain in a locked room forever! Joke. The door will eventually open, but you will be left with a feeling of dissatisfaction. You'll probably want to go through it again. There is also no need for special clothing or items for cracking locks and passwords - people come to play right after work or school.

All participants must be at least 16 years old. Otherwise, parents must be present. Every person should go on a real quest at least once. If you are looking for an quest company in your city, feel free to sign up. You will not regret it!

Quest in reality is team game, whose main task is to get out of an enclosed space in 60 minutes or less. Each quest has its own legend. Imagine that you (a team of 2-4 people) have become the main characters of an adventure, like in your favorite book, game or movie. Your goal is to solve puzzles, find clues, solve interesting, non-trivial problems that lead you further along the plot of the quest! Remember FORT BOYARD!!! He evoked so much delight and emotion! We have similar game, in a smaller space, but closer and more accessible. No physical effort is required from you to complete it, while your imagination and mind will work to their fullest!

What happens if I can’t figure out how to play or don’t have time to complete the game in 60 minutes?

The quest is designed in such a way as to change the difficulty depending on the needs of the team. We do not have a classic prompt system, when you call an operator, ask a question and he tells you what to do. An assistant “lives” in the “Chamber of Secrets” quest. He appears at the right time and guides you. If there is no appointment for you or the delay is not strong, we will give you a little more time. Under other circumstances, you can complete the quest again! Repeated completion of the quest is paid.

Why is there an age limit of 12 years?

The quest is equipped with various technical devices; the plot and task of the game require attentiveness and complete immersion in the game. We always allow children to play with adults, in rare cases without adults by agreement.

How many people can play on one team and why?

Teams of 2-4 people are allowed to play. The quest is structured in such a way that all players can be simultaneously involved in various tasks, which allows all participants to be involved in the process. You have the opportunity to play in the 5th, but as experience shows, the most optimal number of players is 2-4 people. An additional player can join with an additional payment of +500 rubles, however, we recommend in this case to find a 6th player, split into 2 teams and play with healthy mind rivalry. What team will pass the quest faster and will it go away at all?

How to book a quest?

You need to go to the website in the quest booking section, choose a time convenient for you, fill out the form and Book a game. We will contact you to confirm the game and answer any questions if you have any.

How long before the game do I need to arrive?

You must arrive at the game 15 minutes before your booked time for instructions.

Is it possible to use something not related to the quest during the game, and where can I leave personal items?

All personal belongings will need to be left in lockers near the turnkey administrator, who will be with you during the game. During the game you cannot use any external things.

What happens if you are late for the game?

If you are late for the game by no more than 15 minutes, we will allow you to play. If there is a record behind you, your game will be shortened by the time you are late. If the time after you is free, we will allow you to stay. If the delay is more than 15 minutes, we do not recommend completing the quest. It is very important to notify us if you are late.

What can you do in the quest and what can’t you do?

Before starting the quest, you will be told exactly everything you can and absolutely cannot do. For the sake of your safety, and ours at the same time, please listen carefully and remember a small number of advice and restrictions. In case of systematic non-compliance with the rules or dangerous behavior in the quest, the Administration has the right to end the quest for the passing team or for certain players.

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