How to make weapons in Minecraft 1.8. Recommendations for how to make weapons in Minecraft

How to make weapons in Minecraft?

Minecraft is a game in which you can do whatever you want. You can create new unique designs and buildings, you can warm up by assembling and extracting familiar resources, but from time to time you will still have to fight off enemies.

In this article we will tell you how to make weapons in Minecraft - a sword, bow, arrows and... a fist.


This weapon, like any other elements in the game, is made using a workbench - the main crafting tool (collecting various items and blocks). The workbench consists of nine cells. To make a sword, in the 2nd and 5th cells you need to place iron ingots / gold ingots / diamonds / simple cobblestones/ wood (you can use anything, it all depends on what material you want to make the edge of the sword from). You need to place a stick in the 8th cell. Of course, as you understand, the steeper the tip material, the stronger the sword. A wooden sword is the weakest, a diamond sword is the strongest.

To attack with a sword, you need to select the sword and press the left mouse button.

Bow and arrows

This type of weapon is made in two stages. First the bow is made from a stick and string, and then the arrows (since without them the bow is useless) are made from flint, stick and feather.

The arrangement of elements in the workbench for a bow - the 1st, 4th and 7th cells are filled with thread, and the 2nd, 6th and 8th - with sticks.

The layout of the elements in the workbench for arrows - the flint is placed in the 2nd cell, the stick in the 5th and the feather in the 8th.

To fire a bow, select the weapon and right-click to draw the string, then release.


The fist is the default weapon. Basically, it's just your character's hand. In order to use it, you don’t need to search or build anything, just click on your hand and hold down the left mouse button. Of course, a fist is a much less convenient weapon than a sword and arrows, but if there is nothing else at hand, then this will do.

Other weapons

In addition to classic Minecraft weapons, other types of weapons can be added to the game using mods - special mini-programs that “pump up” the game. The mod can be downloaded online, you just need to choose trusted sites, for example,

Hard to imagine popular game without weapons. The ability to make a sword in Minecraft was added when the game was released. A huge world of adventure, where the player has to fight with various evil spirits, could not do without effective weapons. Minecraft features many dangerous mobs: stupid zombies, well-aimed skeletons, Endermen and huge bosses. With a sharp sword, the player is not afraid of any monsters. There are several types of this weapon in Minecraft.

For crafting you will need sticks made from boards. Boards can be obtained from wood. Any player hides at night, but once he makes a sword, the meaning of this action is lost.


The wooden sword is the simplest and rarely used. It is crafted from two boards and a stick, but is completely useless against a large number of mobs and has low reliability.

The Stone Sword is an actual weapon used at the beginning of the game. Crafting resources are easy to obtain. The sword is highly reliable. Crafted from two cobblestones and a stick.

The iron sword is a real powerful weapon. He is reliable and easily defeats any mobs in huge quantities. Crafted from two iron ingots and a stick.

The golden sword is a simple toy that is enough for 5-6 hits on a mob. Used exclusively as decoration. You can make it from two gold ingots and a stick.

Diamond sword - most powerful weapon Minecraft. It deals the most damage and does not break for a long time.

This is the topic that will be discussed in this article.

Cannon has many definitions, but we are concerned with the definition in the Minecraft game. In this game, the cannon is a structure made of red stone with the addition of dynamite. The effect of such a device is the same as that of a conventional gun. Such a gun is created to protect a certain territory; it is not pocket-sized or portable. It will only protect the area in which it was located.

There are many guns in Minecraft, for example, laser, multi-shot, and so on.

The simplest fixed gun needs the following components:

When creating special chains, you will need an ingredient in the form of red powder.
Obsidian blocks.
In order to prevent our tiny cannon from being blown up during the creation process, you need to have a bucket filled with water.
Why, without a button, the gun cannot be activated without it.
To have a delay before the explosion you will need four repeaters, without them you can’t do it.

And now the process of building our beautiful cannon, carefully read the steps, otherwise there is a chance that you will not succeed during the work:

1) Using blocks, form a large letter P.
2) At the same time leaving the center empty.
3) Fill the empty center with water from a bucket.
4) Place several blocks at the end. They will play the role of limiters so that water has access to the moment of explosion.
5) We take the blocks and stack them so that the gun can function normally and does not produce errors or crashes during use.
6) Next, using red dust, we connect them.
7) We also install the button.
8) Fill the finished cannon with dynamite.
9) Take one piece as a projectile for a chain of explosions.

Weapons for Minecraft without mods are ready!

Wooden sword ID: 268 .

NID: wooden_sword.

Wooden sword - English name wooden sword in Minecraft.

Attack damage - 4 ().

Durability - 60.

A wooden sword in Minecraft is a melee weapon that hits mobs or other enemies faster and stronger than a hand. Swords in the game have many properties, but the main ones, perhaps, are “strength” and “damage”. And a wooden sword is superior to a gold one in one of these properties. If both swords have damage of 4 (), then their strength is different: 60 vs 33. There is also such a characteristic as “total damage”. For a wooden sword: 49 (×24.5) - 366 (×183), and for a gold sword: 27 (×13.5) - 204 (×102). As they say, judge for yourself.

Wooden swords for the player and at construction sites for armor. In the frames in the background there are also wooden swords.

How to craft a wooden sword

Even if you need a sword once in your life, you should always carry it (Japanese proverb).

It is quite possible that the wooden sword is the first weapon, since it is easy to make. You need one stick and any two boards. The crafting recipe is as follows:

A wooden sword can be used as fuel in a furnace.

Comparison of damage of different types of swords

The tongue is like a cutting sword, like a piercing arrow (proverb).

In Java Edition swords have an attack speed of 1.6 and have a 0.625 second cooldown.

Sword Damage
Sword Strength Damage Total Damage
Golden sword 33 4 () 27-204
60 4 () 49-366
Stone sword 132 5 () 134-998
an iron sword 251 6 () 304-2268
Diamond Sword 1562 7 () 2202-16412

Formula to find total damage: Durability × Damage per hit = Minimum durability. This ignores enchantments and critical hits and assumes the sword is at maximum.

Both the player and armor stands are armed with wooden swords.

When do weapons in Minecraft have enchantments?

The pen is mightier than the sword (Japanese proverb).

Despite the fact that an ax is stronger than a sword and is capable of stunning enemies defending themselves with shields, swords are also not without advantages. Swords can be enchanted at the enchantment table and receive, for example, the enchantment "Sharpness", "Heavenly Punishment", etc. Axes cannot be enchanted in this way, only using an anvil, and not all enchantments are available for them.

Enchant Weapon
Weapon Name What gives
16 Acuity
Additional damage.
17 Heavenly punishment
Extra damage to Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Skeletons, Wither Men, and Wither Skeletons.
18 bane of arthropods
Death of insects
Bane of Arthropods
Extra damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfish.
19 Recoil
Knocks back mobs and players.
20 The plot of fire
Fire aspect
Sets the target on fire.
21 Production
Increases production from mobs, as well as the chance of rare drops.
22 Slashing Blade
Sweeping Edge
Increases damage to mobs standing next to the target.
32 Efficiency
Faster resource extraction.
33 Silk touch
Silk Touch
Destroying a block (with the right tool) will drop that block, even if it should drop something else.
34 Strength
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
35 Luck
Chance to drop more resources.
48 Force
Additional damage.
49 Reclining
Dropping the target.
50 Burning Arrow
Sets fire to arrows.
51 Infinity
Arrows are not wasted. But to shoot you need at least one arrow.
70 Repair
Uses experience to repair an item in your hands or armor slots.

Before Minecraft version 1.9, you could place a block with a sword by holding right button mice. And in 1.9 shields were added.

IN Minecraft game There are whole crowds of aggressive monsters, and attacking them with your fist is not effective, which is why there are such items as weapons in Minecraft. Weapon- these are items that allow you to conduct a more effective attack against, defend your buildings and attack them.

Use of weapons obviously: this is protecting your buildings from /, who are capable of blowing up your buildings without remorse (and, in the case of Ender, simply stealing your blocks), also weapon necessary when besieging treasuries, protecting villages, safe mining (ore mining), where you need to cover an ally while he extracts resources - even if he is a novice Minecrafter, in general, anywhere where monsters can interfere with you.

How to get weapons in Minecraft

Since weapons in Minecraft are one of the most important items, you can get them in several ways:

  1. The first and most familiar is the crafting path, since weapons have recipes for creation, just like tools (pick, axe, plow);
  2. Another and slightly more difficult way is to loot the mob that carried this weapon, since new versions of Minecraft can spawn with a sword in their hands. Zombie Pigman and Wither Skeleton also use swords when attacking, so defeating them gives you a chance to drop a sword. You can also get a bow as a rare drop from skeleton archers.

How to craft a weapon

Weapons require some resources: if these are the cheapest tools, then you can use wood (sticks and boards), but if you want to craft a good weapon, you will have to spend iron, gold or diamonds. The most best swords are created from diamonds: they are durable and attack strongly. In any case, the sword is created from one item of sticks and two items of your choice, depending on what quality sword you want to craft: stick-2x boards, stick-2x cobblestones, stick-2x iron ingot, stick-2x gold bar, stick-2x diamonds.

Sword recipe

Sword model

Another weapon worth crafting is a bow. The bow is a weapon ranged, which is used mainly against monsters with a long-range attack style. To craft it you will need three sticks and three threads, which need to be arranged like this:

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